HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-04, Page 8d14 sixth se. What is it,? We all know el -% the five senses with which we, are, endowed, hearing, seeing, "smelling,, tatting and touching, a. •but thesixth senseis some thing different. it is Common ■ Sense. If this sense be, well developed it will save us from, ■ Many blunders, and mistakes. It will tell us -that when medi- cines are a i , uired nothing but ' the best a.tat purist should be used, We would, like to im-, press on yonr mind that this "our aim, to • supply Pure age and Chemicals. We are ding up a reputation for quality of .our medicines, gs, chemicals and spices, ' for we buy nothing but the, best and.only .the, rus "est ma terials. are u, 4u ii.~.he .per 404.Ptions :• and receipts which w•e1i11 and the 'medicines • we • prepare. 'When you see our name on any article you can rely on its. purity. That is s" our watchword " Pintrry," and you will find. •that our. ,prices • are no; higher than, other places while the quality, of our goods cannot be sur p€tssed, C• .-LOCHft hanist and Drugs; Wedding - The hcone edding-Theho+oe of'Mr. and., Mrs. Dnnoan Mclntyre, concession .4,'' Kinloss, was the'seeneof a brilliant and pleasing event on September'25th, itbeing the marriage of .their. second ' daughter,, Catherine M., to . `Mr. 'Donald • A t Nicholson Of Calumet.;; As the full toned of Mendelssohn's. 'Wedding ?t';arah, played `hy`Miss W. E. Milne, oub;`the bride, havinry been pie= '"ceeded by thereat of the bridalrt a p Y,y entered the room leaning on :the arm el her brother, Mr, •1). D. McIntyre, .owing•to the unayoidable absence ;,of herfather. Rev. Mr:MoLennan-be: ung ; 'unavoidably absent, ':Rev. Mr. Mackay of Lueknow officiated:.' The bride toOked charming, becoming-; ly. • attired r in a: handaoree dress .. of cream lustre, trimmed with applique and tucked Chiffon, and wearing a long veil, draped with orange .blossoms.' She-car-r-ied-a-bouquet-of---whito ;crura; , anthemume. The bridesmaid,: Miss., Maggie ltiiclntyrea, sister of :the bride, was'prettily'„ dressed in'• many', moieelaine, trimmed with lazie• and`. ribbon. The groom was,supported by,• his brother,' Mr.. Samuel ,Nicholson.•' ,After the ceremony all proceeded to.' the dining room, which :.was . prettily. decora't`ed. with • cedar 'chains', inter • woven with : flowers, and where' a sumptuousrepast was 'spread,- to which all. did justice. ;After all had partaken. and; were, preparing •to: 'beguile .the hours of night in merriment,the mein - diode strains of the. Lucknow Band re heard under the dining room doors and this attracted attention for a time, ` and later"tripping the light fantastic" -was enjoyed, • The guests present numbered one hundred and fifty. Those from a' distance were Mr:;and Mrs.' :0. Iii. Nicholson, Misses M., Beaton, and M. Mcbiar- 'McDonald,and 'McKenzie of Calm:het; Miss Rbbiesbil Of laliesley ; Misses A. . McConnell and Sterenion, Mr. .and ,Mrs. A. McConnell of London. ! handsome and costly presents; testi- , fying to the., esteem_ in which the ...young couple were held. 'After sPendi, ing a Week with' friends the- young couple left this morning. for Cainmet. Au join in wishing flieni !ben' voyage' • Itnojr,, elinieh, Ripley, on Tuesday,, :ijunn "qpiointecl moderator for - teeReys. Murray mid McLeod, and. their elders4-vas appointed to' consid- er the whole question of the appoint-, A letter. was read frora the Prisoners", Aid .AssociatiOn asking"the sympathy. and aid of fhb Presbytery' in "their . efforts on beholf of inebriates. ..It was agreed tb commend the objects a,nd , efforta of the asSociation to the interest and sympathy. of the. minister& and 'etingregatfons., in. the Preshyteiy as Werthy el their Support, - Standing . • committees "for the 'ensuing' yenr were ' appointed 'AS bays. Ross, Maloolgi and W Missions,—Revs; Murray, Mc Maxwell; Augmentation—R and' West; Sabbath Sebool Miller, W haley and Fairbairn Life and. Work—Reys;. Duni and McFarlane; Examin Students- Ituvs, Perris, Mc Stewart ;, . Y.P. ,Sooieties--Re Maxwell, West and Whaley* ; tics., -Rev$• Ballantyne and A Aged and.Infirm Ministers' 1 evs. Malcolm and McNab,;:, Messrs. Gioslirg, and McKenzie were recommended to the H. M; committee. for the' position of catechists, .and Mr.. J. S. Nicolson was received • and recommended . as a student preparing• for the tnidistry of. the. church. The Presbytery of .Stratford,, having, asked the Presbytery to take • cogniz- ance of .a movement to erect: a church.. .within the bounds .of Maitland' Fres. bytery.-that would interfere in.. their' opinion with the work ot. ii charge in. Stratford Presbytery, ' a committee. Revs Ross, MoNab .and Anderson— Was was appointed to visit: the field and' report ; 'the Presbytery • of „Stratford• to. be informed;"of this ,action and. invited to: co-oPerate. , The congregation of Pine Ri timated that they would' bees supporting after October lst year and were congratulated new 'step. The ,Presbytery expressed sa 'tion with the success of 'the...,C Fund movement, so far•and eq ministers •:and sessions to.gi congregations • .further,:;oppo., of `contributing , that which lacking'. of the .full amount Application was made on ' Walton. eongraegation to the An tete') 5Vund: fora 'rant''bf'"$1 Presbytery proposing to apply for $75 for the following year, it being under- stood that thereafter the 'charge: shall • tie self-sustaining;. A committee Revs. 'McLennan,, Miller and 'Whaley_ -was appointed' to Consider 'the recommendation of the Assembly: on the holding of special meetings 9R The Presbytery . adjourned to:'nieet in Wingham on Nov 19th: at :9•`an, e3b; Home, a ,few days:' uf' this week with; .her Leod and eiet;Hr in 1114' irdii e, evs Rose The Memorial serviceson the':death: s ---Revs, ghurch of. the ate'. Joseph 4rmstrong was, Dunn ,Hastie, , conducted in the hleth9deiet .church at 9 f -. u Suridtsy,. J; in o 'o Crap and: , ve,F..J., Statis. nderson; Fund—. Iver in- and mo self-.' Mr., and M s• yuung of Hanover were of this ;;gueate at tzie borne, of Mr.0. Hether- on thi8 ington, on Sunday last. tisfacc ` Mr. Arc a MpFart'ane, who. is at. entury .tendingWalkerton high school, spent nested` Saturday d' Sunday at his• home •here. ve heir a '. We twr-',Pleased Tto.,learn;. that Mrs. rtunity' iMll.f.C.Arn r.. otberin ton' ivho "ha s bean is mill 'R desired. so a wieks,is rapidlyimproving. be of. Mrs. McLellan and her daughter,, gwcn dors _ Ro, b' 0, tt+,*+t s -o • LAURIER Mr, Dungan McLennan took' aiiz vantage of the exotirstau to Detroit. Mr, Dav°, Johnaton, who was. hP1e here for a short . while, returoed this week ,to. Chicago. • Viesue Maggie and. Bertha and Mr;' Duncan .McIntyre attended the mar riage+of their cousin,' Mies' McIntyre,' in; E inlose lash week, We. are sorry to note that Mrs. Thos.: Johnston is seriously ill; •Mr.. Jae, . Rose of ,Dungannon put, up to':windmills here last week•;: one' ooeh for Mr,,,Ken.,.MoI,ennan and Mr. D. McGregor. • ing, the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haldenby; left 'on Mon- Atty,for their home in'-Algoina.,, 'Mr.,*John Brock of ,Bervie visited on Sunday last: Mes4rs. Robert White and Elliott White, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs.. M. A: Heatherington; and friende in this vieinityt left for their home in Ohio, Lr.S.; On Monday. held 'in Zion cherch Sept,,24th, 1901. • Mr. 11 t.,itgliew introduced the inhject of "E'Fie ;di, the' Bible '•Cliieses Vs. • Lessen, , Help*" The 'speaker, shoived 'clearly l• that there are. nO Idilpf! that can take the ;aide :of --the IilliK—A-kood reference Mile should he need biteachos and pupils in all k the .,elesime &Mee 'one Of thS best helps. 11r; 'BrOvn sPoke: en , "Teacher Normal Methode." 'Mid there is and there can be no teaching where the attention of the scholar is !tot Secured., The teacher who fails",to: net; the attention of 'his Pupils Iallettetallg. no' characteristics .of A good teachei‘ are 'cheerful: work .and a thorough -acquaintance' with • Mr. W. Oorthier gave the "Address of ,41e exteeded,a hearty ::weleMitte to all 'viettore to the respective homes of the people. Reect4ead an excellent "Reply le Address of 'Welcome." ; She saEl : ;Why de 'Zion peolTie weicOMeLys their homes to day?' The firatliTiiimen J think is • because. we hire brOthers and sisterl ie Christ. We are also Welcome- as Sabbath ached, worketit and achelars ia sympathg With one Another. We thought,' enlarged ideas, of. Method of work aed newimpulse to go forward to higher etr. • Repette were read from the different schools en the circuit. They shoived ihe attendanceln the senior clime/ WAD not so /arge ; the &nen- Cita condition of the school,' Wee very good. The following resolutions -were passed that the secreterg receive t? heartYvote of thanks ; ;tid:-"-.that the next, convention be held at Hope ; 3rd,. that the superintendeni and ,•,delegate ...from each tnittee to•draftA'PrOkram for next convention.'" son. ffrom the history pf diiteob, in a' y.rri in- teresting and Instructive inannei. Two-miti- Rev Mr Harris. In an interesting address THE LA on. the above INES this seasd • We never kad better. Oxit' prices -for Fdr,s 1;t:, found right,. a also tho quality Otthe o•oods. ( FALL AND WINTER • RSD.,.Y AND FRIDAY t DTOB]R 3rd : AND 4th..:.. tES are cordially invited to visit our showroom ates and. note the'.diS"play of the newest styles in Kinlotigh ate busy threihing this. Miss H. Adair of' Tilbury visited a Mr. 'J. Hetheringtert's t,hie are the best snoe you can buy., We have theth at the -right *price. TELE LUCE:NOW MARKET Lard per 12 14' ket Report 'See seventh page,. . • METHODIST CHURCH.,, Rev A G Harris. Pastor dElIMI MAN • 10 ex.—Fellowship' Meeting. Z45 p;st.--Sunday School arid Bible Class. Evistatto.—"The Mit Coin." . 'WEER -NIGHT VRIES Wednesday 8 P. st:—Prayer Meeting., SEATS' FREE.. ALL WELCOME • the latter said he las glad to see so niany ',take part in the diseusOlons. 'Hem° training The subject ' "Blankboard, Its Ilee and Abuse" wee ably Presented by- Bdr "How shall sve secure and•retain the ,ionn -incmand-yeimrsvoitien.in our 84." was ably discussed by Mr J Taylor: "• , Schools to. Missions." The. Four' -fold Pledge" wae ably introduced by Rev Mr Harris. Liquor, tobacco,' had language' And bnit literature are the fogigreat evils. [The report had to be curtailed on aecolint of limited space; and only "bare, fects ' are K MOSS Misses '.4ella Kaake, Elle. Malcolm and taura.Arno, of Nitalkerton high and Sunday t their riispeeiiVe hie bride! as been...spending a week Mt. 0. ,Hawthorne and/ Miss Hevithor e Of Enniskillen spent Sun- day With friends tind Annie Lawson ‘and, Mt. Edgar ,,HarriSon of• ,Leeknort. ere gacitits of the Misses. MisS Florence Spending • • 'IT. PETER'S CHURCH n first-class shape, and others partly damaged by fire,''are being sOld at great sacrifice. Sunday School and Bible Class at 9.45. ban Morning ,prayer at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer at pan, . Bible Class and choir neaday evening at 7.30 pan. praetiee vied Estray Steer. There strayed onto the, pronuiret of • the underoigned. lot 21, con 14 West 'Wftwan- osh on dr about September 15. a red , and white" steer,,,rising 'three 'year • old: , • The °Soler is requested to proveittopert.g oyes are of e 'latest de- signs, many 'Of them have steel ovens and ar,€.1 perfect, bakers. here are in the lot, SQUARE STOVES, Some for only, and many of thern for coal or. wodd. EATERS 'All kinds pt apPies* suitable for opporating at the , Highest Price Paid. J01111 JOTNT.,, '01 profit s. •