HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-02-15, Page 4t,. , $ ittbitold,Entind MOS1414,,PArr: r Om; .14D TO, :000 ****41e-.00019:14qpTO TRE IOTATS8 liONIPPODTP.V.MP„IME.*BQT* AX40 Ong** TAPPRTPO. . rob., .45th 1001, The North Aiberichn Fish and Game Associations wants the deer sheeting , semen doubled , in length: That would materially ' shorten the period in which there would be deer found . to ahOot. • 'and poultry, 444 had Ue,e4 or given to; Ifriends $2061 yOrth, Making an income• • of $1585, ,frOM an lirroptoient of co 3, The buildings awzi 'yards: ,occupy less than -a bait acre of grOund.,,•Rie whole farm was 85 acre, Yaluca with, build -r ixigs and permanmit. imProvements, at $0,500. tforses'. and. 'farming iraple. a -lents, Were valued; o500,,or an 408t1nent..nf $6,050, free): which he. .'received an. inconie,of $4,3„178, for 'pro, 'date Edit ceastirtnid. Or 00 440; aeide, from the pcailtrrpreducts That fs-e, good showing for the farm, but that halfacte .pOeltry yard produces nearJy. as ranch as the rest nettie farni; vith much leee labor. . „ ' Canada's exp9rts" of home products in thelfive. =tithe, ending November 30 amounted to $89;785,938; as against $77,968,3141a the same .Period Of the • preceding Year. ''',The Showing_ P ,healthy one. Our 'total foreign trade Was $65,631,450 'greater . han in the 1899 period. . . .The,semi.bfficial announcement at the projeated. *Nit of the 'Duke of Cornwall and Ycrli to" °Atuitro„lia and, Canada will be. Made this Year, not. withsts!ldhlgOe'death of the QM en, :will be reoeiiedi with great Satisfaction Ari•tliEFcelonies.- The tour of Albert • 'Edward; Prince of Wiles; ' over forty` years ago, is an interesting topic of ,convereation to this day,. and,every- body will welcome prince George. At theTentral Prison 197 members :of • the tramp :fraternity sstarted_the new century behind the berg. This is an. Unprecedentedly large number, the -usual huinber-oilthe-,'„genna. trainP incarcerated in the prison not being . more than about' 30. ' The influ2c. ot '..•trisinpe to share Warden GilmOnris hospitality this yearirdue-ta-the-vig-- °roes crusade of the Provincial Gov- ernment to drive out Of the Province all professional spongers on the pub- lic. The Crusade has been \ -a great success. The number of actiiel, crim. inal-at the Central is 50 percent less than it was at thie time last year. • - • . SOMETHING EV our Throat. Gargles can't go back far - n g, h ;' sprays -don't reach deep enougb; but the air ',you breathe touches every 'part. Then why not piitsome healing medicine, in the ;air and let thein go aim* together? That is What Yatio-Creso- repo is for,. It puts the . cine right 013 the places that most need it: You -no*7 see *by it so qUicklY,•'cores sore throat, b r o n hoarseness, 1,vbooping-cough and asthma. - • Vapo-tresqjoe is. sold' by druggists everywhere. The Vaperizenalul wkictt sr,ould last a Itte. time, and' a bottle of 1...resolene complete, $1.5e; extra supplies of Creselette 25 cents and so cents:. Illustrated booklet containing physicians. testi. moniais frep•upon„request. VAro-cassothass, Co Fulton $,t, !New kortt, „ . An. eminent. CauridianlaWyer is' said to; have given his opinion lately, whcb if pil;yen to be "correct,: Will revelution .• a large portion of municipal law, says an eitchange. 1t.ii in short that the 9whers, of nettle doing damage , property are hable, nq matter what condition the fences are in or indeed whether there is a fence at all, • This opinion is nc.t without reason. If, Smith Emile an unfenced, field andsowe, it with grain and Jones' • Cattle ,corhe and eat it up surely it ie not unreason able to. say that Jones should foot the bill,if he choose to have cattle he, should keep them; on his own ,property• He has no more ;,right to, .go free. Of Omegas , because of there being` no fence 'around the field than a •thief would after robbing a house because the door was off- **hinges. • The Liberal inajorkty in the House about bo. North Bruce is' in doubt the court having So far left the vote a tie, and there are probabilities•of other cliangets. - The Provinces stand. Libs. Con. Ind. „Ontario 36 56 Quebec fis -, 7 New Brunswick. " 9. 5. . • ,Nova SCotia..,:/. 15 ' P. E. 'slant": 3 Manitoba ... : . • 2 VV. Territories 4 ' British Columbia 3 2 . • . •• 130 80 Thia 'recokening gives' McNeill, Tborhton and Robinson to the Con- servativea, ,and McEwen and Mc- carthy to the Liberals. Puttee, Bibb- '• ardson and Ralph' Smith are the in dependents. • FOR FARM PRODUCE . Fred Grundy having ,pur- chased the entire Butter, Egg and Fat*, Produce' Business from :1Vlossrs. 'Gollan 13,z Agr.; new, he Ts now prepared to give you the ' highest cash figures for all your. produce,. and when yciu Wish to buy , clover, timothy, millet, turnip seed, oatmeal; cornmeal; ham, baCo,n; lard,‘ cheese, salt; fresh and potted meats.,!- . Farm for Sale, or Exo4ali,ge. • • Being the east hal( of lot 2, in the 8th pen, (gastern Division) of Athllohl, containing 100 acres. The, farm is fairly well fenced and in 0 geod state of cultivation, with barn .40.1t 60andotab1e undenteath. A nevi storyand 'a half f raliae house, tinddplenty of Water. The placawill.besokf cheap, or will takes suitable 58 acro farm in part pay,' and ihe.balanee can.. FeMain on, 'niortgage.if desired. For turther. particulars apply at'SENTIrs EL Of0Cts,OT to • Wi11im Riddle, . • Crewe P.O.. • . "FOR 8 That •dedireable property formerly. owned by the late Richard Treleaven, in the village of Dungannon. Upon the preperty is, situate a goodbrick house 20x30 and kitchen.1,424; Good. woodshed .and stable', in connection. laird and soft water. The lot consists of one half -acre of land, • Possession „ • . may be had: at any time. App.'..y • to George • Stothers, . Dungannon',' or at ;Bentinel.offie.,' ' • Henry Erwin Ville bap for sorea.time berried on butiiness as hairciresterhay- ing in View abetter po&itien, recently , -soldLont---io7-John-Banifordy-who---ha8 beeti carrying on busineea for some time in „this village very ' ,suceesafUlly.,• We wish them both •centiuusid success. On Tuesdey of this week J. -E: Tem 8 1 Officially "visited Dungannon' , School and 'afterhaving examined( the ,pupils in ,both departments expressed .hiniself well pleased with the 'order, neatneastand-,--therougliness—of-Lthe-- Wark-,and-else-,With:the ;promptness -1n the. iTar..189,9wild,LP.i!n4,41 kill- ed 2966 people, a record coUskletably: below the average. :Of , these 899 were killed by tigers, 338 by• wolves, 327 by leopards, and the remainder • and' crOeudiles.;74driennew.eatiaetNer-- ,. in the Bhamo distriet,cf *Upper Burma typersons, _and W.P.rdt. of 100 rupees was paid for killing it. Startling as are these figures they are „ nothing to the record of deaths from: -enake-bites No fewer than 2,4,621. •" hitu4an beings were killedby Venomous reptiles in Indiain 1899; and most of • the fatalities Were recorded in Bengal. Cattle aufferedseverelY,loo,,by snakes , and wild animels, 89,238 being killed :animals --mid ., by ,snakes. .:Leoparda and tigers,destrcyed 72301:. , of the cattle charged to wild eniniale. In that year the ,Government-paid10,i 476. rupees. for the 4estructioo of 188, 87 wild anima B. • answering questions, Which reflects greateredit on the system of.tutibn by the teachers; Mr. .--Tigert; principal, and. -kiss ,Weliwood,'„assistant. The Resident has heed lnith .short time but is giving general satisfaction and will Make an excellent teacher: The, in- spector- owing to his thorough 'mode of inepection and examination of the and to keeping himself well edited in the most recent Modes- Of teaching, is the:. right ,person in. the right -,place. • HINLOSS COUNCIL l'oWnship,Hall,,,,Holyreoct, Feb'. 4th. ' Council mei pursuant to adjourn nient, The minutes of last,rueeting h&ving-been;-read-and7signect..7...-The- afolloWing; business' was., transaeted • The Ancliteri' report was presented and on motion of J. E. Kaake and John McDonald/was adopted. Cheipies were issued in payment of -the follow - in accounts —T Murray. and R Y. HOUSE AND LOT.FOR•SALE A 'first ,.class frarne house 25 a. 36, two story highwith stone foundation, and kitchen .withlot; for sale on"Vietoria street.' Lucknow. The place is nicely located and the lot con- tains alarge quantity of all kinds of fritit,with• both hard and soft Water, and good stable. The,' place will be sqld cheap. For further particulars applY to , WILLIAM.FLOOD, % .Lucknow F. 0, IT'S YOUR NERVES Its. a ,Colidlition of Your Nerve& That. Either Make Tst Yonr Life ' ' A Round of. Pleaiur e or - A Useless Burden • (3.13 lijAtly wornen life 'IS one round '0 it and See 'the -old- * . . , of•-SiTanetis, -weat1emankrfese ana. 1111, health: .• • • 'To attempt . the lightest', household Andes fatigues, them., Many • Of , the symptoms adeornpanying thiS,stat'e of decline are.: • a feeling of:tirednes6 on waking, faintnesS",-diminests-Tslakirtg .-feeling, palpitation of the heart, short- ness of breath; lass of appitite, cold 'hands 'ancl.feet, headache. dark cIrcleS 'iinderfthe eyei, pain in.,the back and side 'ank all the other accomPanim:enta •of a rundownand, wea 'mac cons 1u- - All these • SYniptoms and Conditions; are simply the result.cf e poor qulity. .and defective circulation of the bleed., :with a wasting away • of ' the ?nerve forces.. . . . . iniihe system:with FRP RUNDY „ . Campbell Block, arm for Sale. . . , Situated on the gravalroad' ene:half mile north. of-Lthe Village of lila; L.!t„,___B-Ang_ North hay of lot 11, concession 1, Pownship ICinlose;=comprising-52.7acrea;----Soilcileep d 3 acrei,of hardwoodraple" and beech, and • Our new designs: foi, fall and:. Xnise .are, most striking in)their novelty and ' artistienesi. just one look. • atour FANC.Y.',TABLES,: 001 C4.01i\TEI:$, means a sale for .9s:1.•: WO have the ,strengesi llue in. the . market of,these goods as follows ; DraWirig Room, and Huta Pefni- titre; ,Ladies' ,fWriting Book Cases, Parior and•'•Masic ;Cabinets, Picture anal .Rooin Moulding, Fancy Art and Bamboo Goods: Bed Room Seiti,Extension Tables, Centre Tables, and Side- boards in Oak, -Ash, Elm and Mahogany ; also & full line of ,Upholstered goods, such • as - • Couches; Fancy Chairs,' Student's, Chairs, parlor Suited and odd' pieces: clay loath; 42 acres cleared,goo orchard._, • seven acres of fine ne tr. tamarack and pinie.. There is a small dwelling house, and barn. 362t 50 and stable underneath. Will ,I3e sold cheap Apply to T, Todd, St. Helaie, or to the -Ivo- prietor; T; H. GUEST. teeburni Algoma. ^ VVOod Wanted,/ TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up•to,Febritary 5th 1901, for twenty- five cords of good sound green body wood, beech and maple four feet long, to be'deliver- 'ed at the Lucknout Public School.,- , 1{,•SIcINTOSH, Seey, Ca ,CONRT SHERWOOD"; NO 0;-- LUCK - now . Meets every first and third Mon - •day of every Month, in the Orange Hall, Vieitingbrethren are cordially invited. ./ JOHN MACINTnIE R D. D. ',Yutt,°§e •1 have over 400 acres of Choice faint lands for sale, in 50, 75; 100, 150 and 20f) acrearlota jn Kiiiloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield townships. Good lands' with geed buildings to be sold cheap on iiaity terms Also a good' blacksmith ahoy tdweil- in in connection) doing a good business fur .kre with large trade. live village. Aleo A large amount of Money to loan at 5 per Cent; For further partieulars apply to . j. A,tfeICENIE;-• insurance Agent, HolyrOod; , salary as collector, $75; Municipal World 7 copies and Assessor's :guide, -$t25; -'1Elert:; assssment rolls and 'other supplies: $13.351. p ,Murek ison, ,stationery $2.50; , :Balance due Treas. Hutton tp: for work on boundary .$4.96',, James Fisher, rep railing on bridge Cop: 2; 60c;, .Peter' Corrigan, 'pOstageand:-StatiOnery for• 1/09; , The COUncil-then• achournedto meet again Ori,Mendaytw.Maich 18th;„ when patlinidstard,' fence Viewers ' wihl , be appointed.- GBO. G MoPritt, Clerk., .MONEY IN . POULTRY. , •Thoie' whe'giieatto-htion:to poultry raising are finding out that it is a v,ery profitable beiteeas, more' money being made -brit' with ; less work ,tban any • other farm product. A,tennsylvania farmer' reported to'ithe "census taker last June that he had .poultry ete.i costing' $853, and at •.that time poultry of all ItincIS and ages worth $679, but he considered hi 'permanent investment:in poultry- to be worth $200! in the yetie eicijng June'. 1 belied sld 6,85 Werth , of eggil 'ST:EELENS' McAndrew of Daketa and Aliis Mari Johnscia et: 13recefield •aro visit- ; ing the:„Inteto.s sister, Mrs. RObtrisoir Woods, Mr. and Miss Reid Of 'ASh6eld "Yitit- 1,ed their aunt _Mrs, Cba3 Duthn on' ,SundaY. . ' ; Tast Saturday evening a shawdovi was cast ,eVdr. /he Iiotak of Mrs Me, Guire when her youngest soriAlred. passed: bsyond 'the' bounds cof Undo; after a .164 ilinese sith 6onInhigt1on, ;Bleceese'd wss.aboitt twenty:three yeara age, s ,juSt :iri the blooeb of 'YOutit.: To futieiartonk place oa ionday 'at 2 30 o'clo irlor the Bethel Cemetery:. 01111.4116:-..14611:.P.14S: . • You strike at the root of the disease and lay .4 solid foundation 09 which to build. Soon the „Weight increases, thd sulken cheeks and dattened busts -6.11..ol#,,t4.4_,,(300, get bright • and the - 'thrill of renewed, health ara'stength vihrates through the.%ystern:: 'Price 50 cents per box. • • roa SALE EV C. W. 'BERRY' & SON.: (Successors to Harry Days) ‘LifiCliNOW — 1 *IQ* jttst lfLot, (ion. 14, W. p, • Ashile'la, J00 acres. Yr,11,.10,0;es-o4-:..:. R. APP1Y .tQ • • • " ••t • A. NL1U,l'ai'anr..tiat.. 4 . pr M. .r4A131.0. E. oNtionco LAND: lOgygYoR , , .SEAFORtH P. G.'. ' Engineer ...f9.r -Wing lam, chloral . ' - ,Roivia, Culross; Et Cle*At ' Side- alksi §eivers, and.: Township l;li•Oins will„be giyeu:spe,Cial,attentictitl, .• .:':', . Piano, \''.0°icT.Qinti'ltn' Vrieo.:.1:„Tn 10;;LIg'11 • ' : . MRS' A .11U ARMSTRONG.' for tht.N.Coull IT of .11orp.n. . " ' • - . ]4ii4ti littripOrty„incl Vountor.. ,niorit for tlitineriptipaillLiti.fe,i, Itneuran Go - - THACif En Olf, ',.. TuPils'.preliared' for .0iniservatOry 'eiatainations. :. .'--. • , , . • ".; : .R.F;S1D.L1VOE:---Oam1bal street. Special attention is paid to Undertak- ing and Embalming Undertaker & En4a1mer. CiA141,5 .A.,TTgl•.tplIto TO N. IGIIT 011' DAY Ise:.a ChnvEr.A.No; Ohio • I May ,23rd, :1900. ti; M, McLeod's Laboratory. • , Goderich Ontario.• • MAU ' niedicine, Soak and Swab," has cured .4e entirely of the sore I had on my Upper jaw. The doctOrs told nie that it Was a cancer and. that the bonewould have to be cut out and the I affected Parts re- moved b the kniff Itimas this,that fright- ened me and mane me get the "Soak and Swab." I used:only three pint bottles: I am well ever since, and it is three' years Since used :it. Having great confidence in your medicine I will recommend it to those in need. aup-ete,,, • :/ / FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale ten acre's 'of ground,'tbree quarters of a toile no'rth Of Litektiow station, cOntalning two dwelling houses, g6m1 stable, 'orchard and ple Ity of spring water. There is also a good lime kiln on the premises. The'place is in a good state Of cultivation and will be 'sold cheap on time if reauired. For further Particulars ,apply to 'JAMES SAT.T.T.c1)ERS, Xi gs -Utlith' Smitit prepared.to give loakiOnif On PIANO AND ORGAN At li!.r lime on. •:// 04;n'Pkat,i, ria,q MRS. J. HARMAN. • 1 • The folloWifig.was received frona the sain . ady ten years ago : suffered for nearly four ie4rs from fits' And almost-at'-tbe same hour daily, out cf. which no one Could waken me, until 1, awoke of myself, weak and Wearied 'after the lapse or from- ten to twelve hours' time; during which. time I was *holly unc5nsciou ..1 was attended to and consulted fiO fewel,than aiX- teen doetore.withlut any benefit and no relief, got to be absentminded,' often' uncorscione of my surroundings, took ,no 'notice of any: good PiUvidin.eitoftod, friendinsisted on bringing, j.' M.. McLeod to our house: lie took nie•ent of the fit in half 'a minute's time., I began to gain rapidly after this inhealth and sbundoeSS: of 'mind, and to this day 1 have not bad any marc fits, Y971e-te.' j0 • . • Kingsbridge, Ont. SOLD BY:•,.„ ' • • Bprri . 1.A.T.oxisTow. • MUSIC TAUGHT Lessons Vocal and Instrumental " lisle and .Raimony , •• are taught by - M.P. ,P. KEE. , .SCHOOL , • . ' Tues: Sept. Tlashcantiltfl,lakeside town Offers unriy , led indueements. , the student li (1, f ' •,ioa reuading aist.riets to prep0 for their e,xaroin- talons at'its 111wh, SchoOl. ' • .' . • Ment oflanguages: . • these students. whe are•deficient in the depart- ' Special iirningenieid s be made to... aid . . . A newly. equipped Nabora ory olds ex- cellent ' advantages in .' the „deportment ,of On its large :indwell -kept ,Campus health-, . .ful.exereiSes ttre•encoitraged. • Parenti tAy. OPon• 'the.. Scluicil Beard • and Stp,II--.44eping-the Ineral influences sur rounding tlieirhildren in a.. wholesome The Staff.of isln•epared. to 'edit'. • pate for alf,departrnental, and Matrieulation exareinatiOns, • • ' •." Sebool.passed forty seven candidates at 1;. .•;.. • •,; ins. Over . • , , 00 per cent oi fOr Junior LeaVing,Certifieates sticeeeded,:- • • "GoOd'bearding4muse,i may''be "geetired, .at reasonable rates... • • • .F.or ftirther particulars applytoto- • s:AN: PeRtim. •• ‘111ZIN,PIPAL. • FOR SALE.' ,A good' House. and Lot; situats& on the corner of Cling'', and Delhi streets. The lot contains one-third acre, good . large house ,in goodrepair with cellar, hard and soft, Water and every conven- ience, litslassstable and Outhouse on the propertY. Possession' Inay be had at any thne. Apply to 11 I. W, II. Jonx61oNr • Ca:Mpbell.St: • • . • • . : Desirable Parra for 'Sale. ,*The fiubSeriber offers' for salethat very de- sirable farm property eitnated On the gravel road, eolith of the V,Illage of Lacknow, one and one-half miles, .being south' half of lot No. 12 E. ,D. To*nshP•of .Ashfield, comprising' 100 .acres. " The Property is Watered by a never -failing spring• has large orchard of 'choice fruit trees ;.'16'. urea of, fine , hardwood, hush, and five acres-. cf -softwood and cedar, The .boildings consist of s: large bank barn With shed 60 1.-60; and brick dwelling house, with hard -and soft water. Tht-, prOperty, ahl seeded downvand will male an eicelknt dairy or stock farm. Fni further Particulars applyo the,prginises or ,addrerfs • . • ' • JOHN MUll.1)0C11. Box 103., LUckiSow, Tire Insurance. • Insure l'our. Property against los i Or darn - age by, 6re, in the old' reliable :National 'and MercantileCompanies, lout rated, and punc: tual payment. - ' ' • Deeds ' Nfortgages, 'teas* Agree- , neatly ereenti,l, : • Office:' 'Town: Hall, Tuesday,' Thursday and Saturday afternoons, 13ulls• for Sale n • • . The dndersigiied offers for sale at lots ,t1 , and1.4, condeSsi,511 1, Itinings, one eighteen months cid Siforthofa bull, and tWo one-year • oldiShoriluirn hiil1 All have.good pedigras toitwenty-rbur years Vapo.Cresolene has Public Notice. '•`;NOTICE is irereby -gilenthat any version found cutting dr taking timber from lot 12, concession 2,'Kinlo'ss (owned by gra McPher- son,) without the consent of the undertsigned. will be prosecuted i• • , • JOHN G.ItA.HAM.; 1406 ' Lu. cknOw, P.O. 2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 SECOND\ EDITION • , , :• • ELLYEAR -AT YOUR P,Ofil-lifFig, ; - :-• • Boar for 'Service, . . tindersigned Will keep for service at jot 47, Concession 1; Kinloig,rhis thoroughbred '13erkshire Briar' Royal Tom."' S1.00.. . • "For pedigree and other particulars apply to, 1407 TOIN GI AitATt VacitneW. Important be Bree&r. s arid Horsemen: -T141eirt ary. :CAUSTIC 'BALSAM , • A, reliable ^,• and, speedy. • remedy 'f o .Coria Splinta Soaving, , • Sweeny, etc, ote, in horses. - and 14.41 rryp 'Saw in:tittle,. "See parriPh- , • rit,tni an.ilet w.lkieb,,,ae- • co rapaties cyery bottle, g lying Scientific treat 'ment In the yarnna diseases." It cati.be need.: every ale of veterinary practice where. stiinttlatingapplication8 and blisters are pre.: scribed. It hark n6 Every •bottle guararited to give: satisfaction., Price. • 76a per bottle.. , Sold, by a arogkistik.and 'dotiritrY stovikeepers',.• Prepared bY TUE. EUR1KA' COMPANV.I.,ondon. Ont. PFETER 'TORRANCE; Littitnow' r• 0 n° exterislliely nted tor all fornis of throat and, ' • ' • bronchia) troubIes All Druggists, I 't — , ..A PROplagtSlik-Atiffp0POPtkpAPER,,, . , ESSENTXALLV A , year. `, it is-esSeutially - a •newsliaper for the' lionie circle; While dis, • li.p•WSPA.pERT,he Free Press irs-new in its firty4irsti. • '• tinguisbed for eninrprise, careAnts heert takenfrOni the, beginning ef 'its . career to adroit nothing to its ceinnit that would' offend the -inorit'l , Sense -Of Self,reSpeeting people,. .‘• , ., .. ; . ttHE MARKET irttPOP,V—Arei full Rod ap-t6.41atet, coritaini:ng ail the latest ; e • ' ' Canadian, Antericarcand English live stock 'and, 'grain intvk0 wieb, the most up-to,date 'news. . ..' , ' ' , ' • ' .-.- ....- .-- • , TERINAlty,...covoilti.A..110,w,..a.tid '-L:Speoial, teattiroi..tolitlaDte-d-by'J',":Ei. ... . • ' '11 OdgieS, .V: ,S,.; Honer OrtultfAte O., ' \'',", 0, %Articles appear ,every ' Saturday dealing'with all cla,§sos 'of „Vetarinary .c,ience ;,,, also 'till eptio.ndi , erld.ii7n6Wers deity ielattie .16, Alt diseases of anhnals, :eta, Co,ntaine 1 ,.. ., Valunple1141ne iriStritction for the failner anu stock oWneic '' ' ' " FOREIGN NEWS—. -A ,cOM etc history of the dothga,,all over, the :flown .worldin the latest and Iip-to-date despatches. :' f ' , , COMILE,TE CANADIAN X4WS--ily teiegraplranilmail from 41; par:t.s, a .. danaaa, partietilar .atention being paid to.. Western Ontario, • ' ' .0.011,TING,'NEWS,4-Is full, anti complete with' Aniateur ' and. Professional . • ': Sports•—tate-ball, Cricket,: Lacrosse, riolf,";13owling,Voot Bali, . Itookay,,' Skating,.gOrse ltat.ing, Trotting arnl Itunnirc*, Hand )31'.11, etc.; ' IN POLITICS—In Politics it 18 Obil.FierVitti‘;611itit its Conset'va(nt hakInevei, ''.' prevented itfroth doing jiiiit;icc to Or Uphoiditig, men, pf ..both , parties who do right,. , It'is, the organ of the ,peoPle; Frrespective of party;„ and .: , nialcei the p'uh1i0 well-being its- flrs't co1sl1161-ation.• • In fact; the Tree. PieSS is the nuos,,coinplete ''anii, ;0 otte.tiati; • pitym. weet , of ' , • :. • Toronfo ;" tront 8:to 12 nagefi thren4h the *oek,'''tpra 10, pagOk, ,04 ' 'Saturday. It ,ifs boaht kna licaciabLo , news Or old and i"onng',. . $40nd Edition at'yO,or•post,'Ofiled,ft.ir .61,00ner ',year." ' Noir ' i',4 OW f,frei Cs to • ' SubS4iihe, .4 : , • , ., . . • The LOndonTree Press, Pfg., Co: Ltd 1:40.46nr Ont- „ ..„