HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-07-19, Page 8;yu
Wedded: in nnoeponsi
A. quiet wedding , took place in the
Broadway' M. Church, Minneapolis;
on the ,l i th ult. when Miss a e's►t A
MacKenzie, of:Chicago, and: 'formerly
of 1 ochalsh, Ont., woo ' united.. n
marriage to. Mr. John Macltae; of`
'Lochalsh,• Ont. The cerentuny• ' wt110,'performed hy.tlie tie., f)i,, ald: Mtic-
Kenzie, •hrothe �,f the. •t rick;, . The
young•.uouplr;le>t the."folloviing' day
for their future hdme at Lochalsh;
�% 11 Pa vier Pleating
The W. -C. T U.; parlor .'inee tug a
tile, horse of Mrs 11. D Camerdn Was
Saut;ecn 36;201 1,081,000 " 7,r37 it G. 214 11.
rYitidlt i,;�.I1 �,l"{tl••',:s,t) Qik 13 l,tr`i
1{;,.•u, , Y'i,laii „'vittjS l•'iT
77, 3 • yli J�". ltiv,il . '
welt attended no' withstaud,ing •ilio, tit
tense heat The-wusieal .pant of the
pregrarnmA, was well sustained, by
Mrs. Harris, the Misses:Harriar and
f:y'ons,, and Mr.; Hereon Armstrong
and Ewart.: Cameron ;, readings by.
Mesdames Jobnstcn and Bryan,. and
short addresses .' by Rev. Mr: Harris.
and: Mr $.'D. Oameron. , At the close
of the. meeting the correspohding sec',
rotary,. Mrs. Bryan, was asked to pre-
pare a letter • of condolence 'to Mrs.
• (414,t C,,1isY
ik;gt:)utt 1' 1 .t;ilpi•, l ra.t,) Tut:,' >i
..`t•`Ittr,••;i ipoettLis etid ta,: tit►yst.
of ill. and. Alis G. • 1'. ' `i'ennye
died at' 'the ,rasidonec :of .hie j?r.O
on Catupbell street'betweeu the hii
of seven tinti•.eight Cit . the avenin. of
June 9th Mr, 1301 't'wnnyson ••iss"
born nt Lucknow • Att.,.
Bruce, Out., and Chino to ;311,n to
Angust.,u'f.1S97::atd aftcr,a short`'
.of three weeks 'commenced wprki
his trade, the, barbering Since!�t
time .he`haW'been continua11y emplO
and during the: lost year he anq,i
brother',have: been 'running a buy
.of'their.4owu. About a week ag
T:nesda'v ho' felt ill and •left .his.'
t t,
ur anxival summer sale of footwear will oom-:
. ��,e t1�1
ne lst, .and contl ..x
�:.' e `on:. S�,rtt�.rda�:� ,.. rve;� ' ' every
er •notice . . Weer will. have no. reser of he
• few example's
t� cut.prices ' Below . �,re a .. ,
e ar —YYIak ,—
} $3.25 suis f'or $2 f3:, ",.:.,
•$4.00 Shoo.foi ,$3.50.`
$2:50' shoef'or' 1.50 to 2 25.
$3,00 shd� X2.50 t X2.70.
2.00 "shoe. tor $1.00 to, $1.75
'variety of Odds~and Ends at from 50 cents to 1..SU •in Button, i.•aGa�ind• Oxfaras,•
at.the sholi. at noon and. retired 1 his, ,,
but catarrh .a• the :bowels .set hi ' and'
ad Walkerton .
Cotnpany has.b en formed tit
Walkpiton to here f ; it is known.
dared fourteen Ore to
an factures. T,Iie
fan the prices are
. The Minden City,
Of "JUne, 230; -Contained: the ,felleWing
reference to the:merriage of Mr.. P.
.Murray„ of Calumet, :and' son of Mr.
1 the Plymouth
tient hes
nships in the
ment. The ru, sett. era has been.
very greeds thia year.
creendoors and
Alt der1ved fro th
very 'pretty: wedding took plaCe on
!Wednesday * the. home of,Mr: and/
Ma. Patliegton;'. west of :town,'
when their.daughter .Anne waS united.
in marriage tic; 1),Ir. Frank_ lAurray,.'of
Ocl et twelve o'clock in the Presende, ot.
'about one hundred inisitea &este:
quet of cream roses: ; She was attmad-
ed by her sister,; Mies. Aggie,. dressed,.
in white, carrying a beinquet of white.
roses, end the,grooni..wits attended .by -
Mr. 'PAibert. :MeOregOr. The 'hew
eleboretely'decorated With. smilax
earnatiene Sued 'American ileauty roses,
.The happy couple left on the evening
tr4in :Or,. Buffalo, Where' they. Will
-attend-the-Pim Arnerieen-Exposition,.
.'theit,to.Coltim4 Where thy 'will make
their future'hinnet-the best wishes of
kohig.with.theio. 111r.• and Mk..
Murray' receiyeel;niany.'yalimble and.
useful pi:Oki:its!'
the patient gradually grew Weak
weaker:antit he became unco
about noon on the .day of his.
He.ltept groWing worse *and las
During:the:folly y.earS that "'A'
en -
ill he.
es b
ith th
in the air.
getting our
The coslk
great hem-
--Cherry-Pi n't Sit, all the
It eave time d'Igi6ney..for'yOu.
,day:pitting cher es by hand
—The London •11. dvertiser in itti
-years age this
g' the 'delegates
of the Masonic
cDoneld, k:
is very prom-
-are, also an
to 'the cold
art of May,
Ole eraP.
to the annual uieeti
eicellenty, crop. ()win
weather'. in 'die latter;
cn# dry weitpor in Sun
oTd. to the Thr
the t minute:: .Cetne Amyl before
l'he.Setirle!t.Tlirep..,i1 in OW Ten-
xincl Bible Chum.
AZ -A:
ia our. leader, is made of strictly high-
0,Tade material, and 11 cOnstructed oh up -to.:
date principals which. ,ensure perfect' adjUSt.-2
me3A, stability, durability and -ease of running:
At is a wheel worth every $ aiked'for it.
Other'bicycles, at 'other ,Prkes.
C. Taylor Zaiclware
' -the rue and get„wbc ,y u require.
--A, lady saw in' adVertisepient in
an American newipapoi offering ten
ten\cents, She sent', ten ,centi. and
-4.40 Tbursday,:while 'out at 4he
...barn; *rt. Peter Mason of ,Ee.et
• ting en.thobain floor, It', ie inspected
that there YOung el.. wild
cets not far 611;.
Windtor raced', I. Swart&
Harold of Wieghere, :lowered hle
'record again, from 2.l2i 2:1011,
paced the firti quarter, ia 301, half
.1.0q, three-Oat:tars:in I."20 and
csidtdatet in Bruce 'for. the
Coining :election Will be at .foliCirS
TitiaiVihotigii the latter nott-,b,in
'Cooety 40009041160k 4;60,
tOtiftie Lind Villages in Rruce is as fel,.
laesoltition 9f Condolence
From, the Lulknovr- Woman's Chritiv
The 1,:noltnow Union ,•take this
opportunity of eipreSsing, their, deep .
and sincere sympathy with you..an,...
the removal of yotir ' beloved mother,- -Ait,n,,,"0/Lltr.O.FOlt AS wr
place .on record (Mr 'appreciation of
her worth, not Only es a loving mother
.and a Christen' citizen, -bet an en,-
tbusiastic member of our Union; .
One et., °Ur members remerked is
she gasedOn her face in. the casket :
44 Somerville often made Me
a7thamed'of being indifferent id this
great. moral reform,". God has said
higher." We bow in submissionAo
Hie will, prayingtnat 4vgi who' are
'ISft a little longer may be inore in
earnest in tifting up the 'fallen 'and
thus bring. thli world nearer to God,
IDA 'Clottootf, Rao, Sec.
r..1f. there- is any- .diseenatort, in yOur
When children dislike study, "nerve
., 'Most likely to orcreottis eye`, "strUip, .
•1.11 the regular lino "of COrgets tho,best value
Port trigirir $285,5791
$15448i2V $91,160;
Teottator 1221 810 Toe
county Valuators, nepert
.. The tepart of Meisrs. Bland and'
'Potts, Who veined th,(; Tural munici-
palities', and Metiers, Campbell and
Kilmer, who did :a similar work in
ettate COMpared with that. of. •18313
Will be found....eiow. The:'litiniber of
aefes of each, and value...per acre are
also. , Every .ratepayer, should
Out this. paragraph tor future
` diseeock 0,740 3,71010 1,66,1,150 15
• • propareaio.tooet the demand for 41,1
i /MT lia30(1 0, jOb lot of laces .we i