HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-06-04, Page 4STOP TO CONSIDER What you can save by purchasing Clothing for your Boys on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of' this week. The following are genuine, money- saving oneysaving bargains. LINE NO 8114—Boys' two•pieoe Fanny Striped Sails, sizes 26, 27, 28, regular 52.75, Special price $2.00 LINE NO. 8876—Sopa' two piece Fancy Striped Salts, sizes 23, 24, 27, 23, regular $3 25. Special $2.25 LINE NO 81t5—Boys' two-piece Fancy Striped Snits, r sizes 32, 33, regular $3 75 for $2.7.a 4 Little Boys' 2 piece Seita, sizes 23, 25, 27, regular $1.50 55 50. Special price only 11 Navy Cheviot 3 -piece Suits, sizes 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35. $2.50 Very epeoial price 5 Halifax Tweed, long -pant Snits, sizes 32, 33, regular $4.50 to $5.75. Special $3.50 10 Navy and Black Serge, 3 -piece Suits, sizes 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, regular $5 75 to $7 50 for $3.50 12 Navy and Black Serge, 3 piece long -pant Suits, sizes 31, 32. 33, 34, regular $7 00 to 1M 00 for $4.50 4 Fancy Tweed, 3 piece Snits, sizes 23, 31, 33, regular 4.25 4,( $6 50 to $7 50, Special pride $ 5 Fancy Tweed, 3 piece long -pant Suite, sizes 83, 34, regular 57,50 to $L2 00 for. $5.50 No Snits Charged at These Prices. Eggs Taken as Cash. McGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Mw TIiI+': WING 1L M TIME%, JUNE 4 1908 I;LRTR Mr. Geo. E. MoTaggart, O. T. , agent here, was married on Wednesday of this week to Mies Violetta Beatrice Thompson, of Clifton, The wedding took plaoe at the home of the bride's mother in Clinton. On Wedieaday morning, May 27th, at 0,30 A. m., a quiet wedding took place in the Methodist Chnreh, when Wm. Sims was united in marriage to Mrs. [Mary A, Tasker, by Rev. S. Ander- son. Only the immediate relatives were present. The bridal couple took the 0. P. R train to Milton for a wedding trip. .,,;o' • • Cause of Bois Explained. Even in health there is a large aocum- 'dation of matter in the system, which if not destroyed, breaks through the skin in the form of pimples and boils. No remedy so cleansing, so sure to drive out boils as Dr, Hamilton's fills, They brace up the system, rid it of humors, restore health, and absolutely prevent swellings, pimples, blotches and boils, Because mild and certain, anyone can use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers. 00000000000,000004000 That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and • your powers of resistance weakened. • Take Scott' .r Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. 4466 1e 401 It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so l.° prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. • ALL IIRUGG15T5: Seo, AND 51.00 Y 24�ta**4.443 Qhurch; Rev Mr. Findlay will be at Conference. A oerdial -invitation is giver) members to attend eider 1 ehnrohes ! The political meeting on Wednesday night was welt attended by both parties. Dir. R. D. Cameron, of Lueknow, made a rattling speech on behalf of Mr, Truax and Dr, Clapp did his bast to convince f the audience that the GovernmentI should be given another term. Had time permitted he would have explain• ed the gerrymander, but Mr (lamina explained it to snit most of us. Tire doctor said Mr Whitney wcnld give as law reform in tine, arhints brought forth the remark from a gentlemen fn the audience that it would be when there were fewer lawyers in the Honse, Mr. H. D. Henderson made a very fair chairman Many questions would have been asked, but the time was spun out in telling yarns, so that one had no chance, J A11i ESTO W N. John Straohan is home from the University, Toronto, and will likely Spend Ms vacation here. Ex -Reeve T. Strachan, ex Deputy Reeve Bryans and ex Reeve Turnbull have been invited to the Co. Council banquet at Goderich to be held on June 4th. They will likely attend. Morris and Turnberry tp;vnshtps are not going to give the sweep for the Whitney candidate that was hoped for, as many eleotors say the Govern. meat need to be taught tAie Meson that they can't pull and haul municipalities wherever they choose by gerrymander without being brought to book for it: Mr. Carrie should be heartily supported to impress the lesson. ••0•i•••••••••••••0••••••• 9 C•••••••••s••.•0•••0••411 • ROTJSECLEANING BARGAINS • • a Why so much worry about CURTAINS? Come in and allow us to 'e lighten your burden by assisting you in choosing some of the daintiest and most durable materials on the market. We • • have DOTTED MUSLIN' from 15c a yard — nothing nicer As for Curtains. LACE CURTAINS from 25e a pair up. 'fa MADRAS in all colors, at most reasonable prices. % e Do you require -ART DAPERIES, ART SATEEN or FURNITURE ato COVERING? Here again we can suit you, as we have a complete line in all shades and different qualities. What Causes "Nerves?" Most people say worry — they are wrong—the cause is in the blood which is thin and lacks nutriment, To nave "Nerves" more blood, sinew and flesh are required. You got these quickly by taking Ferrozone. No health bringer is so certain, no nerve strengthener more potent, no systanl tonin so well adapted to the wants of the run-down, • nervous or sleepless. Let Ferrozone build you np, lot it fill you with vim, energy and surpins visci~:. It has done this for thousands. • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • e • 0 • • • • a DRESS GOODS. 0 -•0 wIn this department we ask you to come and inspect our goods before • wpurchasing elsewhere. We have a most up • to - date stock— -0 • the very latest shades are shown, and prices will suit all. • • GROCERIES.— Fresh Groceries always in stock. e s • g• • Highest Prices Paid for Trade. e 3 •N. • •GORDON. �• 0 • • ee001i•••0•A•@•0•0••9t•a6l••• 09108884180611011161111109040611411011 (iT[TH1 LEADING STORE IGLI'grsa broShere are left to mourn the 1089 of a most kind relation La'it week WI', and Mrs, Robb left for a holiday outing. Is is 17 sears einem Mr. and Mrs Rnhb were marriei.Bothrt Morris is more like home to them then anywhere else They will visit A. Mille, at Georgetown, Mrs RlbI, s brother,ard then go to Tottenham where her father resides. Early in Jane they will turn Westward taking tickets to Ednon+on. En route visits will be made at Win- nipeg, Deloraine, Nepinka, Frobisher, Milestone, Maidstone and other Iointo. After a long and happy life the oall, that call that no one man refuse to obey, came to Jeanet Lauchlaud, relict of the � late Gilbert Speir, Sunday evening. May 24th at the residence of her son Allan, 14'h line, where Ake made her home. and at the advanced age of nearly 88•years, she passed peacefully away to her re- ward. She knew vary little of illness in her long life and -a doctor was almost unknown in her home. Oa Janaary loth she fell and broke her thigh and this with resultant troubles caused her decease. Mrs. Speir had been in failing health for some veers. Mr. Speir died iu January of 1871. The subject of this notice was born in Aegyleshire, Scot- land, and was married over 60 years. They came to this township in the pioneer days, over 50 years ago, and knew the hardships and struggles of those early days. Deceased was Indus- trious, thrifty and hospitable in her home, kindly in her manner and eener• ous to all. She had scores of friends among both young and old For many years she was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church at Brussels and passed away in the triumph of her faith in the Master. The surviving children are: Allan, James and John, all well known residents of Morris, Bella and Wm. are deceased. Mrs. Wm Shed- den, a worthy old resident of the 4th line, is a sister to Mrs. Speir; Mrs. Hamilton, of Glasgow, is another; and Wm. Lauchland, of Oshawa, is a brother. 17 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren are living. 1►iany Down with Pleurisy Doctors say the country is fall of it.. First comes a chill, then cold develops — tho inflammation grows — you can't draw a long breath—lunge and sides get sore, and pleurisy sets in. A good home. cure consists in taking twenty drops of Nerviline every four hours Supple- ment this by vigorously rubbing the sides and chest with Nerviline, and when warmth and circulesion are estate- fished, put a Nerviline Porous' Plaster over the aohing spot. Nervili e Treat• ment is always successful in wilds neur- algia, and pleurisy. Try it tourself. TLYRNi; E RRY. Minutes of oonncil meeting held in the Clerk's ofi'Loe. Blurvale. on Saturday, May 30th Members all preeent; the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last and special rneetings were read and adopted on motion of Messrs Moffatt and Kelly. Communications were read from— National Battlefields Commissioner. re subscriptions, filed; Geo. Stinson, To• routo. re debentures, tiled: Chapman & Co., Toronto, re Marconi Wireless Tele- graph Co , filed: W. 0 Brent. Toronto. re debentures, filed; C 0 Fence, Cavil Engineer, Ssaforth, filed; Independent Telephone Co., re township telephones The Clerk was instructed to reply what autioo has been taken in municipality re local telephones McMichael —Moffatt —That Mr: Herb. Henning he appointed to operate and care for road maohine for the year et 52 50 per day and that the mosiau of last regular meeting, for appointment be rescinded —Carried. The following acnonnrs paseed and ohrgnes iesned :— Jas. Showers, repairs road machine, $1 30; Hsieh McKinnon, gravel, $37.7S: Henry Wolfe, inspecting gravel,. 4 50; Richard Palmer, cleaning culvert."St.LO; John MoBarney. repair. ing culvert, 75c; 5 King, repairing cal - vert and tile. 53.76. Ratberford—Moffatt. • .That this meet- ing do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Binevalh, June 22nd .next at 10 o'clock a, m -Carried. Jolie; Buoo ss, Clerk, R'];STFIELD. Mies Verna McDowell is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry Morrish, of Goderloh, James Tunney had the misfortune to find one of his horses lying dead upon visiting the stable one morning. Judging from the present appearance of things there promises to be a good crop of all kinds of small fruits ani also of apples. Robert Lowe and Mrs. Lowe have moved into Albert Hardisty's house ou the corner, Mr. Lowe having engaged to work for Mr. Hardiety. Both grain and hay crops have made such rapid growth during the past week or ten days that the farmers feel hopeful of excellent crops this season. BiA Shoe Bargain for Ladies. FRIDAY EVENING THIS WEEK AT 7 O'CLOCK, 53 pairs Women's Shoes, in Patent Colt, Patent Calf and Patent Vici Kid Victoria, Queen Quality and Diamond makes — Laced Boots and Oxfords... . Regular $3 00, $3.50 and $4.00 per pair. On sale Friday at 7 p. m, for • PE $1.97 PAIR Nothing whatever wrong with these Shoes. Only a clean-up of odd s and ends. NONE OF THESE SHOES WILL BE SOLD BE- FORE 7 P.M. FRIDAY. And therefore everybody will get the same chance, Goods displayed. in North Window. WILLIS 182 CO. p.S,--Store open until 0 p.m. this Friday evening only. For A Bad Cold Nothing oures so quickly as the heal- ing Pine essences in Catarrhozone. It {ills the breathing organs with a heal- ing, soothing vapor that relieves irrita- tion at onoe. Ordinary colds are oared in ten minutes. Absolutely mare for Ca. tarrh, and in throat trouble it workalike a charm. Catarrhozone is a permanent cure for bronchitis and throat trouble. Not an experiment—not a temporary relief—but a cure that's guaranteed. Get "Catarrhozone" to -day. 25c. and 51 00 sizes. GREY. W. J. Savage, formerly of this town- ship, but now of the State of Washing- ton, where he has spent the past nine years, is calling on old friends here and is a welcome visitor. Bert Martin, formerly of Grey. is now leader of an orchestra in Hamil- ton, drawing a big weekly salary. We are pleased to hear of hie success and hope it may long oontinue. Daring the past weak Wm. Bishop, of Komoka, a former well known Greyite, was renewing old friendships He is a brother to Jno, Bishop, of this township, and Peter of Brnasels, and a brother -in law to Angus Shaw. It is 18 years since Mr. Bishop left Grey. 9 of which he has spent at his present home. Mr. Bishop came to this town- ship is 1E58 and was well-known owing to the fact that he was Amasser for years. The passing years are deal- ing kindly with him. i EAST WAWANOSIi. • B:ick Church Epworth League intend having a garden party et Mr. John Reid's on June 19th. Wni Sillibs has had his barn moved and intends building a cement founda- tion, which will make it much more comfortable. Mr. Westbrook has completed the cootraot of sawingMr. W. H. Green's logs. They cut shout 140,000 ft. in 23b days. Mr. Westbrook has a first•claas portable mill and does good work. 0 A number of young people met about i four weeks ago n sonool No. 1l and orga-.ized a singing class to be known 1 as Huron Chore Choir, with Bert J. Reid as President and Professor Wrigley as leader. The choir is now in good E ehape with 30 members and up -to date P music, They expect in the near future n to be ready for engagements. this people of neighborhood sus last a shook 1 t Friday when word h was received of the very sadden death of Mrs. J. Mills, formerly Mies Fannia Robinson, daughter of James Robinson, e of St. Augustine. Alrs. Mills took siok Tuesday evening with vomiting, which n caused her to buret a blood vessel in w her head, after h.oh partial paralysis i immediately set n •and she passed away Friday. May 2 ud, in an nnconsoions condition. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and five small children,Ln the youngest being only two days old. t We extend to he bereaved husband, children and sorrowing friends the sincerest sympathy of the whole aim. munity. Court of Revision of assessment roll was held after council meeting Reeve Mosgrove was chairman. H u g h Tucker's aasessment reduced '$100; T. K Powell's real estate assessment re- duced $100 and innome $250; Mrs. R. Moffatt reduced $300. Mrs R Kine, Goderich, was assessed for n i_ lots 5 D S., Binevale and J. C Johnston struck off same lots; Chris Skinn was assessed tenant for lots 5 6 7, con. 1, and Mre, Thomson, Teeswater as owner; Elijah Jacklin amused tenant lot 60 eon 1 and pt. I. con A and Mrs. R Moffatt as owner: Thee Simpson assessed tenant Q 1.1 lot 26. con (7. and Mre. W Wright as owner; Waite: Hnggan es - tressed tenant part lot 6, con. 2. 10 -acres and Aligns Stewart as pewter; David Marshall, George Marshall and Samuel Marshall assessed as tenants. lots 2 3, con 10 at 57000 and John Marshall as owner; Fred Dawson, Wm. Dawson, Alex. Forsythe and Thos Goy put on roll as M. F.. W. H. Elliott mtrnt k off and Wm. Elliott put on as owner lot 11. con 12; Rev. W J West was assessed for lots 15, 16, 27, 23 D. S., Blnevale at 5150 and Wm. Stewart struck off. Court then closed and with oorrections made roll was adopted for 1008. THE ELECTiUN CAMPAIGN IS NOW ON ! AND SO 13 ISARD'S BIG GL,OTU1NO SALII, SEE FOR YOURSELF. We're not buying and selling at random ! Not even accepting all that's told us about qualities! We investigate and compare -and we want you to 'iio the same! It's easy to szy : Sa.`l vi,iu•33 were never known in Wingham before; bat you can't begin to *grasp all we mean without coming to see. BELGRAVE. Rev. G. W. Rivers is in Exeter this week attending the meeting of Confer- ence. John T, Corrie, the Liberal oandidate, will get a good vote in this seotion. To win the riding the Liberals should see that every favorable vote is polled. The Young People of Knox Church, Belgrave, intend holding a large Garden Party on the Cnurch grounds on the evening of June the 10th. The Wing - ham Brass Band has been engaged and ati preparations will be made to enter- tain the large number expected. Ad- mission only 15 Dents. Keep the date and the event in mind—next Wed- nesday. A Riverside Social will be held fit>• the farm of Mr. James Russell, Sunshine, on Tuesday evening, June 16th, under the auspioes of Sunshine church. The Salvation Army band will furnish a musical program and refreshments a ill be served from 6.30 to 8 30 o'clock. A refreshment booth will also be found on the grounds. Keep the date in mind an' be sure and attend. The council met in Belgrave on May 26th, as a Court of Revision and appeal; members all present. Having each severally subscribed to the oath or affirmation required by statute, the following appeals were then brongnt up for oonsideration. M. Lookhart, Robt. Henry, Gordon Johnston, Nath. Johnston and Walter Scott, Sr., who all corns lined that their several properties were too high assessed. These oases were left over tilt next meeting for further consideration. The G. N W. Telegraph Co appealed against their assessment on the ground of exemption; no action was taken in this natter, the assessment being ojn firmed BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS -12 Suits, Norfolk style, nicely wade, well lined, small pattern t:'eeda, sizes 24 to 28 ; regular$ 1 5) valve, sale • "- • 0 YOUTHS' SUITS— Made of good, strong, dark Tweed ; coat. vest and pants. Oar epecial ant price . $3.05 PANES—Bays' strong Tweed Pauts, lined ...... .50 VESTS—Men's Tweed Vests, with strong linings, a zls.36 to 4 t A bargain, only,.., MEN'S TOPPER COLTS—Made of fine C.avenette, wall tailored; colors olive or gray. Special price..,. .. $0.95 ler ark ME pattern lTS-10 en's tweed, strong 1Suits toLainga ; Ap.rioes up to 33 00. email Oar sale price $0.75 MEN'S RAIN COATS—A good strong wearing Coat, goo,' valva at 54 00. On sale at .... . , .. .... $3.00 PAN E3—Men's strong wearing Pants, 51.25, for ,... $1.00 MEN'S SUITS -15 Suits, fine Tweeds and Worsteds, neat etripee and ohecke; good baying at 512; sale .-,- $10.00 MEN'S PANTS—Fine Striped Worsted ami Tweed Pants, all$si 00 ggood valga at $2 50 , cut pride.... OVERALLS -030d, strong B'aok or Blue Overalls ; well made`, riveted seams ; our special price... ,.., UR AVENETTE CO AT3 —Sae our Special Caat ; full Biz es : d ark gray: cheap at $1.2 01 sale at.... $10.00 NEW HATS. You will find all the 1 Lest styles of II tit D and. SJ i'' L' HATS here. Why pay FANCY PRICES fir vour NEW SPRING II.tT$ when you can buy at a BIG SAVING at IS 1RD'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE? THE SAME VALUE given for your BUTTER and EGGS at this store as for your CASti""' 11 isard & � IMPORTERS, WINCH 1M, PHONE 68. °ODWZM„gym MORRIS. After a lingering illness of some months' dnratidu Mrs. Robert White passed peacefully away on Saturday, May 23rd, at her residence on the 3rd couoession, Tactker8mith. She was born in Morris some forty-three years ago, but had resided here for the past ten years. A husband, two sons, be- sides her father. Frank Ashton, and two wni1TECIEVUItO '. The cream drawers report their loads are filling up. The initiation of members into the Sons of Scotland on Monday night was a anoceseful affair; and the pnblio enter- tainment afterwards was well spoken of by those present. ' Next Sunday there will be ne service, except Sunday School, in the Methodist Established z879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene i5 a boon to Asthmatics Dods itnot o cure edise see of thevbreat ing organ. breathe in a remedy than to take tato remedy into tit t stomach? h It cures because the air rendered stron.,lyan'i• septic ctrt,ed over diseased evey bie 'gtt tionCi ;old constant treat• ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small chit iron. Those of a Consumptive tendency dind immediate relief from coughs or Clamed condtttons of the throat Sold by druggists. Send postal f3rbootie. LaeMtxu,1,ttt.esf nt Limited, Agents, l real, Canada. 307 Thi following names were added to the roll, Roman Walsh. F. 5 and M. F. n a` lot 42, con. 6; Walter J Soett, Laugside, and Ohae. H. Soott, Milton West to be assessed as owners of E 3( lot 35, con 5; Win W Straughan to ne assessed as tenant of W. H. lot 30, con. 2. Several parties made application to have their dogs which they have de- stroyed or otherwise disposed of struck off the roil, but as the several parties had failed to give notice in due time, no action was taken in this matter. Moved by Mr. Curring. seconded by 151:. Gillespie that the court be now closed to be re -opened again on Tuesday, Jane 30th next, at 10 o'silo.k a. m.— Carried. Connell resumed; minutes of last meeting read toil passed, Account cf Sawye: & Massey C.'., Hamilton, for repairs to road grader reoeived and ordered to be paid Bylaw No. 8, 1903, cited a the Granby Drain By law read a first time and pro• visionally adopted. Aeconnts were presented and ordered to be paid as follows: -.Wtu Robinson, salary as assessor dill S, $65 00; Obris Johnson, repairing culverts on cas'ern boundary, $1 50; Sawyer & Massey Co repairs to road grader $1.1,65; Orme, U. Wir;htman, drawing tile and making outlet cop. 6, $4 21; Wm. Loge, building guard fence opposite lot 84, con. 9, $1.00 After discussing the need of repairs I to several small bridges and culverts lthroughout the township for the coming of Councillors Scotat3andn Gills pie i to meet again on t. ALEX, PO TEAVIELD, Clerkne 80th . CS aLL:r •.r This eek' Specials: —Best G-alvanized Pails, 45 per cent off regular price. —Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for 5c. —Graniteware at Great Reductions.. Get our prices. —For Screen Doors and Windows we can't be beat. —Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes, Hoes. Spades, Shovels, etc., etc., at lowest prices. —Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips, Mops, etc., for housecleaning. We also carry a large assortment of the Best Paints on the market, including —Celebrated Sherwin-Williams' —.Robertson's and thee —Toronto Lead & Color Co's. Church's Alabastine for walls, it 20c and 40c packages. If you intend building, it will pay you to get our prices. COIL SPRING WIRE BEST GENUINE FROST PORTLAND CEMENT s Young's Big Hardware Ir vS c✓Tg, tYJci,MsSM3 ' '', ilialqq p1 sI 1 d 1