HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-25, Page 4•
ylW tb
Lf4 :;
.3:01rofftlitiliOl'\11;b0 ehurObt iS qnite expected, will
e3reafly for 'Opaning in December,
Arrran On TO AROVX
24 hay ik being :shipped
ion °hi called to the fact that
companies require •ik ladder
errel of water be
here threshing is, 'being „den*
, 48' owner's of barna are likely
ose their.' insurance if the/'
Methoilist ebarch• pleat .in.
4FctiOn quatrains,. the growth el
Canada,' Who would ,•liavei, thonght
ngo Would be ready in 1902 t ,, er:
Read improvement in Ontario, no:
t/iiteirio -tliierycar fatly ,100 relies of- •w
• good stone and gravel rOada .ie
,i,pPrePriation's. ::'Within the, past ten:
iroprOvinithe roads by the townehip
'municipalities. This is. equivalent
' tamest 'to ,i76,000 a ' year, which is
,in Ontario:11,600 days of. labor under
"ilia statute -labor Sitste'in,
The iinniYertArr cervieell in connec-
*Pro held on Sunday, ekrinent sermons
were clo)ivereti by ,the 11.1
andevening: and 1,1, Rev, Vo Author -
ford' in the afternoon:. The, tee-meet-
jug- Anionday• evening .ivai favored
with :ideal weather and proved a
.1ciatietee4. of. 'the ehoiCest* and
aPtiebltizing° delicaCies. end. reflected
much credit the,Preshyterian
'of kit Ifelene caterere., The pro-
gram was renclorpti hi, the chufeh.
Nr, Whaley occupied the °heir;
Which he Plieci.Yrith;eifiaienoY/
eiting 'addresses .vcere delivered. :by
and, Owen, and sOleSTrendeffid,
.Messrs. Smith find Armstrong. cif
ofteit-ineetingamounted $96;.•
he, tables,- set. in the Orange
whichibirinner Men's, ravages,
ere: let loese. ' The: progreni.' Was
made.* model chairman....
P.teh Of Luciolow 'etiring
,add So on iochilism :Mist; Bow
now wee. bighly„apPlitudedin,
captivated. . the
TheLneknow Methodist choir furnish- •
ed the.: Magical pert ;of progrem
end delighted the inidience with' their
-pert-Of the program Was.. the .presen-,
many, ...year*. been ,organiet in the
eeniepurse the' Members
made the presentatiOn, .
CO* read ihe foliewitiefiddreee:—
raiaina by direct taxation. 13esidea
Mr. Jas. Walker of Ohicago is re-
ziewing • old acquaintances in- this
Mr. Kerr: •Meicenzie and •Mi.'s Win:
18.1..lattLexy, McLean 'was, the g,uetit:
Naggie A. McIntyre Over
• Misses. Maggie and Daily ,,Roseef
t,ana hain returned to- :after
spending a week with.' friends .around
-.Mr. -Archie --nad-Migitj-eniiie7 c-
Miirchy Teas, Carrick. drove:
to Lorne On Sa6rday.
*Misses Martha and .N.ina 'Carrick
a shert'time under the parental. red.
regrei' we note that
Mre. N. A: lleatherifigton is not im-"
Mr. Thos. Fallen end '108 Sarah
Fallen . epent: Sunday with friends
'Mr. T. 'Hedging. and*, Snide
Ifodgins.visited MISEk Susie Mils' of
• lleryie 'on Sundek. end attended: the
annual lIarveSt Thanksgiving services
. Miss M, C. McKenzie attended the
Teachers' vonvention, 'which, was, beld
on Thursday and •gridaY.
A large number from 'this • vicinify
attended the anniversariservices_hel
.CcirnerS. '41', Kett Of Teeiwater
'occupied the pulpit and delivered. elo-
qttent Sermons io large crowds: After-
noon service was held for the children
in Which everYdne joined heartily, '
Visited friends, in Bervie on'Sunday.
.Misa Hattie Blackwell` visited at
het home' on Mondry and. TneedaY
.• and attended the, harvest 'Peetival at.
the Church of:England tea -meeting tit
'Xinhiugh on Tuesday evening arid
HT. HEtElsit'
At Meeting, of tbe building and
finance committee.of the new Englielf
chnrch 'here the work, of .tlx? bricklay.
ors iVEts passed and. a 'hearty vOte)at
thanks was passed aeon acknowledge
meat Of the satisfactory work e'/'iecuted
. i)eccind pas/reel:lb Wail made* on account
to the contractors, Messrs. Walter •
' Stewart Sons. The congregation is`
ing info their, pew church eieo,r of debt,
Abeqt $400, .Pier: ped 'ef.:toire ail pre
the Aseenekat,;KialeaSh,-----Wei• ' the 90.11e4
people .and .of the Church of the •
Asecnition; -dein* t.o expr!Sa to yon sin -
cent.. gratitute. for' the' iinrstImable; services..
Duwithattinte ion have • seldom failed, to
he in Pone Bahhatb-kis 4ot:id
.01riCe. -tie :feel -certain, *lust 'have
'necessitated great "self denial. oit :your' Part ;
'striving akin -thief: tO Promote the Welfare of
tie church. Mersover,'we feel 'assured 'that
your atfong,sense'of duty and your. joy& foi
the:Darter's; woricilone have lid you to do.
lrae'Yotr te and talents as you beet§ dope,
way than smerely ivords Our heartfelt
appreciation of the work you have Perfortned'
and the sacrifices you may hare made. We,
therefore, ask you to accept this purse. Not
as a Mward for work done do we offer it, 'for
we well lmow that such services ars not to. be
rep:tied in dollars andante, but wo offer it al
a token of esteeni and to manifest in some
degree at least our thanks to you. „ That you •
may be long spared to laboi in 'the vineyard
of the Master ; that your life ma -y be filled
celestial sunshine, and that when the "nee of
life is o'er,•yon may receive that "well done,"
is our earnest . prayer; Signed . ou' behalf of .
the donors, Dflas K. Hennas,
hoses Cox:
y A '�
.1141`EN' .:''..i0.1iM�'•••• xs'�.!FAr.r'hx�ry�tt
e airin
In; :Biqa() reliajelOge And • We,
al80 keeP. a NU' and well se-,
sorwteed.. sbtoa ;lot osfo Im).leeSseet:141-tile4sti
*keels Wbioh we 'Will sell at
• Wheela, refitted and ',enamel -
OUT PTIOOS ate the lowest and
WE cflUARANT14/31 to give satisfac-
bliteksmithing done on 'shortest
custoptepelite lye offer you .
en's Rubbers, new stock, 55c.
adies' Rubbers new stock 35c. c.
alue for your' money
either • the Commercial' or
Short.hand Course.
btudents may enter any time.
Terms reatonable-:-send for College
C.A.Heriling Mcliityre
PreSident. Secretary.
' have over 4000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, Iota
in Kinloss. Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine.
Huron and Ashfield townships. 'Good lends
with good buildings to _be sold cheap on easy •
trrms 'Also a good blacksmith shop (dwell-,
sale cheap. A general 8..t.Ore yith largo trade..
live- village. Also a large amount of Money
to loan at per cent. For further' particulars
"14 t° MoICENZIE,
Insurance Agent. Holyrood.'
Seventy- fivo per cent of the new students
from outside of Stratford, who were enrolled
at the opening of our Fall Term, came from
nearer otheibusiness colleges than ours. and
students were enrolled from places. in Yhich
-other businese , colleges are located. They
wanted the beat business and shorthand train-
ingtoid,came here for it. Our graduates get
employment immediately on leaving.college.
Nine of our students have recently taken
wsitions teachcre in business. colleges.
Write for our catalogtie. Enter now if possible
W. J. ELLIOTTs-P14nollPal.
These goods ere. ne* and fresh,: but the present prices 3
will only prevail 'While' this corieignment lasts; its:: w4,w,f be
impossible, te secure ancither*-.'siiiPment at such low prices.' • .
boots and shoes. •,.., 'We alsn:riffer ou sorn2' splendid' ba-rgafn0 in!' '
beite aoci, girls' pelmet bpete, end in leather goods Of all kinds. 0.,
OW, 1-noW offer my entire stock' of`Bobtk, Shoes, litibbt:trh
Oirershoes, etc at :and' •
This stock is very complete, consisting of $3,500,00
worth of High Class Footwear in all, the, ditierent
Our.Sale 'is' doing' very nicely, spine „lines being.
Oddly cleared out . Tbero. is s'0114,-,)arge'selectiontOthods-07
front' Thit§ Week I wish' to Call :special ttttetitiop to our
;.I...ong Boot Stoek, it being a; line that *ill soon. be in demand:
om 151,25 too $3.70., ,No,trouble to show goods,to intend-;
John Parris,' auctieneer, will attend
the following auction safes on the
: Peter Roth, lot 39, con. 14, Calrosai
McAllister. Farm, Vendome Hotel,
Teeswater, on Wednesday,' Oct. 30.
cieerge Dever, lot 20, eon; 8, Col-
field;nn Wednesday, Nov. 6.
House for Sale.
A very commodious hpitse and lot situated'
on Clyde stied, a very well laid out ft'ame
house 'and. in first class , repair. Spli.ndid
vegetable garden, hard and soft water.. This
property is specially well adapted for' a small
family and wilt be aold wortk ,the =mei"-
Boar For :Seryiee.
The tmdersigned will keep for service at
Thoroughbred ,Yorkshire /3oar, •
Terms—fil.00 Cash at time of 'service. mith
privilege of returning. ' -
r par c n3 apply to
Tht, .stkayed unto' the pieziiiiies of the
• uncleril ed, north half lot 1, eoncession 13,
(Eastern Division) .4ishfield, on or about the
-1st of ,A gust, •one ewe and lamb. Owner,
A relief,*
and speedy
remedy for
Curbs Splints
Jawin cattle.
and Lump
TRADE If/LAX let which au -
companies every bo.tle, giving scientific treat
mentin„the various diseases." It can be used
in eVery ease of veterinary practice where
scribed. It ha* no atm:Rion. Every bottle
sold is guaranteed to gbre satisfaction. Price,
bottle, Sold bY al/ d i an
,Estray Steer, „
will. be given Special attention,
District Agent for New yorii1Ifutua
PARS.- Au)rdsTgoive.
Piano,.Organ; Violin,
ilass Harmony arid, douniers
Lessons in
Of sickness, :weakness- and ill-heft:it'll,: • '
palpitation the licart short- -
unclor.tlie qres.. imin. in the hack. and
utid'defective circulation of the blood, '"!
.8',Y feeding the) sy'steni
11101111,AND fiERVE
You strike at tba: root of '6e., diSt'aso
the sulkon.oheoirs and 'flatten e(I
of Ke :lowed '1)eal;th sterigth
There' ittrasted mats, the premises of , the 0.
undersigned, lot 21, eon 14, Weit Wawan-
cab on or about • September 15, a red ond
whit", Steer rising three year old: '
' The owner 'is rerinrert:41 to prove Dv:petty,
payexpenses and ,take•him away..
for evaporating at the
Highest price paid.
business lately,. carried on by' 'rhos, Ri:11.1.,
e.; where. now have in 'stock 'COnvletc linCs
Everything new and up.:to.date.
Butter, Eggs and all kind§ pf
AVt-i have ct.eil erotic of
Extension 'tables:in; o‘ltd, ;oak
and ash,
„i• elm and birch,
Is. conipletti,iii
FtinotaLDireetor, and.
4'6* EmbalmeiT,
ochAs attended Minilt ,D44'