HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-22, Page 1'Qi
y14fJ.�LTf QA,,
R• ' vo Fund'
•ToAesets • ',
11 $l1,99li,754
JOrtriSTttr.RT,; President.
A. ( . HA3l9AY, Vice President,; ,.
Tuui suL , Oen. Manager'
A _GngtsitAL.' BANKINI}._BUISINE88 -_
Farinera' Notes discounted and ad-
VtLflce$ made to farmers •to`feed stook.-
• Sus NOTES:bought and collected.,
• All"rates. moderato.
DRAFTS, issued . payable at all the
principal 'ants in Canada and the
Utiiteia q�r Nie$.
gs Department.
Dep; its ,pf g1,00 an upwards, received
and interest allowed, at. current rates from
date of deposit to date of withdrawal.
.The depositoris not sui'ect to;,any ;delay
whatever; in the withdrawal. of the whole or
any portion of the deposit. ' s
tern, Solicitors, eta. Goderich Ont.
G leaow; G
Q.41. CsAs, Auaow, L.L.B.
r .
L a Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (late : of
Cameron,>Holt & f aweron, Goderich). Office
upstairs in A:llin's nn.w block.
"AA' Solicit( Commissioner, Notary, etc
Mousy to loan. '-Office over Moody's Barber
• .Surgeon and • Accoucher. Surgery
over .1;• Eliiott's grocery store. Office hours
from 9to12am; from 2to'5pmand-from
7 to 9 p.m.
'MoD, GORDON, M,D C.M., F.T.
M.S., M.O.P S.O., Physician, Sur-
ge n►, and Accnncher. • Upstairs iu Wm.
Allen sinew block.`.' Residence Rose street-
-•bahind f .:G. Murdoch & Co's store::
_f1 in or,.hefore the :full, moon, in the
►ionic Hall, Haveiock street, •
Ignao MounisoN, '' HARRY DAYS,
Worshipful Master; . Secretary
T Ul N W
1J Council. Can-
adian t
'anadiaut.. 0 ru ,•r' of
Chosen Friends
',Meetslit and; 3rd
Tuesday ;evenings
of each month, in
Visitors: cordially
invited. '
PArTErisoN,' Recorder.
I. 'O.0. Fz
Xi Lodge No 112
Insets " every Friday evening 'at 8 o'clock in.
t- it hall, .Oainpboll street. AII brethren
c;irdially invited.
.W. C, JOTiNsTok,'. P. A.'Mate° MSON,';
.kNoble sand,' ''Records,:
= V "floe. Meets evety first and third Mon-
day of every month in the Orange Hall,
Visiting brethren are cordially invited.
dependent Order of Forl
esters •meeta in the Odd-
teliow4-;liiiit on • the
Visiting Brethren '..iordially Invited.
Ledge of the
Ancient Order of
meet, in the Odd:
fellowe'Rali, on the
last and second
' Monday evenings of
; Alt* Meetings in tlie C/TATWO‘ Hell,
d(.1.”11' street, LneknowS Oil the geaond
' 't!4(1 ty cy "ming of' each, and ey'very month.,
BERT CP 1111011;114k
Bankers, .
UCAII-0 ki); 0N7 ..4
• ESZABLI$HED 48149,
We do',/4 geaoral bankingbasiliess • , ssue
• drafts throughout= Canada and' the •'united
'States., ',We make collections on all pDints.
-ineludin : =Westeru'StateiF Mannitoliii and
the North-West Provinces 'and all 'collae-
-•--tions.-whether note or- secount, will have
prompt attention•;: --:- - •
Notes discounted' .and frrmer'a sale notes
We loan to farmers on double or single notes
at from one' totwelvemduths time, aid 'at
,reasonable rate • of 'interest”. •
We loan small, or large insonate on second
mortgage on farms or other real estate, sec
• tufty and.on first chattel :mortgages op live
' stook end implement' and crops.
'We haves large amount of funds • to advance
'onfirst wortgagesfrom 5 percent,: to 6 per
Dent The rate is graded according •to the.
quality and size of the loan required..,
We represent the leading English and Cana-'
than Fire Insurance Companies and' can
effect insurance onall classes of property in
Stock or Mutual Companies asdeeired. •
Ouroflce hours are'from 10 a m. to 4,p -m-
The Pull's to -night.
Lucknow Market leads.
Band concert to night
Next Thursday', is Thanksgiving.
Read every page of the Sentinel
Harry Armitage is” home from the i
Jolly' entertainment to -night ly the
The Ontario Legislature will 'meet
on January Sth..
Don't fail to secure a bargain in.
Millinery.at Smttli's
Next Sunday is gnniversary day, in
the Methodist church.. _
Mr. James Moody of Blyth is'spend
ing;a few,'days•in town.
Good house to • rent,' apply to • Mrs;
Ji`nies Bailey, •Luoknow.
' A good'milch cow for -sale,, apply to
W MaNa11,—Lucknowv.
Advertise your:stray animale, farms
foi�eale, ate.; in -The •Sentinel
Millinery at,:cost .for, the balance
of the season at Mre,•,Smith'e
,G)o: and see the my steries of : typno
tis'm:enacted -by the. jolly Pulls. `
Mr. William Cameronof Oak' Lake
Manitoba, 'ie viai6 og friends sn uck
„Mies :1VIclaren ;of Imeknow spent
Sunday of hiSt Week With • friends
At la.st all eXplaieed.;' 'the Boers
.keep fighting bectiiisetheY' have noth-:
George A. Guy, member of._ the
'Guy Bros., died at Corn -Wail onTlinni,
day -of list .week;
Elgin are spending.n few weeks. with
friends in "
.11r!: Mearli'Davieen ieft- nn' Tinge -
day. to ..spend a feW 'weeks visiting
A Thanksgiving service *ill be h41d.
1)..'‘,4) in the,Preabyterian Church next
ie visiting her parents; and Mrs;
T. S. Reid, in the Villege.
.Mr.' joint -Nevin, it 'stockman Of
,The neXt,:ineetieeef the &nee
'County Councifwill be held at Walker -
...The prilpits Of the Rope and' 1:Iaek.,
ter' WeiCiluren *ill be held' On',Nov,
'tendert Of The Sentinel aferequestt
ed,' to, 4read 4arefiilly ;the' advertising,
:tot: at: yntis 14:
Mr Alex •Rees'; of this gillege hal
a number of sheep to let'out on. shares.,,:
Ile also bas a numuer of ewes for ale
Outing (hats, felts, wings, '1
feathers and all, trimmings, mins'.,
during the next 30 days,: rar'$
,. RFmeM4t thu ; clearing �ia1
everything in the harness Iine,'for tie,
next thirty days at Proctor's old Stand.
Farmers: getting their sale bills
printed . as this office will receive a
free advertisement of ' their' sale in.
Epwurth' {League enterta,aro�pt in
the, -.lecture:- room-. of- the Methodist
church this '(Thureday) :evening.' ;aSil
veil collation
Lost on Thursday night last eight
dollars in bills. • The finder will be
suitably rewarded 'bY-returning it to
the. Sentinel office..
The Scotch concert - on ° Tuesday,
evening promises -to be the Most popu-
lar event of the season. - Extra respire -
;cid seats have beenplaced on sale.
Miss May ?Harding left' last' week`.
for Silver Cliff, Nippisaing, to accept a
lucrative position as`etenographer for
the Canadian Copper Company of that
'Harness,'- robes, blankets, trunks
and valises will be sold at cost for the
next • thirty days. at Proctor's old
•••' n Laail'g, provancaal municipA1
auditor, ie in 13uroa county spendingi
a week auditing and inspecting the.,
books' of the various municipalities of
the 'county. '' ,•
•If you, are troubled with your eyes
call and see Mr T.:•P..Solidi 'at Coin's,
hotel on Thursday, November 28th.
He will be: here one day only. • Ex.;
The Rev. - :Mr. Dunn, of White:'
church, will (D. V) preach in Luck.
now' Presbyterian church next- Sab-
bath morning, `while..Rev,.-,A. Mackay
ICiiicardire, was burped on Saturday
eft,ernoon.' A.'high wind 'Prevailed at
tho thie.: The 'loss ie estimated, "at,
woe j: insurenen aMounted it; $4P0,
We ain Veased to heir; that Mr...T.'
P. Smith, scientific entieian, intends
Don't fail te call and see him at':
hntel, if Your -eyes are affected.
The' rites for the Thenksgiving
days are issued. • Tickets' will be •sold
NeveMber 27th and 28th, 'good
,te return until Monday December.
dist:Church • 'Will hold e_public meeting
'in- Blake's church Menday• ,evenimi
assiso on the pregraini
Losa'.—By dropping out of,,, a vehicle
'umbrella. , Finder will. kindly, leave it
Dangannon, and by soidoing Will, con:
. The Junior League" will con -
dist -church tO-night, Nov. 2isti, at
Wili be furnished s.3i the Juniore `and
'a silver taken.,,
The Cervices of: Rev,_ A. G, Harris'
upon the Ashfield Circuit on -Sunday
were, much ,appreciated, The Missien-
41*,Slibie4 W48 Made interesting. br,
pleasing form; Liberal- slibacripticons
were secured:,;
specinnen:oi a bird he Was • Very proud
of. Ari he •Wap taking it florae he triet
an Irishmen;Who asked What "kind of
a bird it WO, "Oh," said the captain
I mean, it in thernird.i;
AY. NO {EMBER 22nd,':1
ed young/eopraue singer Who will take
,p4Ft et the Scotch concert on Tueedity
be evening, waisted at the Organ' Melte'
of St. Thomas'. church, Seaforth, last
speaks of him : "Master Stewart jack -
1100, ' the boy soprano, of: Clintoo,
delighted everf Person,' eweet voice
Ind me* appearance going straight
to the hearts of his audience his
rendering of '.TIN Holy CitY,' although -
adiffieult song, via" Splendid.", .
seented as he known.—Alsontit
on Thanksgiving evening; Thursday
ae:er stidtO°48t,:;.b:;a:,iriterlii;PebYi ..L0019eakient44,1!nnet
.S:ostii,•AfriCfcf •:•Refleihrabete: Will ba
served. AdmisSion 10 Cents..
gl'eeevi who furnishes with each del`-
-lar's worth a book, free, relating 10
feedifig which has been worth many
dollars' worth tO tens of _thousands
of Canadian farmers who have read it
and., tested Herbageainn - for their
horses, cows, calves and their liens and
for raising and fattening hogs. Test it.
Tee Huron county grain beyers
have put out,- a cirmilav this _week
warning the fanners againeetravelling
oat -buyers: •• seeMs there" are some
oats at a certain time. There's plenty
of 'competition in' the local grain mar.
kets and those Who have grain 'to sell
iwill °always get the full value.
'A number of ,',Canadian. and
haying 'stringent:laws Well. enfeived
the hisii'aboininable practice of spitting,
iiohacco juice in ,or
hilts; sidewalks, etc: ' some, Of 'the-
transgrerpiii', in this Matter. bad the'
screbbing or cleaning to dn 'just ',once
the State of for non -Observance
of the law there. • Health. clemilineSV
three pointe i,indicated as, to necessity.
for action; along. the lines suggeated.
Shooting Match '
and ducks will be held in the Caledon-
fan Para on the afternoon of TOurialay
next, Thariksgiving Day.
Coneediyatlie Candidate
At the Conservative convention in
WalkertOn oh. Friday last, Clapp,
• aa the Couservative candidate' in :the
!comina nineral .elections to the On-
tario Legislatiire.
.Cloing out' Or Ihleineeeir
her.' '''AcCountS not settle,d .by --that
date Will, be„.plieed • in Other hands
The, anniversary services of the
Lucknow Methodist church will take
pit hoth morning and eVening will be
Nair of 'Dongannon.
Pined, tor Selling on' giunti!eIr
rente,', Reeve Agin and' Peter. Murray
On Menday' afternoon with" selling
a fine' Of twenty dollare', and costs
was imposed, '
:Abe Jelly Pelts, whO'are„, to' appear
in the:To*ii Plan'
week, the auspices !Of the, Leek.'
J: ;st. Pult, the:fanietts, baton and 'fire.,
and ItapaienC vocalists. i?,tef.r 001;
and the varionS Annetta 'fiieks, he
Supplied by himiS b4r,•:entettainment
Tax C011eptint
-Bar. Carrick, Ashfield tax Col-
lecttir, will be at the following placeS
at time mentioned Amberly, Dee.
10 a.ni. to p.m.; Port, Albert, Dec.
to 4 p m. All taxes must he paid by
the 15th daYof December.
Many of our readers will regret to
hear that Mrs.,. J., St. Clare Walker,
of Minto, Manitoba, has been eavienelY
ill With stoma:ch. troubles at the reel -
dente of her father, Hr. Edwin Gaunt,
of-West_Wawanosh for the past few
weeks. Mr. Walker arriged here
from Manitoba on Fiiday last, bring-,
ing with him several very fine vrild
ducks, and in distributing them among
hifi many friends Of former years, The
'Sentinel was not overlooked. -
atindoni Competition
-Place at the.Andiforinin laet night be-
fore a crowded aid critic.al audience.
rt was a contest between three- stud -
Music for the proud honor of toeing
adjudged the beet pianist 'Of thu year
may be supposed, the conditions 'were,
'Entfficient' to try the nerve 'of ',the
of Mr. ,Barren,- had hut- eight points -
fewer .:,than Mr. Marsh. The judgee:
matter; and were imaniniotis in clechir=
ing, 'Mr. Marsh: the ilictor.
,nevv, was a great 'favorite. . The
Sion of the judges,: however, -wee
generally gratifying, notwithstanding
that ,the Young ladies had . Stand
:aside the -brilliant young artist :of the
Sterner sex.—Lendon Free Press. -
The entertaininent held in the Tewn
Hill op kinday evening Was. one Of
:the best .0at haa been' here -for
which Wes: heartily'. enehOrd ae`ane
recited "The Last Werd'? Ole aitentioe
wita perfect ind.aii; felt that , Mies
Walltiee bid excelled in tide selection.
and should Was Wallace .,visit Luck -
,greeted with •4s. -Crowded hogs°. , The
inusical part Was wed instah4d bp the
oiChestra and *asps
Manner. ,iss ay. one senwa solo
peen When 'the Sun, Losok,',", which'
*is well reeeived. 'The singing' Orilie
td, a close
. bride s Mather. on 9th ConcesSioir-nf-Ael,
itapid City. Manitoba, to Midge FinlaYi
ThOse Overcoats and
Fur Coats of Ours
RE cold days of winter are fast, -
approaching and overcoata are now
large in these 1#ios thus giving Ye
in demand. ' ()M., stock 'is unusually.
-fine selection to choese from.
We 'ereshowing some .nobby
Overcoats in Grey Cheviot and
▪ All Wool Black Beaver; the
very latest in style 2and finish, •
at prices not 48 much, 48 yOU
would egpect to pay. ,
We tare Again to the front with
Shorey's Rigby Waterproof
Ulster, 131ack and ,Claret.
This/I/later is made of All wool ;
Frieze with fine quality linings
w—eisarevers. rrairiviceastelloroo. f, and
ilhorey'a,Blizzard Resister is a
is a Frieze -Waterproof Over-
coat lingd with pure Rubber,
vulcanized which will not atick,
crack. or harden with the .
-Coon Coat, at $50.00, otheoinee et!
Fine Qiiality BeiVer lined through
With T481318111411 ,Rat 'and' Rnt Otter-
Oollar—A Bargain at 830.00, ;
Vnless', you. can see per-
-If your eyes are defective
you must have them given
We'll discover the defect
for you, arid fit glasses which
will give you the benefit of
good eyes again. "
Delays are dangerous.
-betel proprieCor tithigei has
bold " hit hotel, the 118W. min taking
posseesion ,dir Thursday, of last Week..
Dick has' been' IP' bnCinetis' •bere= fee
over twenty yeareand will he inissed ;,-
GOderieb bOin With 'his; .old.
hheicoqiima'e: LiWr; ildl'e•LitEoefilt°hvro),:Co*unlita; tfrolti:E:0311: