HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-18, Page 1NK HAMILTON . HEAD OFFICE; taiihyou, ONT. 'Capital paiii 49. a 1,995,7'50 lieserve Fund 1;1500,004; 'rota! Assets 10,04110,004V • .......11ogNgwv.:711.11ANC HANCE D MARINE ELPH -401 vaeoett made tp farthers to feed :Omsk. .All rates Moderate, Duans issued payable it all the principal 'pciints . Canada' and the nited States. DMmaits of *1.00 and- upWardi, received -113ho..tlepoiitor 'is not subject to any' delay . whatever in the withdrawal pf the whole or any portion of the deposit. , , ' JOHN SPROAt AGENT. , Solicitor, Conieyancer, . etc., (late of upstairs ia bleak. ' Money to loan.. ; °face over Mondy's Barber a, e collections on al) Points, t oto ors aceount, Will have, and farmer's male notes rs on double or single hotes. welveMonths time, end at or large &moat* on second me or other real eState sec, t chattel' 'mortgages. on live law - d. nabl an 0 aee and at m grA Fir Ina a climes of properirin or tual Companies as desired. 10 SIDDALLt MANAGER. • measured 12fand the in eireuinference, ; an and 1$ ouncee .rea#ect beetiljonior in 'the i3a here, has resigned and St, Paul to, attend' VE.1 The Pair was any friends Oak ho has been ill. for DOn't wait, you buy, year 'fur. eo you 040 hOW at as el .Christinai and you ohothie from. W. C Rev. ,Mr. Oaten se ea from 5 percent. to per eircuit,, is atill eonfi ..IL/ Surgeon and Accoucher. Surgery over -I. ElItott's grocery store. Offiee hours CAL ITEMS? n- oon thOW ori Friday' teat.. is satisfactory to hi At Goderich the football team .defe Institute team hy This takes back to Miss IT„einCum So.nth Alice T here' convention d wec,..origltdi,n1120; s' leaving. for ly. Jay, who ham of Hamilton old ee• d 3,1.% Corrigan, Lt .pre- Eu an We will a price as a .better lot tor On, Ashileal pleased to eay forth Collegiate the Goderich ore of 1 to nil. forth the'llough on last fall,' ore sell at ga of the Luck., is attending hich is being _t_ieesiater-en Anna, ,Maeltensin left On Tena Muraynf'Pararnotnit 'hi hiirsday 'and .Fri , of this week; • The proposed r in-Gederich M.S., M.C.P S'0 I'h r•• ur' .,,to her brothers' in Calumet,' behind J. G. „Idurd0141. 0.13'0 8t°146' Tbemas Gollan Alberta is SOCIETIIES3 g his many. friends in Lucknow OLD LICHT .Loop a 3k0. lUrg•trs EVERY THURSDAY NIGHi" , or.' before the. full-. tubon, , in, the Minonic.1101),Havelook street... Is/Aa Aloartisorr; HARRY DAYS, adian Order of Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday ,evenings of each" Month, in Oddiellowif Hall; Wilton cordially invited. . *2/1te.----*, 4- uoKNow • nfmRT sllEAWOOD, NO. 50, LI/C1(.; k../ now. Meets every:first and third Mon- day of ,, every month In the Orange ' Mlle Visiting brethren are cordially invited: , ,. 4Liieknow' Lodge. In- dependent Orderuf For- esters meets in the Odd fellows' Hall en th 2nd and 4tb Tuerda Visiting Brethren PRANN CAIN N". A.WitENO ,t .„....,....„.. A.„ . T., IT 6 It il 6 i..,01(414.0itA, iiiti' ii' i,....-O:kon edeP:: :' Oataribell street,. LiMknoW.-, On the Bach .. 'Ddal,111t'alglit'on the Second' .Tuesclav 'olefin y of 4is Village. -arriVed home On. Wednesday from their' trip to. the west:::'.: and' Mrs..' 'D. a Taylor sand: TorontOon:Tueaday 'Morning. dies' coat& in the ' newest 'outs, yOU for SO ent147,50 at Con *retinas and rateiia-Yers; are] tiwiep over. , Remember re, agents for the a trial aircl:aw ...oew -there. is no shetter: We ke large assortments will supply the pit Of the Ashfield 4;ircuie On Sun s.follows Blake's; Bari, me Blake' Ointment. , that pne. day eek M.64: This certaini a„,big „seven hours, Mr:: Atinn intuit') infOrnis Donald thre 1,500, Ibuiihe/s of Minion carr all to the granery., 004 of 'Ilrest wanosh leav ones for his work to; gitation age' Saginaw. 'Re and • ab 411rp...,Woods e. much missed in n social and oh werk 'and their oyear-old 'gelding road &, 'Paul Sineltzer Look, ard• prize °know' fair, instead Of IL Woodas. Rosanf, this village has a• ber of sheep to let out' ,shares. particulars apply ;at his harness 6, :Turnbull of Galt and Sim of 'Pergus were the giteits of it b. Cameron for a feW days and gave the Snirrnirtr, a call on town ,on'Wecinesday last on, kor- bile thd lamp holds ,on to burn • csene supplies Will be required. We O 'them and: a. hiCe range of ta are visiting their titivate, Mr. Old home hi Lucknow. iss Cora, 14°04' left On.Monday Staples postoflice. She was accom-•• ird 1,y her sister,,Oleda. of the canvas is v apples from Mr. 1Cennoth tis` (if West 1Vitwanosli ; one their, 'home and are snaps at -the priCe. .A f 11 supply of ball and , ebot cartlidge alwayiboa hand. beakz•znalzek: 'Beautiful ,carving And table, sets • in ivory 'and Uokhorn handles for s gi ',We.- hive 'jinni about ''reac ed. , the, ..kiible E3oclet3i Annual Meeting. our recent. fire. Our friend,- hate braneb„ of the, eilper Canada Pible preMptly seized the , opppyttinity &nil goeiet'y was, held in the;- /ecture room eatiqfied ;With', the bargain ••04tried, day evening, • „OCt. 9th. treoident New stores arriving weekly. A 0. Rev. A; 0: Harris soecUPied the' cha ir% c.t,i;i1.414:::,!1:11,114014?.?rTi410):rc'gi:11 Idoetvb=7; r.,,alusic..„,,,,_..itt.i...,z.,.:67..,,,...; ,,, .. „ati resee ,t e meeting,. ,,at length s the best soli value weoeciv!I.erahofflee;e:i . s.:Meetings in the' interest of. the 'Bible liu• ' mtheins'seirte, ti and can, thoroughly reconz. csOncert was giveiint„whicli Mr, .d.rawing' card. Mr.! clarneron1,0 mune is enotigh te .9envince all. that the Edith Smith of ...LiCknow •aete'd as accompanist fop tbe,.,eVenin,;, during/ the daY.._ the. Lucknow's-Rand-• are' .unable •give the of prize Winners' 64; week. s IVitla the chilly. winds of 'Octobeigk cornea tho need. of warmer thing's to wear. Our stock is now replete with cold weather goods ---the best in as- sOrtment—the best in style --;-the best 4 • /A all-round values that has ever lbren within the four vvalls of our store. for quality, as /ow as any in t!-.0.trade. ,el 0 thing • the ' gathering: The ir.easuries. rePort • fancy slines at $`4.16 and •847.-00.:', *.' .. .s. ITiOpe Church; on Tueeday,eve!iing;:29pli .%,11,6u,.i•rnhgtn.yetiierr.6 Twi:eitne 4';ittitigrn,cpiods-efl4osiui i..t...1ft,'• ..atihriaiwakeritab•laet:540lleawnodorratS4taln.doacr_rd,b_'..,01:11ing, , ' • ' makkay• was elected ‘pre•sidolit and , 41 j sour.T. mhictantrilairisQray oviiiter'i.g.p.ehri:hkilrYta,.tco•d.... We. AL' *. :Jill. 1th .e: j.7..ieet,in s to .ble in'.. Owen and prebably Mr IT. G.' ur- On Su da attt-:(\her: 20th' anniver last. . Deceased had- beez-r &ill lie7alth , fer. the past, id)c yeati arid. the end wall . ''14' 1.8.2-°;.':'.7311:54;:e*ue;d4.,O0,ffoe,-,iinng-v70°Oli8:2:a.51s% .'Sw3hltei '... :' '''. '' . and ..Rev.ssps6itesygniiie•rturd stss ,,,?...i.). and. earne ', to :Canada. in 1'841. ' I. end trey cetton bl • ' .:Cn.M. ondayi eve.,i,,ii._01).inititg.,ii,_ae,iii:: ,flotv'isiel,de-Sheitst.,1i,eidc,);(3„:ss'siol.lints4's,..'mw-iiii_%e'v/n-reiglhl.te, and gters'ell.u.etkb.g.'hYanthe48;•:rndd; 'vv:hite.. eitiftilarnilill. elie.6,1ginivnensie4;16tivil:!. :i. l• 46.11aft;te'... s' 1 l'i 1: 'Ile " rie'd A941 :'' Ti4itii.; •'''''11° tlt died ,aboot ix :teen Y0e4:8 Sgo. lie .*44.06:r2di';pa°Rno.lotlautthl'itss eprd: ." IT1337uet.il':111ilfdrireeiril are ieft ..iiiourn; being 69: all who 6OW- kinrre11-Cifi•ahti.itt Pt Robert 'Graham, ,.1.P.; Oatrart etreeks wae united in ,niarriage. Mr. 4. rt. G.' Harris,:. Methodist ininiater of 131irrell Of Tornto, by the ile... A., LucknOw. The ,/young lcouPle. took tin ted for, London and other places to,. hei th:ir de, parture en the aft,ernoOn train Many' f Dr. rary ,day an du in good order ; ail in codforiniey to expressed iiiniaelf with much i:nstit,titi.onEi. The in" Government's philanthropy, to instruot people liof this progressive fervOr in *nth ha' n visiting friena. in their endeaVOr to pircalate .04 'apc.1 'cheerfully and willingly met ,Qtiebec, 7 urn, for , the following The Pr riana of Langsicle halm he , building- veneered whole painted inside walls have been halter with bri and ,out. Was abo impresa of .tu church his tex ditieou head one the eatis trtis ackay preached a: Ilion to the A.O.U.W. . the- Presbyterian nday 'Morning, taking as. "Christ, the object; of attendance. , used to. learn • that ''Mr. art of Lucknow is no* in the order departMent mieson's clothing house, ldest: and best known in Torontc4 Ile has. given for OVer Ave weeks' an'd I ;opntinue to' prosper, Mtiita'xik spirit hay are going rapidly. Th he balance of militars.st;tes , se of the.tnany read- 7ho luive the welfare of _home grand ; in fac 'the finest she ,The crowd ,We all geod hut of was the e'venti free•for;all Two Stanley of 1D.• Mr, P. McDavi Mr. POO. 131174 Gorlerielt landed nunganrion Society NV/I held Dun: o 'weather Simply w diva, Of V,the season,. ss; The 'of the day. In th , and driven :14 it, won liairdily, Whl dills' Alien 4n ,.,111r7- Sara, 'Gray's Little. Peat. iven Maggy D. of Godericli, third. in the:. green. tret Tom eol :The Te 3ren ,sreaclyaiiride: glasses. -It' is' a:science .tention; May need it ;badly 'bat yott: '-delaY. ''!'ineens added danger to • your health:. bere"will„he'ilto 'charge for accurate 'Meas. tire ent.of the' error 'Of refraction. ' A ti al Wilisonyinee you. ',tit' tit Al set/elation' ih governed by principles- wh1ch wane_ 'The Sah)Cath School • ,,Ontario th venti'on in tl a Vitro -Toronto, en ' etolior �4tli. Every w. to insure ft geed pr made Many note( Canada and the J _ ��w Iesentwalid'deliver ldd y �cl�.�bl�in�f<}r���s` � T:�`)�.,�.�esses'�. ssociat'iou: Of nlitycin 'speakers . from will should he repro, ranch itsuecl to delegates i/V.11o, .at the raiNT.ay diatien' on star Ingo ..olltain fro6 the \sh. which Oti.ibeing s led. by the seere-.. tary •of 'the ,eonvontio 'will entitle, to rt of in he hasemont of his, home at Ostei4 is' evido he stif.keredn.".„an :electric got third. . the ,, 2, ,ass shock– fkObi at?, ,frThandeseent latnp, which catised his death. t urns Were found 'at the tip of ,tho third. linger on tile•bitil' ctt the thumb ; these, were undoubtedly <.,aused bv WE CAN. TELT. what's wrong with!your watch and we'd itke the chance to lookit over. s No matter if ite hist:: little' res plating that'p needed, or a 'cleaning,' . iidviae.you pi' do the work for You, . A Reliable Clock. - , is a Oecessity in every' home, 'We ,fire; here in great variety.ct styles, '; 1arruir.--ca in today. Hi 'a • ARIVISTRONd Jeweler add" Optieiaii. loss aboitt 3'6 years arvo and ap 1e4r:ly,a,4•0 weilt to Lake Linden, Mich,,: with his „ The laskyear Pe his Monty? went,directlyfioniPhiladclphia, he Osceola min • mic he peeanie side's' 'the wife; his, family lonsiS:ta• of • years old, and the 411, Leland Me- is..2 year's old. ,Dr. ilfeCeae Oho of the libnoted men of thcitnedical professien the `copper ieenet0, 110 bother •*praeticiencrs, nil passing' away pl • •