HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-02, Page 5Kernels from the Sancturn Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
lt+'.rrtunately etupid peepto seI.'on re•
*Hue that they are stat rel.
When used es a cleat, isles -ion is a
misfit cru must people.
Bear, the Pa K, d Von i1a;s Mays Mein
$ignRttaro �,/�/✓�,,�'
4t. t7/ ;r j� /<GGe4.4" -e r
Vivo luau oau hold down a lion, but it
ta4es nine to maur:;o a tiger.
Yea osa't always judge a man's
worth by the CZ i of his bai:k balance.
Weak women cet prompt and lestieg
help by ustne Dr. Shoop'e Night Cure.
These soothing, healing, antisej is sup
poeitaries, with full info Leaden how to
proceed are interestingly told of in my
book No. 4 For Women." The book
and etriotly confidential medical advi,e
is absolutely free Simply write Dr,
Shoup, Racine, Wis. for my book No, 4.
Bold by all dealers.
Ohioans employed by the Govern•
m est in the District of Colombia num-
ber 1,077, and the draw annually from
the treasury amount to $1,506.296.
Since 1896 the Vicomte and Vicom-
teeee de Gruard bave been making their
h ore5!men on foot. They have arrived
at Turin after walking 41,210 miles. .• It
is on a wager.
ITCH, Mange. Prairie Scratches, Bar
ber's Itch and every form of contagious
Itch on human or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails, Sold by A. L Hamilton.
Brant Township farmers are installing
a rural telephoue system to connect
with the Bell Telephone at Chesley. It
requires eight subscribers to start a
rural telephone Iine. It will cost each
$3 a year to maintain, the initial cost be-
ing about $25.
CAariTCi. 13.X -EL.
asset the , The Kind You lisle Always Bought
Don't save all your smiles for the par -
Ur, The a few in the kitchen.
.A. pile driver at New Orleans is 108
feet high, the highest ever built.
Bright's Disease -Insidious! De-
eeptive.l Relentless i bas toiled hun-
dreds of trials of medical soience to
stem the tide of its ravages -and not
mail South American Kidney Cure
proved beyond a doubt its power to turn
tack the tide, was there a gleam of any•
thing but deep{ or the vtc.im of this
dread form of uey disease. Sold by
A. L. Hamilton -54
Fame usually comes to an artist after
be is dead and doesn't need the money.
Crossley and Hunters's receipts at
Port Hope for four weeks were $526 92,
et is said.
Pain, enywhere, can be quickly stopped
by one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets.
Pain always means congestion-un-
uatnral blood pressure. Dr. Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets simply coax congested
blood away from pain centers These
Tablets -known by druggists as Dr,
Shoop's Headache Tablets -simply
-Equalize the blood circulation and then
pain always departs in 20 minutes. 20
Tablets 25 cents. Write Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. for free package. Sold by
all dealers.
Many a man gots ahead by induc-
ing other men to put their shoulders to
his wheel.
There are two ways you may assist
your neighbor: Speak well of him or be
mum as to his shortcomings.
"My Heart was Thumping my
Life out," is the way Mrs. H. R.
Wright, of Brockville, Ont , describes
her sufferings from smothering, flutter-
ing and palpitation. After trying many
remedies without benefit, six bottles of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart restor-
ed her to perfect health. The first dose
gave almost instant relief, and in a day
suffering ceased altogether. Sold by A.
Nothing of More Valve to
Tae glory and satisfaction of beautiful'
womanhood can be knowu only to those'
possessing the nulimited advantages of
No weak woman oan be happy or
enjoy half the pleasures cf lite. Pallid
cheeks, sunken eyes, exhausted nerves,
all tell of a terrible struggle to keep up.
What the weak womau needs is Far -
rezone; it renews, restores and vitalizes
instantly -it's a "woman's remedy" -
that's why.
Ferrozone makes women strong,
plump and healthful because it oontente
tote of nutriment, the kind that forms
muscle, sinew, bone and nerve.
Vitaliziug blood courses through the
body, making deligbtful color, nappy
*trite, true womanly strength.
To look well, to feel well, to enjoy
the unlimited advantages of robust,
bounding health use Ferrez xne ; sold by
all dealers in 50o boxes, and refuse a
"Which is the cow tbat gives the but-
termilk?" innocently asked the young
lady from the city, who was inspecting
the herd with a critical eye. "Don't
make yourself ridiculous," said the
lady who had been in the country before
and knew a thing or two. "Goats give
Mr. J. J. Gregg has Bold fine 150 acre
farm to Louis Demering for $11,000. It
is one of the bast farina in Hawick, if
not in the county of Huron, there being
now waste land. The buildings are np•
to date and in good repair, the farm is
well fenced and land in a good state o:
It is with the deepest regret that her
many Monde learned of the death on
March 20th, 1008. be her 29th yea}' 01
Mrs. W. G Col.ies, lot 22, Oon 8, Kin•
oardin i Tp., after a illness extending
over a period of aboat two weeks, The
deceased lady was of a roost estimable
character and was beloved by all who
knew her, and the eincfirest smypathy
of the community ie extended to the
bereaved husband and two small
Piles are easily and quickly oheoked with
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove
it I will mail a small box as a convincing
test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Ranine,
Wis. I surely would not send it free
unless I was certain that Dr, Shoop's
Magic Ointment would stand the test.
Remember it- is made expressly and
alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or
itching piles, either external or internal.
Large jar 100. Sold by all dealers.
Baby Humors. -Dr, Agnew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, and effects quick
and effective cures in all skin eruptions
common to baby during teething time.
It is harmless to hair in oases of Scald
Head, and cares Eczema, Salt Rheum
and all Sain Diseases of older people.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -55
There are only three engravers of
shorthand in England. One lives at
Bath. He has as a joke, suggested to
his two London fellow workers the pro-
priety of a trade union.
One tea company in India has under
cultivation 1,450 acres, while another
has 1,303 acres. It costs to produce the
tea and place it in the market at Cal-
cutta frcm 7 to 9 cents a pound.,
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood. spavin,
ourbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known.' Sold by A . L. Hamil-
The various states and other posses-
sions of the Government employ 28,947
persons in the civil service in the dis-
trict of Colombia, to whom the annual
payment in salaries aggregates $31,541,-
Rev. Atherton, formerly of St Thom-
as, was freed by a St. Louis judge on a
serious charge, the judge holding that a
kiss is but a salute.
Pennslyvaniabas 1,828 of its citizens
employed by the Government in the Dis-
trict of Columbia, and their annual sal-
aries amount to $2,099,425.
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every form of
piles. Seo testimonials in the pressr anddask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
r�eotyyour monoy back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
*oalcrn or EomeNsoN, BATES & Co., Toronto.
The official registrar for 1907 will show
that the whole number of official and all
sorts of empleeres in the United States
Government service is 306,141.
A. Wie"Y4AC* 71.X
Bears tha -/f The find You Have Always Bodeti
Fleury Carpenter, while on a drunken
spree at Brattleboro, Vt , married a girl
be met and his wife returning from
France bad him arrested at Welland,
but relented, so the judge let him off
and the re -united pate reternen to their
home out went,
I1 you want a sure cure for
hero it is. , - : . , . ,
The mucous niombrane being in an
Inflamed condition, causes running at
the naso • but When
this memLl•
astC is
heated the discharge
Every effort should be made ton
Catarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
Throat, Stomach or BIadder, Consump-
tion and Bright's Disease.
Oxygenator" fa put up in large size
bottles. Pride, 1.° $1.00, and 60e,
Oxygenator" is gold by all wholesale
and retail druggists.
Thexy..enator Company
Toronto, Canada.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Nave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The following farm ohanges have talc -
place in Hullett township: -What is
known as the Dodaworth farm, on the
Baseline hes been sold to Mr. Thee.
Mair, for somewhere in the neighbor•
hobs of $1?00 It contains 80 acres, and
can be made a good farm, but has been
neglected Mr. Hiram Hill of Clinton,
has rented Mr. Little's farm, on the 7th
oou. for a term ot two years, Mr. W
Lawson, who resides on the Coate's
farm, 6th con., bas bought the old
Thornton Wallace farm, on the 7th
can. The Dominick Reynnlis farm or
100 acres has been sold to M. Morrison
for $4525.
The Stcmaeh's "Weal or Woe!"
—Tee stomach is the centre from which,
front the standpoint of health, flows
"weal or woe" A healthy stomach
means perfect digestion—perfeot diges-
tion means strong and steady nerve
ceutre-strong nerve centres mean good
circulation, rich blond and good health.
South American Nerving makes and
keeps the stomach right. Sold by A. L.
Hamilton,- 52
The death of James Patterson, a
pioneer of Huron Township, occurred
on Tuesday, March 24th. Deceased was
in his 73rd year, and came from Ireland
and settled in Huron about fifty years
ago. His wife predeceased him several
years ago. Ile was a man highly es-
teemed, and leaves a family of four
sons and three daughters.
Little but Searching. -Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big
nauseens doses that contain injurions
drugs or narcotics -they are the pure
vegetable pepsin -the medicinal extract
from this lusoions fruit, and the tablets
are prepared in as palatable form as the
fruit itself. They cure indigestion. 60
in a box, 35 cents. Sold by A, L. Ham-
ilton. -56
Even now, with general trade still
comparatively dull, the market for farm
products, owing the shortage of supplies
is in a fairly healthy condition, although
beef cattle are a little dull the general
outlook in this line is fair; horse values
are showing evidence of stiffening; mut-
ton prices continue high; hogs have at
last taken an upward torn, and pros-
peots for dairying could not well be bet-
A quiet but pretty wedding took place
in Clinton, at the home of Mrs. Pinn-
ing, Isaac St., on Wednesday March
25th at 7 p. m. when her eldest daugh-
ter, Mies Maud, was united by the bonds
of marriage with Mr. Wilfrid Hodson,
of Clinton.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup.. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
One of Carrick's most ancient land-
marks is about to be removed. What
we refer to is the Wagner building in
Balaclava which has been sold to Ernst
Stroeder, and will be torn down this
spring. This building was Carrick's
first postofce away back in the fifties,
weep the place was called tlenlyon.
As a spring medioince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up •the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The will of Samos Oliver, inventor of
the chilled plow, proprietor of the larg-
est plow plant in the world, public bene-
factor, and the wealthiest man in In•
diens, has been flied for probate.` Fam-
ily ties are shown in the distribution of
the vast fortune, which is reported to
amount to $63,000,000.
Some people wonder why money goes
astray in sending it through the post
office wregistration.ithout
The pew-
Pr -tee
id oneh
t at should be dfecontinned
by everybody. If a person valves hid
money, he should guard and protect it,
and extra precaution should be taken in
sending it to outside points. Write
your address distinctly, as the ourrenoy
taken from misdireoted lettere at the
Head Letter Oriee last year amounted
to *67,616.69.
Spent Eighteen Dollars
"Gentlemen, --I have pleasure in
stating that I have used $18.00 worth of
Psychino, and as a result was cured of
very serious throat and lung trouble.
My ease was e. most difficult one, and
the doctors had practically said that I
could not get well. I tried Psychino,
and it did me so much good that I con-
tinued its uec until I had taken $18.00
worth, with the result that I am now
a new man physically. I have gained
thirty-five pounds.
"It is with tho greatest confidence
that I recommend P.v chine to all who
are afflicted with throat or lung trouble.
Yours truly, C. A. PINKIIAM.
Rootstown, Que., 'c.t., '07.
This man spc i'cs from experience.
Psychino cures all throat, chest, lung
and stomach troubles and gives renewed
strength and vitality to run-down peo-
ple. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Lots of men would be unable to bor-
row trouble if they had to give security.
Doubtless the invention of the noise-
less firearm that is announced will be
endoreed by the Assassin's Union.
Much sympathy is felt „among the
many friends of the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwatd Strauphen in the loss of
two of their sons, Harold and Harvey.
They had the measles, which was fol•
lowed by an attack of quinsy. Harvey
died on the 12th ieet. and Harold five
days later. The boys are servived by
six brothers and sisters. The Straughan
family former residents of Colborne
township but went to Alberta about
four years ago.
A good steer lroperly and at the same
time profitably cut up will yield the fol-
lowing percentages of dressed weight,
given in round numbers so se to be more
easily memorized: Loins, 15 per cent;
ribs, 10 per cent; rounds, 21 per cent;
chucks, 19 per cent; plates, 16 per cent;
flanks, 4 per cent; shanks, 7 per Dent;
tallow, 3 per oent; kidneys, 0 25 per
cent; sausage meat, 1 per Dent; shank
meat, 1.50; tankage, 2 per cent; loss in
cutting 0,25 per cent.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Two of Goderich's young people were
quietly married in Clinton last Tuesday,
March 24th, by Rev. 0. R. Gonne, The
groom is Bert McDonald, son of Capt.
and Mrs. John McDonald, Britannia
road, and the young lady who is now
Mrs. Bert McDonald is Edith, the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have
taken up their residence in Goderich.
"Regular Praetitioner-No Re-
sult." --Mrs. Annie 0. Chestnut, of
Whitby, was for. 'months a rheumatic
victim, but South American Rheumatic
Cure changed the song from "despair"
to "joy." She says: "I suffered untold
misery from rheumatism-doctor'a medi-
cine did me no good -two bottles of
South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure cured
me -relief two hours after the first
dose." Sold by A. L. Hamilton, -50
There are at present in the House of
Refuge at Clinton, forty-six persons
over the age of 70 years. Twelve of
tbese are about 70 or 75 years; fifteen
are between 75 and 80; nine are between
80 and 85; four are between 90 and 95;
and there is one inmate who is over 100
years of age. There has not been a
death in the House since the 27th of
November. This speaks very highly for
the master and matron of the House.
Turns Bad Blood into
Rich Red ;iobd.
No other remedy possesses
perfect cleansing, healing and
Eying properties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and
all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy
action. If your appetite is poor,
your energy gone, your ambition
lost, B.B,13, will restore you to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorous
A farmer out in Turnberry,
About five years ago,
Weut into town oue day to spend
Some of his hard earned "dough."
"And in a merry jest," and just
To show big printing 01111,
He printed bis initials on
A brand new 6.0.1 1 -a -r b -i-1.1.
He spent the dollar that same day
Down at the village stare,
He thought 'twee gone forever then,
And he'd sae it no more,
But long before that year rolled by
One day he went to fill
A neighbor's order, and received
That same ono d -o 1 -1 -a -r b•i-1.1.
Once more he spout that dollar bill
In bis own neighborhood,
Where it would do himself and friends
The most innocent of good.
Four times in two years it camp back,
As some bad pennies will,
And each time he'd go ont and spend
This marked one d-cold.a•r b•f•1-l.
Had he bson wisp that dollar might
Be in his town to day,
But just about two years ago
He sent it far away,
The people who received it then
I know have got it still,
For 'twee to a mail order house
He sent his d -o 1.1 a -r b -i-1 1.
Nu more will that marke3 dollar
Into the farmer's hands,
And never will it help pay
The taxes on his land.
He put it where it never can
Its work in life fulfill.
Be brought about the living death
Of that one d -o -1.1 -a -r b i•1.1.
Mr. Wm. Lang, of Palmerston, may
lose the sight of his eyes, owing to
injuries be received frcm a fall a few
weeks ago,
To get rid of daughters, East Indians
marry them to .flowers. When the
flowers aro dead the girls are widows,
and widows can be sold -cheap.
That languid, lifeless feeling that Domes
with spring and early summer, can be
quickly changed to a feeling of buoyancy
and energy by the judioious use ot Dr.
Shoop's Restorative.
The Restorative is a genuine tonio to
tired, rundown nerves, and but a few
doses is needed to satisfy the user that
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually
reaching that tired spot, The indoor
life of winter nearly always leads to
sluggish bowels, and to sluggish cir-
culation in general. The customary
look of exercise and outdoor air ties up
the liver, stagnates the kidneys, and of 1 -
times weakens the Heart's action. Use
Dr. Shoop'„ Restorative a few weeks
and all will be changed. A few days
test will tell you that you are using tha
right remedy. Yon will easily and sure-
ly note the change from day to day.
Sold by all dealers.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured,
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can-
not reaoh the seat of the disease. Ca-
tarrh is a blocd or constitutional disease,
and in order to cure it you must take
internal remediee. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, end acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, rioting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combinations of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results
in curing Catarrh. Send for teStimon-
ials free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price 750.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
If each of sae were compelled to turn
our words into deeds, there would be
a notice:.ble diminution in the hot air
An Important Point Relating to
Sometimes the terms on auction sale
bills are worded about as follows: -
There is no advertisiug like newspaper
advertising. The merchant who tries
the bill board or fancy dodger, if he tests
the matter thoroughly and oonolusively,
will find that the newspaper advertise-
ment is the very best there is. The big
advertisers coflne themselves exclusive-
ly to the newspapers. No merchant
ever increased his business by bill poster
advertising. A few weeks ago there
was a strike in Butte, and for some days
no newspaper appeared on the streets of
the city. There was nothing tor the
advertisers to do but to resort to the bill
board and the street bill. The result
was that business fell off there from
twenty to fifty per Dent. The decline
was attril uted solely' to the fact that
they had no newspaper to act as adver-
tising mediums. -Calgary Albertan.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
Without griping, purging or sickening.
The Ingersoll council refused to grant
a license for a theatorium on the ground
that it would increase the rates of in -
prance on the adjacent buildings.
That Is what Hyomel will don all
forms of Catarrh and Troubles
of the Breathing Organs
Its not a question of Hyomei having
onred comeone else but will it reach
own he head, pCatarrh, case.artienlar Cold
Bronn itis,
monia, Croup or guy affection ot the
breathing organs Walton McKibben
says Yee, and will refund the monoy if it
fails, No other preparation for the
same purpose can successfully do this,
because the Hyomei system of treat-
ment is different from anything else.
You simply breathe and inhale its
medication in dry air form whioh des-
troys the germ life that canec„ oppressed
breathing, Nasal Catarrh, Throat Irrita-
tion and Lung Troubles. It brings to
these suffering organs the balsam laden
air they would get in the Pine and Fauoa-
lyptus forests, The air that stamps out
Bronchial troubles.
The pause of entertainers Marshal P.
Wilder says: Hyomei is easy to use, and
swift to ours It Weaves against coughs
and colds. It gives you pure air and:
kills the germ of disease. It helps the
Hyomei complete outfit, $1.00.
Simple Home -Made Treatment Said
To Overcome Rheumatism With-
out Injury.
When an eminent authority announc-
ed in the Scranton (Pa) Times that he
had found a new way to treat that dread
Amerioan disease, Rheumatism, with
dust common, every -day drugs found in
any drug store, the physicians were slow
Weed to attach much importance to
his claims. This was only a few months
ago. To -day nearly every newspaper in
the country, even the metropolitan
dailies, is announcing it and the splendid
results achieved. It is so simple that
any one eau prepare it at home at small
cost, It is made up as follows: Get
from any good prescription pharmacy
Plate Extreet Dandelion,- one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, oue ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after each
meal and at bedtime. These are all
simple ingredients, making an absolutely
harmless home remedy at little poet.
Rheumatism, as everyone knows, is a
symptom of deranged kidneys. It is a
condition produoed by the failure of the
kidneys to properly inter or strain from
the blood the uric aoid and other matter
whioh, if not eradicated, either in the
urine or through the skin pores, remains
in the blood, decomposes and forms
about the joints and muscles, causing
the untold suffering and deformity of
This prescription is said to be a
splendid healing, cleansing and invigor-
ating tonic to the kidneys, and gives
almost immediate relief in all forms of
bladder and urinary troubles and back-
ache. He also Warns people in a leading
New York paper against the disorimin'
ate use of many patent medioinee.
"Terms -All sums of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount 5
months credit on furnishing approv
joint notes. A discount of 5 per
cent. per annum for Dash on credit
At other times the terms read ,prao-
tioally the same, except the last clause
which reads "5 per cent. discount for
cash on credit amounts."
It will be noticed that the words
"per annum" have been omitted in the
latter clause, A more than ordinary
intelligent farmer, discussing the two
phrases, said that both meant the same;
that, in practice, 'the discount offered
for Dash at sales, meant a per annum
discount. It being contended that in
the latter case it could be interpreted to
mean a straight cash discount of 5 cents
on the dollar, he disputed this.
Tho matter is an important one, be-
cause may people may be misled by
it, and complications arise when it
comes to settling up at sales.
In order to find out what construc-
tion others put upon the two forms of
statement, bankers and others quali-
fied to express an opinion, wtre apked
about it and without any hesitation
whatever they deolare that the phrase
"disoonnt for cash," no matter what
the particular amount of the discount,
would mean a straight cash discount,
Of course if qualified by the words "per
annum" that would alter the amount of
the discount.
tVkere the Bile is Needed,
Billiousness-too mach bile in the
blood, Constipation -too little bile in
the intestines, when theliver is awak-
ened to action by Dr. Chase's Kidney- ,*
Liver Pille it ;filters bile from the b1o•d
and pours it into the intestines, ' the Z,
result is a cleansing of the system
er blood, better appetite, improv + pnre-
tion, new vigor and good he • ed diges-5
„4th. •
Tho increase in the rice crop in the.
United States has been the means of
booming a great portion of Texas land,
so that it is now worth ten times what it
was valued at ten years ago.
Every soldier in the Russian army is
to be provided with a pocket compare
with a luminous needle, and 300,000
oompassee, costing $400,000 have already
been ordered,
for Wingham and adjoining country 50
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries''
Largest list of commeroial and do-
mestic fruits -large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering•
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes
one of onr specialties, Stock that is
hardy come from ue.
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars.
Fonthitl Nurseries -
(850 acres
• •
Get on the path to the door of the
• •
Times Printing Office
Ts ttififted out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-dat6
materials and machinery are uted,,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
bui'd his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten -
path to bis door.-Emerron.
Ji= SPR11-G.
Another of onr pioneers is now laid
to rest. Thomas Welsh, one of the [Sam "
early settlers of Huron Township, b•- Kiser, in Chicago IZecord•Herald.i
passed away at the age of 92 ya .--e ('When your ela'oes begin to pinch,
month and 10 days, r' a"e, '� When your toes begin to burn,
farm he died
ere b0" ght ' When your underclothing sticks,
F .. - on in the Wee 1853, .he And you yearn and yearn and yearn
- ,as: his wife and feinely of fov
For the right to travel far
the welds the f end
and a•r into From the job to vrhioh yon cling,
g May. There can be no farther doubt -
born in the town of Pollokeb Se was You may know that it Is spring.
setaegow, Scotland, war Awe' neer
be of a family from near 7 depposed to When at night 7
settled in the (Madan kr' .futon, whioh Littered up withhfashion r anbooke shreds;
as Pollokshaws early ; vwn afterwards And the caffein„ on the beds;
th oen-
. Hela
� ern
ea tn•
shoe making and ' a trade of boot and
parte of Scotland ersvelled over many
settled down ar as a journeyman and
who was hi .d married Mary Henry,
death twel' ,e faithful partner till her
Ee eanie ie years ago, in her islet year,
on a ' , to Maeda in 1865, and settled
cont' efeared near Bine River, where he
kis. ,,need to reside up to the tixae of
ou find the house
When yon find the
When your wife complains that lite
a dreary, dismal thing,
Just because her waist won't fit,
Yon may know that it is spring.
When the oab horse trotting by
Splashes mud across your nose,
(ikon your hat rolls through the street
While the west wind wildly blows;
When your neighbors toothless boy
Breaks yoter windows with iris ding,
Ah ou
ay bcellar's
su *that it is teethe,r ins.
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
Lio3111.1ENOMMIO. lO