HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-25, Page 4If.`,"5"''''"'7' •
ucknottiAtnituti Se)!It4tive elder ••.• • PP ottyp
a ere a oioted to visit wait& a it a iiiitharil PeTi iece.
• , • . Pine River Congredatien in re euPtueo-, Auditor urrir4 ad tal Olat ell,Oldtfte
tation Of stipend, sad Kr:. 'McRae and•;
'Tan fanKIITY TO OTT16 aND'Io iltonT hie „Ode! that, of Walton for the same
ntorhvgn-bbieot. -DIY-.W1Io7: rePckqed
ottliiioolinpcz 4)zov 47p.FA
. 0,T111111 141BERT1118. „. • this year to ,.support oneslonary • in
the lstorthwest , and will have • $190
Loknow"Zan. nth) 1901. next year
James. ()aunt 'Mr. ito,..•,0"4, an expert
•from the, 'Model li'ufin't Ottelph, i;ave,
.• was Itighly • e piztreolat .1d by all present
and ifthe Iariners,, who are SO mach,
'itferested ,in this Impt;itatit industry',
creatnery butteh' and which so deeply.'
upta.kertm their' pocket s will only catTY.:
home, with them.. the, tisoful; and .nMah
needed inferthation they have recalled
. ,
from Air Rogers, antriut in practice
..*lat they:have heatd,..,there will be a
is.4tter price. realized fer fife sataiNkond
I would, urgent)y'asic stitrone. 'cream
drawers, butter- make's, and. all •cion-
• , •
Met jalqtaiy lttb
-1901 Rev Mr Matilien"nanehirlc"
pro tent:,:.Itev.. A.: cf..stewar.Wae ap
• pOinteOutJei'ator.;. '
1610464'S, S. 'WAS' refSrred.. t� S.
A eoineiittee, and that on synodical
pe*er to Finance.comniitee; to report
• . •
ift.r*xt• arfaetiagt •„ „
:Octiertif-, of ".'tho brethren rePorted,
holditik cettniiinnien Services...en,. the,
,flf:st:''Sabbaih'or the 'Year:, reselar
tion of tiyinpathv wifii the Stated clerk
: ofPiesbytery,: John 'McNabb,:.
111 his eoptinuea infirmity wus (*idea
as, follows;
The Priabytery lealtiis with siricetv'
EfOrrow.of the eCintifined.illnelie of. its
• eeteemed Clerk, the Rev, John Me-
-.:Nabb; who for so manyyears bas been
called upon to endureheavy.. bodily
, affliction, which by Divine graCe. bas
heen horne. with , great Christian pa-
•Neat:meeting oiiresbvtetvwiiIe
W4.'10 WNxiter, on Teefiday, 'Match:
Oth atI0a.nt •
•.7.Tohn. McNabb, Clerk.
Lueknow Jan. Itithl 1901
. • ,
, • ' •
• Thos..H FOrd hafshari coitsiderable
illness' in bis 'fat:Oily • for the last few
weeks. His threevhildrens have .been
down With inflaminaticu Of the lungs;
but we are glad to repoitIlifif thy -aro
on the' way to recovery • •
:NoKaY left Wbitetjltatelf ,on
'Saturday Itet, for: 'St rat ford Collegiate.
Institute, his many..friends wish him
a very succeastuFterin.
'Jas.. MoOre has 'his chOppergoing
againftil!",' blast in' the village; give
him a last door .east, oi south'
side_VietOrie*at'• •
Oure hleekinnithladafair to get
his share of the '.trade;' and is he is ,an
tinnee and ,resignation he Presbytery experienced wood worker, he is bound
• ..
/desires: to :express' its heartfelt syinpa- to draw Cuitoni.,,
thy With. Mr. .MacNabbin Ilia Sickneas TbJ new. poet•offipe• 'at .Beaten's is
and staff -rho% ..and Would earnestly noW:„fitted'. up •wifh. all .the inod6rn
• ooramehd hiw *to' the loving care of Conveniences for the, ,.expeditiotifi . act.
Wan 'who bore our sickness as well is livery...et mail waster6 our •
if,ns and wu1d rejiAco•with", Our burg 18 the phtegr for :huainees;
hun that hit soul it being frePt in two..general'stores,une:h"vd.w,are store,
.peace•aul •iientidonee in the' Midst, of One 'harness- shop; two blacksieitbitile..
*bops, one yiagonL ehopr,, !batter factOr.yi
•The:PsesbYtery;warilci aIso ,assure .8awmill,' grist. 'milk planing- mill. and.
-bee-keepers' -supplies: 7.:"Wis;haftlf.' also:
, date Mike -Pr. fittiision ter bisAteistanCe' a:Couple:Of 'aiii-teljatey,house..carienin hia -.
ditties' ,c3"..priri"wit4 tie:1;1.00e, tem; soif you, wait anew, house, oOroe
that. ' the 'burden of ail,. work. 'may to ,Whitechtireh for your •P killed labor:
- tlwrebyb ilghtedand •it, 4oitt4;i41 The Trey 1714k.„,:its now.. fully.'rn
ith thefes,iiaest wislj linapi4yettr:fhat -habitecL : The ,new 'blacksmith, 'MrJie.'
•niriy' still. be coriAirtied Wifb his Phillipa occupying the old hardware
:..favaily and with; ua to . klorir.ly God in store T see ,the ' village is so well
• atieh way and tor.4utifi 4 time•at ib fill1 UP; he, contd. not get'. better eel
*este*. may 'seem:best." • aOnieshilitin on shett. notice.:. .
' A :Calf frew •Pickefiuk.:;sioiLBtour
• ham': to 'Rev,: W. T. 'Hall was conoide-t- general store has changed hinds. Ali•,
Eleaderson :is. now ro rietor. of
corner _-Vv e :Wish
a) heard.' The eall -Was. placed -in .-0.11a,,, -44eirlimitiFeeas in7theicaritile
Ad, Rev P.Perrierepresentj Whit:.
'by Preshyrory..- All ,nittr,tie.a cum:eft-mid
• . •
Mill's hands. A.'2-calltilao to Mt.: *0
.gap, from Attbnr:•and Gortioriville Ttc.exa 41z4zietaron forme -JAI Of this
was considered: : . .Thia;call Was accom2plas is uowf a resident .9f.
panied'vrith•& gnarantee of itipend 'of' Wjxau ;ea ; kart4r in the giain't
1)9,00,90 per annuni to be paid quarter.• 1.1*10Atk, , at:Ting. Mr.Arm
ly in advance, with four 'Week's licili•:•• strunti engaged
;Were heard.-Eev & li zd pitti4ve0: hjizi%
Bli.:NacCallciugh'froin Sa•tigeen t?:;10•E'
• bytery, hiessi*.Banks;'. Martin; ,t 'the•
" Farlane from 'the Congregationts, and •peoPlo 11.1.,. give
ifeesiOns Calling and from Belgrave and 'him- Idtra'.4,44•Alfronaga-
.Calvin..Church; E Wawgnh Messrs Th rns , *Le: 74.-Ii*,121i.rch
.Wighttnan; Bone and RoberOon, Mr. Creauieryptzty • a public
Hall was heard on the matter of both ineetirigltItbelt;;::irere.re''L.4 borc..:
. Calls before:••the Court. The :call Monday' aftrittris.far the r-urpou
' from 'Arthur •arid GoidenVille was of letting the.trintescpi for IF:e....supp!ty-
placed in his hands .and he signified ing,nf wood, k, • '
hie acceptance of the plieteral ..Mr. ;and. l!de-s,;:.1 J Fosteri, o
of Arthur and :Porcionville. The $trathelair„. Maw; ar i1tirg with
Presbytery, after _hearing' the calla friends in this' viciiiitY•
from :Pickering and Bronghman,• and The annual ,meeting .of the 1A.'bits.,
". Arthur and...Gerdonville to Rev W iiurCh Cheese' :and .4.otterii..00. as
T. Lull presented .'and. also, Mt, Hall held in the Ferestersf'fiall,, Wbite
, aVent the 'same, agree to his tritrisla- church; .on Thursday, „1.0tb, at two
don' to the: cliarge• of Arthur and o'clock in the afternoon. The attend;•
Gordrfnvillts in-tirar4aivt. Astie • -ZIERP
ha eing crow e to t iedcor with
al-iintelifitifit and attentive'. audience
of the sI aieliolders And patrons of the
better' -factory. The...President,- Mi.,
-Frank -Henry; gave a shortaddress
reviewing the •Work done during the
year, , and inviting. • those' present .to
•discuss -the, itenniof expenditure and
;the aota " of any;of the, efficiala that
were coi2sicrerecl faulty. Robert
Currie:Pen., Was appointed. chairman,
and he itrodtid hirnself byimaking
a few appropriate ,remarks. The. tied-
retaryi,lilr. It. 'Simpson, read the°
n wag t is, the tea ytery
a4resses its high ePprociation..of Mr;
perSonally ,and also' as. an able,
minister of the Clespel and tijaithfal,
membOr of Presliytety; it. sense of the
excellent work done .by him in Knox
•t...„,:. churcb, BelOavei and Calvin. phtireh;
• Wa,Wanosh:durh3g his five ilind one-
half. years pasierate and would fellow
-him with their united prayers' for still
• greater, blessing:in the new Sphere" of
labor 'to which: he 'goes. . The Presb,y-
tiv..Would alSo expresS:its' sympathy
with the Charge about to became va,
cant and tine) that the ,Ifead. of the
• Church may soon send theta -a suitable
under shepherd to •carrY 'on the' Work
whiekie to be laidWown by the pastor
•• r
who boa so trtil.y. endeared •himselfto
them. \ "
:cerned in' ,the inanufacture
lucrative article, to use theitmery best
endeavors ,to put on ,the'• market: the.
'very betarticlethat can he preditoecl,
sp. that tile -gist year of:the new eenT.
tury nitiV; be a ree„erd breaker in
.quality, quantity and' Money realized;
•PLA , • .
Ifor creamery butteri•
1. a;
You've tried almost' every:
tlinf�r it; haven'tyou?
.A.nd . we presumeyouare,
about discouraged. Now'
what• do y.Ou", think of: our
.ida.of,breathing.rn the
'medicine, tringing.it right
up to the diseased part?
It looicsreasonal)16, doesn't it ?.And
1t'3,406cessIttl; ; .
When you'inhale_Vapp4CresOlene
your ,hreathhIg becomes easy, the
wheezing 'ceafies, and, yoii drop to
for , crimp anhOdping-'
cough it's a 'quick cure.
• ,vapo,cr's tipne id, nold by drugOsis• everywhere.
The ,yarictrizer aad.Limp; which could lad'. a •life-.
thae,., and a • 1?ottle of •Creaolene complete, •$t,5o;
extra supPlied !of cresolette coup •atld ;5.?
.111ustrated booklet conmInitig p Tamils tett..
• FOR'
r .C.4 ru;.(ty ving, pur-
asedAlia,eat tre_Llatter4gg.
and' Farm 'Produce. Business
from. '1VIeSsrg. Gollan &
new, .he isno*,, prepared to
gure ,yo[ the _ highea- cash
figures foi.: 411 lr.oUr, produce,
and,i,when youVersh . to -buy?
"clover, timothy,' millet; turnip
seed, oatniewl, cornmeal; ham,'
bacon, Iard,cheese, salt, fresh.
and potted. meats.
• Call and see the old --gen-
Farm forSalo: or Exeligige•
WW1 -filo east half 4.4 jof•'.4.4,', firth; .tf Ph.
(Eas.tere DjYitipn) f ashiteld, eontaieing;
4cfs8., •clte 141111 :le tOrly wflfeituo$4 !wit ,
• urt4tfof uoltiY4thoi. • with hi0•414.P:c:
Aotlittle ontieriketitlx, • .111.0W 4tor,3' auc
'a a • Aro Tnise,,oint. plenty Of-ran:T.the
oirott,p or will tolt..e a rioitiihhi.
00,aere farm. ter -part pay, J.ititi th t1fl on
;64;14 uo. olurtipgt if 1..ieOreii,, lt'or .d4rtber.
•,particulOra opply,. ak,SAN•riztittn offiue• or, U.) . •
. • Crewe 13;9,
Thai ,desiteahle property; tormerly
Owned' by,the late 'Ricliard:Treleave,.
In:the village. of Dungaano9...°13Pon
the prepert s sttnate. a good Inick
house 20x80 andkitchen.1804; 'Good
woodshedand stable., in, Connection:
Hard and soft ifiter. ThOPt:Consists
.,ef one 'half acre 'of land. possession
may be had at any,,tinie., App!y• to,
"George Stotbers,•Dgannon,„„or -.at
Sentinelofffee. • • • ' '
' A first elass frame house' 26x 30, two
story high,with stone foundation, and.lritchen
withlot, for sale on Victoria street: ucknow.
The place is nicely located and the lot con-
tains alarge quantity ot all kinds of fruit,with
both hard andt soft water, and good stable.
• The place will LktsoII cheap. . For further
particulars apply to. •
- WILLIAM '`1,00D,
Its a Condi our of Your. herves
That Either ',italics Your Life
A-ROund, of Pleaspre or
• A *Useless Thardein,
T�mar women life ls one round
of -sickness, weakness and ill health.
TO attempt :'the . ightest household
:clutiee fatigues tb in,„ 'Many of the
-symptoms accomp nymethis state Of
decline are • 'a feeling of,tirodness, on
Waking,: laintneSs; dizziness,. Sinking -
feeling; palpitation of the heart, Short-
_ness_al -breath, loss;OLappititei •Ocild
hands and feet, headache. dark circles
,under tlaTeyes; Palo' in the back' and
side anii• all the oche/ accompaniments
of airuodowu and, weakened constitu-
. -
. ' All these: simptoms and ,cOnditiOns
are simply the result c , a poor.qua 1 y
iiiid:defectiVe cirCulation of the blood.
,v01 th--..-af-was tin g-iffve.y..-OC.the-dief-Ve•
By fe'eding the sYs em ,with
• •
You strike at the toot Of the isease
and lay a ;solid foundation on which
to build Soon the weight increases;„
• the enikencheekii-and flattened biiiits
fill out„,the eyes.get ljright and' the -
thrillof renewed health and stengtb
vibrates through the system. - Price
50 cents.per box.
••"'• FOR SA.IX -,BY
.1 -C17 W.IERRY & SON
. (Successors " to Harry Day's): „
• goad !Tense and Lot, sitoatiki ori
the corner of Gough and Delhi streets.
Th t contains one-third acre, good
Large hotise in good repair with eellar,
Jla.rrl and soft water and every conven-
ience. First-class stable awl outhouse
on the "proPerty. Possession may. IA
had at anytime, "Annly•to
• 11,4'
minutes', of last ,meeting, „which - on
motion Was adopted. ,Mr13
,.., l
' ....gen,.
deratin; 'Tiviisurer,' then' reat. ..the
auditors? ' report' of receipts and. ex,,
periclituiett dUrha. -year „adfOilowe
-Iota,' mike a' hntier: 148,04tY1bS4.
().n. motion it Was, agreed' that Mr..... sold for 827,04; received from butter,
Whitley be appointed interim nitodei... milk $163,85; total reeeipts 'Irani 'all
Alter of the Sessions. of , Ve?lgravaanct souree(for the year $28,01,64.. The
,.. . Calvin church, 'test' Wawanosh . and Patrons 'received • out if this amount
-,, that he declare the; 'charge 'vacant On the oice little BUM of $3,b09.0,2. 2,46
. the firdSablAth of Febitiary. ' eifiCient :auditors. are /lames °aunt
It was reconimendecl• to the Mini- and , Malcolm Lap1O4: All 4.1.; did
eters. andsesSiontitro, de.operate tvitb direefors;of"the CO. were imanimouSly ,
their respective ocal clergyman ,wit relappointed, showing 'how their set..
.,, ,... ii ,..11 ..-... ii..- ...: .. . ...-!,: t•it .. qv -15- -
. A v29*.to ..avett e Bible . use in tie. vves are apprEtelh e, .., . . e . !rectors,
,putilid.itahaais:as‘far io the.,,sahaat.-.4*-- for the)--,ttlrefilll% 'yae. are;tri:'•RenrIT
. ,oir gliow;„ Dr, 1;ifurray and ltiri repro- 10,lin GitlesPi6 •Ejavrn Wilse'Pi' Wm.
•. ,
FOR SALEThet.uodersigned offers hie teu acme,. of
ground, three • quarters of a Mile -north of
. ,
Luckhow • station, containing Awl) dwelling
houses, 'good stable; drchard and plenty of
spring watef,•• There` is silito a geed lime kiln
on the Premises. The place isin a good state
of Cultivation and will be solecheamn `time
if requIred. For, iurther particular% akily to
,JAMES tA_A,UN.1:EltS,
• Lucknow. 0,
Ont new designs. 'for fall and .X.rinis
'are most ,strilting, in their novelty
and'ai•tiatigneSS J ast- olio look
t gift ' ••
74:140Y !II:A.11 '1E4
' al‘1,11
• Means. a Sale -tor
a, have the' 'strongest' line .in 'the
market of.theie goods, as follows :
Drawing Reorn; arta Prirni:
ttire, Ladies' :Writing Des. and,
I3ook Qaees, Pav And. MAsie
.,Cabinets, 'Picture. ,and • goom
Moulding' 'Fancy At end Banaboo
•Goods, '13ed•Room•Suits,Pxtensipn
Table's 'C'entre' Tables and Side:
boards in ;eitli, Ash,. Elm and
▪ Mahogany •; also 'a loll line 'of
• 13.0131sterecl - such ts
Couches,. Fancy' - Student's
• Chairs, E'•arlor Suites and odd
• „
• *t.,
Speeint attention is paid to 'Undortak-
' ing .aend
Undertaker Embalmer.
t; • ..
iita104 5, Obo, 'lit, 1),
4000' 1:00 licree.• Wtft.MatheaOn.
. AWAY ' •
_ _ ,
• A. ,friovisitfu rarampatit.
I. • .
. • StA.F.01311.7111 P.
• ]ineer foe VII Sehtth, •
liow191c; Coirois,„ .00rheift • Side.
anti: W9vvoshiti Proiofi
wijk be given'special atteetion, •• ••
Agent: fur .Insuratine 00., •
for' t he nity of
• nottnit
• ' Voice:QulTh
ture, orovgh
, •
' • , .• Ilass Narrhony and Counter ,
••-point/. .
• .•. • ,
„Pupils prepared for' ConSerVirtorv•
• .1.?/%5.".i../1)/.;../Y0/.61.h1;,;(.1/.8frect,
kr,1641, •Ptit-„A t•S21.0
Is prepared 'to gi:ve lessons on
*At her limo en
Campbell - LUCIE t
U$;110' TAUGHT
Lessons in
Vocal and • Instrumental: ;
'34.-tis'io and Harmony
are tanght. by
0LEVELAN1'), Ohio,
-Micy 2fird,,1906..
J. M, McLeetts:14dierato_ry • - • •
• 'Gdderielt,.(hitario. • •
Dkan c'Sr •reetlicine, • Box&
arid Swab," has mired 4e entirely of the 'sere,
.1 had Pu myipper jaw. The dbetors told Me
that it NVasa cancertandthat the bode would:.
, have to be cut out. ond the 'affected partsre-
iovedbv the 4inift , It was this.that fright,
en-NI:Me and,: mane ine get, the., Soalc and
•'Swab." I used oulithree. pint bottles.;: I iiin•
Well ever Since, :rind iti three; yrs since I
recomrriend it• to those in need.
, .
. I am • '
Tbe foll6Win,g was received, from the 'sam •
I ady •tervears ago.:
suffered for nearly.. four years from, fits'.
and,almOst at the •tfanift hour daily, put Gf
which no one couldWilkWi 'ine, Until I' awoke
of Myself, weak and wearied . after ' the lapse
or frothten, to twelve ,nours' time, during
WhichlImel. waif wholly unconscious. I was
attended te and consulted no. fewer than six -
'teen docters-witUttrany benefit mia
I got to be absentrOinded,often unceniciotie
of My surroundings,, toOk.,no notice of tiny-
thing;until, in the good providetce of God, a
friend insisted pri bringing J M. McLeod •to,
our house. Ile todk inc out of the: tit in half
a-minntelt time. • I began. to gain' rapidly
after this in health and soundnesS of' mind,.
and, to this^ditY I have not hail any nfore fits;
'Yours 'etc.,. •• • " '
G. W; Lorry 85 Son,
''•Itingsbridge Q
1/..V111. open Tues, '
' Thisr•beantiful-lakeiddre'Aeivir,-otierFr-Unidta ,
lcd induCeMents' tu., the: etndepts 'Of the sur-
rottarling:diStrietsto prepor-fOr-their--'examilp •-•
•ationa at its.High.school: .
• Specialarrtingements. will be Made to' aid
these students vhoaredcfice,itin the.depart$••
•Ment Ociangpayetf.•• • • . ' • ' • •
A:newly equipped Laborateryriffords, ex -•
cellent advantages it, . the ,departinmit. Of
•.Scierme.„ • . ••! .'t •`
.• • ,
•.00 it's large and Wel17kePt Calkins h�ttlth-
fil '
ex -et -OR -4m eirennraged: • • , •
•.;ParentS 'can rely ;liven ,the,:•;,.Seh1.).leard.
"and Staff •keeping , the moral influences tiny-
' reunding their Children in ..a, dition•
. • •
The Sca.oi-spccialiste is• Prepai7d7to
cate•fOf all clePartmental and •MaqiculatiOn :
•ekaniinations. • • ' . • : '
Kinca,reo,),. •,: forty.seven .
"candidatt. .1; Q1',+•er y.
'00 per cent. of 'thOse..,,WhO wrote for junior' ,
Leaving c'ertifientes succeeded, '" • '
Good•bearding-hensits; Moy.. be: Secured ,at
• reasonable rates: .7 .• -•
r• er pax IL1.1 ars app y o
• Fo •th t*, 1 1
▪ PEfiRIE.:
*Deeds, 1,eatk;s, etc..; -neatly ex.-,
,tr.,tAtt: for fife,. National ]'ire Assn r
ance•fjO., a Ireland', •1•'‘ftiindet,1 CaPital
*t1l.,;000,0,pp Sterlit.i.t.•'7:Aase nt for., the old
reliable *Star 11 l'Sei iefi• . 20' Yeare. ex- • •
ll'eri4Pec €0,0 alid-lloWqirtg-t;••"'
Wrintirg an y thin g. in th
I - e above. • • •
. ' •
. line, Ivill be please.dat any time to giVe full. .,
inforthation„whether they v•ant to, purchase
• ;now or at a future (ill tt..; •. "
: • Offjytt: ' Town 1 tall , 'J'iterAlays,Thurs..lays
aud Saturdays,• • • ' . .••
.. ..
Who Wants a llama.
I have,jte4l• 00athesof chOlei; farm lands
fer.sale,• in '50; 75, 100; IT/0 and 200 .acres, kitit
itt'Kirdosts.• Gritenocki, Boleti,Kincardine,
RurOnlihd'Ashlield townships, ' Good lands
with good buildings, be Mid 'cheap &n eaey
terms Also a good blacksmith shOp;.(dwell.,
eofinect,if,n)good basiaksit, for
sale, eheop, A tow good ittudrietislor
Sale cheap, Also•a, wagonshop,, A general etore
Nyith Itirg& trade, 1110 vi1lagtAbo a large
annifiht'of..money to Mae akT) per Cent. For
further,particulars app lY to, . • .
A McKE:.1‘120', '
IrCitUratien Agent, ilolyrood,
" . •
.-Desirable Faith.. for Bale,
The subscriber '.ofters, for sale that very de;
sirable 'f artitpro perty situated an' the :gravel,
. road,setith of the' Village' of trihknoW
and one-half Miles, being south half ,of
12 J. Township of Atilitickl, 'cfetutirising
1100. titres. The property iS Wateredby'. a •
never -failing • spring': has large; orchard' of
'choice (trait, trees ; 10 aorta nfflrre hardwood
hush, and five 're a f Softwood and 'cedor.
The boildt0e•corfeist of 4. largel)nrik brirn
• With shod 60 x 06and brick dwelling%hou,sei
With herd and' itofiii.uiater, The property, itt
rill seeded driwn, and will make air eXCelletit
dairy or stoplt foi•tti, " For' farther narticUlarif
apply on the preinifies or' tuldreita •• •
„flox to,.* LltdttiOW?
to,PATENilliad !deli
'• •ii*y be, iotared by ,
eat old. Address,
a1t1moie. M4.
NOTIGEle hereby'? given that any pertion
found cutting or taking:timber from lot 12,
Co0eetision,2,4Kin1oss(owned by•Mrii McPher-
son,)wlithout the consent thd Ondertiloped
will blproileented., '
J,0,11N GI1,44.1IA.M, • ,•
1409 •Liieknow71'.b
Boar for Service..
The undersigned will kileft. for'sterLice at lot
47, CloricesSion 1 i Minim, his ;thork'irghbred
Berkshire Boar !i* Royal Toni,'" •
, • 'PERMS ; f31.00,.
For pedigree and. other particiiiars apply. to
• ".
1407 J011isl" GR. AIIAM,•Ilicknow:
Inipertarit to] re 1,fortiernen%
V6.0!inarY OAUSTIO13ASA*...
A Ie.:Hat-Au
'rind opeeflyt-
• remedy: f o r
• •Qurbli to•'
' • SOaVins,
-•-'"?"‘•-••••• Sweeny, etc. '
14W••. 0110 tfie8
• 0.
11. x hi. p
Jaw inoattlo.
!pane • ;1e4Ht vv(111)tiacilh!Palie'-'
• companies olerybottle, giving reientifie treat
moot In the Widow; Wietattee." It trio be piied
IA every 'case of veterinary 'practice Who're
stimulatinsapplleatioMi and blisters' are)tre, ,
`Scribed.- • It lik.k no nrmaion. 1.1..very , bottle
sold ik gltaratitC61 'Co give, satisfaction, Pike.
per: liatte. Soldr iill •denggiete tool
'eduntrvstorelcee'pers. l'renared bY
'RtfitYlk A VtTintIikfAllY `••ft•EliTOIS E'
•fitilff PAN:V.110146r . Ont, t •
''or tvisp.:tylcur ySsta VittoUrAsokino hae-
bccii•Melitivciy nNd foi,fiii forms CT ifiroa' rood'
. , .
fireirehitilltutibleki; All 43ruggisiF,
• : .
SgopNID. E.DiTiok
ArioimrposT ignm,
• - ,
'EsstNalAtti.le A • 1111WSPAPtliL'Elie iftroo Press is now; in its, iirty-iirat
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,t from .8 to, Li. pages tin °ugh. the NN,eek, ain't lb Jteges oti
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Thei London Free, Press Ptg,
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