HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-02, Page 81
VOL XXXVi.r,—NO. 1887.
,r._._.-,... •-•••••••-• -9.- •••••••-•• ..,•-•• VICTORY
Indigestion defeated and con-
quered by
Oyspepsia Tablets
Every box has onr personal
Headquarters for Largon Com-
pound, the new remedy.
Walton Mckibbon
toodonald Block, Wingham,
•-- .-*v•-•-••••••-••••, __
We have just opened out our new
goods for Spring and Summer.
To say they are the nicest range
ever shown here is patting it
pretty strongly, but really the
Suitings are beautiful, both in
design and material.
The prevailing colors are Ele-
phant Grays and Browns i n
stripes and plaids. Of coarse
Blacks and Bines are always cor-
rect, and we have a large range
of these goods.
A choice stook of Hats in all the
newest styles.
A good, new stock in all lines.
Shirts, Underwear, 'Cies, Collars,
Gloves, Fancy Vests, eto,
Merchant Tailor and
Men's Furnishings
Because they are the result of
expert knowledge in both selec-
tion and blending. THEY ARE
always the same and not bought
because they're cheap. EVERY
POUND has got to stand the
test, and only
Quality Wins
You just give them a trial and be
e3l' o
Bread, Cooked Thfeatts
Fruits, ere. always on hand,
It will pay' you to buyour
CHINAWARE &o. here. Come
and no.
1, Henry Christie
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
The Hospit I Auxiliary.
A:neeting of the adies' Auxiliary of
the Wingham Gen el Hospital will be
held in the council hamber on Monday,
April 13th, at 4.1 o'clock p. m. All
members are reqs sted to attend.
WANTED. -1000 rat shine, and all other
kinds raw furs. GEo. E. KING.
Sale of Stock and Implements.
Mr. Henry T. Thomson, of Zetland,
having sold bis farm, will hold a clear-
ing sale of stook, implements, seed
grain, produce, lumber and some house-
hold effects, on Thursday, April 16th.
See bills for list of , articles. JOHN
Purves, Auctioneer.
'F'OR SALE—Glover, Timothy, Goose
Wheat, etc. Gro. E KING.
Mr. Urine Sherk
tender their lino
many friends and
pecially to the`tea
the High School, f
expressions of gym
their recent efflicti
f Gratitude.
nd family desire to
e thanks to their
neighbors, and es -
hers and scholars of
r the kindness and
thy shown them in
Clearing action Sale.
Mr. Thos. Ford, .f lot 30, concession
14, East Wawanos , near Whitechurch,
is giving up faring and will hold a
clearing auction e' e of farm stock and
implements on Wednesday, April 22nd,
A good list of stock and implements.
See bills. JOHN PURVIS, auctioneer.
Highest price paid for hides and pont-
try at T. Fells' butoher shop.
H. Davis, a
In cur list of fo
ham in last wee]
the name of on
Mr. H. Davis, w
oil for some ye
the year 1876.
pioneer resident
are sure he will,
Dome at the ex -
union to be hel
(Former Reeve.
mer Reeves of Wing.
's TIMES we left ont
respected townsman,
o served in the Conn•
e and was Reeve for
r. Davis is one of the
of Wingham and we,
receive a hearty wel
onnty Councilors re-
in the county town in
• Get your baby carriage or go•oart
early. We have a large stock Doming
and do not intend reordering when the
stock is sold out.
WALKER'S Furniture Store.
A Comi
One of the mos
entertainments w
Andrew's Preebyte
the ]ast week of
H. Hewlett, of
greatest organist
recital and their
entitled "Vinitivit
which 'will incl
choruses. Watch
for date tend fnrthe
g Event.
pleasant evening's
11 be held in St.
Ian Church daring
ril, when Prof. W.
amiiton, Canada's
Ill give an organ
i11 also be a cantata
' by Caber Simper,
de some excellent
he TIMES next week
A happy event to
Church, London,
Rev. E. Davis, D
Mr. Oswald Carr
Postmaster Carrot
married to Miss 0
formerly of Wingh
a travelling snit o
to match, and afte
left on the evening
Mr. and Mrs. Car
42 Palace street, L
the very best
k place in St. James
n March 23rd, by
n of Huron, when
here, eldest son of
era, of London, was
ive Mae Vanaistine,
re. The bride wore
pale blue, with hat
the Ceremony they
rain for a trip north,
there will reside at
ndon, and will have
ishea of numerous
Dr, Ovens, Oouliet, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
McKibben's drug store, Monday, April
27th. Hours: 12a.m. to8p,m. Gleam
properly fitted.
Leap Y
Baby Field, eon
Field, is the pro
the Toronto W
presented to ohi
ourred on l:+eb.
The ottp is a 0i
design, and bee
Toronto World'
Field, :6'eb. 29
the Dnp last w
highly by the
hundred of tht
WO homer in
on exhibition
Thor, T. il'iald'
day of this pas
ar Gift.
f Iitr. and Mra. Wm.
possessor of one of
Td's leap year cups
ren whoi,e birth oo•
r'y' 29thof this year,
er one, of handsome
the inscription, "The
leap year gift to Baby
1908," Will reeelved
eek, and it is ptined very
iAmily. 'U'pwar;ie of one
ie gifte found their way
ntario. The cup will he
in rho window of Mr.
batoher shop ort Satter -
Baseball and Lacrosse.
A meeting will be field in the Commit
Chamber on Frida evening ofthis
week with a view o reorganizing the
Wingham baseball and lacrosse clubs
for the Doming seas n. All parties who
are interested are requested to attend
this meeting.
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. ---Farmers t Get
your supply at GEO. E,
Farm Stock and Implement Sale.
Mr. James Robinson, of lot 30, con. 8.
East Wawanosh, is giving up farming
and will hold a clearing auction Bale of
farm stock and implements on hie prem.
ises on Friday afternoon, April 17t11.
See bills for List of articles, JNo.
PURVIS, anotioneer,
FARM TO RENT—Good farm to rent for
grebe or Dropping. Two miles from
Wingham, Apply to H. DAVIS
A Progressive B
The Easter Term o
most modem and p
Colleges opens on
Wingham Business
all year, now shout
en ter. Those who
e tudy at home thro
Died in
Mr. Alex Porte
caved, word on
in Flushing, Mic
Porter. No parti
to the cause of
b een residing in
of years. Before
ed the blacksmit
been following t
survived by his wid
as well is his parcel
ed will have the
iness School,
one of Canada's
ogreasive Business
pril 21st. As the
oilege remains open
be a good time to
annot attend may
gh .courses.
M ichigan.
, of the B. Line, re-
eeday of the death,
., of his son, Mr. John
Wars are to hand as
eath. - Deceased has
iolligan for a number
eaving here he learn-
ing trade and had
s business. He is
w and two children
s here. The bereav-
sympathy of many
WANTED.—A to . of roll butter daily,
270; fresh gathered eggs; also any
quantity dried apples, feathers, etc.
A call has been i
temperance worker
ioipalities of Hnro
Clinton, Thursday,
Spence, secretary o
of the Dominion A
ent, and importai
dealt with. Chur
and temperance sc
send repreeentaivt
single fare on the
stand an effect wil
Local Option byle
municipality in t
law is not now in
e Convention.
ped for a rally of
from all the man
county to meet in
pril 16th. Ben. H,
the Ontario branch
lance, will be pres-
t matters are to be
hes, W. 0, T. U
pieties are asked to
s. There will be
airway. We tinder -
be made to have
s aubmitted in every
e county where the
DRESSMAKING—Miss Carr 'ere wish-
es to announce that she is . spared to do
dressmaking either by ' : day or at her
own home, on the south cornor. of
Catherine St., Wingham.
The mild wea
Monday again c
piles of snow to
as a result the wa
raised. In the no
raised so high th
the 0. P. R. tram
roadway near the
away, Had the b
When it was the
serions work done
of the dam carrie
who have charge
cannot be too oa
everything is kep
ashed Out.
er on Sunday and
sed the remaining
alt away rapidly and
r in the rivers again
th branch the water
it was flowing over
nd a, portion of the
onr mill was washed
oak not been noticed
e would have been
nd possibly a portion
away. The parties
the oare of the dam
dui in seeing that
in the very best of
The moetsng
C. A. held in
Baptist Church
was very well
points to this o
cess in Wingh
pointed at the
stinted a constit
the oonstituti
tors were eleo
Macdonald, D
W. 13. Gres
ministers of
as Honorary
tion. On T
the Direoto
Social, tie
Will be rip
Due n• .te
date of the next Meeting.
Y. M. C. A.
the Wingham Y. M.
the 1 asement of the
last Thursday evening
ttended and everything
ganizetion being a Me-
w. The committee ap-
previeua -meeting pro'
tion and after disoutsion
was adopted. Direc-
ed as follows: --Dr. P,
W. J, Price, Dr. R. O,
ton, Ra
bt. Maxwell,
and W. D. Pringle, The
the town were appointed
Preeidente of the Assooia,
enday evening a meeting of
was held and Chairmen of
were appointed tui follows: -
0k, Dr, W. j, Price;
, De. R. 0. Redmond;
Mutton. Ohairnien for the
d 'Wye' work Committee'
(Anted at a future meeting.
will be given of plana and
Bowlers Wi Meet,
A meeting of the "ingham Bowlers
will be held In the Council Chamber
next Monday eveni g for the purpose of
re•arganieing. Th': is a popular sum-
mer game and all .ld players and those
interested in the g. me should be present
at the meeting •a Monday evening.
Memberswho are • n arrears are asked to
kindly pay the Tr:asurer before the night
of meeting.
Bold Bu - tars at Blyth.
On Wedneeday nicht of last week
between 12 and - o'clock James Mo
Mumble's private 'auk at Blyth was
broken into, the s fe blown to pieces,
and everything ta.en. The burglars
gained entrance b forcing the front
door with a orowbar and used dynamite
on the safe. Two : ood•etzed strangers,
fairly well dressed, ••ho slept in a farm-
er's barn about twmiles from Blyth
the previous night, :re supposed to be
the guilty parties, he amount of loss
is not known. Tw men were arrested
the following clay a 'ont two miles north
of Blyth and war: taken back to the
village, but we ha' : not yet learned as
to whether they wr a the guilty parties.
WANTED.—Good gen ai vent: per-
manent position. App o MRs. R. E.
MCKENZIE, Belgrave,
Laid at • est.
The funeral of t, e late Minnie A.
Sherk, whose demi:o was noted last
week, toolr place .n Friday afternoon
last, the remains be ng laid to rest in the
Wingham ceneeter . Services at the
house and grave we is conducted by Rev.
D. Perrie. As a tri me to the memory
of their deceased Bo''ol mate, the schol-
ars of the High Sc Dol, together with
the teachers, atten.:d the funeral in a
body. Beautiful flo al tributes adorned
the casket, among t' m being one from
the second form of the High School;
from the teachers :'d scholars; from
the Public School tea hers and scholars;
frem the .clasp.-; of the Presbyterian
Sabbath School to -:fah the deceased
belonged ; from the Misses White, of
Toronto, and 'front : , E. Ieard & Co.
Local Op
The regular
Local Option A
the C. 0. F. b
Iast. The cum
previous meetin
W. C. T. U. it
again revived
brought here and
be accomplished,
and Jno. Kerr w
gates to a oanv
workers to be het
16th. It was deoi
Local Option Not
for a time. Ow'
societies holding
first Friday even
was suggested
change its night
Friday of each
of this will be giv
con Meeting.
nthly meeting of the
etiolation was held in
11, on Friday evening
ittee appointed at a
reported that the
Wingham might be
an organizer were
uch good work could
Messrs, S. Bennett
re appointed as dele-
tion of temperance
in Clinton on April
ed to discontinue the
s in the weekly papers
g to a number of
gular meetings cn the
ng of each month, it
that the association
f meeting to the third
onth. Further notice
The Asses ment Increased.
Assessor Dulm: ge has completed his
work for this year and handed in his
roll to Clerk. Fe gnson on Monday Last.
er'o1I is well p epared and shows that
Mr. Dulmage has put considerable work
on it. The foilwing particulars will
be of interest. ''' a give the figures for
last year as wet; as this year for the
sake of compariso' :-
1907 1908
Total assessment .. , .752,990 779,515
Business aeeessm:nt .. 87,655 87,795
Value of lands ,. .,..155,335 152 050
Value of buildin::.. ,506 570 535,970
Income......,,, ..,. 3,400 8,700
The above ftgn es show an increased
assessment of $26 525. This increase is
made up prinoip lly in the number of
new buildings whish were erected after
the assessor made his rounds last year.
Whether the beer:ased assessment will
make any diifer:noe in the tax rate
remains to be se:. , The total assess•
meat by wards for the past two yenta is
as follows: -
1907 1908
Ward 1..... ...... ...136,350 133,575
Ward 2„ 146,200 148,440
Ward 3 218 305 287,970
Ward 4 . , , , 257,015 259,530
The number of ohildren between 5
and 16 is 436
Dom are
w t 487 for last
year, and the nu s' ber of persona be.
tveeen 5 and 21 is 036, oompared with
609 last year. T e number of doge is
given at 102 and net year the number
was 105, Thep elation of Wingham
is given at 2310 nd this is an increase
over last year A d we Dan only repeat
what we said 1a year that we believe
the population %ingham is new:.
the 2,500 mark an this 2,300, but we
de not find faint ith the Aeaeseor as In
all towns the A *40t's etre not able to
get the OOrreot j(f0 U Mtien.
;Items of' Interest rom the Acropolis
II on th Hill.
The first break i i our ranks occurred
on Wednesday of ast week in the end.
den death, in o . r very midst, of our
fellow student, M as Minute Sherk. The
deep shadow of g Dom which was thus
oast over no has of yet been removed.
This sudden c 11 came as a shocking
blow to the Btu- ant body, and time will
not soon oblitorto the impression which
it left,
She was a br ght, diligent Student of
Form ]I, and took au active interest
in oar Literar Society, being one of
Form 11 Glee 0 tab, She will certainly
be missed in the musical circles of our
school and aleby the staff and stu-
dents. t,
The funeral too' place Friday after
noon. The staff - :d students paid their
last respeots by m; rolling in a body to
her late home, fro,. thence to the Grand
Trunk Station. i any went on to the
cemetery, where he body war laid in
its last resting p1; ee. The order of the
march was as f'Ilows:—Form. II, the
form of which s : was a member took
precedence; foil wed by Forms I, III
and IV, and lastl' by the stall.
"No storied urn or a , fronted bust
Back to it's mansi , can call the fleeting
No honor's voice can 'rovoke the silent dust
Nor flattery soothe the dull, cold ear of Death."
Regniesoat in pa era.
The promenade
Literary have bee
owing to the sad
above end will no
and meeting of the
postponed this week
conrrence mentioned
take place until next
Good kitchen girl. •a' .-d, Apply at
The last of this
young men's Bervi
Church will be held
ing. Speoial subje
most of one's self."
The Rev. T. S. Boy
Sunday last his decisi
Rectorship of Christ Ch
He will conclude his wo
day, April 26th, and
duties, May 1st. Imme
been taken to secure a n
it is hoped to have one
Mr. Boyle leaves.
season's series of
s at St. Paul's
xt Sunday even-
-"Making the
The Epwoxth Leeg
sermons will be preach
dist Church, next Su
Richard Hobbs, of Tor
Wingham. Come ea
Strangers welcome.
ing next, an entertain
in the Lecture rocm, c
and instrumental mus
by Rev. R. Robb
Homuth, also of Toro
gaged as soloist for th
announced on
to accept the
rah, Chatham.
here on Sun-
egin his. new
ate steps have
w Rector, and
selected before
e Anniversary
in the Methe-
ay, by the Rev.
nto, formerly of
y to get a seat.
n Monday even -
will be given
misting of vocal
, and an address
Miss Laura
to, has been en -
Sunday services.
Dentists Early Closing.
Drs. A. J. Irwin and W. J. Ice pur-
pose closing their dental ces every
Wednesday afternoon J iFOre May to
September inclusive. he public will
kindly keep this fact in mind and ar-
range for their visit for any time except
Wednesday afternoon during these
Examinations d ring the month of
March in Fourth 0 ' es of .Public School,
Maximum 650. Ho ore 480. Pass 390:
—Vine Davidson 5'8, Nellie Nicholls
521, Goln Holmes 5 9, May Oantelon
505, Cora Kerr 4110 Flossie Orr 489,
Allan Knechtal 480 Norman Watson
476, hazel Drunxmon t 473, Azelae San-
derson 468, Ina McR tchie 461, Mamie
Adams 448, Irlma : -nnedy 441, Effie
Bowers 439, Maggie Williamson 432,
Harry Day 428, Oh issy Armour 422,
Alba Hogg 419, Dic > Mann 400, Mar-
guerite Homuth 40 Paul Pugh 400,
Berl Johns 397, iolet Miller
Norman Nicholls 395 Clara Mitohel1395,
Frank HoWsen 391, Harry Coutts 390,
Cora Anderson 378, Oliver Fender 310,
Ethel Beckwith 36 , Ruby Robertson
802, Willie Haines 9 1, Aroh. Simmons
359, Arthur Wilao. 258, Pearl Paton
355. Marjorie 3oris
Bain e
352, Mabel Sw t ax s
851, Ross Anders°. 340, Basil Blackball
328, Dudley Hol. es 321, Mary Currie
313, Len. Brock, 301, Gordon Gannett
300, Olive 1 nox 296, Brownie Swarta
296, Beeti° Step • ton 248, John Allen
241, Earl Hall 2 , Edna Jenkins, 240,
Lloyd Hewer 2
Georgia Forbes
Presidents Y
West Riding of
of the East Rid
joist circular oa
Liberal Exemit'
ings to disarms pr
relative to forma
Hone, deciding u
minting Oonve
meeting for Nor
held in Wingha
inst,, at 11.30 0'
Centre Riding at
day, 16th inst., at
ng, of the former
arca, and Sinclair,
ng, have issued a
Ling meeting of the
s of the new rid.
Fent day eituationr
on of new asscola-
n dates for no-
tions, &o, The
Huron will be
On Tuesday, 14th
ock and for the
lyth on Thure.
The members were 11 present at the
regular session of the Town Connell on
Monday night; Mayo Holmes in the
Mr. A. J. MalcoI
she Board, asking wh
expected to pay a
lioense•fees. Conn.
opinion that the by -I
Mr. Malcclm's case.
ever, thought Mr. Mal
to pay the fee.
appeared before
ther he wonld be
xaneient traders'
regory was of the
did not apply to
he Mayor, how -
elm would have
A large deputation f om the Wingbam
General Hospital Boa•. was introduced
by Mr. W. H. Green The spokesmen
were Mr. A. H. Nue rove and Dr. P
Macdonald, who sotto ted a grant in aid
of the hospital.
A motion to grant 200 to the hospital
was brought forwa d, Conn. Gregory
was not in favor of making any grant
whatever, as he co sidered the hospital
a private enterprise. After some dis-
cussion a motion granting $175 was
carried, Oouns. Gr gory and McDonald
voting nay.
The Finance Co' mittee reported on
the matter of the a reement with the
Union furniture fate 'ry, and on motion
of Octane. Hanna an Bell, it was decid-
ed to grant the disc arge of mortgage.
The special com..ittee composed of
Reeve Irwin and tonna. Gregory and
Nicholson appointed to enquire into the
B line onlvert, repo ted that they con-
sidered the expendit re of the $21.00 111•
advised, se the onlve t now needs fur-
ther repairs; they fo nd no mimic/on of
dishonesty an the p: rt of the Street
Committee, but stropsly condemned the
practice permitted by .revions councils
of allowing members 'f committees to
do work for and recef e pay from the
town treasury.
The Committee on t.e heating of the
town hall reported, s . bmitting a blue-
print plan of the prop. sed new system,
which could be inst: lled at a cost of
about $1200. The en tter was left with
the committee to rep rt further.
On motion of Corns Bell and Gregory,
the citizens' band wa given the usual
quarterly grant of $3 .50.
On motion of Con s. Nicholson and
Reeve Irwin, a clause was inserted in
the Waterworks by-Iqw, that only half
inch pipe be need Poor dwellings and
The complaint of MrM. M. Gray of
interference with dra n in the laying of
water mains was refe red to the Water-
works Committee.
A motion to have a by-law passed
prohibiting spitting on the sidewalks was
introduced, but as there is already a
by-law to that effect, the Executive
Committee will see to its enforcement.
The Public School board was granted
$300, on motion of Coutes. Nicholson and
On motion of Reeve Irwin and Oonns.
Nicholson, the Mayor and Gonne. Mc-
Donald and Bell, with the mover and
seconder, were appoin d a Court of Re-
vision for the present year.
Upon the reeommen atfon of the Fin•
encs Committee, the f lowing accounts
were passed and orders to be paid:-»
Ritchie & Cosens, town map, , , , $ 500
W. 3. Pattison, grooerfe (charity) 2 gG
T. Hall, auditors' repor 30.00
t . C, McDonald, work n streets 1,40
W. Stocks, work on stye is 1 00
J. A. McLean, lumber e d coal, , 22 05
Firemen, salaries 65,00
S Rainey, outting ice at am, 4,13
S, B, Reid, outting foe a damam, , , 2 85
D. McDonald, work at d 1 95
John Davidson, " 16 65
v♦ m. Watt, tr 'r .30.
A. Piton, " „ .45
Jas. McMannne, " 75
E. Moore, meals to tramp. .40
W. Stokes, work on street .60
A. Dulmage, salary as ass esor127 00
J. B. Fer u on
as da ar
g , 1 y, po age„ 55,50
Geo, Allen, eatery 45 00
13, Rankin, salary,,,
P. S. Linkiater, snnplies,, 6 50
W. G. GFray, breaking rodi 1,00
., " freight bills 4,137
R. Leggatt, filling pitch o 75
G. T. R. sealet Bite rent 1.00
J. Louttit, meat (oherit ) 1.00
1, Melissa Diehl 204, A. B. Simmone, wale o Al...., 2 00
194, Golwin Hamilton Doth, Gust', Oa" trteaeu is bond 8.00
H B. Elbert, etatomen .... 1.25
Municipal World, in pp ter.......12 91
E. Lewis, nightwato1� an 20.00
ill to prohibit the grant. Geo. Brophy, Work., , . 1.50
by municipalities lane Eleotr]o light a000ukts to` the rmnoint
of $471,1$ wer. also ordered t4 be paid.
The Downey
ing of bermes.
been thrown o
Reduced Ra
On a0oonnt of
Trunk Railway le
tickets at single i
a'1 stations in Oat;
Port Heron, M;
Falls and Supe
Tickets good go
18th, 19th and
on or before Ap
tiokets from an
agent. rf
es for Easter
Easter the Greed
tem will issue retnrfr
st-class fare b
de, also to Debi
h; offal
cion Brid
cit and
6( Niagara
i1 16th, 17th,
nth• Valid recurring
ril 21st, 1908 Seoure
Grand Trunk Tioket
prThrplea nntwh hy of our we rue
acd onr loon epees , e reel rip ter our
increased trade. " e g.' that atter
people dial wish us :he • alwa,rt' return.
Will yon be one r customers for
your spring regni::pi-nto in lnrr•itpae?
A large stook of iron b�-ds, springs and
JAS. WALKER, Fnrniture Dealer,
HIGITEST CASH PRICE paid for hiees,
skins, tallow end wool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D. PRINnx,
Easter Term
Canada's Greatest Chain of High -
Grade Busiutss Colleges, located et
UR at esvxaaE GODERICH
follows the custom of business concerns
and takes no vacation.
Stenographers, Book - keepers a lad
T.legraphers are in great demand in
July, August, tieptember and October.
We train more young people than
any other management in Ontario.
There must be a reason ; write for it
MAIL co rte -Ly,
A. A. RIANxR, p
GEC. 8POTTON,-vlPrincfpal,al
Properties for Sale
FRAME 13e STORY—Victoria St.
FRAME 1?� STORY—Edward St.
FRAME 2 STJRY— Minnie St.
BRICK 13. STORY—Victoria St.
BRICK 2 STORY (new) —Victoria
BRICK 1 STORY (new)—Josephine
BRICK 2 STORY (new) —Catharine
BRICK 2 STORY (modern) —Minnie
Properties in Pleasant Valley,
Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville,
Chisholmtown and in the central
parts of the town. Oall and see OB.
We can suit you. Don't all speak at
once. Choice farms at right prices
and on easy terms. Ioeurance--all
kinds. Farm Loans -=bow rates.
Ritchie & Coseos
Griiisn-VanstoneBlcek, WINGRAM.
Phone 123
The leading Shoe Store
Footwe x
On Easter Sunday every Man, Woman
and Ch Id will be arrayed in
their best bib and tacker.
Don't neglect your 8toes : 1
lasste ts, with all themle kOxfinks in sniff e
building to make them hands me The
swellest tine of Melt's Shoes in town,
$2.50 trap to $5.00
Our dainty and stelise t•ho.-s .end
0cfotch'vin the admiration of everys
lady who looks at them.
The French and military nee1a And
the pretty too shapes are in exreeieite
styles, and they are exactly welt every
woman wants fir• x pair of 'iter Shaer,
All eines end widths.
$2.00 up to $4.50
W . J. Greer