HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-19, Page 8al} 'Poll" .�.r•P •4* • yaacray.^W �P57a1! rz?.�„`i:, Y• . J. orc wise.41P u!gect ;by Dr,, Itrycai of "Proovi cinl M ,A' +laal Health )ftciOl'i. to tai►e some 8r cih'Measures, and in turn has rafoL a lehe Peelle ficheel. hoard. that it isll'i igabl rot. all children to be inocu.eited, Tho subjact will bF is--ctftsr cls it.•is exppcied,, at the i egu- lar ruewting of tht , nblic school 'trus- tees, A¢ few, weeks' graoe may' be ,*ire2l;:,how'wer, as itaeeui@;'not,anwise, to, :postpone 'the compulsory. ,vaccina- tienief.the-ciilldren.'untrl Elie sun?rn'er' holidays, eo-a$ nob: to'irtterriipt, their'^' studies.which are new approaching: the climax of the`sehofastic`yea,r--the :rrt nue!. examinations. • , • It: has been :fullyproved at the Experimental• •Farms that: the 'tim.ely use of .Fungicides, and&Insectioices. will more than repay,tbe',labor,,and' expenses euta�led n,';their use' land. their' has been strongly recon wended; • •.uepartment of Agriti1 4ture. The chemicals`rovh ch ire' • ,. used is. as fungicides aro s• 1- . photo:of' copper and •formoline, Sulphate. of ;copper is used, sfor sprayingfrui6 trees to kill fuu- gus growth on both , ;trees,and fruit " ' b mal n is used on - seed to. pre Zeht smut, , Rarls. green and 'hellebore .ares what' aro conitnonly used as. insecti-. cider.' We, have 'these chem:i call and can furnish the latest directions fore their use: 'I beg to anneitrice to the public that Max: Wilson and. 'having snent ,eight yeare at. painting anddecorating,, here and 'in Toronto; ,• ai9 Prepared :to guarantee Orst." Class work, in: every Albert McKay. The next meeting, of the A 0.711. W Lucknow Ledge No 137; -will be' held , ori Monday evening April 29th. AS , to attend.. , The delegateto the Praha. ,of the We eeessen held Hamilton. A large turn but iS expected. StAve The :Birds Now that the. birds' are returninaa tO us for the 'snininer,,we,:wisli to .eriy,,a word to the boyi,;:'.6eine• of Who'll, are tiro fend of ShOoting at them 'with guns and bEtapn.lts.. • The birds .are: .. Useful inkilling insects 'which ere in-' jurieus: to vegetation, and it iS . to not .be. destroyed ,Or. driven aWay; 'to' say nothing Of the cruelty of injure; or attempt so, to do, anY., Crowe; -hlackbirde arid Englieh spar: payment, _imprimcment):.for...-violdtiori , of the, Ian,: Destruction. of,the 'nests -of birds' is prehibited also', under the wkind Dane that pulverizes, :Previous to the in-' 1;ver.i4,1ined to look uichiclise;hair—ro-w--- and oliet44 getten up harrows ',radical departure. from the Oki :style, . ,being strongly • arid, substantially' Jana and designed CO thorOughly and, ' die 80i1. . The discs, throw. out,14 stead this -style of Jiarrosi, cam, he • .1)1011.'s 0§tliial ;features neCessary, in the 'cansteuption of *it; taichmetit fer tvio Or three horses, the set itt an inde'pendent,' atiglei a, great ing'eo by Andre* Sz Webster, , A. Very', curious crowd tha people 'Wentectte knoyi Who: Belinda, BluegrasS, Profeseor Makeover, Ede. really were. TheY wanted to 'see the •Remodelscopei, and they fciind out all ahght it. There were eighteen ;Of masquerading "Old- Maids" and holding convention to solye the riddle, of Deittrimony. They ' Were ar.. :rayeci.in 'gate -lents that were' ...Wender fel:" ,...They were good: representatives of•the Spipsters, of olden ttme4 and the girls. Were, transformed -into • Was Just a. little bit Of 'a rebel and strong Plea 'for *vs.': .Mioa The first, speaker',. waS..ent:. voted and: all: declared favont of Convention:kept the....•Spinetere. well in' the 'fanning ,Of a petition,: 'Was being, .a-tictiVitlowers that., were •stif!posed eligible' for •thatioinonY`. Was. gobd. 'Couldbe,quotec,V were MisSed and. the 'toga". Created roars-ef -1aughter. F. -Cain anted. 'the. part of. .ProfeSaor Makeover: . -11e..Waa. dressed in :the, ithideat, snit. of clethei 'the town, coeld, son tUrned the creakinginachine While Candidates as regards telling the italth • about 'their age, • etc. . Thoee who. wished to be Singers,' piliy..er,e, :dadNire .or 'elocutionists had-, te... express their wish.. ankthe. think, was. done: M iss Daisy :Melt tyteeattie put radiant Miss Annie Boyd.-exOreised the' wish: wanted to- be a.little dancing girl, result little. Etta MoDOOOkt daiieed the 'Shawn TreWse':!. Miss Edith Smith ings insisted iipen'rtaking her dog into... .the machine,: came ont justoas She went ages; INfisall?thel McIntosh. desired to be made-int4Matr:but" the- Piefessof. informed het that it took two good women tp ,make • ,a•inata so, Miss Tee?. they canie 'put • as Mr, 11: Armstrong; Annie Dougl'as ;and 'Jennie .1.40,Wsoni wished to ..be 'triode • into 01.•py Went into the machine and. the ,Misses Charamode', result,. Miss ':not preve0-the-vires:fronrocntveiticig con,gratulations to, the 'happy bride. Among' the many',Inessages received was, one f,em her brother in Praz4. the. form of a. wild, roee 'with .a; diamoud.centr'e arid many other valu, able gifts were raceived from -friends The ening a7kay Costume of the bride Was a.tallor-rnade 'clieviot.in black and white mixture lictelsonie 'After the. wedding breakfa$t bed heen •ttitinq and 'ars; Burnett were - able to seciire-a treiri. for London en AO Washington and other. cities' and 'spend.. a fertnight, , before. taking. tip their henie at ,`Five, Oaks!' Roanoke 40A.12,oth -of April; baring ;the last ;Of Cincianati spending the simmers at .:ways been highly 1.esteorned 'and great,- . ly.admired by, a twit of friends: Mr. Burnett Occupies an iinportant official poeitioa on the. Norfolk ' ono Western Railroad the' head, nifices of which are at Itoaeolre,a-Reporter,, mEirifonisir Monday 8 1,.m.-.-League--Election. of 'Officers • • Tteesi Yitles, Alp 06. leading ones; The Canadian Hortienituii have oh hand, the Aylmer.SOrayer which hag, won first Kace '*" Call and inspeCesoni Aylmer STrayi g apparatus.. hay.e.a.. good assortment &lace Aiihat,,,W.'6 are, .Selling • • • • • • of its perfection, and Coinprises • • assorttnents that would do credit '• 16. • A. goodly assortinbilt 'rash- '0' • inillinery and an immense ,se- lection of the neVrest things .0 • enced milliners are prepared t6 .• • oyilf,liattern§ at; ..$7 50 per pan' • the 'advance in ,prices, RON ..Th.e. ladies wero AN ell pletted 114.' lir:61)611g styles 6 fiats. .. an . ,, onnets 111 pur opening isp. ay,.., ,e are- always . procuring the • er NNEL Watbh • tills district of the Harailton..1Vatah have complete line of thesa.goods in stock.' The Hamilton Company • are producing the best. watches . -.the market: and therefere.'We the privilege of offering yen a watch head and shoulders above...any„other-,.,. , - 'laving „purchased tl Boot and: ShOe stock of John Peart at rate on:the b011ar and halfe. added a largo quail 1,ty of ,:new. goods "i171.1i.C11: • IVO *have . bought *at roi:k ,bottom , elearina. Sate durinir which tiraeL %i/O V.;iB sell at areatly reduced price's. - We are,RoW prepared tp give you extra' value's and have coininenc.ed yov:, to in§pect. our potain our prices. an ...Highest cash pric.0 .eggs, and eggs taken in exchange for floot Shoe:6'. - ," The iit..thlie school children Will. in pleasant.c.repainder of the ' • Foneral 'vaccination of' al I the • as •Sixty-nine was. too., old and:the re. -eati she was not imp -re -Vett in ap- pearance one bit, she came out of tbe machine. very aniry and' walked off the platfcr_ni in .fit of bad temper. Miss Sadie Boyd insisted that she was only twenty, the 'Prof. .doubted her veracity. and „gave. her' fair • warning but...she insisted that She' was: only. "whoop bane, beets, hair .and • bones an ideal home wetlding was •seiemnized Bellevue,* Xineatcline,.• the home 'of the inotlier,of the: bride; with Rev. of the ittte 1)enald .Mackenzie. to Mr, pinned T.. riurxiett of llohnoke,• ti nfiir relatives were present', but'' were Unable tO reach here. ,'„L'Ilehride I Dur INtelry Depart -wilt sic:eked with the latest and best, Wedding and: Engagement- RingS, etc.', while in our repairing, branch we guarantee satisfact!on in -all onr Ia our Optical Department, , tett your • eyeS and fit yoli with glasses thitt will aid the dare of-tliet most. cornpliCated eye trouble. ' GiVe us it call, inspect our stock • and be convinced that. our 'priceS are right„ H. ARMSTR.DNC. • • credit to iltiyerie in, nay :irainp. ivithout my ordeti am :1 no`., realponaihle for debts 001)0 acted without ley r.onment. was given dway by :qr. .1N1a.els.en""tt, zie, ft brother. .and her ,gown Wog a 'PtlbliO Notice. tentlance of 86111,0/ of,,,tlie-gutigtl. 'it did CEMENT CONCRETE TEND:EFIS WANTED' of cement oont yete.',.mite..vallis ink the SAM. ' . ainount of eontr act', pa:I./Able .to, the order 'of ,adeb:101011:tottlic400totritte::,:tx,tor. f:li,1 jO't.11.1.P,e,l'torT:41, ,tt:P.,.. '1,Ifereef; and Val 1•Je tetttrn ed ini, cage; of non., tredm end btln,,o• malt ftna,' Also lots Nos, nesitiVely gave ni the. 'I own Wing. y.oiing mon and -Women to- con.• lheir.- • Vor Din tP4ke3(1:0iPOtilt.trn .a.11(1 other • Tilorobred Durhaim for 'Sap. other 'a beiftP18 inontlts•• (-dd. can be Lochalgli • House *and Lot for 'Sale: • ;Pond bonifortzthlo hou4e runt lot with good- 4 114$1 .for I •