HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-04-02, Page 12 SUPITAIRG WOMEN whet find lite a burden, ems have heaith end strength teetered by the use et 'MS WINGRANI TIMES, APRIL 2, 1908 TOWN DIRECTORY, M burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. The present generation of women end Side have more than their Phare o r nation, with some It it nervousuess and p it 1OU. with others weak, diszy and tainting sp 1 . w system. otters there is a general collapse I billburn's Heart and Nerve Pills tone UP the nerves, strengthen the heart and make it beat strong and regular, ovate new red blood cot. puscles, end impart that sense of buoyancy to the spirits that is the result of renewed mental and physical vigor, tits. D. 0. Donoghue, Qrill'aa, Ont.. writer: ' For over a year 1 was troubled with ncrvalu, nese and heart trouble. I decided to Give Mil. d butn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, er using five boxes 1 found 1 vita completely cured. 1 allows recommend them to my friends," r e • Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The T. b1iikurn Co.. Limited Toronto. Ont. TME BUDGET DEBATE. Its resamtug the debate on the budget, Mr. A. 13feiop, East Huron, said the Provincial Treaaurer had fallen for abort of the standards for economy bet by him while in Opposition, While the Untrue of the Province were in a fair shape at the present, they were erevorn better than when the pressed nt Dame into power. Instead of deoreasing the expenditure, as promised, it lute In creased. Mr. Hislop made some oom- parlaone with previous Liberal Admi uile- trationa, If the Oonervattves went an et the same rate, he claimed, the expen- diture would be $29 ,000,00 in thirty years It the present rate of speed le contin- ued," declared Mr. Hislop, "in the course of a very short time the expentli tares will have a awned each propor- tions ptions as will have alarmed even the Government's most optimistic admir- ers." Oontiuuing, he stated that large sums of the preseut revenue had . been r calved from the sale ot Oubelt Lake, eto , °but bad it not been for the far- seeing policy of the late Gavernment these amounts would never have beep received, When in Opposition the pre- sent Provincial Treasurer "had been oerrid away by bis oaninverbosity," added Mr. Hislop g he last three years, he said, the municipal act had been subj sot to more iti•advieed tinkering than ever before. I don't think the liquor license law was ever any deeper in polities than it is now," he continued, and then be Bitted that the present Government had failed to enforce the law any bet- ter than before. The present Gavern- ment bad fouud fault with the former Liberal Government for taking more than $360,000 a year from the munici- palities, but now they themselves took as mnoh as $587,000 a year. Touching upon law reform, Mr. Hislop said the present Government were not a bit nearer the promised law reform than when in Opposition. Neither had the present Government done anything towards reducing the cost of tramper. Cation, as had been promised. Another promise left unfulfilled was regardiug the making of a better market for beef. Conservatives years auto, he said, used to oali the building of colonization roads "bribery," but last year there had been expended $310,000 on these roads. At the game time 51r. Hislop admitted that such an expenditure was probably jus- tified, but it snowed that the Govern- ment believed the polioy of their pre. decessors was a wise one. (Applause). Be°ore the present Government had been in power twelve months they had given away timber limits without properly advertising them. Though the Conservatives had increased the expenditure upon the farm at Gnelph, Mr. Hislop failed to see what great improvements had been accomplished. Doming to educationaly topics, Mr. His- lop said the Government had increased the expenditure to public schools to a very limited extend Maoh be been heard of the power question, he said, and the Premier hod taken upon him ne sett to censure the policy of p Governments. When the present Gov eminent came into cffioe they knew what diflionities were in the way of cheap power. Atter an expenditure of $70,000 the people seemed no nearer cheap power than before. The Gov- ernment were . going to make power "cheap as air," but Mr. Hislop thought it mostly "hot air " I i conclusion Mr. Hislop made a strong plea for refore- station, stating that the grain and other crepe might be doubled in future years by snob a course, newel' as the Province made a more desirable it to live in. He pointed out France, Germany and Japan as examples of what the policy of reforestation had done. Two Icings of Headache. TO ADVERTISERS Not Moe not later it inn Saturday noonof cbenges must be left at . The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual s accepted up to noon aWednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 TWENTY YERS AGO Local History of ttl a early &OS. Items from' the "Limes"tyles. • (From the TIMES Of Mar. 10, 1888 ) LOCAL NEWS. I1loears. J. A. 04130 & O:. have sup• plied a file gong for the use of the pub:ic eohool Winghum 0haptcr, No. 81, A. F. & A. M,, mote on the evening of Wednesday, the 4tle of Apzri, for installation of efli;ers The elections at last meetirg were: J. A. Morton, First Principal; E L Dickinson, Second Principal; O. E Williams, Mira Principal; W. E. Groves, Saribs E. Tu WINfiIIAM TIMES. $, B, ylLLIOTT. PIIBLIauxa AND PROPRIETO" THURSDAY, APR. 2, 1.908, NOTES AND COMMENTS Mr. Wm. Diamond, morohant, has removed his stook from here and opened 'ten pointe. out at Groenook, to the County of +--'r' Bruce. Lowen Wrenn -um, ORing to Mrs, Webster's kindly at Mr Holder, an old resident of this Mrd, Knowles, of Luaknow, is spend- ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. R)ss, at the Beaver Block, Mr. 3. W, Stevenson, for a couple of years is the employment of Mr. J. bo- mb.), heruesdmaker, Iowa for Toronto on Saturday where he has scoured em- ployment. Ie a oemp3tlttonafor the Bray Cap, on Friday last, the plgyere aud raanita were as renews: S. Kout's Rtak. J. DRueley'8 Rink, 3.I'iglts, , J..4lattell, A. Mitchell, 3. Coad, R Pantie, J. Ns elands, S. Sent, Skip -20 J. Dineley, skip -10 S. Kent's rink was thus victorious by, Barrier Oetf7ROH--Sabbath eervioee at 11 ani and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;80 p in. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H. Edgar Allen, pastor. 11.Y P.U.neete enc Monday eveniues 8 p.m S.S. Superintendent. MBTHODIBT Osvaos--Sabbath services at 11 a iii, and 7 p m. Sunday Soh M 2l at ;80 p m.Epworth League everyon Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. G. Hewson, pastor. F. Baohanan, S.S, Superintendent. A.000rdiug to testimony given before the British whiskey commission, there are eight working distilleries in Eng- land, 27 in Ireland and 150 in Scotland The Scottish establishments are, how- ever, evidently on a smaller scale than tlose in the other two kingdoms, as Elegised produces 13,424,000 proof gal - bus of epirits a year, Ireland 12,063,068 gallons and Scotland 24,839,000 gallons. Sootland'e fame. as the world's great Whiskey maker is due tothe number, Perhaps, as much as to the output of its distilleries. -Montreal Gazette. The energy pat forth by the so called independent journals such as the Hamil- ton Herald to locate on solid ground in the Tory camp, are amusing in view ot the approaching Provincial election. Another newspaper trying to catch a place in the same raoa is the Toronto News That journal never tires of pro• claiming for oivil service reform, but flails ignominiously in putting ite views into practical application, and with other independent sheets is ever ready to applaud the Whitney Gavernment's polioy of "to the victor belongs the spoils," more espeoially is this so if a little plttronage is being handed about, -Brookville Recorder. Colonel Matheson has been delivered ot his budget. The surplus which the Colonel persisted in speaking of as the airy fabrics of a dream until his party got into power animate to six hundred thousand dollars. It causes him six hundred thousand anxieties, to be sure, but what of that? As a hen that gath ereth her chickens under her wings, eo le the colonel, The colonel expecte to have ever nine a halt millions to come and go On next year. It loot a lot, but it is none too much for the scale of liv- ing a Conservative Government thinks proper for this province. Everything bas gone up; food, coal, wood, and also the Government's ideas of what is the least we oat, get along on. No tight wads are Premier Whitney and his colleagues. Theirs is the emancipated spirit wbioh spurns filthy lucre. They They y rid of it as soon as they ct g are free and easy spenders -Toronto Star. teatime, n morning glory blossom pus in en appearance early Tuesday morn- ing. Like weather wise acres, it mistook the late thaw for gentle spring. We learn on going to press that Messrs O. W. Henderson & Oo. have disposed of their stook to Mr, W. Con- nell, of Lucknow, who takes possession ou Monday. Oa the weekly exearsione which left here on Tuesday by the O. P. R. a crowded ooaoh of passengers and four or five freight oars were seat. Amongst those who left were: Mr. Martin Farrow, son ot Dir. T. Farrow, ex -M. P., Morrie; Mr. John Caesar, Turnberry; Mr. D. ploLsuobliu, Morris; Mr. John Robert- son, B'tat Wawanosh; Mr. John Bar- gees, jr., and wife, and Messrs. R. Helmets, F. Belford and J. W. Hawkins, Bluevale; Mr. Wm. Nixon, Mitchell; Mise Donnelly, Gerrie; Miss Maggie Ridley, East Wawanosh. PRESBYTERIAN 0HuIROH-Sabbath, ser- vioee at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday School et 2:30 p m. General prayer meetingon D. Perrin, pastor, Dr. evenings. A JIrin, 5,5, Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S 0HUR0/I, il'.,Pi0ICOPAt-Sab- bath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evening. T. S. Boyle, M.A., B.D., Rentor ; Ed. Robinson �s sistant Superinterintendent endent. E ndent. EBTABLI8UZD 1.872 TIN W1NfiIA] TINES. I6 1 UUL1BHBD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Beaver Block WINGS.AM, ONTARIO, place, diad on Saturday. His remains were interred ou Mondpy We understand Mr, Joseph Mopanald intends to vacate the American Hotel and rem'3va to Belgravia, where he will engage in hotel -keeping. in the Royal lately vacated by Mr. Damien. Mr. F. G. Sperling, of Messrs. Gray, Young & Sperling, salt menufaotUrers, Seaforth, Blyth and Wingham, spent a few days In town, this week. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Mrs. James Coe - ford and Mr. Alfred Nicholls, bake, Were at Mtlthank this week visiting Mr. Win. Mitchell, of that plane, who is seriously i11 and not expected to reobver. Mr. Thomas King of Bluovale, veho has taken one term at the Toronto Veterinary °allege, is now with Mr, John Wilson, V. S , of Wingham, get- ting an idea of the praotioal work. WHITEOHURCH, Mrs. Paul of the boundary has ranted her farm for a term of years to Mr. John Leggatt. Mr. G. Gaunt's sale was held on Thursday last, Stock sold high, oows ranging from $40 to $50, calves as high as $21 and other stock propartionately high. TU1tNBaRRY. Mr, Andrew Tnrnbilll, of Galt, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Gso. Bryce and Mrs. Robt. 51311tgue, of Taraberry. Mr. Tuenball has purchased a $470 team, Oil being the seooi d team inside of a year. CATTLE INTERESTS, How Beef Finishers Ara wring -Dna' Fel rpoe a Stook. By I;' RASER. irt'LA1N. Time discredited the prophets and laid the specter of a vauishiug cattle industry. A few vIfal days la the won, ring of the corn ripening season lifted the depressed balance of the corn crop And added niilliCns of bushels to the; yield. Nevertheless the amount of the torn shortage has. made itself felt To - many feeders thel corn belt cash hap: looked betfer in 's'iew of the financial, flurry, combined with the high cost of feed, than hap cattle, and they have` held it- or turned to sheep or otbet lines of business in .which more profit seemed to appear. This has sentBrea numbers of calves and other stock to local slaughter houses. Tbose, however, ' who stood by tilts good beasts and filled .their feed IoW as usual seem, on the whole, to hail • fair prospect of winning out when thio "cashing In" fever reaches the end of its course, the length of that course de:- pending e►pending on easy money and the turn off prices in the corn trade, which no marl may forecast. With diminished feed lots the wailer number of cattle that will be brought to a finish on the short cora crop should mean a good fighting chance for future satisfactory profits; ts The cattle situation is by in unique. Mutton finishers are loudly, m lain in of unprofitable operations. Tenets or SFBSotIPTION-$1.00 per annum in advance $1.50 if not eo paid. No paper disoon- tinned till all arrears are paid,, except at the option of the pnblieher. ,..., AnvaUfilsmo RL.Tne. - and other casaaladvertisements1li0 per forNeao rteUinelor first insertion, 80 F subeequent insertion. Advertisements in local oolumand 6 minus 10 els, per line for first insertion, per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Bale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 26 Dents tor each subsequent in. eertion, - Cotera,OT RAT -es -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for epeoified periods:- srAOE 1 Y i. t1 ate. 8 xo. bro. OneColmm� ,...$70.00 , $40.00 $22,50 $8.00 Half Column .. 40.00 25.00 16.00 6,00 Q uarterOolmmn 20.00 12.60 7.60 8.00 One Inch ..........• 5.00 8.00 . 2.00 1.26 Advertisements withon specifics :direotione will be inserted till forbid 'bad oharged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements Punct be paid for in advance. Tabs Jos DEPARTMENT la stocked with an extensive assortment of all roquteitee for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the oonntyfor turningout first olaes work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post - choice fan y type for the finer desse ert latest of print lug. FL B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and every evening daring the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks: Beattie, 239 Pall Mall 'street, London, Ont. Fourth -$5 in gold -Rev. Joseph H. Chant, Newburg, Ont. Fifth -$5 in gold -Mrs. W. H. Barns, Miminegash, P. E. I. Sixth -$5 in gold -Fred Goodwin, Tilleonburg, Ont. Seventh -$5 in gold -Mrs. Joseph H. Cook, Box 71, Baachville, Oxford Co„ Ont. - Eighth -$5 in geld -Miss Annie F. Bryden, Frinton, Ont. Ninth -$5 in gold-Theodule Oloutier, L'Is1et, Qae. The diaries belonging to the follow- ing persons are Highly Commended: - Mr. O. MacFarlane, Lewis, Mt. West Co. N. B. Mrs. Wm. Mntoh, Reeky Point, P. E. I Mre. A Roszel, Kimbo, Ont. Mre, Robt. E. Lovett, Tynemonth Creek, 'St. John Co., N. B. Judging from the number of requests for Almanacs this year the Diary Contest for 1908 promises to be as close as that of 1907. If anyone has not received one of those Calendar -Alma - nacos the Edmenson, Bates & Co., Toronto, Ont., will mail one upon the receipt of name and address. P to 6: lam re be o 5:30 to 9 libra DST Or$1on-Office hours from 8a m 30 p m. Open to box holders from . to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. UBLIO LIBRARY -Library and free a ding room in the Town Hall, will pen every afternoon from 2 to o'clock, and every' evening from 7 :80 o'clock. Miss, Ethel Elliott, Pian. ?a Tows Console -W. Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, Time. Gregory, D. E. McDonald Woo. Nioholson,Gac. Spotton, Geo. O. Hanna, Oonnoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and Treasurer; Anson Dnlmnge, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in eaoh month at 8 o'clock. iti'> RRtnD, Williamson -Little -March 193h, by the R9v. 3am08 Allister, at the Royal hotel, Palmerston, lair. Wm. Williamson of Howiok, to Miss Latitia Little, of Listowel, NIGH SCHOOL BOARD'.- John Wilson, (chairman) Dr. J. P. ;Kennedy, Dr. P. Maodonald, Dr. R. O', Redmond, 'J. A. Morton, O. P. Smith,' W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. OosenI, treasurer. Board meets seoond Monday evening in eaoh months. PUBLIO SOBOOL BOARD. - T. Hall, (chairman), B $enkiuB,H. E. Isard,A.E. Lloyd,f3. Kerr, Win. Moore,AIes. Ross, F. O. N. Griffin. Seoretary, Groves; Treasurer, 4. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each month. HIGH SOHOOL TEACHERS -3, A. Tay- lor, B.A., principal; 3. 0. Smith, B.A., classical mister; J. G. Workman, B.A., mathematical master; Mies J. MacVan- nel, B. A.., teacher of English and Moderne. PUBLIO SCHOOL- TEACHERS. -A. R. Musgrove, Prinoipal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss Matheson. BOARD os HEdLTa-Thos. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson., Secretary; Dr. 3. R Macdonald, Medioal Health Officer, DIED. Henry -In East; Wawanosh, on the 17th inet, Ernest, son 'of Mr. Robert Henry, aged 3 year and 8 months. Blank -In Tarnl rye on the 29th fact, George Black, in his 63:d year. Bronchial olds • AND BRONCHITIS Ward toweling is the ealoe of the Fleetest suffering fco: r bronchitis, end because I)r, A. W. Ir en - t --d and Turpen- tine arc s Syrup of Linseed p tine tcosens the cough and relieves the dread• fel tits+ores is the chest it is a most accept- able treele^er,t, lila a t!y aznto eases but alto those of long ,trntflig tuuelly yield to the persistent u.e of' Bilioue°or sick headache results from sluggish liver action and constipation and is quickly overcome by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Nervone headache is usually accompanied by weakness, sleeplesenees and exhaustion e nervousye• and is due t oa run-down btuined by is c cure Thorough tam. bnildine up the system with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Dr.Chase's S Syrup Linseed and Turpentine tTP KENNEDY, M. D., M•0.P. 8.0. Member of .the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medioine. Special attention paidto diseases pf Women and Child, ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p m.; 7 to 0 p. m. DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street The` Famous Pedestrian Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Burgeon, eto. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. Gentlemen: - "I was a martyr to catarrh of the head, throat and stomach. I was so bad the doctors feared consumption. I tried many physicians and medicines. A friend suggested Psychine. I tried it and it was the only thing ever did pie any good. I am now perfectly well. It is the greatest remedy the world has ever known. I do not need it for my health now but I use it as a strengthener for my h walking endurance to owe much of my p Y Psychine." JAMES REYNOLDS, Port Hope, Ont. Psychine is the greatest cure for catarrh of the head, throat or stomach in the world. It is a wonderful tonic and, strengthener of run down system, acting directly on all the vital organs, giving youthful vigor and strength to or Dr.tem. At all T. A. Sloeum,t Limit Liists mited, . andto. Whensvor I find a great deal of gratitude in a poor man I take it for granted there would be as ranch gen- erosity if he were a rich man. -Popo. which seems to alt as a rptrifle in this ail, fleet, sad the irnnte ase popularity of thtst,:eat *Kitine wee built up largely on its reputation as *caw for bronchitis. Coop wheopieg couch, asthma, coughs acid calsis Sealy )need to the teatht heai- ;wtriR( 14ett+/entw25 PRIZES AWARDED IN DIARY CONTEST The judges in the annual Diary Contest of Dr. Chase's Calendar Alma- nac have given their decision after numerous me roue carefully considering the diaries submitted. Their task was dif- ficult. Not alone betimes of the hun- dredeof Almanacs entered in the con- test, but more particularly because of r their high. standard. 11'or example, , the material, neatness and cleanliness of the leading diaries were of so geed a utility that the judges were bompetled in justice to both parties to divide the first prize between Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hoar of Scott toad via Petitcod.ao, N. B., and Mr. R. H. Snider of Broom- hill, Mn.a d di*Ceat /entwine. sen s The puns Wina$tti are: - a be6Ne, ae ag dealers or Edaatroo. Batt* err 1 riot -4104 in gold (divided) -B. H. Co., Toronto. Snider, Broomhill P. 0., .; Br, rand }YItl.A $urn+4tn.biste•oti, Oat•, writer: t Krt. Sanford Boar, Boost Road via hooloall wet so bad with a b,oecttid Pottfloodiao, lei. 8. tiat eta *mid trot .,,gait *bore • whitpetBo end -$O in g4111- $U. Arthur, I awl I oy„ Nowt It laitioo, a', It, 1. ear,,s 7" diel ---moi in gold -Wes Vary E. WHAT IS MONEY? DR. ROBT. 0. REDMOND, M. R. 0. B. (Eng1 lJ L. R. d. P. London. PHYSICIAN and isUBGEON. Offioe, with Dr. Chisholm. comply. g But, then, this is one of the usual mut, tou events of the holiday season. The great international live stock show at Chicago has demonstrated again that American beef finishers may, challenge the world with their prods ucts, But in respect to prices obtained for fat cattle it proved a sore disapw pointment to the producers. While the demand at the show auction sales was keen, buyers indulged in uo fang run of prices. The fact that the chain- pion car lot of the show went to the scales at $8 per hundredweight ad against $17 last year is evidence of the success with which killers kept prices ou a basis resentat they busines tconditions. justi- fied by I ' Unstinted praise for the quality of the • cattle hardly atoned for unprecedent- edly small values. Six dollars and fore ty-elght cents was the average price per hundredweight realized on cat lots. Feeding Beef and Milk Stock. Now that the beef and milk combine. tion promises to be in greater favor id this country it is of interest to farm - ere to know something of the methods of the past masters in the art of pro- ducing dual purpose cattle. English breeders of dual purpose animals very rarely allow their young stock to suckle. Bull calves are fed. on whole milk or on a gruel of wbole milk or skim milk with flaxseed meal, cornmeal or oat- meal. atmeal. As they grow older barley meal, cotton cake, roots and hay are added to the ration and the milk decreased: A rather fleshy condition is usually, sought for. Dual purpose heifer calves are fed on skim milk and grain rations, and large amounts of proprietary calf, foods are used. Skim milk -rations are usually prepared by boiling the grain in water and adding to the milk while still hot 'D VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ETC Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rate of interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office. Beaver Block, Wingham CANADA'S OLDEST NURSERIES To the query, "What is money any way a „th o followingw in g answers0 rs are made: Money is the loudest sound in the voice of life. Bait for matrimonial hook. • Fuel for fun. The one thing that makes orooked' things look etralght and straight things look orogked. "rhe most effective substitute for brains. A provider for everything but happi- neer; a passport to everywhere but hea- ven. Something that always gets the glad hand. Money 15 the most dif(tcutt root to ouI- tte.is +f Metal often msnofactured from water in Wall Street. The best talking machine. That which wornen look for while men sleep. A cures to some that have it and a come to alt that haven't. What the rich don't need and the poor don't get. The breath ot bushiesei. Our The antidot. for po+t"s't'ty. That which speaks a language whtoh We oan all tindarstand, but in which few ate able tilt tenet e, INTENDING PLANTERS of Nur- sery Stook and Seed Potatoes should either write directed to ns, or see our nearest agent,before placing their orders. We guarantee satisfaction; prices right; fifty years experience; extra heavy stook of the best apples. • With smoke pouring into the eohool from a burning fan room in the Percy street sohool, Ottawa, 450 children were marched out is perfect order, in one minute and a halt. The fire was put oat without mnoh damage. Stop That Cold To cheek early rotas or Grippe with "Preventics" meats sure defect for 1'ucuntonle, To stop a cold with Preventive is hater than to let it run and be obliged to cure it afteroards. To. be sum, Prc- vrntieS will sun• even a deeply seated cold, but taken early -at the snreV1' statin --they break, or fend off these early colds, That's surely better. That's why they are ,tilled Preventics. rreventlrsnre little handy Cold Carrs. 1:o Quin- lne. no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the children -'cud thoroughly safe too. It gnu feel entity, if you snee.>.e, it you oche 511 over, think of ' m ,tarns MAY hl so SAVO half your meet sic s. I ro I d i t caput sickness. And dmYt ferget your chit there 1s fe�'eribhnesa, nightor day. Herein prob. ppoly lies 1 reventies' greatest riliciency. Sold in 'io boxes for the Pocket, also in 25e boxes of 48 t'reventics. Insiet on your druggists giving Yon AGENTS WANTED. 6 A. MORTON, T BARRISTER, Wingham, Ont. E. L. DloxiNsois DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAM. Omen: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Macdonald Blook, Wingham. Whole or part time; salary or liberal commission; ontfit free; send for terms, TAE TKOS. BOWMAN & SON, CO., Ltd. RIDGIEVILLE, ONTARIO. TeT J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. B. Licentiate 05 the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office ; Beaver Block. LEY. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. `-� LICENSED AUCTIONEER conducted at reasonable able rates uron. sales oOrders lkindst the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Preventics "ALL DEFILERS" FARMERS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Saskatchewan is Manitoba, a S Lands La S and bewail fl read mA and :.6 not reserved, y tilt 8 , Alberta. excepting bo homesteaded by any Person who is the sola head of a family, or any-malo over 18 genre of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or leas Application for entry mast be made in per- son by the applicant at a Dominion Lunde Agency or Bab-ageney for the district in which the laud is situate Entry by proxy may, how. Wingham General Hospital (Uader Government inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physioians. Barns Iron PATIENTS - (which include board and nursing), $3.50 to $15.00 per week according to location of room, For further information, address MIss KATHRINE STEVENBos, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham Ont. ever, be made at au Agenng on eortain condi- tions by hie father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader, The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under ono of the following plans: `11 At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the lend in earth year for throe r yap. e (:.) A homesteader map, it he do desires, perform tho remitted residence duties by living on farming lend owned solely by him, not less than eighty (801 acres in extent, in the vicinity of his hontoitrad. Joint ownership in lad will not meet this requirement. (3) If the father (or mother, if the father is � 'atter has permanent anent m.tt p of the ho e used d ece 1 resid ettcoon farming lend owned stolely by him. not lees than eighty (801 acres in extent, in the vicinity of the :homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own resi- dence ditties by living with the father (or =ether.) (41 The term "vieinitb" in the two preced- ing paragraphs 1. defined as meaning not more than nine miles in a direct line, oxotueive of the i emcft� allowance (tressed in the (5) A homesteader Intending to perform his residence duties to accordance with the shove while lilting with parents or on farming land owned by himself mnet notify the Agent for the district of .ueh intention. Six Months notioeiuwtiting =ustlbe given CO the Cbmmir>sioner of Dominion Lends at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent W. w. eon', Dep'ty of the MInieter of the interior. vieaerat Bwill notice p+for. RAILWAY Of thisad- Cost of Raising a Calf. There are some things of which I do not keep a strict debit and credit ac-, count, and raising calves to cows is! one, but'I strongly suspect that I can- not produce a good, well grown heifer, with her first calf for $50 or perhaps $60, but the expense comes gradually, and after awhile, one has a fine young cow and does not always have the $60 to buy one. Tben the strong point is that if the calf hiss been bred right, with a good cow for its dam and for. its sire a bull descended from a line of dairy kings and queens, if the calf has been fed right and the heifer fed right and enough and handled right, we can emllrace the reasonable assurance that the calf will develop into a heifer and the heifer into a cow that will mature Into til usefulness worthy of her in- •heritance.-W. F. McSparran. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE son London. 0.40 arm.... 8.80p.m. Toronto Fc . 4 •,ERet /1.08a.m. . 0.48 am .... 2.40p.m. onrdine-11.67 ara .2.08. m ,. b.16. p .m. Rin ARRIVE IrRorr Kincardine ....0.40 a,m,.11,00 eau-- 2.40 p.m. Loudon.......... 11.64 a•m..... 7.86 p.m. Palmerston 40.80 a.m. Toronto & Ejt tm 1.HAROLD, Age , Wnghnm OANADTAN PA011110 RAILWAY. TRAINS malty* won Toronto and /fast, 7.08 a.m.... 8.24 p.m, Teeaweter 1.07 pan ....10.27 p.m, ARRIVI PROM 1i,24 P.M. Tecswater... 7,08 a m.�... Toronto and Emit.. 07 p.m....10,27 p.m, J. H. BRE ER. Agent,WRngham. tend anyone Laving live *tock or oilier articled ikey wish to d ts. oeel,of �� eater. Use the same for ea . otretaf tion tens sad It will o '+ e indeed thaatIian Win Pett baoaot tot a uyo it to way ask are teetoile "Miele or stook tioad Item Mter.etW the fed other diapepoel eg t ist i3 IfXPERI NOS ATENTs Teeter s si klov 114HTS &cc. Anyone Mending a otaston and ire s 0 delOrlption M at gnlricivaseertatq oar opinion 1Mathnn mannt6opbd0atDnoUk�n tamnao"eten a ren tmah annboµlws. tor without setons, til Seii¢ntifLC AMU Mti._ Errs. ldtititstiwelt�.04 kti • 41'41'g. N tulnatral,ea • : P M'• tea j Salting the Butter. Good fine dairy salt should be used and never the common coarse barrel. salt that Is used by many. The salting may be done inranular formhe churn en if E itthe butter is in the b a box or barrel churn. The salt can be sifted on the butter by' putting on a part, then revolving the churn halfway over, thus making the butter fall with the saltedside down, then sifting on' he the rest of the salt. Then revolve tut is • the but- ter of s churn a times, , tet which ter can bo taken out and worked on a butter worker. -C. P. Goodrich. Fodder For Wether Lambs. There Is no doubt as te the prefer- ence of the sheep in the choice of fod- dere. Clover hay seems to be the fod- der they relish most, then pelt straw, edrn fodder and timothy hay. The condition of the fodder will materially influence the gain, for if it Is musty, burned or dusty or has been allowed d to grow too coarse they wilt neglect it. Two or three pounds of any of the fodder$ mentioned will he tlbout the quantity that '`ether lambs nine or ten out i old will eat daily through rouh Ifs m the fattening period.-�Cralg. Feeding R Hogs. It le usually better to feed green or enccnlent feed 'whole and apart frolic the meal. Where the roots have to be pn11ied, however, as In the ease with sugar beets and turnips, dry lineal may: bo mixed With the pulped masa and prove very satisfactory. Knots or uses Me feeds need, with one or two ex• cam; aesvet be cooked, Potatoes. pumpkins,mad didess table eooktil tlmltt rant. -$. lfg. V stn .. etto 4*,