The Wingham Times, 1908-04-23, Page 7TETE W1NGUA* TIMES,. APRIL 23, 1968 MINOR LOCALS. -Get your wf ddiug invitations and Ming cards at the Trees office. --Tie Turas to new subscribers from *OW till January lst, 1909 for 60 cents. -Phe total assessment of Seaforth this year is $840.218 and the population tat $.156. The front of Willis & Co's shoe atone has been brightened up by a fresh moat oaf red paint. -Organ recital sad cantata in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Tues- day evening, May 12th. --The road grader was brought into arse on Tuesday and Josephine street 'avis given a good cleaning. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have ooatribntions to this column from army of our readers. It yon have vieitor5 or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. Thos. Bowers spout the holidays with friends in Iageroll. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Malcolm spent Good Friday at Mitchell. ]fire. Wm, Moore was visiting with Ingersoll friends for a few days. Mrs. Edward Bosman visited for a few days with her sister at Clinton. Miss Brown spent Good Friday visit- ing with her grandmother at Brussels. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Price spent the holidays with relatives at Orangeville, Mr. John Nichol spent the holidays with relatives and friends in Brucefield. -Dr. Kennedy, who has been taking et post graduate course in surgery in the Vhloago hospitals is expected home *Q night.. :. Charles Barber has purchased a clew gasoline engine and cement mixer, to be in readiness for the coming 9leason's work. -The anneal excursion of the Haron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be run to Goderich and Wingham, on Saturday, July 4th. -Orders for horse route bills and cards, left or sent to the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. First- class work at reasonable prices. -Mr. Alex. Reid, who recently pur- chased the bus business, has moved Ms household effects from Kincardine and taken up residence on Victoria street. -Mrs. Howard, Gorrie, announces the engagement of her daughter, Amelia, to 1tev. J. Edgar Wilson, B.A., Uno Park, the marriage to take plane early in June. Coughs. colds, hoarseness. and other throat ailments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. 9.11 druggists. -Mr. T. E. Walker, formerly of Wingham, has sold hie farm near 1iiveredale to Mr. Michael O'Hagan. air. Walker has purchased a farm near 'Toronto. tsi)Rt , JarrissTON: --ln Wingliam, on April 2nd to Mr and Mrs. Ivan Johnston; a daughter. AsnxoN.--I0 Howie1 , on April 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Oeo. Ashton, dth cue.; a son. 14rr.. and Mrs. arch Kennedy a daughter, to TAM .-In Toronto, on April 6tk to Dr. and Mre. Nelson Tait; a son. THOMSOW.-In 'Brussels, on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Thomson ;a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on daughte. 13th, to stA1tuvan JAotcsoE--Guars -In Morris at the bride's home on ,April 8th, by Rev, J. L. Small, B. A., Margaret Janet Craig, to Albert Henry. Jack- son, of Morris. CARLISLE -WALKER, -At the residence of the bride's parents, on April 22nd, byRev. Dr. Gundy, of St. Thorras, Mr. C. P. Carlisle, G.T. R. agent at Belgrave to Bliss Edith. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mie. James Walker, of Wingham. Wlxsixtn-ELLr0TT.-In the Wingbum Bap- tist church. ou April 16th, by hes. H. E. Allen, Mr. Bertram L. Winfield to Mies Ida May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott, both] of Wingham. Mrs W. P. Gri@rson wss visiting for faw clays with icer illut$er at Sylvan. Mrs, Jae. Weir and Mrs. Jas. Mulvey spent the holidays with friends in Wrox- eter. Miss Jean Davidson, of Wroxeter was visiting with Wingham friends last week. Mr. L. McLean was in Arthur last week attending the funeral of his sister- in-law. Mr. Ohas. Bell, of Southampton was a visitor with Wingham friends for the holidays. -' Mr, and Mrs, A J. Pion were visit- ing with Ingersoll relatives for the holidays. Mr. Thos. J. Watt, of Mio, Mich, was visiting with old friends in town for 'a few days. Mr, James, of London, visited hie brother, Mr. Thos. James, during the past week. Mr. A M. Robinson, of Teeswater visited with his mother in town during the holidays. Mr. R. J. Fleuty, was visiting with his the holiday. -The Wingham Baseball Club and the Citizen's Band have under considera- tion a proposition to take part in a Victoria Day celebration at Listowel on Nay 2Sth. -At the ennual meeting of Western Football Asseciation, held in Stratford on Friday last, Elmer Moore of this town was named as official referee for this district. Mrs. Crows, of Owen Sound, accom- panied by her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, spent the Easter holi- days with her sister, Mrs. Thos. James, Frances street. -A mail service was inaugurated on Monday Iast on the Guelph-Goderich branch of the C. P. R. The mail train arrives in Goderich at 12.30 noon and leaves at 4.50 p. m. of Southampton parents for over Mr. Clare Vanstone, of Hamilton spent the holidays with his brother, Mr. R. Vanstone. Mr. Wm. Brock, of Owen Sound was in town last week attending the funeral of his brother. Dr. T. Chisholm, M. P, for East Haron spent the Easter holidays at bis home in town. Mies Marie Maybury of Toronto was the guest of Mies Mae Knox for the Easter holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haugh and two daughters were holiday visitors with Wroxeter friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cummings, of Listowel were holiday visitors with Wingham relatives. Mrs. R. Goring, of Toronto, visited her daughter, Mre. 3. W. Hewer, during the Easter holidays. -The low rate of $1.35 for the TIMES send Weekly Globe will be withdrawn after the first of May. Subscribers who Saye not already renewed will do well to ito so before the first of May. -We are sorry to report that Mr. Wm. S. Anderson, of Turnberry is in poor health, Mr. Anderson is one of the few remaining pioneers of the township and celebrated his 80th birthday one day last week. -The Good. Friday holiday passed off quietly in Wingham. The different places of business were closed and many of our townspeople -spent the day at their homes making ready for gardening operations. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. ,pssturto, Miami Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. dor -The cold weather this week has delayed spring work. The snow storm of Sunday night came as a surprise, but it was better to have it in April than in May. The papers reported four inches of snow in Toronto. ---Mr. Jas. Walker is putting extensive repairs on the front of his furniture store. New cornce is being put on and the store will be repainted. When the work is completed Mr. Walker will have an excellent store. -Many friends in Wingham will regret to hear that Miss Millie Harris, of Wroxeter continues in poor health. Miss Harris was brought to Wingham hospital on Monday for treatment and ber large circle of friends will wish her a speedy recovery. -The Mitchell Advocate is now in its forty-ninth year, and Mr. W. It. Davis, brother of our townsman, Mr. H. Davie, who started the paper in April, 1860, is still at the helm, The Advocate im- proves with age and we wish Mr, Davis sad the. Advooate many more years.,of prosperity. ---There is no mistaking the 4iperior- ity of a tea that in suttee built up a market in alum of the North American lees had the most e o sales, year after `e 000 packages was the imtiietsse outYut for 907. This oontinental endorsement of "Wade," Tea proves oonolusively right in offering it to the pttblio as the wed delicious and healthful tea in the U►0t t.. years has every part ntinent, that ue increases in Weyer 18,000,. TIED GoY.-In Turnberry, on April 19th, Mary Madeleine, daughter If Mr. and Mrs, John Goy, egad 2 months and 5 days, Bnocx.-In Wingham, on April 16th, James Brock, aged 65 years, 7 months and 13 days. BROWN -In Irowick on April 14th, William Brown, aged 45 years. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep _for service on his premises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar Terms -$1, to be paid at time of servica. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. U. U AND 'TRUNK SY$ EM Homeseekers Excursions Commencing 14th and comtinriing every second Tuesday until Sept. 29th. The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue second class return tickets, good for 60 days, from all stations in Ontario to principal points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Rates to Winnipeg and return $32.00, Edmonton and return $42 50. Proportionate rates to other points. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. t e Mr. Fay Patterson,'ot Toronto spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson. Mr. Jos. Saint, of Wallaeeburg was visiting with Wingham relatives and friends for a few days. Mrs. Dinsley and Miss Norma Dinsley, of Detroit were visiting for a few days with Wingham friends. Mr. and Mre, F. H. Walley and Miss Dorothy Walley spent the holidays with relatives at Ingersoll. Miss Mabel Rose, of Cayuga is spend- ing the Easter holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross. Misses, Lizzie and Annie Barber visit- ed with their sister, Mrs. R. D. Mason, of Kincardine, during the holidays. Miss Vera Stapleton left last week for Toronto, where she intends spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Phil. L. Wade. Mrs. Hollister and children left yester. day for their new home in Kincardine. Many friends will wish them enccsse and happiness. Mr. Jas. Cummings, of Toronto and Mrs. Stewart, of Lncknow were visitors for a few days at the home of their father, Mr. J. B. Cummings. Mrs. R. A. Douglas and eon Fred, of t'owassan, and Mies Douglas, of Mark - dale, were the guests of Mrs. D, Br. Gordon during the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bard, of Guelph, were visiting with Mrs. Bard's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Semi. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bard are moving to Woodstock; where Mr. Bard has aocepted a good position, Mr. G. C. Anderson, who has been aecoantant in the Dominion Bank for some time left on Monday to take a position in the New Dundee branch of the bank. Mr. A. F. Miller, of the local branch has been promoted to Mr. Ander- son's position. Mr, R. A. Graham retained home on Monday from California, where he spent several weeks with his son, Mr. David Graham, who has been seriously ill for some time. We are pleased io report that our fore, er Wingham boy is now very muoh improved in health. W. G. Miller, the oldest resident of the town of Simcoe, died M his home on Friday evening last. An hour before his death he called his family around him land oa1n ly told them he was dying, 16illb e was born in glue year 1po, 4ROYLGROCERY q. 1' 4.WHEN YOU WANT si.;4. $ FRESH 4. 4. GROCERIES aCome to A. J. Malcolm e. We pa ,1, carry a complete line of Gro- ,1, 4. caries. 4 a. TEA AND COFFEE a Our specialties. 4.. --- Also a beautiful line of Toilet Sets Dinner and i Tele. Seas AT RIGHT PRICES. nelea'1 4 §l•'1 II 1-+ Highest cash prices paid for Butter and Eggs. D Parlor Suites, Couches, Parlor Chairs, Tables, Mattresses, Springs, Iron Beds, eto. etc., at special cut prices. Se D GRACETS Furniture Store 1 1 Lookout for Squalls maramir Nomatter how big the adv., how big the stock, or how strong the poverty point is pressed, if it's low prices that make the sales, we will meet the very lowest price offered anywhere -right down to rock bottom. C SOME CUT PRICES A large x out oak Bedroom Suite, 3 pieoes, swell front dresser, top 44x20, plate mirror 30x24. bed stead 6 ft 3 in. high, regular $37.00 for $26.00 A large Sideboard, 3 out oak, poaehed,reg, $37,00 for $30.00 Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, regular $27.00 for $20.50 Sideboard, oak, regular $19,00 for $14.75 Sideboard, regular $13 50 for $11.00 Sideboard, regular $3 00 _$6.75. Common Chairs, double rungs, for each.35 Nice Highback Diners, brace arms .72 Parlor Suite, 4 pieoes, silk plush bound$14.75 4' H' 4. 'l' 4. d• .1, '1' d' a A.J. Malcolm PHONE 54. Successor to C. N. GRIFFIN. 4' '£'3'3i'3k'#'3'3£A3'3r'3'31"F'31'+3+F++ Struck with Surprise Every person who visits our store is struck with surprise at the high quality and low prices of Groceries. INNS ANN11111011111101•11111.10111 HAVE YOU TRIED OUR TEAS or COFFEE? If not, try a pound, and you will be convinced that they Are UNEXCELLED for FLAVOR AND STRENGTH W. BONE 7 r1NCiitAltrt, Oxr. Opposite new Sank of Commerce PHONE. i1$. A nine line of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts just to hand Anything yon want that we have in stock you'll get at prices that will astonish yon. Don't buy till you see for yourselves where the beet bargains are, 3 1 vvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvvvv►vvvvv y'ITYVVVVYyyy'1'YYYYr7VVVVYYM e• VVVVVVWIVVWWVWVVVVWVW, MAMMAA/ AMA/ AAMMMAAA A party of immigrtnte have Bailed from Liverpool for Canada, with the i ntenticn of taking up lend settling in the Province of Nova Scotia. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham (circle, No. 434 Meets First Friday in each month, at 3 p. m. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for chtap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates off any member or officers. Lathes accepted at same rate as men. Ray. T. S. Bovs,E, 0E0. $, COOYMAN, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYLEs, Financial Secretary. , 0E 1 TAKE NOTICE That 5. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. a:r'== lttagai:t i WANTED Ireason fo Illinmessomomais price ease and description, and LIT'I"LE EATO]. SBig Interest se Money 1 + 1 1, Invested.. .. _ • ♦ ZDURING THE NEXT 15 DAYS THE LITTLE EATON WILL MAKE YOU FROM g, Z 1 I 1 0 to 25 per cent" ♦ ON EVERY DOLLAR INVESTED. $ Extra special prices in Men's and Ladies' Wear ; also in 14 4. the House Furnishing Department. +! 4.♦ • +' , vSv vSUS acAsisss I eSLe r Watch This Space Weekly IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS .]l Lantern Globes, regular 10c, at .05 Axle Grease, regular l0c a box, at .05 Coal Oil, per gallon .15 and .18 Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for .05 Bulldog Shovels, long handle, solid shank, reg- ular 61 and $1.25, at .65 Galvanized Iron Water Pails, reg. 40e, at .30 BEAVER READY - MIXED PAINTS FIRST - CLASS QUALITY Quarts, regular 45c, at .30 Pints, regular 25c, at .18 z Pints, regular 15c, at :10 GRANITEWARE REDUCTIONS Graniteware Stove Pots, reg. 75c and 85c, at.50 Graniteware Stew Kettles, reg. G5c and 75c, at.45 Graniteware Pudding Dishes, 15c and 18e, at.10 Graniteware"Federal Pots, regular $1,00, at, .70 ALL GRANITEWARE AT GREAT REDUCTIONS, One Carload Coil Spring Wire Genuine Frost. Get our prices -they are the best. Sherwin-WilIiams Ready -Mixed Paints The Paint that bas no equal. A complete stock. When ranting s„ytbing in our line it will pay you to call and ge prices. A pleasure to show goods, whether you buy or not. 11101111111111111111IIMISIUMMIIMINIMMONIII Young's Big Hardwar lases:eines tete i "(" S✓. l%61C.."if+r nry'%fy✓,saS.°1t.'i'c •.r L:?.`i ton t.1,1 „"_.4 ,sig ,.. e. c.. .O.e .r, f. t• rs r✓, tr .cl'" Kai Cug til C ' erp rsy vi :c7 C till t> 1•. tai' ,01 4 THUNDERING REDUCTIONS FOR MEN AND LADIES. • 2 SMART SPRING SUITS For Boys and Men, at prices which will make you wonder where we get them. All new goods. w Z Z RAINCOATS AND TOPPER OVERCOATS * The price is away down and will. suit your pulse. 4 I SPRING HATS• ♦, Bright, snappy, new shapes, best English quality, regu- a; 4. lar $2.50, for $1.99. Don't pay the long price, boys. ,, I NEW SHIRTS The correct stuff, new and up-to-date, regular price up .; to $1.25, for 69c. All sizes to 19. OVERALLS AND SMOCKS ; --4( f The Railroad Cloth, blue with white dot. Regular ; $1.50 per suit, now 99c. 4; I ODD 'PANTS '' Extra special prices on all lines. Our stock is by fart 1 the largest and best assorted ever shown in town, I ODD COATS 2 +Men's and Boys' at ridiculously low prices. *,- + REMNANT SALE ' This lot of Remnants comprises ends suitable for a 1Z, Waists, Skirts, and Suits. The regular remnants of '' + our new Spring Dress Goods, all new, clean goods, and ' 4 ♦ will be sold at extra low prices to clear out the stock. ♦, A good chance for little money. ±: It SPRING COATS ' • s: At bargain prices wo sell you any coat in our entire .; e new stock. Lots of variety, and sizes for all. Don't be too late. E E SKIRTS A saving of at least 20 per cent. on every Skirt, which 10 means a low price for new goods - all this season's. so Try us. E UNDERSKIRTS EIn Sateen, Moire and Silk, all offered at greatly reduced a- prices. New goods. New designs. t CHILD'S SUIT b►, A 2 -piece Dark Gray, braid trimmed, for 4 to 8 years, for 99e. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Don't buy a dollar's worth of Carpets, Linoleums, or v. Curtains until you have seen our values, WE Al2,E IT, E far All Carpets sewn and laid free of charge, UANNA BROS. *A441 i iiii AAAAAA 44 A AlikiikaiitUA AftAA4141444.14A 04i1riA6144441/+t e