HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-28, Page 1SUFFERING WOMEN
video f,ud ilia, a berden, can have health i4
etreeetie teetered by the use of
M rn's
Hurt and Nerve
Punnet genera tiara of woman and gine
have mors 8hpin their shams of misery. With
%ewe it ix re waitress ird palpitation, with
othere weak, ditty sw3 faiet;ag sryelis. while with
ct:.ere cars is a veers! colixpee of the system.
3 i:k urn's Heart and Nerve Pi➢ls tape up the
nerves, strengthen the hepirl end make i1 best
*meg and reirnier. create new red blood cor-
puscle:. and impart that erns" of Leeyan*y to
the et::rite that is the result of renewed taenial
and phyical rigor.
Kira, D. 0. Donoghue, OrL'Ila. Ont., writes:
" Ior evert year 1 was troubled with ccmottle
Peet and heart tT,tble. I decided to give };il-
turn's Heart pied Nerve I'ille a trial, and after
vamp five boxes 1 feund 1 was completely cured.
1 Away% recommend them to my Wands."
Price 60 cent* per box er three boxes for 31.26,
all dealer• er Me T. 14ilburu C ., Lirnited
naranto. Oat.
cat the appropriattou wherewith to car
ry on the work. let 1694 they moved to
Mike out the appropriation far the
� £MS
meinteaartee of a feaperintendeut ci y
Forestry. l
At Brockvilier, the ether dity, Batt.
Mr. Grainiest made an e$zct.V3 caprice
of the O'Brien mine ease, and the pre -
eent■tfon of $ 39 GDO to the Le Rene
Feople, iz cluding Hon Mr. O o1iraat,'s
hbrother in Jaw. Ile pofated ant that
the only nation given by Whitney for
the highly snspiciotis grant was "thea
r s d
the La Rose people 50 le hag fn ui he u-
lformed at w iib stented the Greets :-
rent to the O'ii,ien ease " "'memo,"
i said Mr. Graham, "the Government of
IChia great Province ttt;rittiag that it
paid for evidence in a caul" Mr
1 Graham very piroperly pointed oat ah•it,
if a private individual were to purchase
evidence in this way, he ;would be rfev-
erely dealt with.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not latera than Saturday noon.
The copy for ebanges roust be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
$. R. ELLIOTT. PutuJatign e.mr)I'tastraxgrop
2'$URSDAY, Sie.Y 27, 1908,
Tke Tory Albany Club of Toronto is
the true counterpart of New York's
Tammany. It undertakes to name and
eportion the munioipal and legislative
representation of the city, and is about
as great an evil in the community es
cxiats. Is is a good sign that decent
Conservatives are rebelling against its
method,, and putting independent Con.
servativea in the field in Toronto con-
etituencies.-Stratford Beacon.
The Goderioh Star weep* crocodile
tears over the unt,.ir treatment of Mr
W. _ter; the Liberals of Centre
Huron. We hardly think Mr. Kerr will
Shenk that journal for its nilly sympa-
thy, However, if there was any un-
fairness in the treatment of Mr Kerr, it
is not to be found in the Liberal party.
We have but to tarn up the recent files
at the Star for the cause. It was the
Whitney gerrymander, condemned by
the Star which stole what would bane
been a sure seat for Mr. Kerr, to make
e place for;;a political favorite.-Seaforth
Expo icor.
Toronto Saturday Night, which is a
strong advocate of the Niagara power
policy of Hon. Adam Beck, thinks there
is a nigger in the fence some place, and
fears the Whitney Government wants
to side track the scheme and the Hon,
lair. Beck. Saturday Night nays: "If
the Whitney administration, whioh cre-
ated the Hydro Electric commission and
sot Hon. Adam Beck at his great teak,
really means to carry through the enter-
prising policy of whioh he is the earnest
and competent champion, why is not
that policy placed where it belongs, in
the forefront of the present campaign -
as the one truly big and important un-
dertaking ot Mr. Whitney's term in
Here is tbe answer given by Hon.
Dr. Pyne, Minister of Eduoatioa for
Ontario. at bit nominating convention
In Eaat Toronto on the patronage ques-
"We mnet stick together and
stand by our friends. I do not
believe in placating my enemies,
I know who my enemies are and
they can go to the devil and shake
Nice language for the Minister of
Education to gine voice to -not to
peak of the ethics it teaches! The
school children of the province will
be expected to place this sentiment
in their copy 1 oaks, as an offset of
the golden ruler and the Toronto News,
with its usual hypocrisy, will acclaim
Dr, Pyne as a civil reformer. Verily,
the educational affairs of the province
are in fine hands.
Hon. A. G Moray : -For example, in
1818, on third reading of the bill to
Create a separate Department of
Agrienitare under a responsible Min.
later, the Conservatives offered oppoat•
tion and divided the House. In 1801
they opposed the appointment of drain
age referees and divided the House on
the guestiOn, but immediately en at-
tMniug power they appointed a second
referee. In 1883 they opposed the ap-
pointment of a Superintendent of Neg.
looted Children, and moved to strike
Remove Poisons
There are three ways and thrte only, by
which the human body can be rid of poisonous,
waste matter the bowels, the kidneys and
tate skits.
It is only when the bowels become sluggish
red constipated that the kidneys play out at s
remit of the excessive work thrown upon them.
Now, there is only one medical treatment
that fully makes ilii- ,condition of affairs,
Dr. A. W. Chase's
1 t bowels a s well as
potala t a tr the a the
kidneys, and thereby remove the eatara of
trouble and tura the moat complicated cases,
Yen can scarcely find a ease of kidney disease
Which did rat begin with liver and bowel dis.
orders, and which could therefore havt been
prevented by this great prr.v iption of the
famous Receipt Kook author. One pin a
toes, 25 cents s box. at *11 deniers or Earn**.
,rosy Rates & Co., Toronto.
Mri. R. Morrow, BraceLr dge, Oat.,
l yyen*l wet troubled wiwithor severit
mil Singe heaalschca. D. Chive's
rr I'IIMe heed me of than ailment -
sal try health in a getout way.
Local Illstol'y of the early 809.
Items from the "Times" fyl8lt.
The Ottawa Free Press, in reviewing
the record of the Whitney Government,
recalls the denunciations that its leader
poured out on the Roes GJvernment
during the Iast campaign, and the
promises made of revelations of the
grossest misappropriation ot funds prac-
ticed in the departments if given access
to the books, It gays:
What a monster of corruption the
Road Gavernmeut was represented as
being, what an aggregation of incom-
petents the cabinet, what a collection
of everything that was bad were the
statutes that were passed, what an
example of inefficient administration!
We alt remember the pathetic appeal
that was mads to the people of the
province to "turn t? e otels out."
So violent was the motels Opposition, and
so persistent were they in their charges
against the Government, that a majority
of the electors were led to believe that a
ohange might be beneficial. Mr. Whit-
ney was given an opportunity to see
what he could do,
The first task allotted to the new
ministers by their tileief was to obtain
evidence against their predecessors,
The Conservative Government natur-
ally regarded it aa incumbent upon
them to substantiate some, at least,
of the very serious charges which,
while in Opposition, they had made
to emphatically against the Liberal
Government. They had promised to do
On the public platforms they had
deoIared over and Over again that the
proof of their accusations would be
forthcoming immediately they obtained
access to the eecrets of the several de.
partmenta. Same bold spirits went so
far as to assert that discoveries would
be made that would reenit in criminal
prosecutions, Alen of reputation and
high standing in the Community bad
their characters so blackebed that they
lost heart.
The Conservatives were taken at their
word. Did they fulfil their promise to
provide the evidences of corruption and
maladministration? They did not. It
must be said, in justice to them, that
they tried to carry out their unelertak-
Inge. They searched the departments
high and low, they burned the midnight',
oil poring aver filed, they had oftioiala'
"on the carpet;" but their labor was
in Yain.
They failed to find the evidence whioh
they had to confidently predicted would
be found, for the simple reason that the
charges which they had been making
With a reeklesenees unequalled in the
history of the province Were false--
merely the wild imaginings of men
coveting positions On the treasury
Mr. Whitney and hie follower- stand
salt caneieted of maligning, without any
jnetiacation, many able men who had
devoted their energiesand abiiitioa to
the service ed the publio, of havttig con.
ducted and profited tr a campaign Of
mtsrt r sentpit
that' makes
tolke shudder,
If for no other reason than this, the
Whitney Government should be driven
from power by the very body of lade
pendent voters that displaced its pre.
deceseor, the Rose Government,
That the 'Whitney (government is
afraid of the rile1t4ou0 indignation of
the eleotors of the province is made very
the Manner r in which it hue
latrd+td. the dice loin the eont,irig appeal
to the country.
Whye With et telejo ity of 44 Week its
(Frons the Tines of 1,lay 25, 18e8 )
Mr T. A. Mille hast a force of 1Ee4
ex tweeting for bit intended new brick
st ire.
Mr. J Wilson, veterinary, removed 4
few days ago a tumor wei;;hfog 11 onnoea
from the cheat of a horse belonging to
Mr. Kenneth McLean, living near Lack -
A dozen good houses could be rented
in Wingham its a very few days. There
is :not an eligible house in the town and
we herr et;quiries made almost daily for
Mr, A.. Galbraith, the 'veteran phrenol-
ogist, and, we believe, one of the few In
America whose phrenological delinea-
Bowe are given with almost unerring no -
curacy, ie at present in town.
Many friends in Windham will be
pleased to learn that Mr. John G. Hol-
mes, son of Councillor T. Holmes, of
Wingbam, has headed the list at the
recent examinations for barristers by the
Law Sooiety.
The old sohool grounds were sold on
Saturday evening to Mr. W. Scott for
$155. A splendid bargain.
Mr. George McKay, has received ano-
tioneer's license for Bruce and Heron,
One feature that arrests the attention
and wins the admiration of every visitor
to Wingham is its fine and widely dia.
tributed -apply of shade trees. We know
of no place in Ontario that has so fine or
so large a auppty of healthy maple
There were present at a special meet.
it>E; on Monday night, the Mayor, De-
putyReeve, and Meana. T. Holmes,
iiomuth, W. H)itztes, Dr. Towler, Little,
Odne, McKenzie, Pringle.
Mr. Moprehonee's prayer meetings
came to an end last week. Mr. Maore-
honee is et very able speaker and we
trust there was much good done. -
Seeding it pretty' well, over and the
farmers are looking forward for some
warmer weather.
Bt.0 yALE.
Rev. E. A. Shaw; of Aberfoyle, has
been invited to take the Methodist
charge here and has accepted sabjest
the approval of the stationing commits
tee. Rev. J. S. Cook has been invited
to the Aehfiald circuit.
Rev. J. A. Anderson hired a car to
take his effects to Goderioh on Monday.
Mr, 0. Gillespie has nearly recovered
from his late Meese,
Mr. W. Sutherland dug out a den at
foxes the other day catehing four yourg
ones and killing two of them.
Elliott -Clarke.- At Wingham, on
the 23rd inst., by the Rev. D. 0. MC -
Dowell, tMr, Wm. Elliott, brickmaker,
Wingham, to Mise Rosa Clarke, of the
same place.
Perrie-Kneohtei-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Brussels, on tbe
10:h cast , by the Rev. John Roel, B.A.,
assisted by Rev. S. Jones, Rev. David
Perrie, of West Nieeouri, to )Mee Annie,
youngest daughter of Mr. John Kneoh-
tel. `
the Legislature, was it necessary to so
gerrymander the constituencies as to
melte it as difficult as possible for the
Liberals to make any gains, if there was
not a well•founded fear that the •Gov-<
ernment had lost the support of the
people of the province? Why not wait
a few years for the next decennial cen-
sus, seeing that the existing distribution
had preyed its fairness by reversing the
vote in favor of the Ooneervatives?
Surely there conid not be better
evidence of fright.
The falsity of the chargee against the
competeuoy of the Liberal Government
which was deposedshae also been proven
by the fact that the satisfactory finan-
cial statement which Hon. A. J.
Matheson was able to present last eeeeion
was entirely due to ,the working out of
the policy of the former administration
and the further fact that no statute of
impartanee wwas formerly de-
nounced by the Conservatives when in
Opposition, has been repealed or changed
by them while let power.
(Guelph Mercury.)
So an independent journal, with
distinctly Conservative leanings and
eympathiea, described the last week
of the late nation of the Ontario Leg-
islature. The week was more disgust'
ing than awful, for it did not come
as a bolt out ot the blue but as the
culmination of four years of evolution,
Those experienced obs.rvere, not all
on one side of politics, who are in a
position to know the foots and die.
cern the tendenoiet, foresaw and fore-
told the kind of end that was pip.
proaching. Dante found the descent
to the infernal regions easy even for
a visitor; the Bible says it Is easy
far the sinner if he chooses it; Mr.
Whitney knows now, if he did not
before know it when he started that
it it easy for the head of a political
party in power. If he tinge enters
on the down grade the speed will rap.
idly accelerate.
The most outstanding incidents that
made the "last awful week" disgust-
ing were the guarantee of the MoKen'
zie and Mann railway bonde, and the
payment of 4130,000 to a mining syn-
dicate, These transaction's are Abso-
lutely indefensible, and little defence
is offered or even enggested. They aro
"awful" not merely at single inoid•
erste, but as precedenta and as mottoes.
They aro typical of what not only may
but mutt follow. Having yielded teak
ly to McKenzie and Mann, Mr. Whitney
cannot hereafter Stand out against them
and other oapiteliatio organizations that
etre determined, aggressile, and buccan
Bering, He has advertised the fact that
Within a single parliamentary term
he has reached a?oint where he can.
not do without their help; where will
he be by the time he has passed
through another term, if the eleotore
are simple enough or partizan enough
to give it to him? The question an•
ewers itself.
Look for a moment at these "awful"
and indefenaible trattsaattotte. The
Leglelature, Wisely or unwisely, gave
M ltenxl eend 11411/1 a grar antab of
bonds, Secured by to stet mortgage
*0 the *Moline of 00,1)00 a Milo on a
railway extending Meth the terllli#Iter
A Doctor's Statement
Bale St. Pau], C.C., Que.
Marsh 27th, 1907.
"Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.,
My many thanks for Psychine and
Oxomuleion. I have used them with
very great satisfaction both in my own
case and in that of my friends. It af-
fords me much pleasure to recommend
a remedy veltieh is really good is cases
for which it is intended. I am, yours
very truly,"
Doctors recognize that Psychine ie
one of the very*remedies remedies for all
throat, loung aitc t tach troubles and
all run down condi eons, from whatever
cause. It is the prescription of one of
the world's greatest specialists in dis-
eases of the throat, lungs, and stomach,
and all wasting diseases, Ask your
druggist for it, at 50c and 1.00, or
T. A. Slocum, Limited. Toronto.
BAPTIST O1gg1goH-Sabbath aervioea $at
11 a ni and 7 p en. Sunday School at
2:80nt. (ateneral prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. IL
Edgger Allen, pastor. B.Y.P.U, meets
Monday evenings 8 p,m, Abner Ooeena
S.S. Superbatendent.
MaruonisT Ottuuon--SAbbathservices
at U, a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth Leagne every Mon-
day evening. (general; prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
G. Riwswa, pastor'. F. $xohaaan, S.S.
PRESBYTERIAN Oxgaog-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 g m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, patitor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.S,
BT. PAUL's OgusoneBersoop sr.-Seb-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30pm; General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. B. Boyle, IMA., e3.D., Rector ; Ed.
Nash, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. E.
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION Ana -Servide at 7 and 11
ne and 3 and 7 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE-OSlce hours from 8a m
to 6:80 g m. Open to box holders from
7 a, m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, poetmaeter.
Pursrla LIBRASr: Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'olook. Wee, E,tlel Elliott,
Towle Oore o1L-W. Holmes,. Mayor;
Dr. A. J. Irwin,. ReoVe; David Bell,
Thos. Gregory, D. E. McDonald Ven .
Niohoison,Gao. Spotton, Geo. 0. Hanna,
Coauoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh month at 8 o'olook.
MOH SOaOOL BOARD.- John Wilson,
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VauStone.
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Ooaens,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
Puente Sonoon BOARD. - T. Hall,
(chairman), B Jenkin9,H. E. Iaard,A.E.
Lloyd,H. Kerr, Wm. Moore,Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings seoond Tuesday eveningtu eabil
HIGH SoaooL TEAaaERs-J. A. Tay-
Ior, B.A., principal; J;: 0. Smith, B.A.,
classical mister; J. G. ,Workman, B.A.,
mathematical master; Mies J. MateVan
nel, B.A., teaoher of English and
Moderns. '
Pi7aLia t3os0or; TEACHERS. -A. H.
Musgrove, Prinoipal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
Boeno de' HEALTH-Tltoa. Bell,
(ohairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S.,. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald,
Medical Health Officer.
in Toronto to a terminus at or near
Sudbury. That road was finielided
two years ago to Parry Sound and dur-
ing those two years it hu been in con•
tinuoue operation. b The road from
Toronto to Parry Sound, including ter-
minals at both ends, and station
buildings with grounds throaghont,
Ia easily worth 420,000 a mile if there
were any reason ter the Government
taking it over under foreclosure pro-
ceedings. Not content with this per.
fectly good security, the Whitney Gov-
overnment agreed, and the Legislature
"in the last awful week" consented, to
add 82,500,000 to the liability of the
province, to substitute a second marts
gage for the first mortgage, and to in-
clude in the basis of credit not merely
fifty miles of new road and additional
terminate, but also a tract of Iand in
and near Toronto which may be used
for mere purposes of exploitation.
The other transaction 11 far more
insignificant in extent, but immea.
earthly worse in moral character. It
is as nearly as possible an unadul•
terated "steal," a gift to a few favor-
ites, one of whom is brother-in-law
to Mr. Frank Cochrane, who, as Min-
ister of Mines, is personally reopen.
table for the donation. The transac.
tion ie described by its apologiete as
part reoonpment for out".ay and part
pay for information, The inexons-
ableness of the whole payment of 4130,-
000 is apparent from the faot that the
genesis of it was ordinary diepate be-
tween tato +Indicates for a mining
claim. The dispute might and should
have been settled as other private dis-
putes are settled, not by the Govern-
ment playing "Robin Hood's" role by
taking f oar
plunder r one party to give
it to another.
Tired nerves, with that "no atnbltton"
feeling that is commonly felt in 'spring
or early Bummer, can be easily and
quiokly altered
taking what Is kb
to draggles
Dr, h
4a s
Restorative, Onewabsolutely note
a changed feeling within 48 hoare titter
beginning to take the Restorative. The
b ole e s e
ow t 1 fah in the e i ter•tt
the circulationgofteti.ulows tip, the Kid-
neye are inactive, and area the Metre
in many ogees grows decidedly Weaker.
Dr. Sheep's Restorative is reoognized
everywhere as a genuine Ohio to these
vital organs. It builds up and Itrenath•
ane the worn-out weakened nerves; it
ehrsrpene the falling appetite, tend Univers
Bally aids digestion. It always quickly
brings renewed utrdngth, lite, vigor and
ambition, Try it and be convinced,
Sold by all dealert. -
sery Stook and Seed Potatoes should
either write directed to ne, or see our
nearest agent,before placing their orders.
We guarantee satisfaction; prices right;
fifty years experienoe; extra heavy stook
of the best apples.
Whole or part time; salaary or liberal
commission; outfit free; send for terms.
SON, CO., Ltd.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lends in Manitoba Savketehewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may
be homesteaded by any person who is the Bolo
head of n family, or any male over 18 years of
age, to the extent of one-quarter seetion of 100
acme, more or less
Application for entry must be made in per-
son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands
Agency or Buteagedu for the district in which
the land is situate, Entry by proxy may, how-
ever, be made at au Agency on certain condi-
tions by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister of an intending homesteader.
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following
(11 At least six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
(2) A homesteader may, if he ao desires,
perform the required residence duties by living
on farming land owned ao1e1y by him, not less
than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the Vietnity
of his homestead. Joint ownership in land
will not meet this requirement.
(0) If the father (or mother, it the father is
deceased> of the homesteader has perfaaneut
residence on farming land owned solely by
n ass than eighty
t 80 ) acres in extent,
in the vicinityofthe ho hem •
homestead, dt•
homestead entered for by him in' the vicinity,
such homesteader mea perform his own rest -
donee duties by living with the father (or
(41 The term "vicinity" in the two preced-
ing paragraphs to defined; as meaning not more
than nine Miles in a direst lite, exclusive of
the width of road eliowanees crossed in the
(61 A hotneetesder intending to.perform Iia
residence duties as secordenee With the above
while ltvint with parents or en farming laud
owned by himself must notify' the Agent for
the dietriet 0f mall intention.
Six months' notice writingngnu4
pie Sven
to theam s'
U m9 sidnor
of Dominion
Imelda at
OttawA of intention to apply for patent
Deputy of the Minister et the Interior.
N.R..-17nanthorixed publication of trite ed-
'rertieoment will riot be paid for.
Z$TAR1.14BitD 1672
16 PUi31,llillitt)
The Times Odlee% Beaver Block
WINGIIAiti, Carrara°,
Yeasts or Sunaaaxl"tION -31.00 per manta an
advance $1,60 if not so paid. No paper dlsaon-
tinued tilt all arrears era paid, s xoupt at the
option of the publisher.
Anvanvttna q RATss, -- Legal and outer
oaanaladvertisement:loo per Noupartel lice for
first insertion, eta per lips for each apbeeguent
Adver$t,omente in focal ootmmns are attarged
10 tee. per line for brit iaserfton, and 6 giants
per line for eaoh aubsegnent insertion.
Advertisemoute of Strayed, Parma for Salo
or to Rent and similar, 11.00 for -ret three
weeks, and 25 dents for eaoh subsegaant in-
sertion. .
CONTa.top RArso-Tile following table rhoµ a
onrratee for the insertion of advertisements
for speoi$ed periods:
Breen. 1 ra. 6 140, 8 mo, IMO.
OneOolumn....-,.-._$70.00 $40,00 $22.50 $800
Halt Column......,... 40.00 25.00 15.00 0.00
QuarterOolumn ..... 20.00 12.50 7.60 8.00
One Inch ...,.., .. 6.00 8.00 , 2.00 1.26
Advertisements wlthont speoifle directions
will be inserted kill forbid -tad charged teamed-
e aord-
tngl , Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
Tina JOB DzPARTMMNTb in stooked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites tor print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled to the
conntyfor turningg out Arai orris work. Large
typo and appropriate onto for all styles of Poet -
ere, Hand Elba, eta., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer Manse of print
Proprietor and Publisher
TP KENNEDY. M. De M.O.P. 8. 0.
• Member of the British Medical Amain -
tion. Gold Medallist in Medlolne. Special
attention pald.to disoasea of Women and Child;
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m,
DR. ms.cDONALl).
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Nighlt Bloc*,
alle answered attheoffice
L. R. 0. P. London.
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Fri vete and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Office, Beaver Block. Wingham
Wingham, Ont,
E. L. DIOSINBON Dner.IT nowsss
AioNmv To LOAlc.
Orrlcs: Meyer Block, Wingham,
ARTHUR J. IB:WIN. D. D. S., L. D. 8.
Dootor of Denta1Bargeryofthe Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Macdonald Bleak, Wingham.
V V J. PRICE, B. 8. A., L. D. 8., D. D. S.
Licentiate o5 the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Office ; Beaver Block.
ALEX. lt'Rr.r,Y, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. ,sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the Timms office will receive prompt attention.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS --
(which Include board and nursing), 43.50
to 415.00 per week a000rding to looation
of room. Far farther information,
Box 263, Wingham Ont.
Mime Learn roll
London ' 0.40 a.m.. _ 8.80p.M.
Toronto &East -H.08 a.m.. 6.48 8.m.... 2.40p.m.
Sincardine..11.67 a.m2.08 p-m..y. 9,15p.m.
Kincardine -.6,408.m 11008.m-.. 2.40 p.m.
London.....,,. . 11.64 e.m..., 7.86 p.m,
Palmerston 10.80 a.m.
Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.... 9.16 p.tn.
L.'HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East,.....,. 7.08 a.m.... 8.24 p.m,
Toeawater . 1.07 p.m -..10.27 poet.,snn,IV* teem
Teeswater..- ,7.08a,m..... 8.24 p.M.
Toronto and least 1.07 p.m....10.27 pan.
• J. R. BU SSB. Asent,Wingham.
Carves: writ *cc,
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' poatenof�gn6f1er,eecCwohether an
tlonsetrlatlfeoeadentud. HANDBOOK 000rn aten tiltrotor.
rent tree. Uidott Rome? for eectningi�ppatenta.
Patents taken throw h Munn ac Co. r.
inserters *oars,without charge,tutus
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ana Garden
Fruit of Exceptionally Largo Size and
of Fine Quality.
The Ivory le the result of propagat
ing the white strain itself, a sample.
plant which is shown in the eut, where^
the size of fruit (fully a foot in length),
sbnpe and prolificness are well brought
out. If the reader will bear in mind;
that the background is a white sheet,'
It is clear that justice to the color of
the table mature fruit is scarcely done
by the name that has been given to
this variety at the New Jersey expert -
went station.
The oldest fruit leas become a vic-
tim of decay because purposely left in:
place for its seeds to mature. Tbe in-
terior of the fruits is as white as the
outside, which, with the 'long shape,
mattes 'tete ninny slices of an accept-
able size for cooking and serving
t - 115.1
'1, ense:estfOi,.
(Showing the form and color of the white
whole, the seeds being confined to the
lower half of the fruit. In short, the
Ivory has the attractiveness of the
Round White, au ornamental sort, and
at the same time is of fine quality and
highly productive.
The Jersey Pink Is of the same blood
as the Ivory and differs from it chiefly
in the purple color that pervades the
plant and makes it strikingly distinct
to the eye in the stem, leaf and fruit.
The interior of the fruit is white, like
the Ivory, thus making it equal in at-
tractiveness when the flesh is prepared -
for the table. In this variety there
will be a small percentage of plants
with white fruits, but the practleal
grower may discard these as soon as
discovered and gradually eliminate
them altogether.
Success in Spraying. •
Success in spraying is to be secured
only by careful. attention to details in
two principal directions. First, spray-
ings must be timely, and the proper
time vaaiies with the particular condi-
tions, The operator should know what
disease or diseases he is expecting to
prevent by the application of the spray
and should thoroughly post himself be-
forehand as to the correct times and in-
tervals for spraying for that particular
disease. The spray must be applied
ahead of the infection periods of the
fungi. Second, the spraaiiug should
be thoroughly done. In dormant spray-
ing a coarser spray can be used than
in summer spraying because the object
is merely to form a complete coating
of the spray over the wood. In sum-
mer spraying, however, an exceediugiy
tine, mist -like spray, reacliiug every
portion of the plant and covering with
minute dots preferably no larger than
a flyspeck every square inch of the
fruit and foliage, is necessary, It Is
not necessary that the minute specks
of the spray sbould entirely coalesce
into a coating, although where a sec-
ond or third treatment is made this
of ten results. But there should be no
spaces the size of one's thumb nail not
thoroughly peppered with the spray. -
51. B. Waite.
The Pecan.
With the increase of pecan culture in
our southern states frequent inquiry Is
made in regard to the cause of the
holes in the nuts. The insect involved
in these cases is the pecan or hickory
nut weevil; a pest which is evidently
destined to become one of the princi-
pal drawbacks to the cultivation of the
pecan. Indeed, in many parts of the
south it already divides that distinc-
tion with- the husk worm, so that it
has been truthfully said that what the
husk worm Ieaves the weevil destroys.
-F. H. Ohittenden.
Dust Abaor'.ants.
In order to help absorb Liquid ma-
nures and prevent the loss of volatile
ammonia compounds dust absorbents
are used. Good materials for use its
this way are land plaster (gypanm),
ka)nit, finely ground phosphate rock
anti phosphate, fine earth and sang.
The use of such materials as furnish
phosphoric acid and potash Is especial-
ly valuable, as they enrich the manure
in these plant foods.
Corn In Kansas.
The reportf the Kansa experiment;
0 Iia 6A8 es C
Station for the fiscal year 10064 states;
that corn under irrigation returned 10aa
bushels per acre as compared with fifty'
bushels per acre where not irrigated,!
the variety being the same in each
ease. .Again did the Pride of Saline
Variety excel All others tried.
Waste of Manure,
though mnnitro 18 regarded
highly by all farmers in sections where
1ertilizerel at% needed, noverthele8t
there is probably no product of equal
value 'which le so much neglected ROA
00 poorly oared fort. s