HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-05-21, Page 3Z'lib; WING$.d.b[ TIMES, Dti1Y 21, 199 TO ming true °0 experienced sit against an inexperienced. poorer to the extent of $821.692 Fy Boston of changes meat be left at thio out vtetoriaus on, the Sth of Jane. .rt e a small extra grant should be made by ilie bots ed e p a $ fres must be left Liberals have a good candidate, a pros- tis Department. This would the De- have been wiped out, a deficit of more qThe op for k than. Saturevening.parous farmer, who would represent I pertinent at onee trust and co operate than $2G0,000 created. the copy still of Whitneyhitne e 1302 Mr. w In W i a y suggestion sEonw at Trustees. This u i the fig not later titan Monday� North Raton with credit to himself and with Galena advert' molts ac.epted mop to noon. Wednesday of each week, the electors of the riding. Let the Liberals of every division sae that eve'? ESTABLISHED : 2 vete is polled on election day. I!!VERTrti$ERS that by every tarso roma his grin:iples they may be able to con � or a senior as agafnst .a j anior teacher, ' this one item atone being withdrawn t ur lu. of 000,000 would if 4iirt�`�1!i tit IIE� The name "gerrymander" originated t!1 t.11 +., in this way [ander Eldridge T. Gerry,. a.1t.leLlaOTT'. PrumeaYs lI i 1?aorRiit'rop a Deinoeratie governor of h(assachusette, _ _ the state waaso subdivided for eleotion �TUURSDAi, 3i.YY :ll Qat. purposes as to insure a Democratic ma- jority- In arranging the constituencies refused, and finally Holt. Mr, Harcourt pleaded, but in vain, with tbe Minister of Education to pane all the till save the salary clause, and to allow this clause to stand for one year until its practio t1 tearing could be discussed and fully understood. But because, after the prico'ple was adopted, it was suggested ► again." that it teas unfair to penalize the teaob- In lite manner the Brewers' and Dic- er who offered to break the law, and not tillers' license, which hays brought to "" I to this end nom? took odd form. A ! the Trustees, it is argued that the Liber• the Provincial Tresenry nearly $600,000 NOTES AND COMMENTS Boston newspaper printed diagrams of ials favored the principle!—Hon A G. since they were imposed, were attacked isome of the electoral divisions. One el 9 McHay. by the Conservatives when in opposition. them resembled a salamander, and it With such a record, it requires more was suggested to him that he should WHERE THE CREDIT IS DUE, than ordinary courage for the men now Join name it such. "lin." said tbe editor, in power to claim credit for the redund- "I'll call it gerrymander" Ever sinoe (Brantford Expositor.) ant revenues of the protease. We u oald that time any redistribution bill wbioh rather commend to them, as the Aon. bears evidence of unfairness to either party has been called a gerrymander. Premier Whitney's gerrymander is the same state of mind as in 1899, and in a number of speeches attaoked the taxes on corporations, going so far as to say at Aaron : "I moved the six months' hat to that bill, and if I sit on the opposition side I will move tG again, and it may be that wherever I it I will move it Vote for Jahn T Carrie. Ger our neighbor to vote for T. Carrie The electors of Nardi Heron can help strengthen the Opp asition by Tet- ing for Jahn T. Currie. The Whitney Government has been in power for a tittle over three years and it is now time for a change. Your vote for John T. Currie will help make the change. We would like t a see the three Hurons elect supporters to the Hoa. A. G. McKay. The Liberals are properly entitled to two Herons and by hard work the Liberals can elect Jahn T. Carrie in the North riding. The Conservatives make loud. boasts just now about boayant revenues, but they are not fair enough to admit that latest, and, for its extent, the worst.—!, the basis for this buoyancy was laid by Stratford Beacon. the Liberal party in tbe face of a most determined opposition from the men Commenting on Rev. Dr. Chown's i who now occupy the Treasury benohes. remark that more attention should be On the 12th day of March, 1892, what paid to the teaching of moral ethics is called the Succession Ditties bill re- in the public schools of the province, - calved its first reading. It was read a the Hamilton Spectator aptly says: third time on the 31st day of March. "Too little thought is given by both It has fulfilled every expectation enter - teachers and scholars to the fonds;• tained concerning it. The burdens, if mentals that ge to make character. they can be called such, fall• only on In the rush for scholastic attainment those well able to meet them. Its ex- this most important thing is apt to actions are light and fairly distributed. It conforms to the basin principals of just taxation—"ability to pay" and "equality of sacrifice." The revenue derived from it is easily collected, and it cannot in its working oocaeion hard- ship. The original bill of 1892 was explained at considerable length by the then Premier and Treasurer. It was not debated to any great extent. The justice of its underlying principles was universally admitted. The bill itself ear -marked for charitable purposes the money to be collected upder it and it was immediately copied by all the provinces. Ia 1896 it was amended, widened and improved. On that occasion the present Treasurer sought to weaken the bill and moved that the bill be not now read the third time, but be forthwith referred back to committee of the whole House, with instructions to amend sub -sections 2 and 3 of Section 4 by striking out the figures"$2 80" and '15.00," and insert- ing in lien thereof "$$1.00." And to amend sub -section 4 of said section by striking out the figure "$5 00" and in- serting "$2 00" in lien thereof. And to amend snb•aection 5 of said section by striking out the word "ten" and sub- stituting "six." The effect of this amendment, which was, of course, defeated, would have been to take away at least one-third of the earning power of the bill. The amendment was supported by the whole opposition,—the present Premier voting for it. The total revenue derived from this one act of the late Government np to the end of 1907 amounts to $5,7213,727. The amount received last year was $221,692. As our country grows wealth- ier these receipts will inorease. The Supplementary Revenue bill, which taxes corporetione, was passed in 1599. On its second reading Mr. Foy, the present Attorney -General, moved the six months' hoist, and the present Premier and all his then following voted to defeat the bill. On third reading rail - gates some o in conversation, Mr. Whitney made a similar motion, there was not room to work up much, This statement is a violation of the but the bill became law. Had the s e been Tha standing of the parties in the la'4 be overlooked altogether, or be given Ontario Legislature w is: — Consetva- a place of secondary importance. But fives, 72; Liberals, 24; Independents, 2. it .is questionable if any real improve- ment would come from the adding of a sociological text book to the list of studies. We learn morals more from example than by precept, and the tett- book would be a useless thing miens the powerful stimulus that can only come through the personality of the teacher, After all, it is to the teacher we must look for results when we seek for better things morally among our school children." In the next Legislature there will be 10 members. The Opposition needs to be strengthened. Vote for John T. Garde in North Huron. Trust the majeelty of the people, bath as to the adoption and repeal of local option by-laws, say the Liberals, Empower 40 men to defeat the will of 60 both as to adoption and repeal, say the Gavernment. Trust the people in the ordinary way in what is purely a local and municipal gneatiou is safer than loading the dice.—Hon. A. G. ijieE ay. Mr. Jacob Kellerman, of Dashwood, the Liberal candidate for the Legislature in South Huron is putting up an waive Have they cut down the Provincial campaign, Mr. Eilbar, the Conserve- expenditure: They said they would. Have they repealed the Succession Duties Act? They said they world. Have they improved the school system of the Province? They said they would. Have they made Niagara power "as free as air"? Whitney himself said they would. The Oytsrio Hydro E'.eat io Cern- 9 Have they given the Province Iaw mission has issued its estimate of the refo:m? They said they would. cost of a transmission line from y Have they repeated the Sapplemen- Niagara Fails to Toronto. Guelph, tars Revenue Act? They said they Stratford, Laadoa and intermediate $ would. towns. The coat or construction i Have they administered the Crown pinned at $3,610,000 andO.tale costyearlyis timber and mining Iands fairly and maintenance at $140,EuJ. This cost without favoritism: They said they to be divided among the fifteen muni - t world. cipalities to be screed. All that now Any man who says that the present remains is for the thmunicipalities to Government has kept its pledges has sign the centraats and the work will zither a short memory or a careless be commenced—perhaps. —Canadian regard for the facts. Courier. In his Hamilton address last week Premier Whitney claimed that "bis Government had kept every promise its members had made." Is that so? Hare they taken the liquor business out of politics? They said they would. tive candidate, has been pretty well protected by the recent gerrymander, but Mr. Kellerman will make him hustle to hold the riding. The South Huron Liberals have a majority of 504 against them according to the figures of the last election. Richard Harconzt has done, the words of the late Lord Salisbury, who, in one of his Quarterly review articles, need these words: Moreover, the just Nemesis, which generally decrees Ghat partisans shall do in office precisely what they most loudly decried in opposition, has not failed to dog the footsteps of Lord Castlereagh's detraotore. The Conservatives of Centre Heron 0.11001, FOR LITTLE BABIES AND BIG CHILDREN. Baby's Own 'Tablets are good for all children, from the feeblest baby whose lite seems to hang by a three, o the sturdy boy who 000asionall digestive organs out of or Own Tablets promptly oa and bowel troubles and ailing children well this Medicine - mother has the Hamilton Times: The chief Tory met in convention, in t"e Town Hall, organ, in touting for Whitney, gives Clinton, on Thursday last, to select a prominence to the following: candidate for the Local Legislature a "The policy of goring vast sums of There was a fair attendance of dele- money or huge grants of land to f themv rsation said( ways has been abolished . h Liberal hive ' facts as shown by Whitnep'e record. opposition o, the Conservative gets his r. Baby's all stomach ake sickly or nd strong. And solutely safe—the rantee of a govern- ment analyst • at this is true. Mrs. Alfred Saddard, Haldimand, Que., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation, stomach troubles and restlessness and find them a splendid medicine. They have made my little oue a healthy, fat and rosy child. I always keep a box of Tablets in my home." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brookville, Ont. $2.00 TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT Canada's revenue for the fiscal year totals $$75.907,070, and Mr. Fielding's estimate was $96,000,000. SATURDAY, JUNE 20th RETURNING MONDAY. JUNE 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent Children Ordinary Half Fare Baggage Free For Goderieh Leave Detroit for Goderieh 8.00 a. m. (Leave Pont° Huron 12 noon ) Friday, June 18th Central time,arrive in Goderioh 6.00 p m. Live Stock Markets. Torcnto, May 19—Dealers were aur - prised to -day at the City Cattle Market to see another quite heavy run following the heavy delivery at the Union Stock Yards yesterday. For several weeks past now the deliveries at both markets hrve been light, and it was frequently stated that cattle were getting aoaroer in the country generally and that there would be no more heavy runs this sea- son. Today's experience scarcely bore out the theory of a serious shortage. However, cattle are not grown in a day, and it ie not likely that heavy runs will steadily continue. The higher prices which have ruled in the local markets of late have apparently encouraged big prices in the country, with the result that a larger number of cattle have been brought out than was expected, and at the same time the steady rise in prioes in the Toronto market is temporarily checked. The quality of to -day's offerings was again of a very fair average, with quite a good proportion of very choice cattle. ' There is a good export demand. The Old Country markets are strong and supplies are reported to be short. Sheep and lambs are steady, with light offerings. Good veal calves aro holding fairly steady, with lighter raps. y The hog market is steady and un- changed from last decline. Tha ran was 90 loads, with 1,600 head GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19th For Detroit - Leave Goderieh' for Detroit 8 30 a m., Saturday, Jane 20111, Canada Time, arrive in Detroit 4.00 p. m. Return to Goderieh Leave Detroit for Goderioh 1.00 p m , Monday, Jane 22nd, Central Time. (2.00 p. m. Canada Time.) Return to Detroit Leave Goderioh for Detroit 8 30 a. m., Tuesday, Jane 23rd, Canada Time. en:hiaiasm in such a 3 Means D Cal 'Years cgs he solemnly declared that effective the province would have lost Those nominate were Clinton Broderick. Seafortb• no farther grants to railways would up to date S3,363,700; while the Provin- talon, Ointdmn; a e a.. - , Rev. J Eliot, Galenas; and Mr. A. j be made. Let us see what has been cial revenues last year would have been Porter, Grderich, tut all withdrew ex- I; done since.cepWhitney.........,,,-..................n±±� - t Mr. Porter. 31r. Broderick was In the session of 10013 Wivoted m.....::.....+....sr.±+L Imes.. .+..sys."'+�' *.**w..._.e..w+w =4_ . z_aa �..ra- eleated Prealrent of the Association, '! $2 ;5,0 0 to a railway from Little Car-....:.:..e.................i"• and Mr. W. Campbell. Searetary. rant to a point tharteen miles from ref, Sudbury. In the same session he , Mr. John T. Carrie, the Literal voted f8es00 a mile for thirty-eight n his was in miles to the Brace alines & Algoma 1 • 4 sea AKE NOT1C Huron, w T csu3i3a�te i.. Norta , PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Wing�iar7p, .. THE Ontario.. Agent for Ladies Home Journal W EJTAR'.INE - Ladies' Home 1 . kraal Patterns, R KER No. toe and 150 Money -Saying Opportunities in Every Department, See our large stock of new goods for Spring and Summer wear. We can supply you with the very newest fabrics for Skirts, Waists, Suits, etc. No trouble to show goods. $1.59 Pants for $1,19 of cattle, 172 sheep, and 400 hogs, and • 628 calves. The following are the quotations: xportera' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders— best 1000 pounds wards Stockers choice bulls Bntchere'— Picked Medium Cows.... Balla Hogs— Beat Lights Sheep— Export ewes Backs Culla Spring Lambs Calves. each E $5 50 $6 00 4 90 5 25 3 75 4 50 300 350 4 00 4 50 and up - 4 4 -25 450 2 75 3 00 1 50 200 4 75 5 00 4550 500 2 50 3 50 1 50 200 575 580 5 40 4 50 6 00 300 4Oil "' 2 50 3 25 eaoh3 00 700 250 5 25 25 pairs Men's Pants, bought last week at reduced price They are of good material, well made, cor- reotstyle. Oa sale for ten days at $1.19 Every pair worth $1.50. Flannelette Shirts, 25c. 5 doz Dark Flannelette Shits on sate for ten days at only 25a eaoh. When you get a shirt 'for 25o, all you pay for is the making of the shirt—everything else is thrown in. 15c Shirts for 32c. A quantity of gaol Summer Shirts, white cotton body, fanny front. Regular price 75o eaoh ; special to clear quick, 32o eaob. Something New. CAMEO SASH PINS —Get one, they are the newest thing on the market; very fashionable. Three designs ; prices 25c to 35e. White Metal Brooches $1,59 Tai Oxfords, $1,19 A large quantity of White Metal Brooches, assorted designs; have always been sold at 25c each. We succeeded in getting a qh at a very low price, and will sell them at 10e each. 1Oc Elastic, 5c. A quantity of Colored Elastin, regular price 100 a yard. Special price to clear quick, 5c a yard. Here's a bargain in Shoes that you cannot afford to pass :-- Ladies' Tan or Chocolate Oxford Shoes, regular price $1 60. epeoial to clear quick, $1 19. Sizes 2;-4 to 7. Paper and Envelopes • We are just in receipt of about 30 thousand Envelopes, all of which we are offering at very low prices. Datoh Fabric Envelopes, pk. 100 No. 6 Ladies' Dainty 5a Good XXX Square ... , 5o No. 7, splendid quality 5o No. 8, large linen paper 5a No. 7, medium quality,3 pkge loo No. 7, fair quality, 4 pkge for 10o Dutch Fabric Note Paper, splendid quality, 24 sheets 10o Note Pap r, medium, " 5o Real Irish Linen Paper, in pads, regular 15c each, our special price eaoh, only.... 90 Large size Linen Paper, in pads, regular price 203, for each •• 15o Combs Another lot of Combs bought at a low price. The saving is yours. We offer 10 dozen Toilet Combs, black or white, regular 20o, our special price 2 for 25c. 13 doz. Combs, regular 15o, un- breakable quality; our speoial price 10e each. 11121111101111121111211111 r Tvrerwrvvvvvrvvvevrrvv_vm VETT VITTYTTIP ITTI 1YMYYSS 4 SEEI7 FOR 19081 Y WS.&OHAta MARKET REPORTS Wingham, May 201h, 1908. Floor per 100 lbs.— 2 65 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ........ 09010092 Oats,.....: 0 45 to 0 50 Barley .... ............. 0 60 to 0 65 Peas SO to 0 82 Batter ...... .... ......' - 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per dos .... 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord 25010300 Hay, per ton 15 00 to 16 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 015 to 015 6 10 to 6 10 05 eo 0 0 05 Lard Live Hogs, per owt. Dried Apples 4 town for a few hours en Monday, re Railway. ports meeting with splendid success in In the session of 1207 he voted $5,000 the di eerent parts of the riding, he hag a mile towards connecting Thessalon ata eaready vs--ite.d. The gerrymander hen, with the Soo branch of the C. P. R. given the Conservative caaiidatee a He also extended the time for the . eent great sdvantsge, but the L.terala fee: , Canadian Northern subsidy for $2000 4 t. a rade from Sudbury to Lake Abitibi,'t a;d extended the time for earning yegad. other sub idiee. i` . At the re. eat session a guarantee of $' :0,+:7:x0 banes was granted to the Canadian Northern, the bill being sorang on the house and put through in i the last day of the session. Besides thisR he voted a land grant of u75,060 acres, totheO.H.&W. R. My Hair is Scrcsggly Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no.f Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair -bulbs; makes weak hair strong. %%abut kiwi of a testiasoalal— "Sold for over sixty viers." .. a4ObrZ.C.£7 rr:r..L7wwn,Xars. LIssoo a.ra+�,K�s�eRe sr SARSAPAltV.t. V tYJr+CTtl1 U. Tee basing of the salaries of tea:there in rural seho3ls, not upon experience, yi gialifiaaacns and success in the profes• ciao, but 'upon the amassment of the school sections, was simply nonsensical. P C The application of the principle to viral and. not to Turban schools was illcgieai and was class legislation, to say nothing a s of the fait that the requiring of mini. El pinna ssla-fas in the townehips and riot ee !malt r r a • in the villa ea, towns and cities was a 1 ie di ,...t ia3nLt t3 the farmers, than whom !!, exist no close of cur people more willing, to educate. their children to the full and emple'e limit of their ability. Liberals cFto of this measure, and suggested' that instead the general Government' grant should go to all schools, but that to those sections Which employed an f" That the undersigned has actually in stock in Wingham, the goods here advertised, and. that prices bere given will hold good so long as this adv. appears in this paper, and for one week thereafter. al UNOIEUMS 2 yds wide, any length. 2 Floral Patterns, reg. 553 a square yard, for ........ .30 2 Oak Effects. reg. 65c, for .35 2 B:oak Designs, reg.50e,for .25 (4 yds wide) I Set pattern. floral, just the thole for the diningroom, regular 6533, form ..... .... a 1 large pattern, suitable for any room, reg. 653, for... .35 Extra -1. Block design, very heavy, regnlat 853, for .. .35 Remnants and pieces I yard wide at forth3r redactions. WALL PAPER Th1e year's goods are alt Watson. Foster manufacture ; colors fast lenth from. 8 to yds too aasrantroleedi;� wid1hh 18 to 20 in. 10 Regalat 45e, now.. .30. Regular 350, now.. .25 Regular 33:, now. .23 Regular 253, now.. .20 Regular 20a, now.. .15 Regular 350. nOw.. .12 Regular 1211:3, now .09 Regular 103, new.. .07 Some spacial 103, 83 and 6c lines to clear at Se. Lest year's imperil at still further redactions. SHADES Six dozenonly of a heavy green shade, oil filled, color and roller guaranteed; regular price 85c, for •55 Three dozen only—Green cloth eh'tde. Iaee and tassel, and Hartshorn roller ; regular 50 750, for IMPORTANT In trade we'll give 80a. a 1b. for Ratter, and 203. dozen for Eggs -- any quantities. WE'LL PAY YOUR FARE FROJI GOit IE Oi£ WROXETER ONA $10 PURCHASE. R. E. SAUNBERS- Wingham, Ont. ICWASIF b WASZI • • WC s 3 We have all kinds of grain in 4 stock for seed. 3 141 • The purest strain of Manchuria Barley. Goose. Wheat, s for seed. Seed Peas. Silver Hull and Black Buck- s wheat for seeding. Millet. Hungarian Red , 1 Clover. Alsike, Mammoth, Lucern Clover 3 Z and Timothy—all Government standard 1 4sj* White Clover. Evergreen Lawn Grass. Kentucky 'Blue 1, / Grass. Meadow Fescue. Red Top Orchard Grass. 1 Italian Rye Grass. Fall Oat Grass, and 1 tot • Essex Sowing Rape. 1 v. I. Flax for seed. Pure Ground Flax. Ground Oil Cake. 1 i Nation Molasses Stock Food. Bibby's Cream 4 sEquivalent for calves, to take the place of i the cream taken out by separators. 1 e t 4 ili 4 C 1 It 41 It SEED CORN 3 ► This is going to be a difficult season to get good; 3 seed corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Learning. 3 :Bailey's White Cap Dent of best germinating qualities. 3 i Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota. Call and get 3 1 PI your Seed Corn early; you can keep a bag better than we 1 Pi can keep a hundred, as corn heats if kept in a pile. 4 a to JUST ARRIVED Ot 1 10.4 A carload of Stock Feed composed of Wheat, Corn, i Oats and Barley and Shorts, Bran and Flour. 3 4 lit 4 Pt Before ordering your seeds for this spring you are Pt respectfully invited to call and inspect our stock. 14.4 Yours Truly A OREM • 7,111. • M 1.4 •i YA x file.} , 3 !T. A. MILLS,