HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-28, Page 3TO ADVERTISERS is that the farmers do not mak ase tf
— the enormous power ot concerted notion.
$rotioe of ohtingee met be loft at $ There ere signs that this spirit of
omoe not later than teaturdaY twee assertiveness is grossing, and one wag in
The copy for ()beelines meet be lett f which it ie manifesting itself is in tt e
loot later than. Monday evening• desire that farmers should more !re -
Casual Wednesday
of accepted up be chosen as parliam eatery
to noon Wadneadag of each week. gnantly
representatives• I1 this county at the
•- present time, of etc candidates for the
LtSTABS.ls13> ;i MSLegi`latnre only • one --Mr. John T.
V(Nath t 'HIES, Currie, in North Baron—tea farmer.
j 4, IMES. ilc will be interesting to see what sop-
$. g.Ins14 OTT,1>ttsl,Teana 1 roPttoEttiETOP port Mr. Carrie Will have in a coustita-
enoy that is almost wholly egrionitnrel.
_ ~s I f tion to the
1'iiil AY 1I V( 48 19: °• the riding to see one of
Another Modern Miracle
Paralysis Permanently cured
them- The Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet—Encased k lin u Plaster after
of Paris for Nine Months—Dr. Williams' I'
Four Doctors Had Failed—The Cure Vouched for by a well
Known Clergyman.
rn It should be some sat a as
farmers of Paralysis, no matter how slight, is a
terrible affliction, but to ba paralyzed
SQUARE DEAL" IIselveselect-d to represent them on the
1TytiiTN ANDEws `' fluor of Parliament, and it they oast from waist to the feat, to be a helpless
i cripple,totally dependant upon what
AND T*tE FARMER. aside very could possibly b
e the opportunity preseuted
by the is a condition as
others do for you, •
candidacy of hr. Carrte t5 maywretched as man gar.
Such was the state of Mr. Allan J. Mo
Tr. ' o " • t o Is. .r'° H,a. A a. Mo' naturally be taken as an indication that I.
, they are net serious in their complaints D: aid, ear o was a Point,
helpless invalid.r over I
Fa.'s sees, ern 1 tie: t the electors of • with a was paralysed from his waist to his feet
and for nine months lay iu bed encased
in a plaster of parte oast. Four of the
best doctors in piinee Edward Island
were enable to help and he seemed
M E 5 doomed to a life of misery and despair.
— But hope came to him when he read of
what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done
for other suffers from paralysis He
procured a supply of the Pills and began
taking them. Gradually they broke the
chains of disease that bound him, and
filled his whole body with new blood,
life and vigor. Mr. MODonald says: —
"'I am a farmer and in oonsegaenoe have
a great deal of hard work to do. One
day while about my work I inj ared my
baok, but at the time I paid little at -
tandem to the injury and continued mme
work As time went on, though,
pain became more severe and I soon
found myself unable to lift anything no
matter how light. It was not long before
I had to stop work altogether and con-
sult a dootor. He treated me but his
treatment did not help rite and I rapidly
grew worse. I had to take to my bed,
and in the hope that my spine mightre
ceive strength I was encased in a plaster
of paris oast. This did not help me and
I oouldifeel the paralysis slowly creep•
ing over me till I was totally paralysed
from my waist to my feet. I lost , all
control over my bowels and bladder and
my lege lied no more feeling than if they
were made of wood. Three other doc-
tors strived to cure me, bat their treat-
ment also was a failure, and for over
eleven months I lay in bed unable to
move. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were
then advised and I was shown testimon-
ials of others who had been cured of
ht a
supplysis andin less .than threeh them. I omonths
Brantford district has passed a resolution
calling for the abolition of the three-
fifths clause of the looal option act. To
anoh action the Liberal party stands
unequivocally committed; to snob
action the Conservative party refuses to
assent. Which party should the friends
of temperance support in this election?
It ought not to be difficult to find an
answer.—Brantford Expositor. John
T. Carrie, the Liberal candidate will
stand by his leader in endeavoring to
have majority rale ia Local Option.
He should receive the votes of temper-
The °- anoe workers. •
temper -
'support the Liberal candidate.
112 the officialsoin the civil2service
"The gerryma deronto riag of the Hurons is 1
be of Tuesday, says:
than at the close of 1901. 63: app
ments to office were made inside of al likely t0 do the OouservatiYe9 of the
year. The distinction rf "dismissed" of t thee8reason ridings
a great thatt thedeal of schemeharm, for
and the
and '`resigned" in the dropping
manner of carrying it out has exasper-
ated the independent voters to anoh an
extent that in a letter received in the
city yesterday by a former Huron
resident from one of the Conservative
workers the complaint is made that for
aha first time in the history of the
• TJ der tact heed of "Morn for Agri -
tale are," at oaee 14 ot the campaign
panlphlr t Omitted by tn. G; ve nt,a t
is sought to show that the present
miriistrati to have becu more literal to
agriculture interest than their prede-
cesaorQ. L •t ns examice the fi:nres on
this page. Not including expen-itures
oa colonization roads; el ninth o though puska
given on this page
woraa, the exp'n wares are es foli 1906
1901, $4#6 431; 19)5 $103 331; ,
$43•? 296; le. 7, $453.817. The total rev-
enue of the Province for the same period
was as follows: 1931, $ ,02%,330; 1905,
$6 016,176; 1906, 57,149 47S; 1907, $S,-
320.419. that
Surely it is fair argument to say
as the total revenue of:the Province
creased, the expendtture upon our great
basic indnetry, agriculture, shooulldd havee
increased proportionately.
secarred, the expsnditnres in the three
years following 1901 (the last year of
Liberal rule) wonld have been as fol-
lows; 1905, $115 000, or an inorease of
$4'1000; 1906. $520.891. or an increase of
$74,413; 1907,$506.1S1. or an increase of
$160,000 over what was actually expend-
p So Ghat
ed in these respective year14en ia thea
when the figures actually g
Government's pamphlet are analyzed
they show olearly that, aa compared
with other departments and expendi-
tures, that of agriculture has been de-
cidedly neglected.
Again, let us make the compariscn,
taking relative aotnal eepeuditnres as
the basis: The total expenditure of the
Province in 1904 was $.5 267 000; in 1907
it was :$7.714 000; the expenditure on
agriculture in 1904 was $446 451, in 1907
it was $480,317 ; in other words, the
total expenditure of the Province in-
creased in the three years of Conserva-
tive rule. 46,E per cent, while the expen-
dt ure on agriculture in the same three
years i creased only 71 per cent. Had
the amont Expended on agricnitare
increased in proportion to the general
expenditure of the Prcvicce, the amount
allowed for agriculture last year would
have been, not $180,317, but i354,G94, or
31",3,777 more then was actuelly extend -
e.1. and still this wonderful campaign
d. cunieat argues that the present
Gocerna;ent is doing "more for agricul-
ture than its predecessors."
Again, although the increase as to
expenditure on agriculture from 1904 to
1907 is but 7a ( while in the intervening
two years, the amount was actually less)
it will be found that the cost of civil
government increased 43 per cent,
charge? on crown lands increased 88 per
cert, miseelian5ons services increased
4 per cent, colonization and immigra-
t;ors v -creased 16 per cent, while the
am,unt paid to legal hangers-on of the
" _r cent.
Gecerarnent increased •.__ p
;file Gevernmeat now appeals to the
electors and ask for "a equare deal."
Have the Goveramant the hardihood to
say, in the face of aha foregoing figures,
that they, durtng their tenure of office,
hate given all classes a fair and egaare
as to the lack of consideration
Which their desires ate treated by those
in authority.
Ia1934, the last year of Liberal gov-
ernment, the Provincial expenditure
was $5,267.000. In 1907, after three
years of Whitney administration, it
was $7,714 009. This is an inorease of
46 per cent.
The increase of expenditure is spread
pretty well over the administration,
with one notable exception—the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Ia 1904 the ex-
penditure in this Department, was
$446,451; in 1007 it was $1S0.317, an in-
crease of lass than 8 par pent.
While the total expenditure has 10 -
creased 40 per cant„ the Department
of Agriculture has to get along with
an inorease of less than 8 per cent.
The farmers of Ontario do not ap-
pear to have much inflaenoe with the
present Government.
Nomination in Wingham next Mon-
day afternoon.
The electors of North Huron should
give John T. Corrie a majority on Jane
The farmers of North Huron can have
one of themselves in the Legislature by
voting for John T. Oarrie.
Mr. Square -deal Whitney's idea is
two votes for one me in n everywhere
and one vote for every
The Liberals should see that their
full vote is polled oa election day.
Many a battle has been lost by voters
remaining at home.
Of the six candidatea in Huron
county tor the Legislature, Mr. John T.
Currie is the only one who is a farmer.
farmers of North Huron should
they mad a remarkable ohange in me.
I was able to gat out of bed and orawl
along the floor oa my heads paid knees.
Gradually my limbs beoame stronger.
soon I could walk with the aid of a oane
and inside of nine menthe after I had
begun the use of the Pills I was totally
cured, and once more able to do light
work Now I am as strong as ever I
was and can do my work about the
farm without the least trouble. I think
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are without an
equal, for, besides my own case, I know
of two other cases of paralysis oared by
ripplee and, youngwo hogirls advised toho ot y the
Pi In ' corroboration of what Mr. Mo.
Donald says, the Rev. D. MaoLean of
Charlottetown, P. E. I. writes:—"I via
Bed Mr. MoDonald many times daring
his illness. He was attended by three
or more doctors and put in plaster paris,
and everything imaginable whioh might
be of benefit was done for him without
success. He had lost all power of his
body from his waist down and I think
he was nearly a year under treatment
before he began to use Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I was with him the day he
first moved his big toe and from that
time on he gradually improved and for
the last few years he has been perfectly
well. I can vouch for the cure Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills effected in his case."
If you are aiok and the treatment yon
are now taking does not help you, give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.
They have curet' thousands after dootors
and other medical treatment had hope-
lessly failed. These Pills actually make
new, tioh, red blood, feed the starved
nerves and bring health and strength to
every part of the body. This is why
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure each ap-
parently hopeless cases ae Mr. McDon-
ald's, and it is why they have cured
thousands and thousands of siok,
oouraged people in every part of the
world. Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2 50 from the Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Oo., Brockville, Ont.
i ou)v
E. H. AYER, Esoursion Agent
Children Ordinary
Half Fare Baggage Free
For Goderieh
Leave Detroit for Goderieh 8.00 a. m.
(Leave Port Huron 12 noon )
Friday. June 19th
Central time arrive in Goderich 6.00 p m.
For Detroit
Leave Goderich for Detroit 8 30 a m.,
Saturday, June 20th, Canada Time,
arrive in Detroit 4.00 p. m.
Return to Goderieh
Leave Detroit for Goderich 1.00 p m ,
Monday, Jane 22ad, Central Time. (2.00
p. m. Canada Time.)
Return to Detroit
Leave Goderioh for Detroit 8 30 a. Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada Time.m.,
Wingham, - Ontario
Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns
10e and 15e
Oars are now running on the Hamil-
ton and Brantford Street Railway.
An attempt was made to born the sep-
arate schoolhouse in West Belleville.
16; Liberal ofiise holders is liable to a
construction outside of the dictionary
Talk about reform in administration
of liqaor license act: In the whole his -
ter y of Liberal administration in the
Province there were not so manyscan-
in the county of Huron there la
dais arising out of liquor licenses as party
there have been sines the Whitney Gov- i a dearth of workers, and
sosubdivisionsfar ty
came into power.—Brantford I have
out twenty a single man to act as Bustin -
J. T. Onrrie is most favorably renew-
ed in the gerrymandered riding of 1 Whether because of the growth of the
North Huron.o He major y of ver ill make Mr 1ug- 1200; prohibition present fi ant alment in stringency,Bda. or the
Broke' historic a
Pok quite on Jaen Mr. Currieacon- othe temperanos may regard
that the retarns of as
Post. We e hope to 98
vert the Tory mar iy. or. over
ot 1 Revenue months show the e has been past
a Liberal majority. B
North. Huron can easily elect Mr. Currie; decrease in the amount
tort. sumed in
if farmers wish to see one of themselves 1 November, 1907,, to April, 1908, incln-
in the Legislature. slue the aggregate i sternal revenue re-
Eliza L
WHITESTAR LINimmommorismimminimE
Oovill, in whose house at Rodney
owry was murdered, died at St.
is about two feet through at the butt
and was tapped in five plaoas.
The cold snap in Saskatchewan Was
of short duration only, as the weather
is now warm and mild.
Fred Cope, a•weil-dressed English im-
migrant, was taken ill on the train and
died at Belleville.
Charles Hennessey was killed by a
burning tree . falling on him while
fighting a forest fire near Cobalt.
Warm Weather
Dress Goods
We have a splendid asaortment
of Dainty, New Summer Dress
Goods—something a little pret-
tier and better than
offering. We buy
the Oid Country.
Emmerson Benne, a laborer in the
Bell r day bydat Toronto, was killed
the falling of a bank of
on Friday by
clay, under whioh he was working.
Bart Jenkins and Thomas Johnston ot
Fort William went out in a canoe and
are 'supposed to have been drowned.
It is delightfully refreshing to notice ceipte from the liquor traffic show a
the emphasis placed upon liberality of decrease of nearly $450,000, et over ten
byorthe Conserve i per cent. In November the decrease
The Goderich ole olastf week had tiva • pree creed, d c , nn One would s $e04,00 r in
was, in numbers, an exce" showing
article oa "The farmer ori tom^. ma be led to think that some of the Das, 10 round ni3,00fl; in January, $10 $30,000;;i
plain the their cal that farmers cam-- `
plain that theft calling is not represented . ,inan;s3ate9 had some time or other been :
stuff" anemia se on G
in February, $53.000;. in March, $62.000;
tuts ant han.tei oatand in April, $140,000. The decrease in
in parliament. The is stateal € by the receipts for last month as compared
that the season for this of affairs was being o d uarYoncan't valways bare ;with April, 1907, was twenty per cent.
these old tirades so that they will stsy', Four years ago, theWhitney Gov-
dead —Brussels Post. t arnment were giren the control of the
The land of the stunted poplar,"' affairs of the Province. For years
was what J. P. Whittle'. called New p they had gloated themeelvea hoarse
thedays when the limits-• with the Cry against the Ross GOvern-
M. Shimizu, the new Consul -General
to Canada, for Japan, has assured the
authorities at Ottawa that there will
be no more immigration to Canada
from Japan.
James F. Creighton of Owen Sound
murdered his wife and two stepdaugh-
ters and fired a ballets into his own
An 85 pound sturgeon has been
caught in the Ottawa River between
Aylmer and Ottawa last week. It
measured five feet three inches in
For the
To suceed these days you
must hve plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,ale, delicate? Do not forget
' You
ilia.Ayrs Snrsaparlknow it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health €n every way.
'etIi$eic0ttvCt,o,d rtrace r Mr]"ala tha:Ke °Gd Ur vaT,^", tmatl naiatrnt any cern 7,id aesofjeer r7dJr.A lrcge.ab:,!>nYgaccaated714141,*re;e. tote .1i soe
tiers all10RA.
tt .semi. t We pVibilek
ntr a ofa:n CMC yr„ 4,iaaa
New Summer Dress Goads
lin, Mercerized hite and loMuslred in, White
Linen Dress Goode—cream and
white, with white spot, colored
spot or plain.
White English Lappet (muslin)
y, Dress,Prints, English
Cotton Detainee.
Wool Dress Goods
Voile, Crepe de Chine, Mohairs,
Sicilian, Canvas Cloth, Fancy
Lustre, Eolienne.
Fancy Waistinga in Wool or
Silk, etc.
Agent for
Ladies' Home
The Homo
in which you spend most of your
time is worth thought and con•
sideration. There aro enggestioas
in the June issue of the 'Ladies
Home Journal" ou making the
home more attractive,
The Ladies' Monne .Tour•
nal is on sale here every
month at 15c per copy.
Order early.
Ruth Miller, a four•year•od Kansas
girl, was poisoned t y eating candy sent
her by Mrs. Morasch, who has been
conicted of murder in the first de-
gree. She will be snt to penitentiary
for life.
Henry Longhrin, a brother to John
Longhrin, the Liberal candidate for
Nippising, was aocidentially shot at
North Bay, on Monday, as he was
pulling a rifle from a box. His death
was instantaneous.
Ontario in tions of his position as leader of the of corruption, hangers-on, barn-
toe'rerson fretted. him into many ' soles, and every claptrap election cry
✓ h remrk. It has since proen to -they could raise. They represented
be the land of Cobalt s Iver, of limit- the provine in a bankrupt conditionless ni tcertl stoles, ani unl caudad they talked of the vampires, sacking
Buttner wealth. Tire Premier la ap' the life blood of the cuntry; of every-
e venth anofat*Muii a rotten, sinking con
Another lot of Prunes, 4 lbs 250
Evaporated Peaches, per Ib 15e
Bee Jelly Powder, 6 p g
Pineapples. Pineapples.
Buy your Pineapples now 1
Only c to •
Choice Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
The woman who would be a
successful dressmaker must be
sure of her patterns and instruc-
tions bow to nee them. Every
woman can be an aocompliehed
Buy a Ladies' Home Journal
The picture tells the style.
The guide chart Celle you how
to out and fit.
The rest is easily done.
Patterns -100. and 150.
We are sole agents for Wing -
Be sure yon get a copy of the
" New Quarterly Style Book."
Every page smacks of Summer.
Three hundred thousand wo-
men in America will buy the
Summer Quarterly..
It is a veritable storehouse of ,
dress ideas and a reliable fashion
You cannot afford to be with-
out it.
The Summer Quarterly and a
1,5o pattern—all for 35c.
10 150 each We are sole agents for Wing -
o 4
► 4
LINO Stock Markets.
Toronto May 26th.—Trade was
moderately active at the City Cattle
Market to -day, and prices quite steady,
with a little firmer tone. The run was
not heavy, and dealers do not look for
such heavy rnns this week, following
the comparatively large deliveries of
last week. On this aount probably
prices to -day held a little stiffer, though
there was no aotnal advances.
Good veal olves are holding fairly
steady, with lighter runs.
The total run for yesterday and today
was 52 loads, with 822 head of cattle,
276 sheep and lambs.
The following are the quotationsExporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
.550 $600
The yield of the fisheries aggregat-
ed $1,935,024.90 last year, according to
a report by Edwin Tinsley superin-
tendent of the provincial game land
fisheries department. The amount is
more than $200,000 in emcees of that of
190G, the highest previous reoord.
palentiy not the s t er g , beinlg ennandered
s vends son: as a seer or prophet he ditian; o. money
is an. utter failure.—Guelph Meroiry lavishly for bribing electors. Now,
,professes to regard. his gerry- after fent years with the privilege Of
Whitney hirnse P record of the Liberal
mender at a mese eorreation of anonie- ,' ezadniog every ears, with
thirty lies. Even so devoted an organ as the ' Gsvernme Gntitty given them to make
Toronto Viii or13 cannot stomach that. ,, every app
It d:clared on April 13 that "if a LT1leeroo theirc Whitney
Govern -
al Qoverntnent liad dons things parallelgbeen able unearth o
the 'read j''stinent.' . . . Hon.:, ei • gle trausafl tio0,nnvo.ving One dollar o!
1>b ra^ticee.m-Strath•
0 orrn t
-t or p
p Sir Whitney, the Opposition
wonld have stormed the skies in protest.'' toy Age
r . . . It is things like theles Haat
We a government a bad reputation, ° A big rattlesnake kun' has
i the iri-
nbeen °r-
dt persisted in, eveintnally wreck 1 . gaaized
Hamilton Times. p dial reserve of Litchfield County, some
The Methodist district meeting ter i seven big rattlers have been captured.
A. murderer at sixteen years of age,
and accused of causing the death of
six persons, James Bti,nimingstall, of
South Beni, Ind., was, on Friday last,
arrested on a complaint from his wife
that he intended to mks her the
seventh. He Li now forty years of age,
and served terms for two murders.
best 1000 pounds and u 4 25
2 7o
1 50
New Spring Dress Goods, special value from 15e to $1.00 per
Vyard; all colors.
A large assortment of beautiful Dress Marlins from 10a to.30e . i
a- New English Prints, extra width.
i American and Canadian Prints from 7e to 10e per yard.
IP •
New Ginghams, Persian Lawns, India Lawn, Organdies. 4
i A large assortment of New Lawn and Mille Shirt Waists;
these are of very special value. 44
• Ladies' Whitewear, beautifully trimmed, very cheap. 4
It Something very special in Ladies' Hosiery:—Fine pure Cash-
mere, regular 35c to 50e, for 25c per pair.4• 4
10 See our line of the "Wearwell" Boys' Hose, double leg, guar-
anteed stainless; very heavy.
i 100 pairs of Ladies' and Children's Hose to be cleared out at 4
50e on the dollar. • 4
0• 4
s 44
O • Linoleum 2 and 4 yards wide ; also Oilcloths 1 and 2 yards 4
4 90 5 25
3 75 4 50
3 00 - 3 50
4 00 4 50
Dr. James Bain, for many years pas -
librarian of the Toronto Public Li-
brary, died at his home on Friday last.
The immediate cause of death was, an
attack of jaudice. He was a native of
Edinburgh, Scotland, and Was in his
66th year.
Thirty-five pails of sap were taken
from a single maple on Charles Hnle-
sander's farm in Salhvan, Pa., and av-
nx the
topail. gallons Oren
e t g
lowing a barrel of tap to seven pounds
of sng'ar there was made from this one
almost twenty-three pounds of
Stockers choice
ogs— 5 75
Beat..................• 5 40
Sheep-- 600
• Export ewes 3 00
Bucks . 2 50
Spring Lambe each.. 3 00
2 50
Calves, each
4 60
3 00
> wide. We are making special. reductions on all these lines
4 75 6 00
4 50 4 75 rt.
........ 2 50 3 50
150 2 00 : THE WOOL SEASON 4
5 80 s
T• The Wool season is now at hand, and we are prepared for it 4
5 75 i with the finest range of Heavy Blankets and all kinds of Yarn.
400 4
3 25 orgmatarrearemommir 4
3 75 •
5 25 188
Bring your Produce along and secure some of the bargains.
Wingham, April 27th, 1908.
E'lt.or par 100 lbs.... 2 G5 to 3 25
Fall wheat ....... 0 90 to 0 92
Oats 0 45 to 0 50
Barley 0 GO to 0 05
Peas .... 0 80 to 0 82
Butter...... ............ 0 18 to 0 18'
E per dos
per Cord
Hay , per ton 15 00 to 16 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 70 to 0 70
treE: Lard ............ 0 15 to 0 15
sugar V113 tree whioh does not lip- Live Hafts, per cwt. 6 10 to 6 10
pear to have suffered from Its big flow,1 Dried Apples ....... 05 to 011 05
Best Molar always on hand at