HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-10, Page 8Itic*, hot * cough mal lead to that makes `it `dangerous.. Be edged against danger .;by . al *aye keeping in the house a tittle of HEAD'S SYRUP OF Pa E AND *AR mug the soothing syrup ae .and the: strengthening and antiseptic,J:tar. It. ie a speedy' cure` for 'the most tib- sZipa�caygh. . :It will t .:, no. 'de. range the weakest stomach anti' ie a,etandarfl eviiedy,for - effe-e tiona,.of-the' throat recomended and prescribed , by. ; . leading P7 h sicians. everywhere. Large - MADE +'" botcles5ic. MADE; AND SOLD BYs.' NO', ilg ON MElitil1BKAMING To the Editor of The Sentinel : • 'Dear : Sir, --Kindly allow me epacr in your,paper, to give, year readers a few fasts regarding the eoun',ry- .t;nown., a;1 Tewiskamiog. $y looking up, the, map you wiltaee a.lake by ;this .nave,. north-east frons ,'the;.''Gleorg',ian Bay. This district is generally supposed, to be one(I). okra, region. of forest, rock' ace,• l lt .I must; nay iesasad ms crests are ' here 'citi. abundance, crock .not scarce ,in the immediate `vicinity of; -the lakes, and as" for ice there was noise to mount to •r isrich clay loam, thickly covered OOHEAD IIEMIST ; AND DRUCCIST — _. ONTARIO. vos><ow +a anything until Dec. ?.0th he laud with.-spruce,.'pine, 't,inargci iialaam, via le .birch a d, whitswobd. Qn the Ontario sides of the lake -are situated, two ',thriving villages -- Haileybury, population, 200 ;• New Liakard, popu- `1atlon; 400: ='-These-placeg are appar ently_going_ahead' w_itb_„ leaps :anal_ =bounds ee;alsoia-tbefarmingindustry As regards `farming, I think . I'' can 'wifely 'say that this ,part of the coun- xry, re especially adapted tfor mixed' IA been ideal,: with; however, rather too little. aeow for good a1vs�liin i ' It continues :.tally and rre;y• moderate with a.sti:;he frill of suovi to-inigl t: my acldresa'remains t next yetr,, I eater ape year in ugy present posi aaaistaut in the high lIch:. MVO' pow eight teachers Wishing you'and all t the Sentinel a happy an (Or the one that will be your's) and: we will be willing--to-accept 'bright woman's` Judgment on `theiFtniturARE • We have tolsell. iIffee New 1 tour, I' auk; , -Yours yell/ since y, KENZ14., e same for tt�e: seventh q00, %Gita un' Work, We our stab: re3de,£4 of'* prosperous A Gentle 11 ,:Tu...ou.k_stfle_of ;clici , w,ith it sudden, clian ges of temp:`"ture-rain, wind and sunshine. often itermingleri in is single• day -it is •no ender that,, our children, ' friend's d relatives:. are so frequently' take front. tu, by. neglected colds, :,, kalf• t de the re sultr+tg; directly -froth tcause A- -bottle ;of- ' Buschee's ,-G an Syrup. kept aLout your hpme iinaiediaatR` use • will prevent "Serb) ; sickness,, a large doctor'. bili, anti,: haps; death,; ' d •• (loses, ••s; i••••••••.aaa•sea,n•••:e aa,•of••'•••a•,••••••e•••aaaAsa'.••as•eeea••eae•••a•••••ee••ae • icy :,t . .,aise of threeor f tion hem hay*es, ne• R During consume , . o .,P ,u • • is ' severe con hs; . ° u ,, or any.' n • ' ?con g P • • disease ef the throat 4 iiiii.s. ilii. ' • ,• success: is simply woad: 1, as your nr is: ' - • -nn�ic nni n, -rnnr drug i t7wilViell-you.t. gtila -size; • 7pc, can g • lir o • • reliable rent at dod/d C0 8, o . • • farmiog, I haveseen specimens of rain- and vegetables raged here and must say tbat older Ontario can-• not 'e:cel it in either yield . per . acre or -quality. ;The taod_ia_easiiy cleared,< c' as: -the iarmers.._firat tilt _ the _• spuce, 'Which is worth $2,25 per cord, on the ekide,.next;the pine andcedar,istaken off, then in about three or four years most of the stutnpa are nearly rotted out and are easily removed. A farm or`half.lot can he: had, on application to the: land agent, at the rdte of 50c. per acre or'_$80. for a farat,of.16,0.acres: but for the other side of.the ,story, no person need come to this or any other new country expecting smooth sailing, or they be„ sadly ).disappointed. After leaving NorthBaya:more e��can<be imagined dresry-;stenhardly ,, , -alon nt=.a_.senail- ac the ,,train::oegs R p and stream reaches eam' until it over rock - and :Mattawa. >: Here we change for Tem iskamiot;, .the road skirting the shore of 'the lake for about 40 miles :over a track of grades and curvesa rougher ride can scarcely he i, magined=but' when your 'patience is about exhausted, and• you, have , decided that to Pave. your bonos you will be forced'' to, get out and walk, the conductor or some- one else sings out the pleasing . word, a' Teniiskaining,” and you alight at a neat litde'station with a fine steamer or two lying at the wharf near by. If it happens to _be . dark, `'everything is lit up by electricity ; on the hill above, the station is a fine large building, the.. hotel, which is fitted with the latest. and • most improved attantninoclatione. From this pointyou take the boat to your port` of destination. This::is' the -country-for-th+e-laboring-maa_to make- a: home,and anyperson comfortable with a little thift_and econowy._.can soon puthimself 'attove .'want, and lay by, something for aqainy day. ' Wages are $1 per day year ear round`; work, plentiful.` with a scarcity" of men. A Iocal paper is sadly needed in this part: Thanking: you_ for;yonr_valua ',e_ space, .I` shall say no 'more, g Pa � y , „ 'yen a successful New Year.. ; •y 11ANIEL F ": CLARK. E13ROOM : 8IIITE8 PARLOR, SIIITES. ; R PARLOR, CSA1RS, COUCHES, HALL BACKS, tpd choice Odd Pieces Of •Furniture. rV1, �a.•f �.`-ice .Our extensive experience warrants ns in calling spacial attention to this branch of our business. You will find"usrom -I t'�reliable, nt- ,P P. festive` and efficient. Calls' at- tended t tended; to day or night. —We -solicit -patronage on -the -merits - of the'gcods'.we sell and the services we give. yd rig IS Furniture Dealer.... Undertaker . & Embalmer LUCIENOW. ONTARIO. lahing, s;.' yon the Coi ipl1menta of the Beaaton. We ' wish -to tale this op- portunity ortunit. Ito; thank..:all ;out: ", i umerous fi ends -for . ,their hoe ' cal e in "'trona J the as , and to respectfully„ solicit, a continuance, ofthe. same 'for thaurture. us a call before .'- _ Give ur- p• challing your.confetionery. Largest and best assortment td choose from, New Figs, ,Dates, Raisins, Oranges, Nuts, etc. - Cheaper than ever ,at. c3CENZI ERT . NEWSPAPERS. 1902, The time has arrived hen readers' beginto thins : of . th newspaper literature for the couni year. Our_clabli 'iii rates are •as fo s • Sentinel and Weekly; Gl m. $1.60 .. Sentinel and Weely M 1.70 • . Sentinel FaymStarily Heral,'d.- �. eekl ;.; 1.75 •, S 1'.75 , Sentinel °and Weekly • Sentinel and Montreal nese 1.60 Sentinel and Western rtiser 1;50,' Sentinel and 'Weekly i Press 11:75- �a a panied b::,. . must be Ah orders y the cash. . These` club : rates will be withdrawn after, Jo. y lat. • TIIE L111CILNO ' A RKET_ Flour,":per 100 lbs 85 to $2 50, .Fall Wheat.:: . 76 77 Oats .• 38`: 38 Barley . 50'. • 50 Peas:.." ' 77 82'. Butterper lb.. 15 17 Eg4s;per doz'. 15,' 17. Lard'per ..lb.... ... 1'2: 13 'Potatoes per bosh . 25 ' 30. Apples, per barrel.:.' 00 .'•3.00 For full and aceur: oronto Mar- ket rejiiii arket'Repoi see -SI -fen Ge": Annual Meeting F40111 STRATHCONA '. RELIGIOUS VICES. '. METHODIST,;IIRCN Rev A d Hs i' astop SABB 2o"A-:it: –Claes Meetin 11 AM.-The:Pastor. • 2A5 r.x Sunday Sch 6,29,r:M -Young hien y r Sheeting. 7 r n. The Pastor. WEEK -NIG Monday Evening; Le Wednesday evening, SEALS F1t,EE. ••• • • •:.- ••emago e•••••••••e••••••••••••••••'••••••••••••••e ,••41• •••A ••O:• *••♦..••• M•A`L OfON4****0N ****44• •.••••N• •••••••••••••••••06••••••• HOLIDAY SEASON OVER,'''We turn our attention to business.. Our business is DRUGS -Manufacturing, Compounding and Dispen- sing. 'e-make--aspecialty-of-dispensing' prescril.tions,=coenpo- undiii ing :fa.mi ;tem" in . and 'give us: a trial.' and ::prepare � y reci;�es � bring -them p `` �'�• Quality,first Price,' second.'' We will have' on handLa'fu•Il'`line ,of• • •- • e OWN PREPARATIONS" ` which we willequal :' OURguarantee'� • forf::_ .. �to.offered ala. Trya bottle o Wood's Tonic Cou h 1Vhxture ..:_•-,• :.. any -over-300 -bottles-sold".ln one -est ce in--one-store ' --�i�ov-er3be�r:- !GP-e-iv111-:t-el?--:-— - • - Q � c • you about -our -Baking-Powder—next-week-:::,• /° EMISTS-&-DRU • t Bibits, class. If VICES Meetttg. Li. WVLCOME STPETE sII Sunday School and Morning Prayer at 1 .Evening; Prayer at > holy Cciumupi month. Bible Class a Sfratheona, Alta., Jan. bat, 1902. 'neaday evening ata, ,pear Mr Bryan: 0 � �2ne leoBar leap fisid In. ficic;s..d-- p pymentor :.f - ni '" subacri tion• to' . the a �y p Si entnel for 1:9`02, Asl':.begin to write .those. words, thering .agn' of;'the . town `hell,, the cheers of..watcfiers'and the hind. reports• of.. `explo•iing powder, • ushfira. ir, a New Yesr==a year iitisullicd 'by evil,. but full of, dope and promise. * •A3.• we look b+ck•over theY 'e3r,tbit has'jilt rt=. assed 'into bistor � ' w=; See. • aw 001,, P 9r many chatigeP., in bur 'immediate aur- ,rounding's; • in,our c.untry, and the world'at; large. `1''h; uh,,ngis of the next'twelveiiionths *i11- nn4<?Otrlrr-1 e as great, sad probablyWhist- �:ever catty ,prove to be the .for -tunes 'l•f war', recent developments th+t great indeed will be:the victori 'a of 'Peace, Yue the march of civilization, the tear- ing down of,old anti obaioxioils : forrtts; of gevernuieot, the.'opdning up mdernizing,of: some of thedecaying despotisms of;the.world, the, year 1902' is'hkely''tty be an important ore .Locally, the' prospects are brighter than everr� before Pritces . are 'good,, business's hoc,' ' * .! tale people, hopeful :arid contented.,. With:_ the; C.rnadiati: Nort6!srn Railti ay as. a cer.ainty, anti the i`,r posed Cancia,.Oentral, Railwaq in prospect, we .haVe ,good' ret:Ion to hope,fir a prospeitiuts'futur'. ,,. The.' weather' se far this ry ritPr bas • Theannualineeting of the ;West Waw►noeh • Mniaral Fire Instirance:eo , will be 'held`'in • the Agricnitimil• Hall Dungannon, on Wed, neediy the:2 0d da rof •.Jannur 1902, when tbedirector'e'snnnal reporta'i+ill be laid bef. re `the 'meeting and for the :receiving , of• the auditor's teporte of tlfe receinte and rltsbnrse- . ideate of the. company during.:the ,paat,.:year, and, also for the election of font directeei .to fill the eticanciesat the. Beard incurredby the. tetirernenf of Mlesera. John Ballantyne..Wm: . • Stothera. Finlay Andersontiad Isaac Fisher• • *hose terra of effiice Will then expire,: all of • *bent 44.0 eligible for. re election. ' $"obit f.f eli nieetin{t one 8'cl�ick p`m. arp. k S,,Se5y. ` .i, 1f, ltoalt lis, . ,y pt.a amen *6, 246,1901. NURCH "— lass at'9,4 r, s..m' Stutdayof every. it practice • Wed, Annuetin The annual tueet Agricultural Socie cit Room, town Ii day the 8th day of pursuant to Statist Directors and nee P. 1I. McKCEStzre. Lucknow, .Dec. 20 Hous the Kinloss Braiih M held in the Corin know, on Wednes- 1902,"at 1 orclock. full attendance, 'cf. requested..,' A. MALCOManN, 'Sec'y'.. Sale Tile large and nOA house on Ross street. The' limp ithe late Mrs. James' Somerville« Appi. CONNELL. A"F •(pour ovwrt' AGAXINE. A tem ;; b tired , plates: latest, fashions: die economic.,, fatiey.• work ; hm, s , _fiction, ete, Sub;': scribe to -114 sd,' for -latest copy,. Lady agent' send for tart's. e,StplisIt1e, Sitaple,Up-to. date, Eel ,and Absolutely Perfect-' per Patterns. AwSeai*id 1'errehtlws rem os.1d Steles tesla., 't°Mt to is each -non.' higher., Ask r' in" neatly 'every city and to from ;,, , ,'Ti .1ALii. CO.. 113- pit St., yolk*. t. �,it'• e n the 'First, s ofF br"•u rurin g th h. t e � mo f''� J r wish to cls r a out all REMNANTS,� •,: . ' ALL ODD LINE y ALL FURS • and ALL WINTER UNDERWEAR. Cu stomers wilt find it pays 's to trade nth us in January. .le A, ,� ANON• N' ; O N , o••sae,•••••• •••••e•• •,•,•e••••eo•••ee•• •ee•••.••e,•oe•••.••e•r•e•• • •. • it y, ,o • • • x , 11/171,1,, `. '0 • / 1 • is �� ',., • • 0. �.. - , .i e e ., .ver. •• . • • • • •' • • , l -k • Is fouled in aur ' new,, line it i' :the stove That the •.' .economical' housewife seeps • •ht•' is the stove that:• ;. • radiates::the, greatest. heat. with the smallest coiis;utnpl, • tion of fuel -whether that be cocci or. wood, ocgtl. It is; • . ., found in our. line 'of •• �• r • ••: .. • EAT •• • and", its no me '•is• ".`,l EGAL ,I) ,fit Ia\ SLIJ A II." ' 'Ile . design es vt' iiitndtc Clle� t S • 1'y , 0 [lt?. 'i C1Ti, tI'di(.tl(51't 7t'1'lt?t.f.. w.. • •i •' • • ie••is• lin•°• ••ii •••40i4i4ee"eie,e'e ••dei•etrai e •a• • • • • • • - • •. s • • • •, e • • •' •',• • •".« •••••nseilee j Ri