HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-09-27, Page 8What is it ? We all know, of ;• i 40. five senses with which woe. •re endowed, hearing, °:seeing,: emoliing,.tastingand touohingt blit the,.sixth,• .sense is;..some,. thing different, itis Common Sense. If'thiq sense .be well; developed It will'save ns' from mt►ny'blunders and. mistakes,. '4 01 tell ne .that y1104 1400; erose axe reitiulred,neth4ng but the best and purist should be used. We would, like to im Venn* your mind that this; i. our aim to : supply. Pure prugs and Chemicals. We are bolding, up a ieputation for' the 'quality.of;'9ur, medicines, ,drugs, 'chemieale and - spices,. .,we guy nothing .brit' tile. t anil .,onl yR the'. r uv'est - ma . rials -are ubu,1 • in 'che per, eoriptione. and receipts which' we f11'and the :medicines $repave.When "you see our'i nems °on' any article you cnn ' rely on its purity.That is., Or- watchword , "., Prnrxv," { nityou will ;grid, that our" prices are no' higher than;;. other planes while the quality ^eased t7 ►GHEI emist and Druggist, Nx W Apbry�dh�l+ F y :'ins. " ..M4m.4 int' to DoS.°. Ownexa ` u„egoarron of,`: Stratford has ;warned,;' farmers tbai. if• they allow .a ogio run Ioose, which hal &'habit of inning atpaseingu horses, 44.A. rum iy Fakes place, which roeults in 'a atality the owners qf! the canine' aro liable to pirpsecution for nianslaughteri ire W er purposeI turns a dog 0,8e.:4:14 people, pail death `re.. te; Fie rd liable to a charge.of murder: 'gill +Loptlnue the Bualiieau .• re 1~L Proctor,. wishes'to express er thanks and appreciation.to- the many customers general pub- lic for ':their':liberal patronage in the w • elt, and to :announce that:,she.', will ontinue the harness busrness.as usual, `der the management of a thorough ly ieliahie and practical harries maker. All outstanding accounts must be settled by cash or .note before_ the •les day- f Octgber ; gond story ie told Of two: Beets. Men ".)who ''-happened io he, itanding neer L'ord,Nehion when he' gave his famoue signal England ' expecte' every:man this day to do .1ter duty.' Donald/turned taSandy With a,' long sour .face and' said ; "Ech, , ken's weel that her. bairns ,,aye Y,dite" their *in duty, it's' only 'a ;hint to this° Englishers."' A Large Contract The Canadian Produce Co. of To- ronto, has received a definite, contract ftom London, Eng., fOr .100,000 lbs. of Canadian. chickens. This ie the largeet order for this kind of :produce ever, given,: to a Canadian firm. It only remains with the fanners' of ply the'deMand. The Canadian Pro, duo° Co.. and, like 'companies are prepared to buy every chicken that, can be raised in the Province of Ontario, ` leIA' aanipeti has, " a goltt, crown, The. other teeth ,are more, or lees broken.. Ther& wes nothing in' the pockets ext. vent a epos 11 'circuler•.pooket m rror; Dlahonsat.:Fruitt PstPlanit $.,case was brought :.tq • light. by`,in- apeotore in, Toronto, .on. Elau,rdaTs of. dishonesty; in packing'fruit, Which will be, ' interesting here lin baskets of about 00 -,peaches, 25 'or 30' .in the bottom of the .basket were tcruha This, of. course, is the ; faults, of the packers, and not the; local dealers: If` anf of our readers discover anything of this kind they should, report it, that the proper periions • May receive, the jaatice they deserve. Tho local, dealers era' oft n blamed when the) e e 9 knew nothing about it:. Exposing the guilty rs ttie.only way to protect yourself in. tbl's,miatter::' take in the Lucktiow .and. Kincardine fairs'next ,week. Mies Maggie haw. thorne;"of. Etmis, killeu:has beenenjoying, a ,few dare''' visit with the: ,plisses liarrieun;; Mrs Bert .Snelgrove Of. T uekgow visited at Mr, Will Arro_strong'e;.on, Sunday.., , . . .Mesere. W,- and B ,Ritchie of. Kin sardine were guests at Mr..lsines; Broivnscombe'a on .Sunday Mr;, Richard Hall hes been a little indisposed for few ''days, l being the result of a fall. ho received Mr. -will 'Malcolm, ivho` has been 'residing in Kansas for some years, sie; noir staying; with.his.uncle, Mr;'Dyyitt Mrs, Brownscombe and Miss Mabel Brownscoinbe of Petrolia are speeding. in P g, a.. few weeps at the residence of M- Jae. Brownscombe,.' Mr. John'Love ofFairview, Fai: _.eBritish'Columbia, is at :present the guest of hie sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Maxwell "Mr: Love,';who is a druggist in that 'town, interested, in a. plarge 'mining com / pally and visite this, province,in the company's iuterept, Rey. Mr., Smith, of Kincardine - oc- cupied the pulpit in the., Methodicet church here on ,Sunday iffternoon yin the , absence' .of Mr. Wren, who 'was attending 'thefuneral of his pottier at Clinton. ' The ineinorial 'servic on the ' death: of `the slate 'Joseph' rm• Strong io to be conducted on un- day next. Ti . oot:wliury tt twill ,.coni ante_ next week, bub the, .crop will fa 1 con- siderably behind that of previous years: The house formerly occupied by Mr. B, Vandeburd, next Mr.. Baechler's,. 911, .Oar rind Haifa Water The .attention``. of 'the Grey and Bruce bil- and Glee Company lately has; been'•direcled to its No: 2 gas well, near 'Hepworth; which baa a•oapacity Of •500,000 cubic .fest per :day. On Monday , 4t” was discovered ,that oil waa-blowing out .of well 1 7o, 1, 'iii the village. of .Hepworth, this being forced up 14, the volume of gas, ''Upon an glee examination it" wee discovered than the well was filling up ; with=oil scud`salt,.water,ton depth of four feet. ,' A sump .will be ; put in tc to t , gas .to lots • output --of mil, Iit: promises ao be • a greater producer so far as can be `ascertained tat pre sent. The oil, is, of a '=very superior guality, and it has creates , quite ° a dtir in tIta't locality.. ' has been • taken down' and , moved else!? here. our Advertisers A few 'of our. citizens`attended The circulation of the SENTINEL ;.Walkerton fair 'last week and.re po rt rmer. yeare, owrn'`g; to was never'as largo as it is at the pre -it, not uptofo sent dine.,: Every ..department bas ;,;disagreeable weather, increased' beyond the 'most sanguine anticip1t iion Every .effort t of --they publishersrhae been for, improvement,. end 'rt ie pleasing;. know that tiles° efl'orts, are being appreciated :The advertisers - Those names appear in the columns of the SExmiirzL are ' ;reliable: 'business men ,• men Who ask : for Oki' patronage of our readers on ,business principles:'` They ' are reliable to a degree and we wool}d ask that every line of 'advertising be carefully read. • before a .purchase is made. A refer. encs to having read'the adveriisemene in the SErrrix>!L, When purchases' are about to'. be made,-wo:uld__bo greatly - appreciated by. the .publishers: sand Rifle ;Matches ' ,_,The., arinuai rifle watches Of lhe 32nd "Bruce" Begiment were held at !Walkerton on: Wednesday and Thurs.- ?the eight eotopeniel was represented by tante: Our oivn 1170. 3 wee represented and did very well "in Stich compeny. Capt. ,Malcoicion• led thie\.• company, taking first place in the 500, yard, With' else took - Ali place in the $00. -yard special,' 5th in. the' 500-yard.a. d got a son, WEIS also in the 500-yard•and 600 - yard. Beth took'prizes in the "Ttnax special," , Pte. 'Wm. McKenzie alio madegOod ShOoting, taking lit place team priie. qonhideriog' that they the boys did well. .•Netif Railroad Day. .,.:One week ago; under the saddest ileudihatr-has-darkene&-the new can was Rostponed fromrSept. 14th' to' After the period of in- tairresfiraed with' all .the glory and .aplendor of the past,- and • many Dp.Y. making a,pregrara Will Ell ()Very moment*of ..the day' with some- thing bright and beautiful. • • • *Rehm! Ashore ,The body , Of a.: Man was,: washed ashore abont two miles: north of Ivor- hnron and found"."on Monday. The remains appear to have beers a long timein the water. 'The 'right :arm is gone and the lower, extretnities were ' tweed, tteuiere; white: underclothing) a grey flannelette `shirt; bui:.tio. 'shoes Or atoelcings, The fleah and are .Off the 6ce. One' tooth the oriper • A tido le tile, Holy Lind , nev. John McKay, *ell known here, an ex4inded_coulas 'summer he viiited The Hely:Laed, in ,cothpany with: .Prof, Geo. Adam living authority on the ' East. Mr, 'descriptive nf 1,ernsalem, Jelled; The appearing in a Scottish Journal. Thete articles Will *z, published aS a book ,of travels in the 'Holy Land, to belssued ibotit the 1st of February:" Mr.' j, with his friends and all ieferested, ,regarding•advan be subscriptions; for a portion of 'the Edition, which, will be limited. in niunber, Further an, notincenlent „next .week. Ott Suidey, • • -FRIDAY;'; BER 3rd,'AND D nth,... '174E E LADIES are cordially invited to visit our sh wroorl3 - onthe ..above .:dates and note'n .. , _.. the dis�pl�,y sof tlis newot: styles._:, Millinery and Millinery Goods. e bane :a very fine display: of EOM RU'T'S and . CAPER- INES' this season: We never had better, Our prices for Funs will be found right, ht '.as: also : the quality of the. °Po ods. Oats. 3p 33, Eggs per doi -.12" -Apples ' per barrel 1 50 2 00 For feWancl accurate TprOnto: Mar.. ket Report. see seventh page'. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. mornmst CHURCH ' SABBATH. 11 A.U.--"thents'and children." 2.45 rou.--Sanday School and Bible Clam. EvENnta.--"'Young PeoPle and parents.'' WEEK -NIGHT SERVICES ' Wednesday 8 P. Al.—Prapireetingl.' ST PETER% CHURCH SUNDAY. Suaday 8obeei and Bible Clase.ai 9.45., (tan POyer at 11 a:m. Evening Prayer at 7 Bible Clam and ohoii: Practice We'd Houpe for Sale. Jaid„-- out frnmac_ house and in first c am repair. 4prondid vegetable garden, hard andsoft water. •This property is specially well adapted for a. small. family and will be sold 'Worth the mohey.- Apply to D. R:11,1cIritoar, Lucsnow. nine aofes of land attached a goad stand -for Bate.: Apply t olyroo are tbe best, snoe you can buy We- 'nave thena at the right priQe ()pairing promptly, neatly and cheaply done'. • All kinds of apples suitable' for evaporating at the EVAPPRATOR Highest price paid. Alma mom y Ej d4ijiaged .by. ,aro. at gieat Sacrifice. ese stoves are of t e latest e and *are perfect bakers. the lot, ,SQUAnE trovEq, PrIEMIEin STOVES RANGES. AND ,,,NEATERS ,Sonae for wood only, ot1-4.ers for coal an.d many of them. for coal- or woOd. ave s ee ovens There are in and will continue until they are, all sold out. The alert buyers will' piofit most by being early, UCKINO