The Wingham Times, 1908-06-04, Page 78 THE -WINGHAM T1MES, JUNE 4, 1?U8 eseee MINOR LOCALS. ---Fane 4th.. --Winghem raloes+t on Wednesday and Tbursday of next week, Righeet price paid for hides and pout- UT at T. k'elle' butcher shop. —Visiting and announcement oarde neatly printed at the TIMES oil]oe. --Exoureion to Experimental Farm at Uaelph, via G. T R. on Friday, June 12th. Bnox's are going out of wall paper. 10 000 rolls to he sold at cost. Now for heroine. —Minutes of Presbytery of Maitland .and Calms Council are crowded out of $bia issue. —It is expected that the tax rate for this; year will not be more than 25 mills in the dollar. 100 mattresses to sell at reducsd prices for next 30 days at WALKER'S Furniture Store. —Wed(iicg invitations for particular brides. We have the oorrect styles, and the latest type. —Mr. Frank Metcalfe, of Blyth, has been appointed a notary public by the Whitney Government. PERSONAL. Dire. Hugh Roes, of Clinton is visiting With Wingham and Turnberry rola• elves. Mr. Fred Paterson left this morning for Dundalk, where he has aeeured a position. Mrs. Roland Beattie, of Alliston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Rare. Geo. McKenzie. Mre. Good of Stratford, was visiting for a few dye at the home of her uncle, Mr. Theo'. ?Innen. Mrs. Taylor of London, is visiting. with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McCracken, Frances street. Mr. W. 11. Robertson, of the Goderieb Signal, was in town on Monday attend - the North Huron nomination. Mre. H B. Elliott was in Stratford far a few days visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Jas. Hislop, who is dangerously ill. Mre. (Dr ) J. P. Kennedy was called to Parkhill on Monday to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. F.a er, who died suddenly of pneumonia. Mr. Bartlett, of Yeoville, England, is visiting with hie sister, Mrs. (Rev.) H. E. Allen. Mr. Bartlett intends be- coming a resident or Ontario. —The finest tea grown in the world is the standard of quality used in pre- paring "Saluda" Tea. Sold only in sealed lead packets. —Tho Bruce Old Boys and (Girls of 'Toronto will run their annual excursion to Wiarton on Friday, July 3rd. —If the June frosts do not visit this section there will be a good orop of everything, The country is now look- ing its best, —Mr, Chas. Rantoul has had his Barbar shop nicely fitted op in potting in a dandy new case, a new barber's chair and appliances for hot and cold water. —Ther J. Links Estate vliil sell by x►notion at Riversdale farm, lot 28, con- cestioa. 8, (Intros,, on Thursday, Jane 25:h, a number of thoroughbred Short- horn cattle. CHURCH NOTES. FIREMEN REMEMBERED. Wingham, May 12, 1908, To V. VANNoit111&.N. OHIEi? AND MEMBERS OF FIRE BRIGADE:— Gentlemen,—I sincerely thank yon for your promptness and efficiency in saving our home from fire at a late d tea I enclose you a small donation, whioh you will kindly accept with my best thanke. Yours very truly, WMI FE: SANT.. AUCTION SALE In Pelgrave on Paturday,June 'that3p,m., that valuable residence and aro . nds k own as the Tufts property, cental, ng ten rooms: also at the same time an. p .co the following personal property, 1 en range in good uepair. 1 centre table, then chairs. kitchen rteneils, carpenter's tools, fire an n. &e. F. is. SCOTT, RITCHIE & CesENS, Auctioneer. Agents. Conference Sunday. Services will be held in the Methodist church as usual. Communion service will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church next'' Sunday morning. Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening, com- mencing at 7.30 o'clock. Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. A., General Associate Secretary of the Dominion Lord's Day Alliance, addressed a meet- ing in the Lecture Room of the Metho- dist Church on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Hanna is a gocd speak- er and gave a general review of the work of the Alliance. —Mr. W. J. Muir, local representative of the Singer Manufacturing Co., has removed his family to town from Port Elgin, and they have taken up residence ori Frances street. —Mr. Wilford, of Blyth, was in town on Monday, R ith a view to making im- provements at the apple evaporator so as to be in better shape for the Doming aleason's business. --Mrs. Charles Barber, who has been seriously ill fpr some time past, is, we are pleased to say, improving, and her many friends hope for her a speedy restoration to her usual health. —The electrical storm last. Friday aright burned out two or three of the transformera on the electric lighting circuit and acme of our townspeople -were without lights for a few nights. —The TIMES is pleased to report that Mrs. A. Reid, who wa3 operated on for appendicitis at the hospital on Saturday last, is now doing nicely and her friends hope to see her fully recovered in a short time. —The Algoma Central Steamship Zine will run an excursion on their steamer, "King Edward" from Kincar- dine to Detroit on Wednesday,June 17th. Fare $1.60. Get particulars from advt' in another column. TAKE NOTICE. :, c= That J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaraatned. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. f teei�iir SHORTHORN S E An auction sale of Sbor orns will tabe Place at ' Riverside Far .• ", lot 23, con. 8, Culross, on Thurs. - Jane 25th, at 2 30 p m. An imported 1, cows with oalf at foot, heifers and caives will be offered for Bale. Terms 60 days. J. GILLIES ESTATE. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Win ;hang Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p. m in hall in Chisholm Bleck. t andidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see r nr rates of any member or officers. L adies accepted 'at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BOYLE, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording /Secretary W. J. WYLxs,Financial beoretary. "Slightly Re -Arranged." The Toronto News of Monday gives a forecast of the different ridings in- On- tario, and North Huron is put as follows :— "Huron, North-- Close, but probably Conservative gain, with A. H. Musgrove as candidate. West Huron last election gave Liberal majority of two. New constituency slightly re -arranged." To say that the riding was slightly: re• arranged is not potting the matter fairly before the people. The different muni- cipalities of Huron were moved around by the Whitney Government Iike so many checkers on a checkerboard, • North Huron is nothing like the old West Huron. From the old riding we have lost Goderich town, Clinton, Col- borne, and part of Hallett and Goderich Tp. The new Centre riding was ar- ranged to hive the Grits and North and South were so "fixed" as to make it morally certain that two Conservatives would be elected. The electors of North Huron can say next Monday, by voting for John T, Carrie, that they do not appove of being handled as checkers and they are not in sympathy with people who wish to elect representatives by Act of Parliament. John T. Carrie will make an excellent representative for Ncrth Huron. He has served in" the municipal counoil, in the county Donn• oil and has 1 een warden. Matters to be dealt with in the legislature are similar to those before County Councils and Mr. Currie has had the proper training to give them the very best of considera• tion. Vote for John T. Carrie and have your neighbor do the same. North Huron will be Liberal if the friends of Mr. Currie da their full duty next Mon- day. —In a letter from our former towns- man, Mr. H. H. Wightman, now of Winnipeg, he says prospects were never brighter than at present, for a bumper orop in the West and that the season is fully a month ahead of last year. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLET A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elfin and lice. rice. Your druggist or from ue, 101 in stamps. Lux -a. Mmes Co.,. Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 —Mr. James Henderson left at the TIMES office on Monday an egg, (laid by i+ white rock hen) that measures 7U by S3( inches and weighs one-quarter of a pound. This is an extra large egg. Oen any of our subscribers beat this record? -Mise Nellie L. Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Holmes, of Clin- ton, passed away on Thursday last, rafter several months illness, aged 22 a'earo. The TIMES joins with the numer- ous friends of the family in this section in extending to them sincere sympathy in their bereavement. —The well-known Tufts property at Ilelgrave will be sold by public traction at Belgrave on Saturday, June 13. This Is an excellent property. The house contains ton rooms and has a large lot in bonneotion. Parties who are looking to purchase a good home at a reasonable price will do well to attend this sale. CHILDHOOD DANGERS No symptom that indicates any of the ailments of Childhood a • r uld be allowed to prods without pro .. pt atten- tion. The little ailment may noon be• come a serious e, and perhaps a little life paaees out. f Baby's Own Tablets see kept in the h us minor troubles can serious ailments nd ee e (sure be promptly en thus averted. And the tablets oats be Riven with equal safety to the new born babe or the well grown child. Mre. ii. Dendron, Martinville, roue„ ,aye: --„I bane used Baby's Own Tablets and have fatted them in every way satisfactory. I always feel safe when I have them at had." Bald by medicine dealers or by null at *5* a box front The Dr. Wil. Hat l' litelleltie Oo.r Brookville, Ont. SUOMI. Schon! IJur e, . my and August leads into 1 our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue flee. Write for it today. CENTRAL 1i111SI.ESS COLLEGE Toronto. The largest, most reliable of Its._ kind. W. H. SHAW - Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets —* WAN A GOOD to hear from o for sale. , Not particu Please give pi lee an reason for selling. s elan can be had. Will only. L. Darbyshire, Box 034 ED -= ner having FARM r about location. description, and Ito when posses - cal with owners Rochester, N,Y, OMl 44d•d••t-4..„ ROYAL GROCERY Orders for the holding of the militia Damps in Eastern Canada have been countermanded, and the Government may abandon the soheme of mobiliza- tion at Quebec, all on account of the Oppositicn withholding supply. Mr. and Mrs. William Wisdom of Mono, with their two children took refuge from a rainstorm under a bridge. A sudden freshet swept the bridge away and Mr. and Mrs. Wisdom were drown- ed. The children were rescued. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, mild other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give wa thorough, praotical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Snorthand, Touch Typewriting. and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. bath department is in the hand of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Our graduates always succeed, for our courses are the beet. Get our free catalogue and learn more about ns. Von may enter now. ELU.OTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. k + Leave your order at Malcolm's 4. + Pineapples, Bananas, Orang s, Rhubarb, lettuce, etc. ALSO + Tomato and Cabbage Plants. for tYYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYYIYYVVVYY ••Y••••••+••N••••••+$•••$ YYy,,yyvvyYvvvvvvYYYYvyyy14 I. . 4 R [The Little O. 3 4, +4.++++14.4 d• . 44 4. 4, Fresh Groceries always on + + hand. Try our Tea 'l'and Ct•ffee. + 4. 4. 4. + + Fresh Bread daily—try a loaf. 4. 4. 4' 4• . `l' Highest prices paid for produce. ,d1, d• + 4. %. J. Malcolm 4. 4. + PHONE 64, •i' ++++++4 .444. 4-1.3-1-• .4.4 BORN. Woons.—in Turnberry, on May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sara'. Woods; a son. SA DEnsoN —In Wingham, on May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs W. A. Sanderson; a son. McVETTIE—In Morris, on May Ilth, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVettie; a son. Ront.ESOIi—In Wineham, on May 30th, to M r, and Mr-. James Robinson ; a son. MARRIED Seats—TAelrra —Tn the Methodist church. Blyth, May 27th, he Rev. 8. Andersen, Mr Win. Sims to Mrs. Mary A. Tacker, both of Blyth. CLSSnlrett, on May 27 itis at the home of the bride's parents, by Rey. S. Anderson, Mr. Thomas Colson to Miss Ewe.. daughter o'. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bowes both of Hullett. DIRif Iftsrr'Ett.—Tn Ethel, on May ii:,th, Aaron lteffer, aged 18 years, 2 months and 8 days. 8rarn _ Tn Morris. on May lith, Jeanet L8nehland, relict of the late Gilbert Speir, in her e8th year. Lite/Is—RsWingham on May 29th, Marr Graham, wife of Mr. 'Edwin Lewis, aged 60 years and 5 mouths. HOMESEE-KERS' CANACIAN” • • PACIFIC AA ILWAV 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES - April 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 May 12, 28 July 7, 21 8ept. 1, 18, 29 Ticket. dood to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all pointe in Ontario. Ranging Winnipeg and return 832,00 between lEdmonton and return 542,50 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. Rates and full information contained in free Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C. B. POSTER, District Pass. All., C.P.R., Toronto G' AND TRUNK SYS a Tourist Tickets TO MUSKOKA LAKE OF BAYS TE SIAGAMI MAGANE rAWAN RIVER GEORGIAN BAY 9>10.,now On Bale, . Ticks tl to IIA WARTEIA LAKES en dole June 1st Good all season. It'atl ,information at any Grand Treelk Ticket Ofilbe. Fresh Fish Fridays. b E ►► ► • I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them 4. Every Friday. a + All orders will receive prompt attention. - 4. + . • THOS. FELLS BUTCHER. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his premises Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -21, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDiRSON, Wingham, P. U. 1�11�f1 ilrL:i�+f �.i' POPULAR STALLIONS The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Badge of Honor" will make the season of 1008 as follows: Monday, May 18—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright's, 1% miles north of Jamestown, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; and to the Xing Edward Hotel stable, Wrox- eter, for night. Tuesday—To James Wylie's, eon. 0, Turnberry, by way of the Delmore gravel road, for noon; and to his owner's stable, Bluevale, by way of the 9th con. of Turnberry, for night where he will stay the remainder of the week until Monday morning. WM. HEWITT, J. W. KING, Greens. Proprietor. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drnm- burle Chief" will make the season of 1008 as follows:— Tuesday—Will leave his owner's 'stable, Bluevale, for Geo. Turvey's, con. 2, Morris, for noon; then to Thos. Warwick's con. 8, Morris for night. SVedneaday--To Jas. Shed - don's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's, eon 3, Morris for night. Thursday— To John Mena es. con. 10, East WaWanoah, for noon: then to Jae. MnGee's, con. 10, East Wawanosh, for night. Friday—To John Leg- g,tatt's, near Whitechurch, for noon: then to Dr. A. T. Ford's sale stable, Wingham, for night. Saturday—To his owner's stable, Blue - vale, and remain until following Tuesday morning. J. W. KING, Proprietor and Manager. The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make the season of 1008 as follows:-- M.ondny-•-Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright, jr. 114 miles north of dames• town, fat neon; then to Eety's hotel stables, Wroireter, f'•r night. Tuesday—To Jae. Kir• ton's, con, i+, 0 iitnberiyy, f r noon; then tO his owner's stable, B'u.vale, for night. Wednes- day—To Alex. McPherenn'Bteon. T. Turnberry, for noon; then. to his owner a stable for night. Thursday—To Andrew. Mitchell',, can. 10. Turnberry, for noon; then to Brunewt>ielt hotel :tables, Wingham, until 8 p. nr. ..Friday—At Brunawiek hotel stables, Wingham all day. Saturday—to hie owner', stable, Sluevele, and rpmsin until following Monday trit,gi in J, W. KING, D. MOH Proprietor. ger, IMINIMISIMENNIMEMBSIEEMM 3 F'EE_T'IPS • TO TORONTO 1908- FAIR q1 How To Be One' of The Lucky 11 I. Buy your goods for cash at this store and save your register check. .2. When you pay money on account save the check. 3. Get all the checks you can from your friends. They are transferable. 4. On 26th August, 1908, return all the re- : gister checks you have, neatly tied in a parcel with your name and the total amount plainly writ- ten on the outside. An error in adding to extent of one dollar at once dis- qualifies you. Hand them + in at our office where they will be added and the winning ones will be de- cided on by J. B. Fergu- son, town clerk. 5. Only checks dated from May 21 to Aug. 25 are of any use. + 0 + + + + + . + + + 4 Z + 6. Only check for cash purchases, money paid on account, or produce are of + any use. + 4.+ C i ot es E P. P. The Little Eaton The Big Departmental Store of Wingham All your requirements in General Lines kept in Stock. Goods, fresh, new, up-to-date and of best quality. Millinery, our Parlors are in charge of Miss Little. Dress Goods, Clothing, Carpets and Curtains, Groceries, etc., etc. 7 PEOPLE are to get an ABSOLUTELY FREE TRIP to Toronto Fair, which includes for two days, RAILWAY FARE, HOTEL BILL—one of• the best Hotels of Toron- t o — 2 ADMISSION TICKETS TO THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS and $2 for other incidentals. AIIAbsolutelyFrae Why We Do It These Free Trips are given not as a Fad or or Fake Scheme but the plan is based on hard common sense and sound business principles. We believe thoroughly in the Cash System. It saves us many dollars in useless accounts. We had far rather give away a large amount outright than to lose more on useles3 ac- counts, tot in this way we get the benefit of the advertising. Cash means great saving to ourselves in buying, so we are giving 1 Free Trips to Toronto Fair. Who The Lucky Ones Will Be They will be the 7 peo- ple who have the greatest amount shown on our Register Checks either (t) For Cash Purchases (2) Money paid on Account (3) Produce POINTERS, 8+, 4: 4; I. Get in the contest from the very start. 2. If you do not wish ±; to compete, help some friend. A little kindness costs nothing. 3. Our goods are the ti very best and prices are +' right. You are a winner +, from merely buying. 4. When we are acting +; so generously, why can't you get some checks for •; a friend ? 5 Depend upon it that -+,; absolute fairness is guar. +, anteed to everybod,7. No +, favoriteism whatever. We ++. want the store to be more favorably known than ti ever. • 6. This trip will be -a +; delightful one and every- + -. thing on a generous scale. + 7. Before August 26th ' our register checks will be, ;; prized as if they were + , pure gold. Get all of• + "� them you can.• + 8. Get going. 9. Produce counts as cash. + 1 .10101=0••••••=11e Rememher Ih'e - .Sr 4 d Date 1 This Free Trip Plan Starts - on May 21st and Closes August 25. Potatoes 60c per bushel. Eggs 17c per dozen. HANNA BROS. WINGHAM.' 444••••4440.•i1NN**b+W.1 4 7u AAAA Aleit/AA/AAAAUAh4AN,1*+.