HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-21, Page 5TIIE w1NflrllAl'it TIMES, MAY 21, 1808.
�viols from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
It is possible to argaire a round sum
in a square deal,
Mr. W. A Smith, banker, of Forest,
shot himself dead.
is sent direct to the diseased
+ parts by the Improved Blower.
Heal; the *kers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and pertnanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo
The anneal profits of Monte Carlo
*mount to $5,000,0,0.
Even the dignified head waiter occa-
:eionlly puts his foot in it.
The essential lung -healing principal of
tie3 pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 26
If you would be happy let the other
LtUow do the worrying.
There's plenty of room at the top for
Vie ohap who is not dizzy•pated.
pm, the The Kind You Have Always Baugh`
A liberal -minded woman isn't always
giving her husband a piece of it.
It takes a brave man to tell a woman
that her baby looks just like any
John Dillon, who shot and killed
Policeman Shea at Montreal, has been
sent for trial.
A ➢»µch Pried Book.
'6W books are so universally known
land eo hignly priced as Dr. Chase's
. .eoeipt Book and the same may bo said
in regard to ne. Chase's Medioinea
Which now have a place in the •nedioine
cabinet of the great majority of homes.
,'lire Chaae'e 9iittnieet for example is
isiandard the world overt and ie prttetie-
sally the only actual cure for all fame
of piles.
k TO.
Many a man gets the upper hand
by dealing it to himself from the bot-
tom of the deck.
.A woman may not be able to do her
own cooking, but she can at least roast
the kitchen help.
B ears the The Kind Yoll Have Always Boag!
Daring 1900 the telegraph and tele•
pbone poles twee in this co -entry amount.
ed to 3,574,066, having au average
valuation of $2.65 each.
An average of four Sunday Schools a
day established for every day of the
last 83 years Is the record of the Ameri-
can Sunday School Union.
The firm of Cameron & Killoran
barristers, Godorich, has been dissolved.
Mr. Killoran will open an ofiioe in town
and practice alone, Mr. Cameron will
continue practice.
A smallpox patient, who broke
quarantine at Edmonton, was re -cap,
tared and planed in irons to teach
him to respeot the laws of public health.
The old parisn church of Honey.
church, Devonshire, England, is to be
closed, as the net yearly salary is leas
than $400, and no one can be found to
take the place.
There was a quiet wedding at the per-
sonage Teeawater on Tuesday, May 12th
at which Rev. M. J. Wilson cfiloiated.
The principals were Mr. Halton Harper
and Miss Haines, both of Carrick.
The Durham cement plant is billed to
turn out between thirty and forty thous-
and barrels of cement a month during
the summer. The output, according to
the Durham papers, has been contracted
The estimated revenue of Great Bri-
tain and Ireland for the years 1908 09
is $788,850,000 and the estimated ear.
pies $23,630,000 which will be used in
reducing the national debt which was
reduced by $90,000,000 in the year
Early last Wednesday morning at the
Preston car works, a man named Albert
Bechtel, one of the night shift, came in
contact with a live wire and received a
shook of 500 volts of electricity. It was
found that his iejuries, though not ne
oessarily fatal, might disfigure his eye•
After yourepotatoes are out of 11ogw,1
mow the top! off, twit filet too close, and
see if you don't have the finest and moat
bountiful orop you ever had. This is an
Irish kink from a potato grower of
Washington county. The idea is that
the tops have done their duty after
blooming. Try a few.
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
F. B Deacon, a well-known promoter, The following particulars have been
of Stratford, was arrested on a charge taken from the Hay assessment roll.
of stealing a promissory note for $1,000 Population, 3140; Persona from 21 to
Mr. P. A. McDougald of Winnipeg has
been appointed Chairman of the Board
etf Oonoiliation on the C. P. R. labor
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They onre backaohes, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inf amation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Fred W. Boachen, stook broker, Mont-
real -with branches at several points in
Ontario and Quebec, has suspended pay -
A building on King street, Hamilton,
was wrecked by an explosion of natural
gas. Two or three were hurt, but not
_EA.St'I`Ca 19t.X
Neil rte The Kind You Bata Always Bought
The Wiarton Echo says that during
the past season about $15,000 worth of
hay, oats and other stock feed was im-
ported into Wiarton. This was all
ening to the short crop in that locality
Islet season.
Nature's Remedy
La grippe, pneumonia and influ-
enza often leave a nasty cough when
they're gone. It is a dangerous
thing to neglect.
Cure it with
"Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier
Cures Ail Germ Diseases"
42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont.
Doctors Report
Many Cases
Say that Spring raver Is Prevalent.
Patient* Feel Drowsy, Dull,
Dead Tired.
How provoking to sleep well, but when
yon awaken to find none of the exhilar-
ation that reet and aloop should bring.
Yon ought to feel alert, bubbling over
with vim, but instead of this there's
dullness, langour, and disinolmation to
do things,
Three onuses for this sort of feeling—
a lazy liver, lazy kidneys, and a .lazy
stomach, the lain doiut its work very
poorly and compelling the other organs
so perform a task they aro uuequal to.
Note the conacquonce—blood is filled
with waste matter—poisonous eubatanoes
weighing down the nervone system—re-
banding processt-a absolutely impossible.
Take Ferrozone and note the rapid
change Your appetite improves and
your digestion soon is as good as ever
Your skin has ite natural color, the
sense of langour and unsteadiness if not
entirely gone, cornea back only .Doose
atonally, and then disappears,
You see Ferrozone restores all the
powers off the body to normal activity.
The reason you feel butter is because
Ferrpzone is driving out all the poison -
one wastes from the body.
Ferrozone imparts to the blood that
element that is necessary to render the
air you breathe vitally active and
strength giving. In the old condition it
simply acted ou the surface. Now it
entero deeply into all the activities of
the body.
Now you know that Ferrozone stimu-
lates appetite and makes rich, red blood.
Now you feel that Ferrozone gives
strength, endurance, vim.
Ferrozone clarifies the brain, imparts
tone and vigor to it, gives clearness and
Your will power is as strong as ever,
and your enjoyment of life has a new
zest because so vigorously renewed.
As a bracing. uplifting tonio for men,
women and obildren—as a medicine for
anaemia, weakness or nervous troubles
nothing excels Ferrozone.
Try it 50c. a box or cis boxes for $2 50
at all dealers.
The number of horses in the County
of Bruoe (according to statistics for
1907,) is 26,409 Only six counties in
the Province have more than Bruce.
Middlesex Co. heads the list with 33,894
horses to its credit The Province of
Ontario contains 725,666 horses. Vain•
ing eaoh at $100 would total over
seventy-two million dollars. Of cows
Brune Co. has 31,032. Of other cattle
the Province has 1,152,071. Hastings
is the Banner Co. for cows. having
60, 601; children from 5 to 21, 1118;
business aseesament, $33,475.00; income
$1650.00; total assessment, $2,325,070 00.
There is a gradual falling off in popu-
lation, especially in the rural districts.
Tired nerves, with that "no ambition"
feeling that is commonly felt in spring
or early summer, can be easily and
quickly altered by taking what is known
to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's
Restorative, One will absolutely note
a changed feeling within 48 hours after
beginning to take the Restorative. The
bowels get sluggish in the wintertime,
the circulation often slows np, the Kid-
neys are inactive, and even the Heart
in many oases grows decidedly weaker.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized
everywhere as a genuine tonic to these
vital organs. It builds np and strength•
ens the worn-out weakened nerves; it
sharpens the failing appetite, and univer-
sally aids digestion. It always quickly
brings renewed strength, life, vigor and
ambition. Try it and be convinced.
Sold by all dealers,
^ice ---
'Theory Vs. Ezperienee.
Theories are often very beautiful, but
they are not to be trusted as many a
physician has found out when it was too
late to save the life of his patient. It is
always safer to be guided by the exper•
ience of others and use only medicines
of tried and proven merit such se Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine for the cure of croup, bronchitis,
asthma, whooping cough andchest
R J. Follis has completed his work
of assessin the town of Ch 1 for
g w ee e9 0
the current year. The assessment in
1907 was $626,260; and this year $669,•
760. Of course these figures include
exempted properties which will ba pat
down for school rates only at the Court
of Revision. The population in 1907 was
1894 and the assessor's figures for the
current year are 1962 an increase of 68.
This includes the last detachment of
Cookneye. The population of Chealey is
now 17 more than the township of
The Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co.,
of Kincardine, ie asking the town for
a bonus in the way of a loan of 825,000
for twenty years and a fined assessment
of school rate of $8,000 for ten years,
The company agrees to employ 20 or 26
more hand in the event of getting the
loan. This would bring the number of
employed np to about 60.
The death on:Mondoy, May 11th, after
a brief illness of Mr. David Sexsmtth at
the age of 72 years, removes an old and
much esteemed resident of Kincardihe.
A native of Hastings County, Ontario,
Mr. Sexamith came to Kincardine near-
ly thirty years ago, and during his re-
sidence enjoyed the respect of all with
whom he came in contact.
Insolvencies in the Dominion of Can-
ada, as reported by R. G. Dann & Co.
were 11G in number and $1,19I,981 in
amount of defaulted indebtedness,
against 82 failures Iaet year for $93,559.
Manufacturingfailures fait nes were 28 in num-
bar and $569,179 in amount, against 23
singlet failures last year for $637,431.
Trading failnres numbered 86 and In.
volved liabilities of $593,602 against 67
last year for $365,228. There were two
other oommercial failures for 09,200
against the same number of failures In
1007, when the amount involved watt
An eminent naturallet has been mak
ing interesting observations of bitch:.
Some of our feathered rionds, it ape
pears, work 19 house a day, clearing the
crepe of inaeet8 and worms. The thrush
gets up at 2 30 every wonders and be-
gins his labors, and does mit unit until
9.30 al. night, Daring tbat time the vo-
raoions young Ones Aro fed 206 times.
The blaokb!rd starts in at the same hour,
but quits earlier, His working day '8 17
hours and youngatera are fed 100 times.
The titmouse works from 3 a m. The
old birds have been known to feed the
little onee 417 meals in one day, the fate
consisting mainly of oaterpitlars.
A market gardener named George
White, who resides on the Englintou
road, near Torouto, bas kept his daugh-
ter a prisoner for the petit year and a
half. White, who is of unsound mind,
has labored ander the impression that
to, daughter wants to kill him by
poisouiug. He has kept her a close
priaouer, ouly allowing her out to work
at times and when be could watch her.
For the past two winters she has been
compelled to live in a room with no
fire, and with no bed to sleep on. The
story Dame to ligbt though the girl
escaping and bting Been around at
large vita a newer} clothed, the only
ones she had. White and his daugh-
ter will be taken in hand and looked,
For Infants and Children, '
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Still another of the early pioneers of
Huron has passed away in the death of
Henry Cole, at the residence of hia son
in Rapid River, Mich.. a few days since.
Had he lived until August, he would
have been 94 years of age. Born in
Ireland, he oame to Heron about 60
years ago, settling near Constance,
where he lived for 16 years. From
there he moved to the Bayfield line,
Goderieb Township; after giving up
actual farming, he took up his residence
on the Huron Road, about 2';4 miles
west of Clinton, and from there he
moved into Cliuton where he continued
to reside until about six yenta ago,
when he moved to his son's place in
Miohigan. He was three times married,
his four children all being of the first
School authorities throughout the
Province will be shortly called upon to
comply with the provisions of the act
to regulate the means of egress from
publio buildings, wbiob was placed upon
the statute book daring the recent ses•
Bion of the Legislature. The act pro.
vides that in all cases where school
buildings are more than one story in
height the doors shall be so constructed
as to open outwards. The importance
of this new requirement will be rapidly
reoognizsd as an effort to take precau-
tions against the occurrence of terrible
diaaatere, sash as that which took place
in the United States a few weeks ago.
The enforcement of the new law will
necessitate the alteration of the exist-
ing exits in many achoo'td,
Feel As Though It Was Being
As Though It Would Crack Open?
As Though a Million Spark3 Were
Flying Out of Your Eyes?
Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach?
Then You Have SIck Headache 1
will afford relief from headaches no matter
whether sick, nervous, spasmodie. pnioduc 1 e+
bilious. It cures by removing the cause.
Mr. Samuel J. Hibbard. Belleville, Ont.,
writes: "Last spring I was very poorly. my
appetite failed me, I felt weak and nervous, had
*ick headaches, was tired all the time and not
able to work. I maw Burdock Blood Bitters
recommended for just such a case as mine and
I got two bottles of it, and found it to be an
oxoeU.ent blood medicine, You may use my
name as I think that others should know of the
waaderful ieaerits of Burdock Blood Bitters."
Ri3E L®D1ES' P'E!'POIt1TIi1,
Laxa-Liver Pills are theladles' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
0 :e of the moat esteemed farmers of
Huron Tp passed away on Saturday,
May gab, in the person of John Black-
well, at the age of 77 years 6 months and
after an illness of less than a week's
duration. He was a native of Tipper.
ary, Ireland, but oame to Canada when
live years old and settled in Renfrew.
In 1852 he married Mary Ann Crozier.
For over fifty years, he, with his wife,
had resided in Huron, and earned for
himself, the reputation of an honest, hon-
orable, trnthworthy gentleman. He
was the father of an estimable family
.of five sone and three daughters. Until
eight yea s ago he lived at Purple Grove
on the farm now occupied by George
Hawley, when he purchased the Ballan-
tyne farm near Pino River,
Preacher's Opinions
Rev. P. K. Mcrae, Forks Batitleck,
C. B.: ''I always count it a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies
to my parishioners. I believe there
is nothing better for throat and lung
troubles or wealcness or run-down sys-
tem. For speaker's sore throat I have
found Psychine very beneficial."
Rev, W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.:
'`Psychine seemed just the stimulant my
system needed. I shall add my testimony
as to its efficacy at every opportunity."
Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst Head,
N.S., "I have often recommended
Psychine sines taking it myself, for it
is a cure for the troubles you specify."
Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I
have used Psychine in my family; the
results were marvelous. I have visited
people who state that they never used
its equal. I strongly recommend it.
Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.:
"I have taken two bottles of Psychine
and am pleased to say that I ani greatly
improved in health. I was troubled
with my throat, but now I find it about
restored to its normal condition. I
find my work very much less taxing.
I believe Psychine is all claimed for it."
These are earnest preachers of the
gospel of Psychine. They know where-
of they speak. •Psychine cures all
throat, lung and stomach troubles. It
is a great voice strengthener, acting
directly on the vocal, respiratory and
digestive organs, thus specially adapted
to public speakers. At all druggists,
50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
A regiment of soldiers was.making a
protracted, weary march along a heavy
oountry road, and the men, eager for
food and rest, were impatient to reach
A man on horseback rode past.
"Say, friend," called out one of the
regulars,"how far is it to the next town?"
"Matter of two mike or so, I should
think," came the answer. And the
rider vanished.
Another long hour dragged by, and
then the soldiers came upon a laborer.
"How far is it to the next town?"
they asked, eagerly.
"Good two miles!" said the laborer,
and proceeded on his way.
Half an hour's farther marching
brought them to a third wayfarer.
"How far to the next town?" they
once more naked.
"Not far," came the encouraging ans.
wer. "'Only two miles!"
Through the general atmosphere of
depression rang the voice of an optimise
do sergeant:
"Ma.ercb, boys-171aTeld for your lives!"
it cried. "We're holding our owl:
anyway 1"
Frank J. Cheney makes_'oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore.
said. and thet said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can-
not be cored by the nee of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A D. 1886.
(Seal,) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and ants directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free,
F. J. CHENEY & CO , ToIedo, 0,
Sold by all Druggists, 76o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for coneti-
Hard to Answer.
"Now, I want to know how long it
will be before I get an answer to this
letter?" a young lady demanded, with
a tt11•tale blush, as she handed the
poet -office clerk a communication ad-
dressed to her lover.
"That depends," said the clerk refieo-
tiyely. "If he's in jail, they won't let
him write once a week, and in some
places only once a month, on Sundays,
If he's dead broke he'll have to wait un-
til he earns the price of a stamp, and I
have no data on which to base an °pin-
, ion of his earning capacities. If he's ill
in bed, he may fejel delicate about dic-
toting his real sentiments to a cold, die-
interested third person, and if it's small-
pox they won't let him write at all.
Then, again, it he's got a newsgirl—"
She didn't wait for the clerk to com-
plete his catalogue of contingenoiee.
(Toronto Saturday Night)
Many a man entering a modern, or-
nate Pullman oar has stepped aside
said "Excuse me," on encountering
his own reflection in a long mirror,
hut a delegate to the recent conven-
tion at Montreal had a more exagger-
ated experience of the kind, The
delegates from Ontario stayed at the
Windsor Hotel, and one of them oame
in quite late and in a very tired condi-
tion. Going to his room he lost his
way in the corridor and then thought
he saw some ono approaoblog him in
the dim religious light. As they met
he asked:
"Are you the night porter?"
No reply.
"Are you the night porter?" he asked
Still no reply.
"Well, you might have the civility
to answer," he remarked with dignity,
and turned aside to pass the silent in-
Then he discovered that he had been
talking to his own rtfleotiou,
The May "Rod and Gun."
Exceedingly attractive is the May
number of "Rod and Gun and Motor
Sports in Canada." published by W. J.
Taylor at Woodstock, Ont. Stories of
hunting moose, mountain goat, bear,
deer and dunks surely offer enough
variety to the hunter, while to the fisher-
men the papers ou salmon in Ontario
rivers by the Rev. Dr. Murdoch, and
maskinonge fishing by W. Hiokson must
call up meinories and awaken thoughts
such as only the fisherman can know.
"•Early, Postal Difficulties in Eastern
Canada," is a contribution to the hist-
ory of a past which is near enough to be
of the deepest interest to the present
generation. The visit of the President
of the Alphin@ gni? of Canada is des-
cribed and a touching account given -of
the fatal accident whioh occurred to the
leader of the party attempting a record
olimb in the Swiss Alps. "The Majesty
of the Mails," a story of heroic efforts
made by the letter carriers of the far
north to deliver mails is told in graphic
fashion and one understands as one reads
this fine contribution how it is that des-
pite enormous difficulties and dangers
the Hudson Bay Company have never
lost a mail. .What wonderful heroes
these northern mail oarriers are. Am-
ongst the many other interesting pieces
to be found within this number is a page
of "Canoe Don'ts"—most appropriate as
the canoeing season of the year is just
beginning, and en account of a one -
legged trapper who makes his own
wooden lege. These are but samples of
the many good things in this number
which in itself forms a demonstration
of the wide field of interesting experien-
ces to be found within the Dominion.
The End Not In Sight.
The Toronto Telegram of Tuesday
said: "Gradually the York Loan real-
ty, the principal asset of the defunct
company, is being sold off, but the
greatest part of it is yet to be disposed
of. Eighteen months ago this land was
put on sale, and at the time there were
nine miles of street frontages to be sold.
All property south of Howard Park
avenue, west of Ronoesvalles, and also
a large portion of the land east of the
latter street and north of Howard Park
avenue, belonged to the company. The
property was bounded on the went by
Keele street. Up to the present time
there has been about $360,000 worth
sold, nearly a million dollars worth
remaining. An official of the company
is of the opinion that it will be five years
before this land will be cleared oat to
purchasers. New streets are being
opened, and a whole new neighbor-
hood is planned, Most of the land
sold is east of Roncea' alles, and a
great deal of it contains houses. There
are only three of the York Loan houses
to be sold. From the work done it is
easily seen what a tank the winding up
and settling of affairs of the company
will be, and many who have been im-
patient for a settlement are coming to
find out that they will wait a long time
before they will get what they expect
out of the wreck,".
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are a epeoiAo for all diseases and .b-
orders eriiihr from h run-down condi-
tion of the heart or nerve Cyst. nt, inch
as Palpitation of the Heart, Nervone
Prostration, Nervottnnee.ti, Sleeplene.
ne e, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Brain rag,etc. They ars especially beneAciat to
women troubled with irregular men -
Price SO cents per box, or a for OAS.
All destere, or
Tex T. Idtr.TIIn r ilo., Lauren.
Toronto, Ont.
Health Saving Explained by a Wing -
ham Cittzen Who Knows From
Many Wingham people take their
lives in their hands by negleoting the
kidneys when they know these organs
need help,
Siok kidneys are responsible for a
great amount of suffering and ill health,
The reason so many use Booth's Kid-
ney Pills is their quick relief for all
Kidney weakness, Hero ie what a-
Wingham citizen says:—
B. Leary-, of Minute St , Wingham,
Ont. says: "My back had been weak.
and tender and a severe, grinding pain
would catch me across the kidney region.
if I would stoop over or lift anything,
Thn hdney secretions had become un-
usually irregular and frequent and the
urice was highly colored and filled with
brick dust sediment, I had tried sever-
al different kidney remedies but had
found none of them to benefit me. I
learned of Booth's Kidney Pills through
an advertisement and procuring a box
at Mr. McKibbon's Pharmacy I com-
menced their use. I was soon convinc-
ed, however of their wonderful curative
insets. My bank soon had strengthened
and the pains and tenderness had left
it. The kidney secretions were reduced
to normal and the urine cleared. Booth's
Kidney Pills are a fine and reliable
remedy and I will always recommend
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents.
The R T. Booth Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie,.
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
If you would be popular keep your
troubles to yourself, that will help.
for Wingham and adjoining country to
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries"
Largest list of commercial and do-
mestic fruits—large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes
one of our epeoialties. Stook that is
hardy comes from us.
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars.
Foothill Nurseries
(850 acres)
TORO.. To, QArYA o9 .
• If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
•• or make a better monse•trap than his neighbor, though he
• timed his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emer.or,
• •
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
•4. w:
•• •
♦ ,�
t4. 4a. 4 tee
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
.444•44.40144.441444444.. •••••••••••••••••••••••New