HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-16, Page 8ikt
VOL N.XNYII.—NO. 1889.
1 FREE 1
50 cents
We are selling $1.00 bottles of
Emulsion and Iiyp p
bospbites for 50 cents.
Flaxseed is best fat producer
ever discovered and when com-
bined with I3ypophospbitee is un-
equalled as a SPRING TONIC
and as a remedy for Colds,
Bronchitis, Exhaustion and
Nervous Trouble.
$1,00 Bottles for 50 cents
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
We have just opened out our new
goods for Spring and Stammer.
To say they are the nicest range
ever shown here is potting it
pretty strongly, but really the
Snitinge are beautiful, both in
design and material.
ahe prevailing colors are Ele-
phant Grays and Browns i n
stripes and plaids. Of course
Blacks and Blues are always cor-
rect, and we have a large range
of these goods,
A ohoice stook of Hats in all the
'newest styles.
A good. new Stook in all lines.
Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars,
Gloves, Fancy Vests, etc.
Merchant Tailor and
Men's Furnishings
Does the food question get the at-
tention it deserves? Think about it
and you will answer NO. And yet it
ought to be first in all domestic oon-
This Grocery Store
aecureo you against adulterated or
low grade foods by having everything
carefully selected, and there are
No Exorbitant Prices
This is the store where choice Teas
ere e+•+ld. Try onoe--always use.
All China and Crockery at big
disoonntr. Now's the time to
L Henry Christie
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Married in
Miss Evaline (Evt
of the late Alex. D
was married at Los
on Saturday, April
A. Johnson. Man
will wish the ne
many year of hap
Dawson, daughter
wson, of Wingham
Angeles, California,
llth to Mr. Palmer
old friends here
ply wedded couple
y wedded. life.
Read important announcement No. 3
on Page 5.
Sale of Stock an
Mr. Arch Martin,
10, East Wawanoo
acre farm to his
Martin and will h
auction sale of far
and honsehold fur
April 27th. Mr.
list of stock and i
for particulars
i lot 28, concession
has sold his 100
ephew, Mr, John
Id an unreserved
stook, implements
Wire on Monday,
artin has a good
lements. See bills
hn Purvis, auo•
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds.=Farmers! Get
your sappy at GEo. E. KINGS.
Centre Hur
At a meeting of t
new Centre ridin
Bly th on Thursday
olair of Brussels '
Garrow of Goderio
it was decided to
meeting and nomi
Seaforth on Tnes
o'clock. Four dele
each polling subdiv
was drafted to preps
submission to the oo'.
n Liberals.
e Executive of the
of Huron, held at
afternoon, Mr. Sin -
the ohair, and Mr
acting as Secretary,
old an organization
ating convention in
y, May 12th, at 1
ates are asked from
sion, A committee
re a constitution for
Knox's are going on of wall paper.
10,000 rolls to be col.:. coat. Now for
The Licen
Tho redistribution
by the Ontario Le
make a change in
Commissioners fo
members of the Bo
for West Hnron ha
ridings. Meesre.i
are now in Ncr
Churchill is in
Asquith, the Inspe
Huron. Mr. Wm
for what was East
dent of North Hu
bili, recently passed
islatnre will likely
the Liquor License
the county. The
rd of Commissioners
e been moved to new
ookhart and Durnin
h Huron and Mr.
oath Huron. Mr.
tor, is now in Centre
Clegg, the Inspector
Huron is now, a resi-
Having disposed o
business, all account
settled by cash or n
boot and shoe
ne me most bo
to by the 20th of
Death of
After an illness
months, Mr. Jan
on Thursday mos
on Minnie street,
ceased was strickl
time ago and he
strength, nor wa
long time. Mr.
manhood in Wro
ham over twent
large circle of
bereaved widow
of many friends
ames Brock.
xtending over several
s Brock passed away
ning last at his home
Iin his 56th year. De-
n with paralysis some
ever fully regained his
he able to speak for a
3rook spent his young
eter, coming to Wing -
years ago. He had a
(friends in town. The
will have the sympathy
in her affliotio
LOST.—Between the + i iott brickyard,
and the 6th line, Turn. •rry, on Sunday,
19th. inst., a Lon : : ble fur. Finder
rewarded on leavi same at Saunders'
Book Store, Wing • am.
The local "fan
think about baseb
oonnts the game s
ham this season.
players are in
men have drifte
"good ones."
Wednesday eve
to organize for t
executive ohos
officers :—Hon.
Hon. Vice Pres.
tary, J. W. Mo
Workman; M
The team is fo
snoh a hurting
He knows the
will undoubte
to bumbled. T
Lakeside 'Leaf
good showing.
the hearty eup
are beginning to
11, and from all m-
ould flourish in Wing -
Most of last year's
n and several new
in who are said to be
meting was held on
ing in the Pariah Hall
e season, and a strong
The following are
Pres., A. H. Musgrove;
Prinoipel Taylor; Seore-
ibbon; Treasurer, J. G.
nager, T. J. McLean.
unate in having secured
anager as Mr, McLean.
me,,is a good ooaoh, and
y reeks the boys attend
e team is entered'in the
e and should make a
The boys hope to have
rt of the oitizene.
Dr. Orem. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, bias, Ned Ind Throat will be at
MoKlbbon's drug store, Monday, April
27th, Hours: 12a.fn, to8p,m. (Hanes
properly fitted.
Spotton Corres
ndence Schools
desire five energeti salesmen. Two to
make headquarte.• at 'Wingham, one
at Orangeville, a d two at Peterboro.
Good contracts t. hustlers, none other
need apply. Th an interesting pro-
position for male eachers,
Fon SALE—Tw. good working deer.
Apply to J. A. MLEAN.
WAN TED 1-1,000 lbs. oho e butter;
30o a pound this week; a BEE HIVE
Lakeside Lea
At a meeting h
Good Friday the
League was re-org
Teeewater drops o
Blyth and Goderi
that the planes r
will be Kinoardin
Blyth and Wing
were :—President,
dine; Seo•Treas.,
Exeoutive oommi
and W. 0. Brit
Messrs. Tait, G
L ncknow. A se
but as it is snhjei
publish it later.
will play the firs
Kincardine on
ue Organized.
Id in Wingham on
Lakeside Baseball
nized for this season.
t of the League and
h are coming in, so
presented this season
Luoknow, Goderioh,
am. Officers elected
J. C. Miller, Kinoar-
Robt. McKay, Blyth;
ee—The two officers
on, Wingham, and
erioh, and Watson,
edule was drawn up.
t to revision, we will
The Wingham boys
game of the season at
y 29th.
family, apply to W.�
s hoe store, Rebt. Joh
Tg/ ErNT—Small
V WILLIS at the
ston's old stand.
FARM TO RENT— 5 cod farm to rent for
grass or cropping Two miles from
Wingham, Apply o H. Davis
Time to
The following
Advocate will a
" Where do all ib
bottles and scrap
other come from?
last fall; but the
veais the back ya
of rubbish, One
that it came dow
however it got t
and the sanitary
when he comes,
pretty soon. So t
Clean up Clean
appearances. Tha
there is no ornam
heap of old tea -lea
suoh over in that
"dead solder" tin
jewels. Get them
health's sake. Th
frozen all winter
warm sunlight and
many kinds. Typ
for yon, or malaria,
eases. So remove
Maybe you don't oa
and are willing to
disease. Well, the
8et you if yon don
may have some rega
If so, clean up, an
of having a fine to p
'lean Up.
from the Mitchell
ly to Wingham:—
old tin cans, broken
of one kind and an -
They were not there
going of the snow re-
d dotted with all sorts
is tempted to believe
with the snow. But,
re, it is there now;
inspector will see it
it is not got away
e•world goes forth•
np for the sake of
pile of ashes out
nt. Neither is that
es, potato skins and
ther corner. Those
ens don't shine like
way. Olean np for
garbage that was
egins to rot in the
develops germs of
id may be waiting
r a dozen other die -
he possible cause.
e for appearances,
eke the chance of
alth inspector will
watch out. Yon
d for your pocket.
escape the chance
LOST— In Wingham on
ing, a gold set neckla
rewarded by leaving
son's millinery store.
onday even-
inder will be
Miss Macpher-
Huron Coun
municipalities of
Clinton last Thnrs.
association to be .•
branch of the, On
hence. Seven to •••
of Heneall are leo••
and concerted ao
to introduce loos
other planes, to in
Goderich, Wingha
ages of Exeter a
townships. Reso
expreeting strong
three-fifths bandit
ford ement of the pr
East and West Hur
was also of the opini
anoe voters should s
dater who wduld fav
on local option, Re
Toronto, addressed
The officers eleoted
President, F. Buchan
Presidents, 0, M.
Rev. W. Martin, Ex
Allen, Wingham;
Cooper, Clinton;
Brown,Goderioh; CO
J. S. Robertson; Clint•
Wingham, W. 11. Gr
R. Govenlook; Beyfi
Neil; Brussels, W.
T. H. McCallum; He,
man; Blyth, A. Carr;
Howiok, W. Waite
Rev. E. Salvers; St.
Wed Wawanosh, W
wanosb, W. G. Sal
Hutton; Grey, W. 8
y Organizing.
rem' t he different
• on county met at
ay and formed an
• own as the Huron
rio Prohibitory Al -
ships and the village
under "no license,"
ion will be taken
option by-laws in
Inde the towns of
and vill-
d Blyth, Clinton,
• tions were passed
disapproval, of the
p, and the non•en-
sent license law in
The convention
n that the temper.
• pport only Sandi -
r a majority vote
. H. S. McGee of
the oonvention.
were as follows:
n,Wingham; Vice
lllott, Goderioh;
ter; Rev. H. E.
:oretary, A. T.
eaaurer, J. P.
enors, Goderioh,
,Rev, J. Greene;
en; Seaforth, J.
d, Rev. J. Mo-
. Kerr; Exeter;
all, J. C. Stone.
Hay, 5. Rainey;
; Tuokersmith,
et', Thos. Wiley;
Bailie; East Wa•
; Tarnberry; 3,
Rohan; Ashfield,
J. fieRenzie.
The Liberals in
tend the convent
Town Hall, Wi
this week. Fi
appointed from
in the riding,
made welcome.
ing of the Lib
riding and we
dance. Addres
prominent inet
n Lib
this section should at-
m to be held in the
gham, on Friday of
delegates are to be
soh polling sub division
ut all Liberals will be
This is the first meet -
rale for the new north
pe to see a large atten•
es will be delivered by
Highest pride paid for hides and pool -
try at T. Fella' botcher shoe.
WANTED! -1,000 lbs choice butter;
30o a pound this week; at the BEE HIVE
The Baptist chu
a pretty wedding
week, when Miss
Mr, and Mrs. Harr
in marriage to
W infield, of thi
Allen performed
bride, who was
father, wore sil
taffeta, trimmed
and sea pearls. 8
ary veil and carri
roses. She wa
Nellie M. Wade
eti mine dress,
and applique; a
bl ne plume, a
carnations, Th
by Mr. Geo. R.
J. G. Mitchell,
Elliott acted a:
the groom gave
set with pearls;
of solid gold on
maid a eolitair:
ushers, a gold
the signing of t
played,while M
the ceremony w
f ami]y Bible w
t Baptiet c
first couple to
Mr. Gee. Mut
a ppropriate w:
A very tasty d
home of Mr. a.
bride's going a
blue broad o]
Mr. and Mrs.
noon train for
Buffalo. After t
residing on Viet
Winfield will be
the third Thnrsd:
ott Nuptials.
h was the scene of
on Thursday of last
a May, daughter of
Elliott, was united
r. Bertram Lindsay
town. Rev. H. E.
the ceremony. The
given away by her
mnlle over ivory
ith valenoiennes lace
e wore the oustom-
d a bcquet of bridal
attended by Miss
ho wore a pale bine
rimmed With chiffon
o a white hat with pale
d carried a bcquet of
groom was attended
Mutton, while Messrs.
Ted" Elliott and Herb
ushers. To the bride
beautiful gold crescent
to the best man a pair
links; to the brides -
pearl ring, and to the
stick pin each. During
e register, Mrs. Homnth
se Chisholm sang. After
s performed a handsome
s given to the bride by
roh, as they were the
e married in the church.
on responded in a very
y on behalf of the bride.
nner was served at the
Mrs. Geo. Wade. The
ay gown was of navy
.th with hat to match.
infield left on the after-
oronto, Hamilton and
eir return they intend
ria street, and Mrs.
home to her frienda
in each month after
Fou SALE—Clover, Timothy, Goose
W heat, eto. GEo. E KING.
DRESSAIARING—Mise Carruthers wish-
es to announce that shetie prepared to do
dressmaking either by the day or at her
own home, on the south corner of
Catherine St., Wingham.
St. Paul's Vestry Meeting.
The anneal Vedtry meeting of St.
Paul's church
evening last and
Rector, Rev. T.
The various re.
that the year jus
successful one,
by the congrega•
up as follows:
Diocean colleoti.
$166.75; Jubile
collection, $8 0
86; Parish 0
Auxiliary, $42.
20; Women's
hood of St. An
offertory, $36
tions, $804 53;
makes a very g
gregation and
Boyle and the
gation are to
good• year's w
ening year w
Rector's Ward
Warden, J. D.
0. Smith, B. A
stone, E. Nash
Porter, D. B.
C. W. Inglis;
and H, Kerr
thanks was t
Wardens, Mees
Porter. A mo
partnre of the
and wishing h
now charge at
Daring the past
four baptisms,
twenty deaths
came rentor in
have baron for
Paul's oongreg
vestry meetibg a
al re -union will
evening, when
be ready for die
s held on Monday
as well attended, the
Boyle in the chair.
•rts presented showed
closed had been a very
he total amount raised
on being $3093 55, made
A. Y. P. A., $338.22;
n, $115.75; M. S. 0. 0.,
collections, $121; Jewish
; Sunday school, $127.,
ub, $379 87; Women's
0; Girls'Auxiliary, $35 •
uild, $154,14; Brother-
rew, $54 65; rents, $110;
65; envelope oontribu-
ew rents, $284,75. This
od showing for the oon-
the Rector, Rev. T. S.
members of the congre•
congratulated on their
k. Officers for the en -
o elected as follows:—
A. E. Smith; People's
urns; Vestry Clerk, J.
; Sidesmen-0. G. Van -
A. 3. Alderson, A, E.
•rter, J. E. McGuire and
editors, 0. N. Griffin
A hearty vote of
dared to the retiring
s. C. P. Smith and A. E.
on of regret at the de-
ector, Rev. T. S Boyle
every ARCee9r in his
Chatham, was passed.
year there were twenty-
seven marriages and
nd since Mr. Boyle be -
November, 1905, there
•seven deaths in St.
tion. The adjourned
d annual oongregation-
•e held next Monday
• e annual reports will
• •
WA lrzn.-1000 rat skins, and all other
kinds rdw furs. Gso,1C. Sial,
All over Ontario t
servectives are now
conventions and
Legislature are bid
of the daily papers
day last that the P
be held before the
be the case it wil
paign and this
parties as an oleo
tnrbs business.
week be the scan
Liberate and Con
is in the centre
in future see
gatherings of bo
To -day (Thursda
hold a nominatin
ganize a new asao
the Liberals will
for similar work.
intend that our
will have a walk ov
and whoever the c
will have a busy tine
and election day.
meetings largely atte
e Liberals and Con-
olding nominating
ndidatea for the
nominated, Some
nnounoed on Satur-
vincial elections will
3th of Jane. If this
mean a short cam•
ill likely snit both
on more or less dis-
Wingham will this
of activity by both
ervatives as this town
North Huron, we will
any of the political
parties held here.
the Conservatives will
convention and or-
ation and op Friday
hold a convention
he Liberals do not
nservative friends
in North Huron
didates are they
of it between now
e hope to see both
Organ Recital nd Cantata.
Tuesday evening,
s elected for the orga
to be given in St. An
()horde. Prof. W.
Hamilton, who is
organist has been e
tato, •'Vinitivity,"
will be given by a n
ere. This promises t
tainment of the se
largely attended.
y 12th, is the date
recital and cantata
rew's Presbyterian
H. Hewlett, of
Canada's greatest
gaged and the Can-
by Cabal Simper,
ber of local sing -
be the best enter
on and should be
WANTED.—A ton of roll butter daily,
270; fresh gathered eggs; also any
quantity dried apples, feathers, etc.
Geo. E. KING.
Pretty Hom
On Wednesday o
o'clock, at the reside
amore• Walker, Sc
pretty wedding w
contracting parties
daughter, Miss Edit
0. P. Carlisle, G.
grave, and formerly
ceremony was perf
room, which was pr
ferns and out flower
smilax and ferns.
St. Thomas, a for
M ethodist church
dating clergyman.
was played by Miss
cousin of the brid
married in her tray
blue chiffon broad
oriental lace blows
congratulations a s
Miss Olive Mason,
of invited guests
bride received man
presents. Mrs. Oa
ham's estimable
TIrnis oan heartily
very best wishes t
Mr, and Mrs. Oarl
noon train on a
Detroit and on their
housekeeping at Bel
this week at one
cis of Mr. and Mrs.
tt street, a very
solemnized, the
eing their eldest
Walker, and Mr.
. R. agent at Bel -
of Wingham. The
med in the drawing
ttily decorated with
, under an arch of
ev. Dr. Gandy, of
er pastor of the
ere was the offi-
he wedding march
ann of Teeswater,
The bride was
cling suit of navy
loth, with cream
over silk. Daring
to was rendered by
f town. A number
ere present and the
beautiful and useful
lisle is one of Wing -
ung ladies and the
in in extending the
the young couple.
le left on the after -
rip to Buffalo and
return will take tip
Snow as a ertilizer.
A bulletin recon ly issued from the
Central Experimen.:l Farm at Ottawa
contains the reporof a series of ex-
periments with the object of ascertain-
ing the value of /snow as a fertilizer.
The result of thso have shown some
definite results in;'the amount of fertil-
izing agents presOnt in the snowfalls at
that place. The location of the Experi-
mentaI Farm, old a to the city of Ottawa,
would not show t e snowfall to be affeo-
ted to any great extent by the smoke
from the city, 08 ttawa has not nearly
the same proporti n of factory chimneys
dr railroad train as other Canadian
cities, and the air s comparatively pure.
Snow in falling ao s as a filter to the air,
absorbing evapora ed fertilizing agents,
as ammonia and n trogen, carrying them
back to the earth a solvent absorbed
and held. Thee eriments show con-
siderable variati , owing possibly to
the variation in the amount of these
agents in the a' , and to the character
of the snowflake as they fell. The av
erages shown for the winter of 1907,
show that, with• the average snowfall of
that locality,
mount of nitr
by this means
pound per aor
amount in its
evidence that ss
me 90 inches, the a -
en returned to the soil
would approximate one
This is not great
11, but it is conclusive
ow is to a small extent
Mr, Gilbert Fergie i repared to do
all kinds of wir f oro building and
ditohing. He h oomplete Outfit of
tools and will d 00d work.
To the Editor of t
Dear Sir,— I
understand that s
tend the n.ndesori
St., are quoting
work as done ther
to state distinotly
case. I have neve
in private, given
to the confusion o
fusion of ideas
I should have to
genets, any educat
before I could giv
a medley of incon
e nu-Es:—
aye been given to
me of those who M-
t mission on Victoria
me as favoring the
. Allow me please
that such is not the
either in public or
y word of approval
tongues and the con-
hioh prevail there.
art with my intelli-
n, and my religion,
my sanotion to snoh
for the Gospel,
St. Paul's congr gation will hold their
annual reunion ne • t Monday evening in
the Parish Hall.
The Rev. T,
next Sunday for
In the morning
"Life's Destiny
render a solo at
A meeting for
in the Parish
4 p. m. Mr. W.
who was unabl
speak on the
man soweth."
Next Sunday
day at the
pastor will tali
m., "How nen
p.m, "Averyc
ion, that is no
reception servi
be held at the
Sacrament of t
administered at
and evening ser
Boyle will officiate
e last time as rector.
his subject will be
and in the evening,
" Miss Griffin will
e evening service,
en only will be held
Hall next Sunday at
A. Noble of Hamilton,
to be present last, will
abject "Whatsoever a
ill be Oommunion Sun-
thodist Church. The
for his subjects : 11 a.
h is a man worth ?" 7
mmonly expressedopin•
worth anything." A
for new members will
orning communion. The
e Lord's Supper will be
he close of the morning
We were mo
and delighted
room on Easte
someone bad be
and beautifeing
rug, curtains,
making inquiry a
work, we were
done by the
Glass of the Met
tainy adds ver
and homelike
I take this oppo
and wishing th
own welfare, a
deavour to he
behalf of my of
t agreeably surprised
n entering our class
morning to find that
n at work furnishing
the room with carpet,
'attires, etc., and on
to who had done the
told that it had been
onng Men's Literary
odist Church. It cer-
mnoh to the comfort
ppearance of the room.
tnnity of thanking them
every success for their
d in their earnest en -
p others. Signed on
es and myself.
COOPER, Class Leader.
An orange tee has been known to
produce 15,000 .ranges at one crop.
Mr. Daniel K:lly, inspector of weights
for Toronto is dead, after a month's
Will Adam said to be the first
Englishman to land in Japan, is buried
near Kokosuka
The lyre bird of Australia is the largest
song bird. It is about the size of an
English pheasa , 1.
As a genera rule it is pretty safe to
guess that the name of a dress material
comes from so .. e place.
The Japanes: will never sleep with
their heads to t north, but their dead
are always burl d that way.
License fees .ave been raised to $800
in Oalgary, a • d hotelmen are now
charging 25 cent: for mixed drinks.
The most in . ern flour mill in the
world has just •een opened at Winni-
peg and has a apaoity of 5,000 barrels
For a numb .r of years the United
States has ma tained in Puerto Rico
two battalions, or eight companies, of
native troops at an annual cost of $150,-
Never again
Janotion appea
table. It is cal
This is the resp
been incorporate
under that name.
ill the name Toronto
on a 0. P, R. time-
d West Toronto now.
t of the place having
by Provincial Act
A young man gi • ing his name as J. B.
Young neatly sw 'died the Bank of
Toronto and the B nk of 0ammeroe at
Sarnia, to "the tun of about $830, by
giving them marke checks of a well-
known American ank, and getting
away with the cash, rt week,
England consumes 4,400,000,000 eggs
a year, and the de • and for real new
laid eggs is far in a •ass of the supply,
The hens of Engla.d itself. after re.
serves hare been ret . ide for new crop'
of ohlokene, *end ,270,000,000 eggs to
market every y : The balanoo of
2,180,000,000 0011kell 'Al 01044
There are Soo
weeds—dozens o
chemicals, eto.
way that 18 so
other method oan
even for a motile
cultivated cousta
vegetable and flo
one day old will
from a hoe or rake
old will need a p
weed a week el •
you' get down o
On Wednesday
T. Cameron, a y
borough, Ont., t
held the muzzle
the trigger with
tore away a goo
and death was i
James Mosel
tor of the Dom
died on Monde
Moseley was t
of Mackenzie'e
ties in Toronto
day in 1837,
near the site of
ket, in the yea
ed to the sheri
that men were
rebellion was o
ment was (lithe
out to Look the
Mosely went to
g Weeds,
9 of ways to fight
patented appliances,
�f them all, the one
oh the beat that no
o compered with it
t is to keep the earth
tly all around the
er growth. A weed
at a mere touch
A weed ttree days
etty severe jerk. .A.
is going to make
your knees and dig
orning last Mrs. D.
ng woman of Rox•
k her husband's rifle,
her head, and touched
a stick. The charge
part of the forehead,
, father of the proprre-
on Hotel at Calgary,
last at the age of ninety.
man who brought ne
ebellion to the anthori
.n that long ago historic
e was born in Toronto
the St. Lawrence mar -
1818 When he report -
and mai or of Toronto
filling, and that the
at Aurora, the state -
eyed and the men sent
atter np were captured.
algary a year ago,
thoroughness, prog
= aro our w oh ids. Commer-
Mail Co ses in any subject.
Ix 02 No vacation.
lip 4a- WIngbana Rualnees College
" ILLS Geo. Spotton, Principal.
Properties For Sale
FRAME lee STORY—Victoria St.
FRAME 134 STORY—Edward St.
FRAME lee, STORY—Scott St.
FRAME 2 STORY— Minnie St.
BRIOK STORY—Victoria St.
BRICK 2 STORY (new) —Victoria
BRICK 1 STORY (uew) —Josephine
BRICK 2 STORY (new)—Catharine
BRICK 2 STORY (modern) —Minnie
Properties in Pleasant Valley,
Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville,
Chisholmtown and in the central
parts of the town. Call and see us.
We can snit you. Don't all speak at
once. Choice farms at right prices
and on easy terms. Insurance—all
kinds. Farm Loans—low rates.
Ritchie 86 Coups
Phone 123
The Leading Shoe Store
The Fanner, the Mechanic and the
Laborer, when at- work, need Shoes for
wear—not style.
They want the wen -made serviceable
kind, made in durable leatheis and
made 8trong.
Rut Made on Comfort
Shaped Lasts
11 any one needs a comfortable Shoe,
11 is the man who is ob?igcs1 to be on
hiA feet 511 day-.
We have made Workingmen's Shoes
study, atd we know we have the hest
to be had in *owl looking, conifortable,
durable and antiuthotory shoos.
All Clistirnnteed