HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-28, Page 5THE WINGIIA.M TIMES, MAY 27, 1I()8
Kernels from the Sanctum Mil!
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Never wear your wiehbono where your
backbone orght to be.
Polido magistrates have the courage
of their couvictire.
Dr. Chase's Clint
mantis a certain
and guarantees'
curoforcach and
Ivory f o r in o1
itching, hie edin ,
an d piton Seo testimonials in tlo pre s and ding
your noighborsabout it. You can use it and
tot your money back it not satisfied. ere, at all
3oalcra or LnmANsON, DA'rE3 & Co., Toronto.
A little flattery now tied then will
,soften up the hardest man.
Three Chinese navy officers are now
sli tat in the British cruisers to improve
*heir professional treiuicg.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
;signature of
Most of cur j )ys as well as most of
our sorrows era due to ignorance.
It takes more than a pet name to
pacify a woman v. hen she is a pet.
The essential lung -healing prinr ipal of
the pine tree hes finally bean suocessfully
separated acid refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
;gnar tn.tee of satisfaction. Price 25
A wise woman always lets herself get
the waist of an argument with an
It is said to be unlue`iy for anyone
to put np an umbrella in a room—except
An auctioneer.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
;Totem and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired)
weary fueling so prevalent in the spring.
Anyway the obese female who has
outgrown the corset habit looks com-
It is said that the whisper of a beauti-
ful woman can be heard farther than
the loudest yell of daty.
Bears the
mal.. "X1400 Fd- = a.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The fitting shop of the Dominion
Iron and Steel Company wan burned,
and the machinery ruined, causing
$10,000 loss,
The Heeley-Jowsey claim near Hai-
leybury was sold for $300,000 to Dr
Beattie Nesbitt and Toronto and New
Yoik oapitalista.
Hon. A. B, Aylesworth has given
notice of au amendment to the criminal
node to increase the pona'ty for selling
cigarettes to miners.
It is said that dried currants given
oocasionally to horses in lien of oats
will increa•e their power of endurance.
Rev. R. W. Ross, of Knox Church,
Guelph, will leave in June to accept the
pulpit at Fort Massey Church, Halifax,
N. S.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medieiue. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliioueness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening,
Practically alI the bnsiness acction of
Russel, Man , was wiped cut by fire.
There is very little insurance. The loss
is estimated at $100,OCO.
Weak women should read my "Book
No 4 For Women " It was written
expressly for women who are not well.
The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's
"Night Care" and fast how these sooth-
ing, healing, antiseptic suppositories
can be socoessfnlly applied. The book,
and striotly confidential medical advice
is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. The Night Cure is sold
by all dealers.
Where there are several young wo•
men in one family doubtless they are
locking for a larger flat to accommodate
the family mi!liuery.
CA sMs33.XA..
Beare the The Kind You Have Always Boa
Zarossi, the Italian banker, charged
with swindling in Montreal, has been
arrested in Ltlexico City, and step3 w'
be taken to extradite him.
Mra. Jas Clendening, for many years
a resident of Walkerton, died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Rebt, Steel,
on Sunday, May 17th, at the age of
sixty four years.
As a result of a vivid dream thrice
repeated, George Chester, of West Liv-
ingston, N. J., found Ms wife's wedding
ring, which she lost nearly five years
ago, under a roadside tree.
The poll tax of $500 on each Chinese
immigrant into Canada brought the
Federal Treasury last year no less a sum
than $690,000. The total arrivals of
Chinese were 1,380, each paying $500 on
Robert Stewart, an elderly farmer
near Brockville, was attacked by James
Young, his hired man. beaten with a
club, and is now in a critical condition.
,Young's motive was robbery, and he got
This week we have to record the
death of another of Howick's old
residents in the person of Mr. Robt.
Edgar, of the 11th Con, whose demise
took place on Friday, May 15th, in his
74th year.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rhenm-
esism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
F. B. Deacon wre acquitted at Strat-
ford of a charge of stealing a note for
$1,000, on the ground of an error in
dA.75iII* OR.=A..
Boars the _ AThe Kind You Have Aiways Bough!
There are only thirty- one life mon
among the 500 odd convicts in the
Kingtaon penitentiary, The longest
time any one of the "lifers" has so
fur served is 23 years. One of the men
ie a nonogenarian. There are twelve
inmates in the woman's ward, several of
whom are serving life terms.
If yon want a pure cure for
hero it is. • • • • • • •
'The mucous membrane being in an
inflamed condition, causes running at
the nose: bet when this anenthrano is
healed the discharge erases.
Laveryy effort should be made to cure
Catarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
Throat, Stemaeh or Bladder, Consump-
tion and Bright's Disease,
"Oxygenator" is put np in large size
bottles. Price, $t.uo, and Sue.
"Oxyg"'natot" 3 s "road by all wholesale
and retail druggists.
The Oxygenator Company
Throat% Canada.
IN Trus w tr TUE SYSTEM I9
mem: lHEALTH ASS U1ttsl)
Frcm the earliest time it has been uni•
vereally ecknowledged that the traust•
tory eerrod between winter and spring
i3 the seed time of disease.
Consegoenrly it is necessary for us all
to take suitable medicine.
A delay rives the germs and weakness
a better chance to take hold.
Don't wart, think of your email resist-
ing pewere, and begin building np to-
day, For weakness, overwork and de
bility the doctors presoliLe Ferrozoue;
let it help you now:
Vitality and po0or are instilled into
the blood; this mean, new strergth for
ad weak organs.
The fire of ycuth will dame in your
veins, and new found energy will in.
crease yonr desire to work.
Ferrezoue supplies the uonrisbiug and
tissue•tuilding material your system
Lacks. Isn't Lis "a reason tvhy?"
From Comberaiere, Oat , Mrs. Joe.
Oram writes as follows; "For a number
of years I was sickly in the springtime
I felt tired, nervone and had headaches
My blood was weak and damp days
brought en 'hertz atism. My nervone
gyett'tn was unstrung and I felt utterly
'lora cat Terrence revived me in a
abort time. In two days my appetite
luta, aced, and I could feel a hnildieg np
process g ling on. This great tonic made
a new ptreen of me and I don't think a
more strengthsni'ig medi.ine for the
s r;ng can be found."
Wouldn't it be jest flue for emu to get
ba"k your old•tirno spirits and vigor?
Rielly done with "Ferrczene"; com-
mence to -day. Sold by all dealers, 50o
per box or six boxes for $2 50.
Miss Edna Manning, daughter of the
late A. H. Manning. and formerly on
the staff of the Clinton Public School,
was married in Toronto on Monday to
Roy Helyar, Kemptville, son of Mr.
Charles Helyar. Both are native
Clintonrans, who are moat highly
esteemed and popular young people,
who will have the very beat wishes of
many friends.
Monday morning when the Wingham
train pnlled into the station at Clinton,
it was seen that a robin had baht its
nest beneath one of the passenger
coaches, presumably between Saturday
night and Monday morning, and the
Bird was in the neat when the train came
nto the yard.
Mr. W. Doherty, of Clinton, has sold
his farm, lot 23, concession 5, Tucker -
smith, to Mr, A. Broadfoot, of the Mill
Road. This farm has been occupied for
some years by Mr. T. C. Edmonds.
The purchase price was in the neighbor-
hood of $4000.
It is said that three of the stingiest
men in the country were in the village
yesterday. One of them will not drink
as much water as he wants unless it is
from another man's well. The second
forbids say of his family from writing
anything but "a small hand" as it is a
waste of ink to make large lettere. The
third stops his clock at night in Order to
Rave wear and tear on the machinery.
Al of them decline to take their country
paper on the ground that it is a terrible
at:ain on their spectacles to read news-
papers, even in the day time.
Death oame with startling snddennets
to Mr. Henry Stevens of Clinton, on
Wednesday afternoon, May 20th, he ex-
piring without a moment's warning.
He has been in more or lees enfeebled
health for some time, bat his death was
entirely unlooked for. He was one of
the oldest reaidente of Clinton, and one
who has done as mach, perhaps, in the
building np of the town as any man who
has lived there. Mr. Stevens oame to
town in t852, and was an apprentioe to
Mr, E Dingley, wagon maker, he and
Mr. Fret Rnmball haying tarred at the
same time. Later he went into the
carpentering and afterwards conducted
a oontraotin 1
g and planing mill business,
whioh he discontinued some time ago.
Lie was an offlciai member of the first
Methodist church started is iilinton.
Itne Is \t'itre's Carhsrtic.
Since it is the liver which filters bile
from the blood, where it is a poison.
and paesee it into the intestines, where
it is essential as an aid to digestion, and
as a means of regulating the action of
the bowels, it is of the greatest impor-
tance to kerp the liver active by the
nee of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
In this way constipation is thoroughly
Canada has more than 23,000 miles of
completed railway, built at a cost of
more than one billion dollars. In actual
railway mileage Canada ranks eighth
among the countries of the world, and
her mileage per capita is greater than
that of any other country. Folly 5000
miles are now under construction.
A deep gloom was soddenly cast over
Bay field, over the unexpected death of
Mr. Brownlee, principal of the public
school, although the late Mr. Brownlee
was ailing for some time yet no one sus-
pected anything serious as he continued
his work np to Friday before bis death
when he dismissed school with the in-
tention to assume work on the following
Monday. But the slight cold he had
contracted developed rapidly into pneu-
monia, and although the doctor gave all
medical aid, yet:death followed the fatal
disease on Saturday afternoon May 16th.
Piles are easily and gaiokly checked
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To
prove it I will mail a smell trial box as
a convincing test. Simply address Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely woula
not send it free unless I was certain that
Dr. Shoop's Mastic Ointment would
A religious census of Walkerton re•
cantly completed has brou8ht out the
following facts as to population:
Roman Catho'ios 826, Presbyterians 717,
Methodists 404, Anglicans 210, Luther-
ans 141, Baptists 125, E'ang' Ass'n 53,
Dieoiples 48, Salvation Army 15,
Christadelphiana 7, Hebrews 7, Un-
bitten 1, Plymouth Brethren .1,
Infidel 1, Not at hone 17, total 2734,
Mr. A�' xauder Mclllorrau, who has
been ill at the home of bis eon, lir. D
0. Mo!liorran, Havelock street, Luck.
now, passed away Monday, 18th, after
an illness of several months' duration
Deceased who was in his 83rd year,
oame to Canada from rear Belfast,
Irrland, 60 yeses ago and lived at Tor•
onto, whero he carried oa an ext nsive
coopering beelines; he later moved to
Paisley and settled ou a farm, at this
time there were but two other residents
living at Pees el. Mrs, Mcliorrati pre
deceased him ten years ago, both hay
ing diad on M''uday, May 18th
We are very curry to record the death
of Mr. J Alfred Berge of Oliuten„
whioh occurred on Tuesday evening,
May 19th, after only a week's illness
from pueumonit. Deceased who was
in his 39:h year, was burn here, being
the third son of the late D.,vid Barge,
and for over twtuty yew's: was an em-
ployee of the Doherty Factory, hie
associates showing their appreciation for
him by raising a private subscription
of nearly $100 for his family, which has
been snpplemented by a public eontri
button. Ile' was married to a Mise
Swan, who with her four children, aged
respectively 4, 6 0 and 11 years, have
the symprthy of the community.
their sad bereavement.
It caused tcaroely any surprise a hen
on Saturday evening, May 16th it was
reported that Alexander McKenzie of
Teeswater, (familarly known as
"Smithy") had passed away. He had
reached the advanced age of 88 years
and to all who saw him of late it was
evident that he had not long to live as
the whole coustitntion seemed worn out.
There are few in Teeswater who have
is longer term of residence than the late
Mr. McKenzie, he having come to Tees -
water iu 1854 He was born in Inver-
ness, Scotland, in 1820, and after learn-
ing the blacksmithing came to Canada
in 1860, and for four years lived in
Hamilton, whero he worked for the
G. T. R. Co. Hie wife. who also came
from the Old Country, died in 1888
since which time he and his only son
Witham, who survives, lived together.
There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by
Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any
paiu, anywhere in 20 minutes. Drug-
gists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop's
Headache Tablets, but they stop other
pains as easily as headache. Dr. Sheep's
Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood
pressure away from pain centres—that
is all. Pain comes from blood pressure
—congestion. Stop that pressure with
Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain
is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25e. Sold
by all dealers.
By the burning -of the Queen's Hotel,
Tilsonburg, early Wednesday morning,
three lives were lost and at least three
persons seriously injured, while most
of the sixty persons sleeping under the
roof were in imminent danger of being
out off by the flames, and escaped in
their night clothes by ladders and by
jumping from balconies. Miss Gray
jumped from the second story balcony,
. crushing her skull, death being instan-
taneous. Mr. Bernard also jumped from
the second story after having received
fatal burns, Mr Thos. Wheatley, it is
supposed, was overcome while asleep.
Mr, Wheatley was a son of Mr. Joseph
Wheatley, Chief of Police at Clinton.
He was 2,0 years of age and was a popn•
lar young man in Clinton, where he
lived until a few years ago,
stand the test. Remember it is made
expressly and alone for swollen, painful,
bleeding or itching piles, either external
or internal. Large jar 503. Sold by
all dealers.
The death took place in Goderich on
Saturday afternoon, May I6th, of Mrs
James Cox at the age of 83 years. Mrs.
Cox maiden name was Mary Logan, and
she was born in Aberdeen, Scotland,
coming to this country when she was
about 20 years of age. After her mar-
riage she lived in Goderich Tp. until a
little over 20 years ago, when they
moved to town. Mr. Cox died a short
time after Doming to town, and Mrs.
Cox and her daughter, Miss Enphemia,
had lived together since then.
are mild, sure and safe, and are s perfect
regulator of the system. —
They gently unlock the secretions, clear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, and give tone and vitality to the
whale intestinal tract, curing Constipa-
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyrpep-
th, Js
Foul nn -
nim, Coated Tongue, Brea
dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrr.
R. S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes:
"My husband and myself have used Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a number of
years 'We think ewe cannot do without
them. They are the only pill, we ever
Price 25 emits or five bottles for $1.00,
at all dealers or direct on receipt of price.
The 1. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto
Ont: _ ..._ -._. ... _.
Spent Eighteen Dollars
"Gentlemen, -=-I Lave pleasure in
stating that I have used $18.00 worth of
l'sychine, and as a result was cured of
very merlons throat and lung trouble.
My case was a most difficult one, and
the doctors bad practically said that I
could not get well. I tried Psychine,
and it did me so nnleit good that I con-
tinued its use until I bad taken $18.00
worth, with the result that I ani now
at now an physically. I have gained
thirty-fimve pounds,
"It is with the greatest confidence
that I recommend Psycbine to all who
aro afflicted v:ith throat or lung trouble.
Yours truly, C. A. PINKIIAM,
Scotstown, Que., Sept., '07.
This man spea'cs from experience.
Psychine cures all throat, chest, lung
and stomach troubles and gives renewed
strength and vitality to run-down peo-
ple. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
[Edmund Vance Cook, In Smart Set ]
You forward fellow, Mr. Toqune!
I mat my friend, and oat yea flung
With "Gad to see,"and"How d'ye do?"
Although he bowed to me, not you.
It I would eat or drink, you baste
To claim the first and freshest taste;
And when my dooter visits me,
Why, out you pop, for him to set !
Ham hard for yon to onrb your will
And learn the lesson, ' Pantie, be still!"
How eager seems the boast to slip
From your too active, agile tip;
Ho w easy for the hasty phrase
To rasp and rankle, then, for days;
Few heads were hurt, few hearts were
If you but rested, Dir. Tougue,
Oh, Mr Tongue perhaps no sing
Of yours will bear the world along;
You may not know the thunder speech
Into all human hearts to reach,
But yours may be the whispered word
Both gently breathed and gently beard,
And then you may be blest among
Yonr fellows, 0 ambitious Tongue!
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said. and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Care. FRANK J. CBEirnx.
Sworn to before me and tnbscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886.
(Seal,) A, W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken internally
and sots directly ou the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c,
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
No Itheumatienr wItn Red Blood.
Rheumatism, like diseases of the
nerves, is from a thin, watery oondition
of the blood, ai.d disappears when the
blood is made rich and red by the nee of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. If you have
tired of noxious medicines. try this
method of overcoming disease by build.
ing np vitality to the high water mark.
Pains and aohes will then disappear and
you will snow the joy of healthful
Mr. Whitney claimed in his Hamilton
speech. that the Whitney Government
had kept the pledges made while In Op.
position, He did not make a strong
showing, and among the pledges his
government have not kept are the fol-
1. To reduce the expenditures.
2. To lessen the number of cabinet
3. To abolish the taxes on corporations.
4, To reduce the succession duties.
5. To take the administration of the
Liquor License out of politics.
6. To put the expenditure of the mon-
eys for colonization roads in the hands
of municipal councils.
7. To adopt the Pettypiece plan of
railway taxation.
8. To label convict•made goods as
9. To establish a two cent a mile pas.
senger rate on railways subsidized by
the government.
The Beautiful Season.
The beautiful season is now at hand
tR hich enoonragea a man to live outside
of himself. In the dreary winter there
is nothing like an ecstasy to see the sun
rise, to listen to the warbling of the
first birds, to watch the first bods and
hope for the first flower, and to watch
the entice of the overjoyed children at
their play. Men and women ought to
drop the cares of the shop and the home,
put on their beet clothes, take a long
stroll and forget for a few hours, any-
way, their own being. For one sweet
morning cr afternoon they ought to live
the lite of sheep and horses and delight
in the glories of nature without the
slightest discannt on account of their
own being and identity, Their superior
intelligence makes it possible for them
to extract more pleasure from the ob-
jective lite than the lower animate even.
Away, then and take a glad day off.
If Furred and Coated, it's a Look-
ing Glass Stomach Warning
TA Pen Point,
"1 have an idea. a glorious ideal"
cried the inventor's wife. "Ono' of
those simple little ideas wherein
lions Ile."
"Yes?" said he, tossing the long
white hair back from leis ears. "Pro-
"It is a two poltlted pen!" cried. the
lady. "A reversible pen. You write
with one point till that is worn out;
then you pull the pen from the holder,
reverse It and write with the other
"Excellent, but" --
"I should say it was excellent! For
the same money, out of the same
quantity of material, two pens instead
of one. Where aro your patent appli-
cation papers, James? There's no time
to be lost."
The old inventor shook his head and
smiled sadly.
"Jenny," he said, "never try to are -
prove en the Steel pen. The subject is
too old. Too many minds bavtf been
ahead of you. That idea of yours for
a pen point at both ends was patented
all over the world In 1869. The pen ap-
peared ou the market in 1870. The
people would have none of It, A fail-
ure, it was withdrawn.
"But penmakers and the patent peo-
ple tell me that never a year goes b;r
without the eii'i'ival of a hundred or so
of excited letters from people who, lilte
yourself, think that they have hit on
an epoch making idea, a two pointed
Fountain Pens.
I.t: is a popular fallacy that fountain
pens are quite a modern iuveution. As
a matter of fact, an old work of ref-
erence publipel en 170y contains an il-
lustration of a fountain pea, the ap-
pearance of which is very much like
those sold at the present time. Its
construction, however, was somewhat
elaborate and clumsy, the pen consist-
ing of various pieces of metal which
had to be screwed and unscrewed be-
fore the pen could be used.
When it is morning after the night
before, you do not have to look at your
tongue to know that the stomach is np-
eat, the head is aching, no appetite,
nerves on edge with all the sunshine of
life clouded.
The real time to watch the tongue is
all of the time. If it is coated with a
white fur, or possibly with dark trim•
mange, even though the stomach does
not tell you by the acute pains of indi-
gestion that it needs help, yet the coat-
ing shows that yon are getting into a
bad way and that there is need of
Mi Dona is so positive, so sure, so re-
liable in its curative action upon the
stomach that Walton McKibben, the
local agent, gives a guarantee of satis-
faction with every 50 cent box or money
Turns Bad Blood into
Rich Red Blood.
No other remedy possesses such
perfect cleansing, healing and puri.
Eying properties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy
action. If your appetite is poor,
your energy gone, your ambition
lost, I3.B.B. will restore you to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorous
A Pessimist.
Agent—IIow long do you intend to re-
main in Washington? Reformer—lin-
til congress passes a couple of neces-
sary laws that— Agent—Gee! You
don't want to rent it house. You'd bet-
ter buy one.
Cheering t.'p tha Editor.
Assistant (to country editor)—Bow's
this obituary'?
Editor—Why, it's my own.•
"Yes. That Iiaskins chap, the dead
shot, was in here yesterday looking for
you with a gun, and I thought if any-
thing should happen you might like to
correct the proofs beforehand."
A Ccrnprcmise.
"Sir," began Lord Brokeloigh, pomp-
ously, "I've called to request your
daughter's hand in marriage."
"That's out of the question, niy
man." refitted old hoxley. "however, I
don't want to seem altogether unchar-
itable, so here's 85 for you.'
Is Frequently Made by the Wisest
of Wingham People.
It's a serious mistake to neglect back-
ache. Backache is the first symptom of
tidney ilia, Fatal complications may
follow, Booth's Kidney Pills act quick-
ly to overcome kidney ills; do not delay
until too late, it may mean Diabetes,
Brigitte DIsease. R .ad what a Wing -
ham resident says,
T. Dewitt Holmes of Victoria .Ave.,
Wingham, Ont, says:—"I had felt
miserable for quite some time with lum-
bago. It had settled across the small
part of my back and in the region of the
kidneys. I could not stoop over at times
aid when I would sit for any length of
time I could scarcely get np The urine
plainly told the disordered state of the,
k'dneys, and although I had tried sever-
al,, kidney remedies I could find nothing
to give the desired results until on
recommend of our druggist Mr. MoKib•
bon I need Booth's Kidney Pills. The
one box oared me quickly and entirely,
Tne lumbago soon went out of my back
and there has not been a sign of it since.
Booth's Kidney Pills are certainly a
grand remedy and I feel grateful in re-
commending them.
Sold by Dealers. Prioe 50 Dents, The
E. T. Booth Co., Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont ,.
Sole Canadian Agents.
Most of our joys as well as most of
our sorrows are due to ignorance.
American automobiles sold in 1007'
brought $105,000,000.
for Wingham and adjoining country to
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries"
Largest list of commercial and do-
mestic fruits—large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes
one of our specialties. Stock that is
hardy comes from us.
A permanent situation ler the right
man, for whom the territory will be re—
served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment. -
Write for particulars.
Fonthill Nurseries
(850 stores)
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Times Printing Office•
Where mouse traps are not made but
—where— •
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door,—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where' the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.