HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-09-27, Page 8What is it ? We all know, of ;• i
40. five senses with which woe.
•re endowed, hearing, °:seeing,:
emoliing,.tastingand touohingt
blit the,.sixth,• .sense is;..some,.
thing different, itis Common
Sense. If'thiq sense .be well;
developed It will'save ns' from
mt►ny'blunders and. mistakes,.
'4 01 tell ne .that y1104 1400;
erose axe reitiulred,neth4ng but
the best and purist should be
used. We would, like to im
Venn* your mind that this;
i. our aim to : supply. Pure
prugs and Chemicals. We are
bolding, up a ieputation for'
the 'quality.of;'9ur, medicines,
,drugs, 'chemieale and - spices,.
.,we guy nothing .brit' tile.
t anil .,onl yR the'. r uv'est - ma .
rials -are ubu,1 • in 'che per,
eoriptione. and receipts which'
we f11'and the :medicines
$repave.When "you see our'i
nems °on' any article you cnn '
rely on its purity.That is.,
Or- watchword , "., Prnrxv," {
nityou will ;grid, that our"
prices are no' higher than;;.
other planes while the quality
emist and Druggist, Nx
W Apbry�dh�l+ F y :'ins. " ..M4m.4
int' to DoS.°. Ownexa `
u„egoarron of,`: Stratford has
;warned,;' farmers tbai. if• they allow .a
ogio run Ioose, which hal &'habit of
inning atpaseingu horses, 44.A. rum
iy Fakes place, which roeults in 'a
atality the owners qf! the canine' aro
liable to pirpsecution for nianslaughteri
ire W er purposeI turns a dog
0,8e.:4:14 people, pail death `re..
te; Fie rd liable to a charge.of murder:
'gill +Loptlnue the Bualiieau .•
re 1~L Proctor,. wishes'to express
er thanks and appreciation.to- the
many customers general pub-
lic for ':their':liberal patronage in the
w • elt, and to :announce that:,she.', will
ontinue the harness busrness.as usual,
`der the management of a thorough
ly ieliahie and practical harries maker.
All outstanding accounts must be
settled by cash or .note before_ the
•les day- f Octgber
; gond story ie told Of two: Beets.
Men ".)who ''-happened io he, itanding
neer L'ord,Nehion when he' gave his
famoue signal England ' expecte'
every:man this day to do .1ter duty.'
Donald/turned taSandy With a,' long
sour .face and' said ; "Ech,
, ken's weel that her. bairns
,,aye Y,dite" their *in duty, it's' only 'a
;hint to this° Englishers."'
A Large Contract
The Canadian Produce Co. of To-
ronto, has received a definite, contract
ftom London, Eng., fOr .100,000 lbs.
of Canadian. chickens. This ie the
largeet order for this kind of :produce
ever, given,: to a Canadian firm. It
only remains with the fanners' of
ply the'deMand. The Canadian Pro,
duo° Co.. and, like 'companies are
prepared to buy every chicken that,
can be raised in the Province of
Ontario, `
leIA' aanipeti has, " a goltt, crown, The.
other teeth ,are more, or lees broken..
Ther& wes nothing in' the pockets ext.
vent a epos 11 'circuler•.pooket m rror;
Dlahonsat.:Fruitt PstPlanit
$.,case was brought :.tq • light. by`,in-
apeotore in, Toronto, .on. Elau,rdaTs of.
dishonesty; in packing'fruit, Which will
be, ' interesting here lin baskets of
about 00 -,peaches, 25 'or 30' .in the
bottom of the .basket were tcruha
This, of. course, is the ; faults, of the
packers, and not the; local dealers: If`
anf of our readers discover anything
of this kind they should, report it, that
the proper periions • May receive, the
jaatice they deserve. Tho local,
dealers era' oft n blamed when the)
e e 9
knew nothing about it:. Exposing
the guilty rs ttie.only way to protect
yourself in. tbl's,miatter::'
take in the Lucktiow .and. Kincardine
fairs'next ,week.
Mies Maggie haw. thorne;"of. Etmis,
killeu:has beenenjoying, a ,few dare'''
visit with the: ,plisses liarrieun;;
Mrs Bert .Snelgrove Of. T uekgow
visited at Mr, Will Arro_strong'e;.on,
Sunday.., , . .
.Mesere. W,- and B ,Ritchie of. Kin
sardine were guests at Mr..lsines;
Broivnscombe'a on .Sunday
Mr;, Richard Hall hes been a little
indisposed for few ''days, l being the
result of a fall. ho received
Mr. -will 'Malcolm, ivho` has been
'residing in Kansas for some years, sie;
noir staying; with.his.uncle, Mr;'Dyyitt
Mrs, Brownscombe and Miss Mabel
Brownscoinbe of Petrolia are speeding.
P g,
a.. few weeps at the residence of M-
Jae. Brownscombe,.'
Mr. John'Love ofFairview, Fai: _.eBritish'Columbia, is at :present the guest of
hie sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Maxwell "Mr:
Love,';who is a druggist in that 'town,
interested, in a. plarge 'mining com /
pally and visite this, province,in the
company's iuterept,
Rey. Mr., Smith, of Kincardine - oc-
cupied the pulpit in the., Methodicet
church here on ,Sunday iffternoon yin
the , absence' .of Mr. Wren, who 'was
attending 'thefuneral of his pottier
at Clinton. ' The ineinorial 'servic on
the ' death: of `the slate 'Joseph' rm•
Strong io to be conducted on un-
day next.
Ti . oot:wliury tt twill ,.coni ante_
next week, bub the, .crop will fa 1 con-
siderably behind that of previous years:
The house formerly occupied by Mr.
B, Vandeburd, next Mr.. Baechler's,.
911, .Oar rind Haifa Water
The .attention``. of 'the Grey and
Bruce bil- and Glee Company lately
has; been'•direcled to its No: 2 gas well,
near 'Hepworth; which baa a•oapacity
Of •500,000 cubic .fest per :day. On
Monday , 4t” was discovered ,that oil
waa-blowing out .of well 1 7o, 1, 'iii the
village. of .Hepworth, this being forced
up 14, the volume of gas, ''Upon an
glee examination it" wee discovered
than the well was filling up ; with=oil
scud`salt,.water,ton depth of four feet. ,' A sump .will be ; put in
tc to t , gas .to lots • output --of mil, Iit:
promises ao be • a greater producer
so far as can be `ascertained tat pre
sent. The oil, is, of a '=very superior
guality, and it has creates , quite ° a
dtir in tIta't locality.. '
has been • taken down' and , moved
else!? here.
our Advertisers A few 'of our. citizens`attended
The circulation of the SENTINEL ;.Walkerton fair 'last week and.re po rt
rmer. yeare, owrn'`g; to
was never'as largo as it is at the pre -it, not uptofo
sent dine.,: Every ..department bas ;,;disagreeable weather,
increased' beyond the 'most sanguine
anticip1t iion Every .effort t of --they
publishersrhae been for, improvement,.
end 'rt ie pleasing;. know that tiles°
efl'orts, are being appreciated :The
advertisers - Those names appear in the
columns of the SExmiirzL are ' ;reliable:
'business men ,• men Who ask : for Oki'
patronage of our readers on ,business
principles:'` They ' are reliable to a
degree and we wool}d ask that every
line of 'advertising be carefully read.
before a .purchase is made. A refer.
encs to having read'the adveriisemene
in the SErrrix>!L, When purchases' are
about to'. be made,-wo:uld__bo greatly -
appreciated by. the .publishers:
sand Rifle ;Matches '
,_,The., arinuai rifle watches Of lhe
32nd "Bruce" Begiment were held at
!Walkerton on: Wednesday and Thurs.-
?the eight eotopeniel was represented by
tante: Our oivn 1170. 3 wee represented
and did very well "in Stich compeny.
Capt. ,Malcoicion• led thie\.• company,
taking first place in the 500, yard, With'
else took - Ali place in the $00. -yard
special,' 5th in. the' 500-yard.a. d got a
son, WEIS also in the 500-yard•and 600 -
yard. Beth took'prizes in the "Ttnax
special," , Pte. 'Wm. McKenzie alio
madegOod ShOoting, taking lit place
team priie. qonhideriog' that they
the boys did well.
.•Netif Railroad Day.
.,.:One week ago; under the saddest
ileudihatr-has-darkene&-the new
can was Rostponed fromrSept. 14th' to'
After the period of in-
tairresfiraed with' all .the glory and
.aplendor of the past,- and • many
Dp.Y. making a,pregrara Will Ell
()Very moment*of ..the day' with some-
thing bright and beautiful. • •
*Rehm! Ashore
,The body , Of a.: Man was,: washed
ashore abont two miles: north of Ivor-
hnron and found"."on Monday. The
remains appear to have beers a long
timein the water. 'The 'right :arm is
gone and the lower, extretnities were '
tweed, tteuiere; white: underclothing)
a grey flannelette `shirt; bui:.tio. 'shoes
Or atoelcings, The fleah and are
.Off the 6ce. One' tooth the oriper
• A tido le tile, Holy Lind ,
nev. John McKay, *ell known here,
an ex4inded_coulas
'summer he viiited The Hely:Laed,
in ,cothpany with: .Prof, Geo. Adam
living authority on the ' East. Mr,
'descriptive nf 1,ernsalem, Jelled; The
appearing in a Scottish Journal. Thete
articles Will *z, published aS a book ,of
travels in the 'Holy Land, to belssued
ibotit the 1st of February:" Mr.' j,
with his friends and all ieferested,
,regarding•advan be subscriptions; for a
portion of 'the Edition, which, will be
limited. in niunber, Further an,
notincenlent „next .week.
Ott Suidey,
BER 3rd,'AND D nth,...
'174E E LADIES are cordially invited to visit our sh wroorl3 -
onthe ..above .:dates and note'n
.. , _.. the dis�pl�,y sof tlis newot: styles._:,
Millinery and Millinery Goods.
e bane :a very fine display: of EOM RU'T'S and . CAPER-
INES' this season: We never had better, Our prices for Funs will
be found right, ht '.as: also : the quality of the. °Po ods.
Oats. 3p 33,
Eggs per doi -.12"
-Apples ' per barrel 1 50 2 00
For feWancl accurate TprOnto: Mar..
ket Report. see seventh page'.
mornmst CHURCH
11 A.U.--"thents'and children."
2.45 rou.--Sanday School and Bible Clam.
EvENnta.--"'Young PeoPle and parents.''
Wednesday 8 P. Al.—Prapireetingl.'
Suaday 8obeei and Bible Clase.ai 9.45., (tan
POyer at 11 a:m.
Evening Prayer at 7
Bible Clam and ohoii: Practice We'd
Houpe for Sale.
Jaid„-- out frnmac_
house and in first c am repair. 4prondid
vegetable garden, hard andsoft water. •This
property is specially well adapted for a. small.
family and will be sold 'Worth the mohey.-
Apply to D. R:11,1cIritoar, Lucsnow.
nine aofes of land attached a goad
stand -for Bate.: Apply t
are tbe best, snoe you can buy We- 'nave
thena at the right priQe
()pairing promptly, neatly and cheaply done'.
All kinds of apples suitable'
for evaporating at the
Highest price paid.
Alma mom
d4ijiaged .by. ,aro. at
gieat Sacrifice.
ese stoves are of t e latest
e and *are perfect bakers.
the lot,
,Sonae for wood only, ot1-4.ers for coal
an.d many of them. for
coal- or woOd.
ave s ee ovens
There are in
and will continue until they are, all
sold out. The alert buyers will'
piofit most by being early,