HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-21, Page 8cz FI A az Ls sti LW Er thoroughness, progres:iveness, utility, enthusiasm, expertness Aire Our %vat cliWords Commer- Courses in any Bubject, No v aea don VI J110111111 BUtlilleSS College Geo Sptitton, Principal THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL, XXXXYII,---NO. 1.894. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908. FREE I FREE' 50 cents We are selling $1,50 bottles of • Flaxseed Emulsion and IIypop- hosphites for 50 cents. Flaxseed is best fat•prodncer ever discovered and vihen com- bined with Iiypophosphites is un- equalled as a SPRING TONIC and as a remedy for Colds, Bronchitis, Exhaustion and Nervous Trouble. $1.00 Bottles- tor 50 cents Walton McKibbon� THE DRUGGIST. +� Edaodonald Block, Wingham, New Spring Goods Wo have just opened out our new goods for Spring and Summer. To say they are the nicest range ever shown here is patting It pretty strongly, but really the Snitiegs are beautiful, both in design and material. The prevailing colors are Ele. phant Grays a n d Browns in stripes and plaids. Of course Blacks and Blues are always cor- rect, and we have a large range of these goods. H ATS„.,., A choice stook of Hats in all the newest styles, furnishing, A good, new stock in all lines. Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars. Gloves, Fancy Vesta, etc. COME IN. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS, ROBT1 MAXWELL Merchant Tailor and 1Tlen's Furnishings Wear Greer's Shoes and Robbers Ranges to 1 Last Friday th Co. of this town sl their high-grade Rupert, B 0. Th of this kind to b western city and ranges have a goo from the Atlantic rince Rupert.. Western Foundry pped a car load of ranges to Prince e is the first shipment made to this new cows that Wingham reputation in Canada to the Pacific. WANTED —Large quantities eggs 180; and tub butter. GEO, E. KING. Prospects The fine weathe been a wonderful 1 everything is now The trees are nearl and grains and gar rapid growth. If prospects are now harvest. re Bright. of last week has 1p to the crops and in excellent shape. all out in full leaf len stuff have made root keeps away the right for a bountiful Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. SEED CORN-- The beat early matnring varieties for ensilage or green feed for suis. GEO. E, KING. Drowning !Accident. Gertia and Bert; aged 19 and 20 year aged 21, were dro on Saturday night' river. The bodies four hours later. a baseball matoh t ing on the Sangcen by two young me; Smith. The latter of the party. la O`trecht, sisters, s, and Fred Clarke, vned at Walaerton 'hi1e boating on the ere recovered about t the eorsolneion of ley went for a boat - River, accompanied named Clarke and is the only survivor Liberals of The Liberal cote vacant store of the open every events John T. Currie an the meetings. It tbere be a large day evening as will be discussed. BRING Meng your shoes! We do repairing and WE no IT BIOTIT Lowest priced. W. J. GREER, mgham. ittee rooms in the Wilson block are and all friends of requested to attend is important tbat tendance next Mon- atters of importance Special prices on al de of furnirure at WALKER'S Fnrni a Store. Quebec We have receiv of "Onward," at published by Wil)' containing five art Five Sieges anti with twenty -fon popular account to all Canadians. Importe Stallions. Mr. Arch. Peter re's imported sten liana "Pride of orning" and "Mid. :light Oro" will ake this season at their owner's et ble,;;,Victoria street Wingham. " Pri e of Morning" is an imported Olydead le stallion -and is sired by Baron's Pride. His stock has had a good record in he prize ring. The trotting bred stat ion, "Midnight Oro" was aired by Or Wilk, and his dam was Bessie Sidne by Young Sidney. Parties who are looking to impro.e their stock will d well to see ;;hese heroes. PHONE 59 ALL KINDS OF FRUITS and CHOICE GROCERIES —AT— Christie's Large seleeted stoek of Fancy China, Glassware,Croekery Open stock In Dinnerware, ete. rcentenary. the Quebec number illustrated weekly am Briggs, Toronto, oles on the Founding, �lonquest of Quebec, engravings. Gives a enbjeot of ince st Send for free s• •. pie. NOTICE—As Dr. B, h • ' e is about leaving town, all a ' • ants must be settled by the 10th of June. WANTED —Good cook; small family; high wages to xperienced person; references require i Apply to Mrs. V. Cronyn, 494 Dunda St , London. We've got the stock and the prieee that win interest you, nr -�+xir -"� - r�r`rir rr...wsfil�irF.�i�iw Mcving to Mr. Geo. C, Yonn man, Mr. A. Yonn three years has b firm Of Lewis B formerly in the W few months in the position as mane Engineering and William, which w hardware establi been a very saes rood and our res hear of his prom is to be oongrat sons at the head o as John H. Yonn Hobbs Mfg. Co. a Mrs. Young will 1 next Monday. ort William. son of our towns- , who for the past n representing the os., Ltd., Montreal, et and for the past est, has accepted a er of the Northern Supply Co., of Fort understand is a larg i ment. George has sfnl salesman on the ere will be pleased to ion. Our townsman Wed on having iwo large establishments is manager of the Winnipeg. Mr. find ave for Fort William "The Nati Mr. Geo. W. 0 of singers have 1 Blyth for the ev render the cants Christ," This c Wingham a few much enjoyed. Blyth can look i splendid evening' ty of Christ " 'ne and his company sen engaged to go to ning of June 5th to a, "The Nativity of state was given in weeks ago and was :he good people of rward to having a entertainm t. WOOL WANTED.— 50 .00 lbs. Wool e paid G. E. KING wanted. Highest New Stc The eonclndin "The Marathon this issue. Ne menta the publi story, "Red So' lace Phillips. new story one o this paper. N the TimEs to Wingham Lovers of a good keep in mind the dat raoes, June 10th and be three good raoes promises to be well entries are now c Secretary. Winghan have very snocesef promise to be beth year, y Next Week. chapter of our story, Mystery". is given in week we will corm t ation of an interesting tnders" by Henry Wal- nr readers will find the the beat ever given in w subeoribere can have tannary let, 1909 f. 50 Races. horse rape ehould of the Wingham lith. There will ch day and eaoh oontested as the ming in to the horsemen always raoes and they s than ever this Fon SALE —The best grades of Mengel, Turnip and Carrot seeds. GEO E KING. A Painful Drayman Thos. painful acoident on He was moving so tare and in carrying a workman, it fell For a time it was broken, but it was f injured. The ecoid Deane to the house f His numerous frien soon able to be aged cents and get the new story. Knox's are going out of wall paper, 10,000 rolls to be sold at cost. Now for bargains. Victo Victoria Day w ham and all plac closed. Many of the day out of to in the celebration a happy idea to ory of Queen Vic anniversary of he of which she was ing the greater pa century—an era of ment of the Briti occasion is used to children the lesson advantages of Brit in Canada share the greatest raoe in the we must share the its well as iia spiend is Day, very quiet in Wing• s of business were ur townspeople spent n. The band assisted at Listowel. It was erpetuate the mem• ria by dedicating the birth to the Empire e of the glories dux. - of the nineteenth nparalleled devolop- Dominions. The impress upon the of history and the h citizenship. We great destiny of the odern world, but roblems of empire ter and privileges. Great stock of side at cut rate prices at tura Store. a is and buffets ALT'ER'S Furni- Death of M The death coca test at Zetland of Mr, D, W. McDona Deceased was a de Thom and had reei Zetland for some t her bereaved hueba She had been in fai m onths. The ber sympathy of a lar The funeral to the on Friday last was Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon Erre, Ear, Nose rand Throat Will be *1 McKibbon's drug store, Monday, June 29th. Hours: 12a.m. to8p.m, Ghosts properly fitted. s. McDonald. red on Wednesday ssie Thom, wife of d, in her 27th year. ghter of Mr. Chas. ed in the vicinity of e, having married d a few years ago. ing health for some ved will have the e circle of friends, Wingham cemetery rgely attend: - . ccident. eans met with a Tuesday morning. household furni- stove, assisted by n one of his legs. ought the leg was and to be serionsly nt will keep Mr. ✓ some little time. s hope to see him on duty. Prize Mr. D. E. McDo Miss Mabel McD Caledonian game Monday and were different events. first prize for bes dance and Scotch Highland Fling, prize in the girls' won second prize pet;tlon. Many o pipers in Ontario and Miss McDon gratulated on the s 100 mattresses to sell prices for next 30 Furniture Store. at reduced at WALKER'S inning. Id and his daughter, nald attended the in St. Marys on ery successful in the se McDonald won dressed girl, sword reel and second for She also won first ace. Mr. McDonald in the piping com• the best dancers and ere present and Mr, Id are to be con- lendid day's record. WINGHAM D. STRICT MEETING The annual mei District of the held in-Brussels1 Locke, of Kinca Rev. T. W, Blat ley, Financial S. miniaterlal sessio ing pastors be Howson, Ford, son, Hussar, Mc Sawyer, Fydell, Look, Rivers, F gess. Revds. superannuated ter.dance. Re sed Secretary. to the ministr F. M. Smith. emanated mini year. The au District are N Pomeroy and y ear's supera oontinned as Haynes is art iog discussions the District. service was b ing a very ore Wednesday ed the minis bnsiness of t upon. Rev. T.E S nal Secretary assistant; Rev. cal Secretary an John Kerr wer The various sob oommented upon. in Missionary con ed and a decrees membership, after for the past year ficiences existed in cbargee. Applicati the Contingent Fu F. M. Smith's fune L. Russell for $7 Mrs. (Rev) W. W. pital treatment and funeral expenses of Resolutions wer sympathy with th oircnits who have to on their fields of labo oial Boards to mak to make np the sh ference meets. M recommending that of weak circuits o furred to Confers pointed for the pur have been made sonage to the exte horse shed, $425; B oircnit, $800; Ford new parsonage at and f nrnisbings, suited as follows: the Stationing Co Blatobford as the Laymen chosen ence to be held in Kerr and F. Lewis Jewitt, an vale ; H. Hopper, Whitechurch, Total member decrease 8. Miss 74. The total a $35,505.97, In School work 47 Total scholars o money raised. $ $349 06; for Edu Superannuation Aid, $52.42. 26 did not contrib past year. Rec from Sustentatio Rev. Mr. Fydell, J. O. Cook, Tiv A. Finlay, White L. Russell, Wrox Owing to the Rev. Mr Locke t Ford of Lnckno successor as chair at the coming Co eulogized his pred aocepted the office On motion the meeting will be h sponse to an invitati The date of next Epworth League 0 furred to 'the Exec bodies to deoide. Wil is & Co. have been successful in seouring the exclusive agency for Vim toric shoes for Wingham. This brand of ladies' sboes are generally considered to be the best made iu Canada. Read their adv. on page 5. Leaving Wingham. Dr. Bethune, w has been a resident Wingham for som years intends leave ing in the near f ore for the Rainy River District wh e he will reside with his son. Dr. Beth ne is one of the old- est physicians in the county having settled in Wingh m in March, 1877 He has been pract cing for fifty years, having graduated t Kingston in 1858 He has of late be practically crippled having injured hi knee some months ago, Dr, Bethun has a large circle of friends in this sec ion who will be sorry to bear of his 1 ving Wingham, blit will all wish hi many happy years in his new home. Refrigerator Ca port The Grand Tr have made arrang e ervice until Oct. frigerator cars to c follows:—Leave W Arrive at Montrea s hould ascertain fr prob able hour of ar so that ahipmenta the station too e e xpoted to the heat length of time befo Parlor Suttee a^dd "C�oo thee are our specialties for this aµyn.h. WALKER'S Furniture Store. ttJJ Auctioneer.1 We have receiv the County Tret licensed auctione. this county, as fo Geo. Beckett, T Stanley, F. S. S W. H Newton, Bossenbury, Joht W. A. Currie, W Smith, David Dio Thos. Brown, A Torrance, John eenberry, B. S. P Peddlars—J. E. aid, Geo. Vanda Thom. Langan, A. Miller, Geo. 13 R. A, McDonald, Outt, W. G. 0 John Young, J. 1l old, and Peddlers. d from Dr. Holmes, surer, a list of the re and peddlnrs for lows:—Anotioneers— omas Gundry, Jae. :oto, Tkos. Cameron, . W. Walker, henry Gill, R. MoOharles, a. Holman, James A. :Inman, C. H, Wilson, ex. Morricon, henry Purvis, Edward Boe- ailiips, Joseph White. iarnell, Wm McDon• burgh, H. A. Sones, P, K. Whaley, Stuart patty, Nelson Rexene, A. Dolgoff, James R. mines, Robert Shaw, E. Frey, Wm. Bush - Service For Ex. tter. Railway System ments for a weekly 17th, 1908, to run re- rry expo butter as ngha •• .` edneeday ; S••day, Shippers tation Agent the val at their station, ill not be brought to ly, and thereby be of the day an undue e arrival of train. F eed Come to the Wi feed. We have peas, screenings ranging from $1.00 Also bran, shorts an constantly on hand, Hows Grain. gbam Mills for your anitoba feed wheat, and mixed chop, o $1.60 per hundred. Low Grade Flour at right prices. N & BROCKLEBANK. ing of the Wingham ethodist church was t week, Rev. H. W. dine, chairman, and ford, B. A. , of Rip- retary. Tuesday the i convened, the follow. ❑g present : — Revds. wall, Locke, Hender- avish, Russell, Baker, Blatohford . Patterson, play, Wilson and Bur- urwash and Pomeroy, men, were also in at. . T. E Sawyer was elect Candtdate recommended , Frank Burgess. Rev. f Kincardine, a super - ter died during the past erannuated men on the S. Bnrwash and J. C. . R. Fydell asked for a nnation. Theo Hall is eupernnmery. A, 0 nding college. Interest- eneued on the work of n the evening a public Id, Mr. Burgess preach• itable sermon. orning the laymen join• rial brethren when the e District was entered yer was chosen Jour - Rev. G. W, Rivers, . A. Finlay, Statists. Rev. Geo. Baker and appointed Auditors dulea were read and $379 of en increase ibutioes was report of 8 in the church eaths and removals ere deducted. De. the finances of some ns will be made to d iu favor of Rev. 1 expenses; Rev. A. An Old County Clerk L note from John acknowledging tion to the co next month. if nothing hap certainly atten to meet other county to 00 that he was in the court hous present at the now occupied ignare, in A every office three times an number of tim all died in the seven or eight j registrars, and dating away bac Resident. ne is in receipt of a nobanan, of Carlow, eoeipt of an invita- nty council reunion . Buchanan says that ens to prevent he veil , and he says he hopes old residents of the are notes. He states oderioh ten years before was erected, and was reaking up of the land by the Court House 1845. He has Been n the court house filled most of them twice that s—"all worthy men, and arisen." He remembers dges, five jailers, four npants of other offices to the early days, Death of P Mr, Aroh. Mo sad news on Thnr den death of his Gillivray at Bev ceased had for so ing in a grocery s on Thursday mor with a live eleotri instant death. T Wingham a few y a0 ter McGillivray. illivray received the day last of the suds son, Mr. Peter Mo - ley, Mass. The de - months been work• re in Beverley and ng came in contact light wire and met e young man left re ago and was for some timeup . in in the Salvation Army, being stati ned in Nova Scotia. He had a wide c role of friends here, who heard of his death with deep re- gret. The remain were oonveybd to his wife's old home 'n Nova Scotia and thence to Wingha'•, Arriving here yes• terday afternoon, 'le funeral taking plane from his pa :nts home to the Wingham oemeter . The widow, parents, brothers an elstote will have the sincere sympathy of the community In their time of sudden bereavement. NORTH HU SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE ON CAMPAIGN. Both candidate conducting a vi have visited alm ridirg. Mr. Cur with excellent su his chances of "fixed" as a Co getting brighter tors of every divi their duty on ale should be victori of the last electio servative mejarit ible task to turn jority. A numb interests of Mr. 0 ing next week, pa be found in anotb The nominatio Town Hall, Win from 12 o'clock a after which addr the candidates an likely be a large n of the riding in W in North Huron are orons campaign and t every section of the ie has been meeting cess in hie canvas and ection in what was servative riding are very day. If the elec- ion in the riding do tien day the Liberals ne While the figures show over 200 Con , it is not an impose - is into a Liberal ma - of meetings in the iris will be held dur- •iculare of which will r column. will he held in the ham, next Monday on until 2 o'olock, ses will be given by others. There will mber of the electors ugham next Monday. SALE OF COATS Coate, value up to sale price $5.00, at —15 Ladies' Spring 7 00 each; Saturday H. E. ISARD &Co's. CHURC NOTES. Rev T. H. Farr, can Church at Gor to become rector of at Shelbourne. In St. Andrew's evening last, the pas preached an exo "Patriotism." A memorial sexy McGillivray will b vation Army bare 31st, at 7 p. m. The regular o0 connection with medical expenses; terian Church wil Leech, $35 for hos- morning, June 7th. Rev. J E. Cook for An adjourned me is child. ter of Maitland passed expressing y brethren on the Church, Kineardin first of June, at one noon, At a meeting of Union of the Dioce London on Tuesda ley, of Blyth was the Union. rector of the Angli- ie bas been invited e Anglican church hureh on Sunday or, Rev. D. Partin, llent sermon on e for the late Peter held in the Sal- ks on Sunday, May mnnnion service in t. Andrew's Presby - be held on Sunday eport dtficienoiee and urging Offr- a vigorous effort tages before Con - tion was carried he re• arrangements this District be re- ce Committee ap- ose. Improvements ip of Dietrion 4,525; nary givings, $4 612 - tilt of ruoney raised ferenoe to Sabbath ohools are reported. roll, 3,500; Total ,845.82; for Missions, ational Fund $15 23; chools out of the 47 e to Missions in the mmendations for aid Fund were put in for Bethel for $350; Rev. expected removal of was elected as his an until the election ferenoe. The latter oeseor and thankfully next May District Id at Gorrie in ra- n from that village, nvention was re. tivee of these two The annual meet Huron is being h week. Messrs. Be Nethery are the Paul's Church. The twenny-fift the London Confer Church will be h church, Exeter, co day, June 4th. Bishop McEvay, bishop O'Connor, the Archbishopric accepted by the Po ting of the Presby - 11 be held in Knox on Monday, the 'clock in the after - PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS. (JOHN T. 01.711RI Your vote and inflnenc ropectfully re- quested for the el -don Jolm T. t...urrie, Liberal Candidate N th Huron. Election June 81 '3 the Junior Clergy e of Huron, held in Rev. W. H. Hart. lected President of PUBLIC MEETINGS in the interests of Mr. Cur rie will be held as Town Hall, St. Helens, Wednesday', June 3rd. Young's Hall, Kintail, Thu sday, June 4th. Agricultural Hall, DougalinOn, Friday, June 5th. Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, Wednesday, Jnne Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, Thursday, June 4th. Foresters' Hall, Fordwich, Friday, June 5th. g of the Synod of d in London this . Scott and John elegates from St. All meetings will commence at 8 o'clock p, m. Every way welcome. annual session of noe of the Methodist Id in James street mencing on Thurs. Speakers will be as follmvs:—Dr. Macdonald, and J. G. Murdoch, Luc tinow, t Dungannon; Arch. Hislop, ex -M. P. P., at Be grave, vale, and Fordwich, arisisted by W. H. Kerr, Brussels, at /3elgrave; W. IT Fraser, Morris, at Bluevale, and the candidate at Fordwice. of the London dio- d the late Arch - hose resignation of Toronto has been e. members of St. A drew's Presbyterian Church will be eld in the Lecture Room of the Chu h on Monday even. ing, June 1st. 11 members of the congregation nre re nested to be present as business of impo tance will be up for consideration. Freak of ightning. The following d ted from Mount Forest appeared in Tuesday's Toronto papers; —1 Last nt ht, while Mrs. Hawke road a part of friends were returning home fr in Pike Lake, summer resort abou four miles from here, lightning atm k their carriage, completely wresking it and throwing the oecupants ont. Although stunned, ell escapel serious •jury, except Mrs. Hawke, whO had he arm broken." Boys and their invited to the M next Sunday event will speak on, "Bi sion to Type," bein on "Natural law in illustrated by inter The ushers will strangers to seats. At the regular meetirg of the E on Tuesday event of Monday, a de subject: "Resolve the best interests all foreigners fro try." The affirm the negative was end Ira Parker. instructive points both sides, but t advanced rather thers. are especially hodist church, for , when the pastor s, their minion and he spiritual world," ting facts in nature e pleased to show winless and literary orth League, held g this week instead te took place on the , that it would be in Canada to prohibit entering this oonn- tive was taken by Lloyd Awde, while held by Alex. (Mutts any Interesting and vvere brought oat on affirmative speakers e stronger argument. WANTED —100 tubs choioe grads butter; any quantity eggs. Highest prices paid, either cash or trade. Ono. E Knees for East Peterboro', it dead. Edward Prioe w shot and *grounded while practising at target in London, A. J. Jeffrey o Stratford has been appointed neceunt t of Inland Reve- nue, division of S ratfotd. Properties For Sale FRAME COTTAGE —Winne St. FRAME COTTAGE—Patrick St FRAME COTTAGE—North St. FRAME COTTAGE—Frances St FRAME 1SS, STORY—Victoria St. FRAME 134 STORY—Edward St. FRAME 13,,c STORY—Scott St. FRAME 2 STORY— Minnie St. BRICK STORY—Victoria St. BRICK 1 STORY—John St BRICK 2 STORY (new) —Victoria BRICK 1 STORY (uew) —Josephine BRICK 2 STORY (new)—Oatharine BRICK 2 STORY (modern) —Minnie Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Plot, Grtenville, Chisholmtown and in tbe central parts of the town Clan and see us. We can enit you. Don't all speak at once. Choice farms at right prices and on easy terms Insurance—all kinds. Farm Loans—low rates. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, Phone 123 1 The Leading Shoe Store It's Oxford Time There's a whole Summer's comfort ahead for the Man or Woman who buys Oxfords now. Furthermore, they're the stylish caper. More Oxfords will be worn this season than ever before. No matter what the price— no matter what the style— we're ready for you with the largest, finest and swellest stock of Men's and Women's Oxfords. FOR LADIES AND MISSES we have Oxfords at $1,25, $1,60 FOR MEN AND BOYS OTIT Plenty of styles at every price to seleet from. SEE THEM, and you'll see the Oxford display of the town. 13t7r ITEM and you'll bay at right priceS. see no tor Trunko and Valises. W. Greer