The Wingham Times, 1908-04-16, Page 4la THE WING1IAAI TIMES, APRIL 16, 1.908 We carry la full range of these fine garments and can satisfy you in style, fit, quality and price. May we supply you with your new Easter outfit ? McGee C mpbell ...m.nrommaimammilm=ma= IMMEeM=Mg====m4 CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. it A GREAT CHANGE is to take plane in the Cabinet of Groat Britein. Wa, too, are making great changes in the gaeltty and valves of all lines of our ' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Oar stocks aro very large, and we believe that the quickest and best way of reducing our heavy stook is by giving oar customers better valve in all lines. CURTAINS ! CURTAINS ! ! Oar stook is the largest and best that we have ever carried 1 Everything that you desire will be found in this department, in prices from 25e up to 810.00. Thi 253 Curtains are very nioe patterns, 2;? yards lows, niosly taped all around. SIDE OUR SPRING PARASOLS ! They are beauties, and moderate in price. etOR tIL, Another of the esTargPioneer reeidept$ of dile township passed away on Mon- day of this week in the person of Miles Miller, ip his 80th year. Mr. Miller had for years been a resident of the 3rd line and during hie long residence here had made a large oirole of friends. A Wonderful Cold Core,. Just think of it, a cold cured in fea. minutes—that's what haopeas when you use "Oatarrhoeone," Ton inhale its aoothiug belsawe and out goes the cold —eniffies are oared—headaohe is cured symptoms of oatarrh at1d grippe disap- pear at once. It's the` healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Oatarrhozone that enable it to rot so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bronchitis, oeughs and oatarrh its a marvel. Safe even for children. 25o. and $L.OQ sizes at all, dealers. IOLENANNAN Many of the farmers have started plowing. Mr. Cheater Dunkin left on Tuesday morning fob the West. Mr, James Weir hat been severely hurt by one of his horses. This will lay Mr. Weir off .work for some timo. It is rumored that Mr. Jas, I, Scott has sold his farm on the 12th. eon, of Turnberry to Mr. Wm„ElIiott. Mr. Henry Elliott and family are busy moving into Wingham this week, Mr, Wm. Elliott is going to move into the honee vacated by Mr, H. Elliott. 1 M. GORDO.N. Mr, H. Aitken has sold his driver to Mr. Thos. Weir. Mr. Muir 'had the timbers for his driving shed squared last week. BELGItAVI. The Girl That Is .Pale. Another old resident of Huron County She is in danger, her system is run has boon laid to rest in the person of 4400010.04400040" Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following'treatm t: 1 -lope, rest, fresh air, and---Scote.s• Emulsion. ALL ARUQG1STS; 50o. AND $1.00. 000004000000, oaterrON. Rev. 0. I?,. Gonne has completed seven years as rooter of St. Paul's and the present condition of the church is meet encouraging to rector and people. The Sunday school has during the seven years inoreaaed by 100 per cent., and both the rectory and chorale are in good repair and almost entirely free from debt. Over $4,000 has been raised above the current expenses of the church dui,- ing the rector's term. Tho Bishop of Huron will conduit the confirmation services here on Sunday, May 3rd. Tho work of palling down the frame of St. Joseph's Qhurch to make way for the now edifice commenced on Monday last. Is is one of the ol(Ieat buildiuga in. town, having been erected in 1854, and for a number of years used by the mem- bers of Willis Presbyterian Church. Dr. Thompson is confined to the house by an injury to one of his knees, caused by an unruly horse, down, weak—she needs nourishment, needs richer blood. More than all she needs Ferrozone, needs it because it brings back the nerve energy which raped growth and etude, have exhausted. The old-time vigor, happy spirits and new strength return wan Ferrozone. The delicate maid is energized, strength- ened and rebuilt. Isn't it worth while using Ferrozone when it surely does so much. At all dealers in 50o. boxes. Important Announcement No. 2 In introducing ourselves to the people of Winghani and vicinity we wish to emphazise 4 points in particular. NO. 1. --We understand the shoe business from A to Z, having been educated into it from childhood. NO. 2.—We make a specialty of shoes— nothing but shoes—and give our whole attention to this line only -no groceries—no dry goods --only Shoes, NO. 3.—We will buy and sell the best shoes that men, money and experience can produce and always at lowest prices. NO, 4, --We desire the chance to demon- strate to you the. truthfulness of these statements and invite you to put us to the test. Watch for announcement No. 3 next week, and don't. forget Tilt PLACE.° W1'llis Co. Robt. Johnston's old stand Directly opposite new Bank of Commerce building. worm Mrs. 'John Mills has di'posed of her valuable farm property on the boundary line of Hallett to Mr; Murray for $7,000. Possession to be given immediately . The annual meeting of the 'Methodist Sunday School was held at the home of R. Slater's on Monday evening, April (itis. The auditor's report was presented and accepted. The following offioere wero elected for the ensuing year: — Superintendent, C R. Beese; Attestant, E: Bender; Secretary, Robt. Slater; Treasurer, A. II. Wilford; Organist, Miss E. Moser; Leader, Miss S. Bentley. A full staff of teaohers were appointed. At the close a vote of thanks was waved to Mr. N. B. Gerry, who has been superintendent for the past few years end-all wished him prosperity in his new home. OBEY. The Legislature hae closed. Archie Hislop, M. P. P., is home from his duties and will pooh the work of hie big farm. Robert Pickerel who sold his farm to Hugh Richmond, ou lot 35, concession 11, Grey, and hada sale on Maroh 13th, left for the West last week with a car of settler's effects from Heufryn. We teeth him prosperity. Harry Jacklin, has gone to Morris where he will be employed with Wm. Bird, receiving a good team. from his father, Elijah Jaeklin, to leaving home, one of the horses being from an imported horse owned by the late Thos, Mc Lauohlin, of Brussels. He is a emitrt young man and shoald do well. • Oliver and Mrs Turnbull, 15th. con., were visiting their cousin, Mrs. Robert' son, at Wroxeter, last week. The latter has not been enjoying good health but we hope Elia will improve. She is a daughter of Thor. Smith, a one time well known resident of the (ith, eon., Grey township. We. George Sowler, of Belgrave. She died at her home in the village, after nearly four mouths of terrible tilaknees, which was borne with cheerfulness and ohristian fortitude. Her maiden name was Sarah A. Williams She was born in Halton County, Nassagewaya town- ship, in the year 1841, and was married in 1860 to Mr. George Sowler. They came to Haran County at that time and ,settled in West ,Wawanoeh, near St. Helens, where they lived about 15 years, when they moved into East Wawanoeh , and after 30 years Dame to Belgrave to live. Mref Sowler was an earnest ohris- tion and a member of the Methodist Church, and died trusting in the merits of her Saviour's blood. In her lifetime oho was always ready to m`nister help to the noddy, and there are many sorrow- ful hearts among her friends who re- member tier kindness in watching with them while';they were sick. Her hus- band and tax children :—Mrs. S. Brooks, of Lincoln, Mich ; Mrs. W. J. McGuire, of Holstein, Ont: George W. of Toron- to; Mre. James Wilson, of Blyth; John W., ou the old homestead, and Horace W. of Belgrave, are left to mourn their loss, brit they do not mourn without hope, for they believe that when the Arohangels trump shall sound, and the righteous dead shall rise, she will awake from her sleep in the tomb, and come forth to immortal youth and bloom, to live where no sickness or sorrow shall ever come. She was buried on Friday, April 10th, at Bethel cemetery, in West Wawanoeh. She sleeps in Jesus, blessed s'eeP, A Vegetable Constipation Care. Because they contain meronry and mineral salts, many pills are harsh. The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. They clean the stomach, in- testines and bowels—drive out waste matter, tone the kidneys and forever cure constipation. As a general tonic and system cleanser nothing is so mild and effioient as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold every- where in 25o. boxes. It I'reveuts Sdre Throat. No simpler way to >ii11 a cold and stamp cue sore throat than by applying Nerviliue—rub it in freely, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Piaster oa the cheat. These remedies hunt out pain, destroy &i'ery trade of congestion, oure the cold and tendency to bronchitis Thousands find Nerviline inestimably the beat remedy for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica, colds and winter ilia Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but it is safe and economical. Ail deal- ers sell Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for 25c , the plasters same price. Beware of substitutes. EAST W AWANO5$. We have received word that Minnie Mand, daughter of James and Mrs. Jenkins; was united in marriage to George W. Warmington, at the pride's home at Erie, North Dakota, The young lady was a school teacher and well thought cf by the young people. She is a mice of Giles Jenkins. Mr. B. Witmer, of con. 13, has sold his farm of 100 acres, being the north half of lot 83, con. 5, East Waiwanosh to Mr. Robt. Johnston. Mr. J. Craig, of St. Augustine lost his fine barn by fire; cause unknown. All of the live stook was saved except one mare. All the other contents wero lost. The barn of Mr. Jos, Washington was nearly all destroyed by the late storm; whether it was struck by lightning or by the wind is not known, but about three-fourths of it was blown down. From w ich none ever wake to we ep. EAST WAWANOSEL i The Council met in Belgrave, April 7th, pursuant to adjournment, members all present, minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The Eugiuoor'a report on the proposed Grasby Drain was read by the Clerk, to the several parties interested. There being no objections to the report, the Clerk was iustruotod to prepare the nee essary bylaw in connection with the same. The Engineer's report on the Hallahan Drain (estimated cost being $2,581 00) was a?so read and an oppor- tunity to add to, or withdraw from the petition. The council, however, on the advice of their Solioisor refused to adopt the report, it being contended that the petitioner had failed to secure a majority of the owners in the area described as presented in the petition. A debenture for 75 cents in favor of J. T, Holmes, Whitechurch, for repairs to road grader in 1908, ordered to be paid. There being no farther business the council then adjourned to' meet again on Tuesday. May 26th, at 10 o'clock a. m., as a Court of Raviaion and Appeal, and for the transaction of other township bnsinesa. The friends from abroad were : —Mrs. Nixon, from Dundalk (sister of Mrs. Sowler) ; Mrs. S. Brooks, of Lincoln, Mich. (eldest daughter) George W., of Toronto (eldest son) and John McGuire, from Holstein (son-in-law). A. few hours after Mrs, Sowier's death, Mrs. Brooks received a telegram from her husband stating that her eldest daugh- tor, Mrs. Somers of Lincoln, Mich. was very sick. Mrs. Brooks started for home by the next train, but when she arrived, her daughter was dead. Mrs. Somer was Mr. Sowler's first grandchild and was named after her. Their deaths occurred on the same day, and they were buried cn the same day. These events bring sadness to our hearts, but we natty look forward with confidence to that glad day when death, odr last en- emy, shall be destroyed, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is writ- ten, "0 death where is thy sting, 0 grave where is thy victory." And who would not long for that glad day to come. ' Even so, come, Lord Jesus."—Cam. W itOXETEil. A pleasant home wedding was oele• brated at the residence of T. J. Clarke, Darlingford, Man., on Wednesday morning, Maroh 81st, when J. J. Harris, of Brandon, son of Mrs. Geo. Horrid, of this village, and Mies Luella, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mre, T. J. Clarke, were united iu marriage by the Rev. C. W. Finch, B. A., B. D., of Thornhill. The bride was presented at the altar by her brother Will, her father being ab- sent in the east. Miss Edith Berry pre - detect at the piano rendering Mendels- sohn's Wedding Maroh. The bride was gowned in white silk trimmed with Valenoiennes and Irish Point 'see and woe a bridal ro il. abd the OrthOdox Ox Wore wreath of orange blossoms, also carry' ing a bcgnet of bridal roses. The bride and groom wero unattended, Norman Harris, of 'W'roxeter, Ont., brother of the groom, and Mrs. A. 0, Berry, of Darlingford, gotta M witnesses. L• skt:blis1 ed 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronc$itid Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolena is a boon to Asthmatics Does it n `t seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to curt disease of the breathing organs than to take: the remedy into the stomach'? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti• septic b earned ever the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. trent. It is ravatuabIe to mothers s i'_t small , tit:iren. Those of a consumptive rte ••Fn St mined.. enss tend relief hs ' f Crom ,e in - ft tined conditions of the throat. sold by druggists. Send postal forboot:let. Ltttarrise, rltcts Co., Limited, Agents, ttlent- renl, Canada. 307 ALEX POnTERFIELD, Clerk, YRIC1;3 o-- SLZki THE LEADINO STORE Sx0U, iVALU]Rfa. Easter arOin8 We are showing a large collection of 1'i o v el ties bought specially for Easter Trade ---take advantage of our large and well assorted stock of Belts, Collars, Gloves, Ribbons, Veilings, Laces, Embroideries,Waists, Skirts, Coats, etc. KID BELTS. Jest received one Groes Ladies Kid Batts bought specially for Baster selling, it's a big bargain at see them to our win- dow. colors are navy, gray, FI PTV CiMNTS tan, black, white , brown; finished with gilt. silver and leather cov- ered hackles. These Belts are sold on King St , Toronto at 753, loud '0 price - - - • .w& antsige•MAM 110.....0•00.0011m 1 NEW WASH BELTS.—Very pretty Wash Belts, just in. nrieae are - - - • l:ic, '20e, 215e SILIK COLLARS --Silk Turnovers and Silk Tiss at special prices, �� see our leader - • - - WAISTS —Great variety of L'vliss' Shirt Waists in silk, lawn and $1,00 net, a pretty lawn want, Easter bargain - - - LADIES' GOATS. Extensive showing of NEW TAILORED COATS on second flier, pretty styles in Fewn Covert Cloth, fanoy tweeds and. black broadolaths, special Easter bargains, ladies tight or semi -fitted u.00 coats only - - - ' SKIRTS.—New Top Skirts in Panama, Vicuna and Venetian Cloths, made in lateet sales. See our leaser at - - - - $5,00 DRESS GOODS —Stle of Dress Goode still going on. Don't bay until you visit this Depeirttnsnt, we can save you money. it Is r IMPORTERS, SGINGIIA 1. PHONE 08. 14111313111=21Z6VoliatielefatOtagiaosraiweetaseeateastrvaireteasiodese WEST W.WANOSQ. Meeting opened in dee farm according to adjournment on Maroh 27th. Mem- bers all present; Reeve B.:i'ie in the chair. Minutes of last meeting can. firmed on motion of Murray and Medd. The Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $630 77 Filed on motion of Murray and Thompson. Jas. Lyons waited on Council re James McPherson, who is siek at Ms place The Council agreed to pay J Lyons $5.00 per week for care of patient, until his removal to the hospital, on motion of Medd and Thompson. The claim of H. Smith re left over until next meeting. Fence Viewers, Pound Keepers and Pathmasters were appointed as follows : Fence Viewers—Jno• Mills, Jno. Stafford, A. Derniu, J. Pardon, W. E. Gordon, G. Greer. Pound Keepers—J. Feagan, 0. 0 Brown, Jno. Taylor, 3. Kennehan, W. Humphrey, Wm. McQuillin. Patbmasters—J. W. Jackman, 8 Kerr, W. Watson, D. Wilson, S. Law- ler, 111. Sproule, J. Nivins, W. Young, R. Bruce, 1!. Bruce, J. Logan, B. Feagan, Thos. Doyle, W. Sbothers, W. Carr, J. D, Smylie, D. Henderson, Jos. Finnigan, R. Twamley, H. King. F. Moss, W. J. Wfghtman, Time. Rsdelift"e, H. Glenn, R. Bell, A. Darniu, W. Wil. son, Geo. Baxter, N. Thompson, W. Audrews, W. McAllister, G Brophy, P. Kenney, J. Beadle, J. Chamney, A. Stuart, M. Woode, J. Durrii 1, J. Cranston, J. Forehan, A. Kunnaban, J. Craig, W. Armstrong, 0. Tisdale, W. Smeltzar, D. Ratherford, A. Harper, 3, B. Rutherford, D. McDonald, M. Humphrey, Wm. Todd, Jas. Barber, BRUSSELS. John Pagh will return to the West and Mrs. Pugh and Min Edna will take up residence at Mitchell where the latter has a position in W. W. Bargees' pho to studio. Capt, Sretton is back to town again after a stay of several months with re- latives at Newmarket. He purposes going to Port Arthur to visit his son, William before long. Mr. Stratton en- joys good health for a man of his years. The Brussels 5 at Works were offered for sale on Thursday of last week by auction, with a reserve bid, by the pro- prietor, Jno, Ransford, of Clinton. A sale was not effected. If the works wore alongside the G.T.R. it would re- lieve the hauling of salt and coal. Friday evening, April 3rd, the organi- zation meeting of Brussels Football Team was held in the Town Hall. Atter discussing the situation the following capable staff of officio bearers was select- ed: -Hon. President, J. 1'. Rowland; Prestdent, L. Leatherdalo; Vioo-Presi- dent, J. H. Cameron; Secretary, L. 8. Danford; Treasurer, 1'. H. Gilroy; Manager, James Ballantyne; Captain, Gordon aleDonald. Managing Com, mittee, Oliver Qaerin, Ales. Anderson and Res. Brown. Ground Committee. Stuart Soott, Arthur Smith and W. Griffith. Delegate to the W. F. A„ Jas. Ballantyne. It was decided to put a team in the Western Football Inter- mediate series and defend the champiort• ship honors of 1907. Mre. George Mowat, sister-in•laa/ of the late Sir Oliver Mowat, died at Raoaeste., w NY. The action for '$10,000 !or slander' brought by .. ht I3, E. Moffatt against D. W. Kars was settled at the Woodstock As. alto, each side paying its own costs. drain was ineawamormageloommanammaralstartenonewrometaaelicsralmmeasalmw CENTRA og, STRATFORD. ONT.�../ Is the leailing business training school in Westtra Coterie. We give a thorough, practical training on Commercial Saha sots, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Toneh'rpaeveriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. leach department is in the hand of experienced instrnetores We assist students to roettions. Oar graduates always succeed, for our ootheca are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about nr. Yon may enter now. ELLIOTT & MelAOHLAt PRINCIPALS. Jno. Barber, J. Webster, E. Haines, Jno. Bowles, 0. atelier, N. Campbell, J. Grant, W. Gordon, W. Campbell, J• Atchieson. B Naylor, R. Taylor, J. Laidlaw, J. Matin, R. Webster, X. Lyons, F. McDonald, J. Mo anillin, W. Mcaaillin, H. Patterson, F. Webb, D. Kennedy, R. Thompaon, J. Eaglestone, P. Clark, M. Sproule, Thee. Pentland. Council adjourned to meet on May 271h, as a Conrt of Revision and for general business. W S MCr'irosTIE. Clerk. 'SINGLE FARE FCR EASTER i Between all stations in Canaela, also to Detroit and Port Harm ML h , Buff do, B auk Rock and Saspen• cion Bridge N.Y. Good going April 16,h, to 20th returnieg en c,r before Aptil 2lst 1908. liomnosesk rs Excursions Commencing 14th and eomtinning every second Tneeday until Sept. 291h. The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue second class return ticks b', good for 60 days, from all stations in Ontario to principal points in Manitoba, S'tshatchowan and Albotta. Rates to Winuipag and return 02 00, Edmonton and return $42 50. Proportionate rates to other points, Fall information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. KOMESEEK[S' 2Np CLASS Etch:1d-Tele Excursions TO MANITOBA. SAS ATGIIEWAN ALBLitTA GOING DATES Ap'il 14, 23 dare 9, 23 Aug. '4,18 May 12, 26 ilea; 7, 21 Scpt.1,15, 29 1'iehet s wont to return 4,41t In 00 dews Vt;571ntI, ,fC11tiyn li,,t :lI w1 t.u11r`114o2 nN1e 1.1 between viol rein, 1''42.,0 etc t• nasal to : it ;,.r'n-;.,: t TOURIST S1,1',G''t Biel -t liaised ruchr of 'itna t'-Ic,'pw t Cot oil he un uner:trh cum t, in,, fully , rya ,t,,cd r.,tit i e idinp, C, float paid tut v i 111 rt,tu 1. to 1r l .., t, i e � a a through local :vent tt t 1 ta t six days. ver, re e+trtitsinn leaves Rates anti full information rontaind iu free Hnliwseekers' l,ntu)hlet. Ask pcitr. est C.P.1t. agent for a copy, or write to P. , FeS9.L, UistrfctNen. tis., C.I.A.,'termit