HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-26, Page 5reals from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A menta ileal woman ie one kind of a pipe dream, Yon never have to dun a man who Owen you a gruAge. Manly and y°an B utydt on enmity U remia owl much of diet pulite ,dep.'trie an towtect kidney tittering.. If theca (agouti are di -eased and will not perforw *bele funestone, man will seek in sin for sitrencth and woman for hearty. Berth Ane,roan Sidney Cure drivee out all imps ritiee through the boav's ' ti ter- are"—repairs weak spots. Sold by A. 'L.. H.anaiiton.-4t Once in a great vtbile a man aotnally heeds hie wife's advice. Parting a piach of slit in the coffee improves the flavor. DR. A. W. CHASE'S OF — CATARRH CORE s .. Ca ` s • Is ant direct to the diseased parts by the improvt:d Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings In the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo Baba Wallace has sold his livery business at Gorrie to H. Ashton at $2 COO. Fire ie. Vansaone's dry goods store at Owen Sound did damage amounting to $45,000. Twitehy Muscles and Sleepless• ness.—Tee hopeless heart sickness that settles ou a man or woman ahose nervee are shattered by disease can hest be pio• tared fn contrast with a patient who Bas been in she "depths" and has been drag- ged from them by South American Ner vine. George Webster, of Forest, Onr. says: "I owe my lite to it. Everything else failed to cure " Sabi by A. L Hamilton, -41, If a handful of salt is pet oa bottomannon of oven under pe abaking ginger- bread or any rake easily burned, it will prevent its burning. Mak, oream and batter sbonld not be put into therefrigerator with other ar- ticles of food unless in c1o9411 vessels, as they absorb odors very quickly, • The essential lung -healing principal of She pine tree has finally beenauecesafully separated and refined into a perfect sough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a gaarautee of setisfaotion. Price 25 lents John D aged 9.4, and his wife Satoh, aged 78, married for 64 years, were buried together in the same grave at Denbigh, Oat. The larger kind of West Indian firefly gives a light so brilliant that by it printed matter may be real at a distance of two or three inches. TIDE WINGUA$ T131ESr, MARCH 2 3 Rtes Rheumatism THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laza-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite .nadioine. They mire Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Eats up strt'irgth Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep. 0.; the 11th of thin month a Yell pretty weddiug took piece at the red. demo of Mr. wed bra. John 0apish. on the 6th of Huron, when their daughter, Mary E was united in the holy bonds of wetrtmony to Mr. Wm. A. Mordent. The ceremony was performed by the Rev l tdell int the preset (ie of te large number of relattvee UNCHECKED.—It Finally Strikes the Heart and Ki is I's Victim'. It originates in the blood and d'velope trust quioaly in the se stem of persout who are mu down and lacktrg--in vitality. Tae only spartfic of ALL forms of Rheumatism is Feu( wine, whjctt is perfect solvent for urio maid and a sp'en did stimulant tor the kidnet s and !ry r No r,medy 15 so snoeese!ul as For rezone. It has never failed to cure, le -cense it attacks tilt cause of the dis ease in the blood. It neutrtilize8 th ono acid poisons, quick no the singei.h oiroulatiou, aril reiievee the system ut aa irritatieg tnattrr Every distressing symptom is cured swollen muscles and achiug jliuts are relieved of their mate The cit -ease will not return it once oured by Fertozone. which does ns wurk thoroughly, Its mires are bating Unlike other treatments, Ferri z me does not depress the heart or deadeu rhe nerves Ir rebuild;the system, pro- motes better health, estab,iehes good appetite, sound sleep and freedema irom weakening pains and aches The perteotion of all rhenmatio reme- dies is found in Ferree me. It is in tab let form, easy to take, convenient to carry, guaranteed to cure, and posts only 50o per box or six boxes for $2 50 at all druggists; don't fail to test Ferr. zo ie An egg that is cracked can be boiled by placing a teaspoonful of salt in the water, as the egg will then cook with- out any of the white rnnniug out. To permit townships to make anima - merits only every three ,years is the ob. ant of a bill submitted in the Legiela- taro by Mr. Jamieson, M. P P. for South Grey. A. snail student has ascertained that it takes the little creature fourteen days to travel a mile. r Special clocks, which need winding lip only once in 400 days, are now mann- Igotured in lixitciCh. Tickling or dry (loughs quickly loosen whop using Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure And it is so thoroughly harmless. that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender Memo of a healing mountainous es nb give the curative i rativeproperties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough and heals the sensitive bronchial , membranes No opium, no chloroform, nothing bareh.used to injure or suppress Demand Dr. Shoop's, Take no other. Sold by all dealers. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Organ grinders in Vienna are not allowed to play in the morning or even• i.ng —may between midday and sunset. An Euglish sea captain who died the -other day at 80 had crossed the English Channel 33,000 tunes in his 53 years of ' service. Speeehless and Paralyzed —"I bad 'valvular disease of the heart." writes Mrs J. 8. Goode, of Truro. N S, "I ((offered terribly and was often speech- less and partially paralyzed. One dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave zee relief, and before I finished one bottle I was able to go about. To•dav I am a well woman." Sold by A. L Hamilton. .-43 Sometimes a man remains in the ba- othelor class because he is shy either of ;Min or courage. Turnips boiled in jeokets like beets are much better than when pared. Add- ing a little sugar to the water will cor- rect any bitterness. Bears the Signature of 11 aw few of ns there CFO who make our lives into atlythingl We accept our limitations, we drift with them, while we indignantly assert the freedor of the wi'l. The he et sermon iu the world is to titer of cue who bas strnggled with lite, bent or trained it to hie will, pluck- ed or resent, d its fruit, but all upon some principal It matters little what we do; it nottt3rs enormously how we do it. A q tint we,ldiog took place at 1 p m. ou Wednesday, Match lith, at the Evangelical parsonage, son 6, Wallace, when Aur Afloat Zurhrigg, of Howiok, and Mise Emma A. Wes z41. of the 2cd oon. of Wallace, warn united as husband and wife. They left Li, towel with the eveniug traiu for New Hamburg, Shak• speare and other points. Mr. and iliac. Zertrigg wilt reside on the old homestead in ambit. The library at the British Mnsenm whish now contains between 3 000,000 and 4 000,000 volumes is without, excep- tion the largest in the world. To hold this immense number of books upward of 43 miles of shelves are required. Itehing, Bernina, Skin Diseases Cured for Thirty -flue Cents.—Dr Agnew's Ointment relieves la one day. and Corea Tatter, Salt Rheum, Scald Heal, Eersma, Barber's Itch, Mears, B'o obeli and all eruptions of the skin It is soothing and quieting and ante like magic in the cure of all baby humors 35 cents, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -47 While an Irishman was gazing is the window of a Winnipeg book store the following sign caught his eye; "Diaken's works all this week for only $4 " "The divvii he does!" exclaimed Pat in dis- gust. "The dirty scab." Croup positively checked in 20 minutes. Dr. Shoop's •20'minute Croup Remedy acts like Magic. No vomiting, nothing harsh. A simple, sate, pleasant, depend able croup syrup. 60o. at all dealers. Currante, raisins, figs and dates Mould be sterilized before using, Pat them in a strainer over a steaming kettle. The sand will fall to the bottom of the kettle. An average of a carload of oranges every twenty minutes has beon packed and chipped East front Riverside, Cal., in the past week, figuring nine hours as a working day. The President a Slave to Catarrh. —D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Instalment Company, Washington, Pa., writes: "For years I was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treat- ment by specialists only gave me tempor- ary relief until I was induced to use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gavo instant relief. 50 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -49 Preacher's Qpnonns Rev. P K. 3lcItae, I o.lra Raddcmk, C. B "I always count tt a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies to my parishioners. I believe there is nothing, bottei< for throat aucl lung troubles or weakness or run-down sys- tem. For speaker's sero throat I have found Psychine vory beneficial," lieu. W. II. Stevens, Paisley, Out.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall mid my testimony as to its efficacy at eve••y opportunity." Rev. R. M. Drowns, Amherst Bead, N.S., "I have often recommended Psychine since takii,g it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Si -:ling, Rath, N,B.: "I have used Psychine iu my family; the results were marvelous, I have visited people who stats that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Marltdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Psychine and am pleased to say that I am greatly improved in health. I was troubled with my throat, but now I find it about restored to its normal condition. I find my work very much less taxing. I believe Psychine is all claimed for it." Remember that when the stmmeoh nerves fail or weaken. Dispepiia or I t• digestion mutt always tollow. But, strengthen these same weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop's Rea OratiVe, and then see how quickly health will attain return Weak Heart and Kidney nerves eau oleo be etrengtheued with the Re- storative, where Heart pains, p'ilpiretiou or Kidney weakness is font d Don't drug the Stomach, nor etimolate the Heart or Kidneys. That Is wrong. Go to tho cause of these ailments. Strength- en these weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop's R=storative and get well. A simple. single test will surely tell. Sold by ail dealers. Paint dark cupboards white and it will be an easy matter to tell if they are olean. Too many houses have dark closets in bedroom, kitchen, hall or bath- room. They are often overlooked itt the weekly cleaning and are ' thorn in the flesh" of a neat houseseeper. Fin- ish them all with white paint—fioore, walls and shelves—ant they will be an it.apiration to cleanliness. Tie contract for the new Catholic church at Clinton has been awarded to Thos. McKenzie of Olintor.. The building will be of St. Mary's stone and red pressed brick, with slate roof. 'The estimates oost will be about $13,000. W. J Ireland of Stratford is the archi• tect. George Durnin of Goderioh committed suicide by drinking earbolio acid. The young man was only about 24 years of age and lived with Robert Williams During the season of navigation he fol- lowed sailing and had resided there all. winter. No reason has been assigned for the rash act. Harold had resound the family cat from the well. Covered with green moss and water, he rushed to his mother with the declaration: "Ma, I got the cat out by the stem!" The night hawk makes no neat at all, simply laying its eggs in•a slight depres- sion in the ground. The eggs look so much like email stones that they pass undetected by the searcher. nate �ofpGi ppe or acute Cold tany at a 25 cent box of Preventics will not break How is, this for an offer? The Doctor's supreme confidence in these little Candy •Cold Core Tablets—Preventics—is cer- tainly complete,. It's a $100 against 25 cents pretty big odds. And Preventios, remember, contain no Quinine, no taxa. tive, nothing harsh nor sickening, Pneu- monia would never appear if early colds were always broken. Safe and sure for feverish children. 48 Preventics 250. at all dealers. How's This? These are earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. ; They know \diere- of they speak. Psychine cures all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a groat voice strengthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive organs, thus specially adapted to^public sneakers. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Sloeunr, Ltd., Toronto. Work is a great blessing. You oanuot see now, but some day you will say,. thatyou were fortana to in yourboyhood h0 od days becomes yon were compelled to work. Because you oanuot get power to do things cavo by doing them. Look over the successful men you know. Get their history. Nearly everyone was compelled to work in boyhood, They toighened their muscles by bard work and ebarpeued their brains by looking out for themselves. A feeling of deep regret and tender sympathy was expressed by the citizens of Lnoknow on Wednesday, Marsh 18'11, when it was reported that Edward Mails, who had for some time been oot.fiuod to his bed as the remit of a paralytic stroke with which ha had beam colleted about three months ago bad departed this life. Deceased, wbo was in his 741-h year, same to Lacknow, with his son, W. J, Eerie, with whom he resided, tin years ago, and was very. highly respected by all. He was born of 7t•ieh parents at Sydenham, Ont,, on Sept. 251b, 1833, and in 1568 was married to Jane Oluff, of Toronto, wbo pre deceased him eleven years' ago. To them were born s:ven children, of whom W. J, is the only survivor, the others tiling buried at Hanover cemetery. After an illness of a few days resultant from an attack of pneumonia, there passed away on the Sri inst. to hie lo:'g hmee one of the early pioneers of the Township of Huron, Mr John A. Clark of Paramount, at the age of eeventy•fonr years. Mr. Olatk was barn in the Township of Ni,souri, Oxford County, and forty•one years ago moved to Lot 15, oon. 1 in Township of Huron, where he resided until his death. ' ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar per's Doh and every form of contagions Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Wm. Maxwell oaught a wild cat in a trap is Melanchon one day last week, The trap was justfresLly baited and the oat could not have been in more than half an hour when discovered. Mr Maxwell was able, after a hot tussle, to capture it alive and has it in a good .etrorg box. Gatttng the trap off the foot without injury to either contestant was a difficult job but it wee One sus' gessfuliy. We offer O,te Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. OmtNEY & Co , Toledo, 0 We, the unlereianed, have known F. .T Cheney for the lest 15 years, a -d; be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bust - nese transactions and financially able to parry out any obligations made by hie firm. Welding Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Carei: taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent freo. Pride 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Colds on flow Lungs. Mrs. John A. Wilson, Little Ship- pegan, N. B., writes: "I cannot praise Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine too highly for it mired my chil- dren of severe olds on the lungs and when they had whpoping sough gave them relief from hard ooughiug and soon cured them." This treatment is a poet. tive cure for croup. Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 oent box of Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets will till any pain, everywhere, in 20 minutes! Besides they are thoroughly safe. Painful periods with women. neuralgia, etc , quickly cease after one tablet. Sold by all dealers. At the recent Bourb3n wedding in Europe one automobile concern alone furnished no less than fifty care for tbe use of the guests. The poet of service was mote than $12,500. So many languages are spoken in the provinces of Austria-Hungary that in- terpteters aro employed in the various parliaments to interpret the speeches of the delegates and make them intelligible to all the members. Cl li la °V CI 2a. Z .A. . Do all the good you can and you'll Beare the The Kind You (lave Always Bought find this isn't a bad old world. Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leaven a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures Mt Germ Diseases" FOR SALS BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 tkrrbord Street, Toronto, Ont. Signature c of Born in County Down, Ireland, 1829, and came to Canada when a mere lad, settling in the County of Hastings. Came to the Township of Huron, County of Bruce, fifty years ago, settling on the 11th, concession. Fourteen years ago he purchased a farm in Millarton where he reeided until two years ago, when he came to Kincardine and made his home at "Oiaybank," until he passed away last week. Mr. Stewart was married some forty-six years to Jene Graham, of Thomasbarg,.Htstings County. He was a oonaistent member of the Methodist Ohnroh for nearly half a century, and a kind and affdotionate husband and father. ENGLISH "SPAVIN LINI31ENT re- moves alt hard, soft or cellonaed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood epavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, ew eney, stifles, sprains, done and swollen throat, coughs, eto. Save $50 by rise of one bo tie. Warranted the meet wonderful Blemish Curs ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil- ton. OU i NATIONAL DANGER Time to Cry a Hilt Before Complete - Wreck Results There are thousands, both men and women,do not take time eat roperly.w They rush through life and. as a result we have en `lige of indiges- tion, nervousness, irritability, sleepness nights, and morose disposition. Our national danger is stomach weakness, due to the strenuous life. Mi'p-na tablets, etrengthen the walls of the stomach and stimulate eooretion of the digestive jaioes, They make the• stomaoh comfortable and cure indiges- tion Slott headaches, palpitation, yellow shin and coated tongue are a_few of the many distressing results of indigestion that Mi o nn never fails to cure. Waltou hieliebbon sells I11i.o na in 50 cent boxes, and i,uerautees to refund the money if it duce not give complete satisfaction. LONG ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR. [ 3. E, Kiser Some toles say that life i3 nothin' bat a dismal dai'y grind; Other folks keep busy Mullin' for the troubles they can find; Yeoman always hear 'em growlin' any - whet e yon please to go. But this old world still is pleasant, if yon want to make it so. What, for instance, could be finer thau the eh.lruses you hear Iu the orchards and the pastures 'long about this time o' year? A municipal return of the township of Astfield,for the year 1849 gives the following as the property owned in the township at that time: 8438 aures nu - cultivated; 1041 acres onitivated; 1 house of rquare or hewn lumber; 1 frame house, one story; 1 brick hoose 1 grist mill, one saw mill; 6 horses, 3 years old ; 92 oxen, 4 years old ; 151 miloh cows; 93 horned cattle. No pop- ulation is given in the return, and, as will be understood, log hooses were ,in general use, and the ordinary means of plowing was by oxen. Lt•Ool. A. E. Beloher's services in a municipal capacity are evidently much appreciated by the citizens of Southamp- ton. He was elected Councillor in 1865, 1866, 1867, 1892, 1893; Reeve 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898, and Mayor 1$05, 1906, 1907, 1908. This is a record that any man should be proud of. • SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters,has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. ----.-•oma----^— An orange tree in full beating has been known to produce 15 000 oranges. The secret of an especially del;cious omelet served in a certain home fell out the other day. More yolks than whites are need and a little rich dream goes in when it is to be plain or is to be eoa- eoned with cheese. Doan's Kidney Pills sot on the kid- neya, bladder acid urinary organs Only. They curebackachet, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising front wrong action of the kidneys and bladder A certain young man from Glasgow and hili him. Canadaa ed same to last d y r in self to d farmer. Oa tbe first Morning the farmer said to hint, "Now, Williann, you alight go down to yon cornfield and see if there aro any orowa in it." When William returned the farmer said to him: "Well, William, were there any crows in the field?" "Oh, yes, Many a score." "Well, did you frighten them array?" "Oh, no; I only shut the gate. Y thought they were all yro11r11." MILBURN'Si Heart and Nerve Pills. Are iti iporifio roe ail dieetses and ord:-rs arising front n rundown condi- tion of the heart or nerve system, such nay Palpitation of the heart, Nervous I'ro,trat ion, Iti e: vougne is, 81ioplees• lie 3, Faint and Dizzy Shpells, Brain i;'an, etc. They are wspeeialiy ben -•Leal to women trottuled with irregular moo sometime Primo 50 cents per box, or 6 for 81.24 All dealers, of '.!'eta V. birtetatt C1b., Lit does. Toronto, Oat. Better Without a Stomach than with one that's gut a oonstaut "hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effects—oarry them with yon in your vest pooket-60 in box, 35 conte. Sold by A L Hamihon.-48 DOES YOUR HEAD Oa Wednesday, March 11th, the reel- denoo of Mr. and Mrs. John Shelt n Ripley, was the scene of an exceedingly happy event when the 60th anniversary of their wedding was celebrated. Few persons have carried the weight of years more lightly than Mr and Mrs. Shelton, and the brilliant affair on Wednesday will go down in history as a memorable one to the family and friends of the contratiting parties. 3eara the _,7The Kind You have Always Bought Signature of •i Beare the __/ The Kind You Have Always Bough " 6lgnatere cf - Every iime the closet of your neigh- bor is opened a little do you strain your• nook to peek, and then aftarwasd strain yonr tongue in talking about it? Do you ever stop to think that tome day a tragedy may take up its abode in your home? Can't you get 11 into your head that soma day the tongue of slander m•iy cut you like a sharp sword and the whispers of your neighbors be as vinegar en your wounds? Misfortune and dis- grace may have overtaken your neighbor,. but It does not become yon to get on thehousetops and shout it out to the wield, You will not be palled upon to pay for nor answer for any of the sius of your neighbor. You have all yon eau tend to to pay for your own in- disoretions. Some day one •near and• dear to yon may fall—the prison walls• may open to a son or the soarlet letter of eternity blight a daughter. When a home is in mourning over a tragedy the best thing you can do is to keep Sony month shut unless you can say some- thing that will come as a rift in the aloude. Then again yon know you may be no better than your neighbor. - The' only difference is that your neighbor was caught and you, up-to-date, have kept the sunlight away. Be charitable, for you know not the day nor the hour - when the blight will appear in your Some folia claim there's preoion3, little in the way of worldly gains To repay 'em for their toiliu' and their sorrows and their pains; , Yon can hear 'em growlin' steady almost anywhere you torn; This old world, as they tool at it, is a mighty poor concern; ' But I'm thankin' God I'm present whsn the days are warm and clear, And the breeze is blow•in' softly, 'long about this time o' year, I will not deny that tail in' sometimes gets to be a bore; There are things which I could mention that would often please more; Still, there ain't no sense in frettin' all the days we have to live; Seems to me we're compensated pretty well for what we give; Though I've done my share of workin' I am mighty glad I'm here, When the robins start to ohirpin' 'long about this time o' year. Feel As Though It Was Being Hammered? ' As Though It Would Crack Open? As Though a Million Sparks Were Flying Out of Your Eyes? Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach? 'Then You Have Sick Headache 1 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Pace crocheted articles to be washed in a pillow case and do np the top. Im- merge in it good tepid soap solution and egneer,l and press with the .halide. When tho water becomes discolored use a fruit solution, and finally rinse in three clear wear s of the same tempera - 11 tare. Scour e9 out as mach as possible and hang up to dry, leaving it in the f.illcw ease. Washed in this way, it will look like new, There is nothing like a good coat of . lio the f t interior Pon. ash t whiten a b try house, regardless of bow the walls ate 'wide or fiatslied. Whitewash is a good eradicator et things ebjeetionable about the poultry house, and it makes the house look light and clean. It should las sprayed into every crack and tomer, riot forgetting the neat boxes. A little crude oarbolie in the whitewash will improve it, sacred. circle. • Confidence in Dr. Chase. The wonderful confidence which people have in Dr. A. W. Chase is founded on the reliability of his famous, Receipt Book and the exceptional cura- tive properties of his great family meth-• oines, For example, Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is she only positive and guaranteed: cure for every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, •••• ••• •••• •04.••••••••••• •+i •• • • • O • • trill afford relief from headaches no matter whether sick, nervous, spasmodic. periodical or bilious. It cures by removing the cause. Mr. Samuel .1. Iiibbard. Belleville, Ont., writes: "Last spring I was very poorly. my appetite failed mo. I felt wenlrand nervous, had sick headaches, was tired all the time and not able to work. 1 saw Burdock Blood Bitters recommended for just such a case as mina and 1 got two bottles of it, and found it to be an excellent blood medicine. You may use my name as I think that others should know of the wonderful merits of Burdock Blood Bitterer' • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • s • • • • • • Y • e • • • • • • • el. WE WANT A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN for Wingham and adjoining country to represent 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Largest list of commeroiai and do. mestio fruits --large and small; orna- mentals, and shade trees; flowering shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. Stook that is hardy eomee from lie. A permanent situation for the right man, for whom the tetritery will be re- served. ray weekly, Free Equipment. Write for particulars. • • Z • • • ••• •• i•• STONE & WELLINGTON - i3'onthill Nurseries (8150 aorta) t AgAnk, 14071140•00.474114•1;441144.4 �'oltoa'ra, . ••••O••••••••••44••••••••41 A i; • •• • et •- • • • • •• • P •i. •5 • 0 . ♦i Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas areemployed; where quality characterizes every piece of - work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printing is done cheap; where the l4 nd of printing is done that will lead the world to -make a beaten path to your door; where particulars •=ay be had by following up the path to the office of If a man oar write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than hie neighbor, though he c tai dhie house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.—Emer.on. Get on the path to the door of the Times Printing Office Where mouse traps are not made but —where— . ood Printing THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Phone 4. a^ p" wt 410, seet 111401111111/10.11+0f1Zyf�