HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-05-24, Page 5• F • ,Durinm•.the' Spring .and S.ummei Months Our will be. Oen. _1 8 LtT everY night' for'l,. ' • , Oonvenienee of Customers TO BE SEEN, ITIS ST(). PATENT'..SHOES: f They aie,the correct :shoe this .Bummer., Every. body Wit soon be wearing them.. Dust is easily removed' and they ` require no " polishiriWe' arra showing :some speeral:lines of there. Women's patent.•vamp Oxfords,: good quality, turn: • • sole,; at $1:50: Women's -patent leather` laced boots{ turn solee,neat last, 0 at,. per pair '$3.OQ. Mens• patent leather bals, extension M soles, ackay sewn. Extra value at, $2.50, Men's patent leather• bals,., Goodyear welted,' dull ki'd •:tops, S'ov erign brand at $4.00, INFANTS SLIPPERS A,:new. emu of:Children s Slippers, `made 'of .extra qualitykid .... �., PP , ,. . turn sales, neat toe cap; Theo cut; Satin bow'and buckle. Size 4 to°10 , Price 85c and $1.00, THE DUKE OF YORK TSis is the name of the newest Tie for : ladies ' .;andg entlemen. •' on can get' them ,hero this' week ; also ''the ;Derby with ' stripe. , in centro.' .. • fri1X-17-67191,, C ESSE TAFFETA s • This •is the best imitation of Taffeta Silk we have yet seen It costs less, looks as ;well, and will:Wear twice as: :long.- as Taffeta :or any other„silk; It is.rloulble fold; 1' yards.. to 11 will make ' a •waist 4 and all it costs is 50o :per yard. IS�IUSIhtS ` AND LAWNS Linen Lawns 122,: 15,• 18, 20, 25 and 35cents. 'Organdies.at"15,20 and 25 cents: Faricy, W ite stripi's at 10;' 12?rand 15 cents: . Fancy inuslins at 10 12-1-2;:15., 20, .25; .30 and 35 cents.' FANCY HOSIERY To be ii thestyle ou; should dhave a pair to wear with your Oxford shoos. 'They have the.. open work front and .,are . in assorted colo.s on black. Price per. air::50''cents..;' A NEW BELT; . Of late' a. dressy.: re pectable'• looking . belt to wear with shirt waists has been, 'hard :to •find::a-IYou can i;et'orie of the above 'aescriA -', tion .here this week .fori5.0 cents.' Don'tfine all the:luxuries to the parlor, Plenty of nice kitchen ware is a luxury , sand makes. work` a pleasure. Die.? card your heavy I 1 i;t;; . po s for ; `e"veryday use •and invest in, some of our IS,We.hoe it rn all articles for the kitcb.en tifuhy clean and,makes things; tastegoo.1.,. t's•fine ,beau • •' ,e+++ ++s+++++ E We have a;..tull range bf''Men's find shoes- in low,. medium and high priced goods; .:Low :Txicee we . have them ' e to sell from $1:25,.to $2.00, sr. pair, •.Med co We call ''` special attention: to our medium : priced goods which cannot.bp beaten hit." wear and' aPPearance by any. Men's:Donola ai .`Bo Calf73a1s and .,.Comb.; to sell at .$2, $2.25, $2.504 $2,75 per pair.: They are rare values. High rriced:: Goods, We gave a attractive range of good goodshich are excellent values at $8, $3,,50, :$4 and V4.per pair. Cali and examine. goods.. Reiairr�n neatly alli'oini • 1.. T y. -.our- :Golden Blend Ceylon Tea 'fry' our English flop Tea Try -oui l �.. =-Japat '1:'(a - enc � fry in quart jars Try oirr :Coffee,'Seal Brand L rya' our 25e 'Coffee.:. . Try .our Paradise Currants, recleaned' Irv-. our Extra Selecteditai'sins, Try our 'California- Evaporated; Peaches Try our Maple'Syrup in bottles/ Try our Choice:Prunes ': EST EN'D .GmE,LOaER n:• ' tRMS:CASl-1. tl • That Vouches `'ego ,MA cilb We have a large Stock of F&ii1 re including, T M It NOVAPO. o W eal< and Impure 131•ooe Liver 'axid K dn.ey, Disease Female d l:plaint r eto .. 1 Ash Dru giStorwribedilrccirto07:400'd,.Gti°Union 'Ont Sold y' Da .& Berry, Lncknow.'- We have ' the real thi'ng, in Maple Syrup. The. , Imre ,•artia ♦e, with 'the genuine 'maple flavor .that canna be- exaetly ini d,' and:` it is the,'fresh crop.: Tryit on, your breakfast cakes, .tie quart cans . 30c Three quart cans 90c One ,gallon .cans' $1.15 • TAKE "1A ' BY• ` L Line Of •Steaniships;. Allan RRIGAN Dominion iii ofSteit ships' ;NV. COI T tt A7 n.yr., ETYST 'C A NEWTON, Honor l+rti<lri^te in dentistry, :Cor nt4 Dental' College, and Doctor of Lleutt►1 fiery',Toronto university, • All modern laYis' of operation and cnrefuliiesa in workmna.sltils. Office in A11in"'sbiock,ui)stairs: ' ,t, >{ir'vieit it i)ltiy every T urs` AY' aft9rno h - - Bedroom Suits <Parlor Suites: Extension • Tables Sideboards Hall Racks. Dining. Room Chairs - :w ” HallChairs Fancy; Rockers` lindow:Shades ' Curtain Poles' Picture Frames &' Pictures. j �•�uresr.: MONY 'de take• De' art......;. ;t . hate• in every lined, .EIVIBALIVIINC. • C�'alls attended today or night. -w ..,. TO PATENT.GOOd 'Ideas mag be necntod'bY oris nid,:. 'Address; 0 THE PATENt nEQOQa, �Beltimore; A14' Store tret" dor io Po