HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-18, Page 8. • , are endowed'', Beeinfri. htit the sixth sense! la Polne- Sense, If thin sense*, wail. 40`019P0d saYe, us from Many bllundera and etztistrikes, tell cs that wheume41- eines; are ruquired nothing but the best And.purist /Mould be used. We yseuld like to im- 'Diggs:and Chenticals, We ore the: einality atour medicines,, '.drogo, Chernicals and' Spicery ;Or Ire buy nothing ;but the hest and only, thfrpurest" ma- ecriptions and" receipts which fill and the ..rdedicines We 711ititie .any article yen can e: ' ;444. YOU will rfind, that our -prices are no higher - than other Wades while • the iquility • of our goods 'cannot he sur- • life fete 0080 leeely, 'cheerless places, by thOWnerel =Wagon! 'and Cleo of 'eaevei and has na4,440' Soy of BoOlog given to liqnit drink!! which 115 the °Urge of men, *Mri Leckie has ManY thrilling:incidents to relate 7k re' travois ta and frOin the °awns'', almost 'totally deirivpdbf Abe blessed pi ivileges., enjOyed by those , in the' more•settled parts of' the *country: A cordial invitation is hereby extended! t° the natdio td. go and hear the �:r did style. \ Rev. J. O. Spencer agotn addressed' the COOVeition on Mission& pairlidateSSett were Interesting and will do mach to deepen the interest of the young people in misidonary Work, f his four e Ingham League extended . a tion of 1902 held in that ,town whiell Was accepted, The e:inging ,of the hymn. "God be with you till we. meet again" and benediction brOught to a close the. most successful conventions will be taken% yet held in the district. , • !intik., at tharesidence,of,Mr.,'Jas •Catniz.. ,,Jacob Steel Hunter, Lnokaaw,:to 011U ghter of the tato sr, John 'claMerOn,- 1. A. C.. LOCHEAD iliTeddanir Bella' in Melees when his 'only daughteKMisSAdeline; was united in ..nnitrimony to. Alf flodgins,',,a,, prosperous, young fariner_nt."tliesante—towitship. The' ceremony was performed by Bev, E, ‘A.i Of .Bervie in: the' Presence. .of about eighty-dve „ guests, the wed- ding, march being Played by , Messrs. Benson and Will Coif brother's of _the bride -The' Inido fooked charming, gowned in white organdie, ,•trimmed *iph. white lace' end pale 'blueribbon,. ...with bridal veil,, and:carried a :shower bouquet of .White times. , The brides - :maid,' Miss Susie, Hodgms, sister of the 'grown, was becomingly attired in .white organdie,. with, white chiffon and ribbon trinnings, :and carried ;an eitL • 'qnieite bouquet, of whites roses , and 'of the-Villey ' Miss Addle in ymk scirece, with. silk, lace . and chiffon ,,triminings apal bouquet of While,Miss Ethel Hodgins, in. a dress of pale blue. cashmere,' t'irimined-.Witk and „ pale blue, ribbon and bouquet. of: WO and white NLi:olets, Made an exceedingly prettyflower-girl. sieted.the-groem. After the ceremony partaken'of, after which an „exCellent displaY of ,fireworkswas given the • lawny follOwod by an' interesting mini" cal prograhr, The diiiihg-rooni was artistiCally decorated with oak leaves and ,' banner . flags, the drawing- .roolif being draped re,ff,,white and blue, and Union jacks.; The guests' 110 g I Me. latter the recipient of many handsome, and . useful presents which testify 'to •the .nsteent, in which She was held. , W.C.T.U.-Lvinbeip-Oamp Menden A,publio meeting will ,bo held in , the interests of the luraher camp 'title- .'eion on., the 23rd ' in the Trophy - addressed by 'Mr; teciltie, who is en- gaged by the Provincial W.C.T.ITi to travel •through 'the hitober and inkling' .. Camps in Muskoka and' Nipissing. districts; preathi,wc gOiipet temperance and distributibg the corbfort bags and literature supplied by the•local unions-. spent in the lumber ,woods, bting ',gene* grate" which' erainently qualifies kiln "to reach Ota the helPing hand to. the ,7, -thousands of mail 'tkow engaged in the „lumber woods. §ome 'hav,e taken to this mode of' by choice bet% of them have been driVen te it through businem reverses'. Thousands of hese 1110a are either .1 Withouk frienk or have been Severed iron them by evil habitOt The ;blects , The fifth annual convention 'of the LIICILlirOW MARKET' choral, loUcknow, 'On Tuesday this PO Wheat t • • ** " • .66:' delegates' were preeent from the differ. 1:BarleT •,' ' • •'• • ••• .• 48 • • ,Opening was hats and bonnets * our 'show, roOm. Mathewson were a Customers' w -he newest ideas in t Prompt attention is a deei ed success. The display of trimmed re great y. admired by the ladies' who visited leasing ribute to her ability as a trimmer. § leave Itheir orders,with her are sure to get e art. Leave your orders early.. t The large' number bt orders given , to MiSs +. ' ur motto.. the sessions were well at especially the afternoon. and e The church, though in the mi dat of renovation; was beautifully decerated The morning session opened! about nine' o'clock With Mr: W. H. Kerr ..of Brussels, President of the district, cises. "Why are we here?' wati intro- given-. .A.'\ nominating 'comniittee was then eleeted and wereto rtPort at ,the eftermion session- .M.isa Match of gorrie, gave an excellent paper , on "Joy of Seriice •A inirited address on "The Leaguer PH .Kvangelist,!:' was stien hi', Rev. ,A.,11. Brown of was introduced bY Mrs. A. T. Brown on the Missionary, Temperance, and Floral .departments of Juilior. Leagues 'were given hy three, Member's of the Whiteohuroh-Juhier'teigni --The beautiful: botiqiiet by it:member' of tile above. League, 4 black board eXereise with the: jiiniOrs was ;conducted by Mrs: W;R. 'Vance of 'Beryls. SeSsion ' The. afternoOn Session opened with prayer folloied by the' President's annual. address. :At this jiinctnre:,,of Kerr, Was,Obliged to return to.'Brits.-- eels. , Rev. Mr: :Harris occuPied the "What social work can the individual (11 , chair for t e remainder of the after- noon semi n. • An inspiring paper on Leaguer doI" 1_423, given by Miss 34.. -Stifiiiiit• of "loyal oak; and "wai.'fol-: reports were given by the district Vice - Presidents and Secretam-Treinfurer. distriat offieere elected for 1901-01 as Taylor, Lucknow ; :1st 'Vice -President, Miss Kew; Whitechuroh. j. 4th, Vice - President, Miss Stewart, \Royal Oak j Ileeswater.. An:"Open Parliament `a thrown Out. • A paper on' ".Miseionary Literature° in the League and . what We may learn -from .it,'' "win; given by Rai T, E.. Sawyer of Salem. s Thia was followed'13,y a splendid - Paper en a W k at place. ought the Epworth 'Kra and the Reading Coarse to, have with our Leaguerst" by -Misi Genie Tolman M. Ds, of - British Colnmbia then addressed thelcoliventicin oh behalf of whom the district' is.' endeavoring to sustain In 'that far .off Mission fiekl,' The This address °toted the' afternoon ,Taylor presiding. After ,Opeaing wt. 43. of Corrie gaVe an addrese on, the, Which wss educating and wail pitch. ten gi reatiaci White took WAS muck apPreehtted..1.' •.1Vesersi• 'Potatnee per ' 69, Apptee, Per erre!! ket*enort ee seventh page. Rev 'A 0 Harris Palter, ' WERE -NIGHT SERVICES 3A-e,bave ver INES this season. be found 'right, as"als fine display of RUFFS' and CAPER - e never kad better.. Our prices kir Furs will the, quality of the goOds. • 040 )0 k. 02*you. Want a.pair. of long, .bOots Agnew has 'too'many of them.and if you, want* a good bbot cheap call at Agn.etv s sh,op store Prices:.°b2 .Suit. you 2p.pek:Pair. AO take netic,.e that Wf. have; employed a firSt-clasS rePajrer Whq ItriA,rPpair Sunday School and Bible Class at 9.45. a.m Moining Prayer at 11 a.m.. ' Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. Bifile Class and. choir praCtice' Wed. nztad'ay evening at 7.30 p.m. ine 4 in seasonable novelties and we are prepared to fill -all orders Promptly.. Call and inspect our stock before purhosing. A.,1' good, range of outing '.EXECUTOR'S .NOTICE. In the Metter of the Witte of Samuel Torter, late of the City Of .Redlands in the County of San .Bernardino in 'the State of California, U.1S. Laborer, deceased. , 0. 1897, 'Chapter 129, 'Section 38, and amend- ing that "all p9riains. against the'estate of the, Said Satnuel iPorter. who died On or about,the 22nd flayof 4anuary A. D. 1809, are required to send bv .044 Pre- paid or to 'deliver .to the undersigned, the' admisistrator .with the will: 'annexed; on or before the loth day,of Noyeznber A. 1.4 1901, statement 'of particuIars of their °labile and tha nature of the seeurity.. (it any) held bi them.'duly certified, and that after the,said day the acpninistrater will pmeeed 'to dis: tributetthe Mods of the said deceased among the parties entitled (thereto, ' haring 'iegard oultto thwelaimv of which .he then shall have , Dated this 30,th (lay of SePtember A. D. • Administrator dat40,ged.' ..bk.r'.ftro.,_•Arei'''.beip.O.:::..001(1....at • ?a, These stoves aie of the latest de- signs,, many of them have steel ,ovens and are perfect bakers There are in the lot, SQUARE STOVES, EXTVIDED STOVES • RANGES AND HEATERS.; some for wood only, others for o only, and piany. of then). for coal or °wood Leicester 'Sheep For 'Stile. S 0.030 0 and will continale until they are al sold out 'The alert buyers will profit most by being early eine so tt of land attached g goon buslikess stSnd7,4614 sale; Apply to: 1:' : • • •