HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-27, Page 4•
ttlifiqg *Nu Te *ROUX
re. John, Colwell of tfonee'wood
„,MiSe Nettie Moore sPent few' days
hope and pray tbat in. due time God' I
may rettore you to health arid epen up
to you aefield in whieh you tniey reel.
dee ,,eue e joyous oerviote We also
empathize these, our parting words,
by the .presentation of this plu's
which beg You to ,aecePt as a pro
our gratitude and ,ieterien. Since Go
has seen tit to permit of yetuFeepar
time from es es pastor, we rejoice
know that in yoee 'relationship to `
eel *Chrlitian minister and a womb
141.01.01:41:1414i 411.11!.•
A Bopp() of' pleasure or
re To many women life Is one reglad
e. of , weakness, aed ill health.
..1,1o' attempt the, lightest •hoepeliolcl
t° dtities,fatigues them. 'Many ,of
er ueolte a '" a feeling of tire see on
great fiirell$ of God, we' ea:
Fiirel that you will seep . be' toteil
ree0,Yered' and thee the hend of , nu
mild, Your Partner in life man '
e feel' lig' faintness
s and fee °f aPPitte
Itnasignal wassingl, and tifat you boil tt3i.de Fituziitka.0,w-„ ensa.n.p:ivnyle!.ank th pewe.mento
may be leeft spared to alsiht and etlii of a, all ti.le oth '31:1433d."-eace'nkstlittutl.
k circles
courage each' other in' the noble wel
whie4 yeti have aeedie„„ntoci you
of last iFeek With '14°Iiiielliri ferliel';'disa.n:a.'
r Mrs. A.ndersen, sr,
few' weelgl. b hits 'been
verity during 1902.
choir of the N.tethodiet 'church
Pleasant* tint° Was,: spent at .the
Ba§e J114'41043' and, Counter'
Pupils prepared for Coneervatory
Those coo; morniaga—,Our Oiiie
If you Aro, 3,:ot on. 011,S of buyer will
will' pay yent lo got- there.:
Signed- on' behalf of: the' tOn"--
Mee. Me2e*ell.wns else Ptesented: with
ehe .while Miss 'Minnie
Le es.An.rsseooc4fetmy:enemY isbuY. Etmhieli"ELt,;nni,es4inilaledn,
he. the. intereet have' taken in" the
ciu have acted ,as'. Peasidente of °Ur
oetety,for, the pose ewo years ana it
gh your efforts .thet. our
ciety was successful in providine
r the painting and deceiretine of our
have arreayefeend 'you
ady to aid us, not only .
ut. by -your wise CCIIIRRel., .our
eetings. -• We alien- miss 'you very
ttc from oer st an present you
ie pi rel. inOney , as • it• slight token
S. 'fad on behalf the
eerecipients replied feelingly fpr
atisnrauce' .Of.- good wishes, whieh
d- been eyidenceeb , The program
Veca and instrumental
" are taught by
• -You strike et the root of thp disease
oundation on which
tb build. , o,ou elle, weight increases,'
, the sulken cheeks and flattened, busts
, u e eyes ,get bright and the
,thrill,,eref_retiewed health and sfength
vibrates. through the system, ,Peice
°pa cents per box.
ver, a number .of 'the .penple,nnt 8
Me, ;by -seholairS of 'ere
WS Mary BiOrenseoffiber while 'Miss •
or file home near Clint eo. wa
cencludecl bY singing the "national
ate `:at the'reeidence of Me„.'George
8th' the oecasioe 'being the marriage
11.0 qoorgo
rother Mr.' Robert :of
wedding. march, and tbe ceremony was'
-performed, E. gall;
Iliabrida,stindiag under, an _arch •:•0f
flowers. The bride,. Who war, gienee
In a
Witb *e'en and Refire, ,beieVeil
being 'caught. With„ erange-;`•bleasonis
liar little sisteie Miss Ada Colwell,
'noted in Maid of boner, ,
.gOWned ie 'pink, trimMedwith
silk and laeg. The medding.bieskfast
Colwell, eater:dr, Of Igneitedine,..beieg
'4,ii-Clcarge. The beide Wee the recipient
Of many beautifq and costly:. presents`
'which. testify to the .esteent in whiele
The social fie dui genie en.Aloriday •
'the \ weather being' faeerabie la e
nimber attended. :The luncheon 'Wits
tailed ladies.fully 'sustaining their for,
Mar high mark. in eupplying the:wants
of the inner Weis. Tfie entertaifitnent:
included, an •erijoyableprograne ever'
Which Mr. 'W m. ..51cDonuld
_were given, ntiinbet
.wai the., preireetieitee,7 'Rev.. Mr.
'Maxwell, :the': retiring, ,paster, •:of
of rtitYayt 'and
'the preeo4ation, ivbile, Mr.- win-
NortheiCinioa.s, Iiivaitriale unit, Ennis':
rilvieye been tio thew a. faithful Critin.
for yOu their' Weeniest affeetirin :and
?-54 i'eliretted by everyonw,hert,
Caine to the premises of the undersigned,
Lot 8. Doncession 7, , Eastern Division, Ash-
field; in October liwt, three ram lambs.' The
owner is reauested to Prove Property. PaY
expenses and take them away.
R. J. FINNIGAN, Dungannon.
4110N 1)11.1.S
Important to BreeP.'e-aand ;Horsemen.
A relish
and speedy
remedy : for
C'urbN SpiioS8
Spavins;,' "
'etc. in horses
,� y r and Lump'
at ti •.lawin cattle
"See pamph.
TRADE NARK, which ac
companies e.very juottle, giving .setentific;treat
anent in -the various diseases." It can be need `I
in every.caee of veterinary. practice where'
etimulatingapplications and blisters are pre-
scribed.. It has no svrasion. t'very;bottle,
a'ld is guaranteed to give satisfaction: Price`
7.j' per bottle. s Sold by all 'dra gitits; and
country.9tor»keepers, 'Prepared •bv THE
CO'%fPANY, L ndon.Ont
Honor "graduate in dentistry , Tor
Dental College, and Doctor of Dental
gery, Toronto University. All Modern plan
of operation and carefidness in workmanship
Office in Allinitiblock,upstairs.
Fire Insurance.
Insure tour Ikroperey against loss or dam-
age by fire;in t e, old reliable Nationul and
Mercantile Companies,lpw rated, 'gut' Pune-
ual payment,
DeedS, , Mortgagee,' Leases, Agree-
ments; etc., neatly executed.
Office; Town.. Hail, -Tueedai, Thuraday
and Saturday afternoons. '
Culross, Etc Cement
walks, Sewers and Township Drains
will bp given special attention. -
Engineer for the Village of Lucicno*.
Agent for Ciontinental Life Insniatcr Co.,
(for the County of Huron, -
District Agent for New York Mutual, Life
Insurance Company,
:THE ,,'SENTINEL 'AND j.To.rtoNto'
Subscribe for the Sentinel. FOR ONLY Si.60.,
o Ben
\ To rent, cheap. fifty acres of land, contain -
pig a first-class qrchazd, good house, barn
krld sheds,on the Kinloss boundary 4 miles east
of` the village of Lucknow. The orchard
contains the choicest kinds of winter apples.
Thiii is Very convenient place and will be
rented cheap to a 'suitable tennanp. For
further particulars -apply to '
Wife Wants a Fa ,
have over 4000. acres.of -Choice farm Janda
for sale, in 50, 75,-100, 150 and 200 acres, lots
in Kinloss. Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine.
Huron and Ashfield townships. Good lands
with good buildings to ,be sold eheap on easy
terms.' A good eaw mill for,sale, almost for
a song ; also a good blacksmith' align (dwell-
ing in connecLion) doing a good business, for!
sale cheap. A general store with large trade.
live Village. Algo a large ammint of money
to loan at 5 per cent. For further particulars
Insurance Agent, Ifolyrood.
At this time of the year you are' probably
thinking of par,hasing some new 'piece& of
fprniture for you home. "Arc have in stock all
,,the Lest goods and latest designs that , money
, can buy. - We carry a la:ge stock of Furniture
of all kinds. Don's 'say we have nothing and.
our-r,00ds—are-roo 'high -0-ficea, and go elsewhere
to bup before even ,coraing to see what we
have or get our prices. If you will take alooli
throngb our stock and 'get our Prices we know
- is under expert simerviiion, and the service
we guatantye is of die very -,best, while, \O-tir
prices are reasonable'. ;Einbalining a specialty
Palls.attended to day or'night,
u ss, inany lines.
like to. remind
dcsve( ;wr°sdi ti los91-1pw°abeil laaafinv dde
rice and quality,
a partial list of
having been entiroly cleared but, we wel4
not every thing in all sizes we have a lot
talk -we are strictly, ib the Liarne. Beiow
seasonable goods giving sizes in stock re,
and our special dot price :
Misses half leggings two I; 3,` and two 1,,
Cerdigan overshoe's .11;,12,, : $R1 E.105,... Sr. E8.6:4,,
,Childrert!s-,Cardigart overShces S, 9, 19
Boy'reHeavy,rubbers, 1.2, 4 ;I's and 4,
buil fox' bale ; fleeCe Jibed • 2' 25 , .
Men'S heavy rubbers .size 6 and 11 in' 'stu Preof Weltercress .and,-:,
'30 20
1 25 90
50 36
i 15 85
Thhi".,. edition 1$ published
rind rural districts' in 'western'
ft gives'. all', the betee,
Sixteen Pages on. Saturday; -
'ot. Important detngs and
prominent 'people apaear 7e,Very
The Saturdu.y edition 'a.lartg. is -
worth the price; "
,euestriptions 'received erre
00,k 0,±),d.tiliputo.ElOott
I 'bog to inform .7.eitizeu
business: ely, carried. or ,by
the buildingrbpimsite-,-,the :TA
,MEATS. Etc; Etc
Everytlitig-tew_toitt up -to;
me.—No trouble to shOw. goo
Butter, Eggs and kind
takeh in exchange for goods.
nth, LucknoW and..
rid. ..,,ornplete lines,
iti'm Produce