HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-19, Page 8THE WINCiHAM. TIMES. VOL XXN.VII.--NO. 1885. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1908. $l A YEAR IN ADVANCE Toilet Soaps From 5c to 75c per Gake.' TRY OUR Honey, Soap 106 Gake, 3 for 25c. • regular 15o valve SOLD BY Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham, New Spring Goods d We have just opened ont our new goods for Spring and Summer. 'To say they are the nicest range ever shown here is potting it pretty strongly, but really the Suitings are beautiful, both in design and material. The prevailing colors are Ele• phant Grays a nd Browns i n stripes and plaids. Of oourse Blacks and Blues are always cor- rect, and we have a large range of these goods. H ATS11111. A choice stook of Hats in all the newest styles. Furnishing, A good, new stock in all lines. Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy Vests, etc. NOS COME IN. ROBT, MAXWELL Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnishings SUCH NEWS 1sTo need to make OUR OWN biscuits Whenathem at v wee get that rice. So P you'll say when you read • you'll say it again When you deo them, and you'll come heels For more when you try thern, 3 lbs. for 252.' sweet Mixed Ginger Snaps Fruit Currant Cake Lemon S:Inare Vanilla Snap Lemen Snap Fruit Ginger (boo Sime Vanilla ringer Iced Cat Sweet Squares mavoloommerporansoloololeill The Tea and Goffee Store Henry Christie GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoos and Rubbers Contract A The contract for building to be erec East Wawanosh, wa awarded to Mr. W grave, his tender ba $1465. Marded. the new eohool d in S, S. No, 7, on Saturday last . Watson, of Bel. ing the lowest, at FOR SALE—Clover, Timothy, Goose Wheat, etc. GED. E KING, Fell Into Between seven a Monday morning, to the south of th the river. The tan upwards of twenty posed that some of defective. The tim able distance dow was polled out by t he River. d Dight o'olock on he large brine tank salt block fell into had done duty for ears and it is sup- e timbers became er floated consider - the river, when it workmen. Chairs for $2,10 per half dozen, at S. GRACEY's , A Soci On Tuesday eve and Mrs. Wm. Ell brickyard, gave honor of the Glensl! At 8.30 some for the drawing -roof was spent in and selections At eleven o'olo after which toes King," "Conntr Everyone preseu joyable evening. l Event. ing, March 17th, Mr. iott, of the.boundary n oyster supper in nan Lite rary Society. guests assembled in where the evening sic, singing, dancing rom the gramophone. k supper was served, e were given to "Our "Host and Hostess." pronounced it an en - All stoves at cost for 30 days at YOUNG'S hardware store. Death of After several w .Tooley, relict of t passed away on 5 home of Mr. Aro street, aged 71 one -of the pioneer her husband some the proprietor o The deceased was large circle of frie Mrs. Aroh. Pate Paterson, reside mains were int cemetery on Tue rs. Johnston. eke illness; Eliza J. lata ;Jae. Johnston, day evening, at the . Paterson, Victoria ears. Deceased was esidentsOf Wingham, hirty years ago being the Queen's hotel. igbly respected by a ds. Two daughters, son and Mrs, Walter n Wingham. The re - red in the Wingham ay afternoon, Highest prise paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shoe. Consci Twenty years Park Heed, Am our citizens out Park Head man life and he immed oorrespondenoe w him if he recoil and requesting h oonsidered a fair s debt. Mr. H. wr that he would lea oonsoienoe. A fe nee Money. go a man living near be1,Tp., beat one of of $6. Recently the decided to live a new easte put himself in th our citizen asking cted the transaction m to state what he ttlement of the just to back to Park Head o it with the debtor's days ago along Dame $20 in payment of the debt, whish means the principal com A religion that conscience and he pays a debt intere$t at 7% —Ohesley Enter ounded at about 7%, akes hold of a man's ekes him uneasy till wenty years old with •s the genuine article. rise. We want room. All stoves at cost. YOUNG'S hardware store. FOR SALE.—having disposed of my grocery and orookery stook, I now offer my residence for sale; corner John street and Carling Terrace. Solid brick, two- story, ten rooms. One lot of two. Fine locality. 0. N. GRIFFIN. Huron's Regiment. The officers of tie 33rd Regiment held their amnia meeting at Clinton on Thursday. Prep rations are being made for the trip to Qn beo to take part in the tercentenary. T e 33rd holds the re- cord for having oro qualified officersers than any other estern regiment, and they are all ent usiastio over the pro- posed trip and i11 do their best to maintain the g od name of Huron county. Col. Y nng of Goderich oo. oupied the chair, and the following were present: Major Wilson, Major Hays, Lieut. Piokard f Seaforth, Capt, and Ad jt, Gundry, Lieut, Randle, Capt. Varooe, Lieut. Sturdy of Goderich, Lieut. VAnSton of Wingham, Lieut. Whiddon, Lieu . Thompson of Bayfield, Capt, MOPhafi of Port ;Albert, Major Shaw, Capt. Anse, Capt, McTaggart. Lieut, now g, Lieut. Maiming of 011315olai tint. man Gf tatters Special Sj Mission services ar€ in St. Paul's aburoh week, at eight o'ol Craig, of Petrolia, There will also be a si this (Thursday) after, tion with these ser Craig delivered an in the Parish hall o to men only. Ther anoe. rvices. being conducted oh evening this ck. Rev. Canon s the preacher, ice at 4 o'clock oon, Ih conned• ices Rev. Canon aerating address Sunday afternoon was a large attend - WANTED. -1000 rat skins, and all other kinds raw fare. • Geo. E. KING. Action The following it our last ieene:— Stratford, Justice °lesion of the evid in a case begun at action to set aside t farm in Turnber made by Wm. Yeo j enior, and a subse maintenance of the sale on the chattels as security therefor another 100 acre fa gage to the four d: mer in settlement was alleged that t uneound mind a fiuenced when he His Lordship dis costs, holding tha been evidences vions to making Yoe was oapable was executed. rich, for plainti ham, for defend ( P „) e ismissed. �• missed insertion in t the Court House, abee heard the con - me and arguments oderioh. It was an • e deed of a 200 sore r , near Wingham, enior, to Wm. Yeo, uent agreement for ormer and a bill of nd lien on the farm Also the deed of m with $1,500 mort- .ghters, of the for- e! their claims. It elder Yeo was of d was unduly in - •1 ade the first deed. seed the action with although there had of derangement Fre• the deeds, the elder of making it when it L. Dickinson, Gode- , R. Vanstone, Wing - t. You can buy furniture for cash at at awaydown prices, at S. GRACEY's furniture store, Wingham. The By -Law The bylaw, provid of the management plant in the hands o defeated by the rate on Monday' Many the defeat of the b necessary to enu Many people who vo law are not opposed management by co of the opinion that have been left over This, in the opin should not have bee Other trifling mat the by-law. The of the Town Cou management of t future time the placed before the more favorable o by wards was as ,1' Defeated. ng for the placing f the electric light a commission was yers of Wingham :uses are given for law, but it is not rate them here. d against the by - to the system of mission, but were he matter should til next January.nu n of the TINES, a serious objeotien. rs worked against xooutive Committee cil will continue the io plant and at some natter will likely be eople and will receive nsideration. The vote shows:— For Against 28 53 35 40 44 57 ..... .69 81 176 231 Majori)y against by-law, 55. • : Ward No. 1 1. Ward No. 2... Ward No. 3... Ward No. 4, . . AUCTION SALES Mr. E. MoCloy will have a clearing anotion sale of stock and implements on the premises of Mr. E. Dennis, Jose- phine street north, near the 0. P. R. grossing, on Saturday, Marsh 28th, at 1 o'clock. The stock is in good condi- tion, implement mostly now, and there will be no reserve. See bills for parti- culars. W. A. CURRIE, Auctioneer. Double Tr ck L, H. & B. A double trete on the Huron and Brace line from Lend= to Wingham, says the Londo Advertiser, will in all piobabili ; be o mmenoed as soon as construction wo k commences on the Grand Trnnk th s spring. The survey for the new 1i o is said to have been completed last fa . The traffic: on the Brace has been steadily growing for several years, an the residents of the different towns ave repeatedly taken up the question o a better service with the officials. Fe the last year espeoial- ly traffic has b n so heavy that on many of the trai s people have had to stand a great p rt of the way. The freight businesshas also been very heavy,. And it is his increased more than 25 per cent, in hie last nine months. In Flew of all the facts, and the bright outlook for basin a on the Bruce line, the company has ecided, it is said, to build a new line a d put on mere trains. Two more paeseng r trains, it is under- stood, will be put on in a few weeke, and when the don a track ie completed, more may be adde . If this program is carried Out it will ake a great improve. ment in the train s xvice for Wingham, and our townepeopl will be pleased to see the new train p t on this lines Another Dark John Rombaagh, of t to have another Larkey this year. and if so be tea to win his share of the meetings he visite. Th Hal Loy, and is a frill br Hal, 2:073h, byStar Hal' ed by John E. Swarts,{ Boy is a stallion and re the best green peoint Canada, Mr. Rombai Darkey Hal in the free f whish she was hard to 1 Last July she not onl, Huron, but established 1 of 2:09, for. which Mr. S warts a handsome Rombaugh will put the ing on the Wingham t the season opens. y Hal, wp, is thought el inhis string be counted on money at the s one is palled Sher to Darkey and also own - of town. Hal rded as one of prospeots in gh will race r all events, in at last season, won at Port e state record Knill gave Mr. lver cup, Mr. gorses in train - rick as soon as Seeds, Seeds, Seeds.—Farmers! Get your supply at Geo. E. KINGS. Bedroom suites—dresser, stand and bedstead -18x20 mirrors, as low as $11.50, at S. GRAGEY's. FARM TO RENT—Good farm to rent for grass or Dropping. Two miles from Wingham, Apply to H. Davis MONEY WA 'TED All members in arrear to the Curling Club will pleaee take :otice that they are requested to pay th it purling dues at once, as the rent for ice ie long past due and must be paid Money can be paid to the followin gentlemen: B, Cochrane. F. Paterson, or A, M. Craw- ford: Kindly attend t this at once. B. COC PANE, Secretary. WANTED. -A ton of roll butter daily, 27o; fresh gathered eggs; also any quantity dried apples, feathere, eto. Geo. E. KING. A nice range of new parlor suites just received, bought at low prides, and we will sell them at very special low prices. Call and see them at S. GRAOEY's. FOR SALE—Good b tiding lot, corner Victoria and e.eopol streets. Good fruit trcee and cony niently located. Address" Box 406, Aot n, Ont. Y. M. C. A. The meeting held Baptist Church on T the purpose of organ of the Y. M..0. A. Mr. A, Collins, Pro Secretary, was pros on the work of the a diso nseion it was the local Aseociati officers were elect W. J. Price; Vi Pringle; Secretary, rarer, Robt. Max Constitution—Dr. apotton, W. H. Gr Buchanan. The B be elected at a f local Association s two charter mem people who were ised to join. T prosper in Wing to join can sewer Maxwell, the meeting will be the Baptist Chu ing, April 2nd. rganized. n the basement of essay evening for ing a local branch was well attended. ncial County Work nt and gave a talk ssociation and after decided to organize and the following d:—President, Dr. •President, W. D. eo. Mutton: Trees - ell. Committee on . Macdonald, Geo. en, F. J. Hill and F. and of Directors will tare meeting. The rte off with twenty - ere and a number of t present have prom- Assooiation should am. Parties wishing tickets from Mr. Robt. 'reasurer. The next ld in the basement of ch, on Thursday even - Dr. Nelson Te •, of 498 Spadina ave., Toronto, will b at the Queen's hotel, Wingham, on • hursday, Marsh 26th, for consultation in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throe . Glasses fitted, Goo' Business. A millionaire, I, oping to encourage his young son in w+ ' e of thrift, promised b give him 2 per cent. a month interest upon any mone that he might save out of his allowancand deposit in the pa- ternal treasury The young man was getting $25 a we k for pocket money, and promised to sh, w appreciation of his father's afleetio ate Offer. He began to make deposits ' ithout delay, and kept the practice up with remarkable regu. laxity. The old entleman noticed pre- cently that the deposits exceeded the he s allowance, n hole oft w ce but ac- counted for thi by supposing that he had saved so a money previously. Besides this, e received money fre- quently from s mother, So the fond parent rejoiced n the saving disposition that his son w s displaying. This con. tinned until th boy's deposits assumed such dimonsio s as to demand an ex- planation. It hen turned out that most of the mone he had been depositing had been bor owed. Inasmuch ae he was drawing tared on his deposits at 2 per Dent, pe month, and was pAying only 10 per oe 5, per year for them, he had found the businexe decidedly ettrr<o. tire and profitable, THE REDI TRIBUTION Tho details in changes to be ma arrangement of t older Ontario hay Premier Whitne of the oonstitnen whatever, others ed,but the three have been so oh almost unreco figures of the la basis of ealculat' ing would oonve 2 in West Huron of 207; in East H jority of 142 won and by t be same ing is made safe beyond the shads majority of 411 b oomfortable figs rangement seems g erre, mender. will be of interest ridings with the n THE 0 onnootion with the e In the proposed re- s electoral diatriots in been given Out by While in some es there is no change re slightly re•arrang- onstitnenciee of Huron Red as to make them izable. Taking the general election as a n, the proposed care- t a Liberal majority of to a Conservative one ron the Liberal ma, d be increased to 652. rocess the South Rid - for the Government of a doubt, a Tory ing increased to the of 714. This re -ar- o ets little short of a he following figures in comparing the old w ones as proposed.— D RIDINGS WES HURON. Cameron Holmes Goderioh Town Clinton.......... ..280. Wingham....... .174 Blyth 108 A ,hfield . 395 460 480 245 332 87 345 Colborne W. Wawanosh E. Wawanosh, Goderich Tp Hallett,,;, 252 ...-.198 247 264 .259 ..., 183 125 204. ,135 95 2433 2435 Majority for Ca .• eros 2. EAS HURON. Hislop Brussels 150 Morris 333 Turnberry 232 Wroxeter ' 66 Howiok 382 Hallett 231 MoKlllop 307 Grey 511 Bowman 121 327 266 44 555 186 247 326 Majority for Hi 2212 2070 op 142. SCUT: HURON Silber MoLennen Goderioh Tp..,,.... ..,.179 87 Hay 360..... 431 Stanley ............ 276 226 Stephen 614..... 363 Tnckeremith .... 205 , ..... 415 Usborne 833 233 Bayfield 88 83 Exeter 294 128 Hensall.,. .... 94 102 Seaforth 245 259 2688 2277 Majority for Eilb: r 411. THE NEW RIDINGS WEST URON Oon Lib Ashfield 345 395 Howick 555 .... 382 Morris. Turnberry . • E. Wawanosh...... W. Wawanosh ... , Blyth Wingham Wroxeter. Conservative m EIS Grey McKillop ... Tuokersmith .... ....... 205 Hullett.... .281 Colborne 198 . Goderich Town. 480 Seaforth 245 Clinton.....-„ 245 Brussels 121 327 333 .. 266 232 ....183 259 ....264247 e7 108 .332 174 ... 44 66 2403 2106 ority 207. HURON Con Lib 326. 511 247 307 415 366 252 460 259 280 150 ' 2348 3000 Liberal major y 652. SO TIi HURON Con Hay .......260 Stephen,... 614 Usborne, 333 Stanley 276 Goderioh Tp 383 Exeter ..294 .....128 Hensel). 94 102 Bayfield ...... .......... 88 33 2442 1728 Conservative majority 714. Lib 431 363 233 226 212 The followiti. tions of the thl sent arrangem� distribution : — figures give the popula- o ridings under the pre- nts, and the proposed re - SO TII w TIRON ew Riding Old Riding Hay 3627....:..•8627 . 4172 Stephen.... ........417e Usborne 2191....,...2191 Stanley ...2152.,,.....2152 Goderioh Tp.� ....2528 1264 e Exeter . ....17921792 Honsall.... .. 820 820 Bayfield,,., ..... 558......., 558 Taokeramit ,.., ,..,2463 Seaferth ..,....'2245 17790 21384 EAST HURON New Riding 01d Riding Grey .... ..........8657 8557 McKillop ... 2685,2685 Tnokere th 2466 Ilnllett... 2898........ ,2932 Colborne Goderioh Seaforth „ own,...4158 I tool Of )23411 Clinton 547 Brussels,,,. 114,. Morris Turnberry Wroxeter Howick 533 1114 2606 2141 '446 4140 18621 WEST URON Ne ^ Riding Old Riding Ashfield 497„•.„•.$497 Howiok 140 Morris .. , .. • c06 Turnberry .. .141 E SV awanoeh .. , 960 .. .... 1960 W Wawanoeh... . 818 2218 Blyth ,,••-• 871 871 Wingham . 391 .. .. , 2392 Wroxeter .... 446 Goderioh Town (Minton Colborne Goderich Tp (part) Hallett (part) 4158 2547 1866 ,.. ,...1264 21271 1;1739 "It is a gerr simple,” said M Huron) with refe "Geographically, cannot be defend for such a mutilati ienoy. The way 1 out down was fo Conservatives so instance, Mr. 'W. who was ncminat by the Liberals, a K. C., the Liberal have now been the envy. That, too, circles some tim Conservative part has come true. Whitney talking redistribution, w was apparently local managers? stand at present fighting chance, to divide them th what they conside one Liberal hive. and purposes divi by the late Sir when it was desori Rymal an 'bearin anything in heav beneath.' In th Premier Whitney posed will be a sa of lehat a docent r mender pure and A. Hislop (East noe to his county. ch a redistribution , The only 'excuse n is political exped- which it has been -shadowed by local months ago. For Kerr. of Brussels, to the East riding Mr. W. Psondfoot, ominee in the West, wn into one oonetitu as rumored in party ago, and what the managers boasted of hat is the use of Mr. f making an impartial en the wbole thing t•and•dried by the the ridings as they oth parties have a de as it is proposed Conservatives have two safe seats and Wren is to all intent d as it was in 1872 tin A. Macdonald, ed by the late Joseph no resemblance to above or the earth classic words of East Huron as pro- rificed reminiscence ing ought to be.” FOR SALE.—AI I am leavin wp within three weeks, I offer by private sale at my home on Diagona street:— A large Radiant Horne oal,heater with oven; 3 hole wiokless 1 eve on stand with large and email en; 6 -hole coal and wood range with reservoir, and thermometer on oven; these are all nearly new. Box stove; new large leather easy chair; kitchen cupboard; 2 hanging lamps, and a number of smaller articles. S. T. SUGGITT. HIGH SOH 01.. NOTES. Items of Interest on th For the past wee Executive have ha pied expressions, an gling down the hill hours. Onr suspicio for we think some moment is under also seems to be i our curiosity will s the suspense is v ready overtaxed ne from the Acropolis Hill. the members of the the most pre-000n- bave come strag- the most unseemly s are deeply stirred, enterprise of great ay. Onr principal Heated. We trust on be satisfied; for ry trying to our al - Yee. Tha students et orm IV are on the qui vive this week for on Friday next the brilliant or co monplace future, as it may be, of eac member of that form is to be predicteby oar infallible pro- phet. The mumps a sons. They ev attach themeel athlete, W. M quence he has days. We had able, but it e secretary is aleC complaint. Th but if fate so victims we sins' due on exami tired, oh I so examinations. We are to Form III "Rosolved, 1 Elizabeth is that of Qneei affirmative i Sim a Dobs no respecter of per - had the temerity to es to our champion ea», and as a cense- been absent for a few thought him invulner- em;s not. Our genial afflicted with the same staff has so far escaped ills that they alio fall rely hope they will fall den day, for we are tired, of those weekly •r"r• have another debate in n Wednesday. Topio: at the reign of Queen More Illustrious one than Victoria." Leader of the F. Reid, and of the vega- n. De. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nceo and Throat will be at McKibben's drug store, Monday, March 30th. Hours: 12 a.m. to8p.m. Glasses properly fitted. SEED GRAIN FOR SAt,1i,—Peas, barley, and a new variety of oats; also goose wheat, at T, A. MILLS', Wingham. HIGHssv CAsU PRICE paid for hide$, skins, tallow and wool, at the Wingham Tannery. W. D. Pangaea, SEED GRAIN POR SALE —Peas, barley, and a new variety of oats; also goose wheat, at T. A. MILLS',, Wingbam. Extension tables, sideboards, buffete, oouohes, springs and nla•tresaes—any- thing in the fnlni ere fine—yc•u ono get at special cut prices, at S GRAORTs 1 Spring Term A PRNIsL. IST. Canada's Grertest Chain of High - Grade Business Colleges. located at PETERBOROUGH CLINTON ONLIrGE'ILLE w neouars WARHERTOR GO»ERIcn follows the custom of business concerns and takes no vacation. Stenographers, Book - keepers a n d Telegraphers are in great demand in July, August, September and October. We train more voting people than any other management in Ontario. There must be a re ison ; write for it MAIL COUW-Ers WINGUAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. RIBBER, M.A., Ph.D., V:e- P, intipal. GEn. svoaroN, - Principal. Bargains In Town and Fars Properties SEE LIST IN THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. CALL AT OFFICE IN MEANTIME. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Griffin-Vanstone Block, WLNGHAM. Phone 1E8 THE LEADING SHOE STORE i The Sole 5. Sole of a Shoe ,a the part eubj est to he most wear. You will find the solea of all fine Shoes sold here to be tunic of the Best Oak -Tanned Leather which ane that in addition to style andcomfort you get long wear Out of the Shoos bought here You could afford to pay a little more for suet Shoes, but we don't charge that little more. Our prices areas low as the lowest. We do repairing and do it right, Bring along your Shoes. Big stook of Tr1.1.1.111111.1.00•114141114.1.* n� n� k a d Valises. See them, W J. Greer IIfM1Mht