HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-26, Page 7THE WINOUAM TIMES, MARCH 26, 1st!$ MINOR LOOALS. ---ltd rondo. -- pring weather. --Get your wedding invitations and '9'31►1t'ing cards at the Times atliee, -Morris Township Counoil will meet in the Township dull next Monday. --Mr. Harry Ansley, formerly of Wingham, is ill with typhoid fever in the hospital at Winnipeg. -The annual convention of the East Huron Teachers Association will be held In Seaforth on May 21 and 22. -On Saturday Chief Justine Meredith toadied the license reduction by-law recently passed by the Toronto City Council. Coughs. coeds, hoarseness. and other throat ailments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. -An unmietakahle sign of spring struck town the other day -a couple of ;foreigners accompanied by a bear of .acrobatic proclivities. Mr. W. R. Davis, editor of the Mit- ()hell Advocate, was thrown out of a buggy the other night, alighting on tis head, He waa severely bruised. -The regular meeting of Court Mait- 3aud, Canadian Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of this week. A large attendance of members is requested. -Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Stalker, well - /known in Wingham, have been appoint- -ad organist and choir leader respectively in the Presbyterian Church at Blyth. -Mr. R. S. Sturdy has sold his bus 'business at Owen Sound and is moving his family to Wingham. Many friends 'will welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy and 3amily bank to Wingham. -The mild weather of the past week has taken away considerable of the snow 1?i'id left the roadsin very bad condition. The snow is going away gradually and a# is not likely there will be any serious adamage by high water. -Mr. John A. Menzies, of East Wa- 'wanosh, sbipped a carload of horses on Tuesday from Wingbam to Canton, Man, Mr. Menzies has a car -load at :Canton now and will spend the next few iweeks in the West disposing of the horses. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLEh ONTARIO'S MOUNTING EXPEND ITUaE (London Advertiser ) Residents of Ontario who are of voting age, will recall the aensational prophesies of direct taxation uttered from every platform by the leaders of the Provincial Conservative party. The Governments of Mowat, Hardy and Ross in succession were railed as ependtbrifts and reckless squanderers of the pnblio domain. The politicians who had nothing to do but criticise the expenditure have now the control of it, and the record is the highest tribute to that of their predeoes- sore, These erstwhile economists have been in office three years, and bave in- creased the expenses of the province by $2 318.229 per annum, as against an in- crease of $1 841,181 for the previous seventeen years. This table tells the story : Receipts Expenses $3,602 662 $3,554 835 4,103 478 3 717,404 4 201 080 4,003 729 4 466 043 4 038,834 4,292,021 4,345 003 5 408,150 4,888 982 5,977.179 5,267,453 5 873 888 5,06,015 7,149 478 6.720,179 8 320,419 7,714,245 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1900 1907 it is not strange, it ceases to bear the fruits of suother world. If you will walk in the fields of sin you will find a long task before you picking off the burrs and cockles. Thomas G. Vanston died in Brockville Hospital from injuries received by being struck by a flywheel. The Presbyterian Augmentation Com- mittee (western section) decided that it would rot be possible to grant proposed salary increases to pastors. A. R. Davidson, who handles the land sales for the Canadian Northern Rail- way, reporte the sale of over 280,000 acres of Western land this spring. As a result of troubles with the long- shoremen at Quebec, the 0. P. R. may make Three Rivers its point of call tor the Empresses instead of that town. W. A. Hunt, formerly Chief Clerk of the Accounting Department of the C. N. R., was sent to the penitentiary for two years fcr defrauding the company through false pay checks. There, are now over seven thousand men working on the transcontinental railway contracts of J. D. McArthur east of the oity of Winnipeg, and the number is being increased every day. Ae Mr, Hislop pointed out in the budget debate, the per capita expend- iture increased $1 per head in the thirty-two years prior to 1905, and an equal amount in the next three, Mr. Penes showed that the expenses under the head of civil government bad increased in three years 70 per cent; administration of justice, 20 per oent; education (excluding the uni- versity), 50 per cent; colonization, 11G per cent; agricultural college, 106 per per cent; charities, 39 per Dent; public buildings, 33 per cent, and miscellaneous services, 43 per Dent. Whether this rapid increase of ex- penditure is justifiable or not, no more convincing proof is needed that pre- oeding governments, whatever their faults, administered the affairs of the Province with strict economy, A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene 'with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. aiee. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. of atnrulo, Alms Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 -At the meeting of the Head Camp et the Woodmen of the World held in London last week, a resolution was passed to the effect that after May lst. AU members, old and new, shall pay the , ohedule of rates now in force for new members. -Mies Boyd announces in our adver- tising columns this week that her stock of spring millinery will be ready for - inspection on and after Friday of this week. Miss Brown of London, an ex- perienced trimmer is with Miss Boyd for this season. , -The appreciation of the public is the final test of merit. This is the reason "Salads" Tea has the enormous sale of over eighteen million packets annually. if you do not nee it, The "Salado," Tea Co., Toronto, will send you a sample. State whether you use Black, Mixed or Green and the price yon usually pay per pound. PERSONAL. POLITICAL CHANGES. The way in which the Federal Gov- ernment has changed since confedera- tion is rather interesting. In 1867 Sir John Macdonald's total majority of 22 was not strictly a Conservative one, but from that date the party issues have been squarely defined. In 1872 Sir John's majority was 'only six, and in 1874 his party was defeated, the Liberals being returned to power with a major- ity of 60; 1878 saw another big turn- over, when Sir John was returned with the enormous majority of 86. His later majorities were smaller, in 1882 being 67, in 1887 being 41, and ending in 1891 with 31. The Liberals came into power in 1896 with a majority of 34, which was increased to 53 in 1900 and in 1904 to over 60 The figures in Ontario since 1867 are as follows: Date Conservative Liberal 1867 ,,.. 47 36 1872 ....... 38 50 1874 •,-. 24 64 63 25 54 38 38 44 40 37 38 Mr. W. H. Gurney was in Toronto for a few days on business. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Rintonl are visit- ing with relatives in Brantford. Mr, Wilfrid'Gillette, of Ohio is visit. at the home of Mr. John Ritchie. Miss Perkins, of Gorrie, is spending the week with Mrs. R, F. White. Miss Mary Dobbs, of Gorrie was visit- ing with Wingham friends last week. Dr. Geo. Ball, of Toronto, was visit- ing for a few days at his parental home in town. Mrs. Wm. Gannett is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. Howell, at Toronto. Mre. Geo. 0. Manners has returned home after spending two weeks with her mother at Dungannon. Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn, of Listowel are visiting for a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Spotton. Mr. John Martin, of Cobalt was call- ing on old Wingham friends and visiting with his parents at Whitechurch. Mr, Wm. Nicholson was in London fact week attending the Head Camp meeting of the Woodmen of the World. Mrs, 13. B. Elliott was summoned to Port Huron on Monday owing to the serious illness of her sister-in-law, Mre. Chas. Greer. 1878 1882 1887 1891 1896 1900 1904 Thomas Welch, a pioneer of Huron County is dead at Kincardine, aged 92 year!, Mr. Rodolphe Forget, M. P., is said, to be financing a scheme for a merger of breweries of eastern Canada, W. A. Bunt, formerly chief clerk in 016 0. N. R. accounting department at Winnipeg, hm been sant to penitentiary lQr tw* von for forgiag 0,1. l20.01o. 54 48 43 65 48 FIGS AND THISTLES. Character is never put out. Spirituality is a poor morality. No man ever served life who was afraid to die. Love always wins, because it is not afraid to lose. The divine law is but the language of divine love. All gain and no pain would make life a sad affair. The only people who count are those who can be counted on. Too many find their oonsoience in the convention of others. The door of truth cannot be opened with the key of prejudice. The piety you put on before the mirror will not make you a mirror of piety. Mon will bo honest with one another when they are honest with themeelves Failure is due not so much to missing opportunities as to failure to make them. There is something wrong i when his religion is the poorest about him, Your message will go just into the haute of men s! it has your own. Huffs of people would lose a society but for their periods appreciation. We are all apt to substitute with the faults of others fo with our own. Spring Blood Is Bad Blood How to Get New Health and Strength in the Spring. NOTICE Ali parties having c of the late wni. H. 4a of Turnberry, farmer, to send such to the un the 10th day of April, 1808. ltosr.lWCAMPBELL, ngbem P.O- WM. J. CAMPa$Lb, Hutton Farm Qlenannun 1'. O. ims p. *Mast the estate of the Township ascd, are required aigned on or before The winter months are trying to the health of even the most robust. Con- finement indoor in overheated and nearly always badly ventilated rooms - in the home, in the chop and in the school -taxes the vitality of even the strongest. The blood becomes thin and watery, or clogged with impurities, the liver sluggish, the kidneys weakened. Sometimes you get up in the morning just as tired .as when you went to bed Some people have headaches; some e low spirited; some have pimple: and skin eruption. These are a spring symptoms that the blood is • • t of con- dition. You can't cure t • - se troubles with purgative medioines •' blob. merely gallop through t. • Be: em leaving yon still weaker. Wh:t •on need to give you strength in : = ing is a tonin, and the one always reliable tonin and blood builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills not only banish spring ills, but guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, nervous debility, rheumatism, indiges- tion and kidney trouble, Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes new, rich red blood which strengthena every organ and every part of the body. This is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the favorite spring medicine with thous- andsandthousandsthroughout Canada, Try this medicine this spring and you will have energy and strength to resist the torrid heat of the Doming summer. Mrs. Jas. Haskel, Port Maitland, N. S., says: '-'I was troubled with headaches, had a bad taste in my month, my tongue was coated, and I was easily tired- and suffered from it feeling of depression. I got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and it was not long before they began to help ms and I was soon feeling as well as ever I had been." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from.The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont. on; it grows refuge from alimaNalminmemmaawausemesarn -:_-.1908 " - Spring Millinery To TAE LADIES S OF WINOH AND VICINITY : We will on Friday of is week he ready for the Spri ' Millinery trade, witn a corn ete stook of the latest fas•'on: and novelties in headgear. With Miss :rown, of London, in charge, and a staff of competent assistants,we can assure our many patrons that the very best atten- tion will be given their orders. You are respectfully invited to call and see what is in vogue for this spring and summer. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of your patronage, Yours truly, Miss Boyd. DDORN. MCLnAN-In Wingham, on March 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McLean; a daughter. On'n.-in Wingham, on March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Orr ; a daughter. SMALL -In Blyth, on March 18th, to Rev, J. L. and Mrs. Small ; a daughter. DIED JoRNsTolt.-1n Wingham, on March 22nd., Eliza J. Tooley, relict of the late James John- ston, aged 71 years. MANNING. -1n Clinton, on March 17th Lillis Coats, relict of the late A. H. Manning, aged 48 years and 7 mos, Ms onetm.-In Howick, on March 15th, Catherine McTavish, daughter of J. H. Mc- Tavish and wife of Wm. J. Mitchell, aged 49 years. In a man thing as deep e roots in 11 hope of of eeif- candor r honesty The road through a difficulty may be rougher, but it is always safer then the road around it, When the ohuroh grate on this world CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Friday in each month, at 3 p. m.. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates off any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. Borrx, Oxo. H. COOPMAN, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. W YLxs, Financial Secretary. 1 WANTED I A GOOD FARM fersale, Not particular aboutlocation. Please give price and description, and reason for selling. State when posses- sion can be had, Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 084, Rochester, N.Y to hear from owner having SPRING TERM OPENS April l st CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. Thoroughness is the key -note of this institution. Our school stands for what is highest and best in busi- ness education. ' We have three de- partments -Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always succeed. If interested get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS, Huron only Sorillg St';ck Show Clinton, A • ril 2, 1908 Entrance •- Fre , Admission Free. $69 in Prizes. HO SES. cly' sdalos 1st 2nd 2rd Stallion, 3 years and o • er, $10 $6 $2 " 2 years and . der 6 4 3 8 ires Stallion,�a years and ,ver 10 6 2 2 " years and •der 6 4 2 Pe Theron , Best Percheron stall on 10 5 ackney Stallion,0 years an. ovor 6 4 2 ,. years and ndor 6 4 2 Hear Draughts Brood Mare, registe Td 2 yrs & over6 4 rising 3years 5 3 rising 2 years 5 3 Gelding 3 years and over 5 3 Gelding rising 2 ye • rs 5 3 Team in harness 8 6 Family of 3 colts of 007 6 4 A rcultural Team in harness, le prize, cultivator value $40, donated y Taos, Murphy agent for Deering • fg, Co Brood Mare 3 years . nd over 1st prize silver cup valued t 512, donated by Molsons Bnnk F•lly or Gelding ris ng 3 years 4 Filly or Gelding riei • g 2 years.....,. 4 Gene al Purpose ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +H d' •1' 'l+ 4. 4. 4. + 4• 4. 4. •i• + •1• •1• This is the place to get them, to NOW OPEN ENTER ANY DAY Winter Term in AN departments of the Central; Business College, To- ronto, aloes splendid chances for spending a few months pleasantly and profitably. Twenty-five teacher& Catalogue free, Write for It. W. H. Shaw, Principal; Il E. Shaw, Secretary, Tenge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. I'9 I1 ra• EXIMISEIRWARNII ROYAL GROCERY Pick/es Pickles Pick/es '1* '3' +1+ suit all tastes, and at all prices. Have some of our Bulk Pickles ; sour, 20o quart ; sweet, 25c. Also a good line of Bottled Pickles at 10c, 15c, 25c, 30o and 35o. Team in harness 14 I lbs, and under. 6 R. • dsters Stallion 15A hands a • d over 10 under 151, ha • ds Carriage Horse in arness, equip- ment considered Roadster Horse in h,rness, equip- ment considered 6 Carriage Team in, har • ess 6 Roadster Team in har . ss 4 Saddle Horse Jumping over Hurdles. 8 CAT LE. •1' ♦ + 4.• TRY OUR BREAD 4 4. 4 + + + 4. +1+ 4. + 4, + 4. 4.+ •p ► I J. Malcolm 1+ Home made, Baker's and Brown. It is good. PRODUCE WANTED. Short : orns Bull 3 years and over Bull 2 years and under Bull 1 year and under Cow 8 years and over Heifer 2 years Heifer 1 year Ages to date from September 20th Herfo de Bull 2 years and over Bull 1 year and under Cow 3 years and over Heifer under 2 years Polled A gus Bull 2 years and ovor 5 3 Bull year and under...., 55 3 Cow 8 years and over Heifer under 2 years 5 3 '1• PHONE 54. •1' + • Successor to C. N. GRIFFIN. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 2 2 24 5 3 3 2 3 2 4 6 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 8 6 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 4 2 1 5 3 5 3 Talk About Your Annual Sales, your Clearing Sales, your Slanghter Sales, your Going -out -of -Business Sales, your Stock Reduction Sales, and your Stock • Taking Sales--- but we can meet them all, Just a few quotations : Tomatoes, per can ...... :...... .10 Corm, 3 Cans *for. .25 05 Peas, 3 cans for Pumpkin, 3 cans for Wax Beans, 3 cans for Sunlight Soap, 6 bars for Tillson's 5 -lb premium packages Oatmeal 25 20.1b pails G oldenette Pure Cane 1 Syrup 104b pails (lcidenettePure Cane Syrup , and other lines at equally low prices. 25 05 o0 QUALITY SECOND TO NONE. AMIN W. BONE WINGIIASI, ONT, Opposite new Bank of Coinmeroe PHONE 115. Dairy Cows and Dairy Cow any age and bre 5 3 Fat Heifer, age considered 3 2 Fat Steer, age considered 3 2 2 Stock Steer Spears and u der 3 2 2 stock Heifers 3 years and under3 BWeepstalr s Best Male any ago Best Female any ace Best 3 of any breed 2year•s a d under with bull $5 Diploma GRAIN AND EEDS Fall Wheat any variety 3 2 Bag Michigan Amber, priz donated by Jas. Fair, bag of Fair' famous flour IF F F 1') Oats, Black 3 2 Oats, White 3 2 Barley, two rowed - 3 2 Barley, six rowed 8 2 • Peas Timothy Clover teed . 3 2 POTAT ES. Potatoes, any early ver ety 3 2 Potatoes, any late vari ty 3 2 JAS. SNELL, JAS, FAIR, J. W. SHAW President. Treasurer. Secretary. at Cattle d 3 2 3 2 One Way Colonist Excursions To the West Commencing Feb. 29th and con- tinuing daily until April 29th, 1908. To the following points: - Vancouver, B. C. Spokane, Wash, 5 $47.75 Seattle, Wash. Portland, Ore. San Francisco. Cal. 1 $47.80 Los Angeles, Cal. Mexico City. -$47.80 Tickets also sold to other certain points in proportion. Full information may be obtained from Wm. Henry, Depot Agent. THE -.- ---- LITTLE EATON OUR ELABORATE ' lilinery pesIngsl t, WILL BE inursday, 26th ♦ Friday, -. Saturday, 28thi t WESTERN ANADA Sweii ♦ aStylish ♦and 4 ♦ Charining ♦ Iare the ♦ IF YOU THINK OF MAMNG A HOSE IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE Free Balks "SETTLERS' GUIDE" "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest C,P.R. Agent, or to O. [3. I''OSTER District Paso. Arent, TORONTO 11908 Effects 1 ♦. ,+. 1100 r Hats1 ' mmed i WITH + a � Z 50 READY-TO-WEAR 1? 1 C Wi11! give you splendid choice. R. a 4*41141 E Orders taken and executed ted. at shortest 7A At7 A A t Come in ; we have the quality. `► You're welcome. [UANNA_BROS. se- ►