HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-26, Page 8VOLTHE WINGHAM TIMES.
x$xvti.—NO. 1.886:
Indigestion defeated and eon-
tenered by
Dyspepsia Tablefs
Every box has our personal
Headquarters for argon Com -
j ound, the new remedy.
Wailon Mckibhon'
f Maodonaid Blook, Wingham.
We have Justo pe n e� u,t our new
goods for Spring and Summer.
To say they are the nicest range
ever shown here is potting It
pretty strongly, but really the
Suitiegs are beautiful, both in
design and material,
The pee- riling colors are EIe-
phant Grays a nd Browns 1 n
stripes and plaids. 01 course
' Blacks and Blues are always cor-
rect, and we have a large range
of these goods,
A choice stook of Hats in all the
newest styles.
A Shirts,l. new. stook Unde wear, Tee, n all
Gloves, Fancy Vests, eto.
Merchant Tailor and
]Tlon'n Fnrniehings
At Ghristie's
There's everything you want
for the table.
Corn, 90 a tin, 3 tine for..,, 25c
Peas, no a tin, 3 tins for..., 25c
Tomatoes, per tin 10o
Mixed Oakes, 15 yarletiea,
3lbs for 25o
Fancy Cakes, 4 varieties,
2 lbs for .. 250
Jvt'r ARRIVED •— Itolbrooke't
English Malt Vinegar, in bottle
And balk. Essence of Anchovies
and Walnttt Ketchup.
&r nk Ohristie's Teas
They're nn*nrpeseed by ant in
flavor, ons quality andstrength,
BREAD ..Better than the hest. )
L Henry Christie
Wear Oreer't1 Shoes and $libber,
Dentists E
Dre. A. J, Irwin
pose closing their
Wednesday after
September inolusf
kindly keep this fa
range for their vial
Wednesdoy after
months. 1
ly Closing.
nd W. J. Pricepur.
dental offices every
oon from May to
e. The public Will
Rt in mind and era
for any time except
boon during these
Highest prioe paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Pelle' butcher shop.
The regular mea
0. L, No. 794, will
hall on Friday eve
8 o "clock. Some in
be np for consid'
candidates will be
A large attendenc
the lodge is wines
L. O. L.
ing of Wingham L,
be held in the Orange
ing of this week, at
portant business will
ration, and several
in hand for initiation,
of the members of
Fon SALE—Clover, Timothy, Goose
Wheat, etc. GEo, E. KING,
A temperance
County of Huron
Ontario St. Meth
April 16th, oom
Rey. B, H, Spero
ion Alliance will
address a mass me
Ohnrch nod Te
invited to be fully
e Convention.
convention for the
will be held in the
let Oberoh, (Minton,
ening at 10 a. m.
Secy. of the Domin.
be present and will
ting in the evening.
erance Societies are
FARM TO 1ENT—Good farm to rent for
grass or orepping. Two miles from,
Wingham, Apply to IT, DAVIS °
Mr. W. H. Ker
ing of the gerr,
Whitney Govern
of the gertyma
neither a000rdin,
lation or ordina
medal ehould be
who drew the o
good nerve in de
der in Huron.
, of Brussels, in speak -
mender, says: --"The
ent should be proud
der of Huron. It is
to geography, popu-
y fairnese; a leather
resented to the fellow
time. Mr. Eilber has
ending it."
WANTED. :A ton of roll butter daily,
27o; fresh gathered eggs; also any
quantity dried apples, feathers, eto.
Hae YOi
Many of our sub
ed their enbseriptic
many are yet in
mailing list has 1
March' 27th and by
on your paper
are in arrears.
hear from all in ar
few weeks. In or
rate of $1 35 for t
Globe renewals
before the first of
will be withdrawn
cribers have renew-
s for this year, but
rreare, The Teems
sen corrected up to
looking at the label
cn can the if you
We would like to
earn during the next
er to secure the low
Thies and Weekly -
ill have to reach ns
Cay as this low rate
after that date(
Get your baby carne a or go cart
early. We have a ar stook coming
and do not intend re dering when the
stook is sold out,
W u.n saE'S Furniture Store.
The Hig
The lightning a
Friday night was t
this epring and a 1
fell. The water
of the river cam
Saturday evening a
possible for rigs to
through the "prate
tity of ice lodged
but no damage was
day evening to M
water lowered sone
danger of damage
passed. Several c
were flooded.
d thunder storm on
e first real storm for
ge quantity of rain
n the:South branch
np pretty high, and
d Sunday it was not
go ever the road
" A large guan.
south of the town,
done. From Sun-
nday morning the
two feet and all
rom flood is now
lays in the town
Miss Mathes
The Tlrins was v
that Mies Matheso
teacher in the jinn()
Pabli School had
her fourteen years a
Matheson has given
faction elpd has doh
ie considered the ha
school. Our town
Miss Matheson's re
greatly missed in Si
terian Chard', havi
part in the work of
many years has beef
Mission Band.
n Resigned.
ry sorry to learn
, who has been
department of the
resigned. During
Mather here Miss
he very best satire
good 'work in what
deet room in the
peopie will regret
oval. She will be
Andrew's Presby
g taken an active
he church and for
the leader of the
Skating Event oaf the Season.
.A. race of conaide
*ports around town
rink on Friday eve
two old time rivals
able interest to the
took place at the
in last, Velton the
T. t7oohrane and R.
Beattie skated onenolle for a Bide bet of
$20, the race was called for 7 o'clock the
referee, Dr, J'. R. l4 rsodoneld, gave the
word go sharp on time, Beattie taking
the lead, Which he kept for six lap* the
pane for these laps b
heavy too and fast p
our friend Beattie,
little, *tieing this the
shot to the front a
pane *oon put a res
wind Which wonldn'
this the end 'ries
Cochrane going on
by nearlyp,
tt lep,
bet and
big very fast. The
tie began to tell on
brho began to lag a
old timer Cochrane
ltd keeping up the
t in his opponent's
oolne out. After
never in dtlubt,
lrtd winning easily
i the
. There (MIAlane there Will be a lot 01113413' skaters wal-
ag It ro,00 with the eltalaPiOn.
Farm Stock and implement Setts.
Mr. Jamee. Robinson, of lot 80, con. 8,
East Wawanoab, is giving up farming
and will hold a clearing auction sale of
farm stook and implements on his prem-
ises on Friday afternoon, April 17th.
See bilis for list of artielee, Jno,
PORTIN, auctioneer,
WANTED.. -1000 rat thine, and an other
kinds raw furs, GEo. E. XING.
Death of Wi
After several wee
Dant Foxton, of On
Saturday last, a
days. Deceased
paralysis same t'
with dropsy. He
resident of this di
time in the Town
his farm in Culro
hie widow, a da
W. Walker, and
wbo will have t
friends in, their a
tools place Mon
Wingham cemet
lam Foxton
s iiinea8, Mr. Wil -
rose, passed away on
d 66 years and 10
ae stricken with
e ago and Iatterly
as for many years a
trust, living for some
Plot before moving to
a. He is survived by
ghter of the late Jos..
a family of children,
e sympathy of many
lotion. The funeral
y afternoon to the
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. --Farmers I Get
your Ripply at GEo, E. Milos.
Death of rs. Hardy.
After being for
a helpless invalid,
passed away abou
day morning at
W. J. Hardy, Elor
to a stroke of para
Monday evening.
or third stroke anis'
The first having
lain September.
Hardy was altoge
oared for by her
law at whose
Hardy's maide
late Absolam
years ago. Sh
lose two sone:
town and Davi
—Teeswater Ne
re than three years
re. Absolam Hardy
leven o'elook 'rus-
t • : home of her son,
St. Death was due
sis which came on
his was the second
red by the deceased,
conned three years
nee that time Mrs,
er helpless and was
eon and daughter -in -
03X10 she died. Mre,
name was Rubra
was widow of the
rdy who died eight
eaves to mourn her
William J. Hardy of
Hardy of Wingham.
Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
McKibben's. drug store, Monday', April
27th. Hours: 12a,m, to8p.m, Glasses
properly fitted.
Called to
Rev. T. S. Boyl
popular Rector of S
this town has reoe
invitation to become
Ohurah, at Ohatha
by the late Rev. R.
mer well-known Re
Mr. Boyle has been i
over two years an
work in St. Paul's an
people. He will be
the town for he was
only with his own pe
townspeople in gen
efforts the Parish 01
the Congregational
purchased for oln
young people of the
peoially missed. Th
reliable authority th
accept the invitation
hely announce his
, B. A., B. D., the
. Paul's Church in
ved a unanimous
eotor of Christ's
, the charge held
oCosh, also a for -
tor of St. Paul's.
Wingham a little
has clone a good
is beloved by his
reatly missed in
ery popular, not
ple, but with our
rat. Through his
b was formed and
Church property
rooms. By the
own he will be es -
Trams learns on
t Mr,. Boyle will
but he willdefin-
ecision next Sun -
Fon SALE. —Aa
within a Sew days,
sale at my home on
A large Radiant Ho
oven; 3 hole wiokle
with large and ams
and wood range
thermometer on
nearly new. Bo
Ieather easy chair
2 hanging lamps,
smaller articles.
am leaving town
I offer by private
Diagonal street: --
e coal heater with
s oil stove on stand
oven; 6 -hole coal
ith reservoir, and
en; these are all
stove; new large
kitchen cupboard:
and a number of
Wardens of ron Since 1850.
In connection with the proposed
re -anion of ex county councillors
County Clerk L ne has been busy
making out lista o former members of
that august body. One list in portion
tar is of hisser , interest; 'namely,
the Inst Of count wardens sirete 1850.
Following is the at, with the'rnnnici•
pelitiee in whic • they resided at the
time: W. Chat :• Tuckeremith; John
Strachan, Gode inch; John Holmes,
Goderiob townsh! . ; R. Gibbins, Gode-
rich; Areh, Bis, op, Usborne; Win.
Young, Colborne; John Leckie, Brus•
eels; G. E. Or swell, Tnokeramith;
0, Gfrein, Wa • andsh; T. E. Hays,
McKillop; J. T. Garrow, Ge.derlch;
John Keine. 11. ick; F. W. John.
eton, Goderiob; L. Hardy, Exeter;
A. F. Gibson, ' roxeter: P, Kesly,
Blyth; V. Raz, .tephen; D. Walker,
Tnokeramith; T. • cKe,y, 'tesborne; J.
Hays, McKillop; J. Button, Hallett;
Jos, Beok, Col Otte; J. Torrance,
Stanley; J. Gri n. Ashfield; T. H.
Taylor, East W. anoeli; Wnr, Mc-
Pherson, Tdrnbe ry; 'T. Straohan,
Gray; J, Ocx, Go erich town*hip; G.
McEwen, Menti*ll B. S. Cook, How-
; Dr, G. A. Boll ns, Exeter; P. Holt,
Goderich; D. Pe croon, Emit Wawa.
nosh; W. H. Kerr Brneiele;; 3. Bow-
man, Morrie; .Root Miller, Tnrnberry;
H. Speakman, E eter; J. T. Currie,
East Wawiteesh ' obt. MCLe
art, Grade.
riob. Wingham h a niter been honored
With the Ward ,naliip, while other
nlnielpelitiee have • .en honored in Ole
way two or three timer. Other mini.
ofIitie* i
tity that hove never
been honored Wit the veardenshlp are
Seaforth, 011410n, 1 xyfleld, West W.
Wert alt incl
Sudden Death a School.
The people of Wingh
on Wednesday mornin
rapidly spread of the
Meas M'innle Sherk, at
building, Just before
young lady was in t
moving her robbers w
fell over and expired
laughing and talking
pupils jest before the d
to be in her usual
aid was at once prop
avail. It is thought th
to organio heart troebt.
lady bad for three time
pain in the side, but
thought the trouble w
nature. Mies Shark
daughter of Mr. Urias
town; a bright, active yo
bad just passed her sew
day. She was a`olever e
to the front in her rend
sudden bereavement ie a
the father and sisters,
Wive the heartfelt Iry
townspeople in their sffii
as Were shocked
when the news
ddea death of
he High School
isle o'clock the
Weak room re.
u she suddenly
She hpd been
with the other
ed and appeared
ealth, Medical
ed, but to no
death was due
as the young
oompiained of
it was never
s of a emeriti
s the fourth
Sherk, of this
ng lady, and
teenth birth-
udent, always
es. The very
evere shook to
nd they will
pathy of our
Accident Near t linton,
Train No. $ of the G. T. R, running
between Goderiall and 8 atford, jump.
ed the track about 6 46 Sa nrday morning
between Clinton and Sea orth, and now
lies piled up in the dito•, The excep-
tionally heavy rainfall aoconrpanying
Friday night's storm hawashed out a
culvert, and as the train was running
at a fair rate of speed the engineer had
no warning of the d qnger until the
train was just upon it. That no one was
seriously injured is nq'thing short of
marvellous. Tee engineer and fireman
stook to their posts and titter the engine
had turned completes over seamed
from the cab. The e
ngineer bad his
leg hurt and was alsoout around the
fsae, but Fireman 0oby of Goderioh
suffered more seriously having having a num-
ber of ribs broken and, other injuries.
Fortunately, the accident happened in
a cutting or it might Have been worse.
As it was, the fro 't of the engine
plowed into the embarkment and the
tender flew off on the,, other side. The
baggage car and twojooachos were all
stripped of their trues and were side-
ways on the track, wbiie the parlor
oar spanned the only° t,
Fort SALE.—Savin disposed of my
grocery and I now offer
my residence crockery took,
dence for a;;lornr John street
and Carling Terrane. olid brick, two-
story, ten rooms: O e lot of two. Fine
locality. 0. N, G IN.
Former Ree •s of Wingham.
A re.nnion of al the former members
of the Huron Co my Council will be
held in Goderic during the week of
the June meeting of the County Conn.
oil. The former .''Reeves and Deputy-
Reevee of Wingh: m are as follows:—
Year Reeve Deputy -Reeve
1878 B. Wills, n
1819 Dr,P,Ma.donald
1880 Thos, B
1881 Thos. B 11
18.2 H.W.C..• eyer Wm. Elliott
1883 Wm. EL'Ott D. M. Gordon
1884 Wm. El Lott John Hanna
1885 Wm. CI gg W.A,McOlymont
1886 Wm. 01 gg Walter Scott
188/ Walter oott R. Mclndoo
1888 J. A, M rton Thos. Gregory
1889 Thos. G egory Geo. McKenzie
1890 Thos. G egory Geo. McKenzie
1891 Geo. Mc enzie H, Kerr
1892 John Ha na R. 0. Sperling
1893 R.0 Spa ling W,F.Brooklnshire
1894 R. 0, Sprling W. Holmes
1895 R. 0. Sp rling W. Holmes
1896 R. 0. Sperling W, Holmes
1907 Dr. Irwin
1908 Dr. Irwin
From January; 1897 to January, 1907
tke District system was in force and
Wingham had ne Reeve. In the above
list the following gentlemen are still
living in Winghabn:—Dr. P. Macdonald,
D. M. Gordon, J hn Hanna, J. A, Mor-
ton, Thos. Greg ry, Geo. McKenzie, H.
Kerr, Wm. 13 Imes and our present
Reeve, Dr. A. J'.iIrwin, and will melee
invitations to attend there -union.
Death o Mrs. McKay.
Mr. R. H. M. c ay received word on
Tuesday of the d ath in Winnipeg that
morning o1 his ...thee, Mrs. Geo. Mc-
Kay, who had bean in poor health for
some time. De•eased's maiden name
was Frances Sut erland, and was nearly
79 ywire of age, Her parents, as well as
her Iate husband s parents, were mem-
bers of Lord Salk rk'b party of Highland
Scotch settlers ho left the 01d Land
during the annum r of 1815 and after a
trip of eleven wee • s landed on the shores
of Hudson Bay a d reached the present
Otte of Winnipe Mrs, McKay's par-
ents left the Wes and settled in West
Gwillimbury, S' •• toe county. Here,
deceased was ma ried to the late Geo.
McKay and in he spring of 1862 the
family moved • p to East \Pawanosh
where they roma' • ed until the spring of
1872 when they eyed into W inghatn.
The tamily re.. •ined here until the
summer of 1889 when they moved to
Winnipeg. Mrs, MoKay was held in
very, high estee •• by a large oirole of
friends in Wingh m, and they will hear
of her death w th deep regret, Mr.
McKay paned a - ay in 1902 and since
that tient decease has made has home
with her dang • r et Winnipeg. A
family of two da ghters and eight Bens
survive and a da ghter and eon passed
Away some ye • e ,ago, Mrs. MoKay
Agent several km visiting with old
friends in Wingh. In during the summer
of 1908.
Mr, Molloy, a
a in
leer of the deoea_ :
d 1 ady, and whole the
entl aelebts the hie Setif*
birthder M his h • '. a iq Torolnt ,
SIMI) GRAIN FOE SALE,—Pane barley,
and a stevariety of ante; Alta
wheat, at T. A. Miran', Winghene,
skgtic,tallowand Woob, at tt a Wingbani
Tannery, W. I). Pneree n,
SEED (32.14N Fort Sem —Pear, barter,
and a new variety of oats; else goose
wheat, at T. A. Mrr.ra', Wibgharu.
� Spring Term
CanadGrade Business Colleges located apt h
URANixynLLE {}ons exOg
follows the custom of business concerns
and takes no vacation,
Stenographers, Book - keepers a n
Telegraphers are in great demand in
Julq, August, September and October.
gementn Ontario than
There must be a reason ; write for it
erAir,Wlmin ew
(With apologies to the Toronto Star.)
The heavy black lines indicate the boundaries of the old riding of East,
West,.and South Huron. The dotted line thews the vew Centre Huron,
which is apparently fearfully and wonderfully made, though Mr. Whitney
Kiltop, Hhaveull good
Took temilh and Colborn0, include
ud the
stalmost cut in ts of wo byMthe
angle of Goderiob township, giving it tbe.appearance of an insect. The new
north and south riding are shown in the map lying above and below the
dotted oentre riding.
Items of Interest
on th
Our curiosity ha
regarding the meet
The outcome of
Promenade, to co
Since this is our
social lines, it has b
it for the pupils onl
become a little more
of entertaining we h
few of our very press
wish we had been ab
In a former editio
catchy verse on one
, Earngey met a
The bear was
The bulge was
Mr. Earngey jour
one day Last week a
by a real live teddy b
that the bear had n
for him, became) the
wasn't Earngey. He
om the Acropolis
at last been satisfied
ngs of the Executive.
heir conniving is a
off on April 10th
rat attempt along
n decided to bold
When we have
killed in the arta
oto pay batik a
g debts, and only
to do so before
We give below a c.
predicted by our p
Seated by my stud
dreaming. --Before re
ly vision. A small e
ming towards me is
waters of a small ini
onpant is in India.
nearer view I reco
Cruikshank. Beauti
I little wonder the
Senecas has made
brunette beauty is
bandanna, and etrin
The skill with whi
canoe reminds me
days, spent on the
pantie in a neighbor
homemade raft. I
and gorgeous wi•
queen of her hone:
ereign of her people
Let no now look
Miss Davidson, the
blue hair and yell.
reader has just det
The bumps on her
brushes or chalk
schoolroom have r
Ions finite. She
and will be very.
whither she will j
of time. After
over she will be
stern realities of I
unfortunate as to
Of these stern 5
worse, she will
take of getting
into tech diiiiou
but will win on
knowledge of el
hive many disap
terrible than the
light bylaw, b
she will live obe
until she is old
own grandmotl
of our journal a
t pupils ran thus:
eyed down town
d was confronted
ar, We oonolude
particular liking
nige on the bear
is still at sohool.
pie of the futures
ophet 011 Friday
fireside, I fall to
eyes I see a love -
nee comes skim -
roes the tranquil
nd lake. Its ore
attire and upon
Hire Mise Oliye
ul is she to behold.
the Chief of the
• er his bride. Her
enhanced by a red
s of colored beads.
. h she manages her
of her childhood
itland'e broad ex -
e leaky pont or a
• her neatly kept
wam, she reigns
hold and loved eov-
into the future of
coag lady with the
w eyes. The head
ermined her future.
ead, not caused by
hurled across the
vealed some marvel -
i11 enjoy prosperity
ucoeasful at college,
urney in due course
er college career is
in to meet with the
e and she will be eo
all in love with one
Wien From bad to
aka the terrible mi*-
arried. She will get
ty with her hnrband
through her extensive
b awinging. She will
ointments in life, more
allure of the eleotrle
through all troubles
dully to ripe old age
nongh fn feet to be her
This Week
his boot and ah
Willie, of Seaf
reselon 011 the
Johnston has no
he will de in fu
pose moving
Willis has many
boot and elide bu
Wpleased to Weloo
esti Change.
t, Itobt. Johnston sold
e buciers to Mr. W. IT.
th, who will take pos.
16th of April. Mr.
yet decided on what
re, but doer not put.
Wh am. Mr.
ear* experience In the
hen and the Truss ss is
e Masa sa a rotildent of
Rees„D. Perrie e c . Rev. W. G. How-
son will excbange pulpits on Sunday
morning next,,
Rev. T. S. Boys: will conduct his own.
services next Sunay, and it is expected
will announce hie , ecision regarding his
call to Chatham.
The Rey. T. c, Boyle preached in
Petrolia on Send:, , and will visit bis
old home in St. atharinee before re-
turning to Wingh m.
The twenty -firs anneal meeting oaf
the Woman's Aux liary to the Missioh-
ary Society of the c huroh of England is
being held in Lend,n this week. The
delegates trona 5 Paul's Auxiliary
are:—Mre. (Rev.) T. S. Boyle, Mrs, 0
M. Walker, Mrr. B. ' oott and Miss Mae
The pulpit of the ethodist church,
will be occupied next Sunday morning
by the Rev. D Perrie •f the Presbyter-
ian church. Mr, Ho ••son will occupy
his own pulpit in the a vening. Subject,
"The man who kno ; and who knows
that he knows.” 0•'dmnsio. All are
Local Optic
The regular mon
Wingham Local 0
be held in the C.
block, 011 Friday
All members of
parties interests
requested to alt
ly meeting of the
ion Association will
. F. Hall, Gregory
vening of this week.
the Association and
in Local Option are
d this meeting,
By the Local Option Literature Committee.
The coat of the liquor traffic to Canada,
direct and indirect, 18 at least $150,000,-
000 annnaIsy, an average of over $30 per
head. Vote for Lobel Option.
In 1903 the total -value of the a stook
in Ontario was $154,327,267. his means
that liquor costs Cana almost the
valve of Ontario's iv stook each year.
In 1904 the nati al debt of the Do.
minion was $864,962,512. The money
which is spent in liquor would in 2
years and 5 months wipe out this debt.
Local Option will help as save this
terrible expense.
The money spent en Iigaor in Canada
in 1 year equals all the money sent by
Oanadiens to foreign missions in 800
years. It is time for a change. Let ns
try Local Option.
In an address given by Oaten Welch
in Massey Hall, Toronto, before the
Boston Artillery Co., he says:
Ono third of all convictions in Canada
wen) directly from drinking,
Two thirds were due indirectly to ex-
oerrive drinking.
In Toronto in 1906 the total oorsvio.
tions Were bat over 16,000, 3,000
brei}oh of (ilio by.laivt, 12,000 ballots
oftencee, 8,000 drankennera, Toronto's
people have net doubled these lab' h
years, yet the erre*t* for drunkennBse
than ,0000 ore than registeerle 1001,
d 'when lett
Prior pcApal•
Properties for Sale
FRAME COTTAGE --Frances St.'
FRAME 131 STORY—Victoria St.
FRAME 1r/.2 STORY—Edward St.
FRAME 134 STORY—Scott St.
(FRAME 2 ST,3RY— Minnie St.
BRICK lee STORY—Victoria St.
BRIGS 2 STORY (new) —Victoria
BRICK 1 STORY (uew) —Josephine
BRICK 2 STORY (new)—Catharine
BRICK 2 STORY (modern) —Minnie
Properties in Pleasant Valley,
Lower Town, Town Piot, Greenville,
Chishoimtown and in the central
parts of the town. Gall and see ua.
We can snit you. Don't all speak at
once. Choice farms at right prices
and on easy terms, Insurance—all
kinds. is iiNal Loans—low rates.
Ritchie & Cosens
Grimn•'Panstone Block, WINGHAAf.
Pbone lea
6 44E%
The Empress Shoe
does not require any
breaking ill. You can
wear it all day, shop in it,
work in it, and your feet
will not be tired.
Women who wear the
it m pr e s s are our best
Bistook ...
1t o
Big f Termite and
See thein.
W. J. Grier