HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-21, Page 41 1 i TIIE WINGHAM TIMES, MAY 21, 1905 °9400040000000400000 3: Rickets. _. • 0, Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones are not forming rapidly enough. ' Lack of nourishment is the cause. • Sc Sc' Emutsion nourishes baby's Thursday and Friday, * entire system. Stimulates and _p snakes bone. The mtmbora of the G1enannaii . Exactly what baby needs. t LENANN<'LN Mr, Bartley Aitken has purchased a now driver. Mr. Omar Stokes has purchased the farm, lot 1, oouceseion 11, from Mr. Ralph Metcalf. O,ving to the Teachers' Convention there will be no school iu No, 3 an This Brand of GlothinA is becoming more popular every day. There is a reason for it. Come in and find out ! ! ! Holiday Novelties. NEW FANCY VESTS—In light, medium and dark shades. NEW SHIRTS --Exclusive novelties in the famous Star and Regal Shirts. NEW TIES—The latest in Narrow Four -in - Hands, Batwings, Bows, Strings, Windsors, etc. NEW COLLARS—The latest in a close -fit- ting double Collar—we have it. NEW HATS—A shipment of up - to - date styles just in. Our New Straw Hats are here. Mutual Imp• ovement Society are talk- ing of having a pionio on the 25th of May. 'oriented Safe Iloadache Cure, Away with headaches, be done with dizziness; bad stomach and bilioueneas A cure has been found—use Dr. Hama. ton's Pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but healthful vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamiltou'a Pills, They cleanse and purify the whole system, ant as a perfect tonin. Safe for children, girls,women and men. Sold in 253. boxes by all dealers. • FOItDaVICII• Rev. Dr, Hussar, the pastor of the Methodist Church, iu his report to the Offioial Board stated that he had travelled during the year 601 miles by train and 2,276 miles in hie vehicle; that he had made 103 visits to sick people and 224 pastoral visits -327 in all. He had 9 weddings, conducted 8 funerals, baptised 11 infants and 2 adults. He has preached 131 sermons, besides 7 funeral sermons, and also had delivered eleven lectures and ad- dresses, besides prayer meeting and League addressee. & Campbell NEW OXFORD SHOES—In Tan and Pat - Thread. NG UP-TO-THE-I4IINUTE. e.pt Leather. NEW FANCY HOSIERY—In—In Cashmere and Lisle EVERYTHI McGee CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. J `Y' ALL DRUGGISTS: S50c. AND $:,,0}0� _ 044.04/04.4"0040 00. EAST WAWANOSH. Wm. Naylor has taken the j ,b of drawing the gravel for the new school in school seotion Nu. 7. A, A. Naylor, who spent his vacation in this vicinity, bas returned to Toronto to continue his studies in telegraphy and railroading. Robert Thompson has been laid off work for a few days, owing to an ac- cident he bad while frami,ig with Joseph Flynn. Mr. Thompson had the misfortune to fall from a girt in a barn, lightiug on his back. He escaped without serious injories and his many friends were glad to ase him able to the open razar being h>ld in hia other start to work again last week. hand. The keen blade name in contact Weak women should read my "Book No 4 For Women " It was written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how these sooth- ing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Care is sold by all dealers. . $ ,eeeeeeeGeeeeeeosoosS•ee ®e99®3te$09611e9499e®eei'LeOWO •• • • e• illoilsEcLEANINGBARGAINs• e • •• s e • e . e ..• .de Why so, ;much worry about CURTAINS? Come in and allow us to e ' w lighten your burden by assisting' you in choosing some of the daintiest and most durable materials on the market. We • • have DOTTED MUSLIN from 15e a yard — nothing nicer • .--1.for Curtains. LACE CURrAINS from 25e a pair up. e N• : MADRAS in all colors, at most reasonable prices. n `.• Do you require ART DRAPERIES, ART SATEEN or FURNITURE : Ai COVERING? Isere again we can suit you, as we have a •• complete line in all shades and different qualities. ,4,410 .In 4,011 v11 • '..• DRESS GOODS. •• • this department we ask you to come and inspect our goods before purchasing elsewhere. We have a most up • to - date stock— • the very latest shades are shown, and prices will suit ell.o • • • • GROCERIES.— Fresh Groceries always in stock. • • W 310121LIS. Court of Revision of the 1908 A0- sesement Roll will be held on Friday, May 29th, at 10 a m o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Lambie and baby and Mrs. Kent, of Midland, Mich , were visitors at Jae. Dancan's. Mrs. Kent is Mrs. Lambie's mother. The electors of Morris should give John T. Carrie a large majority on the 8th of June. The other day as Walter Yuill was shaving himself he reached over the head of one of his daughters, who was writing at a desk, to get a newspaper, Do You Feel Used Up? You're discouraged and played out —scarcely enough energy to think, and lees to work on The reason? You are run down, blood is thin, nerves are like Indian rubber, not like steel as they ought to be. Use Ferrozone and the tired feeling will go—it can't stay be• amuse rich nutritious blood and the bodily vigor Ferrazme makes, crowds out weakness of every kind. Uee Farr - ozone and yoa'll feel like a fighting king—full of energy—filled up with ambition—ever ready to work. No etrengtbening tonin so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Farr - ozone in 50 et. boxes. BLYTH J. G. Moser has removed the fence from in front of his new residence and levelled the ground. He is also having a verandah erected. At a meeting of Blyth fair Board held last week the dates for Blyth Fall Fair were fixes]. for Tuesday and Wed - needy, Sept. 29th and 30th, The prize list is to be revised, Frank Metcalf, who has been the secretary•treaenrer of the fair for years, placed his re- signation in the hands of the board to take effect as soon as a suitable snooeesor can be found. The board expressed regrets at Mr. Metcalf's with- drawal and hoped the contemplated trip to California would restore his wife to health. • Highest Prices Paid for Trade. • t.a N. a D• M. GORDON.• • ••o oe000seess imeoeooeeearoso•• etto••••• o•••osooeoteceetae• Victoria shoes ala1.VeVtirv.+7ars.•Yvrlalb4ti-oaa.•valsagssersfo1101.1A Victoria Shoes for ladies are the best Cana- dian Shoes made. This week we opened up a big ship- ment of these goods in Patent, Dongola and Russian Tan Calf leathers. We recommend them to all ladies who want the best .fitting, best wearing, best looking Shoes made in Canada. .10 DIFFERENT STYLES Prices - - $3.00, $3 5o and $4.00 per pair. WILLIS t. CO. Sole -Agents for Victoria Shoes. Opposite new Bank ot, Commerce Building. PHONE 129. P,S.--Beginning Tuesday, 26th, we will close each evening at 7 1'.rt., excepting Saturdays and nights before holidays. with the daughter's neck nutting a gash two inches long. Fortunately the wound was not deep and a doctor soon put in a few stitches to close it. The result might easily have been fatal. BOYS' CLOTHING 5 THE LEADING STORE Ic:":;:cf WIIITECIIUItUR. The heavy rains have done some good. Last week two agents representing the Northern Michigan Nursery Co., were oanvassiug around here, and doing business. They said they paid $400 duty last year on stook coming here. WEST WA\VAN(>SII. Another of the old and respected pioneer settlers of Wawanosh, in the person of Robert Fowler, passed to the great beyond on Saturday, May 9th, from hie home on. the 7th concession, and was buried in Dungannon ceme• tory. Deceased was almost 00 years of age, and until the last couple of years was quite active in all the affairs of life around him. The respect in which he and his sorrowing widow and other relatives are held was mann fest in the large attendance at the funer- al, although it was a very busy day with farmers. Although crippled by rheumatism deceased died of old age, literally worn out with a long life of pioneer work. Dou't Neglect Your Cough. You may dislike taking medi:ine— but coughs are best cured without medi- cine. The modern treatment is "Oa- tarrhozone"—it isn't a drug—it's a healing vapor, fall of pine essences and healing balsams. It spreads over the surfaces that aro weak and sore from coughing, Every spot that's congested is healed, irritation is sobthed away, phlegm and secretion are cleaned out and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cured. Nothing so quick, so surd. so pleasant as Catarrhozone. In 25 et. and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. A considerable quantity of nursery stook has been delivered in White- church and Langside from the firms of T. Bowman & San, Ridgeville and E. D. Smith, of Winona. Norway Spruce seems the favorite evergreen. The condition of the apple trees was not perfect, some of them having been barked in the handling. Aug Wcattnese In Your Back? Sometimes yon experience pain and weakness without ranch suffering. Lat• er on the pain will surely come. The trouble can be stopped uow by rubbing on Nerviline—rub it in deeply over the spine. and then put on a Nerviline Por- ous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lum- bago, which is the outcome of neglected pain in the back or side. For all mus- cular pains, strains, and weak- ness, Poison's Nerviline aod Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse eub- stitutee. ILULLETT Sunday, May 10th, tho spirit of John Plaetzer took its flight from this world at the age of 83 years and 13 days. The deceased had been a healthy man all his life and was only i11 21 hours, the cause of his death being a paralytic stroke. He was born in Germany and name to Canada at the age of 6 years, and at the ago of 27 came to Hallett township and settled on lot 34, con. 14, where be has lived continuously. Mr. Plaetzer was married twine, his second wife whom he married 37 years ago, ear• vives with a family of 5 children:— Mrs. George Youngbint, Hallett; Mrs. Goman, Brantford; George, Auburn; and John and Henry in Muskoka. He was a member of the Evangelical ohurch and a Conservative in politics. • A meeting of Camp Angus, Sons of Scotland was held last Friday evening when a number of new members were initiated. Organizer Craig and D. E. MoDonald, Chief of Caledonia Camp, Winghani, were present; and also Bro. Ross of Teeswater, whose little son, in Highland danoing, delighted the, mem- bers present. Officers for the new Camp were installed as follows: —Chief , Robt, Carrick; Chieftain, J. G, Gilles- pie ; illes•pie; Past Chief, Andrew Fox; Chap , Rev. Geo. P. Dancan; .Physician, Dr. Jamieson; Roca Secy., Geo. Lamont; Fin.•Secy. andTreas., Thos. Henderson; Marshal, Dsvid Kennedy ; Standard Bearer, Peter Kennedy. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, 29th inst., when a program will be ren- dered and a permanent night of meeting selected. GREY. Next meeting of the Township Coun- cil will be held on May 28th, A good cow belonging to David Inglis, 7111 oon., had to be killed last week owing to her leg being broken in a fight with a steer. BLi7EVALE Tarnberry Council will meet as a Court of Revision in the Clerk's ofli.;e here on Saturday, May 30th. Rev. W. J. West and Mr. Robert Maxwell attended the meeting of Mait- land Presbytery at Teeswater on Tues- day. A number of the ladies of the Presby- terian Church attended the meeting of Maitland Presbyterial'Society in Tees - water on Tuesday. Miss Iona Bryans, of Jamestown, has been forced to sever her pleasant rola• tions with her music class here owing to ill health in her family. Mrs. John Robertson, of Boissevain, Manitoba, ie making a month's visit with her numerous relatives and friends in Wingham and Blnevale. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Elliott, of East Wawanosh, Mrs. Jas, Johnston, and Miss Berlina Johnston, of Westfield, visited relatives here last week. Mr. iTaiiiea Masters has returned from a month's tour of the West during which he touohed at Winnipeg, Mooso- min, Calgary, Vancouver and Burling- ton, Wash, Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar 50c. Sold by all dealers. The various steel bridges in the township that require painting will be treated to a new preservative dress daring the coming season. The trustees of S. S. No. 2 have re- engaged their present effioient teacher, Miss Rebecca McNair, at $150. She has taught 2 years and does first•elass work The home of Mrs. Thos. Cardiff, 13th con., was the centre of attraction to a large nhmber of relatives and friends on Wednesday, May 6th, the cause of it being the marriage of James Baillie of the 16th oon. of Elma, to Miss Mabel Victoria, youngest daughter of the hostess. At 4.30, to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Mand Ferguson; of Walton, consin of the bride, the young couple took their planes and Rev. H. M. Lang•Ford per- formed the ceremony liuking them for life. Established r879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach t It cures because the air rendered strongly anti• septic is carried over the diseased surface welt every 'Meath, giving prolonged and constant treat. went. It is invaluable to_ mothers midi small children, Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in. flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. LIMNING, M,t.cs Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN IS NOW ON ! ANO SO IS ISARD'S 1310 GLOTUING SALL SEE FOR YOURSELF. We're not buying and selling at random ! Not even accepting all that's told as about qualities ! We investigate and compare—and we want you to do the same ! It's easy to say : Sash walu.s were never known in Wingham before; but you can't beg -in to grasp alt we mean without coming to see. BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS -12 Suits, Norfolk style, nicely made, well lined, shall pattern tweeds, sizes 22 to 28 ; regular �$2©O value, sale YOUTHS' SUM'S- Made of good, strong, dark Tweed ; coat. vest and pants. Oar special cut price..,. $3.95 PANTS—Boys' strong Tweed Pants, lined ,..... .0 VESTS—Men's Tweed Vests, with strong linings, sizes 36 to 41. A bargain, only.... .... $1.00 MEN'S TOPPER. COATS—Made of fiae Oravenette, well tailored; colors olive or gray. Special price .... • .. $6.95 MEN'S SUITS -10 Men's Suits to clear ; latest ent, small dark pattern tweed, strong linings ; prices up to 53 00. Oar sale price.... .... $0,.751 MEN'S RAIN COATS—A good strong wearing Coat, good value at $4 00, On sale at ,... •.. $30 0 PANPS—Men's strong wearing Pants, 51.25, for ,......... $1.00 MEN'S SUITS -15 Suits, fiae Tweeds and Worsteds, neat stripes and checks; good baying at $12; sale .. ,. $10.00 MEN'S PANTS—Fine Striped Worsted and Tweed Pants, all slzss; good vaiae at $2 50 , out pride.... $2.00 OVERALLS—Good, strong Black or Blue Overalls ; well made, riveted seams ; our special price........ ,... ..,..... .69 URAVENETTE OOATS—See our Special Coat ; fall sizes ; dark gray: cheap at $12. Oa sale at,... ... $10.00 NEW BATS. You will find all the latest styles of H 1RD and SJFP 511TS here. Why pay FANCY PRICES fiir your NEW SPRING II ITS when you can buy at a BIG SAVING at ISARD'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE? THE SAME VALUE given for your BUTTER and EGGS at this store as for your CASIIII"" H. L. isard 6c, Go. 1 IMPORTERS, WINGHAM. PHONE 68.R t f� BRUSSELS. W. J. and Mre. Fawcett and daugh- ter are back to their home Here after a few weeks in Toronto. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Fawcett are enjoying the vig- orous health people desire. The coming of Summer weather will bring a great improvement we hope. The Public Library is now open at the.regnlar hours and is under the care of Mrs. Jessie Kerr, who sncceeds Miss Minnie MoNaughton. Great improve- ment is noticeable in the Library, the walls and ceiling being papered. Books have been raatrranged and the whole plane looks clean and neat. A new, covering has been put on the magazine table and the large lamp lowered so as to afford better light. - Mrs. Garry and children, of Blyth, are holidaying with relatives in Brus- sels and vicinity before removing to Fort William. Mr. Gerry was here also over Sunday. He has packed up his hardware stook in Blyth and is ship- ping it to Fort William where he pur• poses embarking in business. We wish him success in the Northern town where he will no doubt do well. Bart and Ira Garry, two other brothers, have a large hardware in Fort William and do a big trade. The annual meeting of the Woman', Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Brussels, was held on May 7th, Iwhen the following officers were duly elected for the coming year;—Pres., Mrs. J. L Kerr; 1st Vice Pres,, Mrs B G Powell; 2ad Vice Pres., Mra, J. T. Wood; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Lsatherdale; Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. L. Jacks son; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs, A. 3, Lawry. The aura of $61 56 was I raised during the past year for Missions, and a bale of clothing, &3., valued at 1$10 00 was sent to Pakan, Alberta, to , assist in the work among the Galaciana. This Week' Specials: tri LA / l 6va Le GENUINE FROST sfeasllaltaaet•IrI summomwmplumpunigummagiummirmgpm 1®1111011=1 —Best Galvanized Pails, 45 per. cent alT regular price. —Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for 5c. —Graniteware at Great Reductions. Get our prices. —For Screen Doors and Windows we can't be beat. —Garden Rakes, Lawn Rakes, Hoes. Spades, Shovels, etc., etc., at lowest prices. —Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips, Mops, etc., for housecleaning. We also carry a large assortment of the Best Paints on the market, including --Celebrated Sherwin-Williams' —Robertson's' and the —Toronto Lead & Color Co's. Church's Alabastine for walls, in 20c and 40c packages. If you intend building, it will pay you to get our prices. COIL SPRING WIRE FEST PORTLAND CEMENT 4 ilYoung's Big Hardware r � a