HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-02-01, Page 8lam arta";AtwawNt�" a ' . • It 1 a Hon pyre., Dr. T.:4. Caue; ' hon. vice., pres.,, Dr. 3R.:McB e; .pres„ L. B.- Augustine; vice pres , T. Ck rk; 'sect'.- treas., J. H. Tigert; manager, A. Mae-. Intyre. The membership ,fee was placed abi fifty cents.%7. (The annual meeting :of the public: library war held oa the evening of Jan. 14,, with, Aft. James ' Davidson .the chair.. Minutes, auditors' and and " annual •rreports • were adopted. The librarian's report showed a total issue of books for the year as: 1800. The following directors..Were appoint-' ed Dr;.. Case. Messre. J. Davidson, J.Why are, J..'Howitt, • T. E: 1)urnin,. A. Diaper. and Missies Well. wood,' Crav'ford'. and •Sinclair. ': The' treasur=.' er's bcoli :showed.a' balance on.'hand .of' $39:25... At .the • director's,• uneeting:''i which 'followed,: the . following'officers were elected: - pres.,.: Dr. ease; pres., Jas; Davidson; sec, trews,, J. H. Tigert; librarian, Mrs McArthur, he Inspector Paisley wes ere, last week'comkleting the. •transfer of the McCormickhotel, to Mr; Jesse Mous,: tain, who will be found obliging' and. attentive. Mr. McCormick hasse- cured a hots propertyadjacent to the market, at. Hamilton . In tie oa're of 'stock is to keep them free, Pram liee An animal infect= y ; ed with. Bee will ,never thrive no mat- ,; iter how well 'yon ,may feed it. No farmer need allow hie: stable, and his - 'stook, to` be troubled :with. lice when • there are eo, n any�preparations which ' •he can Ubu L:►: •destroy the fico. We carry all the'beet known ones in stoolr. '•He s's:,1,nstant Louse Killer Persiatic Poul, s Reliable In - Beet Viler,' Little's heo and Cattle Washr'•:and several others. These.'; are ' 'all ,easily used and there ie 'no danger ,' of injuring the animal ' in so doing. The ,powdersre: More easily applied and are, quite•..es effective- as the hoe ann •cause the •animal less die- • comfort. Besidewtliese preparations we carry a full line of medicines used in the::stable., Locheaa's Condition Powder. is, giving the beet ;of satisfac- tion and you will de well to get it if in need of something of the ;Irina for your stock. :' A C 'LOCHEAD DRUCCIST' LUOKNOW <. ONT; A Royal' Reeteption, he reception given'to,;their soldier boy; 'Dave'Lougheed, was the grandest. ever known in Winghamn. • The Town Hall, though large, was not:haif large -enough to accomodate • all who were rne 'to -get therein., :The -Mayo • 'read ;him an, address of : welcome.' bile' Aldermen'. .Holmes :presented him. with,a gold watch arid •a well fihled purse on behalf oFthe 't"own. Revs,`L,We, Freed and Prior gave pa- triotic'',addresses, 8s also did;Dr. Mc a Donald, M.P. The band ; played the National anthem. • Souvenir i . �enir a mans.souv The W iarton '•Qan d o ," lar,Eiepwar'th; ShallowLak �`'tand-the Brnee'..Pentre la co nCi► nsa e biatoryof •Wiarton. and the whole ia- tract ; ; surrounding' from 'the -earliest settlegnent; .and is replete with'. illustrations, of W carton; Hepworth 'Shallow Lake, Lion's Head and the entire, district,' :including': views ' of scenery, .buildings, residences; nor•' trate.," etc., besides : a thourough : por- •trayal` of the "natural advantages of the locality for. both in ustrel' and ligricultura1 pursuits. Now.9oIn and 13tamps In the course of time, new coins ad' t pips, bearing the !'image •.and euperaoription" of Sing -Edward VII. will':be leaned.' when Queen. Victoria. came to the throne in 183/, and there was• probably snore- United States,`. • Mexican and :Spanish money; the British and Cs radian ,.used in daily commercial' transactions: Indeed' naucheof: the. trade was'done :by barter: and credit. Now that' we ,lrnow that` no more coins with 'the` Queen's 'head wih:he'Struck, the old coins will have •zr here lilay i e :Many coins o Georgian era in existence, but.there • are 'none "'in' circtilatitin. • I umisma ticts•.: will do well;', to complete their ',collection of 'Victorian coins,; before they become' Scarcer'. • CREWE . Mrs. N. Pierce ie still very unwell. Meer 'sister' tdrs.••McCaig; of Teeswater after spending. two ,weeks with .her. left for home on: Monday last,' Barry Phillips . and bride. , and Samuel Philips and hie, sister; Mrs. Carter ,of Kinloss, visited ',friends. here Mast week. • " On January =16th there was a quiet IEL1�i16tJS .SERVICR$e .ST. PETER'S CHURCH • • • SUNDAY. Morning at 11 a.m. Er eningOn, Prayer at 7 n, r Every third, Sunday in the nontti Sunday. Schooliceervice at 3 .p.m in place ,of uaual Morning Prayer. .. . Holy Communion first Sunday of. every, mouth..':` • Bible Class and choir practice Weld•- • neaday evening 147.30 N.m. ` • METHODIST CHURCH: Re'vA-(4 Harris, Pastor. S'ABBAT1I. 10 A.H.-1 ovefeaet 11 ..M. --"I . Know.," a= -Sacrament of Lord's,` SuPPer, 2.95 ;Inr -Sunday -- School andkBible GY ►rp, ' 7 r.N." Kings Daughter �'�'.. To Young;' Women, WEEK•NHT S1:R,VICES ; • Monday'R'r.ar.-ieagpe, Wednesday t. st.-Prayer, Meeting SEATS FREE. A'LL VE COME:, Village Market:[„ Thefollowing are the market qota- tions; for this week : Wheat, .'.. .,64e to 64o, Yeas,. .30c to6lc Barley, ..38c to 38c Oats, .• , 7c to 28c wedding-atthe-home-6f-M PPateriek- Sherwood,, when; his . daughter Miss: - Margaret was ::married"lo Joe. Kil:. patrick of this. place ` We wish ,them a :pleatiant journey through life. :Farm f� sa e o Sitnatedon the'geaval.r o� n a north of ,they village of Kinloue•h mile if gh' • Being North half of lot 11, concession 12,,Townghip of: Kinloss, comprising 52 acres, • • Soil, deep clay loam ;,42•.acres cleared,'guod orchard. 3 acres of hardwood, Maple and beech, and r ;:of fineeceda,Ti': ta>Y tairei `•and pine,` :There is.asmall.dwelling.house.:and.barn.,30x. 50 and:stable underneath. will ha- sold cheap 1 T, Todd,St 1Telens or to :the ro '.Apply zetor T.14. OEST,.L'eeburn. goma.• Wood . Wanted; TENDERS will be received'by.the under- signed up to February 5th 1901, for twenty- .. five cordsof good sound green body wood, beech and maple four feet long, to be deliver- ed at the Lucknow Public School. D. it,,. N1ctTOSH,_Sec'y,; • C:O.F. COURT SHERWOOJ, NO 50, LTTCK- now, Meets every first ,and third MOW - day of every month in .;the Orange Hall. Visiting brethren are cordially invited JOHN MAolNrnui,, C R. D D. Yt7LE, Se OR FARM FPRODUCE: Fly ed Grundy having pur- chased the 'e'ntire Butter,,Egg and .11atrd Produce Business lit -Less: 'Gollan.:" Aooldental It.waen't. a' Missouri editor,, buta • printer's devil who was going. throng ;his first eziier'ience On."making up"' forms, -The paper was late `and the' 'boy :got the galleys mixed,`'". The first„ part elan obituary of an impecuniont citizen •had been.dumped iii the'forms, and the .neat handful of typercame off a galley. describing! a: recent• 'fire, • .It• r.read thus,•;- "Tlie,.pall-bearers lewered, ' the. body to the grate' and as it vas consignedm to the flaes there were 'few '• if any regrets; ;top the, old• wreck had teen :an,eye sore to the town for years.. i . i Of_course there waft 'individual 'loss,. iib that. *as' fully coveredby iosyr ance." The widow thinks the editor. Wrote the obituary that 'way because ' .. and �° :the Iameldted:partner ; of he.r 1 , joys „' '. are' subscri - ' .. slorro�rs owed'llim five ye p tion. D`[Jroot QNoir `+ A' Very successful ndeeting4Vasheld here on Monday evening of; those in.: trirested " in hockey.. The' •• following .officers were oleoted fox the seasont give you the' highest cash figure for all your produce, and when yob( wish to buy clover; .timothy, millet, turnip seed, oatmeal, cornmeal; ham, bacon,lard, cheese; salt, fresh and potted :meas. WEEPING ' •SALE For "fifteen . days .beginning on; FEBRUAR7i 1s1.,. in .''Silverplate, Jewelery, Novelties,, etc. .•. Our stock ' in theselines' are larger ,;..';than' we would like, 'therefore we '< : arehouhd tq:reduce CALL AN t#EEpOUl1 imoDp,-and „while in have a look through: our Watch depart' ent In this .we EXCEL ./ 'In the.Opticalainewe guaran. .tee •perfect satisfaction. H. G • ARMSTRONG• THE JEWELER. • .er' & 'Confectioner. 'Has; just received a large assortment of choice Confectionery, Canned Goo..de j30.isigs, Currants,; _Dates;'Figs`,`Peels, Nuts; etc., 'which will l e:soltl at -Close prices, • NO. 1,,. Pastry Floud ... prepared specially for the'. lloli-: dttp trade;` in Twenty=five 'and ,Fifty, 'fent Sacks. • • • T. RINDS • E'"take Stock on FEBICO AEY :the. FIRST.. There. are re pants' .and o'dd1ines'gf goods' wry Want to sell before, that date. Alsa•.•on-: 1I lines or. f ur' Goods tin Mens Coats and . paps! 'Ladies' Coats,: Capes., and Ca erines', We are 'offerin'' SPECIAL,PRICES. to c1a>Fl." z • O N: N E LL tis '.yi'r'%ra'ruerr edw.A. Priwi e.9.Wi°r1., . '. of approbation and appreciation is. our �f possesses all the ,features '.considers, -fecessary' • of ;;.'. ,:desireable :` by .r. ood cooks �.and- has'none .o` l the defects '.�$:. :: , of.other.Nstoves „Why—not pre ent; one-to.your' wifezYou know the stove hasadonegood work years. • r --It--. D: C. ,TA - ti Y�OR. HARDWARE �Er e°�Yrfi9.'Lr.Yrl'r'.'a!L".`f , .: • r. _ rr.a rrirrrR;rr:v:vwrr •r' , k% Call and see the Old' gen- . ' ` Thanking the people of ' tucknow. and vicinity for 'their liberalpatronege ain tlie'past, and in wishing you a pros- &re ianew' year, Would still ask for a. fair share of Your trade. A. MCKENZ1 aE•'. ools Campbell:. Block, New.- Don' t think our Vapo'; C'r a so l e v e is something newt, for, it isn't. For more than twenty years ,it has 'been extensively used for all 'forms of bronchial and throat 'trouble. Mrs., 'Eallington Booth said of it, years ago, that'4No t where Nhere fliers are young child- ren should be,)without Vapo-Creso- tenet" You bt`eathe.in the vepar, goes all thoughthe bronchial tubes, soothing,' healing, ' curing, tt'`s pleasant safe, economical. 18 tlappedrrsoreno fs soli by drrggist4 everi4ii4te. The Vapdrizerand Lamp, which should last aW,fe- time, and a bottle of Cresoieno complete, gr.5l); extra supplies of Cresotene 2$cents. aid 5o cents, Illustrated booklet • contalnirt' pbftfcians' ted'tl-, monists free upon toq hest,VVi ro•CnxeotaH1 Co., zlo Fulton Si., t ew'.Yotir, U',S.A. ' ... • Double and Single, l3erlin'`Woole Zepher. 'Wool, Andalusion- Wool., Slipper Soles, ':Brilliant Cottons,• Handkerchief 'tapes and' insertions Fancy Work 1l,ibbens,..A.'rt Linens, Denims and Silks; and Art • 1 mbroid ' eny Silka in all shades at • Ladiies'.wool:lined storm rlubbers ..•t�. ; . .• -...lain *felt slippers `i • ' p pp swith. elastic "front; foxed felt ,'slippers- With ,; elastic'fi`dt't;'. tt plain "felt Co 'gress •" fox -felt Balmoral Pit, 'Bal. low cut':wvith low heel,,walm lined' Grain ..Bal. ;high cut,• iVith regular heel;' warm lined, . half and full length leggings . ' " :. Men's one, two and three. buckled overshoes.. +- two and tour• buckled warm: lined 'grain sli oe5 - felt.boots• withloose sock, ' .' felt Congress; plain' , We have five lines'of heavji rubbers ill men's F,izo5 And three lines`of heavy sox in men's sizes . Ons line-'of,heavy sox in boys sizes One line 'of heavy rubbers in boys sizes. .tt• tt • pis : dale• will :be :'on• the s -uar_ as roes.�;� Our.: ob ec _ ootwear. ro�rarm. •Y • • ; • to showgoods �ind.glv�e rids 1• 'erms off' sales l•