HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-28, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXY1I.—NO. 1895.
Masoni• Officers,
At the regular ,eetiniz of Wingham
Lodge, No, 256, , it' & A. D4., G R
0•, an Tuesday a :Hing last, the follow.
ing officers were deleted for the ensuing
year: -W. M., A M. Crawford; S, Fa.,
D. L. Diusley; 3 W., J.W.MoKibbon;
obaplain, Dr. J, Tamlyn; treasurer,
Jahn Ritchie; 0 eretary, J. A. Murton;
S• D., W. A, rampbeil; J D. , J. F
McGuire; I, G E, A, Hammond,
Wingham tberats,
• Important meati. :0 of the Liberals
of Wingham will held in the cora-
mittee room (vaoa• t store in Wilson
block) on Thursda and Friday even•
fags of this week. Mattern of impor•
tanoe in connection ^1th the caw ai u
P g
will be oonsidered. All friends of they
Liberal reediiate : e invited to those
can, S
At the regular meeting of the 'gown
Caanoit on Doo day evening, All the
members were p esent except Councillor
McDonald; Ma •r Holmes in the chair
The clerk rel, a communication from
Lha Western F nude Co,, atkfn that
the matter of ,•ore adegaaee fire pro-
teotion for thplant and premises be
by he Oonnoil, Qn motion
of Conn.. Elan , a and Reeve Irwin, the
matter wee r:ferred 10 the Fire and
Water Comm ttee to report as aeon as
A 8tateme, 0 of the town's share of
the liquor lio:nae fees for the haif year,
$884,56, was • resented.
The folio ing accounts were reeom•
mended for payment by the Finance
Committee, and on motion the report
was adopte, :
Jno. David ,n, work at dam $ 1.05
Mrs. Bloc • 1 rid, work at hall, , 2 00
Geo. Carr, , niform for Chief ... 20.00
Geo. Mato•, supplies, b 43
Jas.Nelso•,work - 3.00
J. B. Fexg +eon, salary es6 60
Ed. Lewis, salary , , , . ' 20 00,
Geo. Alla,, salary 46,00
R, Rankin salary......., 7 00
W. Guest salar,q,,.... 10 00
Municipal World, collector's roll 2.01
W. A. C, tee, repairs 11.38
D. C. Mo �� onaid work at water-
works 2 07
D. G. Mo +onaid, work on streets 19 60
A.l3ander an,wataringatraeta.eta 12.6D
Hook & Ladder Co., 7 men atL
Feeaan fire 8.50
J. Bugg .` Son, pipe and tapping
maitre 58.45
Fileotri, light accounts to -the amount
of $323 i8 were also recommendedenter
The F name Committee reported re•
aomman, ing the adoption of the esti-
fSpringor pay •• ant.
mates as presented by the various come
mit ties l�a t meeting, some
B gslightdist
changes so that the rate of taxation for
this yea may be struck at 25 mills in
the dolls ,
The co mittee appointed at 'eat meet-
ing on m at and milk inepegtionreported
prograde; they had been communicating
with of •er towns and getting inform
On m tion the tax exemptions on
farm Ian a were granted same as teat
year, -
The Pu lio School Board was ranted
Coun, otton gave notice that at the
next meet ng he would move that "Ow-
ing to th admirable mnsio'furnished
oontinnoa ly by the Sslvaticn Army
band, this onnoil recognize their efforts
b loin a small donation of,
y givingsay,
$25.00, w oh will assist in a small way
Sri paying or instruments."
Conn. egory concurred in the idea,
and thong their mnsfa wad appreoiat•
Coun, G egory called attention t4 the
damping f rnbbiEh along the road to
the south of the town, Qom, Bell ex-
Clamed tat steps had been taken to
prohibit his, and parties notified to
dieoontinn the practice.
Messrs. Currie a d Musgrove, the
Candidates, Fac: the Electors in
Large N tubers,
The meeting for he nomination of
candidates to contest the new riding of
North Huron en the oaterioLegisfatnre,
held in the Lawn ha1I on >kloudap,axseed
gat the mo, bars of both poli•couatdered
flail parties in lar,z: numbers Pram all
Parte of the conatft . �noy, This is the
first time in the hi .tory of Wiogham,
that nominations h ve been h, -Id here
either for , • on or Provinexal
Returning Officer McQuillan received
nominations betw n the hours of 12
and 2 O'clock, T+e proposers of Mr.
J. T. Currie, th• Liberal oandidate,
were Dr, P. Macdonald, of Wingham,
3t •
�� d
x zip
:a 2ea%
x `
Report of Test Exams an the
principal's Partment.
Following is the re It of the examin
atone held in the lent, ipei's depertment
der ing the manih °May,themaxi-
mum mark beim; 730. Those taking 50
per Dent and over, fill stand. a goad
ohanoe o! passing the Entrauoe Exam,
which will take place tee last week of
Girla:--Nellie NMoils 512, Mamie
Adams 476 Cora Ker 474, Ina DURit
Ohio 470,Ilszel Dru mond X48, MayDonnY
Oantelon 436, (loin H Imes 434, Flossie
Orr 432, Maggie Willi moon 406, Irlma
K ennedy 405, Violet tiler 403, Orissie
Armour 399, Margueri a Ronanth 395,
Vinci Davidson 393, nuie McDonald
866, Diabel Swarts 365, Clara Mitchell
847, Martie Carrie 330, eliea Biehl 328,
Effie Bower, 322, Marjo y Baines 300,
Alba Hogg 280, Azelfa anderson 261,
Coxa Anderson 237,B awnfe Swarts
223, Edna Jenkina 210, s thel Beokwith
106, Georgia Forbes 175, r live Knox 167,
Bessie Stapleton 100,
Boys; -Frank Howso+ 437, Earle Hall
418, Arthur Wilson 41 Willie Haines
395, Ross Anderson 394, Paul Pugh $79,
Dudley Holman 376, : rohie Simmons
360, Earl Johns 358, Al an Kneoheel 342,
Gordon Gannett 335, . arry Coutts 314,
Lawrence Fender 806, Norman NiohoIls
304, Roy Day 292, Jo • u Allen 276, Basil
Blackball 278 Rioha•d Mann 244, Loon-
and Brock 181, Gal. win Hamilton 150,
Lloyd Hewer 110.
Out of a alias of 't girls and 21 boys,
only 16 girls and 7 b.ys obtained 1:0 per
cent. or over.
Fifteen girls and r:n boys were pros-
ant at all t be exam:, consequently half
the alias have a 1 war than
they otherwise w• Id have, bad they
been present at all ,e tests.
Average attendan e for the month was
Fiinoipal pro hal.
are selling $1.GO bottles of
Emulsion and Hypop•
spbites for 50 cents,
Flaxseed is best fat•produeer
ever discovered and vehen cora-
bind with Hv o hos bites is un-
. P p p
equalled as a SPRING. TONIC,
and as a remedy for Colds, ,
' B r o n cb i t i e, Exhaustion and •
Neivoas Trouble..
$100 Bottles for 50 cents •
Wooe WANTED. 50000 1b • Wog1
wanted. Higheat 'Aces pa' tj�
( E. Kneel•
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
-Large quantities ewes ISD;
and tub butter,
tub buster, GED. E. $TNG,
Died in Paul.
Mrs. John Limon y received a tele-
gram last Thursday morning announo-
ing the Gudden deat of her brother, Mr.
D. D. Forbes, of S . Pail, Minn, Da-
leased lived far soul years in Tnrnberry
township, his Fath r being one of the
first school teach a in this aeotion.
Mr. Forbes left this section thirty years
I. 0, 0, F, Officers.
At the meetin of Maitland Lodge,
I Q. O. F , ] t Thursday evening,
doers for th ensuing term were
elected as follow :-N. G., Jos. Guest;
V. G , Norman ry; Rea. -Seely,, John
F, Grovel; Ff .•Secy., T. J. Elliott;
Treae„ Representatives
H. B lliott; pg
toDistrict Me ing, J. S. Carr, W. J
Haines, H. inscliffe; Delegates to
Grand Lodge, J. S. Carr and J, W.
sad Mr. John N. 1�feSer zie, of Aabfield
township, while r. James Bowman, of
Morris township, and Mr• Geo. Spotton
of Win ham, brought forward Mr. A,
Musgrave, be Conservative can•
Your vote and mflneneo repeottully rel
qnested for the a .ction of Joh+: r. t aerie,
Libor. l Candidata u Orth H; on.
E er:,li n .lune st , Laos,
f Macdonald Blook, Wingham,,
' ""
A public m etingwas afterwards
emu ,� en, e -i 1;. .T.. 6, •
�i. ai, ��-'� a� a
LasT,-In Y'1 Ingham, a briar pipe and
Finder rewarded on leaving same
at TIMES office.
held. The ah it was vcoa led, h
Mayor William Holmes, of Wingham,
-iii -
�..• U
00L �J'
tl 4rg
BRING along your shoes, We do
repairing and wa DO IT RIGHT. Lowest
prices, W. J. (ItF,ER.
and on the plat ors were Mr John T.
Currie, Liberal Candidate; Mr, A, H,
Muegrove, ons rvative Candidate;
$ C Mr.
Aroh. Hislop, x M P. F. for East
Huron; Dr. M odonald, and Mr. Gee.
DI Our management treine more young ria -
-si people than any other in Ontario l
ti Ther• moat by •a reason : �v'ta for it,
J 't
17 �Pycial course for Teachers. 1�
j� Nip ecial Courses. a
wa>elai rsv;rr Fs cor.r,sttx>L
r Geo. Spotton, Principal
Seafort Won.
Two rinks of Seat rth bowlers visited
Wingham Wedues ay afternoon and
spent a pleasant ho or two with localp
players, carrying h me the honors by
the fol:owia Booze =
Seaforth Wingham
Jas McMichael Geo C. Manners
H. Jeffrey W. H. WillisWitlisp
J. Scott L. Kenredy
t,}. E Park, ak-21 D. T. Bepbnrn,sk 17
Alex, Stobie L W. Hanson
Geo. Mnrdie A. E. Smith
Dr Shine DHolmes
T, Richardson sk 2 Al. M. Craw:oxd, 14
* •
Major ' line Dead.
Major John :eine, of Riverview
Farm, nasi Gvrri:, died suddenly , ong
Monday morning a ter a few hours' ill.
-nese. The casae •• death was pnea•
scull. Major Kai,ewae in 81st
and was until a fe •• years ago promin•
ent in military affai a, holding office in
the 33rd Regime, t, He was twine
elected Reeve of Ho ., ick, was a Metho•
and a promise • 0 Conservative. Astanding
widow, four sons and six d:u htera
survive him.
Spotton, of WI gham.
Mr. Hislop, t e first speaker, referred
7r�.. ,1,,-i'r 7 eel 7ede �•, yr i �r1,,Z
to the gerryma der of Huron County,
and although it as perhaps not sate to
the realm prophecy, it was not
beyond the boo a of possibility to ex-
pent that North �' neon at least might
cleat a buppoite of the Hon. A. 0
+ n
p1 � �rli
V� For����
Mackay, The ep. akar than dealt with
the nnfnlal:ed pro „item of the Whitney
Administration. "bile in opposition
the Conservatives .ad maintained that
an expenditure of $5 000,000 was too
great; they had said it could be
reduced, yet so far from keeping Chair
year t +e expenditure had
reached the enormo , : sum of $8,000,000.
The in°reaae under iberal rule daring
their whole term ' ' office, was only
$1 00 per head, wh ' e if they had in
creased at the same rate as the Con -
servatives had dnrin the past three
years, the present e penditnre would
FR'; �3E COT CAGE -Mi ,uta St.
FRAME COTTAGE; -1?, ri k St
a STORY Vu Coria St,
1'RAME 1 STORY En ward St.
i. i STORY- genii St.
FRAME 2 STJRY- Mu Hie 3t.
BRICK 1% STORY-V,ctoria St.
BRICK 2 STORY fneu) - Viatcria
1 STORY (uew)-Josephine
$RIGS 2 STORY (new) -Catharine
Parlor Suites a 5 Couches are our
specialties for this month. W R's
Furniture Store.
Lames! It is conte d all wearers
of good shoes that no f t quells Hagar
and 'Empress Shoes or style, fit and
wear. See them at W. J. GREER's.
WANTED, -At o+ e, aumpetent girl
far general hones ,r Apply to Mte.
.John RiGcbia, Can street,
Montt FOR THE 3IONE hen yon can
get elerwhdre in Bo and Shoes, at
W. J. GREEu's.
. The baseball s::•
Wingham, to -m,
noon, when the G
the Maple Leafs ,n
This is the first Beeson
has been repress,
League, and the b
a good account
]calls are putting
is hoped there wil
at the opening ga..:.
minced at 4 o'.�cols
admission fee will
15 cents.
son will be opened in
row (Friday) after-
derivh nine will meet
the looal diamond.
the county town
ted in the Lakeside
ye wilt no doubt give
of themselves. The
up good ball, and it
be a large attendance
Play will be Qom-
and the usual
,retail• -26 mete and
We have
To say
of these
A choice
F11 rn
A good,
just opened oat our new
for Spring and Summer.
they are the nicest range
shown here is putting It
strongly, but really the(seder,.)
are beautiful,- both in
and material. '
prevailing calors are Ela.
P g
Grays and Browne in
and plaids. Of course
and Blues are always cor-Edmonton
sad we have a large range
goods. g g
stock of Hats in Ali the
8 8orders
1 fl 111
new lstobk yin alt tines.
Underwear, ries, Collars•
Fancy Vesta, etc.
Quiet Ju
A quiet wedding
Mr. Peter MaLar:n,
Wednesday of tbi=
when his delight:
became the bride
Stewart, formerly
now of Detroit,
was performed by
being present only
tines of the bride
ceremony and Can
pany enjoyed an
and Mrs. Ste
noon G. T. R. tr
they will be at
after July 1st.
r will w fa
prosperous jonrn.y
- Wedding.
g graced the home of
Centre street, on
week at high noon,
, Mary Christina,
.1 Mr. Duncan F.
of Wingham, and
M oh. The ceremony
-ev. D. Perrie, there
the immediate rola-
.,•dgroom. Atter the
�. ratulaetone, the cam-
=xcellent repast, and
•• art left on the after-
• in for Detroit,missioners
me to their friends
any friends in this
• the happy couple a
on life's voyage.
+� rtomeseekers Excursions. '
The Grand Trunk It vs system
are selling second class rete tickets to
principal points in Man' obi, Saskat•
chewan and Alberta at following
rat•ee:-Winnipeg n return, $32.00;
end oat r , $42.60. Fropor•
donate rates to o her pointe. Nest
excursion via North Bav June 9th., via.
Sarnia and Northern Navigation Com-
puny, Steamer leaves Sarnia 3 30 p, ye
good for 60 days,
June 10th. Tin from
Full information from any Grand Trunk
Ticket Agent,
have been. -$29,000,1t0. It had been
charged that the Lib: ale were corrupt,
but after three yeas of access to the
affairs o the 'aria, s departments not
one act of corruption h ad been unearth-
ed. Conservatives b • d promised to take
the administration o the liquor license
law out of politi.:, but, asked the
Properties in Pleasant Vallee,
Lower Town, Town Pius, Greenville
Ohisholmtoale anti in the centra/
parts of the town. Call t,nd tee rat
We can suit yin. Don't all speak at
once. Chafce farms at right prices
and on easy terms Intnrtsnoe-all
kinds. Farm Lonna -Tole tette'.
speaker "Wal it e • er more deeply in
Politics than at t .e present time?"
Against the presen inspeotor or cos•
he had °thinU
g to say,but
were they any bett.r than their preda
veaeara? He inetan ed the action of the
Minister of Eduoat on interceding with
the license commis •ousel in Toronto to
Phony 123
FOR SATE, -Singly,
matched half Olyd
years old. Inquire
Oo,'s store.
or ogether, two
M es -one 4, ane 3
tl;. E. Isard e &
To Camp . t God'erich.where
.she Milit.a De,.rtment has issued
that the an, nal militia training
will be hold this y .ar at Godorioh from
June 16 to 27. It s expected that fully
3000 troops will be , nder canvas, Besides
eight Infantry R: • imenta there will be
the artillery, gni es, service corps and
army medical cor s..The camp grounds
of nearly 1000 ares are within half a
mile of the town Wingham Company
of the 33rd Regi. ent should go out full
strength. A fe-. good men are still
`panted and ser ice rolls may be signed
either at A. M. rawiord e, Wingham,
or with Sergean • Carrick, Whitechurch,
The Coun y Council.
The meeting ne 0 Tuesday of the
County Council o Huron will be the
most memorable a salon of the iastiLa•
tion, for in additi n to the members of
the present Coupe , all the livingmem-
hers that have en elected since the
first aeseion oft Commit, been
invited to meet with the present
members. It id xpeeted that nearly
every ex member will be present, and
that a most enjoy b1a re -anion will be
the resn.t. There will be many wellgposit
known faces prese at the reception in
the Court House a d at the banquet to
be given in the Be ford. Theta will be
many stories of b w the ConnOillora of
past decades help d to make Ilion the
Ieading County' Ontario s-Goderich
Star. %
---- - --
secure a license for a friend of his. So
far from making : • effort to carry out
Great stook or
at out rate prises
tare Store.
prices paid, either
sideboards and buffets
at WAzziER's Furni•
tubs choice grass
sash or trade.
their promises the conservatives bad
dismissed Liberal o Dille and appointed
their own frien• s. Continuing, Mr.
1 Ci r
The Leaning Coe cu e
Special prices on
at WAI-lcER's Furniture
all kinds of furniture
Hislop asked,who e have the Conserve -
tives served any ,nblia interest in the
province better t,;=n their predecessors?
The Liberals ha r done with $5,000000614PRESS
what the Ganser • atives took $8,000 000
to do. Mr. R hi, ey had promised taw
reform, but since , owing into power tied
shown no die ,n to grapple with the
question. Refers ng to the letter ot
Hon. S H. Blak: to Mr Whitney, pub
lisbed a few days. ago, the a eaker stated
it was only wh t might be expected
y g..-.
Mr. Blake was i entified with corpora.
tons, who were s:eking favors from the
Government. D: •ting with the lorry-
sander, Mr. W tney had stated that
it was not the in ention to touch con -
atitaenoia8 only hose which had been
Qarmre°t aomapered tine 'slides,
` y
•bill 'was brought in it was found that
many °oust'taen lea, notably Mtddlwent,
had beet[ carve. Ston, Dant and tposeHeron,
lei East Lam to suit party puxpoess.
Mr. Hislop closed with an appeal for
support' on be, . If of the Liberal thud
date, Mr. Our ':.
Mr, Geo, Sp, ton followed on behalf
of Mr. lJnsgro e. Luer sincepclntabae
discovered A. erica, the Conservatives
had little to say
y in the administta-
elan Of the • filled of this Province
The speaker , oceedeit to deal with the
jadfbioae ef: nditnre of money by the
Government, he adtninistr'ation of the
lioenee lair, t e abolition of the oecret
ballot, the pia ing of the public schools
on a better . Aafe, the oaaDge in the
County Conine Id Act, the smathit., or
the tehool boo : ring, placing of Toronto
Vniveraity on a sound dnanoiai basis.
and the appal • tri tettt of rt i lnist�ir of
Lends and ,: , ,-cis. In matter to Mr.
] limp, the ep icer sled the t;Eatern•
sent lead been uxktiag the eabjebt
- --- _--�
. •
= I
In 5 Loss
not onlygood
goon wear.
that fits your
longer than
is too tight
and too loose
T'he E m
who maks
l i grade
I wamell�.
1)w are
J agents,
.- . w. _ --
Pea us for
� �t
SHOE �-�
MADE �,��
d good fit means
looks but
The Shoe
foot wears
the shoe that
in some laces
in others.
r e s s Shoe 19
made b IX irm
nothing but
shoes blf
One (j their �
-� .,._�..,_ , _� ...d_.� :.�,
Trunks tout Valtees
j' reer
+r nl � ar !
■ wiairt
Merchant Tailor Lead
Men's rano
The well•kno
"Ambrose Wovdl;
Mr. Edward len ,
this season in Lbs:
two hangs hotel s
afternoon, A„brow
sired by Ridge ,
been snccesdinl
the track.
g Staition,
n trotting stallion,
wn," the property of
g, of Morris, will make
section being at the
abies every Saturday
Woodlaven is
hod and his stook has
in prize ring and en
S. Q. S. a Whitechurch.
A large numbs of people turned out
to the Sons of ' C°tland meeting bald
in. the Foresters • all, W hitechureh on
Monday avenin Mr. A. Fox, with his
ramo hone kept he people in a constant
g P Pp
Harr Lauder's we1l
peal of Ianghter, y
known sons be , rendered. Mr. D.
g g
E. McDonald,'0 et of Caledonia Cam p
wasresent wit • his two daughters, p g
Flora and Verna who, in foil Highland
dress delighted t audience, With their
of H' :bland and sword dans•
ing, life. T. R, :e of Teeswater Cam
also drove vve with hie son, Jimmy,
who was atso in ult Highland oostnine
and executed t' a light tantast10 Loa is
great style. Re , J, P. Danson, Cha
g yp g g p'
loin of the Clamp interspersed the items
on the progra wiih interesting and
instructive rem' ko and made a strong
appeal On behalf .1 the Sone of Scotland
to the young tn.n present to join the
cedar. The ragui r meeting was hard
afterwards and 0 :cod many initiated,
The data of the re tiler meeting Was flx•
ed far the 2nd Mirada in ovary
month. The S• f , S, is now fair y
established in'Whi :attach. and by the
enthusiasm shown should Wax stxofag.
Grand organizer t ratg has COW Oban•
Closed hie work ht, •: and is leaving Life
dlttttot at an witty , ate,
A Picni, all the Way.
An opportunrt for a pleasant lake
trip to Michigan s metropolis and to
visit friends. T. time to lea Detroit,
Saturday aftern,on and evening, anti.
Belle Isle an Sun, ay.
The new Grey •'end is one of the
largest, speediest and most magnifi
giant equipped da boats in the world
and those who talc: advantage of this
opportunity are as need of one of the
,most pleasant trips , f their life. Every
thing vrill be Arrest ed for the Cbiiveni•
once and pleasure .1 the exaarsionieta
and we knew of no .'• yore delightful sway
of visiting Miohi d metro olia than
g P
this trip will afford Meals enrottte 50
cams, The new 0 eybonnd will leave
Qadetich at 8.30 a tt., Jana 20th, on
arrival of special tr his from Wingham,
Stratford and. G0e b, arriving in De-
troit at 4 p, m. file • ening, it will leave
Monday a 1 p, m. (8entrat
time). The fare fel the round trip Will
be only two doltara nhildren Wilt be
Charged half fare a • , ordinary baggage
tme' The Elmira • .rad will Abovmpany
the exetraion,.and '„Ake the trip ad-
ditienaliy attraotiv Arrange to take
thio in; you ermine afford to sibs it;
only f 200 round t p, and Kota[ rates in
Detroit $i'd6 to $ 00. A. Beeeiet trait
will leave Godo • nh for Wingham,
GtitYlph And Strati r d and wale beatione
on Arrival of thea . antler, froth Detroit
Monday evening The eltbareion will
Mee fort right • a tont° to tired wink•
err or ell parries ter the elections on
ititF 8th.
Wore res institute.
The annual meting of the West filar-
on 1)lstriot of the Women's Institute
was held in the r, 0, F. hall,Wingham,
on Tharada last. Delegates were
P resent froth a bdarich, Clinton and
/lob/tee vine. „any matters of interest
were discussed end it was one of the
moat succeesfa meetings held in many
years. officer were elected AS follows:
President, Mr .°Jenkins, Holmeeville;
1st Vibe Presld:nt, Mrs. awaneon, Gods-
rich; 2nd Vice resident,'Mrs, W, Boner
Wingham; Se .y.-Treas., Mrs. Waite,
Clinton. The idles of the local Insti•
tate entertain:, thevisitora to tea and
the delegates eapree.�sed ehemseives ar
being highly Eased with their visit to
g g y P
W inghatn. A the last meeting of the
Wingham bra • ,h, officers Were sleeted
as follows lee I resident, MIs. H', B,
Elliott; Vide President, MrsJohn
Wiiaon, 'Sear tar , Mrd. Gilles 1e;
y P
Trebel Mer. J. W. Hewer; Diroctora--
Mor. (br.) J. '. IIennddy, Mrd. Edward
.eaenttan, *rd. J. 0. McCracken, Mrs•
aa.1 . b'ef"gneb , Mrd. W, S. l;lnklater.
The local heti to liar had a very stab .
OeMfnl year, rho Inestin a were well
t►ttended pYui Y , jot” of interest tlilWtlax
sed, All Ia►tti: of this district aro in
4ritod \lo'be, • •, member* 4f fhb Usti,.
The Fruit season is on and wa'va
made arrangements to hays re-
galas sllipmonts of
V$( Rest
that's do the market. Cottey
along and see the kind we sell,
Big bargain in ladtea' shoes on Friday
evening of this we Sale starts at
7 o'dloak and the a will be open nn•
tit 9 o'clock this Friday evening only,
Read ad. on page 6, Weems & Co.
Death di” rs Lewis.
There passed a •• • on Friday last at
her home Mt , p th street,Max
Graham, beloved tie of Mr. Edwin
.Lewis, in her filet year, Deceased had
been in feeble b=-Ith since last July.
Site bad been a ;adult of '4aingham
for eighteen yearn coming to town from
London, where a, a married her note
bereaved hitabs. ,,etroit
Mts. Lewis%awls vat
held in high este • „ by a largo circle et
friends and had or years been a morn-
her Of the „:thodiat Church, The
fttneral tool, p1: •6 on Sunday atternobrr
o thti Win h• „
t g cemetery, the arsine
being vbrrduot: • by Rev. 9G• G. 7 vty.
son. Mr*, Ilri 4n, of °two's°, Mich.,
sister of deoe • ed, and Mr', and Mrs.
'Gift, bowman or I<tgereatl Were prebett
for the fan: al. The bereaved will
have the sy pithy of many' Mende.
Mr, avoir vi .her to tender hie ainoera
thank* to til rtAny Mod Mends dor
their Marne • , r note of kindness during
Ma Lsvirir` ria Mow..
f3e 15e 2O 2fic each
s s
Slfecial Prises tilt isuSilrt tleSs.
We've always a large and sOleoted
Mock of °tango, Sanantur
Lemma &o, on Yana. '
R'orron -••As D • Be'thUne ie about
leaving town, I accoante mast be
battled b the IOt , et Jrina,
Dr, Ovene. bbt liet, Louden, Surgeon
Eye, Eer, Ncetl and Throat vpiu lit, at
McKibben's drag store, Monday, Ault
29th. libliti: lk coo. todp•m. .Motto'
properly SAW.tCoti
Send tits 'Yet* Orden
The tiroser and Tea Kereitttrtt
' 4 9
lases r.tl page j ,