HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-05-31, Page 7WX "W
Mrk 77
:7 -7
17 117
. .... .......... . ..... .
W iln�oi", with fegr,� 'instead 0 P, and, be, r hat rall'bellievoero
Ing, �a -p4a�pou I . I I I d -1. d - f hif ta* 4411; "M epii.lVes t b,0 _1' -Like I
q ut the, Pat8JPOuUt talliteg. jei% at- clipsin Rt Pa; �t. er 0 the
n) -%o I , r. , III , ed; r did hot
p�. tli tp.qr o -? 4 , - It,
from t e, elgh —The p
hltn,.Wb;kt WO104 !)"Me, of th a
bea�ven. tend, on e 1o"a. patt d, ther loft
p"or" eirtw, t _lghts. Of _e )yiire t,hlj:tpe,j. 1%0
X4 the bac ,,. orn or, heaVp,n,'l bootie
ARC"RY lazi4ey If w At 4 n6nl.�) 11 � oI
IG' SP.` lien, Anting for , it I wor,� whel they,:
bear mhould. stand ililverl k - And, give,him full swing, fok. 14' POol 11.1, lili, oftne- fell till, 41sra,�; Ve. n.�
t mg wit), Aa 4041. 1pv�r did thaf i -t Uaty Is tQL his
eberg? What WqUA4 lRe,missefi the mark; learth.—Henry, To
prrw c *0 , ap'Pe
litza try.' JruMpJ peoplor� * lleal,ep On lrli� e the, -ir-jr1c: tv, R, '111j;'he
imp. We-nts to, $jep �"%A * , r,� . k . dL,
Dl)rjlq�otj , 'night thry, :Wpre at,
PC lop havoil,'bece es; of )�ui jitu 44 -4
Ad be goes down, depth, below devtIa, An evapr " "foi.- lls.pl� 4
Orr, f- "v _xt�AX*.br, Qy0,(j_W;L1hout reMed57 ais I
lemlohiji f1iijit rp, 00fore, flie r men,, a III 11w.1% 1104 priest, sllcj� "A� ring ext
07; ri-,�eent t(i Rail" watches.
faint -,I eart, and w*k *4"? 11 that- the �Failker e ley were
Men: lielpi. devils,! W.Jhaltohal,Rwe�cri. hiq 61v",
i6olna it t1iiin."o 'Le 1
0 1 'Pee �cxtastf60h�T t It bp';
es of 1? 000p.,,of awful II96'rAfIrAl -fg O'ne, 0
+ W, pan *Pr, th �lttq- 'Wilol
Y:q Iguatte worla.,f - *
it 1, h W',eyq 94 1" 4p known forever he t te ,r.,,at V -e
a; 14 j t he. *ou,l'.m death, leAp,:, e j)jrIde
had� enotigiii faith, In flr th '14kirkiii imprin 25. Offer, blm�plf or, 'tig
ti vaWg pril the'g A' e Olt hIM"
Pi. Valmage �urgep t.- could, bring a 'Aiteady ili4rel" tire ap
&W, PW*- 111 hundred Cimmire,". 0 � ye, the neit v.c
Iti4j, � L I .
lo -0- - T
mircho. , I , ... I in
In: mbn,�,
vo�k .*V#r Ill1a 40 InO_reased!, ' fidbUt Qp.' jw�
Vwiwpem r4ort in this dIX kheiil that . the. a �t ostle 'shorw�
on (,,o
k perhaps to SUNDAYS out Chriat_,* on(,(,
.11 'n
In*- 1,41, arqu poi ations",
tion 0, this affe
wol;,� much, eiillirt, see s-,tq beljeVe less of dnIqqKV, prowl e w. ifficiiint,� for" a
'proporse, as pu
and in and allt��agei. i§e others
soilild leiss� imi'llt. I b'eiIe.vq'-'morq an about 4 community. a ob '12. wood tarov adro ? . id'irladre Phall W.6, not
are 'I&
men about, that, they, Of 0—oa go �forth, and
0"He. w w as I 'It not 44, -ly� need. g6atq,
Toxt,.Genemis x., 9*. tqept, thpli eW 9mbat. them? We,.!np to, I
ish; 401C. or —That, Is," wl t
In."It., *hit . h �J* III p blood of, ,;iL- deliverani$e,? on2, eartr'but m*ro,-:.W44kboni;, -'W.h A
hv*er 1A .15oidlt There, Ifv. notlithil
n, that thehough, irlat, llt� our ,by me t �';huntlng spojr.L cAA' 9, anYthilij like, thl 4 'e'l God thatAf a
Fosp �,;:fbftt one: 0
40 opol
the, l4nall. and. t In- Thq.Feliglim of Ralph Waldo lbmei� teb.,
t7i it nt 1�" I fr6ring
'6a '
e Oye.any, transgress o .,P "nt; .0
be t1mell" .0ding %Vbca�t !ila�keti.�
inj%tte son v(as tb mell'Itorlo, Z '',
rice L
w iclelils;:., the T46re its, the Ben -'I ti; 24
be"ts 1 gal t djrumken4
ger -k -ard tOL the, P le
OfTf9 "or reaciloth �,4e , , leath, wifh^ the�'jp It, Q heodore 6 �ir
4TOu, and ;Inistea& . w
VvIs d to&'Oro e6ple.
y higere t. from," ur-going �,R r0cco' of. the es hl' underataudlr4-.of �thls- lesson � the 9f. . t I ',to t,he ;'Irhiedt "ntres
I y . "In, . , � � 'r 1 d iert, attacking ft- - 4 . . . .. . d ,,
�wa#, ver covering up IlMe ow, iany 'of une;. -on which account
-on � & sunshiny 4tprn"n w . ith a 0OUI with dry, Oand,.' un . der the. cl�ureh� 'PeW..,
or the whole. chaptei niiisi bw* Iitmdled, Tlile Chr* Is O..d e.apoetle.1a
breec loader as, the rdin4ce, qft - belle*Ing* Ren 44 w
patent. to. - 046&t red. b'There ts -iso il�u�h -in- mb olitill fripLii,41i.e.folindation' qfkopi 04'� the par,
birds on the fiats, when Polluk and Allinpat haillif,lig; �tlia relilklon e tatrald. tlo' n (1, 1 6 1 f "tike
f fl;ij d 19'1t. we are to q Ow, the excellency and.stioerlor-, New Ork 079
Y of Cbrist's, pk, 'thQQd
ea- ;�LAA, piQ -9 ages M. -has, pr .0. 73, 1�3
ear. the n uthers ,, estal, on n. splgots,� in .,f.f,rkt,,Pai,,'t.'of,'tlAo:,ehapter. r6fei
won Out, 0, � uxley4,444 Soeneer8 Is merely Millions., . f In i _Igy_ I.W�u 0 a 'd
*4 L ' I c6rIi:S.crbwaf end ew-1.4h ditij)ens tfou. ... ... 0 .69. Inoll; 9 '44d, hl!ob 1uhij%n� - pfitiosophy, is'' oce 'tho "of j a
�dn gin
laces'wIth mar'll,16-11pora and itali" 'MriAe'tO I
beiiI Xeno it, greW elb,quiint Jib in'the iiIiht'.Qf the sou PBV an ffie-,taliekna�le and� Ito T-6 Ottit'awitLy 4bollsh -074.3-8
pho .1verine.
I r ..'to thelt ari"of,',th tlxi,;, P7 0 the. stars, tf)P 14blest and ch -sed, I lers, 'and' Qf,the offe 'Detr ...... ra �d. Fri loilki'lig-, u cp op titirlilture,"to the Ministiatl
to the,'nattons �that cr all un,
the 'far, east; people, elppha In the'istrjr�chnl 27. An
ne'aud the Idgw.
Duch and
�04 0
'I Was grOan..a the base. tarle'a-bld and'the nui' rffilca t4o chased the tiger. Franels� t9nemeint M"e b mu 11 as G6di'llath'ilecreed''llihii't t to
:,the tar Jell me whe�re'
called' t itifig. And 14 One 'man who.14 'k that.'je. 0 -akip -t h 410sale, ilt� the ouce�, 'and :oillily,. 1jnce,',-ftnd
�he -father :there prlet.,Bo
irti; �rej��t4ii. in - up,,,oiqr:
pure" -Amer,
es, n. imy te�,Xt seto, forth yv)'ao.. I th Vothing; plq�'rfect, 'it, after me 'to: the judg-
Pei fQIZ , . .. di�inki.` 'T looked al. dould do
another S or, W ertrig
had �,no POIlver' lb�' purify:. thb Can- inenti, and be Judged once, -C I f it
hero;'. when preisents, him, toughly Aatl�Ae&�and, helped".and eyes On the� !W41alberituyl." . �'It Is ,
tented III h a science, Or' deliver -from the guitt of who- a -been, or
oleruitnd or a
1% and ahagg ind� the great liquor vat of Geirma:ny, which N ed'.,.once';. aftlili
with, broad Nhoulde". Y dp U will ivin.. of the 'firm-
an take the, car to-morro, and kile' 500 Is, Said. to, t,hold 900 hogsheads' -of wine, d16 no More,, arket;6oritin s, .. r
d unbrbwried face. - and arm fleas lin in Ue P Icest
avin 28; Vo.boar the 491n's—Tliere- 10, an ar(
kunched with,musele,; "a abiglity hun- iiles. tP see� ilm., the full �po,�ver 'of ELM. d only three. times in '100'years It. 11. But Christ li m V.),
Ag has be . en' Al, Ought Chilst be but.one, yet �,.alltiqfou Ilryieto tlib'scApegoitt:(Lev. ter efore the,Lord." LI 04rik he ",the, oqpel' has bot been ft1led th
Used touched. But as I stood and, short $2 to'
w and. the, arrowis witp great a sporltsulig, oked at it I aid to 'myself; "Thri,
IL tfiNWs up his han'd, rind 10 -�vari xvi. - 5-10 ; 20 2 . which, in, a figurej beay,
the bo, Is,. Understoodby* jis under a 2 )
cess Practicing archery, oitY of, formis. He ij--the "taberfiac)e'l .,caltirloid awdy tile eirls.of the'llteoptd Shlolieol and dry':&ilt-ed In-4tts—Lohc
the ball flyj li;. nothing e ear, tobo.L a
ng throdgh t�eAj —8.00 -hogsheadi. Why, -our on intd the VOIl�rness'; but Christ' fit- I
rican vat olds i- . .accouat ot t ietburrian body in
ll jiave thought if it is such,st, g4ln Just' so' easily 'Will 'this ;gospel' after� Ame, '10,2100,000 -which Hef 1 -id' is t. e -1tablos,, Orally bedro- &Wy albac
thing and sublit'. ii.brrlve� thing to, clear a;i�rlille' (!a;'h 'thii rou�d t t!no .,.of On'
HjL . P,; bamFp� t6
tic world, flying s rong drinks, nd we keep,300,000 men- be(�ause`]He, Is .w -ho , come to Ilb.;L shaulde a,,
did bea'st ' i i " ' I our bread of life. -He in.. That, look for roll
W 3 Du of� a country, if it from Itst-orblt and," t, wlth,,nothlng� if)- 'but to see that is the lia-s th . e , law" -.Him—All t r 1,0 t o iO
fi bring it b4.ck o the t or rue. boliev'er� li�e patient- bae.1;l" kol., :I 3c. Green eart of Christ, Give: I ti 6arrierwy at*,,3 oa
4"�& bitter' and think is, Alldol.11 encI6�ed within, . beoause-, He is, wat ng� ar looXin Pickle ard� -quoted , t,h
",Uc a,braver as an
hunt down `and,' destroy: . i�osd and it. witil paraon. byiiry �sln, '-heal Qh,, td -attack. this greaj lonster of the Word to I t1i oe t evils. of.Bool6ty that -alkin I g Wgry-iyoundi,. cu ;teVer I y,-,tr the Father , An high r. appeari
wor -of-the high priest -1,: RLA)OTICAL ..SRVIFY, 1_,90 tub3, ICE.
are ist, re ouble- em- Intemperance, nd ,the k1ndreol .-mon� prlest�_.'The' k' P __1 I
1�rtd' wlth�' flefte� r &,%,a .4 t e r 10
eye al�la ahetpato eve Y sl t and rans6in 'every of iraud and kinelean
w6z' threefold. 1, To offer sacrifices. uch m Or 0
Mess re
paw anol �'sha' ' tusk a,na. liation..-Ye-dhristlari men'and womej
quires. you, to rally ell your Christian 2., TO actis inedia�tor. 3, To Inatrujdt imply a. better pl�ovU4
if .Who go,but-thfs if ooura e :T .17
quick. spring., h d 4railglk ih p a more '11'Ornito. VA-rmotysP.
ave won' " ered, ternbc.n t6 do, Chris�' 9 e ress,, t rough ihe'.petopt e -0f, good. th' '' t
ings. 0 come
..there is no such, a thing as. gospel, t1kn, Work, -as You go thfib, the Sunday the pulpit, thrdugh the platforin, you Christ, ivlieat*
Our high pileit. Is ni'dispenser ment' Or archery, -ib .Whl,dh . th-ilse: Who ��: iive schools, and the lay 'mu er the past. As:,we look 3c; W
Y, prea at aiiii it., 'we aaf, ?a, 68C ,t
ching'. sta uid. 'to - G64 that of all'the 6iritbal, blrisd bAck t1ilkory of the hu=i 696 ;. . . , goo,
ings j)rbm_ 72 1-2a been flying , from -the truth �nay', bi�� Penitentiaries, and the' all but. A6iican Christians. would sed -In this world fa` 'I e asylu re in' Y we
p ,dnd heaeri _Ms; I wrtrit,you to.f Or, thdr next.. Alio
1rh you reciato 476.:t �,2c,'ry-6, Ill., he significance of : this, lailli
Lord Jesus- In His.se bea, our par'ed jage. wheat', ilw-2c ats.:386;;,pb
rmon., ukd the ��Ihy blind a weapen oom liat a.. drdiLky, iot,
peloos ra Ahe Y,, to $13.50 $8 to
Of angllng,* for an 'Illustration with "Ilhich the l4ghtning hus.,no speed when He Paid, "X will make y it'nol'. a�alan�hes have.n6 h' . -and',.thL n -what a Sta-, b4 eggs, ..boil-'
ou sh eft less night from,� the.,lexpulsion, 13c to, 176,
h -be Orn Itnig. new, laid, 10 -to k'
rs of rneri," And iO 'I think I ELve th.trilder 1tri -of heaven have no pow- tp- tlje� tl exo it@ froin E yp t -ey,
61nnipotent. r 1 9 i4 ,
authority. for us�zig unting as. an il- e.r;At.Is the arrow of the' Paul. Rays, - "Deat h W,'. f to 80c; uorK
lustratloA of r I .gospel. reign rqmi I'3c,.
ull the- Aam tp
-head ong, dreary. , alarch no com-- I ii� hive,. Stock
Pray, God 'therd'may e many a maTi, arrow otear back Until the
gospel t uth, and al�e careful 14. -3JUring
itlI Toroh
d efiltsiied in tba'wark Who a -hall begin 'the Then let it , fly And may Vji�crer. iv, 9 knon;. all wall-' Fxport I*tt e,:ch
Mo- I n hbi'ce, par oft 15 00 to
to study di,,�d niglft� only' as . V55 to - SOD
Pef iarbbery� of whom i the skiln of the Lord be, many. On dozoicolftnif ...
JfL YOU . Skilful In 'A 25
Imay , after awhile,be -said,' ' '�He ;*i Again, want to:' be God -seqM reo:j the, att - o7f Piport 6oms,'__ I ........ to:
6Dtion nov%, Bt,b,,,,
caxle vt(�Aeu.. to -8,11tillers!4A How Unfrequented.;, at Abel; I Enoch . N, d . I Lich awkward Christian work' id. sedluded laces�, 3foldhito6ol-ci d
to 3 W
'Why do mooLu n,j mied'.
..AoIj,. in the-worldl. ', How floep t4e, hunter.--go.-ilitee'-or�four A.briam' and'' "Angel ...... 300 to 3 59
n y: the�e, are: dayi In jhe K9i" then as bow, -",were_ 6w vi Butoho�s po notion. per, ian ' goo;A' jieop,16 Nrins�lviahta - forests -Or over, I�tahuette, -lake Into - avy.: per owt.'. 3 75 to' 4 26
drive aouls st� ay from, thii wilds of. Far,,between.", Bulls, expora lign It. perowt. 3 50 to .3
UA Alrorfda�bk�§_?�_ Tt-Lis_�th"ny�lwA- 41.
f bring emY2� / . 'to 415
d -e— _7ire'._: sh3� onu
8 are th-Umbs —'religious. blun, one
—ers ba fOreS .......... U.Du to 375
dFr wh� upset alore t lari hey. _rj_g"_of_th
-the Ciii1formia."..'stage, y I Ou s . ee, 0 OW
ftffer omand .2 oll to 2 11nocmrs'
0 �.n
richt. Their, gun �has a qroloked bar-'
75 t o
as YoU'-go oV6r the`01alris, . Z rel and Id k -here and' 1ighL Stock, ull ppr 1 75 -to 2 2V
as It goet off-�'�,'They are
'o. goes thereaoyott:6� rotiing� alone Omiost MIU41 cows. 2.5, oil, 66 - 45("
llkea clurnsy coiade -v�-b
Sbeep, owes per 3 5o to
*Ith.aillful hunters.' At tl�e vi�ry. ihq� within "ra-fige the' gun—pometinitis
''e', cares do. b.vks. .2 6), to-' aw
milCe wlthfn�:r�nge f;lt N Stor, -W ness: of Lambs;grai4-fed. pbr ,4 5o
most quiet he IS,: 0 on for that -it, is -Woithloiss. V� ",cfkckIIn9-_ an" alder'.or allini, Aver -a e go6d (to - barnkard� Oer cWt., 4 00 to", 4. So
hidden abol-'-'s ry 'do;. klprihg.�teach, 50'ItO 50D
'1111.11"CAd frightening .;away thb:- ecluded-, -Evp florriblk"But hery
grime. 1C
W' Christian . people - 'have * ever Ualves. per nilaot.. .1 oo to 8,0�,,
Itow, fe hultiter kni3ws thk So fliank of /the
Hogs., choice. I per 7 "'.5 to 0Qj
Is th
so 11 be of in"t' -worth for
!low -the- "Lord Jcsiis�, ' Christ 6 to 0 0(y
C I�u 4t va la 6*o&
rit and of --most * lue 6 the ehurph ....... 75 to
at'ItII6 well went fr;Dm -talk lng'�abou't 6
a,:cup o water. 0 the_,most_�_pra(_1dca1 PREACHINQ ..........
are secluded,. -They do not,ciioffi, 'in our GOTT f __W --You-wlll bar , tp-,-g-owhe_r_e, fb�y
to, '006-� r
rellgioUs. truths, whIcb won��the, Wo -j. e.
-The' f6IIONv1U9 harro rRets.
are.: Yonder they are.down ftilh4t cellar, dedu d tj
Yonder ' they_'are up 111' that, man's sotill for GOd!t.. Je�us` the ft er of a sskona* Bui
�ij .. - — -lQs inode'rate-and'
wlld�izless WaS.I)reaking,bregd to' tl;.6 far away fiorn the door of ank ri ( . ?,a
*ed. oand' rol 'Pell.
kai'�ua� pluces un ba.
People. think it was. very good Y -r,'u as t 'yea�. sgiven b16 to 14A, rollk a chur6h. The jospo, . arrow' h" 'not t. bread6 was very t light bre�ad,, .. and -),ntness , 0 Mie.' Norith C
been Pointed at them. .',The (tra( qua 'ye Ilina to e P.00 0 Medium
'narri or Is reatmery, �boxes, .17, 1�2
the had'. done' Its thor-: tbe- Diii1y, News. Tjfto� t 0 to') tribu.tor iirid: Iry
Ist, � after Hi�.
ggghly. Ch �poullda. 181-2 to 19&
had"fbioken slornetimes.,'Just catch glimpse 'of �qfirist Ja lilt Lit o to Ac
*124� broad '99M,to the\ Pei -OUG -a �nclu er of
. I I . I . I - -H TI gkg - 6 a -fairly ae.tive, ajod,7'
them'. as hunter througixi.the trees t,116,. B o,ptiet C-fjiii6'II
waire . of � the yeast or of tl gets,a,�mom6o fary' sight ok part- orning!s pap�ict.,taj&t -t 17c;,i49 , ;very Ut t1e, change, in' OffetLn_ erate.,' 1'r.idge or'roebuck. The trouble`16:wi -ity or MP4`a,troUsets;;XhIR Spring. : . c
XtI . Phaxlsees.", So.. naturs(i_ a:, transi". the . atiihui story js .ao a oa I . . . , I I
.1 Xr,—.Ycls� I" notice, that. Votic I It was and ho.aIiilly they a:11 I ed to I-! .. by V*a� S'ey 9.c:
re . walting for the: to, d to,
game k'
;�-undersitbiodHim! But how 'few Chr�19- c, me TIle 'nar.rator 'st'ate8 'tht-t ',III' LTUIV ar et,quiet. 1u.
We are riot -good hunters. . We' \ ' 87teinber, '9 erleaml;.,
an People there are whil;, ' unde r- are.stan , ding on adrue s'trept".or" ba Ito en the*: truths f, expecting , that Ries, seem n q
stand: h6w. fik road nd, . f-lier, not foi� crack bralh' -P rnacliiLm-Autllor inblitiling Cite Re%,.' r. Wife'
the ti -mid antelope fan I atiiiisrhi but DO holy' Ciirlstlan. re- &bOUt eve'�Iy di
66A and rellgl6n, to,' the Souls' Of will, come ug 'and -vided to Ifobjuson ,uids :I)ul-.t,l,
t - th.e meatir.'
-fbrrh-fW.,Duid �to- and Wool
1-0 e . it n Tri—e 111 0
there ar str g have referinde to Chijst Hi of . Uhin�se
lie liail-Fu by it nuinber
ScUffte, It Ist torts
hand, .,c We -are expecting that. the' r. Er� gler-goingut to y
prairie f6wl �wlll light on �`Ilii Tai od,daily by' E.'
The archers' of ..olden, Ume studied Our church 'tell, sue.
flght these 'great monstie' Aniquity that 'His, bod is the, fallpii asoldiers. tb-'John 11dil'
their art. e�y- pr�oise"ln �steeple. . It s �ncit iheir thiitblt� It- the rs -naciel oti-, Illent were Oanoi.; ain,
In our counitty"ille' millIdns of, mew- hink' the 'tabiirnaele 'not. made
e s gave' spe--. Id wal I' it the
a.' t iffeii, and o arpollt -etr�ct:
ih6 nlate;i- Th old-bio'ok bh:urdh shou It er: cl
0,900,000 ears, for,
ership of',our 5. t�: 7c
churches would bend� I-Tij- - pq�yp Ik-. 1. L , * I 7t'
tions an With. -hands refers to lie repre- ParLY of' hel :, cared
I dfirec to how aw the world., to- come In and'be -7 t
90' an W a e' world' Will b t 0 is , cre It lon' 0 t 4:p
bg_thei�_an&�h w_ --u-tL-W&In.�t e�g6=g �Jsenting cia e ii lit;r_fL�i fiY kicl:nr proceeds tq4iries), each 6
cri es hae make the land frI;ht;?ui
fit do, -. 46 must stand"erect, and come.
this,161. _et fresli 90 to' $1,
t (It' 1") '-Tjie Mt.
any pait or t- next dii�y, I -IN-tt s t)jj .,tIje,strp
r his left foot. a''little In advance What-, the, church wartis now is' to *I'th thelr� ar and are- fattening UP` ier crea lon. . ? - , . . , .. , 1. � � , , 5 1-40 -
't th on tbe'b near, t-Ve I c Ul i.
lift -its fevt'�froiin damask otiomans odles - and- souls of I'mmortai Hill 01VII -blood 4 woo
�Of he tight foot WI ' is left hand —Here -tli�- re- fleecL, Ii: to .1
e must the bo in, the and Pit ment a. ig crowd, to bee. W led, flee;;�Z,l
)4., it hold f -t - th0iii 'in the. sijrrups. W.ho'lo ready for auch',& -partv to the X6. t The as, that.' I)Ibbd of Christ, and this blo)oiI � is it W. I roufAu
_and. -thea finger "Itits.. not , so' much! cushions Wh IV I I If be a M4ih'ty huntee
an t e
thurillb'of -his* i1g, hand he as "it.'wan*tvsriddR'?b'a'gA arrows. io'bailLed in tfdr 6 Lord iftobil %%,he
-remark,, want" to be pretciselj� as ilie gOat wi%,es and ChIldl-jill. and t. 'In a Wheat vdry'- little
We �ave to put aside :06. gown'. again, it you of' bulls 11 -Afan!tQb
should J4jr hold tbe'.arro*.')Wnd.afflx, and balvee *ag-�afjed it' to the.strIng—so preese.,mfas—the and kid gloves, and'put on th t- suceessfii-I in . idpirlitial -are the law is beink dbiie.,, Th o'',
e lkiin �4ry you —Clarka. 'Once'. (or: �ll (R-. %rj -or' n, seem'
We a,-. puipi� �'I:6 PrIfig dow Christians. I. ll( ol Pe011 P Stly th"ty. :IULlers"do 'f
need'not onl� �Th .1 1 1. 1 IL I -.vap any by
CIUMSYL-Nm Ing Shirt. want on:. ili.game, but high priest' entel-cf] j6jo, guing.jo W 1 'tried "to k' to t
&rd: heels -We hve�been fIshlng so long ring ft,in-` 'I 'fliInk iine� Of:. th� 'most. oVee ea h yea oue, as: there d6aind abc e c r, bilt eXkllI 'in the bimooksi,. that' run 'under beaUt ful - PIqtUr'6§ of Thowsldsei� Is! In.
itif 'rk1glofis OTX! I -low, littl inn care we 6x6rcise! OW the at6noment'thIlt. did not, liec.ii, o be I L jiPi't 1 in y 'In'e'Xport basla, tLucil",
Wd cxpoitt trelglt�w
shadoVv.. the, church. that - the' fish big Kutumn.t� It`-rpres6rits a s e it
arros -mlss�tlfe knovV P.0 "�Iatedl Into tile I
oftoir `Ur. r -p aCe— e
-Y us, and they- &vold 4he .'hootk maw',coming home, gli - Oxy nipciet.atd at
d pres 'that therd rkre'i institutions and standing der, O.r' I�ui r It. ipl, L�1' 'Mills been".1rodying�bettPirt
am V1 and �ekap'e as, soon a- tape,
lany :_Y 'j,-stablish we, come to 9 vinii He-has'a staff or r his 1401aike.' TIi',,r0 6;-o iiiiartinents, to h, Fort'
�cltles- Of' our ;,tha Vhe a . r t _1qe,,_,bsnk_,_whjIe,' ozide�A ;�shoulder, -and.-6 ii:fn or s api
9 sillin ffi'fron't or ni�nt fr
otdoing good� stizolyl spirltual'.' Sarkinad,Lin Big TupOef's Take, Where rstaff are hung A raAlt and a-br f 'Which Wit' tie In
le.'east'. ryand, tlij)4 (I(,ma:6d
amh,� -the ftrat swing,of,ifi6 gospel ned Would bil'ols. Evry � llunter 'brings home cald010 sntfiiCtiry or 1101 sayllf 6611tifilles. e6 anA become knoWn knolt,
L' I
it rs word, :an, his- liewl IVILS tilro,tti, U 1�1'1,
think of rin 'it ws, oe, 0
break It for -the mulflttx�e� of the a oil t
b nte' befilte-the Lord.�, game. Nb. 'ofi.L woul y fqit l6rig. aad-
Ther* In outsido work to, e *done. What. Ing down roebu6k -or 'whipp, I ng " U _ P? fifteel'i:iect itined, tr,d oTf by- one
bi b i10
- I, Vanceo bli EL. weok a
In the first lace IfLyoU. Want �p a, le. NV U I _. the
e -is It that 1 bee In the backv�6od.§? .1� is sf 41tar, of ffi(,.P nd Were::
ream for trqut -and letting thern i I tho? - tblq of"slie hard,', 78 1-0 iar
...effectual' In d0ing g�od mdAt_ e c .NL a tent. The hUniterthaVemadii a �Ieiir f0jim verk "I - L I - In_ -the �e A'l; eve'rilt1iiii the eay�np bread'and 'tifo ecolld ure, Of, V a here dlir
for a PH o unt. for-Im . -,I I
eati I wj
hi a CU WiVI
he . . " b, ===- - �_
61b not know,�what.'.the y 11 if You go -out 'mortal sioro 'a -in - or 'ort
10 it . . 1,
could do �,vlth I or forAba- ortheast.41t I CIO, not 9 (if
pj..-y' d the rtness s
R,i purposes
iness s n, der" the 'of- the 'gospel but- Pole 11011est placd or
le's f6ticht b' onne 01 W1141m y .,.the high prle�t, l OM&
I -I a z r 0 a a,,.) %v
tagenets Wer6 with �fi long- bow, The cry In the', ib
Y t�e�'Efigllsh �Plan-;. the' -lake to 4rlhk;_t each n . L. he -h� :_ t. -r It brib - them the - chUrA �toif _00d:; eal'thf. .(p a7 t d..
e Y away. f 9� 0
It, the g Rn Of n'tonement
i9l., q l(fie lot'll.�(LTi8ljrj '
rand home nd. encampment 'We gia4lb8 a.r(., being Its to flit
would' take' the arrow 'of 'pillighed they �h6ar' kti'; so�`Iii 'the' -servloe, ilatte'r,dem.,thil, jile q,
Of have pitebed,, of the:,skleSi bei), ciiri-vihk wlCli iim .r. it "�,lth 'the' plumeof lloO e'kAve, ex'posoid. work.,,, We have the kolilen, kill(st; Clio jj�jt foil
*.Ood And fea�tbe Fetch them in , ;, do, not . lot. them DO nd I inchafigod, its
a -blrdj anit then- It Would fly'from -the' got, 'to, carol 0 1,61lot witilolit,b. Ontario Oats,
p out,and roxith. it. We Ou t 'in -the operi fietl&_ 'Phe�'L %fieied our ]nod.- No.' 2 WhIt'e, 46c per bilshel Albertzl�
orf the J, powitirffig of pla, ited silk, -The-bloody are p4jtting, all bltlr:ca�e 19'D T e to anit6btL �grddeg.�'*
Com-. j*ayers �and sympailile -and; help., len th
ffelds of Agincou�t and Sollity',Mos:�, parativel, foW people Who'- go o Of nd �hi�hly eside 0 700,'
That is tbeTneaning the c)iurch of/ da� Itioti, -an o a -11100 ivete fjethry got
and Isreviiie�'s':Crossit heard.'the ]oUd 'church. - What ar If J:�16c, mrJ.1je QUia
It nterri' for hold dr, the, !N'A�nte.
e we doing the God--�-,fielp. .6 U th6 f llfts.'Steve thrum of., 'the:, aroher's. bowstriiig. millions IJOL' do, hot c ave res1d�nt, in the Person a y
olne 'd, not onl�, bring down the gar4o, 'ni, b,,IL9 or liter' v need no'pb
h kre'. they sinless tht but bring ItL In. Now, my Christian filends, we have 'a t ek noSOUIs T � W4
gonii, beloved 06,: of Mr. Th6ma,r I' the. Lidon? 'Are iliere no m ghtier,'w.qapon tha;t.. it- IS the eon, �t-, �tfie, ripe. old age of 8 It
sure iliat-there-are' son6Ie men 1,181 bo a
arrow At - is a shar dead in theirbbuse8 th ..:thQy' Here-, nd-, li&
p art� " .1 - 'Who at So Alma, vebeen �1 , by T
the gospql: oo' ri�e, London: 61ttlo a teaof.v and' nn, -
to 1 P, Were
itrow; go Ave, It from the 90sPel 'arri5w., Y it fel t the Years row, Ite's b, Sir; 'Light' it Is fa, .210 . mfOI` ? th doiidased wilis. born, i blolv;. but th-6 10
the4d"rorot the 9.4- to,. job
�f wing of -the dove'of' God nto'eternity,' no - wing � -to, wound'�Lf i�.
0 . . that " conviction, and' you in IS 2,0"� a;n Noinov or tjLV pe
It files fr�m -9 bow -bear 1berii, ".n'� 'lightto Kilmarj4dc §0 land, t� 170frig(lothloti beef
God's spirit;' elider 'them, the ' world : d;eo 06 aeNeriiI,.cAs blNfoi-e (letIt'll, 'M
tho os L. 8, nq...Welcome to greet. them r bear plunged'into er; is tjlfi?�bd. at 8,34 to 9o' P -!r
6ut, -of the wood of' r As far as the - sta as* Mar I Ito' when the' bouia4i, atirp 40' ried 'n,th6*pldC'ountiy,to1�-M lri WAS wiviring ' L I I I , 11 a- I j , d t -hit. l6wej. after: It,' plunge 'in .46avei'go z ' '(jvdr 60 ye ra . ago,... an. L I . P�
As I can estimate., or -calculate, jt,hda d surglin.g. lip from to re, . � I ltf1pt
eRth S hroon n In, -brought- down .460,000i0o. of souls. Paul of- ofir 'cities FIL - �6ra%rl, ttat ex-peetht In -that way.,tq: 6c le ! us when;ohe %i,; soldier. f er 'I,
lkneiw he* to bring th,. no,dh L 0j. . that r Christ is Chr, jorbil Y6ur 'track 'to-, day 0 Im te ivitli her liusband'6mi for.,, `b
tbe6ugh 611 e be- oxiiii, of thiiese bt6ji,glit, i.liti) 'POrt.4'
-Sd d tWo,.b,Lo Arrow . 46n '6. flie , bOwstring, and jts a thl*pUgli opr beautiful penitent manil ' 14ot in, 10 . r; lod�%da some fif�y. years till wljlte�' S�
th,- t 131
whir' 'Was heard throujhL the- 'Corin churches; , and It Nots out, all'- .1.1ils mercy. 6 �Ve bb 'W'ere kill'NII'l scefie from iny 'eyes to -day, as "by 'Here is asdd and Panting SOU S! *0ro,for M' "brought- -8 3-4e.L' thlan tiiiiatei� kind tbrbugh thb courtto lid strerLm of God's mrcy'iiiid any. years kesidinis.,of,.-t the, mIs6, ot'A'a gLreat for the L I ' L i.n U of F611%.knocked, da4h.,riii - may' �'ou`r Ine
tootn,, intll thekheei. ftivati0h, -Where ydu
Stop tIL to* hip of Ashfield tind''irn6ved d the_Plunge ot,,these' kr�at dhtstl lie. J� ol. 6f.'the. Cho
tat chase of' sin to-ofay�, yeato ago.
togeth4r., It wi, that ihitt 'ibrre`ijt,�Q 116ppift- d dwil Into ny't -nor (lot fix i'box4g wer 68
f life, �d ha�0 5
0 r� �� I . , b 85 t 0 .4 n I!
JtUck Ini'hutiter!s1eart When he oitled he red foun leaped, from Ila WICIC6.1
ut., "OM mY'slilisl 'Oh, it the filthomielh Atiot thll�dering' ab�slrn jh0L hoiqrt.of, -my. Lotdjbld you-.st�Pl. as11 wdtnln geontly respOcted P060 OffQted'
Of , Theto 19 in boti'l'
TnoLn head it k 118 W, IV 8"
th nk � tliat � just it's- Clod bldtt6d � out -,pIrLc6.jhdy, cdII tlle "deer AOO. who.kne lit, i ddatb, Ill Ij , j wlileh fig
him.ak6ilticistw: if III be It It strike -a in the tit boxes willtri sbeef, it Will 'h r; for Al(i'tnrj(
the churciles dt Thyadra lit 'crags,� about 18 yards . b4tw.een artfell; sy voie; turn his step-,' I 'It st kb hnd, ha6dicea bdc' Ital agetf fi us awl: 'flit i110 he their s
called -the 060%bo`0
en 4h,' �Chrlgtl;tfilty, and Wa's on the tiontIc -Of 6: 4er, It came gr�ab sierrOwit tbr up 18 and stolldItY' jie�- W !I* �bjot 6jtt� Athprl-, thii "de& bus �ath'.Of' whole pommunity i
auseL '04' lili them a fearful ch�,ijn.L Part,
him In. the heart-, he S 'Tl�iil babds, aitdid ofie'-Of old VV : once a hUn-te'r
-call', nlurq- ed th,'theL bilAtfe, drying, the lruln!A'a, Stalwart, wide- s'no Les_ , _, i . . 1 'on Method 4' kL tonoi 4f -these crag There levotu We thoU, hast conquered akeombor 6 th d, t he 0 t
bf that b6giband, chtirch
.,Cj the pti
r '0 hUntet% and the ho ory, �,Arl 'Of- Pem- tWfulf rneirinlng and t116 gerykeii; at'� iO;1 I'd N
broke, there - are old corsoic Yd Int all the world pr6sch the '1661f - UP In utter dIspaIr 4t gtith ts
sho*L ifint tlj�- arr6w ,61! file English' g .1trid In Itlitt death agOh!Y. at. and gi�v Price, o OSPel-to everY dreature.' ne that bb� 'the, Itov.
.'to jCq" ih :t�YrPtdd to Jump. across.. Of cottr9e, -ft wn's I* iiii"f,led �Vtll 0110,
eted by' oil �flj(�
and bi
fitne ely ixtCeinded 604- Mr, ftgsl t6a IV
sthw,bi0istPlittd, 1,16�eth and ls'bft� ffse'd bo"mViia", andzwas dash6d trg thoi r 'ks bd�
�'thr6ugh tilt b0y� ot the Waftlor it the ml, Wa4. "Jilleg
that, ohall Vy but tfiroiigh' tR6 bacltplate.* \What"' 9, j' eli6 -1 h Path ;to heaven.' It"I �iges ainiong8b.,the priisent froni Of tlld 60mlriand'Yoti ed mnetUL" P1961, , , lid of 1161- won, e It Sharp 1t Is safe; 3esus Marks 4t ',out, dq - 11 6 oil, a 'll(I hort, to 10110 11.11110 Lf()o It
jilymbo I of tfj&t.g6S
wh 01old with for' every Buf..ber jj WoN, JMMOV'Ora 11161hoad �, ri)irl, o3n, board
rnitil � tit a I k' e, ran 'Wh6::8ays:, r 110'r. 1111w,fad illitt talt 8 er an a, f
jtd6h . . " : � !T won't 'WeLik, J�,df 0 U an aik, wiltit 16, n tb,&t wfll tjj?6 ijhV. O*fi�
fts 0$'
oil oThe
ond of ind lliikrr�v" -in gplill'tual, archery, I, t Ila t dav,
You, ftibat wayw" :domft dn' UP' Until prople't,
&V41' oU d 0 God We ad MO II for h, s; ".tonfronts 'the chagm,tliat 'Olvldis his &L
re, fafth, in the 'huhfbr �stand $t JL tmt, to pill n '.NoWr Ow. U.10 I oThe;'hUir1�1eilt' jzj v�jjh. &Smbjjhg ba d rj$6n, PatWailt. that, 44ill. ttom ll�aveji� I'llot
11 u etc,
e ate