HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-19, Page 78 MINOR LOCALS, Um- »eenis bad the nisfortnae the alappery walk on Thurs- blett Anti brook one of hie was. 1!a eke meeting of the Supreme Mole tet the Oonsniau Order of Home Oiroksei, • in Totonto last week, Bev. T. S. Boyle wee elected Supreme ()hap- -At to meeting ot the Greed Orange Lade of Oata,►rru West, at Mount For- est, last week, Rev. Wm, Lowe, of London, formerly et Wiogliam, was re-+eletsted as (hilted Chaplain, Tbe many ftieudb of Mr. AI. feLean, M,. P. for banth Harm, will be pleased to learn that he bas about sully saelvered nom has reoent 111neae and wog 41)1,0 to leave the hospital last week. -Reports from Ostawa are to the effeox, that uo military training camps •rod be held east of Winnipeg this year s+xoept at (4atibee City where the train- hett wilt 1 o combined with the big ter. seeneutery oetebretion to be held there in slaty. -Oa representations made to the De- pertment by Dir. Robert Holmes, in- aemi:tlone hays been given that the tubby of the Goderlob postaftwo than remain unlocked until 9 p an , in order 'tet people tray get their mail trona the lock -boxes. BATTER FARMING, Work of' Qatari* 'Agricultural coop and Experimental Farm The. Wresemen enjoyed their eielt at the A.griooltarat °allege and Expert• mental farm at Guelph on Se►trirdena Mardi 7t11. A great work le ,emit done at thio inititutiuu sad It Is not too high. ly praised by the press and the people ot - the pruvluott. All breuohes of agriculture are studied and practiced there; every sort et work that to done or ought to be done on the farm, in field, barn, stable or bove, is seientittoally is,vestigated, demonstrated andtaught by the beet instructora ob. tannage. The Ontatio Agricultural May, College was aster ilahad to bi y, 1874 and the first waster term opened an. nary 1st, 1875 with 28 pupils in attend. awe, In Jeauery last, the Thirty-fourth winter terra begun with 837 students. in attendance. The work of Field Bnsbanery is to improve by sysiematio selection and by cross fertilization old varieties of fleld crops; to originate new owe of greater value and distribute same to farmers throughout the province. Instruct farmers' sons in the different systems of farming; different kind . of eon; appli- cation of manures; preparation et land; eraminataon of farm seeds; mctbode of cleaning and selecting seed; study of cereals, roots, fodder crops, grasses, clovers, methods of sowing, harvesting and marketing. Fiudlaterwriting to the -Mr. Loon g Tures from Henley, Sask., on March nth reports very cord and rough weath- er, but he says the people were well supplied with fuel and there were no hardships as occurred duriug the preys lone winter. --A bylaw to amend, a former' agree- ment with the Doherty Organ Company and enable them to enlarge tbeir busi- ness and form a joint stook company with increased capital, was voted on at Clint in on Monday and carried by 348 2or to 40 against. -A ohange in the 'fisheries regulations far Ontario provides that bass shall not be caught from April 15 to June 15, except in that portion of the St. Law- rence River between Kingston sed Pres- oott; there the close season than. be from .April 15 to Jane 9. -Special, bargains are being given in all lines of furniture for the spring trade, at Walker's furniture atore. This store has the largest assortment of furniture they 'have ever shown and anstowers will have a good chance to snake a selection. See large advt. in another 'column for patticnlars. --The Wingham Branch of the Wo- men's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed. Busman, Diagonal Road, Thursday, March, 26th, at 3 p. m. Subject for discussion: -"How to oda- mate our girls, so that they will make good housekeepers end homemakere," Ladies all cordially invited to attend. -Mr. Finlay Anderson, of East Wawanoeb, for many years connected with the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire insurance Co, has severed his connec- tion with that company, and is now an agent for the Howick Mutual. Femora and others who wish to secure fire in- snranoe will do well to consult Mr. Anderson. --.Russia is becoming a great buyer of British -grown teas. Partly owing to the enormous increase in the quantity they are using, the price of tea at the gardens has advanded greatly during the past year, making it necessary for the "Salads" Tea Oo., in order to main - Ulu the high standard quality for which "Salads" is noted, to advance the price of"Brown Label" from 25o. to 30c, per pound. -If yon are a kicker and see the shadow of failure in everything that is proposed to help the town, for good- rtess sake go into some secluded can- yon and kick your own shadow on the play bank, and thus give men who are working to build up a town a chance. One long -fated, hollow-eyed whining kicker can do more to keep away busi- ness and capital from a town than all thought, short trope, chintz bilge, .cyclones and blizzards combined. ] E WiNGI A.A°t TIMES, MARCH 19, 1.%U8 ed. Four different styles of poultry lessens are used, to test the effects of heat and cold on the egg•laying prooliv- itiee, and it ie town" that the coldest, and therefore tete cheapest bowie is the beet, and that irebb air, not warm air is essential to good egg production. In the Maodonald Institute three things are taught: -Domestic Science, Ik nosed Training,, and Nature Study. la Domingo Soienoe there were 260 girls in ittendaaloe last year, eabh one being obliged to learn cooking, sewing and laundry work. Iu a province where over SC% of the wovendo their own houeewortc, what a blessing it would be it they were all properly trained for their deny duties. faunal Training makes boys and girls handy iu the use of simple toots,. and Nature Study, which is really eltmentaxy agriculture, helps teachers to the extent that they may re- turn and give their pupils an educe top that wid more nearly At them for the earning of their daily bread. As President Oreelman put it, in one of bis terse ex :+sanatory speeches to the prersmen, it is the aim of the College, by teaching a boy the principles of scientific farming, by making him prao- tise it, and by giving hien a praotical course in manual training, to tarn him out a resourceful, capable farmer, one who will not have to drive ten miles for a carpenter or a machine agent every time some trifling repair is needed. A. visit to the Agricultural College and Farm is needed to understand what is being accomplished there, In Animal Husbandry recent investi• gationa have dealt with the relative value of short keep and long keep steers for feeding purposes; the relative merits of feeding steers in loose boxes and tied in stalls; the cost of raising pigs from birth to market; aid a teginning bas been made in the cross -breeding of awine. Students are given practice in lunging horses, cattle, sheep, and awine; lectures are delivered on breeding and pedigrees, feeding and management, and the history and eharacteristios of live stook. As a result of the efficient manner in which this branch of the work bas been carried on, the recent honors won at the International Live Stook Show in Chicago is sufficient evidence. In Dairy Husbandry a good work is being done. The herd consists of 16 cows. The average yield of milk per cow is 9,586 pounds, and the average amount of butter per cow is 399 pounds. One cow in the herd in 365 days gave 20,788 pounds of milk, or 913 pounds of butter, making a print of $249 58 for the year. The average cow in Ontario gives less than 3,000 pounds of milk per year. Hence the need for careful selec- tion, proper feeding, and impartial weeding out. The cost of feed per cow r varied from $25 to $45. The profit per a ow, over coat of feed varied from $5 to $45 on butter, and from $37 to $140 on milk. Tho Physics department is prepared to send a representative to any farm in Ontario, to take the levels of the land, locate the drains, and give information generally on the subject of drainage. The only expense assumed by the farm- er being .the man's travelling expenses at the rate of one dent per mile eaoh way, together with his keep. To be able to conserve soil moisture is one of the most important problems confronting the farmers to day. All plant food is available only when in solution, con- sequently when the land is hard and day plant food will be scarce and crops must suffer. Experiments are being conducted in the Physics department all the time along these lines, The Botany department treats with the subject of weeds and how to des- troy them; the question of fungus growth, and when and how to spray to exterminate them; the importance of of growing grasses and clovers; the identification and prevention of smut, rust, mildew, etc. The Entomology department com- prises a study of the life history and habits of insects in order that they may be promptly checked. Farmers' boys are taught all about insecticides and bulletins are written and sent of the broadcast to the farmers province. In the Horticulture department instruc- tion is provided in the growing of all kinds of fruit, vegetables and flowers, and experiments are conducted with the small fruits. Through the agency of the Experimental Union leading varie- ties of fruit trees and flowers have been distributed thronghont the province. In the Chemistry department is given an analysis of water, feed stuffs and fer- tilizers, such that will give aid to the PERSONAL. Mr. E. P, Penlin, of Goderioh was in Lawn for few days last week. Miss Brown, of London, has taken a position as head milliner with Mies Boyd. Skies St. Clair of 'Toronto, who is an ,eipett trsnimer, is With Mrs. Green this season. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Oresolene tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists. W R trtece URVH. We hear of more weddings for the near future, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott was brightened by the arrival of a baby boy on Sunday morning. The first robin 'of the season was seen here on Sunday morning. Your correspondent has lived here for 17 years and this is the first year he has seen a robin before the 17th of March. Bedroom spites -dresser, stand and bedstead -16x20 mirrors, as low as $11 50, at S. GRACEY'S. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE.—PeaB, barley, and a new variety of oats; also goose wheat, at T. A. Mims', Wingbam. Extension tables, sideboards, buffets, oonohes, springs and mattresses -any- thing in the furniture line -you can get at 8peoial cut prices, at S. GRACEY's. brise Cunningham, Of Crinis, has farmers in arriving at a true idea of taken a position ae saleslady in. G. E, their vaine. With wheat and flour too, Kngs more. w 0r k It being done to determine the Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Donbledee left last Week for London where they in- land residing itt future. Ur. John Jefferson, of Saskatoon, t'3tak., is visiting with Mr, and Dirt. being . a brother o 1 Sainte' Bennett, he f Mrs. Bennett. Mitis Ohrietabel Sanadereon, Mission House, Manaey, returned to her borne, Wednesday, after spired+ng several Weeks with her *nut, Mrs. Obas. Gilles. Pic Dr, B. O. Redmond returned from Baookrille, yerterdai' evening, whither be was tailed to attend the 1titlerAl of uta broom alba diads •soddenly l Set. S Glaelpb will have an "014 Holme ilo'eete" oornmenoing on Angled 0o4 Lad lasting till the 611t. see 1 a 1 CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES 'Wing lralnrt circle, No. 434 Wrests First Friday in each month, et p. m. in hall In Chisnolut Block. t mandates Ior chrap. reliable insurance solicited. Ask to t ur rates off any, member or oihcera. adies accepted at same rate as men. Racy. T. S. Barra, Geo. H. Content, ,Leader. Recording Secretary W. 3. WTLZa. rrinartcial becretary. NOTICE TO CO TRACTORS. Sealed tenders will a received by the undersigned up to t e 20th of March, 1908, fpr the ereort n of a new sohooi building in ..5., No ,haat VJawanesh. six miles from Be rave. Material of hid building to b used in new one. Pana aid epeoihoat ns can be obtained from the model -Big ei. The lowest or any tender not nee scarily fyceepted, 4 ROBINSON, Marnoch P 0 'asatsztslg ztsmat tr is -nam i'., ., i ('; i NOW 1- ENTER ANY DAY C artmonts of r1 V{'inter To rip in aH delt the Ceptral Business Vollege, To- iroute, otters eptendld chances for er,end4ng a few months pleasantly and profitably. ors catalogue ,� Tveut3- ve touchers.oh a free, write for it. W. H. Shaw, LIl Principal; E, 14. Shaw, secretary, aeouge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto, rnstfeaniOnarenenannaanMsenalnella BELGRAVE. Rev. N. J. Wilson, B. A , of Tees - water, will preach on the Bel grave Oir- onit next Sunday, March 22nd. Under the auspices of the W. M. S., an enterteinment will be given in Bel - grave Methodist Church on Friday oven- ing, March 27th by the Carey Twin Brothers, soioiste and entertainers, of Freelton, Ont. These entertainers are of a very high standing and give a pleas- ing and interesting entertainment. See posters and do not fail to attend. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLET A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. rice. Your druggist or from us, IOo in stamps. Lamm. hiu.na Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or best milling varieties and to aeoertain ee in nom from the different position whether some soientifio basis could not be found which would make the blend- ing of the home grown varieties of wheat more profitable, .137 furnishing needling trees, or out. tinge free of charge, the P'orestry de- partment it endeavoring to meet farm- ers td Improve their woodlote, plant shelter belts, and reforest waste portions of the terse. The Poultry department is given it great deal of attention, Chickens a few yearn ago sold on the market anywhere front AO to 30 onto a piece. To-day� they bring diree times that aaouni, When% properly fed, killed rind rim. BORN. Bowsat.-In'Toronto, on March 10111 to Mr. and Mts. M. Howell, (nee Miss Jessie Gannett, Wingham) ; a daughter. FLvET.-In Eewick, on Feb. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fleet; a daughter. SANDER80N -In Howick, on Feb. 29111, to Mr. and Mrs. It J. Sanderson; a son. PRATT.-In Blyth, on March 3th, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pratt; a son (still born.) BRowN.-In Morris, on Marsh 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, John Brown; a daughter. Ttlonxrox-In Morris, on March lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton; a daughter. LoTT-ln Turnberry, on March 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott; a son. MABRIEA PETTC-T uritis -At the manse, *Ingham, on March 18th. by Rev. 1). Perris, Mr Wm, J. Petty to Miss Ida J. Tummy, both of Blyth. LYON-LEAR.-At the reaidence of the bride's parents, Mullett, on Feb. 28th, by Rev, a3. Anderson. Jelin W. Lyon, of Brandon, to Minnie E., eldest daughter of Edmund and Mrs. Lear. CAtnen-Bi>;r.BY•-At the residence of the bride's parents in Morris, on March llth, by Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth, Mr. Janes Calder, of Delete, Ont., to Miss Margaret E. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bielby. RotAT N-He'xs.-At St. Stephen's church, (#orrie, on March llth by Rev. 'r. H. Farr( Annie ilayesto Mr. Jas. Rolston. iloteNorr.--At the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, 10 eon , Howick, on Wednesday March 11, by Rev. 'V. H. Farr. Mabel Jackson to Mr. Thos. Bonnett of kinloss. DIED) iixnlTAN.-In Grace Hospital. Toronto, on March llth, of pneumonia, Frances Edna Beatrieo Button, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Button, formers of 'gingham, and wife of Mr Henry A. Hessiali, in her 26th year. Nic mL. ---In Morris. on Mareh 8111, Alex- ander Nichol, in his 713th year. Ito»utenf.--In Brussels, on March 101h, Sohn 12oddiek, in his 89th year. Coombs. --Itis Blyth, on Friday, Mar. dth, Mires Janet Lockie, aged 40 years. WANTED i ED to hear frolnv owner having SPRING TERM OPENS April 1st CEN/TQRAL STRATFORD, ONT. f Thoroughness is the key -note of this institution. Our school stands for what is highest and best in bud - nese education. We have three de- partments -Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always succeed. If interested get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & I cLAGHtAN PRINCIPALS. A 0001) ,C'AR for sale, Vet partici:0erabout location. Pleaseive rice end description, and totem for selling. state when poeees- aiott ran be had. will dealwith owrners 0811. 1,. i)arbeehire, Dox (41, Rochester, Huron County pring Steck Show Linton April 2, 1908 ntro.nce l8-rco. Admission Free. $600 in Prizes. HORSES. Clydesdales 1st 2nd 2rd tauten, a years and over.......... 510 $6 $2 • 2 years Ona under 0 4 8 Shires s Stallion, 4 years and over 10 6 22 2 years and under 0 a Percherplt Beat Peroheron stallion 10 5 D:aokpey Stallion, 8 years and over 2 years and under Heavy Draughts Brood Mare, registered 2 yrs tt over6 4 rising °years 5 8 rs b 3 Gelding 8yearsand everrising 2 yea5 3 Geldaming1n risingharness 2 years a 0 3 Te0 Family of 8 oohs or 1901 Agricultural Team in harntss, let prize, cultivator value $40, donated by To ea, Murphy agent for Deering Mfg, Co Brood Mare 3 years and over 1st prize silver cup valued at $12, donated by Diolso ns Bank F lly or Gelding rising 3yrar' 4 Filly or Gelding rising 2 General Purpose Team in harness 1400 lbs. and under6 4 Roadsters Stallion 104 hands and over 10 5 ender 151 hands 13 0 Carriage Horse in harness, equip- ment considered Roadster Horse in harness, equip- 0 4 2 meat considered Carriage Team in harness 0 4 2 Roadster Team in barns' 13 4 4 n Saddle Horse Jumping eve: Hurdles 8 4 2 CATTLE. ' Short Horns Bull 3 years and over , 8 5 8 Bull 2 years and under .. 5 3 2 Bull 1 year and under 5 3 2 2 Cow 8 years and over 5 8 2 Heifer 2 years ...:......... 5 8 `i Heifer 1 year 4 2 1 Ages to date from September 20111 Berfords Bull 2 years and over 5 3 bull 1 year and under 5 3 Cow 3 years and over 5 8 Heifer under 2 years 5 3 Polled Angus Bull years and over 5 8 Bull 1 year and under 5 8 Cow 8 years and over 5 13 Metter under 2 years Dairy Cows and Fat Cattle 4•4-4•8'+;-4-1.1 i"i'++,%g•'F,l,• -lai^t•3••;••l••i•4-4- ROYAL l GROG E RY mmoom— .•l, 6 4 2 0 4 2 4• •1' To PLEASE YOU 4, g is our principal + .object. The better t $ you are satisfied with our + goods, the oftener you + + will come and bring your $ friends with you. One trial of our r Tea and Coffee will convince you that we handle the best in the market. Also a full line of Fresh Groceries. PRODUCE WANTED. •t ►. J. Malcolm PHONE 54. 4 5 4 2 8 8 2 3+++++44+&++++++.4.+ 4• + + Successor to C. N. GRIFFIN. + 4444+4•4•4•444•444•4(4•4•44++++4•44 3"i•4~£'3•+s•?+,. Jaik Aboul Your Annual Sales, yout Clearing Sales, your Slaughter Sake, your Going-ont•of•Businees Sales, your Stock Reduction Sales, and your Stock •Taking Sales -- but eve can meet them all, Jest a few quotations : Tomatoes, per can 10 Corn, 3 cans for 25 Peas, 8 cans for 25 Pumpkin, 8cans for 2a Wax Beata, 3 cans for .25 Sunlight Soap, 6 bare Inc .25 Tillson'e 5.111 premium packages 25 Oatmeal 110 -lb pails it oldenette Pure f wan e Syrup ... 1.00 10.1b pails tloldenette Pure Gane Syrup 50 and other lines at egtiallyr low prices. $UALITY SECOND TO NONE. W. BONE WI'.voritlfi, Orr. Opposite new tank of Oomtneroa PHONE 113. Dairy Cow any age and breed 5 Fat Heifer, age considered 8 Fat Steer, age considered 8 2 Stock Steer 3 yeara and under 8 2 Stock Heifers 8 years and under3 8 2 2 'J ► E LITTLE EATON THE Sweepstakes Best Male any age Beat Female any age Best 8 of any breed 2years and candor with bull $°Diploma GRAIN AND SEEDS• Fall Wheat any variety 8 2 Dag Michigan Amber, prize donated by Jas. Fair, bag of Fair's famous flour (FFFF') Oats, Black 8 2 Oats, White 8 o Barley, two rowed Barley, six rowed 8 2 Peas 3 Timothy 2 Glover , sed 3 POTATOES. Potatoes, any early variety 3 2 Potatoes, any late variety 3 2 JAS SNELL, JAS. FAIR. J. W. SHAW President. Treasurer. Secretary. 2 OUR [Brain 'Worry ► ► p Treatmenti .UII $ I>.EM One Way Colonist Excursions To the West Commencing Feb. 29th and con- tinuing daily until April 29th, 1908. To the following pointe: - Vancouver, B. O, Spokane. Wash. i ‘P""*"Seattle, Wash, Portland, Ore. 5 San Francisco. Cal, } $17.80 Los Angeles, CaI, Mexico City, -$47.80 - Tickets also sold to other certain points in proportion. Full information may be obtained from Wm. Henry, Depot Agent. 8' r ► ► 4. + + r The new spring goods in all our respective departments 41 act like spring medicine, they relieve the eye and brain of sights you have been looking at for months, they r + • lower the temperature of the body by seeing the :beautiful summer goods which suggest coolness r and comfort. Can we help you ? Consulta- r tion free—Samples free—come in and try .+, o The Little Eaton's treatment, + Is having miraculous results LADIES are being cured by the dozen. MEN are sounding our praises everywhere. THE SERET tT 4, 4' •f1 r t SPRING ESThRII LANA IP YOE THINK OF MARINO THE WEST A HOME IN JOE SHOULD HAVE THESE ✓ ' • Ladies Raatiy10-Woar For spring, 1908, in Coats, Skirts + and Snits, was never shown in such + variety of styles, cloths and work- ` mauship, having the exclusive lines 4 of splendid fitting Roger Garments, ♦ of Toronto; also The Hart Mfg. Co.'s + specialties, 'Skirt Mfrs. The Ladies ♦ of Wingleam and vicinity can only 1, appreciate our goods, our efforts, I hence our results. in bringing to- gether the beet o! many manufae- ♦ taxers' lines. Please consider the convenience 4- and satisfaction which our Altex'a- 4' tion Department means. Gar- • ments purchased here are altered ♦ free of charge and guaranteed satis- + factory. 4. "wet"" .v^ Free Books oke SUGGESTIONS Men's Deparlmeiit "SETTLERS' GUIDE" "WESTERN CANADA" •'1Ot1RIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Inst the practical information you need Apply to nearest 0.P.R. Agent, or to C. B. POSTER Dlitriet Para. Agent, TORONTO DRESS FABRICS + In the very newest weaves com- prising , Voiles, Bolionnes, Broad- cloths, Venetiane, Lustres, in plain • and fanoys. Dress ends, exclusive • design and color for each customer. ♦ �""... SHIRT WAISTS + n In Silk, Mulls, Lawn and Muslinall new, no old stock, latest designs, + and they fit. COLLARS AND BELTS Speoial attention will be paid to ♦ ladies' furnishings, the Smartest, newest and daintiest+, designs are features which mark this department. CORSETS + • The essential points of corsets are + to obtain the most modern, those we $ have which adds beauty and shape to a lady's form, l+ • 4 MILLINERY Our Milliner has just return Id from London and Toronto with the new designs shapes and ideas ob. tained at the wholesale millinery openings -surprises are in store for the Ladies at the Little Eaton Mil- linery Department this Beeson, such as they have never seen before. Don't buy your spring hat until you see oars. They're swell. ti The Little Eaton's Gents' Fur- o nishings Department is again out $ for your spring trade and the lines . which we show are the newest, • smartest and nattiest ever show in town. SPRING SUITS t Why is it we do a large special ordered tailored trade ? Because we have the goods, and what counts r more can give you the city to❑ohe s 4: in square shoulder and collar which 4 only few in Canada can out. Seeing is believing come in and satisfy your- self. We will show you the differ- ence.' READY TO PUT ON CLOTHING Our Spring Suits have again put in their smart appearance and who don't know what The Little Eaton de -we pay most particular attention to the main points, viz: -Fit should- er and collar, the cloth and pattern are secondary considerations. Clothes helps to make a man, we Gan help some --try ILA for your spring suit. SPRING SHIRTS Never before was such a shipment of Mens Colored Shirts brought into Wingham at one time, 50 dozen "Cresent Manufactured" Shirts now compose our new spring stook. 011, the're swell and everyone guaranteed to wash without fading. SPRING HATS Gents', were it, with the new styles and shades, your know what we have been, well were better than ever- what we hav'nt got ain't made, se 4, -get your Cady at "The LittleEaton.'t SMALL NECESSITIES wear, eta., good values, clean, up-to.41 - date designs, always mark our goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Neck- boli G S as Wear, Braces, Handkerchiefs, U'nder- HO V SE ,A: V 1 NISHINGSr :+40+++++++♦+F++t+++++++ 4 4 In this department 'where we furnish your homes with, Carpets, Rugs, • Snares, Linolenms, Curtains, lace and tapestry, Comforters, Blankets, ► q lithwe e ci lute ► Pillows, Shades, Poles, Drapes. and many other things which ap a ▪ on, therefore clan do properly free of all extra expense. A trial will 00n- Vince. Thousands of dollars worth of the above lines have just Arrived and, . ► now we are al le to give yon splendid selection and satisfaction, lts► V to• • Has been added to this department and we can give von prioee at 3 wholesale and varieties so varied and numerous you actually get mixed. eel ie Came la we want your trade and that of gottr friends --spring is coming but we're here first, and with the goods. TRADE PROM 1'AR I1RS 1w ▪ ▪ Wanted all kinds and we'll pay yon well for it. Do your spring buy- s ing at The Little Eaton and you'll not be disappointed. 4 HAN NA BROS. AAAull`AMAAAA1iAlAAW.AA;AAA,14,AAAA:IAAsAAAAAA iJiii.AAAAAAA,AAA WALL PAPER i 1 +++++++++++++f+++++#+++ a