HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-04, Page 771%, IF, 16,
4 15, 1:
"Orum Ox reliGloqIPt4,, sch
1hr'* I delit. 14 his urse,'
-1 Y titers, be 4A .W -,pl,414 Youth- YOU. of C'o
e..-orst of 41,111tirld'runt, ypi wasi Jose h
rpin is. tiq
s - 4Y Over iq in wgitt tilao 'jli; knq,;yjj1%fa r.jeft bit)) Several thoi -
and oyer,,ag4liq,
Come to lion an4)6iiIV at tho
, h.
ire dar, v e rne'et 4oll Sands?"
en__ '21ta- j
jes'Ps," until the phrase� means ADO- tifill or 'kobarll w,ekb thley,p �d,
lutely nbt,hjjng,, INTLUNATIONA), ,LA4,,$$ON ersuadL 4
do y p u, not tell fronij, the�r purp0ol t a (o4ld ha�e' bought a, gap
-wil'� l,P4'to.t1xe IshmeQ sh 0 1. o, I t [ I j I I P _I�
ii�ory irlitch, o, murder 41m. practl I With th4t
T.liley -sold Jose
V t, 4A liylth lils Flever'-
X4104P enies Absolutely'TheLfIt is. w6s,,?� - , , , , , , , , , , i lot
come to,41 0.uskln, Ave; min iliedita
en y plee so of 41lVer, dip-
w4hp. Decline jogel)h Solo Into PPA, pm coict or many coio
re. �li . ithe, t
You, s4Y04t all, Sunday school tegcp- and � a t�.
b loott of a kid ed ta�send rtiessly tile
ers and, gl,,l .,evangelists- and all mlills- COMIlle"ItfirY Conlif-b.fing. o. return girl, w
A bout cit. -v en. ypara have pa. orrow to their ',rather's gpe,,n e e-1. talked on, g adually un -
0 te�p 'mu b
"000 *00 '00t;N 4010* I.th tile
at . king, t,h alliart r,
W44AlPg,ton,, S6pt, 'J�.;_4go,pj pncpur,� _9jr . lljust�atlons isince helart,,
I I . 1 . 1 Jacob, retlirlleli e d,
viftal Is gone' from. the- Bible. Christ. did not: when, lid. Sj ays are rQ, as; o g V Ntor , Y. S'. site liaten
put -of li-Ini and 11 from`H4raa, a' nee but ood,s t , - A
.4 ng 'to 411 Christian, only He pr6acheli. The ost 0� iLir HildA W ��t a slladc-Pakxl- 4nd leaned.
Is yGor cc the Bible front kAau. His first *�YJ4- It. is 13�0, prerogative t,6 "j)
4 . . py of a Man W p, Wa, divel"IltdtIll-a , I tile conclusion
workers, is thi4. e' is
, A 'p . 12 1)4ck in, ier seat.- At
uri;p of. DT. �Talrnaol IVIIII elected, �tq,-A prQfe rl
deny- hrlst's time,' bqt, V, 0, It' 04tialln was ' near 'Mt -11 joy. out of Sorrow,
Prato, , becaus6,, he �in,�wnere` lib dlu�i ai`w6ii life Out, Pf'& 13 and'held Out
,. hop j,444 jo
Ing the accufftcy of ll'tiLtij c ere.'4,I4. He get hisIllustratlono? He In the g. Q Put 'a su'vbr-litiling� in. th,
which. . q h ind . t ro,
ould pt'p'rola
X, - We, want less,deadaw bat an, er-
nt Sunday audiences As, d1ml#_ 'L
�k Will Ix, tmt*-een Alounta -her,
Ileore wqpa 14, th!Prn from,'tbe 'IlllesI" ir6m,, the� lzIjn, juhli .1� .d G cl�oqd, jacpb lived not only
more flaming e ange
d1binz text H'�ebrew�s x, 25, "Not I eminarles, rav, Tila'Slaughter a,the,
makin 049, from, a candle,* f eJosephi,butto ptape his,h"da' h-4 ade you te
4 '1 dealare'. Th
the'.42se bit g - f rs" rom Me, Ilia* ?"
m, n o o V Cluic. n4 . Levi ik
P elves to- a. bt!sllel fro 6;t
�hlit, a man who ..'can 1,6 ed hypoc it blessing, on 'tha..heads of his. two, da
rites l. �, in 4 low Nrojee, .
preach. him-,, jAcob to'ploye futthee South "011, 1 on
-self' cannot' eAc other from, inats, �id P, Rart:� ly t Ught you'd be An -
from m9ths,. from jarg& 1v Q, ppns�.U- dw4
pre c to tei and small ga-tes,, .. fr he fit to J3 InOrP ' Though -that 'J(j- -tOr t Good. night; dear.",
ta`rt4n9rN#t6mQ.nts jln�vel been made ' -a Oil. qtljeI,, w4pre
In many.,p .0m. a camel, t1pill fifty yeara, tsi�jt: IS evident,
�f th 'some of f 110MI't eye, front yeast -in, the.. tho N-t6j rethirpl). hated hIm* net.-iheiely
P P41pito dnd in lip nebille's !ep 14 a b
Nys]?Allers.' It is heard d, 4 rom. A Mustai, u o h6 W44 -his fath6r'13 favoriew
on of angels, Ai, Bethei-he
Young. ministers are, tolh they must -Owg of bread, f renp%'
glous ne
:ever Aa Preoh CbrList'and fit crucified. 4tit Olod, Gen; Thal ir Str
. . . . . over e a,, from a'110hing' rIet,,'4iron b because, he ada go
11904 that churck'aiii t .*61; east
debtors and x x v. 145. od char
tqndinA�' In, America is in de Adencli. '.'Ilt�f That Is' the 4,6 r T1 k were, cowsiderably' 4 lilit not as, an �abstra9tlon.;' Many rd be OtOtklshed tile
re rs h
reason multi- cattle o. etl'10161n, whea'.a. greut ley .1) T wns bettler n(ext afternoon. fit the epee
t d
a 'At
some hard'.facts', . crucified in suc ough4m paRR ag'. through'',
d911Y the etatemn4v,- 9.,iffilster has preRdhed Christ and Ijim u e. 9 'ov%,q tO, M, that), tbey'were And 'as a SIntirt b, , .1 , table Of
nder$tandable. 'Ile did. S� birth
by presenting. d Christ,. His jillustr th , his life w
Z.Q.QPe.w 11 dispute. lo
a , , It 'a'WA'y that hia, preach-� tions were ao easy and.0 Idaluill RacI14 constatit re the)p
ed an au 14�pqo -'o � - - 1. .. � A, hlWbel6v�&Wife proof 6t UALIl lnldst� TIiey' were. Rtill
the here .. 1. 1 not enter with'the
I f 6e ihundred� do wn, T diod ei:i
tjhat.'ther�. 4r6 a intj!r' L t
mord'churche for,� myj brqfhdr Wqrkn barl t - 13 m'into U elk,, wokow es: ed . when the saw it
th!ehem., more
efore one de.- tIonp 64, Once, more as, likely' to I Y
-o. hundred, and'frb CIbron me --ed AiRd W gat"tfiem draw uPX,befqje, � t,he titli, kio
IcPL'thah elirer b V1 two buti... er f ustra pass,
j1nd two. ill tiouble, by reporting' th,eir 6,vII hb4�e,in.
nomination dveraglng,. red to on , 6 hundped.' and ir6m. one f 0��!.Ia: rellgidus and the one 1, father.,-, Waal still ving, only
O.ew teeds or Jivedj, and
�-yTd4y-OfAhq..yoar- The red to jUty, and,frorii fifty. to. tw'enty, ;1'Bibre Illus'iratl6il.'. nSinners of tptj'� feel that. god a you:ngl'ad:y ii�jjj. lilt and. gi
and the other Is some
lople and.gobd laws are I a their diie'ti,
la�r-',pf d And on down until -th�iie w' g ve,
Oman and -supply in as little left 6utsIde, the. T31ple the latter, ��iii was abDu tb the
-ille I.Clil gdoni.of God as -it, Is .4ave ' the. -.sexton, w.h6 NV" Vild, to. sta, because I -WU�W ta �.e like 'the. Master. Jaebb W41 arc sp n he service d Xore"chu' ' ' 1 4.' t7tirs thore 19) nd� ,locked at.
h pl. p was, over an lock 0.10hr tian we �ha, e !opt 1ilid du*g4iI weli t I i I'd.,li) 6 r Ind,wait , , , 'ntl,�' , it
W971les, .war ed, Pr�sb
Df' patit, to' respen, up, of bur io. t lee urito thppi=, aco no rivileges-diiiiiiii-4. Upl - There Is a �grqat deal f'' . . . . . . ... . 0,
-6 banirs, u nl,prucl�ed.' It Is* go'Ing,4ek"In, the."Cl ristift t I tit. 1% with'. his k1glit .�r
it. rhat IS' the' use f�lI.4
more bancers; more, AbO t Clitist And 'H I
Tj �461as�sjes a more manufacturers;, more not 'Christ and Him cruicifie s, an 'to nd an illuattstion of If i ted her bri-,
�mI . I a A � 1. 1) ` a
o're imPorteti;i more churhes'. the vjctorl�- becAuse. 0 himi"'renioved frUlE THE MAN FROM.. 4bqtr ctlon,_)_)�ut as all, "Onin[potlerit OUS' Christian' deathbed. when ., my o'
ore a en ants.
it 'd 'sympathy "miniftod t h a+ Eaton in
rn 1 11 accoulit of' t1le, shis they jIl .
pplied1to hjI thb � a I PI
w Ats.and Personal -Alfred �ook a 0. she asked.
Man, D
naulortil. -Aft`turq�a Christ fowyars en . , 3.1. THE,'EAS . S
ltlea� ivithin, ft few,* years., .::WPes of olirin ago, t , aw V�, in As--' ml.9-- 6 r in"t, but I op 8 me
c urch dom stic,l PE' who W1 us -in eVeiy rial kr�xndeur as did j�d.war`d Pay- ibte 'dild
h en built -larg enough h-elp he ans
01 1 to' t1118 dang + a m at 4Ir,e0,t
.ree' wered.. "Will
up. t 1 -1, , hational '19011? V -a uetration 00ulttrY Is Apr-Qof Ja' 4 �+44 4 #It+ -1 1.+++'+++ '41 Y�o'or tli' of the. old- nanclal, eft Is: it an less 0 Ill to Y:: t
lt!.me chuiiche c�nnot uridenstand, st —al Qbrlit" for the Parlor,
-CC 1 as gir
front of Trinity keep tilib Ifoln L ed t way
--a ecause I ptt
n Wlilr wh�L 1-a- 4 fo' wqe1m.-Veforet' p t at; did not juta7re hro.ft Itlimetic and Christ. XPr'The niir$ery,. ,few frorp e -and hor Dareston S( t dark
slate plpticil a man calculate - lie the'kitchen 6, Qhrlst for the'llairn,'.a. church, Broadway, *and I Said,. "Cook. , when qpassage
-to the . street, ft'Chiilsi'f you lbo working fairly large rQomi; it man, wris bbut I if teen a cklo'wd.of smart
ich Christ for :were 17. Doth. was tfirb Ke�j UY t414 d6ebo
Iluslon hat chu, k as; if, you,
6 , - *7--- rl�s, 11 InjW
4ttendanc* Amerea, or, the or t)veaty infic.,tj liorth Or ',�h03hpm, people.,. ln'an at thie�'far nd In deeRdence.' too hard'9*1 Where in 411, the, clasoics alcove
I Is
store, a. hri,
at for tli� -bAnkIng,,huse, :Is t li codk room�j, a oo "Yer _L.Itrake.'the' - . e n heresudh iii7story'sts, t at Of
Christ f . Christ for enter �the h0we'. of, man when, in his, last, mOrnent, CITIVIOus, feeling97 UrOlit), :Qr four—two, mall. -,and 'two,.- --'As&4.L `.IS 'qpsekeeper, is laid e I ca sTessl6nal .6s'Aernbl Ile' ga- . ft, ChrIst
or the court robm,
the ve, them abu.ndan �irl 13. - lave, ino'* and 66 n are I'twith thei..aggr4vatle o4, 1gh bad an'kfe, an' so,'
f le 4, sweeping thrQu
C44st for....every, gates washed by the" W�od t I of the gIOOij1Y-�mod`lfati6'.'l and. for cOn-,
If plcl�whd q1tgred the-hous6.of tri ery 4fter 2Lm,, myself Pi
9f,t 'e,PeO at and- every lemergeAdy and. ie "irs a . I O�e
Lamb! 4 asked"Hildh
on., :i s. dteamei 01110, xclailued Ililda; 51
A''n' t _1 had i,6
God 25- Yeaxs -ago ajll� the present 4Lt-. a t1lit Yod �'two -inew rour
t,64d coAkfour,Adone, The'fa,tts-We W Mas -e
hat Jo.the-'use- of
Opre' largely, attended just In proportion 'As Third -A�venue, Brooklyn, ''I Torn Grento smiled.
.Ytepbln.. That man-*jip sdnts the 9 A gi he
He �Iwas - i; -�, e sald -tAcf-
milinlaters-' an rh et'thdir wants saw, 4, great con g an ardd�-th�e, arm, wortiAlt, Y zig,,%ain heiiitd,.' ugburnt, v.'Qi;ng ni4p
Opposite' statistics mukt have been 'd I d,s
20. t And We will say— !,rorn. envy 'runu3
ma�t - unfort'anate' I 1heet.. tkelr, Sufferings, , meet their e, magL-,- heaven,iied to be to nie &great F, ydr -byl"a,
n his 'thlirch 'eq-. Ill,
bout t
jed. malice. they proceeded. 't;&' ��n Y. 'ho',fiodded in- -of diotnfidenc6. m6iat th4ir 'sympil- v off, but1t.now Is'just at the,foot lig-al-nat. ttle. life df'flieir brbth;.-, 'aiatli-ej
quallitancp.. r9a.yenients.' An& on, I I a burst
�wa: w,.ere at�the- "16' pital wa� tun' 6yTI.,e.do&�ad,me
thies. "it there'Ay -of the-bed?'�� haf isl'tbe uis
ere'a 'church Is to impose
to al�gue` ew and the WgeTher and, a Yat- 6ref-vIE's 'goin", to� 4"d, m o
Yqu, akk 'pot adversely be P. a church with,'amall of your . 1.,ontrlyea a lie e t a ome
cause berii , small audien , him. � hel * ga ng. away off t6 get iilustratiOns..Of A lon theil; 61 li'19 900 E of.It 1
deoi ce med P, I I up t me ll'thuse in' the Country next Week,,-�-thatls the
ay duys- liadnOt i�re? crted. lie ft'ished, a.'flish
medium. audleftee; Iftrge. help,. large n
Victorious. f** rn Pleted.1 Qhurclll'es�hive thel, 'dea, hbed when all Wales' I
�e,cartled h 'in
nl�rdhilfaisb' 'It. there. be a,famlne In.a jled'iviih -the* sto arely a' -of. ox
rl�Somer a lit n e., fl. ligh
ly - .'Oc- u 0 c . . ... . I . . ry�.of the :dying., Vebtllefg:-ihid -the, greatest tipg:up the"..P Ph;..
-ne glibbill, ir.ee,depbts 6f.liread And' experience of �fflr4rices 00ley . ggv6r,
od- and croIwd Ity and one j X��a,Sbq to' ll:� -year mare than i4 otIK-r,: yet fiia� eo little T466"
pot Jealous' of'Joseph, for', out de 'has jafi,'She, .jg�t :hir feet 'Oet.'standli'li 'ab the. firsit-I)pr
lie, chLurelies and. f4millesf 100 Waves' and.-anotfier .500 sTr ng =tivo tlie I mprin*' He walkdd lb�PIY- to a- d -60r..
d' i t emperian' n,. he ..Was ezttltl�d t6.
'At on the.' ground. preaollinig harIlY _atterid4lit. upq� tfiNm., Some lo-ave's.an anp her,dePot I -Q,000 16aves, ce man3 ova,'far older: mail.
an.a- -the. gosp* pald i',Ot' tile I-, ori4',whIdh ' wer l5lewo oorl nlgh)�,
thig depot' that its el,� to 'a group- of -boys Id . IT- 0 ouirth. mou�be'
gh 100,loave!' will have r : - r 0 tIld party, -0 f6day, so -hip'll-jiist itbaht Wa
fjmes,a.iih4ich Pert nes throu Inter Ii . . flilt bbitflirike'd
men,'.:went hbrne With a chill;
.a 1R, cants; I I : upon Jos.eplV;*yet',Pv heolhe-strife. But'ther th 6 depot that has 4nd'con-.-
p it :b t Erskinol tui�ned to, You sit dahn, an, ani; 'or
�e are no., fact$ 5QO 0. 08
-Over.tfirOw the stateTA6nt tAat-I have far etion arYd-'t1feY to a ih4- e hl� V0 mov Ttsl -
bav I 22.� Shcd -git
`tO loaves w �Sot in, With a'quiu4i..jmpuls1 e- Self, *hllk.tr�
ore.: applicants, ),a'. blo'*od 11
e did n
., t 4.the'lnereasing atiii. the� deo -that. lifts.-,i6,6o0,. loaves. will very datlg4bToeely sick. "I thought dr4 to, . she niellt; gil 1 Y , U. can't� dd.. inubli ths
d d' a,:bright jooldh .0
d s)r6ther's;-' blo 11.
qA, fsbm -m.,
endance upon thli h6usd Of. God. Ow" Uronka, hionjis. thi-nnina- od n er 'say.e- hiia, at sa, d;
.50; ��he. "id ewlia.t - �Jiarp:. �fcazur&,
hAve t 'but it'Is .'re.ally too,ko . I =fo_.�6-true-tht-j-�ftm-gljr DITC r -green--eyes. nite
I 'Ain ready 9h; my.: brethen In-, the 0hrlstikn Vinn'.." Reubj6n's roI_de*sIffr - - - - - - - - - - help you C t
try, 01 Y
r-�,get ur, . e -sai 'V U, P -Doni graciouhily, 1!plaftso
_n, been�dpietd,_41114_ ,—We-. sorrf6ho 0 -WAX, to restrlore!4o�4pllt-o, twant t
b, rq�iday.'9'1 robgb r
t'l in; d urden; of',,the �'B�a in 0. I' 'And. so
It is -high e er p d hYourself.!'
�epdlA,��tii Woo n 6 when ltstkil� came
under the
on - thii. Lord's, utiful, Out at, 6r: m ninoflt of, young �men. ear �th
ched,fdr the,bL
eave 'hbly- ws Oion4 'tlia't, her
people fay. 71i kiyr6 te-Ot. It n."- `T�en ifter; a spas This pi6h DT. Eat r; w( tavk� overj 4ew, mlzj,�te�
are them..& .9od lift, afid'- can 'do �o paln'she nestled,down in the. m laterl juil ent4tlag the g.6sel min
Way. t'disc nd a.5',d jj �m6t far 'y 6a 'k read and
pillows, 110 iloo hay.eti!t . busily blikaged iti, 6ut,ting b
t bQ U. . 40W.
Istry And fok 'the'w.aYnIn ot prosperous" -it. vv,e.,. have! -it, all our own and"Shivid,. �'The*rej now, t is all er'. ra, yo. buttOk.' 'H6'rubbed, his eyliis,to.ntake. s'9ver� ilo in; - "No le 'was aiy,4
�plty-lf,-w It Alle `66y; -C— blessed. f4 0n',. of distfilcfjonj d
churches as to-mpht4rei the c4useil--ot r 0, hen-. 191ld. tried,to, �sl -hence:
119, qujry.woj a, 0,
nno' durfthj��. uck glad noiej ligh -eared wb'
d -nu -.1 anA.-.sihe' ian a� gre piadd, co nj lilm. thhe we Mcli-disa-pp cried.
They'.61' t
0. Ook.tJie coat off' -t rowd but ch'lliph, tfi4ft .'be tfie'leourlse. of art h6ur get our likiniii, or, note. Rf. praise: to,'Cirrisi but could osAjng.' f,,tr'f6Ik shsmiled, at, 11115 "Aff6'nj4jjjnent
an ed
yer �Or our oh� under du6b only.**n;e: Wor,dw we." And: th Jr. or, with A' Sikh; as after' few wo-jr c ur, It., atteh� morheotu seat(.A him'seir by hei -'side. '!It %she �96t 'th'eres' rfusedL. to give
helped;, but . under.'all. �other 61rcO en all. Was fathe'
r pra ilerm 4. Into. 4t �i -One o? tlid: 'man'y L6 'to� .1101;
can, -t of the'solid 'that q1' any u . rtlier; e% . p aation untU . hq,
diince'is -e ' . ': � . 'S e 'finished It In heaven. rsiexcqvated oU
4tanc�e6 idecaaence'�An 'ilL st
rh N% by,. tho,-help 6 h Laillt.. bad
the, Vitult lthei* the chutch. G ' .9 : . 0 at._Bairls'
od, lift t , pe6ple, bbdy,'�'rhtnd afid It � Is' III 1 1.
lit of,aton6s. and t pe. , J' ` t If e c ount, r/y
gi t me...that the church. -ered . I :, doctor's .'Son
ftcl� or bu
GiF of' the,pastlilr.. t "of plll�st I - , Ilfta saT aown 'and,drUilk -the, a
soul, ou -their, sin -s -i t4mpta�� od' sto, pped. W itin a She'
r .9 Pologles for' 'rortli,e ilu,ifiPse of tioldibi r you, at: th viaarag6'next. door. �'kes, 'Ilad'� prepared
n :cle,area of- their ti6ns and'. troubles. the -church.' Let thq...Mery were bottl6-sliap.6d, that i t I! Churches axe`04te An Water'
w 0, W n
on t ei
outside" 'w h o a no of"remLn! Mae er - en
]iJrfk that rAlniste al,laziness dite'n7' despiseii'religloni-'. Was ltmst iutp�sswle tb� escape.' scenc%' a he th back room�. -'he rose.
'erej R W mur-
r any' people W4
modei'of the past-lht6� present.' 'empties the�church ai-,ft �itors. Hei _� write 25., Sat dowt) o' , ,
'The models and. ineill and iiis eb'a'ir Alj4 'faced her- 14QuIr-:
-thr6iigp''t`ead-:' mured, a-1ar-a*
Ods `6f fifty yeiars. rs, N�ho' are. Int do "not, wnt" th�. ch'urch thei- Wa
need." dOwh to A� ai6l'Are no rn6re�approjirfate fok t&sda; hreY. 160k� in her, eYeS.
waa a
-king. the 'Ve y, d4jpUes fT momLett's site then '111illt, aft,
Y. Ing,newspavers,and 1 Act blve it. .1t A'' -f.
tha.'Tt.the-modesi and, rri6t*hodq f to-dey ric by active' aisoc'lift-', !Oulitr`y._4 I drilil ie liad
$,not wan
4n-bu§llfess.dj 'I An 4q t' jo-.9�i 'f;j broUu®X 1101211 10 , bro'k e, in er., YOU. werb 1 one,
S !a fre4�
ion rc es, will. riot 6n the In him.
e while -they. to a 'Idugh. so I
'bej. -appiropriate for fifty years -h 41ftj 11stri to' not have It. It IS a di.,3�.41t Q� illis .: nie of' the rong
platitudes: free countrk.
Sabbat X!eyd'
one told
Lord 'Gre
XW _Jr1r_ to ;!iQUI
,uton one
y people of Go -and bva'tij 1 sermons. I h
Dr.. McElro t come� to YOU 90 Out '0 d hence. �,.Dr irk, Dii, t t
But did
Dr, De.Witt, Dr. ernilly.ea. and. � , : :
ason of f6altune!iF
c e ein no,. piportant.' sou I�it, 'the n excep- hl h haV In. 6 t . millions of%Arn- d b
hundreds, of - _qtherl��eft- ustas good -as' the gos�61 ?tp.tlje *h&n I q, d not If r Ishmael t YoTare a 'he, -am ed'
T1c*tsl , �in 6 Informattan,. )no siirrifii efica Who do. want Itl ItI . s high time ag lady a; sell" -th
he pew .Taiat- lie aAd
e -y Were never Imcked alU 'to 'mlffhift�' and- DrIbi jt:6s _ -
ile�6es� be -i - 'Stop skil ' eayAv�'.' Aft ia Season
power,noadaptatl n; n fire. a
ra a. u's e aVre4st'df the tfi�e-ld� wil'i not ll.�t6n: b1Y-beeA",6: lite earai� on were great
unless. th geneHl engaggment: .1, wArrE- tO� lie, _Od�l �j qVica-aCheri "Ana more rie'n'd&'at 6011"e.
-not -.bt. e 'a i ri�nagedd* -he fin- ge,*
V�ich t'hey llpai. -,. Peo'Ple Will L 'to see;th 'A = of,both of. ipse PQrfQCtIV illo 6he Went oil
Pulpit'. knws zn6re'iban tfie peW. on, all. the armles ,tke general it, e V er 11?' ]in
ss lwe� isterial lazlnbss� flo,cleared. oqt, many r -From wit'l licad.' "That he gOt if With bent... Interested 1p �vat, we say'unle of heaven �and heirin bit6dw arrij, j6 lueaning - in i�bian` Iderbitj n ts.,! 1: edl� 'I 'know ou un'drsthid t e" sp rlt.,Of, th sau conqueror on theL *hfte t- f A slight bji?slr�erepi otef ii'er cheek - into
If I e. dy, in Sm -1 ter . - 1 -" d6btj and that,' -to
. . lft.� j I ' r 8, 0 the 'oblige him. you,
�*rhldh- we live: All ..the bell J�ordan. -Spicery-' Gilead
egdnLsh A. ffom horee Will. Kiln tfie'"y. Let the ehurch was. famous
arotin . �r, to �arior: undeir he' ey , t me o bill -for a . large
a�stora go' nothing, else, but le.conc6rded Ill�
itatisties iLre; gI 110 Pat q early'.tirnee . Ob, ii, outcast,. as f 1) - u yOlkzI,,na i t
ven by'f. e.. who ArL. amelot 40d be d foy, its Spices and r as'soclety
-to work',,Vtth Abe -Iihtbn to thle-conqu a shrug. I
oted. to, 6mafint4 on. the 'under,14;tandink
oa1,111 le -Would conin' into,his f
ving Iri,lour. time" go ir 2", Xlvj.
0 e orij se' ery" Pr PC Prune When..
the city n eirands,'of d ihpllke hoilf- W. he n Mo s with his "- army w as �ku.-In ollialaea frolli f.hd IOUs I -do. Was " �j , She . pausbil- :1
ough^the N',Ulak St. 'A J�alm,—Tlds, WaS j- v -rely. a trugglin wornpdt�machlneryr of.the..past ilfties. did ng., about thr -Xe actoir,�. Ill.. tb balsam..tree, conijul ns
tht lieculiar it o u. ee ihkne�sa - Nvrapth� -lilopla. e,- i -ad no
our 't-hurch basements er thLi. did
in rortune
16' Come I'lito, and 'that h
aces ok a cigar and imoke them. up, then Profazle�'. hwtori It was � expeqtg� T6. Rg$-p t— Egy p t w o u I d be a 'great 6116.asked. Sub the t.o6t Stoves whl&h, on�at urday, aftdrnoan . put ...that he' wolild" go - 'in, )ul'd have Iliad N�hat
lh)arke;ff6r-sp1eebj oil ftCdOunt ofitheir �w( ILS.
� rouli'dii t6live
out Lndmthers us -atirry, witil
ed -to c abou %N,aY - arid come, by - the- banks.', "bLei,69 trabd "r, 1:11- the' Cast timil. Stti�e in. t
�t6 tin& and throw' . out: ou .1 r Alloughts, togethpli and. on Sunday or incense in� a hilow.ance' from his adnt,'
III tem- lie
Vf the rlv&,� a' other armles I He In' 'consequbrice, :�,ou I'
n)46 morning: won er.:that the liftimin'g - tho, (I 1191led n9allit, "Olf, It if�hn't so,bad; ooiad' t6 .'pay the,
.1 a oOm,
rg the of b&4 ples,
%r Ithe me ead,l
�;d 0 Idone,.
ur colifi0s, arid. t ed, 9 t :, rou . te� ance �617; a
tr' large addl, es not br wb6cftuse thb, 'stilai h _06. Ji4dah—The fourtil. son O.r, Jacob.. ur ch
old-fashlond- 'tun,lhg fork. s ftk6 Chilst and Hlm�briitifl' tdd Inf6ste4 with'., >W-� niid We intq-.
1king—At eneZ' —and.. on* Monday sit SnAkes; .'and ' 'no.. 'mean -a Of thLx Lord." .-ostln;t.. and , , - t a nly Jife!"
hen litting It t . o the a, lik� it. fair start?" lcyiPraiSPd .4n the knie nii,d na. looked I
-eirilads: r6r- ;man 'had dared- to 40, fit, Is tltol�o iU 110 fillish );in In Tade. "That'
car to catch �Ae`t down �afi �Jez 0, an'" there Vvag-ft ring%of
;ftl*�)Y,anU zio
pitch, of the,,hy�ah.' this b serpellt� Ififes ed.',*regIq4.
ilglous: fiewspapbr�N. abotit the. dcadence. Bta , u t us smigb,t As lirow,out- our- mod It ?
xprjsqd,the�mi �He* sefitJ sell, noblL� life" �;he ,were
and �ok chuich'aXtOidanc6. 27. L 'Sight of 074 platf6ri.1-Is!- and moderh PVIPIt4%a, d. )its men oUt.:jo 94ther up. Ttra**ellijlg merr et u,DtIj Fo�,
. I- People Will n"Ot. go to--church.4nerel lints g&ve �a ou haVe but -To'u
pullii1t..-UP ssubstitute the wmej.�qss a mattbr of dutY.�' There' y Ibis -a bir& celebiated &Pent' ijudden ')a views Of tile- 4ercr,come.to 6111126 61 Jj, thlUk. too, Jlftrd of Gren t
WI -11 pot' turn" 'to tj
*hch the minister used, to';ollm1b' to the slaylzig,� an'll these Uses. were gath- C'ohspl�atorA He looted In matterm'jo md,now.. What
next Sabbath, be a. -:t 'd no the f
g t, f 'N -oonkrialt a greater degree of be.said, b 'no conse-
jilizzy, bel h lont Btand-solit4rindss people In erdtl . into c fi L ' 0 , , ,*r daro:inot i. is of
any city ho es, and , into �Aqkets.' V P,
-will get'up in the mo-rn- And crime lideess "even thblfkk'illolturt� In he qu.on0�iV_lin
ut 'th
ilght apd. Sh ey were carri d at the head ry for'� the t mis hha., poin my;
"'The,'Milife says, kfU]L.,:
t: Ing aiiod -_a� In'tiat of he drm�, 0 . me,de, it Imp .1
f. 11ose6,-�And, they I'd- rather
tler h.lm. When cq� can to .60min ac '0111plislInlent br tilvir end" whelef h d' oss I blej, rtile d alm6st than
9P t�lchdrcb.. Ij.Iq my dUt :go. to." up'"to 'th app 9 1 ., . onlillng'� look ennie into,- his e Itfa;-lIbre':than' the tineitt
;re- 8dr-pent ;Jngoeted - region �J pda 1, s suggesii yes,
to chuich the�6foore. I will go"to churth." ct Vdeticc' it's life, with
;!on 3to I Aak4,pas'sage fr6m.,Al.bany 'to Bufflilo. t e cr tos were'l opened Ahil the Iblees, obnoSIous -glove6 off" utIn stage boach.Ibr dari:fti boat ,The�vast multitude of.peaple.w -brother a It t1e. girl ''d the
Iii prdiferm, Ila go to flew, and tlie wa d a slave;.-" Rkil g6 anothet, real and'
�. t
becau'se they. lill;e' an' he army I/Cannot 1 just-loro it
hurch�jgo 'to'chlirch d d'
e . Who. on' thon'-You: - - s 0, u nx P'e.c te'd I Y on,- ence to t1nd, lightning express train- It, and t of mgrche�d,,rl TO�cj ardly'�f Lul, Ift 10
ght -, I— pli�Actlng L*�'d
lie mujtitud� OLPeopi y �o 11�� elf" gilalcl re. tlflnk'li,
four urs, I iid . P Ilis davlePl they h* t
Atax front 42 urch' t ihe Ir Alglelsl:figury al
i re�i'�y d 'of.' He WiasWt ba'd_�-.oijj
It stitV 1 n
egh get\thb great masseg of ille people ),I�Lnis tha� they hew jn; wild, bt, I Id.d the
-o a churoh.bAlt A;,-cientur bo-, qhui%ch.*�. God, - You are not to t, Will to:.gb t chLust they. do' not,like it, Am* hot, 'i ell It, rr)68S.",
lie :w iia 0
ncy lodi E + I at't0i-:,t him
speaking' hbout the world of .1, + the..way Out W a y, :bu 0 t. ve IV24 4 A Ella Sp 1A
ardLclepencilng, upon ilver i.4 it)
nat v
Th-e� ck In 0e, way thoi7world'ls. _Takn things ab ed Infhid�eca td,cl�a Hosts it1111in'07 61'Y'll.1p.py trouble begins aW
'they' t make the cdritflpkal ;of ' '-U r the. *ay,, r of rl nlnn bbOuldn't, bi:% of -h
lou'la �not made for force the Vint, 'God, a-hondi-!1,1 ah.0 eddpd., that 14:ger �r6vl�i 9 0 accoll IV ash
-oply. n -n d It P
up all
of the, chdrtil rhightlor? thdii the. n! .. dhi-irch, 11tiendance, la,tige liow fOle nifnisters of zlell�lon�.1or the' sick'and cenirifuga''j. r lip mn e i t in- We &V hg to. be. Jarger, yet. fn fS., rplittf sud- en alkod' orbas
the 9ged drid the, fitfiern who ha.Vei The sky, �'10,
ill4st in. every' dire'dilpi n.,. "'I'am
churches inag-' giallep ivdt6h ad tu �O andt6ok ji I
on thr� If r 0 cube d tit 11161
nets to dra the" pedPI`e ifier O'twl
mt6lves out fri,t le,se vIce.4'f * 14 '' * -)I i,6 tin' 0 .1
W duitto, o kfd: for the boY and girl five years o ._ plailfie to re row -to, his r(16`t� Photo fra-TI.11
God, We fia d' titnt S;t6dd: there. It
've, AayjtI,,qsylums an Milt a -,man will feel uneasy it, he doe�g ",think thei inik see the'lWilennium. ostipli. nd send, 4.�Ylllms dn who,fought a hoine BafmV'T R4
in not.j;o tochurch,,sa I had The,,whe6l of �Ch-rlstlan progress has br0tIl'(,rN Ilad'. J(,'rt' jilln' q()On -as- his to a Lying, idiiii 'and se3. folt, our, country dien *eond this, morilink. , I wonder' it I AeVer mad all t s 6'
n revolutloo b4dk.,w ro., 3-0. 11' littler '81mll uhiv 11"I Iv]
thereln 'flme,: th6 " .6 become aged or cl�l dregs �et and lget The wo'lild iniiVes' , sho It take. to obel CA t, pa - e_
these ruch ITMA 'gdom r
Plod, an . d It Is A r.ger P w ft ls� ancen. All'natlp "a ..ad- th6 oldest ppro, rill 'hie fmade'tot tlid.gOod-1961-i. slidnie that la pro. eleven 61clock, �bb lfby_a�e snnn` ?)d
it ls� half�pasf fib" dajr Will yet salute the/, tV n� !�ta IVA I w thev
�otfl _Preae�ll I Wonder wherj,'the,folks4 1,1,n be.glory 1 e church steI., p IS n who ha',V671�' ..n - 1, _, lal�l ot ae—A ng,, through 'a Thon 0 ft Is Out fit blittling for, the III e home to tell us 'What was said, - k not hmohemselve W b out aIl,,ages� -LO I rd� lut-lack I going,.on." When the heof Provlsl6n in that WhAt'llho bebl' tir Sit(' nk bn.ck in her so 011, e r
'impression 18 confiruied that" 'our �Ojl,t _ou sf,(i
Prect MA 6 a tend-endy to. turn Our ge," I'low Is A.nd a s6n$e of lifilittorablo. lonelin 0,S refu t 1', t
We. Ir o in
L ndecvi ']low CIT, .
rnr Ills bdociality sermon shall be� TIngfoka ILf-o I
---d aged"iind InArni mitilsterS.4
W 'all' 8 8 je . the: Ill, a,ild m be#in� to go do the fii6itt . attrAt.W -earth,, T116 I I,o�vn t
Wn, they ry w� J. -I �Vs of
want twice as, many On rid an[(! S0111P d
then' we -will'. alp
I.jlve 11111i'the tit1c of D.D. by Way 'of by their jsLkvah Don't jjjj(jj chu6heb -as lva'.-have Tjofd i��
resusel Uition. :2f, tha� falls, thdif the -twice, fta folka carl'it 'keep. hAd FIge t nicy Is to :eleqt him to a, pfofdg-, not half ac- no once tj�orv. Site. lip -at t
l4kge', and folig Q
terido 1lieh. thy� lion t... one ke I Ot Ills, f.1c(),j, hlimefflaf*oly. . . ' I I !�
commodatd . the veopl�, I )led 1 116 sotatl§ 1111 so,me, theological, seminAryi'- Mon' AWrIls. Of OilentAl 'In Oil rill ilg,' A h] )its lillild 1ph to the r Half the, idiot: thet hdv slip thin skirt
'e gr�ina oxcbP1 �J illY to tfie Young then Who are'dn- inbra . or
There a z u e, fY*i% k§ me- C� it. is ortc thef,
d&�6 �,� t� 1111.1int 'for. In h t terlIng, the mintatiry, *ie' inust put on Tit my',lilglit hand, a accoldl 9, to thc fflicted . fool-, don 01
bu n e Pip-, n go, of 'tj� th'i.� thing 'to., �11
d �ptlii
more fqecO,� more energy A,nd into, oui �4 hll . -'roligh. tlie61691cftl� zenillildry. Is lack to Vlvc� hdr few
rellklous sevvIces 1-nor6 VI In
amol's li"I Is' i,01110 or to.lier, WVekS rOM MgI6
P OU 166k Into a iiliglIged. 11I..cot,
occullietl, by some minister df'tfid gos- vadity 6r
htthe 'e6pld to cbme, y 'Oft.
Wa ar6uh(I
nP "I look, pit C V 11, FA, r �, k I n t, r6tion wit
Lik tut tho was lit lialld'oll set I to tet I" a church court, OVAny denomination of ace
I at.hers how to Pfeach...l in CheNtlans. Firsfyou Xbock 11� lie
tliAll one tbe, poorest �peak will Mid the 'en IIler aiint forlolift; ht! d
. 1, Their I i e a4,q of large coknlih sense and en:41 ylt$t 9t 6, �y stho only e
er Itt-thd the Prof as" Of look, The tducatl6h' of th6lil miids, I t �nt rileire 01de aw ' I '
le I - aild nothing, the P'llity Of hllness" ar'(I rmaa doctor !q t1jo 'a li�owtj' it its Captain of lie ha(l 119 ,more abTe-bodldd; dbl&,nitnied men,,' of� their lives, qdtL It goe
yo ti,'Pr -for- their
guaro—I 19 itlf(I the C611)�61T11,0611 At men in otlr,thb0l'gI" -work- Then you *Iil 'flhU'ln evet3r, ould
'Ind, es 8 was. to; pr nwrul�
Of OVery d6nomir.ation a T110. tj _)k l4v"Ornt0till tO or. -savii
h the ofeasor, 0 the royal, nionn, tj,41 arrab inent tt
cat seminaries I lchuiich- co0t, porsoli tiltil pit a DM Ind, front,
ate—men 1110. Addison Atd�cartddr, 0�4 biglit to make a fellerls.heart t 061,10,
I it th6 Week teath men P f then fi, utterly aniftze Y0111I 111git, Slio felt a slight 9111vot 'rilli *116 could due h tY4 r fo6f It�ash L: ' , ' r' ' '
With the� factithat,sa6h §eml-imbedlll tj but fil,
Onnbid josiopli, "Was'.111 typo clin get any Pulpits t'O 'Preach lnl Those
oNVIX8, . wit b gpbak. hito*ltha -Pulpit �%id Witfi. ate the men.who'give'forlorn staW father 'to 'jool .0 NZ Algle I alic, �,t Fit ' cs 11 o'o k6lit v nftor tho o9 t . 110, , Id. Hily 01joilgli to
h6 flitintlet Alid It#11telng of Chrl9ttaft about chur'oh rogs n hi,,4 broillroll. TT0 to "Another t1ljje,:_t6_ljl3 eve Ills tindt, a' hInk 6T a facility, un- acrbak In running i�at6t, ftI'wj3rs in., I)ut Ids owl) thdin how� what
a, prici). ip) - Waq &N tePip
uof' V.. 11 t,' ribie
I bit) yo o0o IiI o t�h6,
J3ut I C1Xft0AY` to loill Chfis-" lCensful nillr6hatt3 tO train, Young, 110.41 kvorkcroi to. all 9 an btlL
achers, to all, at mill- n ot, .4 1VISIxt T know wlio oticuUt wlk V> )(lot( for* Iia broth. it nitilut6al,quiLl �l
.,rhOre)lant oil 4, iA'.culty, of uns"deeseut 'te' 1. Jseph wont t ltv''Oli a, low - ll� (I - it t nt I v (I a'.1awyers to-trafft Young lawS,'ersl It, .1liters � of the gOspelo 12', Wd, IwAht 6ur Whore li, raw ivith, VY Nq
ondilt111661091cal oem- Sunday School and otir� Pfay0t.fne0t- Ru,� �'Illm,Out. and to 640"lliga 1,n thdigni,ty to, "I 011'a boL� 6ur al,jes f "
ob,' jin(I in tip., The sifoole, VAtft III
o4tiard him ad 1010161d III' anA 'ilord'[ D660le We in u�t, f not finding 0
kilmlidi twigt hirti Undivall,the Indl. 'Udt faj� the peorj!e are tited. of,the; Yn e dOft- U,� WtIt4til No, loo6hot, uoi* lii�it it not ti�cit ....................... H