HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-16, Page 7TI14 W1NKIAM TIM , APRIL 16, 19V8 MINOR L0QALSr Utlier sett Illasuley. . hrtdny tq-ntozrow—a public hit . --L R Saul.ders lads. a i;ew advt. in title issue. '—( ardeaaing operations will soon be ls: tett ewigg. . —Bead the :advertisements in ahitl Woe at the Tants. -S ling le in full progress Bat many volute in the Wed, The cool weather has delayed spring 'work on the farm. A few farmers have c'ommantted plowing. — Mr. Wesley Walker, formerly o j 'Wiagham has purohoeed 141r, Adam Fpater's reeidenoo property at Ciintou. ---Rev-4T. S. Boyle ie offering at half 1P.�r3.00 Several piecesof good furniture nearly new. They can be seen at the Rectory. --The High and Pablio Bobcats will vivo this (Thursday) evening for the Easter holiday's and re -open on Monday, April 27th. Caughe, owe, honraan e#0. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolone tablets. ten: cents per box. Ali druggists. --The Liberals of North Huron will hold a nominating convention in the Town, Hall, Wipghem, on Friday after- noon, fternoon, 24th. 111r. Alex. Craig; Grand Organizer for the Sone of Scotland spent the past 'week in Wingham in the interesta of Oamp Caledonia. Mr. Craig secured a number of new members while in town. —The many friends of Mr. W. Henry, Gi, T. R. egent are sorry to learn that lie has been serionely ill for some Jaye and on Sunday last was taken to th+a hospital. We hope he play have - a speedyrboovery. —The death took place in MoKillop on Friday of Mr. George Lockhart. De. ceased had reached the advanced age of seventy nix years and ten months. His death removes one of the eeriest settlers in the township, and one of its most re. spected citizens. Mr. Alex. Craig, Grand Organizer for the Sons of Scotland intends spending Thursday and Friday of this week in •Whiteehuroh in the interests of the Order and if he is able to eeoure a suf- ficient number of members will organize Damp in that village. Mrs. H. Roadhouse of Wingham underwent a critical operation in the hospital here laet Thursday. Dr. Gunn of Clinton, performed the operation, assisted by Drs. Agnew and Macdonald, aleo Dr. Armetrong, of Harriston, brother of Mre. Roadhouse. £RESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETt A. simple and eaective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 1O3 in stamps. LmYnio, Mums Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. sox .--Mr. and Dire, Alex. Roes celebrated the 40th anniversary of their marriage on Wedneeday of laet week. They spent the day the gneste of their daugh- ter, Mrs. T. Smith, Wingham. May they be spared to celebrate dee 60th anniversary is the wish of their numer- ona friends.—Lucknow Sentinel. —The local Young Men's Ohrietian Asaccif#tion has rented a large room on the second floor of the Macdonald block in which to hold meetings. The room has been repainted and furnished. This will make an excellent place of meeting for the Association. Announcement of dates for meetings will be made in our neat issue. Exeter ratepayers carried two by- laws on Friday by good majorities, The Gibb by-law was to grant a free site to the Gibb Evaporator Co., and the Con- nor bylaw to grant a free site and fixed taxation for ten years to the Connor Machine Company. The vote resulted: --For the Gibb by-law, 332; against, 52. For the Connor by-law, 338; against, 46. —Mr. W. H. Willis has purchased a shoe business in Wingham, and will shortly take possession. We regret very aitch: that circumstances compel Mr. Willie to leave Seaforth, as he has been a good and enterprising citizen. We can, however, recommend Mr. Willis and family to Wingham, and trust they may le most successful in the northern town.—Settforth Expositor. --Tho., Ilughes, a tramp umbrella mender, who has been around Wingham for some time +mite found in W. Salter's barn in East Wawanosh on Sunday and Watt brought into town. Ile had been drinking heavily and on Monday morn- ing appeared before Police Magistrate Merton and was given one month in Goderioh jail. He was taken to Goder. /oh ort Monday in charge of Provineial Constable Phippen, Owen Sound harbor is now free of 100, and the first boat of the season vow the Clieddtone Which came in from Wf*r oniaattSundaynight. The steam. er Cataradt, which wintered at Port ;IDaouae, has aim cleared for Toronto. A Utter from Canada's first girl far. alder appeared a short time ago in Woman's Employment, a London jour. Ma. The nriter, Who is sanely con. doottast aaooessfully a foal near White. wood., Sask., #syr Vat Om right woman owititsd w*1 stomid in Oans14a, PERSONAL.. Mr, Johu Fyfe left on Monday for Winnipeg, where he will spend the summer.. Mies Agnes Wilson of T'arstberry has returnee home atter visiting friends in Selgrave. Miss Fannie Paterson spent Sunday with leer friend, Mrs. Walter Roes,, at Teeswater, Mr. Itobt. Reid left on Monday for Vancouver, S. 0., where ho .has secured a geed position. Mr. Roes McLelland, G. T. R. train despatcher, of London was a visitor in Wiegbam ou Thursday last. Mr. James Roby left on Tuesday for Cochrane, Alberta, where he will spend the summer with his eon, Mr. Geo. Rally. Mr. Alex. 3!. Bird, has secured a posi- tion itt Stratfoid and left last week for that city. Ile will move hie family to Stratford, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Price leave on Friday morning to spend the Easter holidays with relatives in Orangeville and vicinity. Mr. Geo. MoEwen, of Hensall, ex -M, P., for South Huron was a visitor with Mr. F. G. Sperling for over Sunday. Mr. J. H. Ross, Treasurer of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, was in town this week in the interests of his company and oalliog on old friends. Messrs. Thos. and Herb Hicks left on Monday for Vancouver, B. 0. Messrs. Hicks will locate in the Western coun- try if they find a good opening for business. Mr. R. A. Hutchison left on Monday for New Westminster, B. C., where he intends spending the summer months. Mr. W. N. Hutchison is now living at New Westminster. Miss Lizzie Elliott has returned home from Buffalo, where she was in a hospi- tal for some time. Her many friends are pleased to learn that she is very mnoh improved in health. Miss E. L. Lloyd has returned home from California, where she spent several months visiting with her brothers. Mise Lloyd'a many friends are pleased to welcome her back to town. The Bishop of Huron was a finest at the Rectory last Monday and Tuesday. He conferred with a deputation from St, Paul's Church regarding a new Rector and the choice now lies entirely in the handa,of the committee. Mr, John A, MoHarg, of London was visiting for a few days Iast week with his old friend, Mr. John Quirk, Mr. MoHarg was for many years with the G. T. R. and for the past twenty-five years was station master at London, but was retired in January last under the new superannuation law of the G. T. R. Mr. MoHarg is a friend of Mr. Quirk of fiftythree yearn and was present in Brantford at Mr. and Mrs. Quirk's wedding fifty-two years ago Iast Christ- mas day. HEALTH FOR THE BABY. A mother who has once used Bebe,' Own Tablets for her ohildren will al- ways use then for the minor ailments that come to all little ones. The ets are the beat medicine in thejiorld for the cure of indigestion, col' constipa- tion, diarrhoea, teethins troubles and breaking up cold. An• the mother has the guarantee of a go eminent analyst that this medioi e c• • tains no poisonous opiate or narcdt . Mrs. Wm. F. Gay, St. Eleanore, P. E. I,, says:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets with the best of results and knoll* of nothing to equal them for the ogre of stomach troubles. I do not feel sate unless I have a box of Baby'S Own Tablets in the house." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 centa a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brookville, Ont. The Department for the Interior at Ottawa has just issued a new home- stead map of the Provinces of Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, cor- rected to January last. New features of this map are exact outlines of the location and extent of all timber limits, and ooai properties of British Columbia, acquired by the Dominion Government in theregion of Ferrite. The total num- ber of homestead entries in the year 1907 was 29,215, making an area of land given away for this purpose in the year 4,674,- 000 acres. In some Western town, the name of which is earefnlly kept hidden, there lives a prominent merchant, who 25 years ago was wanted as John Taylor,'' to answer a charge for the murder of Thomas Brown. Ali efforts to locate hint failed, and it was only redently that he divulged td the authorities at Kingston, N. Y., his true identity, throwing himself upon the mercy of the prosecuting attorney. Taylor invited a scrutiny into his life for the past quarter Of a century, and this proving datiefae. tory to the courts and the State's cottn� vel, the name and all information in connection with the matter will be kept secret. BOAR FOR SERV The underaigar4 will tidos service on hie Prosaism, Lot 18, Con 1, Morrie (Bleerale Read) a tberenghbred YArkeeire Boar. Terme-=$1, to be paid at time of sertfea. T. X. Ittltnalts03s. wigwams, u. The Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner's. Report. The annual report of J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy and Cold Storage Com- miestoner, bas just oome tobaud ina volume of 174 pages. It deals with the work of four important divisions of the Department of Agriooitnre, namely, Dallying, Fruit, Extension of Markets and Cold Storage, is wellillnstrated witb. half tones, and contains Limps ,showing the various fruit growing distriote of the Derabeion. In the emotion devoted to dairying, the Oommissiouer reviews the dairy industry and gives some interest- ing figures bearing on the trade, A large amount of space is devoted to a complete report of the Cow Testing Aseociatione. A review of the apple industry of Canada by Mr. McNeill ie. a feature of the section devoted to Fruit, and the working of the Fruit Marks Act is dealt with at some length. The methods which are employed to improve the handling of perishable products re- ceive considerable attention, and the report shows what is being done along this line, Under the head of Cold Stor- age the various servioes are described and acme general information on the erkject is also given. There has been prepared along with this report, but published separately, a map showing the approximate location of all the cheese factories and creameries in Canada. The report makes interesting and in- structive reading for any person connec- ted with the industries touched upon. Copies may be eeoured by applioation to the Dairy and Cold Storage Commission- er, Ottawa. Bourn. Zvnnaraa—luwinOtani, on April 12th, to Mr, and Mrs M, E. Zurbrirg; a son. Wants—In Grey, on March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Inglis; a daughter. -MAcDonald--In Jamestown. on April 8th, to Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MacDonald ; a daughter. MCALLISmnn—In Grey, on April 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister; a daughter. MARRIED DILLON—Tn aAvooN.—At the home of the bride's parents, Wingham. on .April 2nd, by the Rev. R. J. Treleaven, uncle of the bride, Mr Sidney S. Diiica, of Des Moines, Iona, to Miss Jean Treleaven, of Wingham. DIED BALL—In. Wingham, on April 10th, Mary A. Crothers, relict of the late Henry Ball, aged 11 ytars and 11 months. Excision—In London, on April 13th, Mary, wife of Mr. James Beckett, of Lower Wing - ham, aged 58 years. Ressar.—In Beeman, Man., on March 24th, Robert Russel, formerly of Gerrie, aged 85 years and 5 months. SMALa—In Chicago, on April Gth, Eliza Ann Adelaide Tole, relict of the late S. B. Smote, M. D., of Wroxeter, aged 05 years and 0 months. Trim—In Spokane, Wash., on the 16th rest. J envie Bell, beloved wife of Mr, 5. J. Tripp, aged 48 years. Wrtl,Is—Iii Morris, on March 26th, Robt. Willis, aged 64 years. 8tItLrrn—In. Morris, on April 18th, Miles Miller, aged 80 years. + + 4. 4. + FRESH + • GROCER, ES 4. at Come to A. J. Malcolm'#. We • carry". complete line of Gro- ; series. 4. TEA AND COFFEE .F Our specialties. ROYAL GROCEflY WHEN YOU WANT + Also a beautiful line of Toilet Sets Dinner and Tea Sets 4• + + + 4. + + AT RIGHT PRICES. 1' 4• i+++.1 -k++++++ .+1, Highest Dash prices paid for + Butter and Eggs. + 4. J. Malcolm 4. PHONE 54. + + Successor to C. N. GRIFFIN, + +++++++++++++444-1-1-1.444-44+4. Struck With Surprise Every person who visits our store is •struck with surprise at the high quality and low prices of Groceries. RAVE YOU TRIED O11R TEAS otEOFFEE? If not, try a pound, and your will be convinced that they are tieitlee :LUSS for FLAVOR AND STRENGTH. W. BONE WINO1Lan, ONT. Opposite new tank of Commerce PRONE .113. NOVVYWWWWWWWWWWWV kovVV WWWWWiMf1hlyvvyWWWWWWyV Lookout for Squalls 011111111111114140 No matter how big the adv., how big the stock, or how strong the poverty point is pressed, if it's low prices that make the sales, we will meet the very lowest price offered anywhere—right down to rock bottom, SOME CUT PRICES A large el cut oak Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces, aweil front dream, top 44x20, plate mirror 80x24, bed stead 6 ft. 3 in. high, teenier $37.00 for......... ........... $20.00 A large Sideboard, ?:( cut oak, po.ished,reg, $37,00 for $30.00 Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, regular $27.00 for $20.50 Sideboard, oak, regular $19 00 for $.14.75 Sideboard, regular $13 50 for $11.00 Sideboard, regular $3 00 SO.75 Oommbu Z7hairs, double rungs, for each.. , .35 Nioe Highback Diners, brace arms .72 Parlor Suite, 4 pieces, sick push bound$14.75 Parlor Suites, Conches, Parlor Chairs, Tables, Mattresses, Springs, Iron Bede, eto. etc., at special j out prices. A nine line of Baby Carriages and Go • -Carts just to hand Anything yon want that we have in stock you'll get at prices that will astonish yon. Don't buy till you see for yourselves where the beat bargains are. 3 1 c f S. GRACEY'S Furniture Store 1 VVVVVVVWW WVWWWWYVV, AAAAAAAAAAAKKAAAAAAAANANNA A party of immigrants have eailed from Liverpool for Canada, with the intention of taking up land settling in the Province of Nova Scotia. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES W ingla azn Circle, No. 434 Meets First Friday in each mouth, at 8 .p. in., in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates off any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. Rsv. T. S. Bortu, Gso. H. Copr mAN, Leader. Recording Secretary, W. J. Wrens, Financial Secretary. TAKE NOTICE. - That J'. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Blook, Wingham. �tteaiw=' ;Elm WANTED I A GOOD FARM Ifor sale. Not particular about location. Please give price and description, and reason for selling. State when posses- sion can be had, Will dealwith owners only. mOiliiMMIMMINEMIEMZIMINUMME Darbyshire, Box 984, Rochester, E.Y. to hear from owner having C'" h ‘ tn. Cly; C!. C� l/1 Cie a V•1 C!� C✓ 14) �CtS Cy 4 4 S"q, h ,!X1 Ttit14,7,S 5.1:1%.0 nSfelS:l•W i✓1 !1 C/,`S 11 a,✓ L /],]w..]J✓. exe% 7r'zsu`�e_ r_ lc (.7r.ri. r: c, ei e>]ei e c, MEE S i✓5ra- s'SiySSS Watch This Space Weekly IF YOU ARE LOOMING FOR BARGAINS i THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Lantern Globes, regular 10e, at .05 Axle Grease, regular i.,0e a box, at .05 Coal Oil, per gallon .15 and .18 Clothes Pins, 5 dozen for .05 Bulldog Sbovels, long handle, solid shank, reg- ular $i and $1.25, at . .65 Galvanized Iron Water Pails, reg. 40e, at ,.30 BEAVER READY - MIXED PAINTS FIRST - CLASS QUALITY Quarts, regular 45e, at .30 Pints, regular 25e, at .18 Pints, regular 15c, at .. , . .10 GRANITEWARE REDUCTIONS Graniteware Stove Pots, reg. 75c and 85e, at.. Graniteware Stew Kettles, reg. 65e and 75c, at. Graniteware Pudding Dishes, 15e and 180, at.. Graniteware rederal Pots, regular $1.00, at... ALL GRANITRWARE AT GREAT REDUCTIONS, .50 .45 .10 .70 One Carload CoiI Spring Wire Genuine Frost. Get ottr prices—they are the best. Sherwin-Williams Ready -Mixed Paints The Paint that bas no equal. A complete stook. When wanting anything in our line it will pay you tit call and get prices. A pleasure to show goods, whether you buy or not. Young's Big Hardware i (1a te 0 , lee fi T'STT'[T.TTTYTTyyyTTrtriry''[wyy YTIFyyyvTTTTTTYTYVyYYYVYYVV' E mae €LIT'I"LE EATONI'; lR !r C At • • • ♦ • •••+ • • • z i ♦ ♦+ • • • • • 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ +' ♦ ip + I:► Easter reetings Each one of you needs an Easter Hat— .4, 4, ti +:- +," +i. +` 4.1. veryone always wears something new— •41 ; 44 Tie or Gloves of dainty hue +▪ , st uit, Skirt, or Coat, or pretty Waist— •, , i here's everything here to suit your taste. " shine, you must have that ! +' t Grandeur and style are here displayed— e +' t; .., R.,,, ugs and Squares of varied shade ;; ;+, i' E1 legant 'Carpets for parlor or den--- ; Z• t r 4 + 41* ' 4. n red or green, in fawn or blue ; '+ Z $ I I J!L ain or I veryone knows it_s WE who have thein. apestry Curtains we'll drape for you N . ottingham Lace, Madras or Scrim --- G ive us your order, we'll make your home trim 5,,,,\ nug and cozy, and bright to live in. **tA L AAAAA.4 A AMAA ' AAVAAA4/44444444,4444414444