HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-18, Page 41114 L1BB$1'Y I0 DTTg1 AND Ti?. ina030 '1,,W **LTAoo0BD1NO TO, THE DIOTATM e*(10$8olsNps'wi Pain AaoVE LI L ;O1414l1: r,1Hswilne . / oiaow, Ootobor ' ,lBtho 1901. ;'Never ran a,,n achene that 'sciaes.ls far oil, • OiI eaves f riotion, is an •econ- olmy of power and epare,the machine,, rtisin is the o' f b in e o us .Adv h )l ess. Hen., Mr, Tare. hm s _made a change in in: the cable rates to .the Yukon. Heretofore they have been $4 for a, minimum'of ten.words.The rate in fature ;s to be 40 cents per word, rte. ' press rate, heretofore $3' per ., ten words,,, has been made $1 -'per 100 woirds. Ontario. has beaten` thin`: all at Buffalo incheese.' NOW, let everyone of our dairymen, makers, patrons and ally do their .dead' level. best to keep. thtothe mark;, • Good as we may •be`. ere is still plena room''for improve- Pliant' w rove P T P rnent'and:`we will ;soon be left `behind' • in the race if we, resit' for a minute on our laurels. Meaford Mirror "A by-law prohi- biting the ' expectoration of- tobacco juice. on the'eidewalks and the threw-. ing: of . waste paper and. .garbage on Ah'e"isieefa was inrt edi etid anid'p`iisaed` at the . :regular• • meeting of the town council on Monday evening." ',There is great'' need for' sucha byelaw • Luoknow. Our editor in chief arrives: home this (Thursday) evening, and':•conse quently .we will resume. ourold psi - tions in the back• ground once mote.` We extend our:' hearty thanks to our an_ customers-:and.-subscriIiers.1or- their forbearance with us during' ,the ,,past few'~ weeks,and<no* bid hem :APsb , adieu, asfar as our . connection with thb,editorial sanctum is `concerned. His Royal • Hi l . o a hues the° Duke of g Cornwall and York has "made'a favor able impression on thepeople of Can- ada. • In stature he is rather under- sized but he.carries .himself well and under- .,sized the appearance of a man, of good n ei n p y q e. His waist measure is quite pronounces, He speaks English with an accent very closely resembling that of Canadians and without a trace of the peculiar, tone by which we in this country are apt "to' identify the man from 'England. 9 • KINLOSS Mrs.:Brownscombe and Miss M. Brownscombe,.who have been spend-: ing a month with friends and relatives this part, retained last week to their.home:in Ohio. Miss' .Murti° Armstrong has gone to Lucknow where she will reside for /1 aline _w; Misses Abby Hodgins 'and' Bertha' Harrleon spent Satnrdaq andt,Sund'ay' " r with relatives in Hanover, Mrs. Stanley' of • the aonthline Wand- ered' from her home' on ':Thursday • night' of -last week, After hieing, out wonighte,.thr nnh _.,...�inclenl_ent,3geather�she._was located in a neighboring swamp. • Mr. Joseph Hewitt 'has'~sold his boating„and picnicking equipments on, Silver Lake to' Mr, John Hedging, ,v►ho will•add ,any improvements, and by next season Silver Lake promisee ,to'bea veypopular summer resort Constable Armstrong is at present engaged...in, ferreting ut 'a case. of bigamy. J Death visited the; home. of Mr.. •Jaiiob Gates. on Wednesday; 2nd Inst;,' ' and olaimed his "eight' -.year-old denght=° „ •,ere • The `little. girl 'bad been ailing ' ,for some time and her death was `not unespeoted.:' The funernl took place .6e ;the following” Friday` to the River's dale cemetery, ` ,beets. J. Maxwell'' : 'officiating. Kinloee spent unday at the •hOmewof Mr. W, Blackwell, Hetherington. las had; a windmill !meted, which,' adds conoid a er bly ter the appearance' of his, farm,_. Services in the °Introit of England on punday were especially', bright and attrzotive, the gccasion being the an ftual,Harvest'Thanksgiving, conduct. ed byReir-. Mr. Owen of Ltuoknow. The morning service was; made partioularly appropriate as••a Harvest service by e eciali g,..hy. Thanks ,vin vans •'while g suitable references were mode by the minister• to the thankfulnee of all: for 'the bounteous harvest.ao. richly be• stowed. • The; Poly Communion; was celebrated after the .service., -lin the evening church was crowded with: an attentive congregation.; The an-- them "With Thanksgiving'"' yea es- . pecially`' well` rendered by the .choir' The -tasteful;: way in which. the church was decorated reflected much, credit, on theyoung; people of the ,church. HINLOSS COUNCIL,. ,te e• pairin nco. A, 1 • I ' �itc ,: oar shop. is especially equip-. , ped for a general repair trade in Bicycle, repairing, and we • also •keep a full . and . well ase • serted_. stook of bicycle sundries..•. Wir ;have„ some second' -hand whee1 whirl_ we' will s ll .' t reasonablel• •prices. f' • Wheels .,refitted and enamel- ed. el - ed,' :. Our Prices are the .lowest- and, wa GUARA$TA1p togive satisfae tion: just.nsal We have received an immense ooignmo e and Gents' Rubbers, made by the best :makers in tl i Which , we are prepared to sell at prices' that' have been, equalled in, Lucknow. , :This line of ,goods we reat bargain, ,andweareth thereforepreparedto si • ,ustomers the benefit, Weoffer you. . 'es Ru ' new bbe�s , stoc is' Rubbers, ne* stoc Council met.- pursuant 'to adjourn- ment.. -. Minutes of last meeting havipg been read and signed the following business -was transacted, viz :-' A ' • communication from , Culross ; .council was read, stating that a gr of $10'`had bean made to, repair• -.the-, boundary opposite con. "2,, Culross upon conditions that Kinloss council. supplement. The reeve was authorized to meet the representative' from .Cul, aross°'council and ape ld n'like amount.' • The following., cheques •: were iesn- ed:--Jobn Gillispie, 40 yards Of gravel,: $2 : Alexander McKinnon, 44 rod gravellinglsouth boundary at 80ct. and 30 rods at 45c., • total $26,70, West Wawanosh to pay half; 'Alex - 'ander McKinnon, on account Of con- tract; 815;. Edward Stanley, ditch on 10th: sideline,; -50c.; . John Portico, burying sheep, 50;lbert•" Salmon, work on drain by-law, NO, 6, '$33.50.; -John 'Geier, balance of contract on bjf-law. No - 7, $4.20; William Percy, 79 yards gravel,$3.95 prank Elliott Cleaning timber and bush,' Kincardine': boundary, $24 ; Robert .Guest, culvert 5th sideline; Sl 50;.'.;'{,Donald McLeod, c , ul rt on ve Anion bound Kinl oss N,.la n cry ( share), $4.75; D.' McIver, gravel `.on Huron boundary'{Kinloss' ,,share), 20c.; 'Angus' McDonald, .culvert 'on. Huron boundary,(Kinlose';share),75c.,; Mrs. • McKay,', 40 yards gravel, ".$2 ; James Johnston repairingbrid n ,. Geo Huron bou'ndary,,.Huron to pay hell,' $1:',•' Robert Hamilton, .;100,: yards. gravel, $5 ; Richard `Stanley, $4.55; James Marshall, fees under award, `McDonald and others—Angus MCDOn- ald ,$2.50, Municipality of Kinloss 81.50;'` Reuben Stauffer; landler road. 2nd R.S,D.R., .' $100.;... Ebza - Lane, land for read 2nd R.S.D.R., By-law' y law'. No.- 12 for 'opening new road, deviating through lots No. 13 and 14 in the Second Range south' of Da ham road, and by-law No. 13 for closing,up: a portion ofthe road be- ' tween lots,No..13 ,and 14 in the .Sec- ond Range south of the 'Durham road 'and Lots No. 13 and 14 in' the Third, :Range south of the Durham.. road,. were: each read a..first, second and .third time and finally passed. The'councii then adjourned to , meet• again on Monday, 'Nevember:;;lBtb, at10aan.• • .GEOaciE G. MOPPAT, clerk. , 1 - • , , Horse -shoeing ' and ' general blacksmithing done .:on shortest ,notice. 'GIVE. US A TRIAL B. SNELGROVE CAMPBELL 8'' LUOKNOW rR These goods are all new and freelybut the pre 11 only -prevail while this' consignmentlasts,'as possible to Secure another, shipment at such low p Young. Man ` Po / /31'9u Want Of, course we. have, as usual, an up-to-date stn is and shoes. We also offer you some splendid b s' and girls; school boots, and in: leathery geode of a, n AUCTION sa. EB^ `' Value • for your money? If so take a coursein the r.'4.145 `c �r v F.�`+�6nY•C' ''W i�IS�OWEL" BUSINESS COLLEGE 4..' either the `: Commercial or Short=hand : Course Students may any time Terms reasonable—send . for College Journal. ' C. A,Flemi� A L,Mclot. rel g y EARIN • G SALE President. Secretary.•. Who Wants a Farm. ][ have over 4000 acres ofchoice farm lands' for 'sale in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200, acres, Iota in Kin oai. ''Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine. Huron and Ashfield townships. Good:lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy'. terms. Also, a, good b,ackemith shop (dwell- ndoinggoodbusiness.' for . in in connection), a g 1. • sale cheap. A general store with large trade.: live village. Also a large•amonnt of money -to•loan.at.5.per cent. For further particulars. apply tAr IL/ J. A.�icKENZIE, Insurance ,Agent. Holyrood, CEORA Having 11ow, I,nQW Overshoes, sided -to. go -o- ut of--the-shoe-business-i . ' er lin c Y entire -stock• of.Boot�,•,Shoes IL at' and .: )rigiaal `Cosi Tis sto is very c mplete consisting of .$3 worth . of Ili Class. .Footwear : in all the : difterent3s; Sale ,comma' on • STRATFORD,' ' ONT. :Seventy-five per' cent- of the new students: from outside of Stratford,who were enrolled at• the openg of our Pal Term, came from nearer other business, colleges than ours. and,. •atudenta were • enrolled from places in which other 'business colleges are located. • They wanted the beet business and shorthand train- ing and came here for it. Our graduates get employment immediate) on leaving college.. Nine. of, our students', have recently' taken. itione.as teachers in business colleges. rite'for our catalogue.. Enter now if possible.", W ;J. ELLIOTT, Princlpal. House for Sale.. A very oommodi3ns'house and lot situated' on Clyde.stieet, a very well laid ;out frame Louse and in first. class repair. Splendid vegetable garden, hard and soft water. This property, is specially well adapted for, a small family and wilt be sold worth the money., Apply to D.R. McIasoss, Lucknow. Fire Insurance. Insure your property' against loss or dam' e fire- in the Id reliable National les, low-rated-end-p�nanw Mortgages Leases, Leasee, Agree. xecnte3. Hall;. Tnesdsy, Thursday succus, • /�' ' • • vPrY. by , o and rcantilb-Oompaa ,teal payment,. Deeds, Wille, :Mo mente.etc.,neatly e Officer. Town and Saturday afternoons. WESTFORD Mr: j. Moliinney and Miss Sadie , Scilly of Beryl° ,visited 241'es Susie A.,large'number front here attended, .the Lucknow fair on Friday last, , Miss Hattie Plackwell, who - at •• present in Licknow; spent Stinday at Mr. aid.' Mre..M. Etaidenby of donVii on Sonde*, , , , Mr, W. Katlic and MIAs Iforhey of • •JohnPnrris, auctioneer; will attend - the following: "auction sales' 'on :the •dates„nimed•- W H. Melvin,, lot 15, con. 15, Culross, •on Friday, Oct: 1.8. `Geo. Byers, lot 29, coal 10, Green. ocky on Saturday, Oct, 1.9; Wm- Taylor, lot 30, con. 4; Itinlosa, On Monday, Oct. 21. Paul Reid, lot 6;. con.9, ,'Ashfield, on Tuesday, Oct. 22, S. H. Greening, lot 11, con. '3, Cul - rose, on Wednesday, .Oct. 23, Dan; McCormick, lot” 25;, coo. 1,' Culross,, on• Thursday, Oct. .24.;. Peter Roth, lot 30, con, ;14, Culross, On Tuesday, Oct, '29.'-? McAllister Farm', Vendome ):%tel, Teeswater, on Wadneadayi Qot. 30. )3oar Por Service. Thoroughbred YOrkshire Boar: ".,4A ' Terms -$1,00 cash at thne Of service, •willi privilege of rettirning. . ,For pedigreis and ether pariculars apply Sheep Estrdyi There `strayed- unto the preniises et the (Eastern Division) A Afield, on or 'about the CAtt haVe same ,by_proving.. property. and. pay • and will co We have wish to secure show goods .a DAY, { SEPTEMBER . 7T ue.-until the whole stook is' dispose iltfitttC e particular. good things to offer. rgains come and see' us: No'. tro cote prices. 7 TERMS CAS iii i,g e�za'+R >(o prepared to give lessons,on ' PIANO €AID . ORGAN,' A.he Campbell St., t r Witte 'on G`IKNO11 I J. D NICNAB,`C. E. ONTAR10•LAND SURVEYOR '! SEAFORT:_L P. ._...._ Engineer for. Wingham, Seafortit-' Howick, Culross Etc. Ce nt;: alks w.._ , Sewersand Township Drains, 1' b wI l , e �iyen .special attention. Engineer fortlio Village of Lucknow. Agent for Continental Life Insurance Co., ' for the County of Huron,, District Agent for New York Mutual Life' Insurance Company, MR S. A. M .ARMSTRO ItL TEAOI#ER•` 01' Piano; Organ, -Violin," Voice Culture, Thorough •.Bass Harmony and • Counter. • point... .Pupils prepared for Conservatory,' examinations: , RESIDENCE Camp bell:street.' M, SSC , •�TA`UGHT.:�, Lessons in • Vocal and lnstrumenta'• -'-Music and. Harmony axe taught ,by •MRS.::p • SEE - '.•ri ort m ..,v r `P•,+.rw LT'S.Y.OU.R.NERVE`S Its a Couditiou. of 'our 1 crvcm• '"'hat Either Make Your' Lifc A.•Eotind 'of Pleasure or, Useless' Ilsax„i'rlt;ii. TO many ,women' life' s one round..." of ,sickness; weakness and. ill'health.• To attempt ''the 'lightest household duties, fatigues them. Many of'the sy..mptoms-aceomnpa-ny •ng'tlne stiacte-of T`decline are a feeling�'of tirednsc.v waking,. fai ng' g, faintness,. d�zzit:ess,• sinking feeling, palpitation of• the. heart short ness of breath, 'loss'of appitite,. cold; hands .and feet, headache. dark circlles under the eyes, pain In the:; back and'. side ank all'th,e other accompaniments of a rundown and 'weakened ,con5titu- tion.' All. these.. symptoms and conditions• are simply' the result cf a•poor quality • and detective circulation•of the .blood. • *ith 'a ; wasting away ' of the `nerve forces. Bf fe'. y eding the system with DF. W.;^iw1�a. ODD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the. root of the disease and lay-a"solid foundation :on which to build. Soon 'the weight' increases, , • the sulken cheeks and flattened` bursts fill out,,;the eyes 'get 'bright: and- the'• thrill of renewed health.' acid sten th' ,vibrates .through•, the system. Price 50 cents per. box FOR,' SALE • BY C. W, BERRY & SOI,. LUCKNoyv • ' ONT;. estray Steer. . There strayed onto the*remises of the undersigned, -let 21, con 14, West Wawan= .osh on or about September15. a red (and white steer rising three year old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away, : G. .. JOHN H SMITH: All kinds of apples -suitable for evaporating eat -the - r 'I beg .t r .. surroundi business 'tine buildi where'I n of - • tis Butter, taken ilA ex NEW dAN CONFE MEAT Everythi me. No tr an f'a SJON.ST�It form the citizens of Lucknow 'eaKrieti/ oil by Mr Thos. .Reid, ave in stock ',full and.complete HO' CROCKERY FLOUR & FEE EVAPORATOR and all kinds Of Fartn :Produ 6 for goods. wedyfAiNewieedverinneioweiporAmmmr It is 80 easy to furnish a Ilia) houS0 at•a. "small cost if yen, oall, into DaYi- Wo'have well 'assorted stock of the following „ Secretaries, in oak', bii.ch and, ExteMsion. table)) in efm, oak and ash.' Cobbler rockers 'in hardwood, oak., elm and birch. • ledrO3n1. suiths in oak, ash, Plc] and birch. Our rtalazg EMBAot1119, OM' special !attention. ' DAVI Ottiln ritte:ndi.ici Right or: pas, w. v.;,.�,rti�,• •