HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-03-15, Page 4rm..* •
••••• '•
's ran 14.11•044Tr To UTTBR 4tin To ,anonk
'1,11;igigrAT ACCOitpglia' TO Tlis niaratiig,
' pr possoisxok: Wig PlilZE-AiiQVA ALL
OT*R ZIP*04IP0..
• latokaow; March 16th 1901,
454 :11 51.
by an, greio at. 3'he progratal. '7W a..,g air
excellent we. Air. '.4. II. Gardner
-acted' ti'S: ,..11:1irmln ,,,,,er,, .,, oti,,,,,,,i ,
.1ttri: Mvesei.-. gains ana„Qaten gave
very' epPrOpriate addresses which were
Well reeeived,1 1,4•(8. Ji, F4rgaiani'
acted ea, orgaithit,andials:i.'elug' some
suitable selections, Miss Tiffin aisiiited
by Mesiers ' Tiffin •• and. Henderson
rendered beautiful LI electione. on the
organ and -mouth organ, ./ Mr. pil,o
,.. ,• „ • , , • ,
Murchison,stgave a • nitable address:
Miss Bertie*Gardner and ,W;-..1'. GA.'r'cl-'
ner gett,e recitations which .WireeXcell,•
lently rendered. Two dialogaes ,Were
given by „'t,he 'Misses M,, Gardner B .
„Gardner and Messere J. MCDouagh:
W. it, Gardner. „The parties:#eed
;thei,.parts well. • . .
• 5
• The Cape Colony 'people. fear , that
' in dealing With the Boers so'xne terms
, may 1.,e granted which ,maY be ac-
cepted'. by them as indications of
Weakness on the part of the British
• • and thiii are sl.„thOring against „tiny
opticeisions: These, people now the,
Boers,: and they feel' that Only by
• utterly 'crushing. them:: can ,,qiey be
•'tauglit their needed lesson. ,s`There":iti
liftlelear that the Boers will a second
time be dealt with its' a . people.- wh8
.can appreciate generosity,- and:for-
bearance. The i"-nd coot 'be far
, ,
Away, and ','the Goverthrent„ is not
likety At „this stage to sacrifice, by
negotiations the 'effect produced by
its clialilaY Of power and determination
to carry out its, designs.
, .
• h
One day last eek Mr. John MC,,
Donald, bad sawyer in Todd' will,
was struck by a piece of a' board ‘flying
up from the saw and was „laid ;tipster
• Miss L. Thompson andD. 'Walker
of Teeswatcr spent Sunday at Mr„;
Jas. .Taylor's,'
•• 'Miss 'Jennie :Ross left last kiturdai
for'Buffele, where her sister Mrs,
Peterson resides..
lewas quite a jelly partyof young
people from -Langsidewho met :in
Teeswater lest Monday ...to have a;
day's outing previous to the departure
of their' triendawh,o left for the Weet
on Tuesday. ' We understand they
called: on Askin and we 'expect some -
for a' few: 'days. •• • 'thing good if: we Areto judge from
Harris PMission Band met • last the. length: of time taken; , • .1
:Saturday- at the honie of, Mrs. J. ,D, .Thoise'T,Who left for the'NFegt mere
MesSrs.'. McBurney and Angus
• Murdoch, ' •,, -' •
; ,
Miss -Emily Jobb: of Whigham Gordon, also Richard McBurney who
turned lionneifter viSitLiglier--:•iiister; has ppent'eleiv: Months reneWing'itc:
rs. Ele. •W • quaintandes and visi • fri nds ere.
Li E.Mary ; Johnson 4 Briicefield
, • s ,
has -returned hoine..
The ,pitch bales On the gravel': toed
between- Lucline,w--'7-and*-11elf-ast ale
both..nuniereus and deep. ' • s
. A couple Of Sleigh,load troth the
tinity Of Lucknow ' spent .a very" pleas-
ant: evening '1Vi.encl ay. night last at
the home of Mr. Robinson W,00da. ; • •
• , . .
. It is rinnored that two of St:I:T.61one'
• .'boys are going to .S3utb• Africa to see
7 bow 'quick they can end the war. '
The Rev S N. iVhaley attended
the • funeral of Rev: R. Henderson'of
.Anburn on Paiday last. •
O • Iiiiiiilt-a-comParnon :td-trave -a wig-
io4r0k-O-Ilfe." .
Mr also stepped
• s• .
over into the•bounds.of Married life.
Mrs. 3iex. Darnin. is still in the
•siek -Hee and is Confined' to her bed. -
. . • • .
'•}1tigh Anderson, who was sick
•• and .wesbn tha way.to recovery, we
'Are. serrY'to leain ha3 taken a I•tuOi for
the•Worse. „
. One:of the old laud -mocks of about
• forty-five:years Standing wiis• d
last week, when Mr. McLennan • of
'•Lochalfili", tore down the old stnre'and
•' hetet • On :-,front -.striae: and , intends
moving the tiinher'te.hiti heninfor the
purposeuf linilding an addition to his
' :store': there; the, -land On 'which ,• the
". blinding 'etesod had been FinrchaSed by
•1,itter.,01arkt of iktitiplaoe.,,
ing.44s put up by John Clark, of
Hamilton, who kept itore fOr! a
ber of years, having Char.:Me, so,of the
• vest:Titter:- was
We, wish: them a', safe 'journey :and ;sit
merry,eime Until they.retnriu
specimen of. the Maraworths,',„hearing,
. E. Gaunt has • purchased it..; fine
th,e'name of "St,' Gearge.!.'.': • , •
It -iii our Paintiit Linty .to have to
• . , • •
record thadeath, 'at Mrs; Ww. Reid,
which took place, litst Sunday evening.
Mrs. • 'Reid bad. been bed-faet:, ner,‘,11Y
All :winter' and although the sorrowing
tonally. •greatly .miss a loiing'
mother's tender care, they will :too, •
be glad to See her from sorrow and
Suffering. They. have sincere
sympatliy-•of...tlie, entire' community.
T.he': Corpse was interred at TiffiiVii
cemetery �n ,,Wednesdav; Mr": bUno
.7.7d:F.'"Whinteliurch ition'eted
" •
. .""
04 kSt3
ayk :4j VW; tlarsiiler :157'; FL
11, o ii 31r); Audrew, W Hunter, J
Hunter and 13, Reid 'absent., Oast
markr,i 700. M Ritchie 447;
• Wu6ds 402; Hao'ketts, 402, E
.SPeerg 395,•.A. Hackett '344, 'O. 'Gard-
ner 260: . Sen marlis'650;
*I•f, Hunter 49.3, ',I.' Andrew .419, ••;P.
Middleton 323, 3 Henter 362. -Jun
2--poesible" Marks 604 S Speera 359,
• nackett 342; F Webstor 280, B
Ritchie 230. Pt Woods,
Gardner, D Webster. ,Pt M Hac-
kett; C.Hunteri
P. . No 10 API:1110a ' ' • ;:
;CO:10; for the month of
February. • Sr Sherwood; - Jr
--Z. Scott, M JOhnet.oniT. P Hogan..
Sr •1? Farrish,, W. Bowler,W' 1.14;=
g t T Drennan,: M Parrisb,"*Tailor,
Sennet, Jr 44,...T 'Parrish, \11 Sher.
weed, B 'Alton, A Johnston, C Tailor,
1‘,1 Alton, .Eclitli Taylcr, Ethel. Taylor,
R A1ou, L It01.1SP; .Sen
3—A .John-
ston,. A...Rouse, J Sherwood, IV La
Ride Paterson, M:OwneSi
- Pt1.---71V Reek 'Minnie
Farrieb; Celina Johnston. Pt •1--7.-W
Parrish 'Iona 'PaterSen ',Leslie 'Alton
• Aggie 'Prarna, "of •Walkehon, who
has been on a week's‘ visit with, her
• . , •
,.congin: has returned..
Miss Ilaldenby %returned fait week
trona a visit to friends, in Teeswater.
..„ -fleeter and • Alfred Love, 79range-
-ville•spentA. few dais last; week with
friends 'here.; ' •
WES Paisley, Teeriwater, has. been
spending a few days withlriends here.
Anumber from. here ,took in the
farewell. party „at -Mr.,. Ilaynes.:: atk
WillianisOu's Corners onFriday night.
Mt: 1-laynes intends Moving to Holy
rood.' •
James Hodgins visited Bervio
;friends Sunday
, Stobey of, Ripley, who has
imps therOkst of.Miss ,MtPatitine for
IL never fails to Cure whooping,.
ingphysicians testimonials tree utxm.reop ;i.
and fivtieP the children 'take cold let
thein breathe-in,therapor during the ,
down and.:Scriona trouble' is prevented.,
Keep •Vapo-Cresoletiainith#:*inse,
evening. '. It goes right tti'.the'thrOat,
just where' the croup All
irritation 'subsides, the .cotigh ..qlets
▪ vapo-Cr Pee outfit: itwlydingcle Vaporizer AO(' '
Laatp,,whizb shniat. last a 'Efe-thne. and o, bottle ct
Cresolene," Oandete, $1.5•; evra siii)/511; 5..of cre so.;,
1e0e25 cent awl sorents Illustrated, .0.,)kipt co.iri
CacsoLcatt :Co.; Igo .Fulten Si.; New
• Yario-Creallene. Is bVi'dreggisig
handed ,and piel.ent
2•Cdugh, :that bard • struggle
. thing, sn't
for air, :can neirer be : for7
$ornehOw, that. aWful'
. .
',Gi'ri.rn,dyhay/mg pur-
Cho sectilie-entire• Butter., ,Egg
and Farm Produce Business
& Ag-
new, ._.ke_mLnOW ,prepared to
give you. ,'•the highest cdsh
figures.; for all your produce,.:
and When, .iyon wishto buy
clover; thnoth'Sclnillit, turnip:
seed,!oatinea,10..cornuleal, ham;
bacon, lard, elieeSei.salt,, fresh.
and,pOtted: meats.. •
, •
" tf•
• • •
ug t ieetInato,tfOi, 2, in, the Stia pow.
(Naatero1Mviioi of <Cslitield, centaining
ou,aertib. 1.43 lud.ili IS fairly well fenced and
a.,:good etate of 'cultivation, with barn 40x
60and stable underneath. .A. now St.ory and
a half frame house, and plenty of water. ...rhe
place, w I be chow, 4•F ,wilitu.ke a suitable
50 'acre farm in part p4y, and the, balance oan
remain on mortgage -if desired; For further
Particulars apply at SEialli EL OffiCe Or to
" • -re.r.
srP•4 it4,4
' William Riddle,
• Crewe P.Q.,
• 1,
- A firste1ase 'frame house 26 x, 36.* two:
stoky high, with stone foundation,. and kitchen
withlOt, for sale on Victoria street. I uoknow.
:The? place is nicelylocatd and .the lot eon -
talus alarge quantitY, of all kinds of fruit,with
both hard • and soft water, and good stable.
The placewill be, sold (+heaps. For further
particulars apply to • . .
' .• •• . P. 0.•
• ".. ; •
Iti.a Condition of Your 11terve4
, 'That tither Makes our Life
Itound f ricaOsre or'
'4 "Useless Barden.,
inahyiivoinen* life' is One: round
'Si '
okseqt WiNilFnesS and ill ill health.
TO attempt the lightest ..household
duties fatigues them,: 'Many, of the ISpecial attention 44 paid.to.T.Indertak,
, .
sYmptume accoinpanink this. state Or I ink and Embalming-- •
, •
decline are': a feelinghof tiredne, on,
.waking, sinking'
feeling,- palpitation of he
*teas of•,,hreatli,'..1die of -appitite,cold
hinds and feet; headache: darkcircles
under the eyes. Pain in's the back and
Eulie oak all the•other,accoinpanimeritg•
of #:thindow4 and. weakened Conetitu-
All theSe .sS,Mptorns and conditions
are simply the result :of's' poor quality
. •
and defective circulation of the blood,
with :a...wastingaway of t nime
,foreee.. . •
By feeding the sYstem.,With'''
• —r-er,S4
Our now designs for fall an& 'Nines
' • are inost striking in tliSir novelty
cand artiaticness; ',-TuSt one, look
, at our
• .1 •
eans a sale'foi: us.
. „
'. In Inepaital tu te L.:in
I Pt14/40 ArD •t? RGA Nr
• • • At her hame on • '
6flpfeil •.• L CORN 01,1,
. , • , ,
• •
strongest 14ne •tne,
••••,.market of these goods as folloWs.,:'•
ot•••-% Drawing Room, and Hall' rurnit
,ture, Ladles/ 'Writing,Desks; an4
Ronk !Cases, ..Paidor' mid 3/Elsie
:Cajainete, • „Pioture and 'Room
Moulding, Fancy Art and,Ilamboo
• Goode, Bed Room Suits,Bttensien
Tables, Centre Tables. and Side-
boards in Oak,. Ash, Elm , and.
Mahogany ; also • a, full line ;Of
' trPholstered goods, such as
Couches, Fancy Chaii; Students'
Cliairs, Parlor Suites • and odd
„pleceS. `
apd Bee the. old gen..
Mr. 'McKayin the • store and run it
• . , •
for a 'limber of years .until he faded
• in, busideSsi.while, liere. Mt,' •Wheldon
also had, charge: of an ashery. , Nekt.
• eilinti.Sfie: N. McH6rdi (brother of the,
late •'0: 11. MeHardy, kin:nterly :Of.
who . was: business here
• until • the time ;of his dcatb. %After-
,: *arda,le ,,-Was used it'!couple 'of ihneS
•, as is hotel, but atter' that •seemingly.
failed to bed • Much use for anything
Unle,s' one could. ,cali At.tty'sparroW...
• ,rookety,'!' for, • althohgli an 'imposing
:bitilding'in iti`day it had stoocl Vact
-a,number,• of Yiera„, , :Of the Many Who.
beified •:to 'raise the -frame' of tliis
• niasii ye 'be t. ,v,exty• few' nOW
diSioltitisitin of'411..thitiga •in this world,'
• but ;‘vve know If our earthly/house:Of
• this, • tAiernacle. 't,vote diss,Nid, we:
-have a building of „Cod,.an house not
' •Withbands, eternitl in the
• ,
- lir rtili.n •.
r, Tiffin has 8o1d his fa rerteMr
• •
:William linnter, -
Mr. Tiffin has timiht forth near
'faangside.. , ," • . • "`"•: ,
We aro glad to beer that.Mrd.iLithe
underatcald- .t ai)mmtr. o .out.
citizens will -petition Parliament for a
'better mail service. here.: The mail
niatter has, increased , conaideriblY
since, Christman. •
'A large, nunalaor from here; attenned
the kinlough tea-ineetiug on Monday
evenint, Feb. 25th, . which they pro-
nounced:A, great ,sneceSe., , 'The Tees.
,•Water.Choir, IVIiss Johnston,
ist,' LlieknoW, and :Miss: Malcom,
poloist, tbolc part.' Proceeds $G0.. •
;Our library is booming and becom-
ing.% quite interesting. Et is. said' we
May ItaVe a noir librarian who ,will,
have everything quite ."rovely,l.„,
•Mssrs. Milier & McFarlane are
inisy .getting ;tint timber for a :nevi
:barn for Mr. Mckenzie of ,1101yrood.-
DEWWA1R-Di!.• •
You strikeat the toot, Of the disease
and 'ley -a -solid foundation on *high
Soon the weight increaes,
ithe sUlkep.cheeks and flattened busts
'fill out.the . eyes gee bright and the.
thrill' ot.'renewed 'health. and' stefigth
Vibratea through the system.. Price
50 cents per box.„.
roit. SALE 13Y, . •
nderialtar & Enabalnier '
• r • •
.East Half 1.,iot5,7,00n. 14; , lo.sfie1d 00 .
ttces, "Writ. Matb'pson
. .
Apply to
, .
s • A: McplAitidin,
. •
,,Epgineer.:fOr 'AVinghion, SeafOrth.
gowick,'.0ulresi,Ji.2tc. (lenient ,Side -
'Walks, Sewers .and , Township Drains
willhf.s..gi,yell Briecial attentiOn.
Engineer for the Village of Liteknow.•
Agent for Contiiiential Life Insurance Co:,
•Tor t li-cieotinty of iluron. ' • ' '
Piano, organ, .V4din,
oice Culture, Tboro gh
Bas Harmony Harmeny, and Counter.'
Pupils prepared fspr-- Conservatory
Otamlnations, •'
ESI D.Ny 8.0,egt: •
. „
_ .
, •May 23rd, 1960.
M. 11,1cLeod'alabOrato
' • Goderieli Ont
. MAR Sta.-7-• lour 'dquid
and SWab,'.' has cured ie 'rhe
of the sore
had on mylipper jaw; The doctors told me
that it Was,a,o,ancer and that the bone would
have to be• cut out :and the affected part re-,
1. moved li ;It was this that Iright=,
ened me and mane me get the ."Soak nod
• Fnderiiiined offers for Sale ten acres. of
ufti.tind, ' three quartersof a mile north of
"faucknow stiition, containing two dwelling
houses;.. geed 'stable, +bard and pleitY of
myring,,,a,ter. , 'pot, ia also is goicil
on the premises. The place ii in a good !tate,
oft ltivation and will be sold cheap on time
if required - • For further part icul Are apply, to
• - Lucknow.P.-
• •
• Public. Notice. .
-NOTIPE is hereby given that uliy person
found cutting or taking timber frein lot 12,.
copeeealon 2, ICinlose (Owned by Mrs McPhet-'
son,)without the consent of the Undersigned
will be 'prosecuted. • • -.•
„ . .
•• JOHN GRLtiAllet‘olw,op.(5,;.4,
• SWal.i.."7-1 use° oaly threepint,bottles.am
• well ever; .andit is three -years sincell
Used it. Having great confidence in 'your
medicine 1 wilirecoinmend it to those in n'eCd;
I ittn, etc.. ° • .
xt AN '
. Iniportant to 'Breeders and Herseinen.. '
• eftEurv.
Mrs„ Sh.seltieton and .also•our post-
/Master is"tuffering from 1341Mernatistp.'
The roads atonnd..:Crewe „are 'hi a
very bad condition`,,. , • •
llortiort,rebruary 2lst, M.rs,
Blake; iCson, they are getting on well.
Tweor thi•ce weeks ago there was a
greatln any /Si • -We are ea d Xu her
they are.,,a11,Ketteng bettor.
-,'Whii"WHils arloUsly,:ittle ne'w”, enpvaies•- , t a No 5 cif:infield 't ' /
0Oni:' : '. The f011otOrie 18 .,be standing of S.
. , ,
- , Anenteiia in rain t 'was given on 1. S. No,' 5 foe] 1104)ruary; haled on atten;
••;' v.riday i/vebitig under iheatispices of dande, depOrtinent ' and proficiency: ,
. •
Sittiated,on the grava read One -kali dine
mirth, of the village of ,Kinlougb keit*
North half Of lotil, concespion 12, ToWnithip
of Kinloes, eomprising 52 acree. Soil', deep
'clay lodrn ; 42 acres . cleared,good , orchard.
3 acres of har'dwood; niaple and beech; and
Raven LiCifOl'of fine cedar, tamarack. and pine.
There le a small dwelling house, and barn 30x
50 and Stable.underrieath, Viul 140 sold'cheap
Apply tu 1', Todd, St. Helets, or tothe pro-
prietor, 'I'. H. GUEST; lWeburii, Algoma.
: 6
riOtiRT SI-11,11tWOOD, NO 50, LUCK -
kJ now. Meets dvin:y first and third,Moti;
day of every inorith i n' the Orange Hill.
Ylsitingbrethren are cordially °invited'.
• r, kii:, C. R.., 1. D. "rciit, i.
Who MAU a; arm,
4 1 haVe riVer 4000 atieS (if'elible&'fariii lands
for sale in 50, 75, 100;150.1MA 200 acres, lots
in - Kit;10fiK, Greenock, lirriee, 'XincatOttie,
Huron and Aiddield towntihipe. Good lands
With. good •Intildinga,to be sold cheap On easy
• terniq' Alga 15i;ood CGkHIIIlth alunr*(dwell-
ing Inconnocloar Aulog,a gmd, liiikineRS, •for
sale cheap.- A,Irotel dointf• good hiniiness for
sale Cheap. Also a wi.cganshop. A genettliitors
With large trade., liVe'.%Village. /Also a large
amount of licane, t loan,at 6 per pent.
further Mirtidtilara, apply tit
• 11,bseL'7:
••. A. MeX1,X7fr • .
A'i,iE4 ti1,rond4 ;
The-follOwin g = Was . re.nei vett f rom the ffti tri
ady tea yearkagu: • „
riniffered. for nearly four, Years: (ion) fit
and,alinhst at the 'saint.' hour daity. nit .rf
-which no•one could Waken me, initill-an,oke
of naYeelf, weak ani. vAried atter ihe lapse
or, • troth tento twelve ..tieurs."-titnei'dfirink,
which tinie I Wlis.w11.1117:unconecieuS'...?'1 war.t
'ti;tit'itii5d,to2atint 414)fpi4ited ,.110 slciix-
clootor uffSry benefit anki This,eIief •
I gotto•be ab.sentininded, often'..ineer.scieus
,ot iny siiri•oundings", took •no mptice 'of any,
frienditieistedwit-briirging-J1.- idcli'vert:trr
our liou'se; ,1e to,* me eut of th fitill half
aimintite'•••timo„, 'begat* to gain.Lrapidly..
after.thia in health' mud, Rolindness of mind.
'and,to..this dayI'haVe not bed tinY More fita.
• Yekire'ete., • ; ; . *
• IcingSbridge, Ont.
, 'remedy'.for
Curbs Splints
• • Spavins.
Sweeny, etc.,
, hie. in heirseis
_i5i. .7a* incattle.
See pamph-;
TRAIM Mani( . let, Which ad-•
„co mtinnice E.Very bottle; givingecientific treat
ment in, the vatioits•diseasei.',It tan he Used
in every cage of Veterinary practice where'
'ethiaulating applications and ;blisters aie pre-,
scribed. • It has no stliptiort..., Every bottle'
sold is guaranteed to give satiefacticin.. 'Frice
'75e...per bottle: Sold by all druggists . and
cEouintRtrByx• sAtatvekirTpnerittiiisrlitreloPatmedm.flioria
COMPANY, London. Opt. •
.:Lessons in
Vocat and. tustruniental
Music and Harniotly
are tiught by ;
Desirable ' Farm for. Sale:::
•"The subscriber offers for salo.that'ver;
eirahIe farm property situated' on the gravel
.rosicli south of the Village of Lnelmoy; one
and one-half miles, being south half of 16t•NO".
12 E. D. Township of Ashfield, comprising
4,100 acres. ,,,Tke, property is w,atered.; by. a
never -failing Spring, has largo orchard of
choice fruit trees; -1ro.cres of fine hardwoed,
Wish, and five acres ' pf 'softWobd and. eedar.
TI16 buildinge eonalet' of- a large'hank barn
With shed 60 x ,60..and brick. dwelling house,
with hard and Soft Water, . The prOPertY •ls
'all Seeded down; and will make an ckeellent
dairy or stock farni. For inithee
al)kirtni•the pro:times fir atillege
• • ;JOHN M .RDOCH,'
' 'BOX 105, Luelmovv
. Tire iiisilrance.
Days &
• , .
•.gbiaiiaantiful lakeside town ..fiffers,
1,',.ndtieeihents,t6 'the. • students �f the ui
totludint nistricts to prepar, fo their exam in,
atiOns a its •High Scheel.'" . • .• '• .
Seecial arip4eineht's wjl1 1..)e Made to aid '
these studeritg wbo'nre deficient in the depai•t '
Ment of languaqes; • • '
A.newly eoilipped:..1,alieratory. affords e X.
cellent .• advantages Ain. ,the depai tment of •
its•large aiid w alikept C4.11I)P144.
•ffil « otci& are e.ncouraged. • ' •
. .
,Parthits c1ati „rely liven the iiithitiol: Beard
and Staff keepingthe. moral .h,flueneekini
rorintlici4 theie:cbildi•en 1I t wholescme
:I The.Stelf.of ,SPeeiali.;rs is Prepared tdt,.-
fiir ali'.teParpriental and. 11,latrieuhti 511
eXaminations. • • . ; •.,
I I4 1 1i•• forty'i,ev!.'n
eanahlittes at L4• •..
for J•ii II i (Cr:,
Lis in, Certificate's sueneeded:. • '•••••„
••Good boaadingt•honses. unity' be setiti.d• at.•
're•asonalilo ra.t6s.. •.• : • • • • •
'J or further partienlarR•apply to, •
• :PIZ EL ,
A good Iisou:se and Lot, sitUated n•
the, corner of Gough and Lrelhi streets:
'Lilo lot contains one-third 'acre, _t.! oas1.
iarge'house in good repair With cellar,
hard and soft watel• and every conven-
ience.- First-class stable and Outhouse,
on the' prdperty:, ' PoS4ession may be
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Mita. V. H. Jo ;
'Campliell: St.
C 4Q0
• . . • • • •
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SpOtts—Ilase 13e,11,Srieket,j_ia.prosse, Gelf, 1.1owiiii*.g, Vopt Bail.; HookeY! I
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; whb do right. '4' It.,- is the qgan of life, people, irrespeetiye Of party, awl ,
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,, Ill itkO8 thc. publk well-being, its l'OSt consideration : ,
'In radti: 'the Free 'Press, IP it6 Moatcoin: I t• -V* ••'t' 1 '' ' . or '
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f ' Toronto ; sfrem'8" to.; l' ‘..1' Pages, throughthb'Wobk,' and 1(i pages : titr• :
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7rctents, (Act', neatly executed: . •
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and Saturday afternoons.,
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R. RX,Rikttitii.
••••ubscribb. '
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Nt. •