HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-22, Page 8�fu eilt • a ,*..attire: of our Presoriptiou: Department,' We do not 'slight Shuts prescriptions simply because Lhe medicines are to :be given to demotic ' anima1s.cd{ Drugs ! and 1164 ;004 4 of; doubtful quality are flOt 'good 'enc 7i, for . these ands Ire alwstya `use thee INITest °rnator !'rills in, compounding receipts, for animals, the same rs 'we would Ole 11# the mixture were for your- '' Try tris' .Truth ;that reeiept Ir'oendition powders , LOCHEAD, •mist and' Druggist, LOOK$OW. ° ONTARIO. z��Or the one .that•will be` t'our's) ''and we'will'b0 willing te_ accept "°abriglit _woman's Judgment on= „the; FURNITURE we have to ee1L` 'i;►t1eo "our BEDROOM ,STJI't'ES, P R,LOR S TE r $L: ,R CHAR, .dotiOHES, " ', HALL RACKS, A it choice Odd: Pleces of Furnitilre. rt. Our extensive' experience Warrants us in calling; special 'attention to this branch of our business. You will find 'ns;,prompt, reliable, at, tentive and ,efficient. • Calls at- tended -to -day or night We solicit patronage` on the merits of the' goods we'sell-and ! the services- we erviceswe give.. �e 'F rniture Unklertaker & Embalmer LWCIINOW, ONTARIO., We are showing an e. cellent 'range `of the.:: "RELIANCE' .BRAND" of Hosiery in Ladies': and' Children'$sizes. For Wearing qualities this linelif.hosiery cannot be touched,,. JDI .RWEAR • • We •'also have a'• pod stock ,of woollen.; under wear in ladies' and Child `: ren's sizes. RELIGIOUS' SERVICES, MIET1HO111' T . CNURCN: •SABEATH., A 1.7TV'ERSAR'Y SEitVICES . 1t4'rn.-claws. ; it hili. - Rry: T. R. McNair. Z 415 r,l[..•-Sundry &heel and Bible Claes. 7't.x.-41ev. T, R. b cNaii.• WEEK 1vI(3HT t 1r'I`vICES ktowlet 8 tial'-yLeagae.. Wediesda fl r:;>r.--Prayer Meeting, P1tE't. AL'L WELCOME' dBX Tot*ithstsudi4 a': wideltr ,AlarretAt' rumor; that tbo Ryv'• :Irl 1i. Ricks. was d'eod, leo• never was'•in bates health, and never did a harder s'd .m9r4 .Our., ceasf ul year's work thin; that• just closing: Re ':has Oct' completed :his large and splendid: AluNitiao, for 1900. ani#, with his, staff of able helperek. bas brought hie journiii, \'1' cid• and Works, juagly forward : 'irrto''i i#tei•gationai ;re- ;putstion. Fur a.qututer of a^century '74 Ricka.hag grown in reputation and uaefuluesi is:'the"peuple'e estronom,r, acd forecaster ofetorwe and the char- a9ter of coming, seasons, • Never ipere foroasts IN/ sought after: as now; Gia . timelyserious draathll' ,ibis year haviog ,,saved "the people from less; and aufferiis}t. , Mill-, Ione of bushel, of wheat were herv'ested tbrough, his advice to ;plant crops that would mature early. ':: Tlie American people: ' wills certainly' at.nd'' by Pref: Rik., when it noats them so;little and the benefits are sox great. ' H}s fine Almanac of 2.09 page's Is only 20c, and bis spendid family' journal is 'only:, one dollar ut oar oiaclucln dhe Alivanac. Send to Word and Works Pilidisbing 2201 Loeust,Se..,' St. Louis,'Mo. DDNQcXNN ON ; �'' Mr' Angus McDougall has returned -home •from.the Sal. µ ' Mies' Etta Henderson : is :taking a week's vacation from her studies at the Ooderigh Collegiate. Mrs; Jannis Whyard is on . the sick list at present.' Rev. Dr. -Gifford, ; of Clinton, con- ducted the services in 'the` Methodiet ohnrch:'this week. A. number of young men had an altereation on a 'recent 'Sunday even- ing in the' village, when some very bad language was used They • niroiild be heartily sebum v t ed of ,themsel es for their- misdemeanor; and= AP oliceman should be;_appointed...to�aook after them, after - , they cannot take decent care of themselves. ; Joh'". n E9edd has the'lumber on; .. ..the round � for the erection e etion of a-large„'and: apacious office in connection : with hie Mr. 'Alex. Treleaven has purchased. the bakery from S. Roach and takes posweson the 1st of December. Mrs. Davison and Miss" Etta, : of Goderich, are renewing old acquain lances in the village. Mrs. T. N. Alton and children, of -London, arts visiting-her-auother; Mrs: John`Mallough, sen. `Mr. and Mrs. Jame' Welker: as visiting their son George at 'Gerrie. Mr, , Alex.' Pentland has been'.. very low Mr. 5. E. Ssuderson is • wilting ' in Woodstock. Miss -Hattie -Spence, of 'Goderich'" wasvisiting frienda'in the,: village last` week. McMath bas been very ill Percy Sanderson and Willie :Kirk have returnedftom Manitoba Mr. Sturdy and daughter` of St. Helene are now residents of our village. Miss Mary Mills of Auburn is visit- ing her sister,; Mrs. J. Medd.' Our sportsmen, who have been in Muskoka for about two weeks • have returned. home. M>rs 3: 3$rdctti, of A -Baldhae returned home :after an extended visit with friends in Mamas. R. Clendenning, of Goderich, , for Maur; . years It 'a 'casings, resident of Dungannon, was in our villege`,Isat week 'renewing former . acquaintances and ' calling , on friends. : We • were pleased to see the venerable gentleman' looking so hale and vigorous, although advanced in years. The anniversary services in connec tion. with the Methodist church will be held on. Sunday November 24th. Rev. A. G.• Harris, of Lucknow, will conduct the serviceg., A Thanksgiv- ing ' Supper will.be Riven qy the lad'ei of the. church ch :on Th$nkegivmg Day, Thursday November.28th, sapper to be'served in Gaya hall from 6, to oclick. ` The programs• will be 'given in the church'when' addresses will be delidered by Rev's. A..G.Harrill and. M. Wileoti. .; Recitations' will: be ;given by Miss Johnston of Lucknow. Choicemusic; choruses, solos etc.,, will be giyen'by'll.O. Armstrong ' of Luck-' ,. :now,_the choir_olthe_chnreh and Iwo! talent. Admission 25c . Farm for Sale. One of the best farms in 'the township for sale -North Half of °Lots 67and; 69. Conces- sion 1; :Kinlone:two .m , ileofr0' the Village of Lucknow, containing 100 acres.. There are ,good, buildings,. n the,,pro p,,eerty,.,;,.The. farm is..in,l►hood state of cultivation.: For particu•' �. lat., apply to JOHN hicKENZtIC,',, Box 149;; ,Lucknow, ° 4. .•'1 k i • Mg: air w, i pieacti' at ,Zion :CO •Sunday. aw 2.30', condi ctiag< Lhe: wiseFop,ary auniv rwery aerviee., Mr ,Allan Bowies, teacher at' Bel fast >cehool;_ Preach. ed at Zion last Suns day very.acceptably. Mr, E. i . rawn baa, started , :tq roar' bis, stRam': will ,12th Con. a#4er , betas;; closed down during Oe 1511 Work. .' Mr, dbueil, 'wbe 'worksd dulriag Iseti harvest ui Manitoba,; gives a good iseimnnt,of tiNt'coupt,rjt NEWSPAPE@S, FOR 1902 Tlie time bas arrived' when readers; begin ,tow,Lhtnk of• tbeit • newpp4per literature for the; coniine year, dur: alubbiag,ystee*re as i`olluwa : Sentinel end;Weekly Globe tf1;G0` Sentinel and seely' a l' 1,70'' Sontinel Family Herald` and , • weekly. Star. 1.75 Sentinel and Weekly Sun 1,75` Sentinel and Montreal Witnetis ,1'60; Sentinel &rid Western Advertiser 1.501 'Soutinol and Weekly Free: Press: 1,75; . All orders must. be', aocempanied' by-', the lcnsh. These *stubbing rates will be withdrawn'after January ist. ' Tenders for' Supplies, 1902. , The 'underahined' will receive tenders'up ':to' noon on Monday, 25thintent for 'supplies: ol• butchers'',mest,; creamery. abutter,' Sour, oatmeal, •potatoes,. Cordwood, eto.,::eto.. foe, thta;:aollowi,►g iaetitutions during the year 1902..vis: At the Asylums for the'ineane in,Toironto,; ``London, Kingston. Hamiltoa,Mimicu Brock vine. 0obur ind Orillia ; the; Central Prison and' Mercer forinatory,•Toronto • the Re- formatory.LLfor; Boys, Peaetanguisl,ene; 'the Institution >for D.eaf`aud i,uinb, Belleville �. and:the Blind at Bidntford. • E osptiop,--•Tendbis. are not required for' the iupplv.of'Meat to the asylume,in Toronto, London. kCingeton. Rainilton and Brockville;; ',tor fo: the Central Prison• ,and Mercer Re totmato • Toronto. try eh t ' "A 'mai to for five r cent.. of h ed, e<I . ; pe c, nt., the .:estimated amnnt,of:the contract, gable to, the: order- of- the- ,H'onorable"the Provincial. Secretary, mutt be furnished by each tenderer: -as-s=gnaraotee-of Lie''bona fides.- -•Two enth�- tient sureties will be required for. the due:. fulfillment of each contract;;: and' stould. any tender be withdrawn before the' contract bas. bsen.awarded.,us should theltenderee; fail to' •f_nrnish such;security, the •amount' of the �o itstrill be forfeited. • ,;._ `, , ' catio�endfotns Of L�de; ma -be, s tppl_icati"on to •tbe.•Departmeot of 'the. Pithentlif:Siretary--:Toronto;•-or•=to„ the; bnriarsesitlie respective institutions. The lowed. or any tender not necessarily'. aace$ed. Newspapers • inserting this advertisement' without:authority from the Department wilt; not be paid for it ` J. R. STRATTON, • Provincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings; Toronto;' November: 11,tb,1901. +s. e1Best_ofIlP eklies'! WESTERN': THE ADVERTISER *NLAIGAD AND'1MflO.VED e'' Leading Weekly in We -stern -Ontario. AcooiirANIED,BY • 'FARM :AND' HOME A semi•monthly • pnblication--one of the beet; ia:America--is dent to,any address • is Canada er the ' United ' • States for' 760. 'A YEAR: Send for our Circular containing terms for' Clubs„ ahro'our list' of premiums. Annual; : • ' iT�9g'B N fliTRft' enlist, London. Ositi rto.' Let Its . Do Tour °Printiri Whenyou:need ' BILL HEADS STATEMENTS" ENVRLOI{ES, :MEMb HEADS, NOTE' . HEAUs, ,LETTER HEADS, SI1iPPING.,r, L'IR ULARs CARES,: DOGERa' POSTERS Or anything in the printing line," leave ;your order, at home. £ „• We can satisfy you With our printing as regards quality and'price. E. SE: r7 Hi � 1 y1j X1111 ,. . ,,y 1yy��jy� ley �y���, yl�yy���y +4~+++t++77TTTT.+'++T7+++++++ ,�T++++++TFT ! T, T T T'r'T,7 !` ++v+T+++'++.:.. `IT PAYS' BETTER. tobuy now w;heii you can get' the: best than to wit. till' after-.(hristr bats and choose,' froth what is left at a little "lower price.' e have,. still: , a. • large assortment • of 'Ladies' Astrakhan, jackets -but they are going 'rapidly ;. our prices range from $22 to $4Q: In ,Caperines we uavt? Some very choice'quality in Sable and->Persian.'Lamb at $30 and $35, a nd a big variety' at from••$4 and up N Men's Coats we '.carry ; :nothing 'but` the' best'•in Wallaby,' Wombat •..and Coon ,Corsican ,Iamb, etc. You will And our quality, and priceS right We like to sell goods we, Can 'recommend.', MILLINERY DEPARTMENT . • IS WELL . ASSORTED TN ' WH A`T THIS SEAON. • REQUIRES, ,44+++++44++++++++++++++++44+++++44++44-4-444+44-44 e + T , • 4 ` ' -44 �+ i-i•iii�i•irfi��i!•i%i$i-i�r•�� • �� fTi-%fir . saawSPi o you, want , a pair of lonig boots ? ' :: A 13e las too many of them and if you ou 'want ' a gogood ::boot cheats : call at ,A news shoe store. ve ''them in:. Split Grainand Rubber riae s u1 you � We have also large 4ry'ua tit .o f • :r r u r_ nte.. wt. __wear w oo�_shoes.Mthat a ua a e o 25 °;per pair. s o r , l ..:._ And take notice that ,we •-have•em to ed a first=class re irer-who-will re air • and1 An. ' 'don't'ioroet: that we ;.will sew: alt shoe '.' purchased your shoes neatly y � � . $ ;? • . . from-usfreeof: charge.• •.••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••,••••••••• •••••••••i.•g••sio•~ •, .. 1i1L.'/ IJ1'.lr •. Is : found in .:our .new line. jt is the stove tliat the economical hous0 ewife seeks It i5; the. stove .fust t he t' with .the smallest .,oncu - radatesthe. � rester a .. � • m g P. tion . of fuel, whether that be coal or wood Itis found in our line 'of 0 d •: 0 •: ,e •; .• • • e and 'its.' name is ".13X4:14 I" E TIi1 SLUTA R ": file •. •• w design is very handsome thea construction perfect. • , •'9 • • •ov9•ie•••••••••ie••ro•.••S9••i,••••ao:•• •••ae•ae's'i•eeea.•saa:••s••• • • TIIE LUCKNOW MARKET'' ' Flour, aper.100 lbs:.. , :1 ;Sar to $2 0 Fall Wheat,. 68 70.: Oats. .40" 84: Barley . , .. 47 '50 70 72 . tatter', Per ,14 er 1b :� .16: Eggs z' .. .... ln' '16 ' do. Per Potatoes', per, bush. 2ii 2r,: .Apples, per barrel... 2 00 3 00 For full and °aeeur ifs To onto', at: fret,Report, see seventi,.pas e �, LUCKNOW. Sheep Extra • „Leicester S he eep For Sale.. There' straed :unto the 'remises of he•.- :`. tinderiigeed, north half lot 1, concession 13,, A number of lambtl, baths to*a7, sod: . list}tern Division) ishtleld,--on or'about- the' 91s •siletrling rams. n let f August, ,Otte • etre, unci lamb : Owner can t111•41 sante by proving prolierty�and pay : 11. Pt; R;V ES & SONS, expeasee./ , Lnck, r' l'. R:14ci AY, ndw.- • ST. PETER'S CHIJRC11 SUNDAY. gundaiy sehool, anti Bible C1,?3e at 9.45% i9.09 Morning Prayer at 11"a:i t. Evening Trayeit at-er Holy Ccmmunionfiprt Sunday. of ecery ;month.•. Bible Claes and choir • practice Vv*ed neadaq evening at 7.30 p.m. . 4'='-5+2 '' Lt K:R6�ir; P.o COMING MITH ::SCI;E T1Flp. •OP'TIOt . Gra.diiti,te of mew i"crit, Ptyiil�irih a r� nd' :+�ran o C,.)lle : w'ii l'a. � c i ',U;SI,tr ,5 H.O :EL ONE.D.'1i ONLY': hursda ,l:iovemher : 2 , ' •�. dant, early, anti avoil yonisoIi• v alutble service's: r.fi� 1i r AV, N PREP,. �ale rwo Housos and .Lots for Sale • I• t,x gals a fit rne']tmnb ' in, good couditiou, entudInin ., hetien: rcotus; kt 'hen,'etc., .an,i ,thralr'lrtar q.,t pf'an nitro of jinn, on the enrnCr,f jla'velnek ani l ' 1 �. ,lifttectq''in Village, ,the r,,, .I There 1H a good' ► 6 b e and, ything trreh,irtl, anrj'nevcr piling spring Well on the •prt•tniae ']here will Mho, bt • wild' a frame- ,boort and ()tarter acre lot tin C,lstrainpbel mo ' Thubotht lacin(;rind repair,,and 'contains five merit'. 1 itcita and tit 0dgheiii.good'etable•and - 'ortl,ard and small fL ilt_tce, . \Vater s'nrls`;t,: Luck' o tan• Iambs, Estray. ea:rue to trl'r6.pi•rtniee8 of they. underai fled L.,t.8 C'ncessie)n.,7, J a.stern•i)`viei ..` • fold, in,Cictnher last, three ram lambs.' • The • Owner :ii reaneatcrl to prove property.: pay expenses ;Ind take Ehem,away. • ,,, 1. r1,'I�i�'I0.4_,t,.lyuii anitonrw Boar; for: Service.', The Y9iirltr ignol Wil kepi for ,i •R c )nee f service at' lot thr,r.ttighbrcri7, ';tr:th 1)ivisfntti:•Ahioilfield,1e • rk hirir I3nar- hm,lateI,v sec' t d fro rt , , which cr, �6f \D .,mint r 1 trotrt t7 e 1 krrA brcedcr, flit _ '1 tier r l.0i at, •y r t t gtre�f'wt.t �� Pi NS .;' N, l)rul i b nnnn• ',• Thr 14r 'and,cototti ;1o11yll:lUru tin ltr/H-' • mist rhe prope:IT of thr; late Mrii. •lame+, s)tniert,ille, Apply' to W Ad.vertiee in the Sentilaol, , l.s •