HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-16, Page 3TO ADVERTISERS 1!_foelee e3 oherigea must be left at thia offiee not later than Saturday noon. The ropy for changes must be left Mahler three Monday evening - "Wit ill advertisements accepted up - to noon wedne4day of each week. 1a13'1•A13I.i8HSR 18T2 pu lmea,inuPaaratavoo " TIli7RSDAT, APR. 16, 1906. BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS Everyone Needs a Tonic in Spring to Purify and Build Up the Blood, TUE WING)) AM TIMES, APRIL 16, 1606 •er•••••••••••••••♦•••r•••• ••••t••,1••••••••••••••••• • • . Never so large a Mack 011'11 AA !V`A'PS'AMIOAM • • e • With the opening up of Spring you will be looking up your Furniture requirements. a W cordially you to visit this store and e g If yon want new health and strength in spring you, must build up your blood with a tonin medicine. Indoor life dor• ing the long winter menthe ie responsible for the depressed condition and feeling of constant tiredness whish effect so many people every spring. This con- dition means that the blood id impure and wieery. That is what cane, pim- pies and nneightly eruptions) in some; others have twinges of rheumatism, orr the sharp, stabbing pains of neural- gia. Poor appetite, frequent headaches, and a desire to &roti exertion is also due to bad blood. Any or all of these troubles our be banished by the fair nee of suoh a tonic medioine as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Every dose of We medicine helps to make new,• rioh,itres ed blood, ywhioh drives out impurities, stimulates every organ, strengthens every nerve and brings a feeling of new health and new energy to weak, tired out, ailing men and women. Here is proof, that Dr. Williams' Pink Pins is the greatest of all spring medicines. Mr, Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B , says:—"Last spring I was so weak and miserable that I could hardly drag my- self about My appetite was poor, I did not sleep well, and dreaded work. My blood was in a terrible condition, which oansed pimples and small boils to break out. all over me. These would itch and pain and caused me much trouble. I tried several medicines but without the least benefit, when one day a friend ask- ed me why I did not try Dr. Williaius' Pink Pills. He spoke so highly of this medioine that I decided to take his ad- yioe and give the pills a trial. I got a half dozen boxes and the result was that by the time they were finished I felt like an altogether different man. They purified my blood, built up my whole system, and I have not had a pimple on my flesh. nor a sick day sine. For this reason I can highly reoQmmead Dr: Williams' Pink Pills as a blood purifier " Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medisine Co., Brockville, Ont. NOTES AND COMMENTS ' The tlnterio Legislature was pro. rugged Tuesday afternoon with the visual oaremouies. His Honor Lien. tenant Governor Clark made his entry in state, and the clerk of the House rev ted 146 measures, to which the royal agent will be accorded. His honor's epeeoh from the throne Minded to the fact that the session just ended marked the close of the eleventh Parliament Comment was also made upon the signs of improved,.financial and commercial centlitious in the Province. If the general election does not take plane before the 15th of Jane, then it will stand over until September. This announcement was made by Premier Whitney on Saturday afternoon. The Premier olaimed that he was not in a position to make any statement of a snare definite ohaiacter. He had a day or two previously promised that all the elections should take place on the same day, and there is no doubt that the fixing of the date depends entirely on the preparation of the voters' list for.the unorganized districts. I1 those lists can be ready in time, then the eleotion will lake place in the second week in Jane, bat if they are not ready, then the elec- tion will not be held until the fall, Au this talk about the time Doming when every farmer will own his auto and go soorohing to town to the merry tune of honk -honk is rather cold corn - fait for the farmer's wife who is de- prived of her little outings every summer through fear of elegant touring cars and runabouts. She may be dead when that geod time Domes, you know. And her death may be hastened either by meet- ing: a touring oar or by the increased monotony which her enforced seclusion brings to an already rather monotonous life. Those who pine to take their automobiles and get out to where the woods smell is strong,. tb get away from the ordinary surroundings in the city and have a ohange, have, quite likely, plenty of leisure and plenty of other methods for the accomplishment of that parfeotly legitimate purpose. . Surely the need of the farmer's wife is ' great enough to be seriously considered, and sorely on these roans, which her father and her grandfather oonstrnoted, the farmer's wife is entitled to the right of way.—Parkhill Gazette -Review. invitevisit see what we are offerin ill al Ines. • e We need looney; you need furniture; so come along and investigate the • bargains ---you will be surprised how far your money will go if you buy from us.. I THE HOSPITAL GRANT. NEWS NOTES. a b • • s • • • • •• • Z • • • • • • • O • • 0 •0 • 0 • Walter Holmes, a thirteen-yeer•old Ingersoll boy, died of lockjaw. Fire did damage to the extent of $10,- 000,000 in Chelsea, a anbarb of Boston. The Supreme Court of Tennessee has ordered the Standard Oil Company to cease doing business in the state. To the Editor of Wingham Texas. Dear Sir,—In your issue of this week I notice that our town council has been voting money to the Winghars hospital. Might I ask through the medium of your valuable paper why the ratepayers nioaey is granted to this hospital and who benefits by it? If, As one of your ratepayers said, it is a private concern, why ahold we be expected to help keep it up. This hospital advertises rooms aiid attendance from *r3 50 up. I bad oaeasion to enquire lately abont their • a a • a a • Mrs, Robert Redding, who left Aylmer a few weeks ago was murdered in New Mexico, her body being found in a rail- way yard at Deming. Mr, Charles Lindsay, of Toronto, one of the oldest journalists in Canada, is dead. He was formerly registrar for West Toronto. His chief contribution to Canadian literature is "Life and Time of William Lyon Mackenzie." • 0 0 0 • a s a • • O 0 0 • a • ?.ire Stock Markets. Toronto, April 14th.—Trade was a little slower at the Oily Cattle Market to -day, brit prices were about as firm as ever. It there was any easing off at all it was hardly noticeable in the prices paid for good to choice butcher cattle. A comparatively light run probably had a good deal to do with the maintenance of prices at the recant high levels. A heavy ran just now would probably bring the market down a notch or two. prizes and was told the least they would Bat a heavy run is sparsely yet in sight, take my Calls at was $10 per week. and if reports from the outside are to be Novo, when they demand such a price from a working man, I can't for the life of nie see why, or on what grounds they ask aid from the town. I think any store in Wingham hasas good a right to a grant se the hospital. I was pleased to sae that at least two of one represen- tatives had enough backbone to vote ageing it. Hoping I have not trans- gressed unduly on your space. Yours truly 1ZATEPATE& Wingham, llth April. For the Children 2 a 1 • • i • • • • 00 • • 0 THE GREATEST FURNITURE BAR- GAINS EVER GIVEN IN WINGHAM Baby Carriages We have always been headgnartois for Baby Carriages, and we have bought heaver this year than ever. Do not fail to look through our lice if requiring a carni ;;e. All prices aa:i all kinds— Carriages, Go•Oarte end Folders. • to • a 0 • • • 0 • • • • = Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. vgiv Fancy Rockers Fancy Rockers. We cannot say mach about these, bat yon will do the talking if Cyon look through our line. Prices range from $1.25 up. Some special in good Leather Chairs, Sideboards, Buffets and Combinations. Mattresses ., Oar Mattresses sell themselves. They are not stuffed, but built of the purest sea -grass and white cotton felt; very sanitary, with very best ticking. Prices from $4 to $5. Special at $3 50 and $4.50. 0 0 a 0 0 • • 0 • • • • 0 • • a • 0 • • • 6i a a • • 0 a • a a • • • 0 • • • • a 0 Ws have the best values. in Sideboards, Buffets and Com- binations ever carried in town, and our prioes are so low that • they surprise the people. Cali and see the goods and get prioes. We give special prices on full• suits of furniture. Anyone in- tending to furnish a dining room call and look through our good values; and even it you are not intending to purchase, call too, so that you. can tell your friends of the exceptionally good values. Extension Tables • a • • a • aa. a is 0 a 0 • 0 a • • e a a • • 0 0 0 a 0 e 0 • 0 • • a a a • a • • a • • e • 0 a THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE WINGHAM, ONT. JOHN KERB Maple Syrup Maple Sllgar An Extension Table is something s that should be strong and durable. That is the good quality our tables a have. If you have one in your u, home you will say so, if -not, don't 0 wait bat get Dao NOW . a • • 0 • • s • a a a • e • • • • • WINGHAM, ONT. w a JAMES WALKER • • • PuoNF:s 106 AND I25. • •••••••••••••N••t••••••••• Buy your maple Syrup. here and get the genuine article. 'You remember, that according to the report of the Dominion Government Inspector lasr year, our Maple Syrup was,found to be pure. We have more of the same kind the; year from the same maker. We guarantee our Maple Syrup to be pure. SEEDS ! SEEDS ; SEEDS You'll want garden seeds soon, we have all kinds, good fresh seeds. May's Seeds, 15 packets for - 25c Simmers'' Seeds, 2 packets for - ..5c D. M. Ferry °z Co. Seeds, 6 packets for Seeds Buy your Flower Seeds anal g early while the stock is full. Fresh Sweet' Pea Seed in bulk. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns ••••••••••••••••t••••••••• •••••••••441•04444••Ai•444.• believed, there are not likely to be any large deliveries for the present. There , e� ..... ........ t..c r 'e' .ai i'- �€e-- =*Isle =�=� s' were a few lots of very 'ohoica quality Yt........,::.:3..::e r cattle in to -flay, and for these prices were quite firm and high. To•day's ran was 58 cars, with 808 head of cattle, 590 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs and 343 Delves. The following are the quotations: ( Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 10 $5 60 C Medium. 4 90 5 00 Balls 3 75 4 50 1, Light 300 3 5011 Cows .. 2 75 4 25 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- evarda 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 " balls .. 1 50 200 B Picked �� .. 4 76 500 Medium 4 00 4 40 8 8 4 25 Cow's... .... . . Bulls 2 25 2 75 togs.— Best.... 6 15 6 40 Lights 5 40 Sheep— Export ewes..,11•011.••41 r 4 75 5 4 75 5 25 25 Backe.... ... Odin ..... 2 50 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 450 7 50 Calves. each .......... 3 70 700 To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, tour- ge, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. fbsebllareatsttixet o�stbtyfisrb toedber root lea totiett,yt,tioA b7 tti•iri emati taratirs iz phren r.A➢tregbtabk.rn u to a. es., Leiron.•Ies. Able raan.•oterres •r VAR vet. YeAqua t:uue. at= entre tAL. Tris bra 88 ate*r85Y 1 WI pnbiieh las i.r,aw:rs (vii err 7nadtet8elk *Mea tab bowels ate t1 proper coo ties tvIltintitat H.4.n1 0T EXPORTS Wingham, Apr. 15th, 1908, E'lr.or���per 1001br.,., ...... 2 65 to 3 25 Pall heat ......W....... 090 to 0 95 Oats .......... ...... . 0 45 to 0 50 Barley .... ............. 0� p/,� 60to 0 65 •.. 0 80 Pea+ .•....1.....to 0'82 Butte%..,... .... •..,,a... 0 25 to 0 25 Rggs pet dos 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord iG 00 to 0000 Bay, per ton Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Lard .,, •. 0 15 to 0 15 Live Softs, Oar cwt ,,..., 6 10 to 6 10 Dried Appl+x..........«... 05 to 0 '0 05 Oistotteres, per lb...........06 10 0 10 tri =s n AKE NOTI ruse That the undersigned bas actually in stock in Wingham, the goods here advertised, and that alt prices bere given will hold good so long as this Adv. appears in this paper, and' for one week the after. WE'LL PAY YOU" PARE FRCA GOR'itME tit W1 0..I TER ON .A $10 PURCHASE. R. E. SAUNDERS New Patterns arrive every week. Patterns for the NEW STYLES arrive every month. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns are always up- to-date. Call and get a monthly style book free. 1111111•• rtvvICvC.9117Y.TTVNYWYTIVI.V rs WIMINVIIITTIVC IIrTsys :5/11 P., LtEED FOR 19O8 it rt s grain have 1. all kinds of in 1 stock for seed. i The purest strain of Manchuria Barley. Goose Wheat 4 st s. for seed. Seed Peas. Silver Hull and Black Buck • wheat for seeding. Millet. Hungarian Red �� st Clover. Alsike, Mammoth, Lucern Clover s P and Timothy—all Government standard • 4 f , :White Clover. Evergreen Lawn Grass. Kentucky Blue ot Grass. Meadow Fescue. Red Top Orchard Grass. lit Italian Rye Grass. Fall Oat Grass, _ and Essex Sowing Rape. tFlax for seed. Pure Ground Flax. Ground Oil Cake. s Nation Molasses Stock Food. Bibby's Cream • ,a Equivalent for calves, to take the place of .1 i :,im: MK, t3 11011 151 1.41 "s E 8' a 0 This is going to be a difficult season to get good r. seed corn but 1 have secured a quantity of Early Learning. Bailey's White Cap Dent of best germinating qualities. Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota. Call and get 1. your Seed Corn early; you can keep a bag better than we • cart keep°a hundred, as corn heats if kept in a pile. the cream taken o'ut by separators. SEED CORN 4 A 4 JUST ARRIVED s' A carload of Stock Feed composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and Barley and Shorts, Bran and Flour. Z Before ordering your seeds for this spring you are Erespectfully invited to call and inspect our stock. 11; Yours Truly 1A. LINOLEUMS 2 yds wide, any length. 2 quay Patterns, reg.... a square yard, for .... • • •30 2 Oak Effects. reg. 65o, tor .35 2 Block Design*, reg. 50o ,for .25 (4 yds wide) 1 Set pattern, floral, just the shade for the diningroom, regular 653, for .35; g 1 large pattern, reg. suitablee,to for any room, 650, for.315 Extra -1 Block design, very heavy', regular 85o, for . , .35to Rtimnante and piece+ 1 yard wide at further reduotiom% WALLI4PER This year's goods are alt Watson- Foster manufacture ; colors fast (guaranteed); length from 8 to 10 yds to a rah; width 18 to 20 in, Regular 453, now.. .311 Regular 35c, now.. .25 Regular 30e, neve.. .2 Regular 25e, now.. .20 Regular 203, now.. .15 Regular 15o. nos►.. .12 Regular 12;0, new .09 Regular 103, now.. -- .07 Seine special lOo, 8o and so lines Clear at 5e. Last year'+ papers at still farther reductions. SHADES Six dozen only of a heavy green shade, oil filled, color and roller guaranteed; regular price 850, for ..a... .55 Three dozen only—Green cloth shade, lace and tassel, and i Harr shforn roller ; regular IMPORTANT In trade we'll give SOD. a ib, for 13ntter, and 20e. dozen for Eggs— any quantities. WE'LL PAY YOU" PARE FRCA GOR'itME tit W1 0..I TER ON .A $10 PURCHASE. R. E. SAUNDERS New Patterns arrive every week. Patterns for the NEW STYLES arrive every month. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns are always up- to-date. Call and get a monthly style book free. 1111111•• rtvvICvC.9117Y.TTVNYWYTIVI.V rs WIMINVIIITTIVC IIrTsys :5/11 P., LtEED FOR 19O8 it rt s grain have 1. all kinds of in 1 stock for seed. i The purest strain of Manchuria Barley. Goose Wheat 4 st s. for seed. Seed Peas. Silver Hull and Black Buck • wheat for seeding. Millet. Hungarian Red �� st Clover. Alsike, Mammoth, Lucern Clover s P and Timothy—all Government standard • 4 f , :White Clover. Evergreen Lawn Grass. Kentucky Blue ot Grass. Meadow Fescue. Red Top Orchard Grass. lit Italian Rye Grass. Fall Oat Grass, _ and Essex Sowing Rape. tFlax for seed. Pure Ground Flax. Ground Oil Cake. s Nation Molasses Stock Food. Bibby's Cream • ,a Equivalent for calves, to take the place of .1 i :,im: MK, t3 11011 151 1.41 "s E 8' a 0 This is going to be a difficult season to get good r. seed corn but 1 have secured a quantity of Early Learning. Bailey's White Cap Dent of best germinating qualities. Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota. Call and get 1. your Seed Corn early; you can keep a bag better than we • cart keep°a hundred, as corn heats if kept in a pile. the cream taken o'ut by separators. SEED CORN 4 A 4 JUST ARRIVED s' A carload of Stock Feed composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and Barley and Shorts, Bran and Flour. Z Before ordering your seeds for this spring you are Erespectfully invited to call and inspect our stock. 11; Yours Truly 1A.