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Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-20, Page 5
w{, G 'This is certainly " fur ,weather_ an , ,v ot;- ii!eya .a d e your ' p rehasE now. You. are not going to „�e.ave,,. a : : ny_.one_ . bytrating f'or the leftover In the f .rst lace re are Sao goingto be• any lefty over and in t e se4ond ''place tiley are . usuall=y the very l poor. est ';on Q ` 'G „ • e�. uxy aGoon Coats were-�ne�rer• better value than --his year, F e-ry_"coat is re11 u"red. and marked., 'rood h g storm collars;. dnd well Made. See our ,special values at $35 • Astraltan' Jackets Ladies'. Astralia,n Jackets, nice ,well made. Every coat guaranteed. We have $7.00 Men's Civerats $10.00' The -two' 'special lines' of, Men's vercoats' we carry are filled up. Will 'make sUitable Xmas present. They aro very dressy, good wearers and ex, ceptionally good value at , their prices. A house slipper is something every lady wduld appreciate.. We have (rot Woman's Felt Slippers With re felt lining. Elastie in front, -imitation . around top.' In red, blue, brown and blaclt, shades, -at $1 per pair. Also within„as _for_ old ladies at same price. Fancy Romeo and Joliet, slippers with Fany Trimmings, pale blue,. white or red. Eider linings in black or grey.-shacies 111 plush. embroidered Vamp, gOod, leather Men's Fine Dongola Kid Slippers, suitable for wearing in house or under overshoes at $1.75. , tiandkerefiefs • chief display is larger and better values than ever. There are toO many kinds to, commence., to describe-thern. Alt kinds and prices to suit everybodv. Neck Fitts are the proper thing - for Xinas presents. We have a splen., did assortment of Ruffs and'Caperines to choose from. Also sets -of Muffs and Ruff's, Caperines and Gauntletts; A splendid Viroinia Sable Ruff at 6a,lander (Or .1902... If you- can't call personally.Send us' a:postal card and. -we - will mail' you one. ±shin ow All gerrY Christmas • A new,StPch of Ifoots and Shoes in 'all lines.} just recoived,and will be Sold 'at redticed .1.: our Printing 'When you need ()Antis; Dod'Eiis, , Or anything in tlin printing' line • leave yout order' at home.. can satisfy you with our printing, as regarda quality an price. *.:17:07,1,4,I. ]l��CETiNQc The. sad Kinloss �lo�ging' Auction 1kId; thek.annual Bower; on uhe'evening of Deo. 70i,, for the; .purpose' of, Winding "up the business':. of thR. yelir and 'e lso to elect,;:ofcere, for the -coming,. -year, `After, the meeting • woe ,called to order, th* prc4ident, Wm • MoDonild; in' a frw, chgsen'Trewarks stated tb object of the u,eeting ; the. also'ex ,pressed ,hid thanks to the directors for the r help t ey .had endered• ' :bpm in 'Grinding the association to the-auccees which it .;pas . attained, showing what can bo done.' united effort, and; energy,' -HQ then called; on M ;Lyons 'of Lueknoa•, who showed by,t•head dress he gave that he is very enthus iagtic'on tlie',subject• of plowing and tliat he knows lige , ef'ects .of geoil_ plowing not only.';• by ab8eryation, but also by practice,`The. auditors' report, was .read -,'...Stating: that there ° was, .a stpall balaIIce=ia the ur®asure5'e an e: The "election of',:ofcerSs resulted. ,as' `fol_iow s .:Presidenri-1'Vtn�A4©Donald; Irecretary, J L. 'Bowitrs, Tr'eaaurer, Harry ' Oampbell , Directors,, James Lyons of Luckni w, John McDermid' of Kinloss,: JawesWilkii sou. gf_.Ripley, James ,McDonald• and Thos. Scott of Huron, Jauiee Hamilton -of' 'Lucknow; and Alex. Nicholson of Kinloss. -.M'oved ..by J Lyou8, seconded by�' 1f3; Campbell; that, ..we take this opportunity of 'thanking the public way in which.' they haye supported andlby donations of goods realiXe support • the assocuttiont could not for Our CILEINE :The , anniver,sary. of ,the on Sunday, Dee. g24d Ref. John W. kohinson of Gederich will preach 'anniversary sermone-, nt' .10.30 and Stiitable Music Will', be Jurnishict 'thank -offering ;FeqUested. , stip,' 4on-Siondar-e'Vening--aOd-will fel:. lowed 'by, the celebrated leCture,. t'The. Hobbs of Windham, 44611 as an in wresting program. A.•;..gOods supper and an enjoyahle'prograth is assured. Adniission, 25c. children, 1.5c. friends and 'relatives along the lake ' Mr. F. McLennan f Goderich, is iii‘ visiting friends in thi ideinity. ' ',lir. John Douglas-- was kli tstoderieh- as ,one of the juryme , last week; Messrs. Alex. McGregor ahd oilb on the case Campbell vs. 'toin In out style pf i sudden changes, tsinperatu e—rain; ',Wind and 'sunshine often'interminglecl in a single wonder'that, put: children,: friends:4, and telatives ;neglected.,Felds, ''.half the deaths re., Suiting' directly .fiern "Use. bottle of 13oseliee"s IGerinan. Syrup, kept about Yeur for. 'lin:mediate upe mil) prevent setieus sickness, a. diaeatic(oi ,The Pitoat and Tanga, Ito 'druggist will tell You. ':itegniar reliabloyemidies CO 8. use ere are 'so many people who believe that a Christmas present is most desirable, r.^ - I at's. the matter .4v/it shoes Anybody from babfto grandparent will appreciate them,_ The following. are -some -of -our inducements -z -4 -------- Baby's soft soled' shoes in red, black and tan, blitton + Ladies' Felt Slippers, leather or felt sole in assorted olors from 50c to $1 per pair. dies' Satin slipper lined; fur tritnined,With Irene Ladies' evenina shoes from $1.25 to $2.50 Pair. en's Leather Slippers_ blk or tan at $1 to $2 p Men's Felt or Carpet slippers,75c pex pair. SPECIAL. Ladies' Overgaiters all lengths from 50e to $1.35 + per pair. speciarovergaiter at $1.35. Ask to see them., all and select your Xmas Goods Early. ATH ES ehaye.the,things for ChristmaSnd plenty -of them. Jir 00 00 Carving 'Siets rand 'rnan'y lines of kitcheir-niensil.s.'' Lisiowa 'dotirsee 'of study thorough aud, prac- i Al fleniingl , „f), rt.he. 714' Useful presents a: trouble -for show yoxf the goods because we are .sure we can 'satisfy you. WREN., OKNO Try our, HA Hop Tea ry 25c -Japan Tea , tiour Coffee, Seal Brand Try our 25c Coffee • Try, piar Paradise Currants., recleaned ry our Extra Selected Raisinsi# ry our California Evaporated Ent ciamxt