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The Wingham Times, 1908-06-04, Page 6
Ail 1 rL TUE WINGIJAM TIMES, JUNE 4 1908 NOM little slack sitting all along by itself out iia the moonlight. I headed for it, lielitpring murder. • A man came to the door in his un. derligging. "Ili, there! What's eating you?" he yells. "Injuns coming, pardner! The conn• BEFORE AND AFTER ,TREATMENT. try's just oozing Injuns! Better get n "eatome" s. tate•+'-st • wiggle on year i Cafadiala : Tettering ".iii right -slide along, I'll ketch UI Rosea, eater, isnplea,13Iackheadm for s R ugwrte to ypu, " says he. Barbers' Itch, Scald Head, Itching Piles, Ulcers, I looked back and saw him hustling Sores, and all cutaneous and facial blemishes. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested out with his saddle on his arm. "ITe'5 in hundreds of so called incurable cases. a particular kind of cuss," I. tought. mixis tureloroisitmentthat haasbeenpsocdaorttpoe, Jonesy's Coat was painfully ripped up "Bareback would suit most people." scribed. the back and Neighbor Lase had lost Talcing it a little easier for the nest ' Afewappticattonswitl convince that is has his false teeth. One crowd oC fellers wonderful medical virtse and lntrinsic merit. •ltted Jones on the back and said, couple of miles, I gave him a chance , It is made in Canada. A good honest Cana• sever 'mind your coat, gid horse; diaa preparation„ -' er ou, And if you get tangled up with to pull up, ( Price one box Nifty Cents, or five boxes Two you've licked a matt twice your age,' This is the famous story of them I reckon they'll give you a hair We "pounded along without saying Dollars. to any address on receipt of price. and the other' comforted neighbor, say- Red Saunders,big Red tough cut and shampoo, to say nothing of anything,foe a spell, when I happened Sold and recommended by all leadung Drug. !ug, 'Never mind, Case, you can ease .Red of the plains and mines. We other he Crinss. They say they're ; to notice that his teeth were chatter- ' gists in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. ' your mind by thinktilg how you headed after the Crows; but it's a ten dollar big.I Manufactured and sold by the sole pro *4 tip that rooster and he fifty pounds :shall follow this expansive man bill A'�Alnst n last year's bird's nest "Keep your nerve up, pardner!" says tors. T T tfA a Chemical 1 ( lighter than you.' "Jouesy put on airs after that. He and sinfulness up to the great Ule that comes along 'ilei' hearts is good felt he was a hard citizen. And then he bad the misfortune to speak harsh- ly to Arizona Jenkins when Old Dry Belt was in liquor. Then he got roped and dragged through the slough. He cried like a baby while I helped him scrape the mud off, but not because he was scared! No, sir! That little runt was full of blood and murder. "'You mark me now, Itcd,'' says he, the tears making bad; land water going I r l l courses through the mud on his cheeks. 'I shall fire upon that man the first time I s('e him. Will you lend me your.° revolver?' •,� "'Lord, Jones, see Mete,' says I, friend 'Don't yon go making any such billy - goat play as that. Keep his wages until he apologizes. Put something stria of yells you might have Heard you th harmful in Ills grub; but, as you have respect for the Almighty's handiwork as represented by your person, don't pull a gun on Arizona Jenkins. That's 1�Ii1�1I t l the one thing he won't take from no. t G5I t•I". .. . body.' "'1) -d -darn bite!' snivels Jonesy. '1 •-c. ain't afraid o -o -of him.' and the strange fact is that he wasn't. Well, I saw he was in such a taking that as if it might b , he might do something foolish and get i h' boo hurt, so I goes to Arizona, and says 1, 'You ought to apologize to Jones: What '/.guy replied ain't worth repeat- ing. 'And you along with him,' be teiuds up. "'Now, ain't that childish?' I says. A six footer like you that can shoot straight with either hand and yet ain't gut generosity enough to ease the feel- ! tugs of a poor little devil that's fair busting with shame!' "'Well, what did he want to tell me ' 1 t pester burns tongue njar Y a township. to shut up my mouth for?' cried Old lid roti my t 1 ? � + �•^� � �.-�-�+i �`Mlt� Dry Belt. 'Men have died of less than that' "'Aw, shucks, T.ony,' t says. 'A great, Uig man like you oughtn't to �•': conte down on a little cuss who's all ;Very, Y Y friend, I k that f0 cert'tiu because d i slip �Bflitl.K1R. thumb hand side and left feet.' "'That be !Sowed,' says he, only he 'Whose little birdie have we here?' And other remarks that hurt our feel- ings considerable, Jonesy, he said the fellers were a runic lot of barbarians. He said it to old Neighbor Case's face, and he and the old man came together like a pair of hens, for Jonesy had sand in spite of his faults. That was a fight worth traveling to see. They covered at least an acre of ground; they tore the air wait upper swats and cross swipes; they hollered, they jump- ed and they pitched, and when the dif- ficulty was adjusted we found that through his days of toughness that they'll take on any kind of troll- j IDoatt you on eget �scared-we've got a ,day of his life, the day that shall mighty bad, they state, and when an He looked at me kind of reproach. Injun's heart gets spoiled the disease , fol bring the metamorphosis of Red. is d—d catching. You'd better stop "Scared be dented!" says he. "I This trumpeter will not give the awhile" I reckon iP you was riding around this story away by indicating how "Now, cuss old Frosthead and you,nice cool night in your drawers, yout ,this transformation shall conictoo!" "Ifhop- teeth 'ud rattle some too." says I. he comes crow ; I took a look at him and saw, sura •about—whether through the re- ping on my reservation I'll kick his I enough, while be had hit, coat and Morse or repentance of Red, his pantalets on top of hs scalp lock."s boots nu, the pants was missing. Well, "All right, pardner,"says he. It'S conviction of sin, his fear of the your own funeral. My orders was to 1f It had been the Iast act, I'd have had damnation ofthe wicked, his halt every one tluough. But g yearnings for the peace that passetlz understanding, or wheth- er it shall be the love of woman that shall bring this giant to his g 0 all ain't a whole company, so, you can "Couldn't find 'em nohow," says he. have it your own way. Only if your , "Bunted high' and low, jick, Jack and friends have to take you borne in a the game -just comes to my mind now coal scuttle, don't- blame me. Pass, that I had 'em rolled up and was sleep- ,,, ing on 'em. I don't like to go around little - this way -I feel as if I was two men child. The trumpeter will only tens forty miles au hour, letting out a and one of 'em hardly respectable." y, promise that this conversion of Red shall be one of the most .interesting and delicious epi- sodes in all fiction, which the reader wilt enjoy and doubtless ,remember through all the years of his life. CHAPTER L R "Did bring a gun w•i you . to the coast, just to show my respect Ile gave nee another stare. "Why, for the United States army. pardner, you must think I have got a Now this has always been my luck: light and frivolous disposition," says Whenever I made a band wagon play he, and with that he heaves up the somebody's sure" to strike me for my great granduncle of ail the six shoot - license, or else the team goes into the ; ors I ever did see. It made my forty - ditch -a mile farther on. and I come out eve long look like something for a kid about as happy as a small yaller dog to cut its teeth on. "That's the best gun in, this country," he went on. at a bobcat's caucus. "Lookse" says I. EDDY and I were alone at the ' Some fellers can run n a r ineca i "Has the foundry that cast it gone out lake beds. He sat outside, the that 'd hake the hair stand up on a of business? I'd like to have one like cnbin braiding a leather hat - just buffeter robe and get away with it it, if it's as dangerous as it looks." just liken mice, but that ain't me. "When I have any trouble with a ,neat 'flgure-an art that I never could re - If I sing n little mite o high man," says he, "I don't want to go master, cellar, down comes the roof a -top of ' pecking at him with a putty blower, I sat inside with a one -pound pack- , me. So it was this day. Old Johnny just irritating him and giving him a age of smoking tobacco beside me and IT udluck socked it to me, same As little skin complaint here and there. I newspapers within reach, rolling the usual. want something that'll touch his con - day's supply of cigarettes. Gosh a'mighty! The liquor died in science," Reddy stopped his story long enough Inc after awhile, and I went sound He had it, for a broadside from that to say, "Don't use the 'Princess' Slip- asleep in the saddle and woke up with battery would scatter an elephant over -per, > - to find myself right in the mid- . -take the; 'Granger'; there's plenty of dee of old Frosthead's gang, the drums We loped along quiet and easy until 'It" "boom blipping" and those forty odd I sun up. The Grindstone Buttes lay , Well, as I was saying, I'd met a lot about a mile ahead of us. Looking red tigers hyah-hyahing' in a�sty.. back, we saw the Injuns coming over P the b tin town this day and h { d walk Me; now r , Ijow in blazes I' manage to S i says m when we took the parting dose I had through thoseZnjuns I don't know, i short cut those hills that'll Ulor us out through Johnson's Th y' got "TVcll tittticic"says 1tc. •a glass of whisky In both my right i1 h wonderful piece the Unit- hands and hail just twice as many friends as when I started. It' When I pulled out for home I felt mighty good for myself -not exactly looking for trouble but not a -going to dl d it either. I was warbling The e r na em ca Go. Windsor, Ontario. i o':i i:t Wingnatn r,, t` nt m iymEibbo^, A. L H..mn!•tot, and N. IL V al ey, Drugt s+s o le oys up that made my skin ge n1t and a rise of ground 'way in the distance. they threw as many as two drinks into all over me with cold feet. „ - „ "I know plans. Now, sonny, you keep your temper and watch me play cushion earroms with our friend there." "Meaning how?" "You see that block of stone just this side of him with the square face toward us? Well, he's only covered hi 'front, and I'm a -going to shoot against that face and ketch him on the glance." "Great if you could work it!" says I, "But Lord!" "Well, watch," says he. Then he squinched down behind his cover, se rou 'Twoulcl have been a enough punchers there to do They ui - As not to give the Injun an opening, says it different. `1'd like to know most scouting if do any meant n. thing can eel States army up—starched and blued. trained his cannon and pulled the what business such a sawed off has wntalways darn youtrigger.to come and tell a full grown man don't want to do. Well, there I was, J Shall we take it?"� The old gun opened flet like me to shut up his CaoutL. Iic'd and, oh, doctor, but wasn't I in a loves "Sure!"says I. i m only wander- mouth and roared like an earthquake, like to stay top P15 man's place. 00 , ly mess! That war song put a crimp Ing round this part of the country be- but I didn't see any dead Injun. Then oughtutali: sassy ton peoplethis own size, doden tiny, ocause this part of the country is here twice more she spit fire, and still there andet he comes shooting off his bsiz e into the thato Jack Frost himself -if it was anywberes else I'd be just weren't any desirable corpses to he "Idaho" for all I was worth -you know couldn't take out.to a man that could mailer lite whole 'tow pretty I can sing? Cockeyed Pe as glad." had• his collar it's ole It was as dark stuck dark by this time. i So in. we went. It was the steepest `Say, pardner," says 1, "yoti wouldn't without loosening ns 't11 his used to say B made him forget The moon justpre, one eye t of the '" , pidence; that's what 1 is.' .'all his troubles. "Because," says be, n and narrowest kind of a canyon, look- ; make many cigars at this game. "'Well, as n favor to me?' 1 says. edge of the prairie, and the rest of the ing as if it had leen cut out of the '+how, don't you get oueasy," say, tats Bonovertihe when a man sky was covered with cloud. A little 1 I . h Just watch. "'Web, if you put it in that way—I :Vats you the head with a two by h' but � "Bifft" this Ifour." i Well, I was enjoying everything in 'sight, even a little drizzle of rain that .was driving by in rags of wetness ,when a flatfaced swatty at Fort John - •.son halted me. ' Now, it's a dreadful thing to be but- ted to death by a nanny goat; but for a full sized cowpuncher to be held up 'by a soldier is worse yet. • • To say that I was hot under the col- lar don't give you the right idea of ;the way I felt. ' "Why, you cross between the last -rose of summer and a bobtailed flush!". says I, "what d'yer mean? What's got into you? Get out of my .daylight, you dog robber, or I'll walk the little horse round your neck like a three ringed circus. Colne, pull your freight!" where I'd rather be. It seems that this swatty had been Ladcly was the quickest thing on legs chucked out of the, third story of in that part of the country -out of a Frenchy's dance emporium by Bronc mighty spry little Pinto mare by our Thompson, which threw a great re- thoroughbred Kentucky horse -and 1 t for our profesh into him. Con- ! knew if I could get to the open them ImillV1111,tin111;I11e1t31E3!1„f; :PII!,III'Ip,nVdnl,+rr +-' -9 .4018ors% light came from the Injuns' campfire, but not enough to ride by, and, be. sides, I didn't know which way I ought to go. Says I to myself, "13111y Saunders, you are the champion all arouud, old fash- coned fool of the district. You are a jackass from the country where ears less'u three foot long ,are curiosities. You sassed that poor swatty that want. ed to keep you out of this, tooting your bazoo like a man peddling soap, but us here till the rest come up, I pre hole plumb through my hat ant. But it dtdu t lift. they sa now it's up to you. What are you get ing to do about it?” and I didn't get some." I "Bully boy!" says 1. I snapped at lug lasts in this world. There's some any answer neither, "That's about the size of it -and I'd him and smashed the lock of his rifle pretty solid rocks iu the Coeur d'Al- Well, it was no use asking myself like to make you a bet that be does it, to Hinders. Then of course he was our ene, however, and I should like to conundrums out there in the dark too, 11 I thought I'd have a chance to wait around and see if they don't hold " rods we rode up to him my pard held I out, but I'll never make it. I've been when time was so scarce. So I wraps collect. 1 dead on him. The Injun stood up lee you can't always tell—yonin too much excitement. my hankercher around Laddy's nose might lose your money," says he, hind I keep him from talking horse to the b straight and tall and looked us square "Web, the nest thing after guess of thoughtful, iu the eye. Say, he was a man, I tell got established was that his niece Injun r 'Hies and prepared to sneak to"I wouldn't mind that 11011 as much ! Themust come out during vacatioid and as winning," says I. "But, on the you, rest stn or out redskin sour- ,1 him a visit. 'Jeerusalem!' thinks square, do you think we can get out? age just stuck on him as he stood pay there waiting to pass in his checks. ; I, 'Jonesy's niece!' I had visions of a P11 jump Lim with you if you say so, My pardner threw the muzzle of his thin, yeller, sour little piece, with although I ain't got what you might gun up."D—n it!" says he. "I can't do mouse colored hair plastered down on call a passion for suicide." ' it. He's game from the heart out. her head and au unkind word for ev- "Now you hold on a bit," says he, But the Lord have mercy on his sin- erybody. Jouesy told Inc about her be - "I don't know but what we'd Lave ful soul if he and I run foul of each ing in college, and then I stuck a pair done better to stick to the horses and other on the prairie again!" of them nose grabber specks on the run for it, but it's too late to think of .n picture. I can stand most any kind i Then we shacked along down to that he'd sit behind ihis m isl the all orock nand Johnson's and bad breakfast. ' of em the tears but if dome to ere's myheyesthat it's What became of Frosthead and his trump lead into us till we wouldn't gang?" Oh, they sent out a regiment a botch of a woman. I know they float in brine—and we can't back out d {h ed him In—'Lout may have good qualities and all that, now." Id' an IuJlnn but I don't 'em, rock with one crack ofthe ax. e. us wa don't want to be small about it.' was just thinking, "Gee whiz, this says the oldgun, and"St Arizona goes 11 to Jones and Would be a poor place to get snagged , time, sure enough, the Injun was sacks out his hand. 'There's my hand, in," when bang! says a rifle right in ►mocked clear of the rock. I felt all Jones,' he says. `I'm mighty sorry you front of us, and m-a-arr! goes the but- along that he wouldu't be much of a , let over our heads. ' comfort to his friends afterward 1f told ale to shut up my mouth; says ne. We were off them horses and behind that gun did land on him. I "'So am I,' says Jones heartily, not a couple of chunks of rock sooner than • Still, he wasn't so awful dead, for as taking in the sense of the words, but we hoped for, and that's saying a good 1 we jumped for the horses he kind of feeling that it was all iu good inten- deal. t + hitched himself to the rock, and, lay- ' tion. So that was all right, and I "Cussed poor shot, whoever he is," Ing the rifle across it and working the stood in with the management in great says my friend. "Some Injun holding lever with his left hand, he sent a shape for fixing up the fuss so pleas - v noth- A•`degeteablePreparationfarAs- si;rilating theFood a11dllegula- tiitg the Stnrl^Ckkci and Eit1wQ1S c( STO'6A For Xnfants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of • Protnutes Digestion,Cf►cerftll- neo andpest.Centaias neither Op;um;Nlorphint ror Mouth. NOT NLCOTIC. I,cu�vsort do .gt1=.P.'IY is .P,:np.&r.+ s.— J- .rt'.xStmur J '.d&oSJa- ,''Sure StEd • Rirftllaa! - mrad..&cd• ff��a.rced - �cvr rLJicgar • Y.iAryrars nom: Aperfcct Remedy for Cons lipa.- tion, Sour Stossiacii,Diarchoce, Wortus,Convutsions.1'everiSit- tiCss andLOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Si:ttile signature of 1.244/ NEW YORK. In Use For Over thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, c THE CENTAUR COP,1 NY. NEW YORK CITY. •aper sequently he wasn't fresh, like most : Injuns wouldn't have much of a chance soldiers, but answers me as polite ars a tin horn gambler on pay day. Says he: "I just wanted to tell you that old Frosthead and forty braves -are some'ers between here and your outfit, with their war paint on and blood in their eyes, cayoodiing and 'wiroopin'- fit to beat hell with the blow - Bronchial Colds AND BRONCHITIS Hard coughing is the cause of the greatest r. A. enacting from blronchlns, and because 17 W. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine loosens the cough and relieves the dread- ful tightness in the chest it is a most accept. able treatment. Not only acute cases but also those of long standing usually yield to the persistent use of o Syrup �7 PJ �. Chase'sy P f °'' Linseed and Turpentine svhieh seems. to act as a specific in this nil• meet, and the immense popularity of this great medicine was built up largely oa its reputation a3 a cure for bronchitis. Croup, whooping cough, asthma, coughs and colds readily yield to the soothing heal* is 25 cents Mg influence of this great medicine. n fl g a bottle, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Toronto. Mrs. A. Barnum, Ingersoll, Ont., Writes: I'My husband was to bad with a bronchial cold that he could not speak above a whisper and medicine seemed of no avail until we used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin:aetd and Turpentine which cured him m two dales to take out my stopper and examine my works -not much. A Iielf mi16 start, and I could show the whole Sioux nation how I wore my hair. I cut for the place where the Injuns Seemed thinnest, lifting myself up trill I didn't weigh fifteen pound and breathing only when necessary. We got along first rate until we reached the edge of 'em, and then Laddy had to stick his foot in a gopher hole and walloped around there like a whale trying to climb a tree. Some darn cuss of an Injun threw a handful of hay on the fire, and as it blazed up the whole gang spotted me. a unlimbered my gun, sent the irons auto Laddy, and we began to walk. I didn't like to make for the ranch, as I knew the boys were short handed, se I pointed north, praying to the good Lord that I'c. bit some kind of settle- ment before I struck the north pole, Web, we left those Injuns so far be- hind that there wasn't any fun in it. I slacked up, patting myself on the back, and as the trouble seemed all over I was just about to turn for the ranch when I heard horses galloping, and as the moon came out a little I saw a whole raft of redskins !-boiling stir a draw not hall a mile away. That knocked me slabsided. It looked like I got the wrong ticket every time the whturned. 'colt I whooped it up again, swearing I Wouldn't stop this deal short of a dead sure thing. \Vo flew through space, teddy pushing n hole in the alt like a scared coyote making for home and mother. A•wa�'a"dOWli the, 'alley >i Spotted a. or two an ga er f like and that's the ow. ' twenty-five soldiers to No, He talked calm he made me kind no harm was dote. Me and my pard whole of it. We gave three loud of mad, "Well," mon says I, "in that case were the only ones that bucked up groans when we got the news in the let's play 'Simon says thumbs up till against them. Chuck out a cigarette, bull pen. And I cussed for ten min - the rest of the crowd comes." Kid; my lungs ache for want of a utes straight, without repeating my` "There you gel" says he. "Just like smokeself once, when 1 so fell out that the all young fellers—gettiu' hosstyle right away if you don't fall iu with their Salvation Army Praise "I feel 1 my duty to testify to the benefit I have received from the use of Psychine. While travelling in New On- tario conducting special meetings I eon. tractcd a very bad cold, which gradual- ly developed into Bronchitis of the it members of the board rolled out our 1 way the day the girl had to he sent CHAPTER I I. 1 come for, and Jonesy couldn't break loose, OW did I to get myself and your uncle was elected to take disliked down at the Clhanta Seechee? \Nell, 1'11 tell you," the buckboard and drive twenty miles said Ite(ldy, the cow puncher, ' to the railroad. I didn't mind the go - "Tec play carne up like this. First With out, but that twenty miles back eehee into a with Jonesy's niece! Say, I foamed they made the Chanty Se like a soda water bottle when 1 got stock company; then the stock corn• into the bull pen and told the boys Pally put all their brains in on° thine:, my luck, and says they, We'll make this men ,t ,luck,' says Iiylo Lambert, 'that's Jones superintendent, and the ranch Wellwhat you might expect; your sins havt found you out.' " `No, they ain't; they've caught me at home as usual,' says I. 'Wel, I'1 give that eastern blossom an idea of the quality of this country, anyhow: So 1 togs myself up in the awfullest rig I could find; strapped two ca trtdge belts to me, every hole filled, and a gun in every bolster; put candle grease t tel the ends twin tand on m Y mustache up to my eye winkers, stuck a knife in my hatband. and another in my boot; threw it shotgun and a rifle in the buckboard and pulled ' out (tuick J combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring wheat. Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making Jewel Hour for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel Brand the next time you want flour. Manufactured by PFEFFER BROS. M1'lgverton, Ont. �0011+4!!01.0.01•�0•!�'i0S4034i+0 t00@•400 444400R4.0000C-64•:41 is All right at once.' So out comes worst form. I was advised to try Psyching, which i did, and after using Jones from Boston, Mass., and what but a few bottles I was completely re- he didn't know about running a ranch rend this was common talk in the country, but stored t wonderful health, I r softer the to sufferers from what he inew about running a ranch- l3ronciiire sly Bronchitis and ether troubles,,, was too much for one man to cares B Later: s Later: "1 wish to adds that my voice, !'!tote. IIe wasn't a bad hearted fel• since using Psyching, is stronger and ler in some ways, yet on the whole he has 1110011 more carrying power than it felt it was an honor to a looking glass in him. •the of reflect and pleasure g lltish 1 n , neehave the d l rol Rl r. T had to P , before b tioeai chords do not tire with a speaking.' , Looking glass? 1 Sx�tI1 say yIo had! P. TIt,T,1+:1t, Capt. - alv'n. Army. And a bureau and a bootblacking jig. Ann St., Toronto, Ang. 13, 1007' ger and a feather bed and curtains Throat, lung and stomach troubles and truck in his robin. Strange fellers eared by I*aychine; also ilteipient eon' used to open their eyes when they sttw . gumption, All druggists, 150e, and $1.110, that reem, 1110110-*'ot' they'd say, 1(T'0 be Continued.) Dr. Z. A. Slocum. Limited, Toronto, COAL COAL COAL. * We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON Ct3'A1, ♦ which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Vannrtl and • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. ♦ We carry ookof UJ F I LES, LATH + fall stook of '� 4 (Dressed or Undressed) ♦ • Cedar Posts, •♦ ♦ • tar ilimhest Price paid ♦ P 4. Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. J, Barrels, Etc. for all hinds of Logs. "gra 4 s , .41 cLea • Mill, No. 44. *44004444444ii44$44♦44;•1.44♦ 4****4444444444444 444414* j+i roc..�:,.�.$':.t;t^n:��w.`....-,�`.�+•_•'.t: �u, a.:.�-o'�t� s; t y'. ISE ua a °C '' E Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. r,s;-NO NAMES USED WITII- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ho was sotprtsed at how the sores healed— "I tool; yoar Nsw Nstum TRE'T3:ENT for a s(111011s bleed di`41a5e t'Eth whine I had 1e>en inflicted for ts•.'1ee years. 11:'i 1 ronsmted ascrn'e. i of pi* ghltms taken fel 1.irds of 1,1!x1 mail •1 'e• vi !ted Ili t Sprinfrg mud other tut!, :al water re tots, but only not time p.aary relic r. They tvolild hl ip me for at time. 1 u:t arttT lli.l!oni'lellillg t1131 Sell ^ rinds t!. s nptoms wrolil.l 1 rcak out {+ y l( ,11ll rumble -,sills 1 t,ltchss. rheinv- i. ''/ 1ttie ' l,5. looseness of tlu' l:ai r. sa ellint s of the ';i:t:le1C. paras of the )land:; t':tiitl'*•, itelii1 -. of the sk a dt-['r•1.,tie stomach, nCFOKr'. TR$ATMENT ete. I!ea 1 givt`n up in desh.tie when a Meal advised me to ;'ou,ntt you. as ton tad l Cured hint of a eiutilal' <lisrlsr R years ago. 1 brae no hope, but took Itr.s 14b 1,K'. In three weeks' time' the solos c, um cue ed to heal lap all 11" .tan, encouraged. I e•"ntilnx'd tin NCV: M 11'I)et TtINATIIENT tar four numthsmat n, th'era e'f that time every sytt,ptont h:,d -nsatep• argil. 1 leas cured 1 tear, aft() and no s. aa' of :.'Iv disezm since. illy b„y, throe yr, rK ol.1 is Found and healthy. 1 ,;italinly e.!'1 5''••etltl.u'tltl vont treatment w lth (ill my heart. Yon tau refer any petwon to mm tut tel h �F. 1I l •' ; y, het cttu t c t'ra=teailnealal a� tun ttidt.” �©0, 5i 0Pi and PRIVATEODEBILITY, URINARY, B TAD ERR and KIDNEY ' cc np'.ainte of Men and women Art+ 5''tu n'e't •tin? YI:.v+ y+ a last Molle'`? Are 1.4111 intrn(iint; to marl y ? leas TROAREADER � sunt' blooel been d!t 01,l leave toil' any_ tcl'al:u,,? 41111 lvrnv 11ta•rni!lo Free.lit 3m tm tt cure you. tt hat it 1,03. done for 0111(131 hone t to li'ilonoPrco ofsCh+vgc Free. No matter who hal tire: ed you. write for an1 C110.gd re:ason:tble. Booh Free 'TbeGoldenllonit41l;" 3!11!lstratcdlonl)isenseaofMen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Q ,,,' .I en list and cost of Horne Treatment FREE. aI f( rode, N AFTER TREATMENT DRs.KEtINEDI&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. R d s ders. HENRY WALLACE PHILLIPS COPYRIGHT. 1002, EY mccLUR.E, PHILLIPS Ys COMPANY little slack sitting all along by itself out iia the moonlight. I headed for it, lielitpring murder. • A man came to the door in his un. derligging. "Ili, there! What's eating you?" he yells. "Injuns coming, pardner! The conn• BEFORE AND AFTER ,TREATMENT. try's just oozing Injuns! Better get n "eatome" s. tate•+'-st • wiggle on year i Cafadiala : Tettering ".iii right -slide along, I'll ketch UI Rosea, eater, isnplea,13Iackheadm for s R ugwrte to ypu, " says he. Barbers' Itch, Scald Head, Itching Piles, Ulcers, I looked back and saw him hustling Sores, and all cutaneous and facial blemishes. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested out with his saddle on his arm. "ITe'5 in hundreds of so called incurable cases. a particular kind of cuss," I. tought. mixis tureloroisitmentthat haasbeenpsocdaorttpoe, Jonesy's Coat was painfully ripped up "Bareback would suit most people." scribed. the back and Neighbor Lase had lost Talcing it a little easier for the nest ' Afewappticattonswitl convince that is has his false teeth. One crowd oC fellers wonderful medical virtse and lntrinsic merit. •ltted Jones on the back and said, couple of miles, I gave him a chance , It is made in Canada. A good honest Cana• sever 'mind your coat, gid horse; diaa preparation„ -' er ou, And if you get tangled up with to pull up, ( Price one box Nifty Cents, or five boxes Two you've licked a matt twice your age,' This is the famous story of them I reckon they'll give you a hair We "pounded along without saying Dollars. to any address on receipt of price. and the other' comforted neighbor, say- Red Saunders,big Red tough cut and shampoo, to say nothing of anything,foe a spell, when I happened Sold and recommended by all leadung Drug. !ug, 'Never mind, Case, you can ease .Red of the plains and mines. We other he Crinss. They say they're ; to notice that his teeth were chatter- ' gists in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. ' your mind by thinktilg how you headed after the Crows; but it's a ten dollar big.I Manufactured and sold by the sole pro *4 tip that rooster and he fifty pounds :shall follow this expansive man bill A'�Alnst n last year's bird's nest "Keep your nerve up, pardner!" says tors. T T tfA a Chemical 1 ( lighter than you.' "Jouesy put on airs after that. He and sinfulness up to the great Ule that comes along 'ilei' hearts is good felt he was a hard citizen. And then he bad the misfortune to speak harsh- ly to Arizona Jenkins when Old Dry Belt was in liquor. Then he got roped and dragged through the slough. He cried like a baby while I helped him scrape the mud off, but not because he was scared! No, sir! That little runt was full of blood and murder. "'You mark me now, Itcd,'' says he, the tears making bad; land water going I r l l courses through the mud on his cheeks. 'I shall fire upon that man the first time I s('e him. Will you lend me your.° revolver?' •,� "'Lord, Jones, see Mete,' says I, friend 'Don't yon go making any such billy - goat play as that. Keep his wages until he apologizes. Put something stria of yells you might have Heard you th harmful in Ills grub; but, as you have respect for the Almighty's handiwork as represented by your person, don't pull a gun on Arizona Jenkins. That's 1�Ii1�1I t l the one thing he won't take from no. t G5I t•I". .. . body.' "'1) -d -darn bite!' snivels Jonesy. '1 •-c. ain't afraid o -o -of him.' and the strange fact is that he wasn't. Well, I saw he was in such a taking that as if it might b , he might do something foolish and get i h' boo hurt, so I goes to Arizona, and says 1, 'You ought to apologize to Jones: What '/.guy replied ain't worth repeat- ing. 'And you along with him,' be teiuds up. "'Now, ain't that childish?' I says. A six footer like you that can shoot straight with either hand and yet ain't gut generosity enough to ease the feel- ! tugs of a poor little devil that's fair busting with shame!' "'Well, what did he want to tell me ' 1 t pester burns tongue njar Y a township. to shut up my mouth for?' cried Old lid roti my t 1 ? � + �•^� � �.-�-�+i �`Mlt� Dry Belt. 'Men have died of less than that' "'Aw, shucks, T.ony,' t says. 'A great, Uig man like you oughtn't to �•': conte down on a little cuss who's all ;Very, Y Y friend, I k that f0 cert'tiu because d i slip �Bflitl.K1R. thumb hand side and left feet.' "'That be !Sowed,' says he, only he 'Whose little birdie have we here?' And other remarks that hurt our feel- ings considerable, Jonesy, he said the fellers were a runic lot of barbarians. He said it to old Neighbor Case's face, and he and the old man came together like a pair of hens, for Jonesy had sand in spite of his faults. That was a fight worth traveling to see. They covered at least an acre of ground; they tore the air wait upper swats and cross swipes; they hollered, they jump- ed and they pitched, and when the dif- ficulty was adjusted we found that through his days of toughness that they'll take on any kind of troll- j IDoatt you on eget �scared-we've got a ,day of his life, the day that shall mighty bad, they state, and when an He looked at me kind of reproach. Injun's heart gets spoiled the disease , fol bring the metamorphosis of Red. is d—d catching. You'd better stop "Scared be dented!" says he. "I This trumpeter will not give the awhile" I reckon iP you was riding around this story away by indicating how "Now, cuss old Frosthead and you,nice cool night in your drawers, yout ,this transformation shall conictoo!" "Ifhop- teeth 'ud rattle some too." says I. he comes crow ; I took a look at him and saw, sura •about—whether through the re- ping on my reservation I'll kick his I enough, while be had hit, coat and Morse or repentance of Red, his pantalets on top of hs scalp lock."s boots nu, the pants was missing. Well, "All right, pardner,"says he. It'S conviction of sin, his fear of the your own funeral. My orders was to 1f It had been the Iast act, I'd have had damnation ofthe wicked, his halt every one tluough. But g yearnings for the peace that passetlz understanding, or wheth- er it shall be the love of woman that shall bring this giant to his g 0 all ain't a whole company, so, you can "Couldn't find 'em nohow," says he. have it your own way. Only if your , "Bunted high' and low, jick, Jack and friends have to take you borne in a the game -just comes to my mind now coal scuttle, don't- blame me. Pass, that I had 'em rolled up and was sleep- ,,, ing on 'em. I don't like to go around little - this way -I feel as if I was two men child. The trumpeter will only tens forty miles au hour, letting out a and one of 'em hardly respectable." y, promise that this conversion of Red shall be one of the most .interesting and delicious epi- sodes in all fiction, which the reader wilt enjoy and doubtless ,remember through all the years of his life. CHAPTER L R "Did bring a gun w•i you . to the coast, just to show my respect Ile gave nee another stare. "Why, for the United States army. pardner, you must think I have got a Now this has always been my luck: light and frivolous disposition," says Whenever I made a band wagon play he, and with that he heaves up the somebody's sure" to strike me for my great granduncle of ail the six shoot - license, or else the team goes into the ; ors I ever did see. It made my forty - ditch -a mile farther on. and I come out eve long look like something for a kid about as happy as a small yaller dog to cut its teeth on. "That's the best gun in, this country," he went on. at a bobcat's caucus. "Lookse" says I. EDDY and I were alone at the ' Some fellers can run n a r ineca i "Has the foundry that cast it gone out lake beds. He sat outside, the that 'd hake the hair stand up on a of business? I'd like to have one like cnbin braiding a leather hat - just buffeter robe and get away with it it, if it's as dangerous as it looks." just liken mice, but that ain't me. "When I have any trouble with a ,neat 'flgure-an art that I never could re - If I sing n little mite o high man," says he, "I don't want to go master, cellar, down comes the roof a -top of ' pecking at him with a putty blower, I sat inside with a one -pound pack- , me. So it was this day. Old Johnny just irritating him and giving him a age of smoking tobacco beside me and IT udluck socked it to me, same As little skin complaint here and there. I newspapers within reach, rolling the usual. want something that'll touch his con - day's supply of cigarettes. Gosh a'mighty! The liquor died in science," Reddy stopped his story long enough Inc after awhile, and I went sound He had it, for a broadside from that to say, "Don't use the 'Princess' Slip- asleep in the saddle and woke up with battery would scatter an elephant over -per, > - to find myself right in the mid- . -take the; 'Granger'; there's plenty of dee of old Frosthead's gang, the drums We loped along quiet and easy until 'It" "boom blipping" and those forty odd I sun up. The Grindstone Buttes lay , Well, as I was saying, I'd met a lot about a mile ahead of us. Looking red tigers hyah-hyahing' in a�sty.. back, we saw the Injuns coming over P the b tin town this day and h { d walk Me; now r , Ijow in blazes I' manage to S i says m when we took the parting dose I had through thoseZnjuns I don't know, i short cut those hills that'll Ulor us out through Johnson's Th y' got "TVcll tittticic"says 1tc. •a glass of whisky In both my right i1 h wonderful piece the Unit- hands and hail just twice as many friends as when I started. It' When I pulled out for home I felt mighty good for myself -not exactly looking for trouble but not a -going to dl d it either. I was warbling The e r na em ca Go. Windsor, Ontario. i o':i i:t Wingnatn r,, t` nt m iymEibbo^, A. L H..mn!•tot, and N. IL V al ey, Drugt s+s o le oys up that made my skin ge n1t and a rise of ground 'way in the distance. they threw as many as two drinks into all over me with cold feet. „ - „ "I know plans. Now, sonny, you keep your temper and watch me play cushion earroms with our friend there." "Meaning how?" "You see that block of stone just this side of him with the square face toward us? Well, he's only covered hi 'front, and I'm a -going to shoot against that face and ketch him on the glance." "Great if you could work it!" says I, "But Lord!" "Well, watch," says he. Then he squinched down behind his cover, se rou 'Twoulcl have been a enough punchers there to do They ui - As not to give the Injun an opening, says it different. `1'd like to know most scouting if do any meant n. thing can eel States army up—starched and blued. trained his cannon and pulled the what business such a sawed off has wntalways darn youtrigger.to come and tell a full grown man don't want to do. Well, there I was, J Shall we take it?"� The old gun opened flet like me to shut up his CaoutL. Iic'd and, oh, doctor, but wasn't I in a loves "Sure!"says I. i m only wander- mouth and roared like an earthquake, like to stay top P15 man's place. 00 , ly mess! That war song put a crimp Ing round this part of the country be- but I didn't see any dead Injun. Then oughtutali: sassy ton peoplethis own size, doden tiny, ocause this part of the country is here twice more she spit fire, and still there andet he comes shooting off his bsiz e into the thato Jack Frost himself -if it was anywberes else I'd be just weren't any desirable corpses to he "Idaho" for all I was worth -you know couldn't take out.to a man that could mailer lite whole 'tow pretty I can sing? Cockeyed Pe as glad." had• his collar it's ole It was as dark stuck dark by this time. i So in. we went. It was the steepest `Say, pardner," says 1, "yoti wouldn't without loosening ns 't11 his used to say B made him forget The moon justpre, one eye t of the '" , pidence; that's what 1 is.' .'all his troubles. "Because," says be, n and narrowest kind of a canyon, look- ; make many cigars at this game. "'Well, as n favor to me?' 1 says. edge of the prairie, and the rest of the ing as if it had leen cut out of the '+how, don't you get oueasy," say, tats Bonovertihe when a man sky was covered with cloud. A little 1 I . h Just watch. "'Web, if you put it in that way—I :Vats you the head with a two by h' but � "Bifft" this Ifour." i Well, I was enjoying everything in 'sight, even a little drizzle of rain that .was driving by in rags of wetness ,when a flatfaced swatty at Fort John - •.son halted me. ' Now, it's a dreadful thing to be but- ted to death by a nanny goat; but for a full sized cowpuncher to be held up 'by a soldier is worse yet. • • To say that I was hot under the col- lar don't give you the right idea of ;the way I felt. ' "Why, you cross between the last -rose of summer and a bobtailed flush!". says I, "what d'yer mean? What's got into you? Get out of my .daylight, you dog robber, or I'll walk the little horse round your neck like a three ringed circus. Colne, pull your freight!" where I'd rather be. It seems that this swatty had been Ladcly was the quickest thing on legs chucked out of the, third story of in that part of the country -out of a Frenchy's dance emporium by Bronc mighty spry little Pinto mare by our Thompson, which threw a great re- thoroughbred Kentucky horse -and 1 t for our profesh into him. Con- ! knew if I could get to the open them ImillV1111,tin111;I11e1t31E3!1„f; :PII!,III'Ip,nVdnl,+rr +-' -9 .4018ors% light came from the Injuns' campfire, but not enough to ride by, and, be. sides, I didn't know which way I ought to go. Says I to myself, "13111y Saunders, you are the champion all arouud, old fash- coned fool of the district. You are a jackass from the country where ears less'u three foot long ,are curiosities. You sassed that poor swatty that want. ed to keep you out of this, tooting your bazoo like a man peddling soap, but us here till the rest come up, I pre hole plumb through my hat ant. But it dtdu t lift. they sa now it's up to you. What are you get ing to do about it?” and I didn't get some." I "Bully boy!" says 1. I snapped at lug lasts in this world. There's some any answer neither, "That's about the size of it -and I'd him and smashed the lock of his rifle pretty solid rocks iu the Coeur d'Al- Well, it was no use asking myself like to make you a bet that be does it, to Hinders. Then of course he was our ene, however, and I should like to conundrums out there in the dark too, 11 I thought I'd have a chance to wait around and see if they don't hold " rods we rode up to him my pard held I out, but I'll never make it. I've been when time was so scarce. So I wraps collect. 1 dead on him. The Injun stood up lee you can't always tell—yonin too much excitement. my hankercher around Laddy's nose might lose your money," says he, hind I keep him from talking horse to the b straight and tall and looked us square "Web, the nest thing after guess of thoughtful, iu the eye. Say, he was a man, I tell got established was that his niece Injun r 'Hies and prepared to sneak to"I wouldn't mind that 11011 as much ! Themust come out during vacatioid and as winning," says I. "But, on the you, rest stn or out redskin sour- ,1 him a visit. 'Jeerusalem!' thinks square, do you think we can get out? age just stuck on him as he stood pay there waiting to pass in his checks. ; I, 'Jonesy's niece!' I had visions of a P11 jump Lim with you if you say so, My pardner threw the muzzle of his thin, yeller, sour little piece, with although I ain't got what you might gun up."D—n it!" says he. "I can't do mouse colored hair plastered down on call a passion for suicide." ' it. He's game from the heart out. her head and au unkind word for ev- "Now you hold on a bit," says he, But the Lord have mercy on his sin- erybody. Jouesy told Inc about her be - "I don't know but what we'd Lave ful soul if he and I run foul of each ing in college, and then I stuck a pair done better to stick to the horses and other on the prairie again!" of them nose grabber specks on the run for it, but it's too late to think of .n picture. I can stand most any kind i Then we shacked along down to that he'd sit behind ihis m isl the all orock nand Johnson's and bad breakfast. ' of em the tears but if dome to ere's myheyesthat it's What became of Frosthead and his trump lead into us till we wouldn't gang?" Oh, they sent out a regiment a botch of a woman. I know they float in brine—and we can't back out d {h ed him In—'Lout may have good qualities and all that, now." Id' an IuJlnn but I don't 'em, rock with one crack ofthe ax. e. us wa don't want to be small about it.' was just thinking, "Gee whiz, this says the oldgun, and"St Arizona goes 11 to Jones and Would be a poor place to get snagged , time, sure enough, the Injun was sacks out his hand. 'There's my hand, in," when bang! says a rifle right in ►mocked clear of the rock. I felt all Jones,' he says. `I'm mighty sorry you front of us, and m-a-arr! goes the but- along that he wouldu't be much of a , let over our heads. ' comfort to his friends afterward 1f told ale to shut up my mouth; says ne. We were off them horses and behind that gun did land on him. I "'So am I,' says Jones heartily, not a couple of chunks of rock sooner than • Still, he wasn't so awful dead, for as taking in the sense of the words, but we hoped for, and that's saying a good 1 we jumped for the horses he kind of feeling that it was all iu good inten- deal. t + hitched himself to the rock, and, lay- ' tion. So that was all right, and I "Cussed poor shot, whoever he is," Ing the rifle across it and working the stood in with the management in great says my friend. "Some Injun holding lever with his left hand, he sent a shape for fixing up the fuss so pleas - v noth- A•`degeteablePreparationfarAs- si;rilating theFood a11dllegula- tiitg the Stnrl^Ckkci and Eit1wQ1S c( STO'6A For Xnfants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of • Protnutes Digestion,Cf►cerftll- neo andpest.Centaias neither Op;um;Nlorphint ror Mouth. NOT NLCOTIC. I,cu�vsort do .gt1=.P.'IY is .P,:np.&r.+ s.— J- .rt'.xStmur J '.d&oSJa- ,''Sure StEd • Rirftllaa! - mrad..&cd• ff��a.rced - �cvr rLJicgar • Y.iAryrars nom: Aperfcct Remedy for Cons lipa.- tion, Sour Stossiacii,Diarchoce, Wortus,Convutsions.1'everiSit- tiCss andLOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Si:ttile signature of 1.244/ NEW YORK. In Use For Over thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, c THE CENTAUR COP,1 NY. NEW YORK CITY. •aper sequently he wasn't fresh, like most : Injuns wouldn't have much of a chance soldiers, but answers me as polite ars a tin horn gambler on pay day. Says he: "I just wanted to tell you that old Frosthead and forty braves -are some'ers between here and your outfit, with their war paint on and blood in their eyes, cayoodiing and 'wiroopin'- fit to beat hell with the blow - Bronchial Colds AND BRONCHITIS Hard coughing is the cause of the greatest r. A. enacting from blronchlns, and because 17 W. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine loosens the cough and relieves the dread- ful tightness in the chest it is a most accept. able treatment. Not only acute cases but also those of long standing usually yield to the persistent use of o Syrup �7 PJ �. Chase'sy P f °'' Linseed and Turpentine svhieh seems. to act as a specific in this nil• meet, and the immense popularity of this great medicine was built up largely oa its reputation a3 a cure for bronchitis. Croup, whooping cough, asthma, coughs and colds readily yield to the soothing heal* is 25 cents Mg influence of this great medicine. n fl g a bottle, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Toronto. Mrs. A. Barnum, Ingersoll, Ont., Writes: I'My husband was to bad with a bronchial cold that he could not speak above a whisper and medicine seemed of no avail until we used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin:aetd and Turpentine which cured him m two dales to take out my stopper and examine my works -not much. A Iielf mi16 start, and I could show the whole Sioux nation how I wore my hair. I cut for the place where the Injuns Seemed thinnest, lifting myself up trill I didn't weigh fifteen pound and breathing only when necessary. We got along first rate until we reached the edge of 'em, and then Laddy had to stick his foot in a gopher hole and walloped around there like a whale trying to climb a tree. Some darn cuss of an Injun threw a handful of hay on the fire, and as it blazed up the whole gang spotted me. a unlimbered my gun, sent the irons auto Laddy, and we began to walk. I didn't like to make for the ranch, as I knew the boys were short handed, se I pointed north, praying to the good Lord that I'c. bit some kind of settle- ment before I struck the north pole, Web, we left those Injuns so far be- hind that there wasn't any fun in it. I slacked up, patting myself on the back, and as the trouble seemed all over I was just about to turn for the ranch when I heard horses galloping, and as the moon came out a little I saw a whole raft of redskins !-boiling stir a draw not hall a mile away. That knocked me slabsided. It looked like I got the wrong ticket every time the whturned. 'colt I whooped it up again, swearing I Wouldn't stop this deal short of a dead sure thing. \Vo flew through space, teddy pushing n hole in the alt like a scared coyote making for home and mother. A•wa�'a"dOWli the, 'alley >i Spotted a. or two an ga er f like and that's the ow. ' twenty-five soldiers to No, He talked calm he made me kind no harm was dote. Me and my pard whole of it. We gave three loud of mad, "Well," mon says I, "in that case were the only ones that bucked up groans when we got the news in the let's play 'Simon says thumbs up till against them. Chuck out a cigarette, bull pen. And I cussed for ten min - the rest of the crowd comes." Kid; my lungs ache for want of a utes straight, without repeating my` "There you gel" says he. "Just like smokeself once, when 1 so fell out that the all young fellers—gettiu' hosstyle right away if you don't fall iu with their Salvation Army Praise "I feel 1 my duty to testify to the benefit I have received from the use of Psychine. While travelling in New On- tario conducting special meetings I eon. tractcd a very bad cold, which gradual- ly developed into Bronchitis of the it members of the board rolled out our 1 way the day the girl had to he sent CHAPTER I I. 1 come for, and Jonesy couldn't break loose, OW did I to get myself and your uncle was elected to take disliked down at the Clhanta Seechee? \Nell, 1'11 tell you," the buckboard and drive twenty miles said Ite(ldy, the cow puncher, ' to the railroad. I didn't mind the go - "Tec play carne up like this. First With out, but that twenty miles back eehee into a with Jonesy's niece! Say, I foamed they made the Chanty Se like a soda water bottle when 1 got stock company; then the stock corn• into the bull pen and told the boys Pally put all their brains in on° thine:, my luck, and says they, We'll make this men ,t ,luck,' says Iiylo Lambert, 'that's Jones superintendent, and the ranch Wellwhat you might expect; your sins havt found you out.' " `No, they ain't; they've caught me at home as usual,' says I. 'Wel, I'1 give that eastern blossom an idea of the quality of this country, anyhow: So 1 togs myself up in the awfullest rig I could find; strapped two ca trtdge belts to me, every hole filled, and a gun in every bolster; put candle grease t tel the ends twin tand on m Y mustache up to my eye winkers, stuck a knife in my hatband. and another in my boot; threw it shotgun and a rifle in the buckboard and pulled ' out (tuick J combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring wheat. Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making Jewel Hour for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel Brand the next time you want flour. Manufactured by PFEFFER BROS. M1'lgverton, Ont. �0011+4!!01.0.01•�0•!�'i0S4034i+0 t00@•400 444400R4.0000C-64•:41 is All right at once.' So out comes worst form. I was advised to try Psyching, which i did, and after using Jones from Boston, Mass., and what but a few bottles I was completely re- he didn't know about running a ranch rend this was common talk in the country, but stored t wonderful health, I r softer the to sufferers from what he inew about running a ranch- l3ronciiire sly Bronchitis and ether troubles,,, was too much for one man to cares B Later: s Later: "1 wish to adds that my voice, !'!tote. IIe wasn't a bad hearted fel• since using Psyching, is stronger and ler in some ways, yet on the whole he has 1110011 more carrying power than it felt it was an honor to a looking glass in him. •the of reflect and pleasure g lltish 1 n , neehave the d l rol Rl r. T had to P , before b tioeai chords do not tire with a speaking.' , Looking glass? 1 Sx�tI1 say yIo had! P. TIt,T,1+:1t, Capt. - alv'n. Army. And a bureau and a bootblacking jig. Ann St., Toronto, Ang. 13, 1007' ger and a feather bed and curtains Throat, lung and stomach troubles and truck in his robin. Strange fellers eared by I*aychine; also ilteipient eon' used to open their eyes when they sttw . gumption, All druggists, 150e, and $1.110, that reem, 1110110-*'ot' they'd say, 1(T'0 be Continued.) Dr. Z. A. Slocum. Limited, Toronto, COAL COAL COAL. * We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON Ct3'A1, ♦ which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Vannrtl and • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. ♦ We carry ookof UJ F I LES, LATH + fall stook of '� 4 (Dressed or Undressed) ♦ • Cedar Posts, •♦ ♦ • tar ilimhest Price paid ♦ P 4. Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. J, Barrels, Etc. for all hinds of Logs. "gra 4 s , .41 cLea • Mill, No. 44. *44004444444ii44$44♦44;•1.44♦ 4****4444444444444 444414* j+i roc..�:,.�.$':.t;t^n:��w.`....-,�`.�+•_•'.t: �u, a.:.�-o'�t� s; t y'. ISE ua a °C '' E Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. r,s;-NO NAMES USED WITII- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ho was sotprtsed at how the sores healed— "I tool; yoar Nsw Nstum TRE'T3:ENT for a s(111011s bleed di`41a5e t'Eth whine I had 1e>en inflicted for ts•.'1ee years. 11:'i 1 ronsmted ascrn'e. i of pi* ghltms taken fel 1.irds of 1,1!x1 mail •1 'e• vi !ted Ili t Sprinfrg mud other tut!, :al water re tots, but only not time p.aary relic r. They tvolild hl ip me for at time. 1 u:t arttT lli.l!oni'lellillg t1131 Sell ^ rinds t!. s nptoms wrolil.l 1 rcak out {+ y l( ,11ll rumble -,sills 1 t,ltchss. rheinv- i. ''/ 1ttie ' l,5. looseness of tlu' l:ai r. sa ellint s of the ';i:t:le1C. paras of the )land:; t':tiitl'*•, itelii1 -. of the sk a dt-['r•1.,tie stomach, nCFOKr'. TR$ATMENT ete. I!ea 1 givt`n up in desh.tie when a Meal advised me to ;'ou,ntt you. as ton tad l Cured hint of a eiutilal' <lisrlsr R years ago. 1 brae no hope, but took Itr.s 14b 1,K'. In three weeks' time' the solos c, um cue ed to heal lap all 11" .tan, encouraged. I e•"ntilnx'd tin NCV: M 11'I)et TtINATIIENT tar four numthsmat n, th'era e'f that time every sytt,ptont h:,d -nsatep• argil. 1 leas cured 1 tear, aft() and no s. aa' of :.'Iv disezm since. illy b„y, throe yr, rK ol.1 is Found and healthy. 1 ,;italinly e.!'1 5''••etltl.u'tltl vont treatment w lth (ill my heart. Yon tau refer any petwon to mm tut tel h �F. 1I l •' ; y, het cttu t c t'ra=teailnealal a� tun ttidt.” �©0, 5i 0Pi and PRIVATEODEBILITY, URINARY, B TAD ERR and KIDNEY ' cc np'.ainte of Men and women Art+ 5''tu n'e't •tin? YI:.v+ y+ a last Molle'`? Are 1.4111 intrn(iint; to marl y ? leas TROAREADER � sunt' blooel been d!t 01,l leave toil' any_ tcl'al:u,,? 41111 lvrnv 11ta•rni!lo Free.lit 3m tm tt cure you. tt hat it 1,03. done for 0111(131 hone t to li'ilonoPrco ofsCh+vgc Free. No matter who hal tire: ed you. write for an1 C110.gd re:ason:tble. Booh Free 'TbeGoldenllonit41l;" 3!11!lstratcdlonl)isenseaofMen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Q ,,,' .I en list and cost of Horne Treatment FREE. aI f( rode, N AFTER TREATMENT DRs.KEtINEDI&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich.