HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-28, Page 4PS.
This Brand of Glothin
is becoming more popular every day. There is
a reason tor it. Come in and find out !
Summer Novelties.
NEW FANCY VESTS—In light, medium
and dark shades.
NEW SHIRTS --Exclusive novelties in the
famous Star and Regal Shirts.
NEW TIES—The latest in Narrow Four -in -
Hands, Batwings, Bows, Strings,
Windsors, etc.
NEW COLLARS—The latest in a close -fit-
ting double Collar—we have it.
NEW HATS—A shipment of up - to - date
styles just in. Our New Straw Hats
are here.
ent Leather.
and Lisle Thread.
x•M. P. P, and W. Z. ate4100240.00000010/044.40146
Arch. Heslop, e t
Kerr of Stu Bela will speak
in the • Convalescents need a large amount of nourish-
Forestate' Hall, on ''Pednesday ave:
lug Jane 11rd, in the interests of John T.
Currie the Liberal candidate in North
Huron, Everybody will be made Wel
come. The Liberal candidate should
have a large majority in tnie section
1 Th d
McGee Campbell
� astir
61116611111111140.1100.411601141111000, •ssee.•••••••••`•••••••••:
e Ro•
GODE1iIC 11.
Mr.B S Williams, manager of the
Bank of Commerce had his arm broken
rent in easily digested form.
tent—highly concentrated.
400 Scott's Emulsion is powerful nourish-
It makes bone, blood and muscle without
• putting any talLon the digestion.
AL1, •DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND $1.00.
and sustained re some bruises by being
thrown out of a baggy while descending —
the Maitland River hill ou re, Friday last.
He had with him his wife, sou and Turnberry Council will meet in 0101 Zug now there le claim a eompetiti n
week as a Court of Revision. , b tth me the move—one prodaeing mil
A political pieeting in the interests of the other misery.
Jahn T. °aerie will be held in the Rev. Mr. 'Wilson, of Teeswater,
Foresters' hall, on Thursiay evening, preached in the a3ethodist Oliutch in
Jane 4'h. Addressee will be given by I the evening, and delivered a very inter-
Arch, Hislop, ex M. P ,P. and W. H. eating discourse on the eabjtct tf
Fraser. Everybody will be made wel- manhood.
come Tie electors of eine n'a`tter This (Thursday) evening, Rev. Mr.
should roll up a large maj erity for, Hanna, secretary of the Lord's Day
air. Carew. .Alliance, will deliver an address here on
----�► I the work of the Alliance Rev. Mr.
Hanna is said to be one of the prominent
m -u of the Presbyterian Church in this
°teary and there should be a large
turnout to hear him.
i k'e of i
daughter, who were more or less r 1
by the upset. Something went
with the tongue of the buggy
he lost control of the horses.
Defeated By Dr. Hamilton.
In no way is health so menaced as by
constipation, It leads to indigestion,
insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills.
Ordinary remedies fail—they relieve—
don't oure. Tho worse case is defeated'
ani oared quickly by D Hamiiton'a
Pills, which cleanse the entire intestinal
tract, stimrlate kidneys and liver, keeps
the pores of the skin open. You'll never
have stomach trouble, yellow com-
plexion or headaches if you use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. They are a perfect
system tonin. 25o. at all dealers.
Large oousignm
Sellars has arrived home from
elooeejaw, Man , where he has been
he past year.
ents of pressedhay
have been delivered at Belgrave ata.
ce'era on Saturday of this between grass and m sla'toes—they are
W. J. Jordan, who has acgnirod the
tonsorial art, has started up business in
Bayfield. We wish him every success.
Wm. and Mrs. Lanchland, of Oeha'v a,
have returned home after visiting with
Mr. Latechland's sisters, Mrs, Gilbert
Speir and Mrs. Wm. Sheddan, 4th line .
S. R. Crerar, B. So , and wife of To-
ronto, are visitors with relatives in Grey
and Brussels. Mr. Crerar will go to the
West on an expedition Lnt Mrs Orerar
will probably spent the time visiting in
Deputy Returning offi:6rs for the
coming Provincial eletions on June 8th
will be as follows for Grey township:—
No. 1, Edward Bryans; No. 2, Wen.
Randa; No 3, John Harris; No. 4, J.
Whitfield ; No. 5, Jno. McIntosh; No. 6,
Jno. Pearson. -
• •
• •
• Why so much worry about CURTAINS? Come in and allow us to
;441 lighten your burden by assisting yoa in choosing some ot the
• daintiest and most durable materials on the market. We •
leave DOTTED MUSLIN from 15e a yard — nothing nicer •
s C t 'ns LACE C>1Rrat;\s from 25c a pair •
up. •
aeleta TOty .
Political meeting in B'uevale on
Thursday evening, June 4th in the in-
terests of John T, Currie, the L beral
'Prevent Taking Cold.
Often you Dome home, cold and
shivering—feet are wet, throat is raw,
chest a little sore. A bad cold is just
beginning. Put a Nerviline Porous
Plaster on yoar chest, rub your throat
with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of
Nervilia chill, and checks e in hot athe oolter. d Thisprevent
No remedies so useful in the home, so
sure to prevent serious illness as Ner•
viline and Nerviline Plasters. Sold by
all dealers, 25o. eaob, but be sure you
get the genuine, and refuse any
for Curtains. •
• MADRAS in all colors, at most reasonable prices. •
• •COVERING? Here again we can suit you, as we have a •
�• complete line in all shades and different qualities.
-•iGOODS. •
-s •
"4 In this department we ask •
you to come and inspect our goods before
:a, purchasing elsewhere. We have a' most, up • to - date stock— •
"• the very latest shades are shown, and prices will suit all.
• •w •
a 1)•
GROCERIES.— Fresh Groceries always in stock. ••
Empire Day WAS the subject of R:v.
G, P. Dnnoao'a sermon on Sunday
morning. Ho reviewed the traditions of
the past British battles, her literature
and song, reciting from Moore and
Barns, and referred to the great states-
men and authors from the 16.h century
up to the present. He thought we did
well to go back to tneir architecture,
art, music and literature. He referred
to a spee.h made by a British Columbia
jaige, at a dinner of American cele-
brities in New York, who predicted
that the time would oome when Canada
would have thirty millions of people,
and would not look to Great Britain or
the United States, but would have hFA,
army and navy independent east any
other country. The reverend gentle
man said he was sure he did not express
the true Canadian spirit. The sermon
was thoroughly patriotic, and many
comments of appreciation were heard.
School section No. 10 Morris, was
closed for two weeks owiug to the teach-
er, Miss B. Henderson, being sick with
the measles.
Favorable progress is beteg made by
Thos. NUE wen who had the misfortare
to break his leg some time ago. We
hope he will soon be all right.
Samuel Snell met with a slight ac-
cident through the upsetting of a load
of hay, striking hie shoulder on the
wheel in the fall, We hope he mill
feel no bad effects from it.
We are glad to state that Duncan
Taylor, who has been iu poor health
for some time, is getting along nicely
and is an occasional caller ou his
neighbors. He had a long pull.
Sunday evening, May 17th, at 6 30
o'cloak,the spirit of Catharine McQueen,
relict of the late Alex. Campbell, took
its flight at the home of deceased's only
daughter, Mrs. Arch. Thompson, Bras.
eels. Mrs. Campbell was 77 years of
age and had been in failing health for
some months although only confined o
bed 3 days. Old age and a comp
of ailments was the cause of death. She
was born in the Isle of Skey and name
to this country 40 years ago living near
Goderich and Luoknow the most of her
time, making her home with her daugh-
ter 10 years. Mr. Campbell died 17
years ago. Deceased was a fine woman
and had a large circle of friends. She
was a faithful member of the Presby-
terian church. Mrs. Campbell has a
sister, Mrs. MoLean, living in Kinloss,
who is four years her senior. A broth.
er, M. McQueen died iu February, aged
86 years.
Highest Prices Paid for Trade. ••
tl •0•
ss••s•esles••••sss•ss••asss 1100o•s,•tllss••••s••••®••so•s
This is the name of the best shoe for ladies made in Canada
1/girywyia, v, 111.04..0Wre•A ti,. ilVvlikvee s.••/*•^a'
We are pleased to state that we have been ap-
THIS EXCELLENT LINE, and have just
opened up a big shipment, comprising the very
extend an invitation to all to take a look at
these excellent Shoes the first time you can
make it convenient. You are under no obliga-
tion to buy whatever, and we simply ask you
the favor a£ looking at the "VICTORIA."
Saturday evening, May 16ah, the G
T. R ran a special train from London
to Blyth, arriving here about 11 o'clock
with the Misses Bradnook, of Datrcit,
whose mother was very sick in East
Wawanosh. Owing to a wreck on the
G. T. R. near Windsor they rnis ed
train connections at London, so the com-
pony tent up the epeoial.
Going Into Consumption?
When your throat rattles, your longs
and chest are sore, yonr throat is stuffed
with cold—don't fear consumption—use
Oatarrhozone and get well. It clears
the throat, cures hacking, relieves tight
chest and
aoreness in the
tubes. To clear away Catarrhofthe
nose nothing could be better. Catarrh -
ozone is Nature's own remedy, --i
and soothes—cures every form of throat,,
lung or bronchial trouble Pcesoribed
by many specialists and used by thou -
Bands every day. 25o. and $1 (0 at all
The annual meetirg of the Ladies'
Aid Sooiety of the Methodist church
was held on Tuesday, May 12th The
meeting opened with singing and prayer
by the pastor, Rev. M:. Andersen. The
election of °Mets was then in older,
the pastor, presiding. The election re-
sulted as follows : — President, Mre,
Wilford : 1st Vice, Mrs. HuclestEr;Led
Vice, Mrs. M. Young;
Slater; Reoording Secretary, Mrs. I.
Brown ; Chaplains, Mrs. Sing and Mrs
Maine; Auditors, Mrs. Beet and Mrr.
Mains; organist, Mrs Chel'ew; Ass:s-
taut organist, Mrs Baring.
Church Workers at Teeswater.
The meeting of the Presbytery of
Maitland and of the Women's Presby-
terial Association held in Teeswater on
Tuesday afternocn of last week, brought
out a great number of church workers,
the women being in the majority.
Briefly, the program of the day consist-
ed of three meetings: A meeting of the Iblainwarzwatiamponswisisass..
Presbytery held in the Methodist church ! —
We're not baying and selling at random ! Not even aecopting
all that's told us aboat qualities ! We investigate and compare—and
we want you to do the same ! It's easy to sa.y : Sa:'t va.'•us were
never known in Wingham before; bat you can't be, in to grasp alt
we mean without GOming to bee.
BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS -12 Suits, Norfolk style,. nicely media
well lined, small pattern tweeds, 8'z33 2Z to 28 ; regal..r 3 150
wine, sale
YOUTHS' SUITS— Made of good, strong, dark Tweed ; coat -J
and pants. Our special out price . , .GO
P•1,NPS—Boys' strong Tweod Pants, lined ......
..VESTS —Men's Tweed c , p + d Vests, with strong, linings, sizes 86 to 44.
$1.00A bargain, only.... •"
MEN'S TOPPER COATS—Made of flat Oravenette, well ,tailor;
colors olive or gray. Special price.... ...... ..••••
MEN'S SULTS-10 Men's Suits to clear a test c. t, small r ark
pattern tweed, strong linings ; pr
MEN'S RAIN COATS —A good strong wearing Coat, goof v 1u3. 00
$4 00. On sale at .. ""
PAN PS—Men's strong wearing Pants, 61,35, for $1.00
MEN'S SUITS -15 Suits, fine Tweeds and Worsteds, neat I0in s
and ()hooka; good baying at $12; sale •..-
MEN'S PANTS—Fine Striped Woratod and Tweed Pants, all & te;
good value at $2 50 , cut prion...,
OVERALLS—Good, strong Black or Blue Overalls ; wall ma+:le..
riveted seams ; our special price... .... - • • • • • . • • • '
URAVENETTE COATS—See our Special Wet ; fall slate • dark
gray: cheap at $12 Oa sale at....
You will and. alt the late -it style; of II1RD and Seta'r lI'TS
here. Why pay FANCY PRICES for your NEW SPRING 11 ,'N
when you can buy at a BIG SAVING at IS 1RD'S DEPARTMENTAL
THE SAME VALUE given for your BUTTER
and EGGS at this store as for yoar C&Sail!!!
H. G
in the afternoon; a meeting of the W,
F. M. S. delegates in Knox church in
the afternoon, and a public meeting in
Encx church ih the evening. The
ladies of the Presbyterian church fur-
nished tea for the visitors in the leotnre
room of the church.
We are not able to give a full report
of the Presbytery meeting as the Clerk's
report has net yet reached us. Among
other business Rev. Dr. Murray of Kin-
cardine intimated his intention to retire
from the active duties of the ministry,
his resignstion to take effect in O3tober.
His ministry has extended over forty
years, the last thirty of which were
spent happily in the present charge of
Knox Church, Kincardine.
Tho women's meeting was largely
atteuded by both delegates and ladies
of the Teeswater congregation. This
was the 24th annual meeting of the
organization, and it had not previously
met in Teeswater. After devotional
exercises and the presentation of the
secretary's report, which was very en-
oonraging, the meeting was addressed
by Mts. Russell. Mrs. Raasell is the
wife of one of the most active India
missionaries, and having had much ex-
perience in the work, she is able to
make her addresses highly interesting
and useful. .
There was a splendid audience at
the evening meeting. Rev. D. Tait,
who oocnpied the chair, announced
that Rev. T. H, Russell, the mission•
ary from ladle, who was expected to
give an address, could not fulfill the
engagement owing to illnesa. The
address of the evening was therefor
given by Dr. Waters, a medical mie•
sionary who returnee from India last
Janaaty. Dr. Waters gave a general
review of the wo:k in India and the
oonditians that the missionary has to
face. In order to give some idea of
! the magnitude of the task before the
ohnrch in the East he staled that there
were in India 'only on'a misaicnary to
' every 155 NO of the popnlaticu. Hero
is America there is a minister for about
every one thousand.. The unrest in
I.ltlia he eeetibed t0 the progrees Of
seoular edema:len wh:oh in many in.
stances, while depriving the natives of
their own religion, substitutes nothing
I foe it.
P:eviona to Dr. \Ve'er's a}'.drese
R ,v D. Perris of Wingham read very Nee
impressively the annual report of tied
i Women's Paoebytetial oreau.z rtlon. IL
stated that there are in the Presbytery
of Maitland 23 Auxilaries ant 10 Mit.
Mon Beads, all of which are progressive
• and active.
' The proceedings came to a caw by 1
Rev. Perna and Rev. `Viehart, of Bruin
eats, moving a vote of thanks to Dr.
t Waters and lefts. Bassett for their
addtessea, and to the ladies of Knorr
1 eliutoh for their kind entertainitzeit of
the visitors.
Miss Agatha Carrick, of Wingham
was visiting at the home of Mr. Robt.
The Glenanuan Mutual Improvement
Society held their picnio on the banks
of the Maitland river in Mr. William
Haugh's farm on Monday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent in games, base•
ball and football and swinging. After
partaking ot the splendid lunch got up'
by the ladies, everybody returned to
their respective homes, well pleased with
the days outing.
Friday evening last was the scene of
a large gathering at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Elliott, the occasion
being the twentieth anniversary of their
wedding. About seventy-five guesta
sat down to a table groaning ander the
load. of good things which it held. Tho
evening was spent in social ohat, Oleo -
tions from the gramophone and piano,
and dancing. They reosived a large
number of beautiful presents.
The barn and stable of Mr, David
. •bit
fire canoed d t
n ca
ilia 1
,rt g
of eseitenient is (lonannau on Monday
evening. As they were in bed the whole !
barn might have been burned bat some
of the neighbors noticed it and roared;
the people and helped to put out thej
fire before it caused mach damage.
The cause of the fire is nnkuOwn.
• 1�
Thin As A Rail, Aro Ion?
E vorp day spending as much energv
as you make—if the balance goes a little
further. well, you get thinner. Oa the
danger line to day,— to morrow may be
too late! Better use Ferrozone, it
builds up—a little gain the first week,
but the gain keeps growing. Nextweek, uot
lots of fat wot'c hurt so s you at n. Keep
blood ie enriched, cheeks grow rosy,
your heart and nerves grow strong and
yon don't tire eo quickly. Joyous
robust health, a sturdy frame and a
obesrfal mind—all these come with Fer-
rozone. You'll try it, only 50o. at all
i LADIES. /} t)IE
r. 1t0
Sole agents for VICTORIA" S
Opposite new Bank ot Commerce Building. PHONE 120
your attention to our repairing department. W
P. S.—Welaiwish to draw
elainl tA:reilair your ter e,XLtal t0 the base City work. '
We will for repairs if von will let except -now•
Store cloac:� at 7 each evening oxeapt Saturday and evenings before holiday
On Monday evening. Mr. Relines gave
a phonographic oonoert in the Foresters'
.Established 2179
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cr..soleit:. fs a boost to Asthmatics
Dees it not seem mareei%ctive to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of t:}e b:e..thinjr organ.
Simi to take the remedy into the Ftamach't
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried ova the d;seasrd sur:a.e wait
every breath, gwing prolonged and constant treat-
ntcnt. it it tavaluaale to nt,t,ers with small
a [O
tendency find irutli.,tC
relief from coughs or in -
tinned conditions of the
Sold by drnggl ts.
Send postal farboallet.
T.i it puns, ATu.ns Ce.,
Limited, Agents, Mork.
real, Canada. 307
1 Jho
—Best G-alvanized Pails, 45 per cent
off regular price.
—Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for 5c.
—Graniteware at Great Reductions.
Get our prices.
—For Screen Doors and Windows
we can't be beat.
—Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes, Hoes.
Spades, Shovels, etc., etc., at
lowest prices.
—Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips,
Mops, etc,, for housecleaning.
We also carry a large assortment of the Best
Paints on the market, including
—Celebrated Sherwin-Williams'
—Robertson's and the
—Toronto Lead & Color Co's.
Church's Alabastine for walls, in
20c and 40c packages.
If you intend building, it will pay you
to get our prices.
Young's Big Hardware