HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-29, Page 41.14 V! ALUM. Vilt inerArat ticftri01,11M1 r MIA AQ' LL ow' 1: Nirr, siOtho rt*to boatd Trade latak- the'Qoyettitieut to withdrair the "'nen,* .ittatrinetf,etta te weithi* Measures linnet:tors that only a Will& .meoura shell be reeNOMeri In testing *be `gelitbt of' Aribli, and seeking * t'ettirn t� the .0,0.quart...tester. eflaltre '0OMParatire,17 few -ot rmilys reach , of '•trust. tbe. of bmik Official!. Or eitinlOyeee' I4reats thai tiyerpoOi feflow *04 Moos , ...b*re,‘ detertoie:ed te Make * mord.. .Tbe' TO*1 irbo rim get away' with $550,000 from under tbe tank of directors; niafiesteee sod' fusPeOtory ga no 9ormnon. duet ;,A.yonog.miiik,;%,,tuiroCked 'for:, fen', 0,4.'1 yad Net an:inlet; and therehy overturned it and caused the death of acyoung lady ,hy ,tried ;for manslaughter,::; iitratecl. With' at 'the time Heocupanta of. the boat, be bottst.att, that he, was.; „e tneriland 'could save the ehould anythIng-happeK !thing ,did happen,' le. mad t,n save anybody but tuoise ' drowning, i's ro t tconsly to be Wb Iok»1 tiy the other latigbed and. zport 8 511.17.8 - whole puirti. -When some - e n9 effort' If, 'AMOtiOan gentleinan haa been Painiing 'mit. that guerilla warfart not Christian:: • kind of Warare Li' 'desired by; Cbristains,. but 80Me kindl are rekarded, as ineVt'able. •.Eierrhation going to ,War regards its ,OWn cantatas jtistcOnfidentely appeals to the Gold of battles and 'finds' in the Scriptureas tents which , regards' as ,j'estifyitig , cannot be amid that'the use of the Bible forauCh tien...knout who 'tryincto. discever own righte,.aud : the:dutierieigs ‘of h -own vl!fte". shortcomings of' bii aei hbo • .fie'd oaMtort /atoPPort 'but: :she -,Biblitt ought. not to • \10 rLrittharAbised,irt;thak:wa *sag alld the ideal eteadtirde of tanitatiou its and Arcuild the'lleriegtilr healthful 'house.' CamPbelli �e,1!7of the Teekittlt'Pt gave, a Wit an "Bread Red aFtad Afiklziflie • LL. OW. fl jog that vilui essential that 89 uui- venal, a fool SWAN iae nutritieuv, RelAtahle 4Stui di-P.441A% .Meedemee Ritchie and Itinklater, Winghara •recd *ell prepared `. papor papers 09 ToWerrovruaed "'The omen 40. tliP Belgtte. meetingThe , evening see - '44)48 were hehi-in"eonneetioa withlhe Fereaare!, tnetitnte,. Thn ee*,t regeler •meetings,atill be held at 'Clinton 00 January 24th 1902. • taiitOSIDE As . the F'orester's hall is nearing January 2.24 and at i3ongantion on , completion we may new be 1001tieg , • , forward to one of our very successful cancerta in the near future. •Messrs. G. Tiffin, J.Moffittand. W. McKenzie 'have returned' front -Mani- toba. They look well after their so-, journ in the tar west. Our trostoes have agam secured t services„ of Mtbs Winnte 'El Milner in Or, school for the ensuing year: ` 'Mr. and, Mrs., Ranter of were , the -,guests,, -Rad Mrs Giasow la k e sv• 'glad to record the rationing conyalascense of &fee. jos. Rockridge.' vole, ,hie been for a long timeill sariOnsly and wo.' hope to soon See, her stored. to her former. State of health: .14r. Wm; Taylor and, fatuity hive, removed:. to; Teeswater, TaYlOr be * miesed .13y 4ie, -m2ny :friend* in .thia vicinity., , , join in 'Wishing „Mr. and ,Urtiy.' Roes !piny yetre of wed bappinesa in 'bur communitY l3ible Society meeting and lecture' .4,411 be :Conducted in 'Oar chi:web on Friday eVening. Noir, '29th, and as there will be no serVice .on, the follow: ing ',Sunday We hope to have a large audience., Rev; • Mr. .Boas will conduct the meeting.: . . -The; tangsicitiay ,schoni, has bean cloeed for the wzntOt R' JIVE '44411, fatizi its a Voloditionot Your herre0 I PIANO AND ORGAN, At her i!Junt on gqinpboll SY. EICEIV 0 0 PteV4red tO EfirO 10889114 01/ What 014 OLYour Lire ' " Routi Piceolure or • VotiCeil *giNien• - i• - :of 'sickness!, weakness .and health'. Flutiee fatignee them,. Xanyof the eYinPtora`fraileempanYing thie''etath.'el decline are: a feeling 'of tirednec,.... w4kleit, faintness', dizziness, sinkiek 'feeling, palPitation of the heart, short= nes e of breath', loss of appitite, cold hands. and fee; headalie dark circles under the eYee, Pain in 'the inch end' To matey *01404 life ;e. ' ill ones 'vend To attempt the, lightest household eide auk an the Other accempinira t randown and weakened` constitu- tion. ' ere eielPlY the result ef a poor quality with a WaSting ttWaY th: ee94Z and . instrumental •AIRL-A'Att,'..411.111.4STRONO.' ,:TP4P.X14# 9r „ Pia, Oran, VOlee Oniture, •Thoropgt1$S Bah IflO4lyend.. Gotinter. oonit.,4 • 43tipile,prepare4 foi:VoasQi,v;it9ry ' ".• • o4reo, US' All, these eymntome, and' conditions TA UtIliT and 4,Iefective circulation of th d VOCli 'BY feeding the system with USIC and Harmony are taught 17 .essonfilin 10:161111i 4.1 He! 'WHI,119,1 oomropr These eeat Zi Yea are ,Xt r comp.oto- i. of "buyeto it vi'iu there. ICE' ST RI WARD' tOtIli AND !EINE PILLS You strike a • t the root of the disease and lay a *solid foundation on which to, build. -Soon the wuight4nereases, sulken 'cheeks" aid flattened busts fill out,,:the, eyes get• bright and the thrill of renewed health and stength Vibrates „through the system. Trice' .50 cents per box." rt),R. 1,31 g, • W. BERRY ,& SON. .LUCKNOW MRS. RESIT GROCIqES HAND:, _...,......_... ____..4...... . . aeT. T X s iii C A NEWTON i .11,'r,,ulutioy and carefulness in workmanship Honor graduate in dentistry, Tor • Dental College,,and Doctor of Dentst gery, Toronto oniverw„v4,-----4,-liAot dm 1.) an Office in Allin'sbloCk,aPetaire., •P.S.'-- Will visit RiPleY eVe!Y Thirreds7 alteraoo s.•• ONT. re: ed , Moffatt, s.who is Low And the teaching in Ripley, bas been engaged principal Seaforth 'scliOol for the nYwhere, following year. We wish him success, be used IMO Annie RiohardsonLiisiting- r— -her-sistenlititicF.-Maffat, in Teeswater. PiEwsf_APERS FOB, ii)02 The tune has arrived when sreaders . „ begin to :think /of their newspaper hterature for the coming year.. Our clubbing ratesare as 'folloWs : BEET Ell7GAR The promoters f Walkerton Sugar Beet Co. sent over a number of farm- , , ers to -Michigan to look over the sugar beet 'iniltistry of that state. The fol- lowing is synePsis of their report Theft are three large factories at present operating in _Bayeity and another in emirs° of erection These faetoriee have a capacity of from 500 tons of beets per day. As there were a0M0 900 lOada, of beets delivered by wagon to the several factories on Nov th Sentinel ani Weekly 0)obe sp. Sentinel and WeelY gentin0 Family --j and: Weekly Star •1.75 Sentinel and Wei)kly San 1,75 Sentinel and llafontreal Witness ' 1.60 ,Sentinel and•Western Advertiser 1.50 Sentinel and Weekl,y Free Press .1.75 orders, must be accompanied by i6F-1-1.- be withdrawn after Januarylst. hatiaLeplendid-LOPpOriwi interviewing the farineFe es Prefi farmers without exception, to that t of growing 'anger beots sugar beets .wris' the/ most -p e cash. Theae-v..lubbing rates Will to iho, These, Id tie rofitz able crop they grew. We eonclude. „with the intemation we received that the average yield of sugar beets.in the vieinity Of Bay City Was 11 tons pet- . acre ttnd the average price per ton for beets delivered at the, factory is five dollars._ We learned frotn reliable eources that the financial condition of , the farmers has greatly improved since the erection of 'these-feetodes. the value of land luo also increased labont , thirty :per cent.: • On, Nov. ttli .*.ieited :the; dot:0 factory and 'fo the conditioei ',there even, mere' eonriging thail'iti.Elay City. IVO of ..the'' opinion that owing: to nature 9f pf„ the soiland oilierr. Conditio ..the 'fartnera ot Bence could proclu " better , • crops:. of- lJectS „than th. grown by the 141ehigan farmers, b • .wing to thO Iugh pr:ce.,()f./eoal an the lower price, ofsugar' they wou probablynotreceive, quite so fag Price:for their beta..' we and en - ere the 115," co Ose Id reit; ItVOMAZS/lNETITUTE.., Special meetitigiofthoN,Ytst :Huron -Wotillth'illtistitato were. held 'at Kin. tail;' St. ilelensiBelgrave aod toittles- bore, in the '12th, 13tb, and i5th Ii‘Ovemer. Although the weather wasi•ery, Otitavtitahle, these: meetings were well 'attended. The addreases and papers given. at ,the ditterent ,aions Were,. thoroughly "thiloYed „by BItoiti; of ItolomAvilleItivii talk at the afternoon sessionOD "flotne tation. pOinting out' the. AiOti retie' of 1,4 oune Man. Do You Want Eureka CAUSTIC BALSAM -- Vetteriwy • . . tcr Breeriam and,' Eorsemen: Fire Insurance. A .T1i4:, :414t; Insure your. property againstIoss or dam age by fire, in the old re/iable Nattonal'and Mercantile Companies, low rated, and punc•- tual PaYleeat. • • Deeds, Wil/s, lifortgages Leases, Agree- mnnts, etc:, neatly executed. Office: Town Hail, Tuesday, Thursday • and Saturday afternoons.. ' R. Gratim A reliab J. D MCNAB. remedy f• or Curbs Splints Spaying, Sweeny ,etc., sent% iniprier86138 jawin cattle, _ "See paroph yrauX masa let w hjob a. nompanieti every bottle, givziig scientific tree. ment in the_LrarimusAiseasese-'-' It can be used -hr -eyiff"case of veterinary practice_where stimulating_applications'and-bliirteii are pre-• —acTribid,—It has no stri:saioa. Every bottle 1: ,sold is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists Ind country storekeepers. Prepare4 12y THE ELIZEKA YETERI'NARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London. Ont. tire—Sentinel.q ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR sAforrrii Engine r ter Wingbam, Seaforth our/ck .Cuiross Etc., Cement Side aikk' and.. TewnshiP,..,Drailni. 'll''he given speeiai‘ attention. Eagineer, for of Lucknow. Le, Agent for Continental4ifes-Insnrancee.eki fr the County:of'Euron, • . District Agent for New York, Mut• ital Life Inaurance'CoMpany, ' ' • . TILE SE‘NTIN.44 TORONTO GL0i3E , • AR, -„Y-..".4902,, 'FOR ONLY,.$1.60. . . Having decided to now, I now offerroir en , . Overshoes etc at and f the silo° business in luck - k of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, This stock is ver worth cla$s ar in a the -different hnes lete, consisting of $3,500.90 Nitig4raz IS'co . . Cg.! ,T.uq airew pairs Of Ar FOOTTVV/".R. •,.1, buckled shoes:oiresspj, I . tc" At this time of the yg thiAkina of pinthasino s furniture for you home, the ,best goods and latgst ;Value for your money . so 'take a course in the LISTOWEL . USINESS .COLLEGE either the Commercial -or bhort.hand COUrSO. Students may enter any time. Terme reasonable—send for ()allege Journal. CL Fleming, A I. McIntyre 'Secretary,' All Otir "Graduates Get Posn's. , CENTRAL #1,S " President. r ou_ar yob -aril me new pieces of .svIr e'have'in stock .all esigns that 'money can/buy ,We carry a larg stock of Furniture . , . of all kinds.' Den's .say ' have nothing and our.goods are too , high pri, d -and gaelsewhere to bup betore even cotnini. to see 'What we have .or get 'our prices. I oti will take aJook throng!) our stock 'and,get nr prices we :knew you Will cetne back again. .. ' ,,fisses-ands-ehildzW and get first choice. long boots ershoes. . avv rubbers. s felt icx bats: lined peb. b;a1. .half leggings,-- sliPPers Plain And foxed.. Cardigan oVershoes..in Woman s and7f1Iat cost price 6011e earl ° • '.TEX.VS Islifyi%tilY00.06,00!4:00.,1610,01%,4 :6 • $7- " UNDER STRATFORD. ONT. . We deal in'"Getutine'' lbne:1s Education. therefore our graduates Ate properly 1,reP3red for the beat position& Alanv leading bntinesa olleges empl!sr. Our graduates 6.8 teachem .Stirely• this is proof of , superiority. No student has ever, left tint college dissatisfied. ,Dottot decide to' attend any college until you have recei vett Our catalogue. ....W..rite_for-ont.4;;-• 'uter„thismontirirpirssibre. • W. J. ELLiorr, Principal. 1910iVants a llama 9. is under expert supervisi , and, the service, .we gruarantyes .of the Ye best, while out _ prices are reasonable. altning a specialty Calls attended to day or 'tiiht. A I haVe.ever 4600 'aerosol' eholco fa'rni'litu/S; for sale, in 'tie; i'..•!, 100,;160 and ',/(}0 aresi lots „ in,' 'Iiirtloas. Geeenoa, Prnee, ..Kintarditici !taiotkand ,.kIllitield' lownahip& (;o04 !Antis Avith god bikildings .t0 bo oold "cheaii ith essY l tortua.. , A gi.itichitiw till:riot i..114iklutost ((it ;A AMe.`,., ; 'Also) A4.tekii..*1 .i4Ad;.$1.Aith-St41,01.,ii)Wil-07. '41.1011-ciitrir.01:0111:.'itotiot good ' business: 'g;tle'll'it4tti. , 'A general Atorit,U.‘itli „largo trade', ' li.e *Wag:v. . .1‘lio It latiZe ittm'inot.of money , 'to loan lit'i4ler,cent..;b:er farther pat:CCU/are i , spi4l.y.tw . ,. ` , r r A. ' •...44.8k I' , *...1.'A.Itoli:1,:NZt'k, .. -, Insurance- Agent,., olyrood.. „ ,. • at: Totichos. The'. 'A,C natiane • a and Impurep0 -iver andlticlny Diseases, Female mi)laints, etc, dir.tateZ*:11 3E' d. Geettirda ''t` • :Sold 11, • r. • I sUrrol1litli,ng bUS,in lat the bnilding -,where Cow • , of • • tho citizens. of,,,Lueknow and untry that I have ''purchaed the carried on by 1iThos. R id, in posit° the Lucknow Post ,ffice, ire i�.sock full and cemplet littes ,11,C NEW GRIcERIES; CANNED '.;00Ds• CANDT, CROCKERY ,._CONItEC1tOr•lEkY:i. FOrik &—FEED up7:to.Oate'.: in arid ste . e., No trouble to stow goods:, se w •NIE4TS. Etc, Et :Butter, .•Em...s. , . #ken.tti.6X-Chante'.1fi:W'e.inbets. .„ Campbell street itiactows • aseasAWAYMP.W.11.W.V.M.Y./ 'as.P.Y.641411WiaiwWal.•' -arnr----Proiln—ce ' !: '