The Wingham Times, 1908-06-11, Page 4r
Go where you will in any part of Canada you will hear
spoken of most favorably. They are worn by good
dressers every where, you get full value for your money.
• and many good men have fallen by the way—as is
to usual in battles—but oar country under the benign
A influence of sunshine and seasonable rains, gives
• promise of a BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. And
O anticipating in consequence of such prospects,
we are sparing no efforts to be prepared. with the
for the benefit of our daily increasing customers.
• Our stock of
• •9
. al 000•00•0•ocscra0•00a000•00•0
is complete and prices lower than usual in all de•
partments. Please watch our windows for new
ideas and step in and look over our great bargain
tables; they will pay for a look.
The people of tine vicinity wero deep.
ly grieved on Tueeday, June and, to
hear of the sudden death of the wife of
Mr. R. Tunny, whioh occurred as as
result of a stroke of paralysis. She was
a woman universally esteemed, nod
leaves her husband and a son and
daughter to mourn her untimely death.
Lira will be Shortened.
Those who fail to observe the fends•
meutal rules of health, especially those
who negleot constipation,—will have
short lives. Costiveness ruins health,
destroys virality, weakens the blood,
causes dyspesia, nervousness and in.
somnia. Why not nee Dr. Hsmiltou's
Pills and be •oared, Take one or two
pills before retiring and you're well next
morning. No gripe or pain, no head-
ache and nausea when you use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills,—they once soieutifi
oally. Positively the beet laxative
known, 25o. at all dealers.
Mr, John Clark, 6th line, commenced
haying Monlily of last week by cutting
a field of •alfalfa clover. The crop he
pronounced itis simply splendid being
think on the ground and fully two feet
high. This is likely the earliest haying
ever done in Culross, perhaps in. Bruce
County. Alfalfa, of course comes in
earlier than any other kind of hay, but
it would not yet be fit fdr cutting were
it not for the phenomental growth of
the past two weeks.
Importaiit Announcement
No. 6
al] the rage,we have just passed into stock a most
complete selection of all the latest and
newest in
Tan and Chocolate Shoes
for ladies, gentlemen, girls, boys and children, Without
any doubt the most complete assortment is to be found at
at Robb. Johnston's on stand, and opposite the new Batik of Commerce.
Store closes at 7 o'clock each evening excepting Saturdays and
evenings before holidays,
Aro you Pale, Anaemic?
Anaemia means colorless blood—
means blanohed lips, faded cheeks.
you grow dyspeptic, nervous, suffer
functional irregularity. This condition
can't exist if there is plenty of healthy
blood, Ferrozone makes good blood,
rich, nutritious blood—that's why it
cures. In concentrated form Ferrozone
contains certain rate qualities that ren-
der it unfailing in Anaemia, languor,
poor color and loss of weight. To build
up—feel young and vigorous, nothing
is better than Ferrozone. At all dealers
In 50c. boxes.
Consumption is leas deadly than it used to be.
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
will result from the following treatment:
Hope, rest, fresh air, and---Scott',s
Emu ls ion.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00.
Mies Mabel Zimmer, teaoher in S.S. Another sudden death was that of
No. 3_ -,has tendered her resigpati,in se M. Craig, who died on Saturday
she purposes removing „ with hir
mother to Toronto next Fall. We
will be sorry to part with Miss Zim-
mer as she has made many friends.
By an arrangement with the North
Boundary cemetery committee an ex-
change of land has been arranged with
W. A. Belden, upon whose farm it ie.
The latter gets the vacant land along
the concession and the trustees a her death was toxemia. She was a
morning, May 301h, about 0 30 o'clock,
Her maiden name was Isabella Ada
Nethery and was a daughter of
Wm. and Mrs. Nathery, of East
Wawanosh. She vas married to
her husband on January 13th, 1904,
add is survived: by her husband, a
daughter 3 years old, mother, father,
4 brothers and one sister. The cause of
similar quantity North of the ceme-
The stables belonging to Thomas
Straohan, jr , 6.h con , will have,
oement floors pat in this summer and
other improvements made.
Talk about being prolific but here's
a case in point. L. Hollinger, 10th
con , has a grade cow that has pre•
vented him with twin calves 4 years in
succession, a record not easily outdone.
Archie Robison has purohased Thomas
Radaliffe's farm.
The Donnybrook Epworth League and
Sunday School have decided to hold
their annual picnic in Geo. Wallace's
grove on Friday, June 26th.
A. F. Johns and Ernest Robertson, of
Auburn, conducted the services of this
circuit last Sabbath. As it was Confer•
ence Sunday Rev. A. E. Jones was in
The anniversary services of the West.
field church will be held on Sunday and
Monday, June 14th and 15th. The
Carey brothers will assist with the sing.
ing on Sunday and will give a oonoert on
Monday evening.
Beware of Cocaine Medicines.
Thousands of Drug Fiends have been
started on their downward course by
Catarrh snuffs containing this habit
forming drag. If you suffer from a
cold, sneezing or Catarrh—don't use a
snuff—use a sensible treatment like
Oatarrhozone. It heals and soothes,
brings relief at once, cures thoroughly,
In Brouohitis and throat trouble no
doctor - oan do better than prescribe
Oatarrhozone. Try it—see what won-
ders it works—what power it possesses.
Different from the old way, -you inhale
Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c. and $1.00
sizes at all dealers.
The Thos. Miller farm, 5th line, has
been much improved by the building
of a new wire fence across the front.
Taylor Pipe, a merchant of Cobalt,
was here on a visit to the parental
home, 5th line, and was a welcome
visitor. He is doing well in the North.
We are pleased to notice the name
of Will McCall among the suooessfal
students at the College of Pharmaoy
in Toronto. He will continue to work
with his brother, A. I , in Chatham.
May his course be one of great enc•
The Stratford Bridge Co, was
awarded the contract for the steel
bridge to be put over the Mainland on
the 5th line. There will be two spans
55 feet each. George Barkley, of
Brussels, will build the cement abut-
ments. Work to be completed this
F. W. Ham, eldest son of our former
G. T. R. agent, has passed his final
exam. at the school of Pharmaoy at
Winnipeg and has since secured a good
position with the Hudson Bay Co. in
that city.
J. H. Galbraith, of town, has dis-
posed of his 50 sore farm iu Mcltillop,
to Finlay McIntosh for the sum of
$3,850, the purohaser to get posseseion
next Fail. Mr. McIntosh had arranged
to move to the West bat will now be-
come a resident of McKillop.
John Howard, a weil•kuown resident
of Brussels, passed away very soddenly
and unexpectedly on Tuesday evening,
June 2nd, about 5.30 o'clock. He was
walking from the kitchen to dining
room to ten when he fell to the floor and
after being placed on the lounge passed
away in a few minutes. Two years ago
he had a stoke of paralysis and the cause
of his death was said to be another ono.
Ur. Howard has been feeble for some
time but was able to get to church last
Sunday and was on the verandah at his
home a short time before the call came.
He was born in England and came to
Canada with his brother when 10 years
of age and after living in Toronto 1octn
ity he moved Westward and has been a
resident of Grey township for nearly 50
years. His age was 70. 45 years ego
last January he was united in marriage
to Catherine Prioh, who made him a
helpmeet indeed. By hard and faithful
toil Coupled with thrifty careful habits
they seoared a comfo:table home on
their farm on the 14th oon. of Grey. 7
years ago the old folks moved to Brus.
s9ls leaving their only sou to till the
farm, The surviving daughters are
Mira. A. and Mrs, W. Machan and Mrs.
D. Brown, of Grey township; Mrd.
Loutitt, of Lagan; and Mrs. Harbottle,
of Welland. Mr. Howard was a mem-
ber of the Methodist church and was
eateemed by 0I who knew hint,
member of Trinity church, Belgrave.
A sad death was recorded on Tues-
day evening, June 2nd, when Isabella
J. Qainn, beloved wife of W. W. Elson,
of Winnipeg; passed away after a brief
illness. Daring the past six years Mrs,
Elson has lived in Winnipeg, where she
met her now bereft husband. They
were only married on the 9.11 of April
of this year and came down to this com-
munity on their wedding trip, and
owing to having tuberoalosia of the
throat was unable to go bank to her
home in the west. Mr. Etaon only re-
turning to Winnipeg about two weeks
As Unexpected as Burglars.
That's the way cramps Dome—strike
without warning. Nothing so sure to
instantly relieve as Nerviline,—just a
few drops in sweetened water is all
that's required to stop the pain. Pol-
son's Nerviline is a true contort to every
family, for stomach and bowel derange-
ments it is an absolute specific, Guar-
anteed to have at least five times the
strength of any other pain relieving
medicine,—perfectly safe, pleasant. and
useful for external pains too For a
reliable household medicine -case Nor -
supplies all that's necessary.
Large 25o, bottles sold everywhere.
We have this week to record the
death of another of our old township
residents in tha person of Catherine
Sparrow, relict of the late Wm. Earn-
gey. which took plaoe on Tuesday morn-
ing, June 2nd, after a lingering illness
of some length. Deceased was a woman
of sturdy constitution and she contin-
ued in her accustomed pursuits till
long past the age at which women
usually drop out of the ranks of
workers. Her husband predeceased
her some 30 years ago. She leaves
a; family of two sons and_five daughters
to mourn the loss of a kind and loving
mother to whom the sympathy of the
community goes out in their bereave-
Mrs. Thos. Brown, of Harristou
an old and respected citizen died sud-
denly on Thursday evening. May 23th,
at the age of 69 years. Deceased had
done quite a large day's work of ironing
and had just finished eating sureer.
Her husband had gone into the garden
when he heard a heavy step and a noise,
and running into the hoose found her
lying unooneoions upon the floor. He
called for help and sent for the doctor,
but nothing could be done and without
speaking again she passed away. Be-
sides a sorrowing husband she leaves a
large family of grown up children.
Her sudden death has removed one of
the early pioneers of Howick Towuship,
where the Brown family lived until
about 15 years,, anti, when they moved
to Harristou. 1
The Council met as a Court of Re-
vision on May 29th, pursuant to adver•
tisement; members all present and
subsoribed the oath required by statute.
R. B. Alcock complained of being too
high assessed on s an lot 19, con. 7;
case dismissed. John Ellis oomplaiaed
of being too high assessed on pt n u lot
24, oon 4; redaced $200 Charles Mo
Orea was entered tenant for Solar pro-
perty, Belgrave; Thos. Bielby entered
tenant for N. E ni lot 12, con. 9; W.
H. Shortened entered M F. s n 16, oon.
9; Jno. Armstrong entered owner s k 1,
non. 4, in place of Wm. McCrea. The
Court of Revision was then adjourned
to meet again on Jana 29th at ten
o'clock*. m.
Council business was then prooeeded
with. Seven tenders wero received for
concrete pier and abutments for Som-
merville bridge, and the tender of Geo.
Barclay, found to be the lowest, $3 33
per cubic yard, was accepted, on motion
of MoOutcheon and Campbell.
The Court of Revision on the Mason
drain By-law was opened according to
notice. Mr. R. Armstrong appealed
against his assessment on s lot 25, oon.
3, in said dram by-law, also claiming
that the first 40 rods of said drain should
be a the drain; the Engineer consented
to change the plan to the extent of
making said portion a tile drain and Mr.
Armstrong waived his appeal regarding
the assessment. The Court of Revision
was then closed.
On motion of Campbell and McCateh-
eou the Reeve was instructed to attend
to the matter of having filling and ex
cavating done at island on the site of
the Sommerville bridge. Oa motion of
Shaw and McOatoheou, Mr. John
Watson was appointed inspector of colt -
orate work at Sommerville bridge, at
$1, i .75 5 per dap.
James' Creightoh was remanded for per to were ordered to be paid as
for murder at Owen Sound, He follows:—Alex. McNeal repairing cal-
appeared in court well dressed and vert, $1; Fred Armstrong, filling wash.
apparently recovered from the ballet out at Clegg's bridge, $3;'Jusepu Cambs
wound in his head, but as evidence farm bridge on Kelly drain, $15; D.
was given he several times moaned McDonald, filling washout, $4; Ed.
aloud. Ntchal; island for filling material, $15;
You will find our stock large and
complete in Ladies and Child-
ren's Ready-to-wear Waists,
Skirts, Dresses, Drawers, Corset
Covers, etc. Come in and hive a
look through this department. No
trouble to show the goods.
CHILDREN'S DRESSES. —Very pretty White Muslin Dresses
for children in siz,s from 6 mlathe to 12 years, ex tenant
work on every garment, trimmings are of flue lase and
embro"clery, prices are - $1 00, $.1 25, $L.50, $1 75, 8.3 00, 82 50
LADIES' WAISTS —10 dozen Ladtea' Shirt Waists in ati'the
leading styles, long or short sleeves, buttoned in front or
back, A 1 valve in all styles, prioes range from 75a t3 $2 50,
see our leader at - - - - - $L.00
LADIES' GOWNS—A large range of
ready -to wear Night Gowns, made of
fine cambric or plain, pink or white
fiinnelette, prices being at 75o, see our
dollar gown its a big bargain.
- Alex. Conon, island for filling material,
$3, J. A. McLean, lumber for fence,
$1 22; Thos. Scott, work on 2nd line
bridge, 88; John Ashton, work on
bridge, 750; Wm Garntse, work on
bridge, 75o; Wm. Eistoa, work on
bridge, $1 50; Knox and Garuiss, tile
drain $3 50; P. 1Sithop, repairing tile
dram, $2; A. Crooks, filling washout,
$1; W. l3 Kerr, Mason Drain ByLaws
and printing poet cards, $20; Nagle
Looby, balance due on concrete arches,
$iU0; W. Claik, part salary, $10; John
' Watson, assessor's salary, $70. On
motion of Shaw and Taylor .the Reeve
I and Treasurer were instructed to borrow
$1,000 to meet current expenses.
Oa motion of MoOatclieon and Camp-
bell the council then adjourned to meet
again after Court of Revision on June
29th, on whioh date the Court of Revis•
' ion on the GraSby Drain By -Law will
be held at 2 o'olook, p. m,
W. CLdsit, Clerk.
Estrblisheil 1179
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Astigmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy ti cure disease of the breath;,,, organs
thaa to take the rem$dy into the stomach i
It cures because the air rendered str n4 S an:
septic is carried over the diseistd sura e un::
every breath, g.vingg prolonged and cors ant he•:
mens. It is invaluable to mothers cath slued
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in -
Ivied conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Lttemnta, MILES Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mont.
real, 'Canada. 307
Special values in Corset Covers and
Corset Cover Embroidery, special value
at 25o, 35c and 50o.
TOP SKIRTS.—Nicely made and trimmed with embroidery
insertion, flue gaatity maelin, fall width, prices begin at $1,50
DRAWERS.—Five dozen Ladies White OawbrioDrawers, made
of very fine Lonsdale, would sell in regular way al 50o, May
go on sale at - - - - 35
UNDER3K.LRTS.—Special value i•i flaa Uaderskirts, nioely
made and trammed. You can save money buying your
skirts ready-made. Sae our leaser at - - $1.00
FARMERS —We want large quantities of Batter, Eggs
and Potatoes•—highest paid.
This Week's
— Best Galvanized Pails, 45 per cent
off regular price.
—Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for ,5c.
— Graniteware at Great Reductions.
Get our prices.
—For Screen. Doors and Windows
we can't be beat.
—Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes, Hoes.
Spades, Shovels, etc., tc„ at
lowest prices.
—Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips,
Mops, etc., for housecleaning.
We also carry a large assortment of the Best
Paints on the market, including
—Celebrated Sherwin-Williams'
—Robertson's and the
—Toronto Lead & Color Co's.
Church's Alabastine 'for walls, in
20c and 40c packages.
If you intend building, it will pay you
to get our prices.
Young's Big Hardware
�c�.�c c?1�" ®fie • 2