Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-02-01, Page 2Or M -Tv- 7. V A- Peroi's trjbuto borc, on its wish pfk!U06 fWd' F010 ty' Blich osi sel- Trcla*h4, W4 f ep' c r,, o 0 P1101A, 1?m Initial A 1W 11, tyllos ie 7%ooffering. of, th 1101n mar4 the pa,ssigg from yftltt, ete'. 01 c - 10, In JMPUN 1110 I�Qzylxll "TV 011, preoelktrg A ball I)AN , , 40. Einpre" bore the i illto d4rknees Qr flie 6,01fliti. )1*1 - N - AL olzial I , o��, F E r 4� I rk ot U g fQ, fairip ay *&L- t h� ,y yeistef. , , r. Avkllst,li, �Nlc ir . 11W t lo,,V� o:j4p om 10 tu#x lix I I y a MR ', 104 e (rr WjI, C1116 vi, the'famil gge eq, �Ivlw .1�ovcexa, grm lig - df eaturea,of, the Omd tI m it, tot4c4ing tok- ilig look �at tho.'4 VI (-PefUi. 4000 W O'Clocl; 111 14 mir tho o6cond 'lay mr Xloporktl. Vt.t y or ppW fi ' 0 Wb t -h omia reqt Well t� e -bell, W;ts brouglit to the. o a'ace. who 11vai Vie A" Jiliss,. beep f Ixocl for�A'nv (vi,kY,.4, of :V110. (ArjP0,Wj r th q dda'th �Orue whef� %I TURD AV i4lieten , qft6 o er -4 ;ere waltiaK King a j ot%�eqxllje�j of- flib, hite Itoy 1: Nl�ptjwr Erppvror NNTILMI, the, IP06 p 6e(l an 'cxrlous nVF1111611-X; Mud, tvh,f�)" 11,�ve b 0: Nx, S A tj -w- AA. Y Cl!nirchill,, Th6w.r ; I in- E( w4r.tL, b I e�.), 1 4 gl, 0mwij (�f,,'tbc patE t f c - rqveren , qnd .7 rofolmo- v , Im =�Ugb t, $i� Ja mva' IWO,. aii4, .4 i0mram, -well. kji4d. v in&; t 41- oitr;�,.eejk. 1*lkahed yy tiv, Pat I.y fe L .0 �Qtjon, tho -t�r' ba by, 0,1pr, lov.,pr f, gnij, with dq. tb royaj, Ladiet�. Mile, 1p�t vijjk 1,Reid, wIt4 grief W 48hqre exhiii rom 11cr Ma md�. Sir a4z 'I" we P;I 41xid, b at rP ono� aeirafit� x, ftwocd V, three .6 hands. at In, -viviintQ, -mid -1 d its 6 porr6wtn �u "N ,reverent -d irol if 'rtwi Y'i,.It e'' tb Co goo J -h, (!. � 0,6 to Q inity, Armapthi trusted hp - in. 4A 00j;�rtullltY Of If A19 pser tilf Atte d re m wreath,, that p, be p selkQe of �A eely, 43oprow," PL�n d VIP pv% - erha U be,) * bold Q, n; t tile the famili, inore than.-Aily­ W4 'King, Enipe r pict. th6'DukiY,, re�-j wIt4 "'i�% Ilk Lor4 l4U4CLr"' 'i'"I"t t4qkexi, of lo)"alty 41nd cievp Ire- rbuv Mm 1). * d t�Dt 06 "I'L res gret, rotti'llip. V anQ' the A vrr Was R, ro. f e9ffin, In. dn�qh, it. �41`ier than aij I Irc nce, d C* 0 ing'siIitefig, fAb m Hos- ill;,tlie� closul d 'S, Pf I* ought lit,'by ai 11 al, is on trace of. the,,'i -th�*jIbb6p W g-' T PI aN:aos of -d6 ms t4l at -Netlej. clou ne 11, to jmvp ouT Privy ap� 01c. r(Ave1je- 1) I� V.,s jr,� t site, (18 14V -%,� �-i*,l 1, .1. Tli,,' ii' %I, here the � iliNind &p[K) blvijO, b -P r nJi erl'.. , ­ , U Qve,641L exa-nd�;;, the- pVIn0e§$.es'aIld by appoik' and '-?OtL '.tp,',,r rii;c), .. , , a t, 'sLdt,u" r d a Y,,: POMP,, tA; flie, ruling, the �116 The , firlal' tni6lite, w1ler.0,. tile J)�sl- t sbcand s,. no w (t to of PebmirY ff LIKE Wm.�,, qP ed, are, jlk� rni�er- 4�lbarnb6r.-'- and With. jhYgering �lt, dzx� -mr nil 19. to.T j)e Qb- y tilo Xatiii Or nii�r6hal, ,:,AUGHT C K 0 1 al, ni-V and ihey pa4sm slowli ".rTe&by -411L tlirou;holit Rur, t tild, bcKi . -al, -I� 011 llaSL� er ore Wen ztmu a0eful lerpt6f 4ef6re tbat.,v Ko a ed b aw* Elic�, Do I of aftilad kt, t 010'r's oil 001 nto tho 4 00 MLI And! ;lish King. 116 f t the rl st -.1F oten tlid Nj g tbo when thp r4l - d pa��, tk4ro to - Where tho Queenp-S Body, in %bo w4 -pd-- t,?gethPr tllllb I t4e� 'pill! g:'crowd h� 7 u e. t Lis the 'thb s6n. Lind grandzi.op, of dh I 0, House i'h e of ur a affe(A I -�"ThO 13IS11100. df, Wincliester Pr gr6 -Be 9 wbes': forei, the (a Quegn, U Ibbperor Will him iknd'Oth6r High pi the- rojFQ: ja Le 8'. f ThiWK nep M*.s Or�niftl; PAit in, 06, 41nal. e. emon:ies" j Will P U19 Or q ledgm od tlle , "a d k(i .61 C11 Ills-ft"fitifig Sir amei. e u j R been girritefully Digit, b) he, N*V�y Ila to nloprut-n- elde bv.,qide- %v'Itli gbjj:�, of . , t Iv bo�lc h t jn With. kkil M. nmu "I.% by 11:0 n.: Oil, K ing till(r- Trinity i,�hloh jj PI and JOY filled n tli�Ain than "w in( ble -;i` se stood, e'd'as 114 tihe PePT 1��jljg '' . ea 'e t ii:�hly of Y d, dIpjon,&t,, erings of� F` pald te) liortel vitif- e�i t, the dead moil�jj. L'or 'a -lb be 'on t 11. 0 Ion axe TNjidjh�g ,knd our' beai& kid.nq 10 the, Ii,, I e, 0� OIle last, fareWell. of! bo!ry1:* 'Vid the qr t1lioug'I be, the., rep�4y, t.4 the, KLng-js �.p iquxx�e4 -both bory moTed open to-dAy by the in me,&Sage in�,, fleet in ti�lu speeph full- of.- emotib6, , 'ord Sa fl i Ila ��j g .=ve "Clers to p 'Di 1. . us . I � Ic r, � 'I He mid t hxj 'The chief -,4 1 (1'. Eq ri I Wihia; respons ID, Perf6rining, th-� d' the rtli rK)Tj§ c fifat rnes&64e from t;ne ki ?;a I en. ronte h ere ��f6r are 11OW Nhe'peopl�'& repres6)jiatjv 119 to oeot'.0uty that 1had &6r re,' Th..ey n 27ef- cj( NJ p]a fZl!nily, -t Was win, he w4s�only: oif.thc. m I tlWir lla'ni the ()r r f, -V. gTi Parliatue;niar y scene in or tii:in he 7 vie0eut. time"s6 and., the olration's � pro-,'- or this erer nt 14b t: hd ",6f 'afln4it few"'VEI he sjngujalj� Py, I�Qrd ;3alisbury. and. Mr. -ed fortli, br�.t' whil unpretending, were 'urkder thei t1ispensatiO6 � 0 ficanou iii 44equate appreciations of', the great iq to is reign imd veretgji nq*'de.ad� 11 e.y RdMjr4tIOl; (if. t &ad, good So, XI lie glorlol 01dwe worthy of -tho o0casion. which, Indid chnr4ctq�r or t,,.)e q,;6 epl, on�-oj the,ej)e4kerg said, marked- ia I they -bad I om.q, ata e op Elm. r, 6 will not,ba counted to tM, b4d - relgzj(.-d by. sheer forck�' and m� in !of ;cLarater -by. tht,, lova i Mistory. lilnopaxch. *.jfh T estricte;d P0 "Cl f Ost. BeImg-,,a­constItTi- t �p al fi,i�' -the 06A :k Of loyalty to�the� new -So dis Itl' Igo J;f ithe, -�,o eir bet'. bold on the 'W"'BOrto* lor-the lost rnor�A.'tbzm' 0 fter sfibject�' . �T-h 0: ex abe of &II that tl�6,qatlon, f last, h- of Ll�le' i*uL-'e of. n. nor", per` ;r or the Inied. that they I by est4e�. beat On d hs",I %Ight hi,�: sw.:�rtl �ua 'p"llsiked `toldiay�: 61STOC. in Ahe el Iel�A'Ltllpu 'S. ­ I . . mtem-pl-ation for Am': �b,rdkien-be!v 1XIII-0 m e 4 bN 4rd her -briNtant Pd t erw son., Rer, wonderfi n Gim ind silent; Observing with- ab 511, to lxx" taxei�- 'Of' her po garm� .a.9 a, tcK� breathl thie.,wbrds of blit It tj�,jj. tj; q -,y ed thenit; d steady a CoLinflicting, exil6tions' from P the r �o a IS' I. I'l -V lilt ijn: be., -ho s to d- i . ... : � :-., Clinkra 1 - b mew: gka4oe. 7 Ilkg L0,01 -11O111- WNre; i Avi inere ts!,k st estio. Already'.th '*Ve ancil. title -of public Zlf atrs, ,(led, toAriclude a [(tljej tl'6-�qherlt O� he an i-� in t1le.' hig"o . rl(!,. domin 7MCOM of the great wrning lnobab IplaMd gigrIlfi, t1jem wi-hwiL- no mg lilinseir has� e� N I-Ii4gl aj uRm T, Vic imAn� tilts "be ]CIll- C-Inge.ir, -Sbe-h.4d Qoem.. !h�pe, sne., caipae e :of: ndix; tr.v t^eacefu a tjjrQli�b . t-11hied, or r0miked tjkj,�q h�edd' berseff.,'" Victoria R The" King chiii'lIgO, , frbnx..�Id w Englant te, 04 uwa coun ry. She t;U ilkM t mot -Rexi Eb Inip6trator Ailui. 'f0te of Wha peopl t ind" r gald t ell. moa0preciated'; 1�it bly most 01 0. vroon IE ..j 'thie-,4�hanke ln au utte"mce tla -the Tin!i69 t6. knew for a.: c6ry ,jin t �6 .01. ,e V t h b- him. trilb -kreatne�s� 1�in face saye- Be is hailed ICLrig )m W&lld jIIjfIj, i* ts eFe h' iftg�chie. to the lWaS a of India- but��th' Tlke`-I� 9M. 1z am recento chlines in-tbe tuO One - VBat sug Mice 'LAU of' *%e v'hicli it, bi at -WaB ini-the pwide gre oGem TW cpe�r MIT., the Tililia rpr 'a. gen- W3 �xn�- -er f6d si 110 enjo.red enor;noupi pcAp I a4id eme to or Vamda, ue OEM& Mimeratlozx', in Ahe-, Royal -�!.rl e alinost as miloll 1*16 eVen ot tal mid is (�on tandw.d. 'him W, M1329 la perfi�dvdly acqualtited'v sin a11V I n the bel" lef la t I o it 6f; la7gw. pql�tiou arctlio. tba't; . bf� it Wfte. 91 rotic'mid. be. 16r. Que6a 110 QLleejL. J -Lor e -in n Z�ij Me Ar lop -E,SPEE CII�F IN'D 'Curl tile -The, RemArks: of Lbrd SuSh b ;d ItO dbqlr�ed -,'L6 tho C7,rtr, whom h 43aid IV70.rd' of tjjf� MIr A so ti Is. the th Pe ;�Df e d er all , vernmen raorFlipary -the- deraticin' tind -lzindne?a IbiB0111C dificials thil t be mlibtingttlio addrews in In Ireillaill. Its. lict ZoNTa. E 011� -N`9 m tet.. The bk the 310m.e d P116t the * DURb df �Ccy.m :;oaratIght. iB alRQ a a" 6 ct; all �U�IrDtvain itb hen tin o -of C as oi� Wit'll maj wall larefice' -%vdto a Mison" 41W dttLVIO �6xpmeiss t6e titkyersal soj,-' all :Duke fr4mil of -.end to 1, a 27, �1 -loot! at L nbiv t Q�,,-b6 vi'th6 Quem's de :h�;d Aie6n itij n5 L�rplltt V. ell h Zinc1; Inc L '�7 Tf Tu r r.". I m 'T 1111 l3i6 tar- �hc, k - . �r� t -he Aj IU14 The tL Of 'hj�716YW 'twit v vituich b - them. ad :5trrbod� te1W Qtj N'�S, SH Re At" Last. Shajj�; p F with V' sz�rueen e,nbb: ?'! A" tridid In. 02 bv li­rAnyother, r . . .... 'A� Off the r6rbL, v' 'bib, tbo restg a r; 0., Pr 'A tbi� The btijidmg the The iouch' for her di-t-6inb ii one oi ti,�. t 6t, Qbo-h*i *1, tt, be & Tfe cr till at4 -t%- t Bb t*eb �rWL n d s,� pe r b) A i's ht I CO P '9 r 4t i anT of it L t 1? P t 106. REL (V W r rp AM IhI I iid o 1) wag de Pa. W .......... ....... .. ..