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Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-29, Page 5
ti 0.0,'0. l armth '.Means .healtilheatjrand the ',best and,easiest wayto 7 -warm during these•loug.winters is. to Ju chaseone of ouf ood., :l,accon. ' Coats •We., were :particularip 'fol tunate this year it securing for our;costumers r -s ome of the best•Coon skin values we haveever handled: Nice soft lofty- fu.with .. well, trlmed skin and of: a beautiful.; color. The part • of/ the tailor has, been well looked after, ° each coat -being well sewed and' having the bestof linings.: The Prices are‘$35,, $37.50, $40.00, $45.00. and $50.00.each.:.:Every coat we .' sell is guar anteed, . v, a � 1r. f, _ &N,_,re a �� rlrk ra,ti q. ' rrx,,r n;; u_ek ,moo ---- �. Wool 'Blankets. Nohv is- the time for blankets and we. are+ready for the cold. W have �a fine,' wool`, blanket with . a - 'nice lofty finish. ' 'Lung enough to tuck.under.' your teet,without ex• posing your shoulders at • $2:25 , and $2.50':. a pair. Ladies' Flaririelette Night• ---=A1-1—read-3----to ; put cid made of good flannelette and nicely :tritxrriied. Prices : i`iQe, .7.5c, •,$1. and 81.25 each. Ladies' Wrappers.. A : spec•iai line's of, Ladies' Winter' ' Tivra•pp.er;;, ' -Waist and sIeeves deep41 ill r>n' l)ot•t.om, newest Patter>�s, :Regular price' 2. for $1.75. a Hosiery.:, All the. warm' • kinds are ,to . be had ere.. Double mitts. ;fleece :. lined . and silk Mined g'.bves-1 ar vwoollen- aizl c aslinie're stack_ in;gs A specie, in©. of Ladies' wool hose., at 05`.ceats. • 1,7IT ITECFIURCH fq•s'Grahuti► nf.1'dii►glataiM visiting;' at trio' hom4:'of Mr. J. 1VIc(;lenagbai ,' .t, Q653'ge' *Litrp .1104returned" fcoin `Manitoba` Anniverr'ty E ervici s, ware held' ip the MMStllodlst. ejiurcli here "last apdaty2*:.c3hfe1pr>amv, f; l1t34°'',Iaronln, ,'eaeri.,du; f1 1l7pspeia Rv. Eobbs ofWiunhaiih praebing lS7ta. George 1McOient4hap is -recon- Bring from, ber recen,c"illtieee; We; arc?, soery io.:h;'ear. OfMr.., T Dweon'N siekne.a and ' .hope .for opiieedy reci;very Mr, M G,.'Oliver of Io1yrooci' wee. cailuzg iiri old friends in thi9 neighbor,. hood on "ueday of 1a'At •wee k Tho Qaartet Iy Officis 1 Board of. ,the Meth dist char h 'at ' t heir, last'ii3eet. ing, ,te,ssed: a motion that a letter: Of condolence. sent' in. M'r. J►mes. Tayloi*.and •fancily sof La+gsids, ex-: prey l ig tleir deep sympathy in. their bereavement.. Mr. Taylor is a'faithful, •ineinber of file Board, The (,iaarterly ITunion meeting o'f. i pwQrrv.c:rs,Le. :e_...rigue ,.. �. of ..uwakckn t i i the ;White' church circuit met in the`Methodis't church. on Monday ening , of Last week.;.`,Tlie fcllowirh'�proGtable.`and, iustructive'pro;r'aw was etijoyed by a large gathering of enthusiastic. Leag- tiers, Singing; "Tlie. Church has, one foundatiion which ;i&' Jesua Chrjst!' Also,. addresses on—The Power of the Bible,; The Power ;:of Prayer, The Power of Personal Work, The , Po'tieer of a Good Citizen,' The :•Power'of the Pew; T,be Power of the:Pulpit; 'Mass. .Ferguson and the ,' Misses Taylor added much,to the pro gram ;by singing solos and dw tts pur BOOTS • : -Mrs RobiS'elTs:riti.--NEIV-::::-'h'a.3-"Ohe'exi7 Miss Maggie ticliaup.a: has jait recovered from an attack of'quinsy. „ henRseriari.Y14.11-er°tr'onehdab:Y__,,apuracgliiaiiitedii'dthr.!-.' We ,thiderstancl: Ancl,orsokip going hnproving their dogs out frOtn d4y Thomas Woode' lake and.' Sturdy,'s' and captured oVer sixtirehhitS. a le Skirts, - -you want a skin ilready „made this is the 'them. Newest makes' & styles alt , at reduced There ar'oe aTe all well made, and - 4„ e -very 'Jacket is guar. .125- up. are also showing a nice range . range of Ladies' Fur Litled Capes from $20 up. • Never ha,Ve_we 'sold. so many neck 4 large coney Ruff at, $1.517. El Seal ,Ru'ffs at 857 olifier lines up to $2'5.00 eacli, • Ladiet': 'jackets.- -7—There .is still • a nice assortinent of 'Ladies' Jackets in the short, lengths and this week we_ 'have added:, ,some 'thingS in. a 3-4, length Jacket with hinfi collar, - senn.fittmg,. Bell cuff to .Eelitor of The $'entiriel:::: the -numb'oi. of beds, .witlicait,delaY.,C: country's ii2eSt preesing- need.. 'Nearly poor.. A. peer. widow Wants to' he ce'red for, the sake of her' little 04; a, J'al:iorer's wife pleads fee' her yOting .1 old baby ; a father with ,large'' filthily' his farnify.'S sake.; a mechanic and his D...,1', wife Ewa, ti-.; ciai-consumptii:es : 'and. up,- :rife's§ help deirti3.-s o'Oti' six'. children. will tor' bet Mother' iti;o herself...is. now ,ii Ir .1111.1111. 11)' 1113 taveno 'shoddy.in them. and.. always *ear well. tier. ,Call and examine onr stock before purchasing. epairing,neatly arid promptly done, • Your 0 Printin TOii. heed, • Warranted Wateiproot; •‘; A new stook' et tOot,s and Slimes, ali just Tea ived nd „will be sold at, redtitaed • et • dinceLAUS, CARDS, Der,.' RS' Or anY•thing are' p-rinting s,iutt.p.tel•43. We ask„ the_shbstantial- .ef need.' Yours sincerely, y " National Sanitarium Ags n, " .157 Bay Street, Toid N,.1.7.78,1AbseriptiouS, Money orders, borupany, Limiter -if Treasurer; King' 'The d'oinewelduer- liem0e, .12A4.... with that old imperfect stove for, another winter. . 13etter get a new one. ese perfect draft, steel • stoves wilt (rive excellent service ,every day, and in addition to being ex- cellent heaters, .theY are -economical users ottrol. Our stock of amMunition( - We have all Sizes of eartridgtes for Tifles -.and revolvers. Empty 'and _guns ; the best grades, of sporting' .pOwder and all sizes of shot from spar- row„clust to buck; OUR PRICES ARE RIGET, V. Try our j4Ran Te4 Try our 9,501.COffee • ,'TricryY Ocit4tri'ExqailidiSee:ICeelltietd6ii'Rtsaistiencsir'lane' ,our"Afati!.e Syrup bottles • •