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The Wingham Times, 1908-04-23, Page 5
TIIE WINGUAg TIMES, APRIL 23, IaU8 Kernels from the Sanctu� Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. One hundred cod livers yield a gallon Of oil. It's easier to try to look intelligent • than it is to make good. Rheumatism will Succumb to South American Rhenmtttio Cure because goes right to the seat of the trouble aud removes the cause. Many so.called cores but deaden pain temporarily only, to have it return again with doubled violence. Not so with thie great remedy. It eradicates from the system the last vestige of the disease and its cures are permanent. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. --74. A vain man always makes a great hit with himself. The less a man has to say the more Jae is.inclined to talk. Files are easily and quickly checked with Lr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis. I surely .would not send it free unitise I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment wpnld stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar 80o. Sold by all dealers. Marriage at an early age is Pregnant in Mexico. Recently a boy of 16 and girl ot 14 were married in the capi. tal. Doane Kidney Pills not on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the, kidneys and bladder Prior to the fiscal year of 1907 man- ufactures imported into the United States always exceeded values of ex- ports. Three hundred- tons of tobacco are distributed annually among the sailors of the British Navy. It is sold to them at coat. The elevator man doesn't think it wrong to run people down. With, 5,500,090 inhabitants, Holland has 1,000,000 wage earners. . 20 Years of Vile Catarrh.—Chas. O. Brown. journalist, of Dnloth, Minn., writes: "I have been a sufferer from Throat and Nasal Oatarrh for over 20 years, during which time my head has been stopped up and my condition truly miserable. Within 15 minutes after using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief. Three bottles have al - moat if not entirely, cured me." 50o. Bold by A. L. Hamilton. -73. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -14444 Medicine in the Spring Needed by Everyone SPRING MEI?ICINE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. It a ham be plunged from boiling water at once into ice water, the fat will harden white and firm, giving the meat a fine calor. Pennsylvania State highway officials are experimenting with 28 varieties of limestone in search of an inexpensive, yet satisfactory, road material. CI -EL °ZO R 3 E3 . Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature a of Pitch pine, which has been considered almost worthleee, is now in demand fcr cranberry barrels. Soda should be rubbed on cream spots on linen before it is washed, to remove the heavy grease stain. Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stopped by one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Fain always means congestion—nn- natural blood pressure. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax congested blood- away from pain centers These Tablets—known by druggists as Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets—simply equalize the blood circulation and then pain always departs in 20 minutes. 20 Tablets 25 cents. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. for free package. Sold by AN dealers. It is all that some men can do to keep from being done. The carpet sweeper will be found more effectual if pushed in the same direction as the pile of the carpet, not against it. Winter Weakens the System, SAPS 'the Mood. Leaves Us Tired and Thin. Great .epidemics break out in spring, inch as fevers, pestilenoos, and infec- tions akin diseases, Wint r shuts us in from air and ouly the moet robust get even a 1 tt1e enn- shine. As a consequence of this unnat- ural mode of life, the blood becomes pol- luted, thin, colorless. Then we grow listless, dt,11, easily tired, hates head aches and find our work a burden. Reduced to this condition we become an easy prey to disease and fill hospitals and chnrohyards. To rapidly form rich blood, to expel the accumulated humors that winter has stored up in the system, to call back the energy, endurance and vim that will make life joyous, just take Ferrozone, a spring cleanser, unequalled in medicine. Ferrozone purifies by rebuilding nerve tissue and vitalizing the blood. The en- tire system soon feels the benefioient ac- tion of new rioh blood ; slow organs are stimulated to normal activity, expel poi- sons and wastes from the body, and the' result is the beautifully, harmonious working of the system. Weak folks are metered and health beoomes as natural a consequence as growth from moisture and sunlight. Men and women fortify your nerves with Ferrozone, renew the blood,through its marvelous blood -forming power, re- gain vigorous and enduring strength by its notion upon appetite and digestion. Use Ferrozone it you want to bo strong. "I increased my weight seven pounds in one month and regained health that had. been lost for two years—did this by using Ferrozone," writes Mrs. C. B. Mabee. of Centretown. "Ferrozone brought me restful sleep and good di- gestion, enabled me to relish my meals and work hard.all day. I ooneider it the finest tonio, the most nourishing medicine I ever used." Try Ferrozone yourself, 50o. par box or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers. To make bread reaping with little trouble, oruett of bread shunld firet be well lirowned"e oven and then passe ed thrqugh the miueer. Crumbs, wheth- er drieresior toateeil,,must always be kept in dppered bottles. The jury at Woodatock awarded $1000 damages to the family of Mre, Harmer, of Platteville, who was killed in the Grand Trunk yards at Paris last fall. The company ehould have pro teoted the tracks, the jury deolered. • Hon. William Pugsley announced in the House that he was considering the question of deepening the herbage on the lakes to twenty-five feet. Be sure' to place a pad under the oil- cloth cover to your kitchen table, as it lessens the noise, renders it easier to clean and doubles its wearing qualities. 60 Specialists on the Case.—In the ordinary run of medical practice a great- er number than this have treated cases of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure—but Dr. Von Stan's Tablets (60 in a box at 85 cents) have made the cure, giving relief in one day. These little "specialists" have proven their real merit. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -72. A Chicago woman brought suit against a saloon keeper in the name of one of her ohildren to recover, some of the money spent by her husband in liquor while hie family was in need. She had warned the saloon men that she needed the husband's money, but the warping did no good. Then she set the law in motion. In the first suit the jury awarded her $600 damages. Weak women get prompt and lasting help by using Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, antiseptic sup- positories, with full information how to proceed are interestingly told of in my 'book "No. 4 For Women." The book and strictly confidential medical advice is absolutely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. for my book No. 4. Solrl by all dealers. Heart-Siek People.—Dr. Agnew's Ohre for the Heart is a heart tonic that never fails to care—is swift in its effects —goes closer to the "border land" and snatches from death's grip more suffer- ers than any other remedy for any family of diseases and ailments iIt the category of human sufferings, Gives relief in 30 minutes. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -75. Flint Island, from which the recent eolipaa of the sun was observed, is a mere dot on the Pacific 400 miles north of Tahiti, The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into n perfeot cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 Dents. Double china are sometimes caused by resting the head, on a very high pillow. One of the best remedies for dark circles or hollows under the eyes is eight hours sleep every night. Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Care it with OXYGENATOR �rrsww "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures AEI Germ Diseases" ctrl SALE DY DRUGGISTS ME OXYGENATOR CO., 42 tt.rhor'd Street, Toronto, Oat. The president of the University of Chicago has made the statement that people do not get old until the r minde stop growing. But, as we understand it, a swelled head is not a sign that a man's mind is atill growing.W Washing- ton Poet. Beare the , The Kind You Have Always Bed %Ignatare of If your Potentate, especially the heavy pieces, are in need of new casters, have the pieces fitted with rubber, ball-bear- ing casters. Is makes it easy to move any piece of furniture, and the rubber will not aoratch the polished woodwork of the floor. Japan's mining production last year. according to returns published by the Japanese department of agriculture and commerce, amounted to $52,130,884. In 1886 the conel;podding value was $5,000,990. The value of Japan's min. ing output is trebling every decade. Tea leaves should nerer be used for sweeping purposes until they have been well rinsed in several changes of water. Tliis succeeds in extraoting any remains of coloring matter, which would other- wise have the effect of staining the wool of the carpet. After using the stove for frying, broil- ing or boiling rub it all over with a pad of old newspaper. In this way all grease is removed, a tidy appearance is main- tained and much trouble is saved in blackleading. ITCH, Marge, Prairie Scratches, Bar ber's itch and every form of contagious Itoh on human or animals cared in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Tea kettles would last longer if, after use, they were turned upside down to drain dry. It is the little drop of water left in the bottom which starts the rust that ends in a leak. To tell mushrooms from toadateels. —Peel an onion and put with the fungi while being baked. If the onion re- mains white, eat with confidence, but if it turn blank do not eat. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, bloodspavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by . . L, Hamil- ton. Zinc coffins ere largely used in Vien- na, but the more expensive ones are made of copper, and cost as much as $2,500, while a bronze and copper coffin recently made for a Russian archduke cost over $5,000. If it is necessary to fit a gored or evenly -plated skirt at the hips and waist line by "taking in" or "letting out," be quite sure to fit the skirt at each seam, and not make the alteraticn all in one plane. In this way the proportionate width of the gores or pleats is retained, which is a necessary detail to good tailor- ed and well•oonstrnotedskirts. The Poisoned Spring. -As in nature so in man, pollute the spring and disease and waste are bound to follow—the stomach and nerves out of kilter means poison in the spring. South American Nervine is a great purifier, cures Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia and tones the nerves. The best evidence of its efhicaoy is the unsolicited testimony of thousands of oared ones, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Inspector Leake is working on a plan to give normal school pupils three menthe at Guelph to take a coarse in industrial training before graduating as teachers. If soot should fall on the carpet or hearth rug cover it quickly with pow- dered kitohen malt. It can then be swept up easily and without leaving any stain, Catarrh Cannot be Cured. Preacher's Opiuio is Bev. P. 19. McRae, Forks Baddeclr, C. B.: ''I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Rctneilies. to ray parishioners. I believe there is nothing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness or run-down sys- tom. For speaker's sore throat I have found Psychine very beneficial," Rev. W. II. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: t' Psychino seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. 11I: Browse, Amherst Heade N.S., "1 have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a euro for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "1 have used Psychine in my fancily; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I stronglyrecommend it., Rev. J: S. I, Wilson, Markdale, Ont.: "I have' taken two bottles of Psychinti and am pleased to say thht I am greatly improved in health. I was troubled with my throat, but now I find`it about restored to its normal condition. I find my work very much less taxing. I believe Psychine is all claimed for it." These are earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where- of they speak_ Psychine cures all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a great voice strengthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive organs, thus specially adapted to public speakers. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can- not reach the seat of the disease. Ca- tarrh is a biped or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medieine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best. tonics kr own, combined with the beet blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combinations of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in outing Catarrh. Send for testimon- ials free. F. J. CHLaNL+'Y & Co., Props., Toledo, -O. Sold by Druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's Family . Pills for stipation, con - Oce of the eerione things about some people is that they would rather have a lot of hair with which to cover nothing than to have something worth while with no hair to cover over it, At the good old age of fourscore and two years Mr. Larry Manning "crossed the bar" on Thursday moraing, April 9th. He was a native of Devonshire, England, where he was born iu 1826. When fifteen years of age he acme to this country and for some time lived at Bowmauville, this province, where he learned the trades of carder and o'irpen. ter. There was not much similarity between the two but he worked at one or the other for years. About 1851 he moved to Colborne township and took up land near Zion. He there married a sister of Mr. Jae. Stevens of Olintore After living there for a long period Mr. and lge. Manning moved to Summorhill and eight years later took up their abode in Clinton. A quiet wedding took plane at high noon, Wednesday,April 15th,at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. William Shar- man, Goderioh, when their only dangh. ter, Misa-Etbel O., became the bride of Fred L Kiokley, of Guelph. The groom was formerly engaged with Mr. Sharman there and for some time has been with McDonald Bros, in Guelph. Rev G T. Hazen performed the ceremony. The bride and groom were unattended and steed before a bank of fiowere. When doing spring work in the gar- den, if it is awkward to wear finger gloves, cut off the fingers of the gloves, leaving short pieces to hold them in place. The nails will not catch the dirt if you rub them over a Dake of soap be- fore starting to work, pressing the soap under the mile. Victor Nelson, a station man at Dry - den, Ont., was killed by the exploeion of dynamite, which he was loading holes with for blasting. This is the third dynamite disaster at Senora within the past three weeks. Have ;you Eczelna?--Have you any skin disease or eruptions? Are you sub; jest to chafing or scalding? Dr. Agnew's Ointment prevents and cures any and all of these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles besides. One application brings relief in ten minutes, and oases cured in three to six nights. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -71. The marriage of Miss Anna Arm- strong, daughter of Mr. J. Armstrong, Lochaish, and Mr. Dan S. McDonald, Ripley, son of Mr. John S. McDonald, ex -M. P. P. and brother of Mr. W. R. McDonald, reeve of Huron, took place very quietly at high noon on Wednes- day, 8th inst., at Ashfield Manse in presence of the immediate relatives, Rev. A. Miller, officiating. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsneaa, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. A writ for a quarter of a million of dollars has been issued by Geo. W. Fowler against the Union Trust Co. of Toronto, as well as against its officers portion ally iccluding SirJohn A, $ o d , Hon. G. W. Ross, John I. Davidson, and Elliott G. Stevenson, Supreme Chief Ranger of the 1. 0, F., charging them with fraud, oonapiraoy, collusion, eon. version, breach of duty, gond negligence, in the management of The Eanxloops Lumber Company, of which they were otlleerr, sold in whloh Fowler owned 25 per oent of the cowpony stook. ••••••••••••o••••••••••••• • CONSTIPATION.•• • • • • • • Although generally described as • a disease, can never exist unless some of the organs are deranged, • which is generally found to be the • liver. It consists of an inability to • regularly evacuate the bowels, and • as a regular action of the bowels is • absolutely essential to general • health, the least irregularity should • never be neglected. • • MILBURN'S • LAXA-LIVER PILLS s have no equal for relieving and • curing Constipation, Biliousness, • Water Brash, Heartburn, and all • . Liver Troubles. +Mr. A B. Bettes, Vancouver, B.C. • writes :—For some years past I was • troubled with chronic constipation • and bilious headaches. 1 tried +' neatly everything, but only got • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • temporary relief. Afriendinduced s • me to try Lasa -Liver Pills, and • they cured sue completely. w • Prise 22,5 cent, per box, or 5 boars • • for $1.00, all dealers, or mailed • • • direct on receipt pt of price. ♦• 1 THE T. Mealtime Co., LlMITZD • • Toronto, Ont. • •••••••••••♦•••••••••••••S DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c.CATARRH CURE is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and HayFever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co,. Toronto and Buffalo. Harbottle, absconding secretary of the Toronto Club and Ontario Refie Associ- ation, has been oaptured in Oaba, and will be brought back to stand his trial. The surprisiug thing abont the Harbot- tle ease is the statement published in a Toronto paper to -day tbat very many Toronto people learned with regret of his capture. There is something wrong with social conditions wheu the crime condoning spirit beoomee so pronounced in a community as to call forth news- paper comment, What would have happened, we wonder, had the culprit in this ease been some less prominent sooial figure than Harbottle?—Hamilton Spectator. - The statistics obtained by assessor Walks shows that the population of Elderslie is 1945 which is 26 less than last year. Property to the extent of $90,000 has changed hands within the last year at good prices, Land values in Elderslie have kept up in spite of the etringenoy in the money market. Elderslie has lost a large number of good citizens by death and removal within the last year. The assessment for 1908 is $1,889,700 which is a'little higher than in 1907. In 1907, the first year under the new County Councils' Act, the 32 members of the County Council cost the ratepay- ers of Brune $2,281.80. That is quite a price to pay for county legislation. In 1906 under the old system of 18 members the cost was only $1,153 93 or about half the -price now paid for the supposed -to - be improved system. Or taking the aver- age of 1905 and '06, the/addition of 14 more municipal rulers to thie Oonnty bas Dost the ratepayers in direct taxation $692.40. The new County Connoil's Act is quite a factor in adding to this wenn- ty's burden of taxation.—Ohesley Enterprise. Mend garments before they go to wash and half the labor of mending is done away with. When the garments some from the laundry they are stiff and hard to sow on, but mended beforehand the task is comparatively easy, and iron- ing sometimes makes stitches almost invisible. The bank barn of Mrs. Logan, 5th con. of Stanley township, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground during a severe electrical atone. Nine head of oattle, two horses, and some small pigs perished, but the other stook was saved. The loss will be a serious one,as the insurance covered only $500. fr:r, 'Z'OXI. XA. Beare the ,The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of THE STRENUOUS LIFE Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. CAUSE FOR ALARM Epidemic Infiuenza,Grlpp3 Catarrh, al Troubles, Pueumonla In - creating. A marked increase in troubles of the breathing organs is noted in many legal- ities. It you will only have Hyomei at band to use with the first attack of Cold in the head, Pneumonia, Colds, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, iu foot any respiratory affection, the trouble will be quickly overcome. It the attack is neglected and becomes severe, speedy relief will come in most owe ard a pererstont use of Hyomei will cure. The directions for using it very, but the principal is always the same, that of destroying all the germs iu the sir yon breathe aura having it reach the air pass- .r ages with dry medication cram the Pine and Eucalyptus foreste. Remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lunge It's the dry air of Hyomei that reaobea the spot. Walton McKibben guarantees it. Complete ogtfit, $1. The stress and strain of the strenuous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five people suffer to- day where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence din• tress after eating, epecke before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indiges- tion. All who aro suffering with stomach troubles and that means at least two out of three in Wingham and other towns, should use Mi o-na stomach tablets. Nothing else is as safe, yet effective; nothing else can be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve'all troubles from indi' gestion as Mi-o-na. So reliable is Mi-o-na that Walton McKibben, with every 50 cent box he sella, gives a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. That languid, lifeless foaling that comes with spring and early summer, can be quickly changed to a feeling of buoyancy and energy by the judicious use ot Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Tho Restorative is a genuine tonin to tired, run-down nerves, and but a few doses is needed to satisfy the user that Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually reaching that tired spot. The indoor life of winter nearly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to sluggish cir- onlation in general. The customary lack of exercise and outdoor air ties up the liver, stagnates the kidneys, and oft - times weakens the Heart's aotion. Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative a few weeks and all will be changed. A few days test will tell yon that you are using the right remedy. Yon will easily and sure- ly note the change from day to day. Sold by all dealers. Daring the heating of a snit for dam- ages at Woodstock, Chief Justice Sir William Mnlock decided that the jury should go to Ingersoll to see the machine which oansed the injury. On the return trip a bullet was fired through the oar window, and the occupants, including Sir William, were ahowered with frag- menta of glass. The one hundredth birthday of Mrs. Robert Took was fittingly oelebrated at the home of her grandson, Mr. Geo. Shier, Armow, on Thursday, April 9th, 1908, by forty relatives and friends, win presented her with many imitable gifts. Mrs, Took's maiden name was Eliza Burton, She was born in the year 1809 near Pickingham, Norfolk, Eng- land, and was married to Robert Took in 1827. Six years afterward they set sail for Canada in the brig "Carron" " under the command of Captain Elliott. ilia they weeks After six lr sailing h s J landed at Quebec, and after traveling three weeks longer, finally nettled in Waterloo Coun- ty. In 1854 they moved to Kinoardine Tp,, Bruce ()Minty, where Mr's, Took has resided ever since. The four gener- ations of ohildren number 166 in all: Children 8; grand -children 68; great - grand children 86; great -great -grind• children 4. Mr. A. D. George, barrister of Ches. ley, who was arrested on a theft charge, was honorably discharged. A quiet wedding was celebrated Thnreday morning, April 16th, at the North street Methodist parsonage, Goderich, when Miss Winona R. Reid, daughter of Mrs. James Reid, became the bride of William Hogan, pattern - maker at the Doty Engine Works. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. N. Hazen at 6 a. m. in the preeenee of a number of relatives and the young couple left on the 7.10 o'olock G. T. R. train for a trip to Brantford, Toronto and other points. DOES YOUR HEAD Feel As Though It Was Being Hammered? As Though It Would Crack Open? As Though a Million Sparks Were Flying O.ut of Your Eyes? Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach? Then You Have Sick Headachel BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS 5 Mr. John Jamieson on whose farm Laurier postoffrce is situated in Ashfield, having sold out, and hie successor, not caring to continue the office, Mr. Wm., 1Semptom has been recommended for the position' of postmaster. This will necessitate a slight change in the location of the cffioe, but not enough to make any material difference. WE WANT A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN for Wingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Largest list of commercial and do- mestic fruits—large and small; orna- mentals, and shade trees; flowering ehrobe,vines, roses, fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. •Stook that ie hardy comes from us. A permanent situation for the right• man, for whom the territory will be re- served. Pay weekly. Frce Equipment. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON. Foothill Nurseries (850 acres) C©1tADA.• TORONTO. 0*. ••••••••••.• ••••••••••.• 1.•••••••ei • •• • It a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon • • or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he • bui'd his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten • • path to his door.—Emer:.on, • • Get on the path to the door of the ♦ ♦ • • • Tres Printing Office • • • Where mouse traps are not made but • • -where-- ••• • win afford relief from hcadsehes no neater whether sick, nervous, spasmodic, periodical or in g bilious. It cures by removing the cause. Mr. Samuel .h, Hibbard. Belleville, Out.. writes: "least spring 1 was wry poorly, my appetite failed me, 1 felt weak and nervous, had sick headaches, was tired alt the tithe and not Able to work. 1 saw Burdock Blood Bitter reoo :mended for just such a ease the mine and I got two bottles of it, mid found it to be as exsdlent blood medicine. You may +ass my teams as 1 thick that others should know of ties evoaderful aassita of Burdook Blood lsittera," ♦. • • • ••• •. • • • •s Good Printing Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printing is done cheap; where the kind of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path oto your door; where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Phone 4. 1 • •